Home Salads and appetizers Sculpt from salt dough with kids. Sculpt with the kids! Salt dough - dough recipe and how to work with it. How to dry dough crafts

Sculpt from salt dough with kids. Sculpt with the kids! Salt dough - dough recipe and how to work with it. How to dry dough crafts

Dough modeling is a fun way to spend time with children. After all, at the same time, they not only sculpt, but also cook: they can experiment with the flour mixture in the process of measuring and mixing the ingredients, and then observe the metamorphoses that occur with the finished product when temperatures change during the drying process.

In addition, crafts made from salt dough are harmless to children, they do not contain allergens, and they can be safely tasted.

Figures made from homemade flour mixture are harder and better preserved than plasticine.

Basic dough recipe

Before you make dough for modeling, you need to imagine what kind of products will be made, whether the dough needs to be dyed, how long modeling will take, which drying mode will be selected.

The basic dough recipe for crafts consists of one part salt and two parts wheat flour to which citric acid is added - 2 tsp. 1 cup salt and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The amount of water added during mixing should be equal to the amount of salt.

Dough preparation method

The test is made in the following order:

  • Mix flour with salt and citric acid and pour this mixture into a saucepan;
  • Place the saucepan over moderate heat and, stirring constantly, gradually add water until the dough begins to lag behind the pan and can be rolled into a ball.
  • Remove from heat and knead the dough with your hands.

Food coloring or gouache must be diluted in water, which is added before kneading the dough.

In the course of work, depending on the required consistency, the salt-flour mixture can be further diluted with water or oil, or flour can be added for hardness.

It is better to prepare the dough in as small portions as possible, right before sculpting, and store it only in a tightly closed container or cling film.

Drying salt dough crafts

In order for DIY salt dough crafts to retain their shape, not break, or crack, you need to choose the right drying mode. You can simply leave the figurines to dry naturally in the air, you can put them in the oven.

There are two different methods for oven drying. The first is to preheat the oven, then turn it off and place the figurines in the heated space. You can also bake products at 100-degree mode, making sure that there is no burning.

A master class on making dough crafts involves, first of all, experimenting with the material: the composition of the dough and its drying mode, so failures in this process are inevitable.

Useful advice: Starting modeling with children, you need to set them up so that the first success, after many not quite aesthetic attempts, becomes a real miracle for them.

It is better to start with simple and uniform shapes, such as, for example, round beads of various colors and sizes. From them you can make garlands to decorate the room.

Then you can master more complex silhouettes - stars, hearts, and three-dimensional figures - New Year's snowflakes, Christmas trees, Easter eggs with patterns, egg coasters, chickens.

You can time the production of figurines for the holidays, or choose more neutral motifs for all occasions, making souvenirs and gifts in the form of stylized horseshoes, suns, stars, airplanes and funny faces.

During modeling, you can use special molds for modeling and baking, and other things, at the prompt of your imagination: garlic crush - to get thin ropes from dough, bottle caps - to cut out circles, plastic parts of toys - to get prints, almost everything What is at hand from a toothpick to wheels from toy cars can become a tool for sculpting dough.


It is easy to make holes in salt dough, both decorative and for hanging on threads. Holes on flat figures retain their shape when dry.

But in the manufacture of more voluminous parts, such as spherical balls, in order to make a hole for the thread, you need to pierce the figure with a toothpick or other sharp tool made of wood or plastic and do not remove it until the product dries.

Helpful Hint: To glue the elements of the dough, it is enough just to wet the individual sections and attach them to each other.

From volumetric and flat figures, you can make garlands, key chains, medals and pendants. You can fashion chests and cups for storing jewelry, small treasures and pencils.

Volumetric figures of animals

Volumetric figures of animals are especially popular with children, they can be made in accordance with popular step by step instructions, which are intended for plasticine and clay crafts.


You can sculpt from dough without dyes, then paint the finished figure and, after drying, varnish it.

You can also cut out various figures: having made their mock-up from cardboard, put it on a flat dough previously rolled out with a rolling pin and carefully cut along the edges. Then you can color the figurine, add the necessary texture - roughness, strokes, make eyes, nose or bead jewelry.

A wonderful handmade gift can be a photo frame or a unique candlestick.

Making panels that combine elements of mosaic, appliqué and modeling can captivate both children and adults. For the smallest, the simplest drawings are suitable: you must first draw a silhouette on parchment, then carefully fill it with dough along the lines.

More complex ideas can also be conceived and implemented using beads, cereal mosaics, dried flowers, etc.


Photo crafts from the test

Greetings, dear parents, readers of our blog! Recently, the old technique for the development of fine motor skills of a child has been revived - modeling from dough. And today I want to tell you more about salt dough for modeling. Recipes with photos can be found at the end of the article.

Modeling is a great opportunity for adults to express themselves or relax, as well as develop fine motor skills and imagination for children. Crafting with kids is fun and exciting. The big advantage of salt dough modeling is that it will cost you much less than other materials for children's creativity.

For modeling, you can use potter's clay, and plasticine, and plain dough during the joint preparation of cookies or dumplings. Children are very fond of sculpting and rolling balls from such materials. Salty dough used exclusively for creativity, because it is inedible.

It has long been sculpted from salt dough:

  • Protect;
  • Kids toys.

Now this type of creativity is becoming popular again, you can make from dough:

  • decor items;
  • Figurines, toys;
  • Paintings;
  • Baby's hand or foot prints.

It is no secret that adults are very fond of doing this type of modeling, preferring salt dough to clay or gypsum, they fashion whole pictures that decorate the house or are given as a present:

2. Why Salt Dough

It is surprising to many to hear that the dough must be salty so that something can be molded from it. The fact is that you can sculpt something from any dough, because it is always plastic, but not from any dough you can make crafts that will be stored for a very long time without losing their appearance.

The secret material - salt - cements the dough, so the products keep after drying. The main ingredients of this test are:

  1. Flour;
  2. Salt;
  3. Water.

In addition, you can add other components, depending on what you want to get. It can be glue, oil or paint, which can be added to any recipe. But the main thing here is salt, which should be finely ground and without impurities (iodine).

3. Salt Dough Recipes

There can be many recipes, consider a few of them. You need to choose the simplest flour, without additives, and the water is very cold.

3.1. Salt dough regular


  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.

How to make modeling material from these ingredients?

  1. You need to mix flour and salt, then gradually pour in water, quickly mixing everything with your hands.
  2. Knead the dough for a short time, if it turns out to be tight, add a little more water.
  3. If the dough is sticky, add some flour. It all depends on the flour, so sometimes you need more water, sometimes less.

3.2. Salt dough with rye flour


  • Rye flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • Oil - 1 tbsp.

Rye flour will give the product a soft brown color, especially if it is dried in the oven. only one rye flour do not use, as the dough will turn out to be very tight and difficult to fashion something out of it. The oil will give the dough elasticity, it will not stick to your hands.

3.3. Salt dough with glue


  • Flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • Dry wallpaper glue - 2 tablespoons;
  • Oil or glycerin - 4 tablespoons;
  • Water - 125 ml.
  1. First you need to combine flour and salt, then add glue diluted in water.
  2. Mix everything and add oil.
  3. If the mixture is sticky, add some flour. In addition to wallpaper glue, PVA glue is used, this is done for the strength of the material.

How to cook colored dough?

To color the dough, you can add food coloring or natural juice adding drop by drop and mixing with the finished mass. In addition, you can paint the finished craft after it dries using art paints.

4. Crafts from salt dough

As soon as the baby is 1-1.5 years old, he can be introduced to the test as a way of playing and developing.

The advantage of the test is that the child will not get poisoned if he tries it, and it also does not smell like plasticine. Such a natural material is an excellent tool for making crafts. The dough can be stored in a bag in the refrigerator for several days.

A child of any age can use the salt dough modeling technique, gradually complicating the task. For beginners, sculpting small simple figures is best suited.

The child can do the following:

  • Roll out the dough with a rolling pin;
  • Cut out figures from it with molds (from the designer, cubes or cookie cutters);
  • Sculpt sausages, balls;
  • Combine several elements into one figure (attach buttons, sticks, beads to the figure);
  • Make hand or foot prints on rolled out dough;
  • Paint dried figures or crafts with paints (watercolors, a mixture of gouache with PVA glue, acrylic paint) - under the supervision of adults.

The child can stick different elements on a thin layer of dough, creating pictures. Also, ready-made flat figures can then be glued to the canvas and inserted into the frame, getting a work of art.

5. Drying salt dough products

There are such types of drying:

  1. on air;
  2. in the oven;
  3. on the battery;
  4. in the sun.

One way or another, the products must be dried well. If the dough layer is thin, it will take less time. Volumetric pictures from dough or figurines need a long drying time.

The surest and easiest way is to air dry, preferably warm, but not in direct sunlight. For a product up to 1 cm thick, it will take 4-7 days. Then check by tapping the surface with your finger. If the sound is sonorous - the product has dried up, if it is deaf - you still need to dry it.

It will take about one day to dry on a battery, in the summer you can put the product on the windowsill.

When drying in the oven, you need to set a low temperature (50-150 degrees) with the door open. It will take about 3 hours for a thin product.

After drying, the craft can be painted or varnished to protect the surface from damage and brittleness.

You can watch a video on how to easily and simply prepare salt dough here:

Develop with your kids, sculpt and create for yourself in joy! Subscribe to updates and share the article with friends on social networks! And I'm waiting for you on our site again.

There are many recipes for creating dough, but the basis is always the same. For its preparation, all the ingredients can be found in any kitchen. Anything you need:

  • Flour (one glass)
  • Salt (one glass)
  • Water (1/2 cup)

To prepare, take a deep bowl and mix all the dry ingredients. Add water and mix all ingredients thoroughly. The dough must be kneaded until it stops sticking to the hands, it should not crumble. If you do everything right, you will get an elastic, dense density of the dough.

For all kinds of crafts, it can be of different density and consistency.

  • Thick dough is suitable for creating voluminous crafts, it keeps its shape perfectly;
  • Universal dough is suitable for beginners; crafts, figurines and small paintings are perfectly made from;
  • Soft, more pliable dough is intended for making flowers.

Drying salt dough crafts

To ensure that the product does not crumble and hardens well, it must be dried.

Consider the methods of drying the finished product.

After finishing work with the product, just leave it to dry naturally. The main condition for this method, do not allow direct sunlight. Otherwise, your craft will be covered with cracks. Lay the finished craft on a straight, smooth surface and allow it to dry. This method takes 3 to 5 days, depending on the size of the product.

Another drying method will not take so much time. The finished craft can be dried in the oven. With such drying, the whole procedure will take no more than 5-6 hours. But here you need to show patience and care. The drying temperature should be no more than 100 degrees. It is necessary to dry the product at intervals, which will be 1-2 hours.

Painting products

You can also color the workpiece in different colors during the cooking process: add food coloring and mix thoroughly.

After staining, let it dry and finish varnishing. This will protect the paint from fading, and the product from excessive moisture.

Salt dough figurines - master classes


To make a dough star, you will need the following supplies:

  • Dough;
  • An asterisk mold or a stack for cutting shapes;
  • Thin wand.


  1. Make a ball out of the dough, and roll out a cake from it.
  2. Cut out an asterisk with a shape (if there is no shape, use a special stick for cutting plasticine).
  3. With a toothpick, make dots on the star, draw eyes and a mouth.
  4. For decoration, you can paint it in different colors.
  5. Make a small hole at the top through which you can thread the tape. And you have a wonderful Christmas decoration!


The child can do this craft himself, you will only help him. To make a caterpillar, prepare:

  • Dough (pre-color it green);
  • Penknife;
  • Glue (preferably PVA);


  1. So, for a fun caterpillar, make 6-7 identical balls.
  2. On the head of the caterpillar, draw or stick on the eyes and nose.
  3. Glue the balls to each other. Dry the craft, then varnish it. Your caterpillar is ready!


To make a hedgehog puff pastry would need:

  • dough;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Dye;


  1. Sculpt an oval-shaped hedgehog and make an elongated nose.
  2. Glue two small balls and make eyes for the hedgehog.
  3. With scissors on the back, make cuts imitating needles.
  4. Dry the future hedgehog after complete drying, paint it with paint. After complete drying, varnish.

funny fish

To make a fish you need:

  • Dough;
  • Wand;
  • Cap from a felt-tip pen;
  • Ruler.


  1. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3.5 mm. Use the glass to make a circle. With your fingers, pinch the circle on one side, this will be the tail of the future fish.
  2. On the opposite side with a stick, form a mouth.
  3. With the edge of the ruler, squeeze out the prints on the tail and select the fins.
  4. From the small parts of the dough, make the eyes of your fish.
  5. Make fish scales with a cap from a felt-tip pen.
  6. Decorate the tail with thin strips of dough, this will add extra volume.
  7. After drying, paint your fish, and feel free to make a wish!

the Rose

To make beautiful flowers, take:

  • dough preparation;
  • Pencil;
  • Paints;
  • stack for cutting;


  1. Shape the dough into balls, make five balls for the petals and two for the leaves.
  2. Roll out the balls into round cakes, and begin to form a flower.
  3. Gently apply your cakes to the pencil and form the petals. After the bud has turned out, carefully remove it from the pencil and put it on the board, remove the excess with a stack.
  4. From the remaining cakes, cut out the petals and glue on the sides of the bud.
  5. Dry your rose, color and dry completely.
  6. Varnish.

Your rose will delight you for a long time and will not fade!

Show your imagination! Use a variety of materials to decorate crafts. Glue a magnet to a small craft and your child's creativity will always be in a prominent place. Small crafts make wonderful pendants or Christmas tree decorations.

Crafts from this material will be great gifts for the holidays.

Try to show your imagination with your child and start making products of incredible beauty.

One of the most effective activities for the development of fine motor skills is modeling. According to experts, sculpting should begin as early as possible. In this article, I will present our favorite exercises.

When reading materials about how interesting modeling is for children, do not forget that most children at the age of 1 year are conservatives and love the established order. They have only recently come to terms with the idea that all toys are soft or hard. Plasticine is a completely new consistency for the baby, which threatens the existence of everything familiar. At least go and re-check all the items, suddenly one of them is in consistency, like plasticine.

In addition, any creative activity requires not only the formation of a skill, but also the enjoyment of the result. This requires awareness of the results and their capabilities, which is very weak in the second year of life. Therefore, if you decide to do modeling with a baby under two years old, do not expect much jubilation and joy.

The simplest element - “sticks” (cylinders) is mastered by most children in the third year of life. Some cope with the cylinder only in three years. After mastering the cylinders, you can take on the balls.

The book "Plasticine beads" contains 8 pages of exercises for gluing balls. A one-year-old kid will do just fine with them. For a two-year-old, you can complicate the tasks by offering ordinary plasticine. It is more elastic and modeling with it will be more useful for the development of finger motor skills. One of the best is the classic plasticine produced by Luch (Chemical Plant).

In "Plasticine Oranges" there are 8 pages of exercises for creating all kinds of balls:

Happy sculpting!

More publications

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits and advantages of salt dough in the arsenal of an enthusiastic mother. First of all, it is its environmental friendliness. The dough consists of natural ingredients, so accidentally getting into the baby's mouth will not cause unnecessary worries for the mother.

The ease of manufacture and the availability of ingredients make salt dough versatile with the child and the development of fine motor skills. And what is important - the dough turns out to be quite a lot, and there is no need to divide it into a small piece (if you are sculpting together), as is the case with plasticine from a pack.

Dough recipe and dyes

There are many different recipes for salt dough. Basically they are divided into two types:

  • With heat treatment;
  • Without heat treatment.
  • 1 st. flour;
  • 0.5 st. fine salt "Extra";
  • 1 tbsp starch;
  • 0.5 st. cold water(from the refrigerator).

First, all solid ingredients are mixed, then water is added in portions and the dough is kneaded. Ready-made salt dough does not stick to hands.

The mass for modeling can be left in a natural color or a dye can be added during the kneading process. If you want to make the salt dough colorful, then divide ready dough into several parts, add the necessary dye and knead well again (we used the last option).

Dyes you can use:

  • food (for coloring Easter eggs);
  • natural (coffee or cocoa give different shades of brown, paprika - orange, spirulina (dietary supplement, sold in a pharmacy) - green, turmeric - yellow).

The dough turned out soft and elastic. Such a composition is suitable for sculpting flat and semi-volumetric figures (for example, the elephant that we blinded began to “blur” after 10 minutes, and the hedgehog remarkably retained its shape). Of the minuses - after sculpting, powder from flour and salt remains on the hands, unlike hot-cooked dough.

Materials and fixtures

Of course, you can only do salt dough And it's great to snuggle with the baby. However, the following materials will help you significantly diversify your studies.

For shaping can be used:

  • cookie cutters;
  • Pasochki from the sandbox (after washing them);
  • Covers of different diameters;
  • Self-made stencils from cardboard (prepare stencils of parts of the drawing according to the principle, then apply them to the rolled out dough and cut along the contour with a children's knife or stack).

For embossing and creating all kinds of prints will come in handy:

  • Lace paper and textile;
  • Caps from felt-tip pens;
  • Drill (preferably not new with a blunt end);
  • Fork;
  • Cocktail tube (it is convenient to make holes in pendants or openwork pendants);
  • Sticks of different diameters;
  • Relief plants (juniper, maple leaves);
  • Shells.

For decorations crafts fit:

  • Pasta of various shapes;
  • Groats (beans, peas, chickpeas);
  • Plant seeds (watermelon, sunflower, pumpkin);
  • Seasonings (black pepper, cloves);
  • Buttons and beads.

In addition, handicrafts will come in handy: a rolling pin, garlic press and nail scissors

Salt dough craft ideas for kids

Now let's see what can be done with the child using the above materials.


Many parents make a plaster cast or an imprint of a baby’s hand / foot as a keepsake for a year old child. The same can be done with salt dough.

We roll out a layer 1-1.5 cm thick, with the help of a small bowl we cut out a circle of a suitable diameter, attach the baby’s handle and help to press it well to the dough.

On the side we make an inscription: the date or age of the baby and send it to dry.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Pendants and pendants

We roll out the dough and squeeze out a circle of a suitable diameter. Together with the child we fill the circle various materials for decoration.

Another option: we make all kinds of prints on the rolled surface, and then we cut out the area we like with the help of cookie cutters.

When all the preliminary work is over, we form a hole for hanging with a cocktail tube and dry it.

In order to make an openwork pendant, carefully make holes in the dough with a cocktail tube, turning it slightly at the end so that the dough remains in the tube.


A simple craft that a child from 3 years old can handle. Roll out the dough with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm and cut out a circle. In the lower part, using the cap from the felt-tip pen, we make semicircles - the plumage of an owl. Next, we bend two semicircles to the center - these are the wings and from above we bend a small semicircle - the head of an owl. We make eyes by pressing the closed part of the cap on the appropriate places and form the mouth of an owl with a stack. With your fingers, we correct the small ears at the place where the semicircles overlap. The owl is ready!


For this craft, we need nail scissors and black pepper for the eyes. We roll the ball, after which we slightly stretch one of its sides, forming the muzzle of a hedgehog. With the help of manicure scissors, we make triangular cuts over the entire surface of the future “fur coat”, at the end raising the dough up a little - these are hedgehog needles. From black pepper we make eyes and a nose to a hedgehog. Our forest animal is ready!

caterpillar and snail

These are crafts for the little ones. For the snail, we roll out two sausages: one long narrow, the second short, but thick. We turn the narrow one into a spiral, forming a snail's house and put it on a thick base. We make eyes from black pepper, and horns from small sausages.

For the caterpillar, we roll a thick sausage and a few balls. We place the balls on the sausage, pressing them with a stick or the back of the brush. With the same stick we press on the side surfaces of the caterpillar and insert the eyes - peas.

And finally, inspiration for indecisive moms who put off salt dough modeling because of doubts about what they are. Even if the result of your joint creativity is such an animal / bird of an unknown breed as in the photo below, the child will be happy and will show off his product to everyone.

The dots on the head and furrows on the tail are made with a fork. Small balls are fixed with a round stick, and large ones are fixed with pressed beans.

Drying products and their coloring

If your child does not immediately seek to disassemble the craft, and you decide to save it, then there are two ways to dry products from salt dough:

  1. Natural drying. The craft is left at room conditions, and it dries on its own at 1 mm per day.
  2. Drying in the oven. They try to sculpt such crafts on foil so that the product does not deform when transferred. In addition, only natural materials should be used (without buttons, beads, etc.). The craft is placed in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 50 degrees. If the craft is voluminous, then alternate periods of drying in the oven and in natural conditions.

If you initially sculpted from unpainted dough, and then wanted to paint the craft, then you can do this only after complete drying, otherwise the paint will crack.

You will learn how to mold a basket with mushrooms from this video:

Have you tried making with salt dough? Tell me in the comments?

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