Home Soups Sea buckthorn with sugar without cooking: recipes on how to preserve the benefits of amber berries for the winter. Recipe for winter sea buckthorn without cooking

Sea buckthorn with sugar without cooking: recipes on how to preserve the benefits of amber berries for the winter. Recipe for winter sea buckthorn without cooking

A stock of mashed sea buckthorn will allow you to prepare a variety of vitamin drinks with a tart specific taste in winter - fruit drinks, teas, compotes, bright jellies and sweet and sour sauces to meat dishes.

Berries should be well dried on a napkin, carefully knead and knead until completely homogeneous. Puree for baby food, must be freed from stones.

To increase the shelf life, it is better to sprinkle the finished berry mass in jars thickly with sugar and store in a dark, cool place. The absence of heat treatment of blanks preserves a unique complex of vitamins.


  • 500 g fresh sea buckthorn berries
  • 400 g granulated sugar


1. We will collect or purchase sea buckthorn berries and wash them in water, removing woody cuttings. Pour all the sea buckthorn mass into a bowl food processor and grind for 5-10 minutes on a pulsed mode or wash with a boiled potato press, turning everything into a puree.

2. After that, add granulated sugar and grind everything again or remember so that the sugar crystals are completely dissolved in the berry puree.

3. Pour the ground mass into a separate container. If you do not like bones that come across and prepare mashed potatoes in order to give it to children, then grind it through a sieve - the bones and cake will be removed in this way. If you grind sea buckthorn with sugar to create tea or sea buckthorn juice, you can leave it in this form.

4. Distribute the mass into clean sterile jars or containers, cork and store in a refrigerator or cellar. At room temperature the workpiece will ferment and our labors will be in vain!

To prepare tea from the grated mass, for a 200 ml container with boiling water we use 2 tbsp. l. mass, for fruit drink the same amount of mass is mixed with chilled boiled water.

Note to the owner

1. Wherever this vitamin blank is placed - even in the cellar, even in the refrigerator, in a month and a half it will definitely exfoliate: yellow-brown sea buckthorn oil will appear in the lower part of the container, and the thick will gather in the upper. This phenomenon does not indicate damage to the product. The decision on whether to mix two dissimilar layers before use or drain the oily slurry is up to everyone. The main thing is not to send the bottom layer down the drain of the sink, since all the components of this bright treat are very useful.

2. Tea, in which, in addition to sea buckthorn, honey is also added, it becomes truly healing, but at the same time it is allergenic. In this case, the desire to enrich the home remedy with health-promoting components as much as possible can give a negative result.

3. The tandem of this berry with citrus fruits is undesirable for the same reason, but with ginger or cinnamon - on the contrary. These are immune-stimulating spices that are recommended to be mixed into a warm sea buckthorn drink rich in vitamins. If possible, drink it regularly from November to April to put up a barrier. colds and fight the flu. The advice fully applies to children, only a pediatrician should be consulted about the daily portion of drinking with sea buckthorn.

Fruits and berries


Sea buckthorn mashed with sugar, is valuable medicinal product, which is quite simple to make at home. It is believed that such a berry preparation is very useful for the human body. The benefits of this product are determined by the content of useful trace elements in the sea buckthorn berries themselves.

Sea buckthorn contains a large amount of fatty oil, the amount of which reaches eight percent. In addition, its berries are enriched with ascorbic and folic acids, as well as carotene, tocopherol, tannins and sugars.. The useful microcomponents of sea buckthorn do not end there, in fact, this list is quite large. It can be said for sure that sea buckthorn berries and preparations prepared from them are considered the best natural source of vitamins.

Pureed sea buckthorn with sugar helps very well with inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by pain. Contained in berries beneficial features reduce and stop this unpleasant painful process. V folk medicine It is advised to regularly take homemade preparations from sea buckthorn berries, at least to prevent colds.

So, let's start cooking sea buckthorn blanks at home. step by step photo the recipe is presented below in the form of a technological instruction.



    First, prepare the sea buckthorn to create useful blank at home. To do this, carefully remove all the berries from the sea buckthorn branches. Then rinse them thoroughly and be sure to scald them with boiling water. After that, dry the yellow berries thoroughly with a towel..

    Grind the prepared sea buckthorn berries with a blender, and then rub the chopped mass through a colander and a fine sieve. In this way, the seeds will remain on the surface of the sieve, and a clean liquid mixture will remain in the bowl where the berries were rubbed.

    The bones and part of the pulp of sea buckthorn, which remained in the sieve, must be wrapped in gauze and squeezed out the remaining juice into the resulting liquid mixture. Do not throw away the leftover pulp. From it you can make a wonderful infusion with olive oil which will heal various burns and wounds.

    The resulting homogeneous mass should be weighed. About one and a half kilograms should be added to one kilogram of grated sea buckthorn granulated sugar. To completely dissolve the sugar, the mixture can be slightly heated..

    When heated, the liquid should be stirred periodically, so the process of dissolving sugar will be much faster. By the way, during the heat treatment, sea buckthorn berries do not lose vitamin C at all.

    In the meantime, let's take care of the container for useful workpieces. Boil jars with lids for five minutes, and then dry them thoroughly..

    Spread hot sea buckthorn puree evenly into prepared clean jars.

    Filled jars should be immediately screwed with processed lids. Store sea buckthorn delicacy in any cool place.

    Sea buckthorn mashed with sugar for the winter is ready.

    Bon Appetit!

The benefits of sea buckthorn are widely known. Each berry is a kind of vitamin cocktail, it contains a huge amount of vitamins E, A, C, PP and a number of others, as well as minerals and plant substances that have a beneficial effect on the body, in particular, have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The properties of sea buckthorn include strengthening the immune system, restoring hormonal levels. Sea buckthorn, mashed with sugar, is made for the winter because this form of conservation allows you to save all of it. useful material, because it does not require heat treatment, which destroys a number of vitamins.

Cooking features

Harvesting sea buckthorn mashed with sugar for the winter has its own nuances.

  • For the preparation of "cold jam", as they call sea buckthorn, harvested for the winter without heat treatment, sufficiently ripe berries are required. Do not rush and harvest early, let the sea buckthorn ripen completely.
  • Before cooking, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and sort the fruits: getting a spoiled berry into the workpiece can destroy it completely, significantly reducing its shelf life and taste qualities.
  • Processed, that is, mashed, the berry must be cooked quickly, trying to keep it as little as possible in the light, as this reduces its useful qualities.
  • After a while, the finished “jam” will delaminate: one layer will be liquid and light, the second will be brighter and thicker, the third will be bright, thick and oily. You should not be afraid: this is absolutely normal. Do not try to mix everything, it is better to use each layer separately. Use the top one as jam, spreading it on sandwiches, use the middle one as mashed potatoes, drink the bottom instead of compote, diluting the syrup with water to your liking.
  • Store the workpiece in hermetically sealed sterilized jars in the refrigerator.

You can cook sea buckthorn mashed with sugar with the addition of other berries and fruits. From this, the taste of "jam" will only benefit.

Classic recipe for sea buckthorn mashed with sugar

  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash, sort out sea buckthorn. Pat it dry on a towel.
  • Finely chop dry berries with a blender or meat grinder. Wiping, sprinkle each layer with sugar. Another option is to mix small portions of sea buckthorn with sugar and crush with a wooden wooden pestle. Leave only a small amount of sugar (about a glass).
  • Cover the berry crushed and mixed with sugar with a cloth and place in a cool, dark place for infusion.
  • After a couple of hours, lay out in prepared jars. Preparation involves washing and sterilization.
  • Pour granulated sugar into each jar on top of the berry mass. The optimal width of the sugar layer is 2 cm.
  • Cover each jar with parchment, top with a plastic lid. Store in a cellar or refrigerator.

Due to the fact that, according to this recipe, sea buckthorn is ground together with the skin, it retains all the useful substances, but eating such a “jam” is not very convenient: small bones and cake come across in it. For those who prefer a delicacy, albeit less healthy, but with more delicate taste there is another recipe.

Sea buckthorn mashed with sugar: a modern recipe

  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1.2–1.25 kg;
  • sugar - 1.25 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Make a gentle puree from carefully sorted and washed sea buckthorn. It can be done different ways. The first option is to scroll the berries through a meat grinder, then rub the resulting berry mass through a sieve. The second way is to pass sea buckthorn twice through a juicer. The mass of the finished puree should be 1 kg.
  • Pour a kilogram of sugar into the sea buckthorn puree and let it brew for three to four hours. It is necessary to insist in a warm and dark place.
  • Arrange in clean, dry, previously sterilized jars.
  • Pour the remaining sugar into jars.
  • Cover with parchment, put on nylon lids on top and put away for the winter in a cool place.

According to this recipe, a very tender sea buckthorn puree is obtained, which does not require heat treatment, and therefore is healthy. For those who prefer desserts a little more sour, there are other recipes.

Sea buckthorn mashed with apples and sugar

  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1.2 kg;
  • apples - 0.8 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the sea buckthorn into a gentle puree (without pits and oilcake).
  • Peel the apples, cut out the core with seeds from them. Grind apple pulp in any way convenient for you.
  • Mix sea buckthorn and applesauce with sugar, leaving about 0.2 kg. Keep in a dark, cool place, covered with gauze, for 3 hours.
  • Arrange in jars, cover with the remaining sugar, cork.

This dessert has a sweet and sour taste. It turns out soft. It improves immunity and hemoglobin levels in the blood. To normalize pressure, it is better to use hawthorn fruits instead of apples.

Sea buckthorn mashed with sugar and hawthorn

  • sea ​​buckthorn (ground in any way) - 1 kg;
  • hawthorn (already grated) - 0.6 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Mix crushed in any way sea buckthorn and hawthorn fruits (fresh).
  • Sprinkle with sugar and leave for 4 hours.
  • Arrange in jars, close them and put them in the cold.

According to this recipe, a mixture is made that can be called a medicine rather than a dessert. If you want to make it sweeter, the amount of sugar in its preparation can be doubled.

According to whatever recipe, sea buckthorn rubbed with sugar is prepared for the winter, it will be very useful.

Sea buckthorn with sugar can serve as an excellent alternative to ready-made vitamin complexes, both in winter and in spring, when the body is especially deficient in nutrients. Therefore, it is worthwhile to worry about your health in advance and make such a preparation.

The obvious benefits of sea buckthorn

As a rule, when cooked with sugar, the berries are not subjected to heat treatment at all, so they retain absolutely all the useful substances, and there are a lot of them in sea buckthorn. fresh berries contain:

  • vitamins of groups B, E, C, A, H, folic acid;
  • organic acids, including polyunsaturated ones;
  • many minerals including iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, etc.

In addition, oil is present in the pulp and bones, without which fat-soluble vitamins, in particular E and carotenoids, are not absorbed at all. Therefore, sea buckthorn is a self-sufficient product, from which substances valuable to the body are absorbed in full.

Thanks to its unique composition, sea buckthorn, especially when cooked without cooking with sugar, helps to:

  • eliminate any inflammatory processes;
  • accelerate the healing of wounds, burns, bedsores, frostbite, etc .;
  • increase immunity;
  • eliminate vitamin deficiency;
  • cope with depression, nervous strain, stress;
  • improve vision and overcome various ophthalmic pathologies, etc.

Attention! Sea buckthorn and any dishes based on it should be treated with caution by those who have increased acidity of gastric juice, diagnosed with cholecystitis, ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis or urolithiasis.

Thus, everyone should stock up on such a delicacy for the winter. In particular, it can be useful for pregnant women, as it will help protect the weakened body of the expectant mother from all kinds of viruses and saturate it with folic acid and vitamin E necessary for the full development of the fetus.


There are many recipes for making sea buckthorn with sugar. This:

  • Sterilized jars are filled ¾ with washed and necessarily dried sea buckthorn berries mixed with an equal amount of granulated sugar. The remaining space is filled with sugar and covered with a regular nylon lid or covered with parchment. Thus, it turns out that 3 cups of berries usually require 4 cups of granulated sugar. The blank can be stored for up to 2 years in the refrigerator, while you can notice that gradually the sea buckthorn begins to let out juice, which accumulates at the bottom, and the berries themselves float up, resting on a layer of granulated sugar. As the sugar dissolves, the mass begins to thicken: the top layer becomes like soft caramel.
  • No less useful is mashed sea buckthorn with sugar. To prepare such a delicacy, it is enough to grind 1 kg of fresh or thawed berries with 1.5 kg of granulated sugar in a blender or meat grinder. The resulting puree is poured into jars, be sure to put a few tablespoons of sugar on top and tightly close the lid. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 months. If you want to make a more durable preparation for the winter from sea buckthorn with sugar without boiling, then the resulting mixture must be placed in sterile jars and rolled up with sterilized lids.

    Tip: to get rid of the seeds, the berries are crushed separately, squeezed through gauze, and only then sugar is added. But in this case, it is worth adjusting the amount of granulated sugar used, depending on the weight of the resulting sea buckthorn puree.

Other sea buckthorn recipes

Sea buckthorn juice with pulp will become a delicious health drink in winter. It is prepared by lowering 1 kg of washed berries into boiling water for a couple of minutes. Sea buckthorn scalded in this way is rubbed through gauze or a sieve and bred sugar syrup taste. The resulting liquid is again put on fire and brought to 60 ° C. The juice is poured into pre-sterilized half-liter jars, covered with lids and sterilized in a water bath for 20 minutes.

The recipes for sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter do not end there. You can diversify your diet with fragrant apple-sea buckthorn jam. To prepare it, you need to peel and seeds 2 apples and cut them into cubes. Apples, along with sea buckthorn, are placed in a saucepan, poured with 1.5 glasses of water and brought to a boil. After that, the mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, crushed with an immersion blender and 1 cup of sugar and, if any, 2 tbsp. l. agave syrup. Jam is boiled over low heat for another 20-25 minutes and rolled into sterile jars.

Important: you can not only eat sea buckthorn blanks with a spoon or with bread, but also add them to compotes or teas, prepare sauces from them, etc.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter without cooking can replace the rest of the stocks. After all, amber berries that have not been subjected to heat treatment, retain useful substances, such as vitamins and amino acids, which perfectly cope with seasonal ailments. This preparation has several versions of preparation, which can be found in the following recipes.

Sea buckthorn with sugar - useful properties

Sea buckthorn with sugar, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied, belongs to healthy and correct preparations. The berries are not subjected to heat treatment, which helps to preserve all the natural benefits and significantly save cooking time. In addition, sea buckthorn seeds contain oils that maximize the absorption of vitamins from its pulp. Due to its unique composition, sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter without cooking helps to cope with various diseases:

  1. Berries contain vitamins B, C, K, E, folic acid, iron, magnesium, sodium, and therefore are able to increase immunity, overcome stress, cope with depression, restore vision and produce a rejuvenating effect.
  2. People suffering from allergies, high acidity, gallbladder disease and urolithiasis should be extremely careful when using this blank.

Raw sea buckthorn with sugar needs proper storage. Since the workpiece is not thermally processed, and the only preservative that protects against mold and fermentation is ordinary sugar, sea buckthorn is left in a dark and cold place, protected from sunlight. For such purposes, both the cellar and the refrigerator are suitable.

  1. The duration of storage directly depends on the quality of the workpiece, so for it you need to choose only juicy and whole berries.
  2. You should not worry if after a few weeks the workpiece separates into sugar, jelly and syrup - this is quite acceptable. In this case, the layers are not mixed, but are used directly.
  3. Store the workpiece in glass jars sealed with sterile lids in a cool, ventilated place.

Sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter has several versions of cooking. Traditionally, the mass is ground with a blender or meat grinder, sprinkled with sugar, insisted, laid out in jars, sprinkled with sugar on top and closed. For stocks with whole berries, they are sprinkled with sugar, stacked in layers, adding 40 g of sugar to the upper and lower layers.

  1. Cooking sea buckthorn with sugar requires careful preparation of the berries. They need to be sorted out and washed. The process should be approached responsibly, because one spoiled berry can ruin the whole workpiece, spoiling the taste and reducing the shelf life.
  2. In the cooking process, it is important to consider the ratio of sea buckthorn and sugar. As a rule, for 1 kg of berries it is recommended to take 1.5 kg of sugar.
  3. Grinded sea buckthorn should be cooked very quickly, trying to avoid direct sunlight, which has a detrimental effect on the useful properties of the workpiece.
  4. Infuse the workpiece exclusively in a dark place, covering the container with clean gauze.
  5. Sea buckthorn can be ground with other berries - this will only enhance the taste of the workpiece.

Sea buckthorn mashed with sugar is a modern preparation that allows you to stock up on a healing product without hassle. For cooking, only two components and a convenient tool for processing are enough. In this recipe, the sour berries are ground with a wooden pestle, which helps to give the desired texture and retain the vibrant color.


  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Grind prepared sea buckthorn berries with a wooden pestle with 1.3 kg of sugar.
  2. Leave in a dark place for 3 hours.
  3. Spread the mass in sterile jars.
  4. From the remaining sugar, make a “cork” on top, cover with parchment, a nylon lid and put it in the cellar.

Sea buckthorn in a blender with sugar has a lot of advantages. This cooking method will help to grind the berries in a couple of seconds into a smooth mass, and after rubbing it through a sieve, get rid of the seeds, and become owners of a universal delicacy. In addition, sugar is added already in pure puree, which helps to adjust the sweetness of the workpiece.


  1. sea ​​buckthorn berries - 2.5 kg;
  2. sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Puree sea buckthorn berries in a blender.
  2. Pass the resulting mass through a sieve.
  3. Add sugar, stir, and let it brew for 4 hours to dissolve.
  4. Mix thoroughly and spread the mass in sterile jars.

Sea buckthorn twisted with sugar through a meat grinder is no worse than numerous blanks, because this time-tested household appliance helps to quickly and easily process a huge amount of berries, and get a healthy vitamin mass with a light grainy texture that looks appetizing in a jar and has a pleasant texture.


  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Pass the sea buckthorn berries along with 1.2 kg of sugar through a meat grinder.
  2. Cover the grated mass with gauze and put it in a cool place for a couple of hours.
  3. Arrange in jars, top with the remaining sugar and twist.

With sugar without cooking - a natural energy drink. Vitamin-rich berries give these properties to the drink, and this recipe ensures their complete preservation. For cooking, sea buckthorn is smashed together with sugar in a blender and the puree is filtered through a sieve. The remaining extracts are used to make an equally healthy oil.


  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Kill sea buckthorn berries with a blender.
  2. Add sugar and beat again.
  3. Strain through a sieve, pour into sterile jars and store at a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees Celsius.

Sea buckthorn berries with sugar have a lot of cooking options. Given the excellent frost-resistant qualities of sea buckthorn, nothing will stop you from storing it frozen. Moreover, this method of storage is very convenient and practical. Before freezing, the raw materials should be dried, otherwise the berries will stick together from the cold, and when thawed, they will burst.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Lay the washed and dry sea buckthorn on a flat tray, sprinkle with sugar and put in the freezer for 2 hours.
  2. After that, arrange in sealed containers and send to the freezer for long-term storage.

Those who want to save space in the refrigerator can make sea buckthorn puree with sugar and keep it frozen. Such a convenient preparation will save not only vitamins, but also the family budget, because this product can be used as a basis for, compotes and vitamin teas or as a replacement for expensive fruit.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Puree berries with sugar.
  2. Spread the mass into containers for freezing water and put in the freezer for 4 hours.
  3. After that, sea buckthorn with sugar frozen for the winter without cooking is poured into bags and stored in the freezer.

Helping to stock up on tasty, healthy and spectacular preparations. So, whole berries, mixed with sugar and laid out in sterile jars, will be an excellent tool in the fight against diseases, an attractive decor for decoration. confectionery, the basis for making teas or an independent dessert.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg.


  1. Place whole berries sprinkled with sugar in a sterile container.
  2. Cork with a nylon lid and send to a cold room.

Sea buckthorn with sugar without boiling is an excellent ingredient for combinations. Since such a workpiece is stored in the cold, the neighboring components must also be frost-resistant. Often, sea buckthorn is harvested with a sour taste, which turns the workpiece into a medicine rather than a delicious dessert.

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