Home Bakery products Lush pancakes on kefir with raisins. Yeast Dough Raisin Pancakes - Easy Recipe Fluffy Raisin Pancakes

Lush pancakes on kefir with raisins. Yeast Dough Raisin Pancakes - Easy Recipe Fluffy Raisin Pancakes

Today we will prepare a real delicacy, unusually tasty, fragrant and, importantly, very simple! Pancakes with raisins are obtained by everyone without exception, the main thing is to keep the proportions, not violate the cooking technology, and use only the best products. In our article you will find several recipes that have been proven and loved by many housewives, according to which pancakes will not disappoint you, your household or guests.

When preparing fritters, first of all, we pay attention to raisins: if it is very hard, soak for 30 minutes in 1 cup of boiling water. If juicy and soft, you can do without soaking and just rinse well.

Classic fritters with raisins


  • - 6-7 tablespoons with a slide + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • - pinch + -
  • Kefir - 1 glass + -
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp + -
  • Raisins - 1/2 cup + -

How to make pancakes with raisins

Dessert according to this recipe is the fastest!

  1. We prepare the dough: we combine kefir, egg, flour, sugar, salt and soda.
  2. Whisk everything until it becomes a thick cream.
  3. Depending on how liquid the kefir is, add more flour or, on the contrary, pour it in a little less than indicated in the recipe.
  4. Drain the soaked raisins and add to the batter. Stir with a spoon and heat an oiled pan.
  5. We spread the dough with a spoon and fry until golden brown for 2 minutes, first on one side, then on the other. Fritters should rise strongly.

Put the finished pancakes with raisins on a dish, serve with condensed milk, sour cream or cream. Bon Appetit!

Yeast pancakes take a little longer to cook, but they turn out no less, if not more tasty.

Yeast pancakes with raisins

We will make them without dough, but it will take at least an hour for them to rise. We take this into account when preparing.

  • To begin with, beat with 1 tbsp. sugar 2 eggs. You can do this with a hand whisk, or you can use a mixer - with it the mass will turn out more magnificent.
  • 120 - 150 g of raisins, thoroughly washed and dried on a towel.

In this recipe, the raisins do not need to be soaked, as they will have time to swell while the dough rises.

  • In a separate bowl, dissolve 20 g of fresh yeast in 500 ml of warm (35-37 ° C) water. Pour 1 tsp. sugar and mix.
  • Gradually add 500 g of flour to the yeast, salt to taste.
  • Stir until completely homogeneous, introduce the egg mixture and 50 g of melted butter. Make sure that it is not too hot, otherwise the yeast may not rise.

When the consistency of the dough completely suits us, add the dried raisins. We mix it into the mass and put it in a warm place, you need the yeast to “work”. It will take about an hour.

When we see that the dough has increased significantly in size, it has become airy, and large bubbles have appeared on the surface, we proceed to baking.

  • In a frying pan with deep sides, pour vegetable oil with a layer of 2-3 mm and, when it warms up well, spread a portion of the dough with a tablespoon.
  • Fry pancakes with raisins on both sides until browned. Serve with sour cream and powdered sugar.

But not everyone can eat fried foods, and you don’t want to deny yourself a treat. There is a way out - we will make a dessert in the oven!

Pancakes with raisins: a recipe in the oven

In this recipe for raisin pancakes, we will also use yeast.

  1. In 150 ml of warm milk we dilute 1 tsp. yeast. Cover and let stand 10 minutes.
  2. Then add 150 g of flour, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. sugar, salt to taste and mix well.
  3. Cover with a lid, wrap and let stand in a warm place for 1 hour.
  4. In the meantime, prepare the raisins - soak 150 g in boiling water, let stand for 40 minutes, then salt and leave to drain in a sieve.
  5. Now we can choose to spread the risen dough on a greased baking sheet with a spoon or fill it with 1/3 silicone molds. On top of each pancake with a teaspoon right in the middle, lay out a slide of raisins, and then cover with a small portion of dough.

It will not spread if you do not add too much on top, even if we bake pancakes with raisins without molds right on the baking sheet.

We put them in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 15 minutes. Ready immediately grease with butter, remove from the pan and serve!

Now you know how to cook raisin pancakes with or without yeast, in the oven or on the stove. We choose a recipe depending on our preferences and enjoy cooking first, and then a wonderful treat!

Bon appetit, friends!

Fritters are great for breakfast or a snack, and raisins will give them a special taste and add satiety. Dried fruits must be washed and cleaned of seeds and twigs. The dough can be made on kefir, milk, sour cream, add yeast or soda for splendor. Today we’ll talk about different cooking methods, and also tell you a few tricks to make pancakes lush and especially tasty.

  1. Egg - 1 pc.;
  2. Sugar - 50 g;
  3. A pinch of salt;
  4. Kefir - 1 glass;
  5. Flour - 400 g;
  6. A pinch of soda;
  7. Vegetable oil;
  8. Raisins - to taste.

Fritters with raisins on kefir

Delicious pancakes on kefir are very easy to make, knowing a few secrets. The dough will be quite thick, you don't need to stir it too much. In this case, even the cooled pancakes will be lush and tender.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour kefir into a bowl, add soda, sugar, egg and mix with a whisk.
  2. Gradually add flour and mix gently with a whisk.
  3. So that the pancakes do not turn out dry, you need to monitor the amount of flour added. Depending on the variety, you may need more or less, so be careful not to make the dough too thick.
  4. You do not need to stir the dough much to get rid of lumps, if there are any - this is even better. The dough must be kneaded quickly and not kneaded for a long time.
  5. Pour boiling water over the raisins in advance and dry, add to the dough and mix a little. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave for 10-15 minutes for the dough to swell.
  6. After that, the dough should not be stirred, let it just stand during frying.
  7. Heat a frying pan, pour vegetable oil, fry the pancakes on each side until a crust forms.

Serve the finished dish with jam or sour cream, if desired, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Tender pancakes with milk and raisins

Such a dish turns out tender, with a special pleasant milky taste. It is easy to make them according to the following recipe.


  1. A handful of raisins;
  2. Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  3. Milk - 200 ml;
  4. Flour - 250 g;
  5. Sugar - 50 g;
  6. A pinch of soda;
  7. Salt;
  8. Vegetable oil.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt.
  2. Pour in the milk, mix all the ingredients with a whisk, beat a little.
  3. Gradually add flour, mixing gently, then add soda.
  4. Mix everything again with a whisk.
  5. The dough should turn out smooth, without lumps, at the end add a little vegetable oil, literally a tablespoon.
  6. Pour boiling water over raisins in advance, dry, add to the dough and mix with a spoon.
  7. Heat a frying pan, add oil, fry the pancakes on each side until a crust forms.

Fritters may sink a little after frying, but this will not affect their taste in any way. Serve hot with tea.

A simple recipe: yeast pancakes with raisins

To make the pancakes fluffy, you need to use dry yeast. Yeast pancakes are easy to make using the following recipe.


  1. Flour - 300 g;
  2. Milk - 200 ml;
  3. Warm water - 200 ml;
  4. Yeast - a tablespoon;
  5. Sugar - 50 g;
  6. Salt;
  7. Raisin;
  8. Vegetable oil.

Step by step:

  1. Pour dry yeast into a glass of warm water, mix, leave.
  2. In a bowl, mix flour, salt, sugar, pour in milk and yeast, mix thoroughly with a whisk.
  3. Leave the dough in a warm place for half an hour, at this time rinse the raisins and pour boiling water over them, leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Then add dried fruits to the dough, mix and leave for another 20 minutes.
  5. Heat the frying pan, pour in the oil, spread the dough with a spoon and fry the pancakes under the lid, turning over.

Serve also hot with tea, with jam, jam, condensed milk or sour cream. It takes a long time to cook pancakes with yeast, but they turn out to be especially lush and tasty.

Lush pancakes can be made in just a few minutes, there are many recipes: with milk, kefir, yeast.

Lush pancakes with raisins (video)

Raisins will be a pleasant surprise for lovers of dried fruits. This is a wonderful, hearty and very tasty dish, which will be especially appreciated by the sweet tooth. It is better to serve it with tea or coffee along with sweet jam, condensed milk or sour cream. It is suitable for a family breakfast, snack or as a dessert, and everyone can make it according to any recipe.

Pancakes with raisins: recipe (photo)

Greetings to all housewives who love to pamper themselves and their household with delicious pastries. Not so long ago I cooked, it turned out just awesome, I definitely recommend trying it. Well, today we will cook pancakes with raisins from yeast dough - the recipe is quite simple, it will not take much time. So, the products for making pancakes are as follows:

products for making pancakes with raisins

1 egg
2 tablespoons of sugar
0.5 teaspoon salt salt
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
0.5 glass of milk
30 grams of yeast
1 glass of water
50 grams of raisins
2 cups of flour

Let's start cooking pancakes with raisins. Soak the raisins for 1 hour. This must be done in order for the raisins to swell and become soft.

soak raisins

Pour milk and warm water into a deep saucepan. We breed yeast, salt, sugar, vanilla sugar there. We break the egg there.

making fritter dough

Thoroughly stir all the ingredients, especially the yeast, they should completely dissolve.
Next, add flour.

dough for pancakes

Knead the dough for pancakes until a homogeneous consistency of thick sour cream. You should get such a yeast dough that will rise.

how to knead the dough for pancakes

When everything is well kneaded, cover with a clean towel and leave in a warm place. Keep an eye on the dough, when it increases in volume by 3 times - that means the dough for the pancakes is ready. In terms of time, I can say that it rises from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the temperature where it is.

yeast dough for pancakes

The finished yeast dough for pancakes is ready and looks like this.

ready dough

Now we proceed directly to frying the fritters. For this, a cast-iron pan is best suited, we tried many times to fry pancakes on Teflon pans, the taste is not the same. But when the pancakes are cooked in a cast-iron pan, the taste is simply incomparable. In my household there is a small cast-iron frying pan, inherited from my grandmother)) We heat the frying pan, pour oil and start frying.

How to cook a recipe for pancakes with raisins - a complete description of the preparation, so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Step-by-step recipes for making pancakes with raisins on kefir with apples, cherries and jam

2017-11-14 Yakovleva Kira

In 100 grams of the finished dish


The classic recipe for making pancakes with raisins on kefir does not require special culinary skills or exotic ingredients. All you need is kefir, granulated sugar, flour and an egg. Sometimes kefir is replaced with sour milk, it turns out delicious and you can use the spoiled product. Fritters must be fried on both sides, and spread on a paper towel to get rid of excess fat.


  • 1 egg;
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt;
  • 3-4 st. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1/2 cup raisins.

A step-by-step recipe for pancakes with raisins on kefir

Combine all ingredients, except flour, beat with a whisk.

Stir, gradually adding flour. The mixture should not be too liquid, otherwise the pancakes will not be fluffy. No need to try to break all the lumps, the dough will still be infused, besides, lumpy is even better for pancakes.

Scald raisins with boiling water and put on a sieve to get rid of excess water, if after that it is still wet, then you can roll it in flour. Do not add it to the dough wet, otherwise it will dilute it.

Add raisins to the dough and mix, cover the bowl with something and leave for fifteen minutes so that the soda disperses and the flour gluten swells.

Fry each pancake on both sides until browned.

Fritters can be served both for breakfast and at any other time of the day; hardly anyone can refuse such a hearty and fragrant dish. And to make the finished pastries even tastier, you can pour condensed milk, jam or add a couple of tablespoons of homemade sour cream.

Option 2: A quick recipe for kefir raisin pancakes

Fritters are often prepared with fermented milk products. Kefir is a refreshing drink, useful for anemia and stomach diseases. This recipe is especially useful for those who want to cook pancakes in a hurry. If you use homemade kefir, which is fatter than the usual store-bought one, the dish will turn out to be more fragrant and satisfying.


  • 1 liter of kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 130 grams of sugar;
  • 250 grams of flour;
  • 100 grams of raisins.

How to quickly cook pancakes with raisins on kefir

Soak raisins in boiling water for half an hour.

Pour kefir into the prepared container, if it is store-bought, and not homemade, then you should add soda and leave it aside for five minutes, then the pancakes will turn out more magnificent.

Add sand and eggs to kefir, mix. Should be similar to sour cream in consistency.

Put the raisins into the dough and mix again.

In a preheated frying pan, greased with oil, put the dough, fry under the lid for ten minutes, on both sides.

So that the pancakes are not too greasy, after frying, they must be laid out on paper napkins and allowed to absorb excess fat into it.

For decoration, you can use jam, jam, condensed milk or fresh berries, such as raspberries. You can sprinkle cinnamon on top, add whipped cream or powdered sugar.

Option 3: Pancakes with raisins on kefir with apples

You can diversify the classic pancake recipe in many ways by adding spices or berries. It turns out delicious with apples, but you should not take a too sour variety. Fruits must be peeled and rubbed on the finest grater, and raisins must first be soaked in hot water, ideally left to soak all night.


  • 4 apples;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 3 art. spoons of sugar;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 1 glass of kefir.

Step by step recipe

Peel apples and coarsely grate or chop.

Scald raisins with boiling water or pour water over night. After that, you need to dry it.

In a prepared container, mix raisins, apples, eggs, sand, vanillin, flour, half a teaspoon of baking powder and kefir.

Fry the pancakes on both sides until crispy, put on napkins to drain excess fat.

There is another option for making pancakes with apples. You can not mix them immediately with the dough, but first chop finely and fry for a couple of minutes in butter. No longer worth it, otherwise they may crawl. After frying, add to the dough and mix gently. The tastiest pancakes are made with Antonov apples.

Flour, before adding to eggs and sugar, must be sifted. Kefir from the refrigerator, you need to warm it up a little and it should extinguish the soda. If you follow both recommendations, then the pancakes will turn out to be very lush.

Option 4: Pancakes with raisins on kefir with cherries

If you want to diversify the usual dish, you can try to cook it with cherries. Use, of course, you need pitted berries. You can choose both fresh and canned or from compote.

Kefir pancakes are the best option for a quick breakfast for a large family. It turns out tasty and inexpensive. No need to wait until the dough is infused, mix all the ingredients and you can immediately start frying. If you add herbs or spices, the taste will turn out spicy.


  • 2 cups of kefir;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2.5 cups flour;
  • 1 glass of cherries;
  • 1/2 cup kefir;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • ½ cup sugar.

How to cook

Mix eggs with sand with a mixer until smooth, but without foaming.

Heat kefir in a small saucepan until flakes appear on its surface. Turn off the heat and let the kefir cool slightly, then pour into the egg mass, mix.

Add baking soda and sifted flour. If you fry in a cast iron pan, then at this stage, so that the pancakes do not burn, you need to add two tablespoons of olive oil to the dough.

Add the pitted cherries to the flour mixture and mix gently.

Fry the pancakes on both sides and put on the table flavored with condensed milk or sour cream.

Fritters are a universal dish, for all occasions, depending on their filling. If you need a second course, then it will be hearty - cheese, ham, meat, and if cooked with raisins or jam, then it will be a sweet dessert. You can eat them both hot and cold, with any drink - coffee, tea, milk or compote. They do not spoil for a long time, so you can take it with you to work and give yourself a nice tasty break. Fritters can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Option 5: Pancakes with raisins on kefir with jam

Fritters are a great option for a sweet dessert, not as greasy as cake and not as dry as cookies. With a jam filling, they are especially tender and juicy, they just melt in your mouth. Both adults and children will like this dish. Fritters can be cooked for several days, and changing the additive each time, it will be possible to achieve variety.

For the filling, it is better to choose jam that is not too thick, but it can be diluted with a couple of spoons of semolina or starch into too liquid, the main thing is not to forget to add vanillin to it. It is better not to sweeten the dough too much, otherwise you can overdo it, it is better to flavor the finished dish with condensed milk or jam.


  • 200 grams of kefir;
  • 2 teaspoons of sand;
  • 1 egg;
  • 60 grams of oil;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • 150 grams of jam;
  • 110 grams of raisins.

Step by step recipe

Mix kefir, egg soda and granulated sugar.

Gradually pouring flour, continue to stir.

Leave the dough in the refrigerator for one hour.

Take the dough out of the freezer and wait until it is at room temperature.

Put the dough in the pan in small portions, sprinkle with raisins, and after a couple of minutes put the jam on top with a spoon.

Fry on both sides.

You can serve with sour cream or just like that, even without additives, pancakes will be amazingly tasty. Of course, pancakes are not the most healthy food, especially for those who follow the figure. Occasionally, you can allow yourself to relax and enjoy a delicious dessert; constantly worrying about extra calories is also harmful.

By the way, kefir pancakes can be cooked not only sweet, but also, for example, with the addition of ham, onions and various sauces. Of course, such a dish can hardly be called festive, but it is homely and cozy, so it will certainly cheer you up.

Today we will prepare a real delicacy, unusually tasty, fragrant and, importantly, very simple! Pancakes with raisins are obtained by everyone without exception, the main thing is to keep the proportions, not violate the cooking technology, and use only the best products. In our article you will find several recipes that have been proven and loved by many housewives, according to which pancakes will not disappoint you, your household or guests.

When preparing fritters, first of all, we pay attention to raisins: if it is very hard, soak for 30 minutes in 1 cup of boiling water. If juicy and soft, you can do without soaking and just rinse well.

Classic fritters with raisins


  • Wheat flour - 6-7 tablespoons with slide + -
  • Egg - 1 pc. + -
  • White granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • Salt - a pinch + -
  • Kefir - 1 glass + -
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp + -
  • Raisins - 1/2 cup + -

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How to make pancakes with raisins

Dessert according to this recipe is the fastest!

  1. We prepare the dough: we combine kefir, egg, flour, sugar, salt and soda.
  2. Whisk everything until it becomes a thick cream.
  3. Depending on how liquid the kefir is, add more flour or, on the contrary, pour it in a little less than indicated in the recipe.
  4. Drain the soaked raisins and add to the batter. Stir with a spoon and heat an oiled pan.
  5. We spread the dough with a spoon and fry until golden brown for 2 minutes, first on one side, then on the other. Fritters should rise strongly.

Put the finished pancakes with raisins on a dish, serve with condensed milk, sour cream or cream. Bon Appetit!

Yeast pancakes take a little longer to cook, but they turn out no less, if not more tasty.

We will make them without dough, but it will take at least an hour for them to rise. We take this into account when preparing.

  • To begin with, beat with 1 tbsp. sugar 2 eggs. You can do this with a hand whisk, or you can use a mixer - with it the mass will turn out more magnificent.
  • 120 - 150 g of raisins are thoroughly washed and dried on a towel.

In this recipe, the raisins do not need to be soaked, as they will have time to swell while the dough rises.

  • In a separate bowl, dissolve 20 g of fresh yeast in 500 ml of warm (35-37 ° C) water. Pour 1 tsp. sugar and mix.
  • Gradually add 500 g of flour to the yeast, salt to taste.
  • Stir until completely homogeneous, introduce the egg mixture and 50 g of melted butter. Make sure that it is not too hot, otherwise the yeast may not rise.

When the consistency of the dough completely suits us, add the dried raisins. We mix it into the mass and put it in a warm place, you need the yeast to “work”. It will take about an hour.

When we see that the dough has increased significantly in size, it has become airy, and large bubbles have appeared on the surface, we proceed to baking.

  • In a frying pan with deep sides, pour vegetable oil with a layer of 2-3 mm and, when it warms up well, spread a portion of the dough with a tablespoon.
  • Fry pancakes with raisins on both sides until browned. Serve with sour cream and powdered sugar.

But not everyone can eat fried foods, and you don’t want to deny yourself a treat. There is a way out - let's make a dessert in the oven!

In this recipe for raisin pancakes, we will also use yeast.

  1. In 150 ml of warm milk we dilute 1 tsp. yeast. Cover and let stand 10 minutes.
  2. Then add 150 g of flour, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. sugar, salt to taste and mix well.
  3. Cover with a lid, wrap and let stand in a warm place for 1 hour.
  4. In the meantime, prepare the raisins - soak 150 g in boiling water, let stand for 40 minutes, then salt and leave to drain in a sieve.
  5. Now we can choose to spread the risen dough on a greased baking sheet with a spoon or fill it with 1/3 silicone molds. On top of each pancake with a teaspoon right in the middle, lay out a slide of raisins, and then cover with a small portion of dough.

It will not spread if you do not add too much on top, even if we bake pancakes with raisins without molds right on the baking sheet.

We put them in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 15 minutes. Ready immediately grease with butter, remove from the pan and serve!

Now you know how to cook raisin pancakes with or without yeast, in the oven or on the stove. We choose a recipe depending on our preferences and enjoy cooking first, and then a wonderful treat!

Bon appetit, friends!

The dough for pancakes is kneaded on different bases, but they are most delicious and fluffy on kefir with the addition of raisins. Serve the finished dish with sour cream, jam, condensed milk or honey and enjoy a delicious dessert.

Flour pancakes on kefir with raisins is one of the first dishes that future housewives begin to master even at labor lessons. At home, of course, they hone their “skill”, some make delicious and fluffy pancakes, some make them thin and soft, some have a rich smell of soda. But the main thing is different: the girls are gradually forming the basis for future culinary creations.

It so happened that when my peers learned how to cook soup or cut sandwiches at labor lessons, I sat with an English textbook. But, you know, I didn’t lose anything: I learned the language, and I cook no worse, and maybe better, than many. And all because I had a very good culinary mentor - my grandmother. Her meals were special. Why? They cooked in the oven. She also made pancakes in it. There is no oven in my apartment, but I will tell you how to bake delicious and lush pancakes in a skillet.

The recipe is no more difficult than American pancakes. Success in cooking primarily depends on the right products. The most successful dough is obtained on kefir. Alternatively, you can use sour milk, yogurt, whey. And be sure to add a handful of raisins or pieces of candied fruits, dried apricots. Some housewives also put chopped nuts. Such pancakes will turn out even more tasty and healthy.

Tips for choosing raisins

A good raisin should have a matte finish, be fleshy and shriveled, and taste sweet. Its color is light brown or brown (if we are talking about light varieties), or black, with a bluish bloom (if we are talking about dark varieties). Do not take raisins that are oily to the touch, wet, soft, with signs of mold. Don't opt ​​for raisins that have a bright amber color. Most likely, it was treated with sulfur oxide to make it attractive and extend the shelf life. An excellent choice is raisins with a tail that have undergone minimal processing. Thanks to the petiole, the integrity of the berry is preserved, dust particles and harmful microorganisms do not penetrate inside.

It is interesting:

  1. Fritters are not only delicious, but also one of the most ancient dishes. Initially, it was food for the peasants, and after a while the delicacy won the boyar tables. As a sign of respect for the future son-in-law, the mother-in-law, before the arrival of the matchmakers, fried pancakes to the table.
  2. Depending on the area, the dessert was called differently - and olashki, and alyabyshi, and pancakes. For their frying, Russian peasant women used heavy cast-iron pans - pancakes. And pay attention, in all these words the root is consonant. There is a version that the name of the dish comes from the name of the beautiful pagan goddess Lada, who promised worshipers love, spring, kindness and harmony in the family. According to legend, the pagans cooked this food on certain days and sacrificed it to their idols. An echo of paganism can also be called the Maslenitsa holiday, when they cook pancakes, dance with songs and burn an effigy.
  3. In each settlement, pancakes had a different taste depending on the recipe. For a long time they were usually served only with sour cream or melted butter. Over time, they were served with jam, preserves, marmalade, honey, fruit syrups, chocolate toppings, whipped cream and various sweet sauces.


Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:Russian
  • Type of dish: fritters
  • Cooking method: frying
  • Servings:4
  • 25 min
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • soda - 1/3 tsp
  • kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch
  • flour - 1 tbsp.
  • raisins - 2/3 tbsp.
  • odorless sunflower oil.


First of all, shake the egg with sugar.

By the way, you can add more, it's up to your taste. Next, add kefir, mix.

Sometimes instead of kefir I take sour milk. For sweet pancakes, it is no longer suitable, but for lush pancakes, that’s it. Pour soda, wait 5-6 minutes.

Kefir can also be replaced with yogurt, whey, ayran, fermented baked milk, sour cream, diluted with water.

Sometimes I tried to replace it with baking powder. And you know, even with my love for this component, it is still better to use what was used constantly - ordinary soda. To give a pleasant aroma, you can add vanillin to the dough at the tip of a knife.

We wash the raisins, pour it with boiling water and let it soften. Drain the water, dry a little, throw into the dough.

Instead of raisins, you can put pieces of finely chopped dried apricots, dates, as well as candied fruits.

It remains to add flour.

Some recipes include the addition of other types of flour: corn, oatmeal, rye, spelled and even flaxseed. The dough is also kneaded with the addition of bran, potato or corn starch.

It needs a little more than they took kefir. The dough should not be liquid. Successful, in my opinion, the dough barely drains from the spoon. Like thick cream. In general, the more flour, the thicker and harder the product will turn out. If you put a little flour and make batter, then it will spread over the pan, the finished products will turn out to be wide, thin and soft. I propose to stop at the average (optimal) option.

We put it on a slightly warm frying pan with oil. Easy to use with a tablespoon. One spoon with a slide - one pancake.

Take refined oil, odorless and foreign taste, so as not to spoil the taste of the finished product.

We cover with a lid, reduce the heat, let the pancakes come up and puff up, then turn over to the other side and bring to a golden state. This is the secret: do not rush anywhere, cook under the lid and on a quiet fire. At high temperatures, pancakes will brown quickly on the outside, but remain raw on the inside.

It is good to serve sour cream with sugar, condensed milk, jam or honey to such a dish. And of course hot coffee or freshly brewed tea! Although with compote or milk it will also be good. Bon Appetit!

On a note

Fritters are not only sweet dessert, but also salty with the addition of chopped greens, chopped mushrooms, pieces of sausage, grated cheese, cheese, cottage cheese, chopped and fried onions.

As an additive, you can also use grated carrots, apples, sauce zucchini, pumpkin, boiled corn grains.

Pancakes can be cooked not only with kefir, but also with milk, but to make them airy, you will have to add yeast.

Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

step by step recipe with photo

The peculiarity of kefir fritters is that they can be made tall and porous. Unlike pancakes with milk, for which it is better to cook batter, pancakes with kefir will turn out tastier the thicker it is (in moderation, of course). It is best if the surface of the finished dough is leveled after mixing, but this happens within one to two minutes.


For 2 servings:

  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml kefir
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1/4 tsp soda
  • 0.5 - 1 tbsp. flour
  • 1 st. l. raisins

How to make pancakes with raisins

1. Mix eggs, salt, kefir, sugar and soda.

2. Beat everything with a whisk until smooth.

3. Gradually add flour and knead a homogeneous dough without lumps. Flour can be added in different amounts - the structure of the pancakes will depend on this. To make high pastries, the dough must have a consistency similar to heavy cream.

4. Since the pancakes cook quickly, the raisins will not have time to absorb enough moisture and must first be steamed. Rinse a spoonful of raisins well, pour boiling water over it and leave for 7-10 minutes. Then drain the water, and transfer the raisins to a paper towel so that the remaining water does not get into the dough.

5. Put the dried raisins into the prepared dough and mix it.

6. It is better to fry pancakes on kefir under the lid, as they are baked longer than thin pancakes. Preheat the pan, pour a tablespoon of sunflower oil into it, rotate the pan so that the oil is evenly distributed over its entire surface, and put a little dough. When the oil around the dough begins to boil, spread the pancakes with a spoon, leaving large gaps between adjacent slides.

Fry them over medium heat until golden brown and flip to the other side. Before you remove the pancakes from the pan, check if they are fried in the center.

Serve them with honey, ghee, sour cream, cream or any liquid jam.

Note to the owner

1. Now kefir is most often packaged in opaque containers (plastic containers, foil cardboard and plastic bags), which is a pity. When it is in glass bottles, it is possible to see the main signs of its naturalness - stratification and, as a result, the accumulation of whey near the bottom, like matsoni or rustic curdled milk. The homogeneous structure of the fermented milk product, which is not disturbed by vigorous shaking, is the result of the addition of emulsifiers. There may be no harm in most of them, but pancakes rise better when kneaded with a good natural base.

2. Spontaneous increase in the number of eggs in any baking will lead to disappointment. The preliminary effect will be pleasant, but deceptive: at the beginning of heating, the dough will become surprisingly fluffy. However, the finished product, on the contrary, will harden, and after complete cooling, it will taste like an overcooked omelette. An excessive dose of sugar will also harm him.

3. Do not scoop up the semi-finished product with a wet spoon. A moderately thick fluid mass will not stick to it anyway, but water, barely touching hot oil, will provoke soot and splashes. A smoky brazier is bad, and drops of fat are dangerous.

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