Home Second courses Shaggy Pinscher. Cake “Pancho, or Curly Pinscher. Cake “Curly Pinscher” - general principles of preparation

Shaggy Pinscher. Cake “Pancho, or Curly Pinscher. Cake “Curly Pinscher” - general principles of preparation

This cake is dedicated to all fans of his brother - Pancho Fili Baker :) And also to everyone who has not yet tried either one or the other!

The principle of assembling the Pinscher is exactly the same as that of Pancho. The recipe for sponge dough turned out to be familiar to me before - I use it to bake one of my favorite cakes! But the cream was a revelation!

When I first saw the name “Curly Pinscher”, I immediately thought of a dog. But I don’t understand their breeds, although some of them are well-known. I decided to search on the Internet. Still, I want to get to the bottom of things!

Found it. Here he is. Cute red pinscher... But what does he have to do with this cake?

It seems to fit the name of the cake better. But contrary to my expectations, this pinscher turned out to be not curly, but a monkey...

Thinking that I wouldn’t make a good dog lover, I decided to start studying the cake itself. It was then that it became clear that the dogs had nothing to do with it. Pincher is the name of an Englishman who was involved in the culinary business, and who, in particular, invented such an interesting cake.

So, the ingredients for the biscuit:

    50 g sugar*

    2 tsp soda

    2 tbsp. vinegar 9%

Products for cream:

5 tbsp. sour cream 20% (1 liter)

1 can of boiled condensed milk

For the glaze:

1.5 tbsp. Sahara

3 tbsp. sour cream

50 g butter

2 tbsp. cocoa powder


120 g shelled walnuts

1/2 tbsp. raisins

50 g butter

* I put a little sugar in the biscuit - 50 g. You can add up to 1 glass. And I, as I imagined that the cake would contain 1.5 cans of condensed milk and raisins, did not agree to more than 50 g))


Preparation must begin in advance, at least 8 hours before the main process. It's all about the cream. For it you need to pull off the sour cream. So...

I placed a large colander on a tray with sides. I covered it with gauze (check that it does not have any foreign odors) and put in 5 cups of sour cream.

I wrapped the edges of the gauze and installed the weight - for me these are several stainless steel plates.

I put it in the refrigerator. There the sour cream should spend at least 8 hours in this position. I counted it and it turned out to be 13.

Beat the eggs with sugar until foamy. I added sour cream (not drawn).

In a separate bowl I extinguished the soda with vinegar.

I poured this liquid and condensed milk into the dough. Whipped it.

I sifted the flour here.

I beat it again.

I coated the mold with butter. I poured about half of the dough into it. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 180". Lay out the biscuit and leave to cool.

The remaining dough was divided into 2 parts. I added 3 tbsp to one. flour, to the other - 3 tbsp. cocoa.

I put it in the mold, alternating light and chocolate dough, like for a zebra.

I baked it the same way as the first cake.

I took it out of the mold, let it cool, and only then tore it into small pieces.

I removed the sour cream from the cheesecloth and added boiled condensed milk to it.

I whipped everything up. The result was a cream of interesting taste and color! This is my first time trying this, I really, really liked it!

I washed and dried the raisins. I left 6 whole nut halves and chopped the rest not very finely.

I generously covered the light cake with cream and sprinkled some raisins and nuts on top.

Each piece of the second cake was thoroughly dipped in cream and placed on top of the sponge cake...

... until you have a whole layer.

Sprinkled it with raisins and nuts.

I did the same thing two more times, reducing the diameter of the layers. I placed the remaining cream on top of the cake.

For the glaze, I put sugar, sour cream and cocoa in a small saucepan.

I put it on the fire, stirring constantly with a spoon. Bring it to a boil. I put in the butter, cut into small pieces.

When it melted, stir and remove from heat. Let it cool to room temperature and top the cake. If you have a piping bag, you can use it to spread the frosting. The “Pincher” will turn out even more curly :) I just used a spoon.

Now “Curly Pinscher” is one of my favorites! I’m already sitting and wondering in my head what kind of holiday I would like to throw this culinary celebration for again! ;)

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This wonderful cake is perfect for both a big celebration and a modest family tea party. Fragrant, soaked in incredibly delicious chocolate glaze with nuts and prunes, this cake will clearly appeal to many.

I made the “Curly Pinscher” cake for the first time for the New Year, and I will say without undue modesty, the cake was a success. It's not that difficult to prepare. By following all the recipe tips, you won’t even notice how you will have a very tasty cake on your table.

Recipe ingredients for Curly Pinscher Cake

Cocoa 2.00 tablespoon
Flour 2.50 cup
Soda 1.00 tea spoon
Vinegar 2.00 tea spoon
Sugar 1.00 cup
Sour cream 1.00 cup
Egg 2.00 PC
Walnuts 0.66 cup
Prunes 150.00 G

Cooking Curly Pinscher Cake

Sift first grade flour or, better yet, premium grade flour through a sieve. This way we will remove foreign impurities and objects from the flour and saturate it with oxygen. Pour flour into a bowl to knead the dough.

Add vinegar to the soda according to the recipe. We do this in a separate glass. When the soda has been extinguished by the vinegar (it has hissed and dissolved in it), pour it into a bowl with flour.

Add sugar to the dough. We also put sour cream in the bowl with the dough. I buy the most inexpensive sour cream at the nearest supermarket - and believe me, the taste of the cake exceeds all expectations.

Wash chicken eggs. Beat the eggs into the dough.

I beat the dough with a mixer. This way we will get the dough very quickly. Some people prefer to beat the dough by hand.

A little less than 1/3 of the dough should be placed in a silicone mold. If you don’t have a silicone mold, you can try placing parchment paper in a stainless steel mold or cake pan.

Bake the first cake at a temperature of 200 C. The time is different for each oven, so watch the cake carefully. The pan with the cake should be somewhere in the middle of the oven.

Add 2 tbsp to the remaining dough. l. cocoa and beat the dough with a mixer.

Place the chocolate dough in a silicone or stainless steel mold with parchment paper. If you don't have parchment paper, you can simply grease the pan with vegetable oil.

The cake must be cut into cubes, the sides of which are 1.5 cm. The cake is cut very easily.

I put chocolate cubes in custard made from about half a liter of milk. The cubes should absorb all the cream in a short time.

Pour hot water over the prunes and leave for 5 minutes. It should swell a little. After this, the water must be drained.

Cut the prunes into thin strips. After all, it should be enough for 4 layers of sprinkles.

Fry the nuts a little in a frying pan. When they are browned, you can cut them a little. But my cake was delicious with whole walnuts.

Lay out the first layer of the Curly Pinscher cake

Place the first cake layer into the dish. You can top it with chocolate glaze. Next comes the chopped chocolate cake in the cream. Sprinkle the cake with walnuts and prunes on top. And cover this layer with chocolate glaze. It is better to prepare it at the rate of five times more than in

Pinscher cake is a nostalgic story from a carefree childhood. Super porous chocolate cakes with sour cream, walnuts and boundless mother's love. The recipe is delicious, cute and affordable. And most importantly, it’s budget-friendly and it always works for everyone.

There are many variations on the theme.

Everything can be divided into two types: cakes in the form of a slide or two cakes with a layer.

The base must be baked with sour cream and condensed milk. The cream prepared is simple but tasty: sour cream and nuts. It happens that nuts and dried fruits are placed between the layers.

Varieties of Pinscher Cake Recipes

1. Bake two biscuits (classic version): light and dark. One serves as a base and is smeared with cream. If desired, lay out a layer of cherries, prunes, raisins, and nuts. Next, pieces of the second biscuit (up to 2 cm in size) are dipped in cream and placed on the base in a heap. Everything is generously poured with creamy mixture and decorated with touches of chocolate glaze.

Delicious photos of Pinscher cake for inspiration

The shape is easily recognizable, so it cannot be confused with other desserts.

2. Prepare one tall chocolate sponge cake, which is divided into three parts: two thinner and one thicker. Thin crust is the base. It is lubricated with cream. Thick - cut into pieces, pour them into the cream, mix. Add roasted nuts, dried fruits or cherries. Everything is laid on the base. Cover with cake and press down. Drizzle with chocolate ganache and decorate with nuts.

It is in this version that our grandmother has been preparing dessert for many years. We present a detailed recipe with step-by-step photos of the latest named version of the Pinscher cake below. During the heyday of the Land of Soviets there were many achievements, but few delights. And the sour cream cake was perceived as the pinnacle of desires and the ultimate dream.

It looked so big, was covered in chocolate and tasted perfect!

History of the name of the curly pinscher cake

Some associate the name of the dessert with the breed of the dog.

Others are with talented chefs from the UK. The Pinchers ran their own confectionery shop and offered visitors to try original desserts created according to family recipes. One of their masterpieces is chocolate cake with sour cream. People liked it so much that it became popular outside of England. He took with him the appearance of his parent and his last name; the fact is that the talented pastry chef was curly-haired, so they called the dessert he invented curly (curly-haired) pinscher.

But most likely the name comes from English. words pinch - pinch off. To give a curly appearance to the curly pinscher cake, housewives, according to the recipe, pinch the cake and dip the resulting pieces in the sauce. Many technologies today recommend cutting the base, but originally it was simply torn or pinched.

The dessert is often decorated with numerous touches of glaze. It turns out to be a lot of curls and curls - what’s not curly? For such thin lines, a cornet or file with a small hole in the corner is suitable.

The basis

Biscuit is not difficult for anyone. The only thing: soda cannot be quenched with vinegar. It is quenched in sour cream, which is added to the dough.

  1. The consistency of the dough is thicker than for pancakes. You can make one cake, two or three: the choice is up to the hostess.
  2. The play of colors will add zest to the dessert. Therefore, you can add cocoa to half the dough so that one cake (thin) is baked light, and the second (thicker) is dark.
  3. You can immediately pour the light dough, and then pour the chocolate dough over it. A zebra will come out. In cross-section, such blanks will look interesting.

Homemade Pinscher Cake Recipe Additives

  • Often – nuts (walnuts). They are dried until a characteristic smell appears in a dry frying pan, crushed in a mortar or rolling pin. Quarters are also acceptable. You just need to carefully check that there are no pieces of shell or partitions. This is especially true if the nuts were purchased already peeled.
  • They also add prunes. It is washed well, cut into pieces or strips. If dried, steam it. If dried, wash it in several waters. Read more about processing dried plums in

The appetizing photos of the curly pinscher cake with additives are very tempting.

  • You can put any dried fruits that the hostess and her family like: raisins, dried apricots, dates, cranberries, cherries.
  • There are recipes that use pieces of fresh fruit and berries. The version with cherries is especially popular. In general, this berry sounds amazing in combination with chocolate and milk cream. Famous for cake.

Cream for homemade pinscher cake recipe

  1. For impregnation, it is better to use high-fat sour cream; it can whip into a more delicate sauce than low-fat sour cream.
  2. If you use granulated sugar, there is a risk of getting thin, sweet water. Therefore, it is better to use powdered sugar. It is the combination of cold, rich sour cream with powdered sugar that will give the right cream.
  3. Sour cream/cream should be fresh from the refrigerator. Then you can whip it into a fluffy, airy cream at home. The pinscher cake will turn out to be a success with such a light impregnation.
  4. Homemade sour cream is suitable, but you need to be careful with it: it quickly breaks down and turns into oil.
  5. There are options for cream with condensed milk and sour cream. They have a right to exist, but this is already a mega-sweet story.
  6. Oil creams are not suitable as they will not saturate the pieces.
  7. Before placing the biscuit slices into the cake, they can be soaked in alcoholic syrup, but the classic version does not involve such tricks. You can pour syrup over the base.

How to make thick sour cream for a curly pinscher cake recipe step by step

There is a solution!

  1. Place liquid sour cream in cheesecloth;
  2. Tie in a knot;
  3. Hang the structure over a flat dish. Let it sit in the refrigerator for 8 hours (leave it overnight);
  4. The liquid will drain, and a dense sour cream base for a thick cream will remain in the gauze.

Options for assembling a curly pinscher cake

1. Thin light cake is smeared with cream, nuts and prunes are laid out. Pieces of dark sponge cake are dipped in cream and mixed with additives in the form of a slide. Drizzle with remaining sauce and glaze.

2. Place a dark cake on a dish, cream on it, soaked pieces of light and dark cake mixed with fresh fruits/berries, pour over the cream and decorate with chocolate touches.

3. Below - chocolate cake, cream, sponge cake fragments soaked in sauce, nuts, whole cake and glaze.

Gorgeous pinscher cake - proven recipe with step-by-step photos

The good thing about family technology is that it has been tested by more than one generation of cooks. This means that it will definitely work out and the products will not be wasted. The dessert comes out big and heavy. You can treat about twelve guests. The biscuit is fragrant, with clearly defined pores, tall. During the soaking process, they are filled with sauce, and the dish acquires amazing juiciness.

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  1. If you use store-bought sour cream to prepare the cream, at night you need to put it in gauze (folded in 2-3 layers) and hang it to strain from the whey in a cold place. Or line a sieve with gauze and leave the sour cream in it overnight (in the refrigerator).
  2. The next day, start preparing the cake by preparing the sponge cake. To do this, beat the eggs into a bowl and start beating with a mixer. Beat for about a minute, then gradually add sugar and continue to beat for another couple of minutes until a fluffy mass forms.
  3. Without stopping whisking, pour sour cream and condensed milk into the egg cream. Beat for about half a minute more. Then quench the soda with vinegar, add to the cream and stir. Preheat the oven to 180C, line two molds (one can be square) about 22 cm in diameter with parchment paper.
  4. Gradually add flour to the dough and stir (stir the dough as little as possible so that it retains its airiness). Pour some dough, about 1 cm thick, into a round mold (about 22 cm in diameter). This will be the base for the Pinscher cake.
  5. Place the pan in the preheated oven for approximately 20 minutes (check doneness with a toothpick). Divide the remaining dough into two equal parts. Mix one of them with cocoa powder until smooth.
  6. Place both doughs alternately (a spoonful of light, a spoonful of dark) into a second baking container (it doesn’t matter what shape it will be). Bake the two-color cake for about half an hour until done (at the same temperature).
  7. Remove the first round cake from the oven and let it cool on a wire rack. When the chocolate milk sponge cake is ready, take it out and let it cool too. Then tear it into pieces or cut into cubes about 4*4 cm.
  8. Soak raisins in hot water for 15 minutes. Peel the nuts and lightly fry them in a dry frying pan, then chop them with a knife. For the cream, mix thick sour cream and boiled condensed milk, whisk or mix thoroughly until smooth.
  9. Place a round sponge cake on a flat dish and spread it with an even layer of sour cream. Place some chopped nuts and raisins (drain the water and dry). Dip each piece of two-color sponge cake into cream and place everything in a heap on a round cake.
  10. Periodically add nuts and raisins to each layer. Give the cake its final shape. Combine melted butter, sugar and cocoa powder in a small bowl, place over low heat and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  11. Then remove the bowl from the heat, add a piece of butter and mix thoroughly until smooth. Pour this glaze over the finished cake; this can be done beautifully using a piping bag. Before serving, leave the Pinscher cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  12. You can leave the cake in the refrigerator for a longer time, it will taste better. Then cut it into portions and serve with tea or coffee. Bon appetit!

The preparation of the Curly Pinscher cake is carried out in several stages. First, the dough is prepared and the cakes are baked, then the cream and glaze are prepared, and ultimately a very tasty dessert is assembled. Often, for a variety of taste, dried fruit filling is used to prepare the cake.

The Curly Pinscher cake surprises not only with its unusual name, but also with its wonderful taste. It also has a non-standard appearance. Of course, you will have to tinker with its preparation, but the result will please not only the chef himself, but also the guests who will admire his culinary abilities.

Step by step recipe

Ingredients Quantity
eggs - 2 pcs.
sugar - 1 glass
condensed milk - 0.5 cans
sour cream - 1 glass
flour - two glasses
baking soda - 1 tsp.
cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.
sour cream 20% for cream - 200 ml
sugar for cream - 1 glass
condensed milk for cream - 0.5 cans
milk for glaze - 5 tbsp. l.
sugar for glaze - 5 tbsp. l.
cocoa for glaze - 5 tbsp. l.
butter for glaze - 40 grams
Cooking time: 120 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 278 Kcal

Step-by-step preparation of dough for the Curly Pinscher delicacy:

  1. Break eggs into a container and add sugar. Mix thoroughly and gradually pour in condensed milk. In this case, it is necessary to continuously stir until a homogeneous composition is formed;
  2. Add sour cream and mix the mixture thoroughly again;
  3. Pour in the flour and baking soda, previously mixed and sifted;
  4. Divide the resulting composition into two equal parts;
  5. Cocoa is added to one of them;
  6. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200˚C;
  7. Coat a baking sheet with margarine and pour the first part of the cocoa mixture into it. Leave for half an hour. You can check the readiness of the cake using a toothpick;
  8. Do the same with the second part of the mixture.

Now you can start preparing the cream:

  1. Prepare a metal container of sufficient depth for convenient kneading. Pour thick sour cream, condensed milk into it and add sugar;
  2. Using a mixer, beat until smooth;
  3. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour until the mixture becomes a little thicker;
  4. Spread the cake without cocoa cream and leave to soak;
  5. The cake, which was prepared with the addition of cocoa, must be torn into pieces. The resulting parts are completely soaked in cream and laid out on a cake with cream. It should turn out to be a kind of slide;
  6. The remainder of the cream is poured onto the resulting raised area.

Now you need the glaze:

  1. Pour milk and sugar into a saucepan and place on the stove;
  2. After the mixture boils, you can add cocoa and stir until completely dissolved;
  3. At the end butter is added;
  4. Wait until the resulting mixture cools and pour it over the cake. After this, the cake is completely ready.

Recipe for Curly Pinscher cake with dried fruits

Often this cake is also called “Curly Pinscher”.

To prepare you will need:

  • one can of condensed milk;
  • milk - 1/3 cup;
  • cocoa: for glaze in the amount of five tablespoons, for dough in the amount of two tablespoons;
  • sugar: for dough in the amount of one tablespoon, for cream in the amount of one glass; for glaze in the amount of five tablespoons;
  • flour in the amount of one and a half cups;
  • sour cream: for dough in the amount of one glass, for cream in the amount of three glasses;
  • soda, previously slaked - two teaspoons;
  • butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • one glass of dried apricots;
  • one glass of prunes;
  • dark chocolate bar;
  • one glass of chopped walnuts;
  • two chicken eggs.

Cooking time – 2.5 hours.

Calorie content – ​​278 kcal per 100 g.

Step-by-step preparation of the cake:

  1. For the dough, beat eggs into a container, add sour cream, sugar and condensed milk. Mix thoroughly;
  2. Sift the flour and add to the mixture. Also extinguish the soda and add it there;
  3. Mix thoroughly using a mixer;
  4. Divide the dough into two parts: one of them should contain ¾ of the entire mixture, and the other 1/3;
  5. A cake is baked from a small part;
  6. Cocoa is added to the second large part and the cake is also baked;
  7. Now you can prepare the cream: mix sour cream with sugar and beat with a mixer;
  8. To prepare the glaze, mix sour cream, milk, sugar and boil on the stove. Add cocoa and stir until completely dissolved. Add butter at the end;
  9. You also need to prepare the filling first. To do this, prunes and dried apricots are thoroughly washed, dried and cut into small cubes;
  10. The light cake is laid out on a special dish and very carefully coated with cream in large quantities. Sprinkle dried fruits on top of the cream;
  11. Break the dark cake into small pieces and dip in the cream. Place half on top of the creamy crust. Sprinkle dried fruits on top. Continue laying out the pieces again. Sprinkle also with dried fruits;
  12. Pour the resulting glaze over everything;
  13. Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater and sprinkle the finished cake on top.

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