Home Product ratings We measure without weighing. How many grams of flour are in a tablespoon Measures without weights

We measure without weighing. How many grams of flour are in a tablespoon Measures without weights

Not every housewife has a scale in the kitchen, and many are used to doing it this way, measuring food by eye. But it happens that you need to cook something according to a new recipe, where all proportions must be strictly observed. How to measure grams without scales? Of course, there are many ways, and the measure will be almost correct, but still with slight deviations. In this article we will talk about how to measure grams without scales of dry foods.

Weight table

You can find such a hint in a cookbook or use the one given in the article. It is very convenient to use the table, since it records the weight of products in grams when filling any dishes. For example, one teaspoon holds 5-7 grams of sugar, a tablespoon holds 25, and a regular faceted glass holds 200 grams if you fill it to the very top.

Frozen with hand

There is a good folk method that will help solve the problem of how to measure grams without scales. This method will be convenient for those who do not want to exhaust themselves with mathematical calculations. The disadvantage of the method is only an approximate result.

  1. If you need to measure a piece of fish or meat of 100 grams, then look at the woman’s palm - both the size and thickness will correspond to 100 grams. If we take a man’s hand as an example, then we add 50 grams.
  2. If you need to measure a portion of cereal, then 200 grams will be equal to the size of a woman’s fist and approximately 250-280 to the size of a man’s.

Dishes capacity

At a hardware store you can purchase special containers made of transparent plastic or glass, on the walls of which the weight measures in grams of liquid and bulk products will be written.

If you don’t have such utensils, just use any cup whose volume you know for sure. For example, you have a bowl with a volume of 100 grams, and you need to measure 50 grams. Then just fill this bowl halfway and get the required amount of product.

Checked notebook sheet

Dishes and hands are, of course, good, but what if you need to measure, for example, manganese? Taking powder “by eye” is completely unacceptable, and then a reasonable question arises: “How to measure 1 gram without a scale?”

We suggest using the old method; it has already helped out a huge number of housewives.

  1. Pour the powder into a level teaspoon, it will be 5 grams.
  2. Pour the powder onto a notebook sheet into a square, distribute it across the squares in an even strip so that it covers 10 squares.
  3. Two cells will be a gram.

If the jar of powder has not yet been opened, then you can use a simpler method - look at the net weight on the package. If it says 10 grams, then pour it onto the sheet so that the strip takes up 20 cells, and 2 of them will equal 1 gram.

How to measure yeast in grams without a scale? Use the same method. If you need to take 5 grams of this product, then feel free to take 1 level teaspoon.

This method does not work for measuring flour, since it is denser and will weigh more. We suggest considering options on how to measure flour in grams without scales.

Teaspoon and tablespoon for flour

When you don’t have scales, a regular spoon will help you measure out a small amount of flour. The product must not be sifted; measure immediately from the package.

  1. Scoop up the flour with a teaspoon, shake lightly from side to side, but so that the slide does not fall, you just need to shake off the excess. All that's left is 10 grams. That is, if you need to take 50 grams of flour, then add 5 heaped spoons.
  2. It's easier to use a standard tablespoon. Rake the flour in a heap, shake lightly, all that remains is 25 grams. If you need 50 grams, then put two.

From the same calculation, it becomes clear how to measure 100 grams without scales when it comes to flour.

Cup for measuring flour

If you have an ordinary cut glass in your kitchen, it will become a real assistant when measuring food. Its volume is 250 ml up to the rim, and this is suitable for measuring liquids. As for flour, we need to measure grams, and this is done in the following way:

  1. Using a spoon, carefully fill the glass to the rim. There is no need to shake and press the flour; the weight will increase significantly. Spread the product evenly over the rim and you'll have almost exactly 160 grams.
  2. If you fill the glass to the very brim, it will be 180 grams.
  3. In the case where there is a glass with only 200 ml volume, the weight will be 130 grams when filled to the rim.

This is how flour is measured in glasses. Many people make the mistake of thinking that a 200 ml glass holds 200 grams of flour, and add that much when preparing a dish. Grams and milliliters are different things. Milliliters are used to measure liquids that are denser than bulk solids.

Two pans for measuring bulk product

How to measure grams without scales if you don’t have the time or desire to use spoons and glasses, but you need a kilogram or two or even more of the product? Two pans will help, our grandmothers used this method! Measuring the weight of a product in this way is very simple, the main thing is to have in stock:

  • large saucepan;
  • a small saucepan that will fit completely into a large one;
  • load - a weight weighing a kilogram or an unopened package of flour or cereal.

So, if you need to measure the exact weight of a product, you will proceed in the following way:

  1. Place a weight in a small saucepan whose weight you know exactly - a kilogram, 600 grams, and so on.
  2. Place the weighted saucepan in a large saucepan or basin.
  3. Fill a large container with water to the level, if any, or to the brim.
  4. Remove the weight from the pan; the water will decrease.
  5. Now you can fill the small container with the product you need to measure. As soon as the water in the large saucepan rises to its previous level, the small saucepan will have the same weight of product as the load.

Totally easy! At first glance, it seems that the process is long, but it is not, and you will be convinced of the simplicity of the method as soon as you try to take the measurement yourself.

How much cereal is in a glass or spoon?

All bulk products have different densities. So, the measure of a glass or spoon will be different for different cereals. We suggest looking at the most commonly used products in the kitchen in grams.

  1. Buckwheat: if you measure a portion with a glass, then the raw grain in a faceted bowl (volume 250 ml) when filled to the rim will be 200-210 grams. There will be 25 grams in a tablespoon.
  2. Semolina: 200 grams will fit in a faceted glass up to the rim, 25 grams in a tablespoon, and 8 grams in a tea spoon.
  3. Oatmeal: This is a light product and when filled to the rim of a rimmed glass, it will only yield 90 grams. One tablespoon will hold approximately 12 grams.
  4. Pearl barley: a heavier product; a faceted glass will contain 230 grams up to the rim, and a tablespoon will contain about 25-30 grams.
  5. Barley groats: 180 grams will fit in a faceted glass, and 20 grams in a tablespoon.
  6. Millet: in a glass there will be 180 grams, in a tablespoon - 20 grams.
  7. Rice: in a glass to the rim - 230 grams, in a tablespoon - 25 grams.
  8. Beans: in a glass you will get 230 grams; we won’t measure them with spoons, since the product is large.
  9. Split peas: 230 grams will fit in a glass.

Now you know how to measure grams without a kitchen scale. There are many methods, and they all give the most accurate results!

It often happens that at the most necessary moment there are no scales at hand, and it is necessary to measure out a certain number of grams of food. To avoid guessing, a table for measuring the weight and volume of products was invented to help determine the amount of required ingredients without the use of measuring equipment. In order to measure a particular product, you need to use a glass, a tablespoon or a teaspoon. Based on the volume of these cutlery available in each kitchen, you can calculate the weight of the food without using a kitchen scale. Only so-called culinary standards of weights and measures are used. This method is very common in cooking.

Table of weights and measures

Measure of food weight in grams

ProductThin glass - 250 gFaceted glass - 200 gTablespoon - 18 gTeaspoon - 5 g
Legumes ↴
Peas230 185 - -
Peas, unshelled200 175 - -
Beans220 175 - -
Lentils210 170 - -
Mushrooms ↴
Dried mushrooms100 80 10 4
Cereals ↴
Hercules90 70 12 3
Buckwheat210 170 25 8
Corn grits180 145 20 6
Semolina200 160 25 8
Oatmeal170 135 18 5
Pearl barley230 185 25 8
Wheat groats180 145 20 6
Millet groats220 180 25 8
Rice groats230 185 25 8
Barley groats180 145 20 6
Rice230 180 25 8
Sago180 160 20 6
Oatmeal140 110 22 6
Cornflakes50 40 7 2
Oat flakes100 80 14 4
Wheat flakes60 50 9 2
Oils and fats ↴
Melted margarine230 180 15 4
Melted animal butter240 185 17 5
Vegetable oil225 180 17 5
Butter- - 60 30
Melted butter245 195 20 8
Ghee240 185 20 8
Rendered lard245 205 20 8
Milk and dairy products ↴
Kefir250 200 18 5
Curd mass- - 18 6
Milk250 200 18 5
Condensed milk300 220 30 12
Powdered milk120 95 20 10
Ryazhenka250 200 18 5
Cream250 210 25 10
Sour cream 10%250 200 20 9
Sour cream 30%250 200 25 11
Diet cottage cheese- - 20 7
Fat cottage cheese- - 17 6
Soft cottage cheese- - 20 7
Low-fat cottage cheese- - 17 6
Flour and flour products ↴
Pasta230 190 - -
Potato flour180 150 30 10
Corn flour160 130 30 10
Wheat flour160 130 25 8
Drinks ↴
Water250 200 18 5
Cocoa powder- - 15 5
Ground coffee- - 20 7
Liquor- - 20 7
Juices250 200 18 5
Dry tea- - 3 -
Nuts ↴
Peanuts, shelled175 140 25 8
Cedar140 110 10 4
Almond160 130 30 10
Crushed nuts120 90 20 7
Hazelnut170 130 30 10
Seasonings ↴
Gelatin- - 15 5
Citric acid (crystalline)- - 25 8
Potato starch160 130 12 6
Poppy155 120 15 4
Powdered sugar190 140 25 10
Baking soda- - 28 12
Ground crackers130 110 20 5
Tomato paste- - 30 10
Vinegar250 200 15 5
Sweets ↴
Jam- - 45 20
Jam- - 40 15
Honey415 330 30 9
Jam- - 36 12
Fruit puree350 290 50 17
Sauces ↴
Mustard- - - 4
Mayonnaise230 180 15 4
Tomato sauce220 180 25 8
Spices ↴
Ground cloves- - - 3
Unground cloves- - - 4
Ground cinnamon- - 20 8
Allspice (peas)- - - 5
Ground pepper- - - 5
Black pepper (peas)- - - 6
Pile sugar200 140 - -
Granulated sugar200 160 25 8
Salt325 260 15 10
Dried fruits ↴
Raisin165 130 25 -
Dried apples70 55 - -
Berries ↴
Cowberry140 110 - -
Cherry165 130 - -
Blueberry200 160 - -
Blackberry190 150 - -
Strawberries170 140 25 5
Strawberry150 120 25 -
Cranberry145 115 - -
Gooseberry210 165 - -
Raspberries180 145 - -
Fresh rowan160 130 25 8
Red currants175 140 - -
Black currant155 125 - -
Cherries165 130 - -
Blueberry200 160 - -
Mulberry195 155 - -
Dry rosehip- - 20 6
Eggs ↴
Egg powder100 80 25 10
Egg without shell6 pcs- - -
Egg white11 pcs9 pcs- -
Egg yolk12 pcs10 pieces- -

When calculating weight, you need to remember some features. For example, when measuring bulk products, it is worth keeping in mind that they tend to compact. This is especially true for flour, which can have different densities. When measuring flour, you should not try to compact it, and also, on the contrary, you should not sift the flour before placing it in a glass. Otherwise, in the first case, too much product will fit into a faceted or thin glass, and in the second, the oxygen-enriched flour will become airy and less will fit than indicated in the table. Also, one of the features of such products is that they can create voids when scooped. Therefore, they need to be poured in gradually.

When measuring highly viscous foods such as jam, condensed milk or honey, remember to measure by filling a heaped glass or spoon. The same applies to bulk products. Also, when measuring liquids, for example milk, it is necessary to fill the dishes or cutlery completely, to the very brim. In other words, regardless of the product, you should try to apply more. Measurements do not have to be made using spoons or glasses. You can use any other container after first measuring its volume. However, even when measuring using standard means, before using glasses or spoons, it would not be superfluous to find out their volume in order to make sure that further measurements are correct. The volume taken as a basis is indicated in the table. You need to measure with water.

When using these measures for measuring weight in spoons or glasses, it is worth understanding that this method is approximate and depends on a number of factors, including the composition of the product, humidity and even freshness. However, the culinary comparative table of weights and measures is a universal assistant for measuring if it is impossible or unwilling to use technical means.

Wheat flour is a product obtained from wheat grains, the most popular type of flour used for baking. Wheat baking flour in Russia is divided into semolina, wallpaper, premium, first and second grades.

Premium flour or Extra flour has quite a bit of gluten (at least 28% according to GOST), it has a pure white color, is used for baked goods, and is often used as a thickener in sauces.

First grade flour is used for savory baked goods; products made from it go stale more slowly; this is the main flour for baking bread.

Second-grade flour contains up to 8% bran, so it is much darker than first-grade flour; it is used to make soft products and white bread, and when mixed with rye flour, black bread is made.

So-called “whole grain products” are baked from wallpaper flour; due to the presence of bran in such flour, products made from it have a higher content of fiber and B vitamins than products made from higher grades of flour. Graham flour is historically the first type of wheat flour, popularized in the first half of the 19th century in the USA and Western Europe for nutritional purposes.

How much flour in a tablespoon or teaspoon

A teaspoon contains:

  • without slide: 6 g flour;
  • with a slide: 10 g flour.

A tablespoon contains:

  • without slide: 20 g flour;
  • with a slide: 30 g flour.

How much flour in one glass

How do glasses differ:

  • A faceted (thick-walled) standard glass holds 200 ml.
  • a tea (thin-walled) glass has a volume of 250 ml;

Filled to the brim faceted glass(200 ml) holds 130 g of flour. If the glass is filled to the rim, there will be 105 g of flour.

Filled to the brim tea glass(250 ml) holds 160 g of flour. If the glass is filled to the rim, there will be 130 g of flour.

Table of weights and measures for flour

How many grams of flour are contained in a glass, a teaspoon or a tablespoon, see the table below. We will fill the spoons heaped, the glass full: it’s more convenient.

How much is 100, 200 g of flour?

Now let us present you with a tablet that will allow you to measure 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 125, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 175, 180, 200, 220 , 230, 250, 280, 300, 340, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700 g and even 1 kg of flour.

An original way to weigh out 100 grams of flour, suitable for those housewives who are good with geometry

Draw a rectangle with sides of 10 and 20 cm on a blank sheet of paper. On the larger sides, measure 2 centimeters, put notches and connect them with a straight line. Pour out a kilogram of flour (it’s not difficult to find similar packaging in stores), distribute this amount within a rectangle measuring 10 x 20 in an even layer, without going beyond its boundaries. Armed with a ruler or a knife with a long blade, separate the part of the flour that is in a 2 x 10 cm rectangle. The weight of this portion of flour will be equal to the required 100 grams.

If you follow a culinary recipe, you need glasses, spoons, jars, in which you know exactly what product and how much it can hold. For example, you can pour 250 grams of water into a thin glass, and 200 grams into a faceted glass. Pour 18 grams of water into a tablespoon, and 5 grams into a teaspoon.

Liquid products: milk, vegetable oil should be poured into spoons or glasses to the very brim. Also, the dishes are filled to the limit with viscous products: sour cream, jam, and so on. Bulk products should be poured in heaps. Flour should be poured into the glass, and not scooped with it, since scooping into the glass creates a void along the walls. You can’t tamp and shake, because the weight will change very much.

Also changes product weight when loosening it, for example when sifting. If the flour fills the glass correctly, with a slide, then its weight will be 160 grams, and if compacted, then 210 grams. If sifted, then 125 grams. Therefore, if a product is recommended to be sifted, then it is first measured in its unsifted form and then sifted.

We weigh without scales (weight in grams).

Product Glass 250 cm 3 Tablespoon Tea spoon 1 piece
Wheat flour 160 25 16
Rice 230 25 9
Millet 220 25 8
Crushed walnut 120 20 6-7
Cocoa 20 10
Mustard 4
Allspice 4,5
Ground red pepper 1
Black pepper 5
Granulated sugar 200 30 12
Heaped salt 325 30 10
Vinegar 250 15 5
Gelatin leaf 2,5
Gelatin powder 15 5
Butter 210 40 15
Vegetable oil 230 20 5
Milk 250 20 5
Condensed milk 30 12
Sour cream 250 25 10
Large egg 55-65 grams
Egg medium 50-55 grams
Small egg 45-50 grams
Potato flour 200 30 10
Ground crackers 125 15 5
Carrot medium 75 grams
Potatoes medium 100g
Medium onion 75 grams
Tomato paste 220 28 8
Parsley 50 grams
Medium cucumber 100g
Peanuts, shelled 175 25
Jam 330 50 17
Fresh cherries 190 30
Peas 230
Peas, unshelled 200
Raisin 190 25 7
Fresh medium cabbage 1500 grams
Crystalline citric acid 25 8
Fresh strawberries 150 25
Ground cinnamon 20 8
Ground coffee 20 7
Krupa Hercules 90 12
Buckwheat 210 25
Semolina 200 25
Pearl barley 230 25
Barley groats 180 20
Corn flour 160 30 10
Liquor 20 7
Poppy 18 5
Fresh raspberries 140 20
Melted margarine 230 15 4
Powdered milk 120 20 5
Walnut Hazelnut kernel 170 30
Medium tomato 100g
Strawberry puree and others 350 50 17
Sago 180 20 6
Sawed sugar 200 9 pieces
Powdered sugar 180 25 10
Cream 250 14 5
Beet 50 grams
Drinking soda 28 12
Beans 220
Black currant 180 30
Egg powder 100 25 10
Egg without shell 6 items
Egg white 11 pieces
Egg yolk 12 pieces

Egg weight = 43 grams, including 23 grams of white and 20 grams of yolk.

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