Home Soups Lemon zest ginger honey. Ginger lemon honey proportion. Effective healing of the body with the help of ginger mixtures

Lemon zest ginger honey. Ginger lemon honey proportion. Effective healing of the body with the help of ginger mixtures

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/images.jpg" alt="Ginger with lemon and honey health recipe" width="216" height="300" data-recalc-dims="1">!} I share my experience on how to prepare a mixture of lemon, honey, ginger, advice: how to take it correctly, my feelings on well-being, improving immunity, the effect of cleansing the body and getting out of a protracted depression. This recipe for health ginger with lemon and honey is known from time immemorial.

The prepared mixture and its use is the prevention of many diseases, in particular, the prevention of atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots, cleansing the body as a whole.
Why and why did I decide to prepare a vitamin mixture for myself?

Because I take it in the cold season to increase immunity and fight colds, as well as to slightly speed up my metabolism before the winter period, when my body begins to accumulate additional kilograms of weight.

The mixture can be used as a base for a warming drink (if you are cold), adding it to tea, and as a source of nutrition for the body. Try mine with St. John's wort, rose hips, garlic - follow the link - you can find out 4 health tea recipes for flu and colds. They helped me - during the epidemic, I did not contract this disease.

How to prepare a health recipe for ginger with lemon and honey: proportions

How do I prepare my vitamin bomb - ginger with lemon and honey health recipe? In my preparation, there is no such ingredient as water at all - I make a thick fortified mixture with a sweet and sour taste and a refreshing ginger aroma. The consistency is similar to jam.

Each time the mixture turns out a little different: sometimes honey is collected from other plants, sometimes I change its ratio relative to other components, then I add spices.

There are several options for preparing ginger grated with lemon and honey for the winter. Let's consider them in more detail.

Recipe 1. Lemon with ginger and honey in a jar - my recipe for depression and colds

This year I made a ginger mixture in approximately the same proportions:

  • 250 grams of linden honey
  • 220 grams of ginger root
  • two lemons

This ratio of components in the ginger honey lemon recipe is suitable for those who like a spicier taste.

How to cook lemon ginger honey recipe:

  1. Take a golden smooth ginger root. It must be rubbed on a fine grater. I do not peel the root, as it has a lot of plant fibers that are useful for cleansing the intestines. It is because of the fibers that it is difficult to rub ginger - the cells of the grater are clogged. If you do not have my patience - cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Cut the lemon into several pieces and blind it. I prefer to grate the lemon as well. Do not cut the skin, just rinse with boiling water.
  3. Add the lemon mixture to the ginger, grated or ground in a meat grinder, mix and pour with honey. Mix again.
  4. Lemon grated with ginger and honey is transferred to a glass jar with a screw cap. We store in the refrigerator. A day later, I begin to use the prepared medicinal mass.
    Such a jar of health, the recipe of which has been personally tested, can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, since honey is an excellent preservative, and ginger kills pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

This year I made some changes to the basic recipe: I added 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon and a few pieces of sweet cloves.
The taste is very spicy! I like it.

Now you know how to prepare lemon, ginger and honey for the winter - the same mixture can be used to make a ginger-lemon drink (1 teaspoon per glass of boiled water at a temperature of 50 degrees).

Recipe 2. Ginger with honey and lemon for immunity (in a meat grinder)

The composition of the recipe differs from the previous one by the increased content of lemons. There are twice as many of them:

  • 100 grams of ginger root
  • 100-150 grams of sweet bee product
  • 4 lemons with peel
  • 4 garlic cloves (optional)

How to cook mixture for immunity from ginger honey and lemon:

  1. Thoroughly wash the ginger root and cut into thin slices
  2. Pour boiling water over the lemons and cut into 4 pieces.
  3. Skip the chopped pieces of ginger and lemon through a meat grinder.
  4. Mix ginger and lemon.
  5. Add honey and mix again.
  6. Pass the garlic through a garlic press, add to the ginger with lemon and honey and stir again. The smell of garlic completely interrupts the lemon, and phytoncides successfully cope with viruses.
  7. Transfer the contents to a container with an airtight lid and store in the refrigerator.

In this recipe, the content of vitamin C is much higher, which stimulates an increase in the protective functions of the body during epidemics and colds.

Recipe 3. Ginger with lemon for a slim figure

The recipe for a mixture of lemon and ginger is suitable for those who cannot eat honey and other bee products (the reason is diabetes, allergies). Lemon-ginger mixture is used for weight loss, as both of these products (ginger and lemon) stimulate an increase in metabolic processes.


0.5 kg lemons
250 grams of ginger root

How to cook:

Grate the ginger. Wash the lemons and (with the peel) cut into several pieces. put in a blender and blend until smooth. Combine the grated ginger with the lemon mixture and blind for a few more minutes. Transfer the resulting wellness mixture to an airtight container or jar and store the workpiece in the refrigerator, in the fruit compartment.

How to apply: in the morning on an empty stomach, add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to a glass of drinking water at room temperature and drink - your body will receive a portion of vigor and a small whip to speed up metabolic processes. If you do this every day, the waist will appear - checked.

Ginger mixture to increase immunity and reduce appetite

The perfect trio: honey, ginger and lemon is the most effective, as each component enhances the action of the other.
Look at the content of the main vitamins in ginger:
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By adding to the listed vitamins those that have lemon and honey, the high efficiency of the mixture and a wide range of action on the human body become clear.

Ginger with lemon and honey for immunity

A mixture of ginger, lemon, honey for immunity and increasing the protective function of the body is unique. Natural products, without harmful synthetic additives, provide powerful support to our body in terms of health.

Honey is known as a storehouse of useful substances with a tonic, antiseptic and tonic effect, gently relieves nervous tension and restores sleep. Stimulates the synthesis of interferon by the immune system of our body, cleanses blood vessels.
Lemon contains vitamin C, fiber, pectins, and plenty of minerals. It normalizes the synthesis of hormones, boosts immunity and protects the body from failures in metabolic processes, slows down the aging process.

Ginger is a powerful tonic, known for its anthelmintic and cleansing effects. Ginger root normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves nausea, freshens breath, improves oxygen metabolism in the muscles.

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Each of the components individually helps the body in increasing immunity. If they are combined, the phenomenon is observed synergy or enhancing each other's actions. Therefore, I make a similar mixture for myself in the spring-autumn period. It is not only a vitamin bomb, but also an excellent shield for the body.

Cold mix ginger, lemon and honey. Personal application experience

A few days ago, my throat began to tickle, my eyes reddened and chills appeared in the evening. There was a jar of prepared lemon ginger honey in the refrigerator. Opening it, she ate two teaspoons of the mass, drinking enough hot water. Before going to bed, I drank tea with the addition of 1 teaspoon of the wellness mixture. The temperature of the tea when you add the mixture should be no higher than 50 degrees, otherwise vitamin C and other healing products will be destroyed.

In the morning the condition improved significantly. Again I took two teaspoons of lemon-ginger honey inside, drinking a glass of warm enough water. An hour later I drank tea with ginger mixture.

The procedure was repeated overnight. In the morning I woke up completely healthy and cheerful. I used ginger tea prophylactically for another week, adding the mixture when the tea cooled down a bit.

It should be noted that ginger has a strong diaphoretic property - much stronger than linden. Therefore, you can take a medicinal product in the morning only when you do not need to leave the house anywhere.

IN preventive purposes I take 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening with warm water.

Vitamin mixture to increase immunity for children. ginger drink

A mixture of ginger with lemon and honey for immunity is suitable for children, it is used effectively and successfully. The only condition is that doctors do not recommend giving it to children under 2 years of age due to the presence of strong biologically active substances (ginger) and a possible allergy to honey and citrus fruits.

What is the benefit of the mixture for children? When a child drinks tea or lemonade with the addition of a ginger mixture for a week in the morning and evening, then he will:

  • significantly improve the body's resistance
  • antiviral prophylaxis (influenza, acute respiratory infections) will be carried out
  • get rid of frequent colds
  • the work of the stomach and intestines is normalized (immunity depends on the intestine by 60%)
  • 1 teaspoon ginger juice
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Mix everything and take it inside with a glass of warm clean water.

See how to make a delicious and healthy drink - ginger lemonade. It can be prepared for any holiday or for the prevention of colds. The only wish is to replace sugar with honey (in the absence of an allergy to honey):

You can also make gingerbread cookies, ice cream, poured with a mixture of honey, ginger and lemon, add a healthy mass to cereals for a child.

Ginger in Ayurveda is called "the one that kindles the inner fire." This ability to kindle the inner fire and burn fats is used to reduce the weight of the body. Ginger speeds up metabolism due to the supply of oxygen to cells and fat is quickly burned, turning into energy, which we need so much.

Just don’t be under the illusion that you will drink one cup of ginger tea and become like a Barbie doll - long and skinny. The whole point of losing weight with ginger is the regular intake of ginger, lemon and honey at the same time.

Personal impressions of taking ginger mixture for weight loss

To be honest, I didn’t have a goal to lose weight, every autumn my only goal is to fix the weight that I reached in the summer. And since in the autumn-winter period I am overcome by laziness, and I remind myself of a bear that builds a den and hibernates, the question of not gaining extra pounds in the abdomen and hips is relevant for me.

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What has changed in my body with the use of ginger mixture

  1. Before I had time to open my eyes, I went into the office of thought and reflection. I see the result cleansing the body from feces. Honestly, I don't eat that much! Already due to this process, it really took 3 kg. It works ginger- it stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and increases intestinal friction.
  2. After taking 1 teaspoon of the mixture in the morning one hour before meals, significantly decreased appetite. Or rather, he is, I take food with pleasure, but the feeling of hunger has disappeared. Thanks to the nutritional value honey cells do not starve, they are saturated with useful substances and do not require food.
  3. In the evening, I am not drawn to the feat of taking the Bastille of the refrigerator and hand-to-hand combat to destroy its reserves. At 19.00 I take again a teaspoon of the vitamin mixture and I know for sure that I don’t want to eat before going to bed.
  4. There have been significantly more strength and vitality. Three times a day I take long walks in the forest for the benefit of myself and the dogs. The mood is simply indescribable! My long-term depression was lifted as if by hand, I am cheerful and cheerful, which has not been for a long time ... Here is a complex work all three components- ginger, lemon and honey. I can say that ginger is an excellent antidepressant. A normal vitality is important for exercise.
  5. Lemon with ginger enhances metabolic processes and regulates hormonal levels. Drowsiness disappeared after eating. Even the posture has changed a little - at least that's what my friend told me.
  6. In the morning I wake up cheerful, rested, the constant muscle fatigue and the desire to sleep for another 5 minutes disappeared.

How to take ginger mixture

Most bloggers recommend steaming, boiling, pouring hot water over ginger. I think it's misuse health mix. Why? I hope that most of you understand that under the influence of temperature, all enzymes (honey), all vitamins (except for group B), and most biologically active substances are destroyed.

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So if you want make hot ginger tea- remember that there will be a minimum of healing substances. From the lemon there will be a smell, and honey generally loses everything.
I suggest this solution for lovers of health tea with ginger, lemon and honey:

  • brew black or green tea with boiling water
  • for smell (not benefit), add lemon zest and wait for it to cool down to a temperature not higher than 50 degrees
  • add one or two teaspoons of the prepared mixture to a cup of tea, stir and - be healthy!

Then indeed you have prepared a healing drink. You can drink up to 2 liters per day. Also keep in mind that ginger tones up and drinking it at night just before bedtime is not recommended. True, I have an absolutely opposite experience - on the contrary, I fall asleep like a groundhog. Sometimes the head falls on the laptop keyboard. Can't stay up late. I started going to bed at 23.00 - this is how this mixture affects me.

Let's watch and do! If someone decides to do it, share your impressions in the comments.

Ginger with lemon and honey for cholesterol

Why do we need to monitor the level of cholesterol in the body? Because its excess leads to sclerotization of blood vessels and thrombosis, which threatens a stroke or heart attack.

Ginger contains gynegrol and due to it converts bad cholesterol into bile acids and the presence of vitamin B3 reduces the level of cholesterol in the body. The normal cholesterol level is 5 mmol/l. With age, it increases, especially among lovers of fried foods.

Ginger thins the blood and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots in the vessels. Honey also cleans blood vessels from cholesterol formations well. In the complex, ginger, lemon and honey enhance each other's action in cleansing the blood and blood vessels.

Since I wanted to get the most out of taking the ginger mixture, I added one tablespoon of turmeric and cinnamon to the recipe, which is described at the beginning of the article, which also protect against atherosclerosis.

Health recipe ginger with lemon and honey can be used:

  • to increase the protective properties of the body and raise immunity
  • with a cold
  • for weight loss in combination with physical activity and rational nutrition
  • for the prevention of atherosclerosis and thrombosis

Contraindications for use

Since ginger is a spice, there are no special restrictions on its use, except for individual intolerance. The same goes for honey and lemon. Some caution is advised when using a mixture of ginger with lemon and honey in the following cases:

  • increased pressure - a pressure surge is possible (in practice, I checked that it never happens, just reinsurance!)
  • ulcer, gastritis during exacerbation
  • bleeding, as it thins the blood
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding

When using a wellness mixture, listen to your feelings and adjust its intake accordingly, when reducing, and when increasing the dose and frequency of administration.

Be always healthy and in good physical shape, and the described mixture will help you with this!

The root of this plant has been consumed by man for centuries and is widely known as a seasoning with a sharp spicy taste. At one time, it was imported from South Asia and quickly gained popularity among the population of many countries.

This is not its only quality: it has medicinal properties and is good for health in general. Ginger, honey, lemon - a recipe for immunity, strengthening it, as well as for the prevention of SARS and influenza, especially during the period of increasing incidence.

In contact with


Thanks to the discovery of useful properties,. These properties are due to the large amount of vitamins and trace elements, amino acids and essential oils that make up the chemical composition of the root.

Conducted scientific studies have confirmed that ginger has beneficial properties for the human body. Unfortunately, the volume of these studies and their reliability cannot yet be unambiguously assessed due to their small number.

Ginger for immunity is useful to use in combination with honey and lemon. When lemon is added, the drink is enriched with vitamin C, which plays an important role in recovery and metabolic processes, ensures the absorption of iron by the body and generally speeds up recovery. Ginger and lemon are important for immunity because they increase the protective properties of the body during the fight against infections.

Honey is a unique healing product. It has a general strengthening effect and accelerates the healing process, and also contains many micro and macro elements necessary for a person.


The proportions of ginger, honey, lemon in recipes for immunity may vary. To get one serving according to the recipe, it is enough to take:

  • 10 g of grated root;
  • 2-3 lemon slices or 2 tsp. lemon juice;
  • honey to taste;
  • 200 ml hot water.

The taste of ginger is very sharp and spicy, so you should not abuse it in quantity.

Recipe for a drink based on 1 liter of water:

  • 100 g fresh ginger root;
  • 1 medium sized lemon;
  • 2-3 tbsp honey.

According to the recipe, honey, ginger, lemon for immunity should be taken only fresh, then the concentration of nutrients will be as high as possible. The only exception is honey, in a candied form it does not lose its healing properties.

How to cook?

There are many recipes for immunity. The fresh root is washed, carefully peeled, cut into thin slices or grated. Ginger is stored in the refrigerator, in a closed glass or plastic package for no more than a month.

Let's start preparing ginger for immunity: the recipes are actually quite simple and do not require special skills and special knowledge in the field of traditional medicine.

To remove excess bitterness from the peel of a lemon, it is placed for 10-15 minutes in hot water. In addition, ginger is possible, or.

Ginger and lemon are very useful for strengthening immunity, but if you add honey, then the therapeutic and prophylactic and restorative effect will only increase.

Under the influence of high temperatures, the beneficial properties of honey are lost, therefore, according to the recipe, it is added last when the liquid has cooled to 60 degrees.

When cooking, use hot, but not boiling water. Products are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused. It is best to use a thermos for these purposes. After 30-40 minutes the drink is ready.

Ginger drink for immunity can be prepared in an express way. The recipe ingredients are the same. The required amount of root is poured with water and brought to a boil, at the end lemon juice is added, and when the drink has cooled down, honey.

Recipes for Immune Boosting Mixtures for Children and Adults

How to prepare a mixture for immunity from ginger, lemon, honey and other ingredients depends on taste preferences and individual tolerance. The components of such mixtures in the recipe can be supplemented with healthy products or excluded at your discretion.

It should be remembered that ginger and honey are useful for immunity, but they are strong allergens, so it is recommended to start giving the mixture to children no earlier than 3 years old, starting with half a teaspoon to follow the reaction of the body.

The ginger-honey-lemon mixture is considered especially useful. The recipe for its preparation:

  • 2 large lemons;
  • fresh ginger - 200 g;
  • honey - 100 g.

The peeled root and lemon, along with the skin, are crushed using a blender, meat grinder or food processor. The resulting mixture is seasoned with honey, closed and placed for a day in a dark place. Honey, ginger and lemon are used to boost immunity for at least 1 month.

Another recipe for a healthy and no less tasty mixture:

  • 1-2 lemons;
  • fresh ginger - 200 g;
  • natural honey - 200 g;
  • dried fruits of your choice - 200 g;
  • walnut - 100 g.

It is taken on an empty stomach for 1 tablespoon for adults, for children - 1 teaspoon. To increase immunity, it is recommended to use it for at least 1 month, especially pay attention to this during the cold season. The break in admission is also 1 month.

According to the recipe, wash the lemons, cut into cubes. Prepare root. Rinse dried fruits, soak in warm water for 20-30 minutes. Then grind all the ingredients in a blender or food processor, add honey.

It looks like a ready-made vitamin mixture with ginger and dried fruits

With the onset of the season of colds, ginger contributes not only to strengthening the immune system. It alleviates the condition and speeds up the healing process, if the disease still overtakes. Thanks to the variety of recipes, you can prepare a drink to your taste.

However, taking ginger-based drinks has its limitations. In addition to individual intolerance, they should not be consumed at high temperatures, since the root has warming properties and the general condition can only worsen.

Useful video

A mixture of honey, lemon and ginger is not only a delicious treat, but also an excellent remedy for improving immunity. Each of these three products has special properties and is successfully used to treat various diseases:


  1. Undoubtedly, ginger improves immunity, as it has beneficial properties and has a certain effect on the body. However, it should be borne in mind that it has a number of contraindications, and the effect depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  2. As a prophylactic and restorative agent, it should be taken during the period of spring beriberi and during an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.
  3. Do not neglect visiting a doctor and engage in self-medication only. Recommendations of a specialist, coupled with the use of remedies prepared according to traditional medicine recipes, speed up recovery.

In contact with

This folk recipe, consisting of ingredients familiar to all and tested by many people, is indeed a valuable find.

There are only three products in it, but each of them has invaluable healing properties, which, when combined in one recipe, give explosive power.

Ginger with lemon and honey is a health recipe, consisting of biologically active substances, minerals and vitamins, that brings relief from many diseases, not only viral ones.

And relieves cough, and fever, and is effective for raising immunity. But everything is in order.

Ginger with lemon and honey - a recipe for health

The recipe for health was not invented by chance. Three natural components enhance each other's properties, knowing this, more and more new options for its preparation appear, which differ in the way the drug is prepared. But the composition of the ingredients remains the same everywhere: ginger, lemon, honey.

How to make delicious medicine

Despite the variety of recipes, in their preparation there is something in common that unites them:

  • the number of components and proportions are almost the same,
  • in the process of cooking, lemon and ginger are first mixed, and honey is added to the field,
  • the prepared drug is stored in a cool place, in a glass or ceramic container, under a tight lid.

Classic recipe

For cooking, two lemons and 1/4 kg of honey and ginger root will be enough. Well, if the honey is liquid, it is easier to mix. Thick honey can be put in a water bath, but you should not heat the water too much, the honey will soon turn into a liquid state.

After washing, grate the ginger root together with the peel on a fine grater; the peel contains both vegetable fibers and vitamins and minerals. You can also use another method - chopping with a knife, or twisting in a meat grinder.

Lemons, after cutting into slices, together with the peel, send to a blender and turn them into a homogeneous mass. Do not forget to remove the seeds, they add bitterness, although they are also full of various benefits.

After mixing the ginger and lemon, stir in the honey. Transfer the mixture to a jar with a tight-fitting lid and refrigerate. The drug will infuse for a day and will be ready for use.

To the classic recipe, to enhance the healing properties, you can add spices, cinnamon and turmeric, cloves and cardamom are suitable ...

Useful properties of the mixture for health

It is difficult to single out the main component in healing recipes, most likely it is ginger. It is a key healing agent in Ayurvedic medicine, popular in Tibetan and Chinese, and now our traditional medicine.

It has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, bactericidal and antiseptic, warming, cleansing and stimulating.

Ginger contains unique burning substances that eliminate inflammatory processes in the intestines, bloating and gas formation. It has analgesic, soothing and antibacterial properties, antihistamine and immunomodulatory effects. Full of vitamins and minerals.

  • For more details, read the article: Ginger root, composition and beneficial properties.

Lemon for its beneficial properties is also unique and differs not only in its huge content of vitamin C, but also in significant reserves of organic acids and phytoncides, carotenes and flavonoids. The fruit has gained recognition in the fight against colds.

After all, it activates the immune forces of the body, affects the processes of stabilizing the hormonal background, slows down the aging process of the body, like a rejuvenating apple. And this effect is unique and necessary in the treatment of any disease.

About honey Since ancient times, legends have been sung about its healing properties. This amazing product is produced by bees from flower nectar and pollen. A huge energy supply created by nature is contained in the bee product.

It is filled with biologically active components, vitamins that provide the body with the energy of life, strengthen the immune system and give it antiseptic, tonic, cleansing, strengthening properties.

Together, when the three ingredients interact, a synergistic effect is triggered, which multiplies the strength and power of these products several times. And this is incomparable with taking each of them separately.

The recipes presented in the article can be used for preventive purposes, as well as for treatment, at any time of the year. If this is not the season of colds, then the way to fill the body with vitamins and minerals, which is important in the winter.

What else can be cooked, additional recipes

As noted above, three natural products (root, fruit and honey) in themselves have extraordinary healing properties, so they are often used in traditional medicine to prepare potions.

tea for colds

Tea is drunk not only for the purpose of prevention, but also for the treatment of colds. It is especially useful during epidemics of viral diseases, it helps to strengthen the immune system and stay healthy.

But if you are already sick, then tea will help you recover faster. It helps relieve cough and sore throat, speeds up the process of fighting a runny nose, relieves fever. During illness, it is recommended after taking tea (and you need to drink it up to three times a day), wrap yourself up well, it is better to lie down in bed under the covers and sweat.

For cooking, the exact ingredients are not indicated, everything is put to your liking. The root is finely cut without skin and poured with boiling water, juice is squeezed out of a lemon slice and then honey is added.

Additionally, tea gives a surge of strength and relieves fatigue, relieves headaches.

Therapeutic anti-inflammatory drink for viral infections

To use it for treatment, prepare:

  • 4 tablespoons (tablespoons) grated ginger root,
  • 1.5 liters of water,
  • 5 tablespoons of honey,
  • 6 tbsp orange or lemon juice,
  • two - three sprigs of lemon balm or mint,
  • to taste: allspice, cinnamon and cardamom.

Bring water to a boil and add ginger. After a little sweat, add juice and spices. Infuse the drink for 15 minutes and put honey and mint, after kneading the sprig with your fingers.

Ginger, lemon, honey - a recipe for immunity

The presence of B vitamins, A.C, minerals such as iron and calcium, magnesium and zinc and other active ingredients make it possible to suppress bacteria and viruses.

The mixture to strengthen the immune system includes one hundred grams of ginger root, which are grated, free four lemons from the peel and seeds, cut into pieces and chop with a blender.

After mixing the ginger mass with lemon, add 150 ml of honey to it. Transfer the mixture to a glass jar and refrigerate. Every day, eat a tablespoon of a healing potion that will strengthen your health and your immunity.

How to apply for children

For children, the mixture is recommended only after 3 years of age, due to the saturation of biologically active components. In infancy, the formation and even formation of some systems and organs is still ongoing, so the impact of even natural components on this process is not desirable.

After three years, the drug helps:

  • strengthen the immune forces of the child's body, building internal protection against viruses and infections,
  • in the formation and strengthening of the work of the digestive organs, on which the strength of the body's protective barriers depends on more than 60%.

Recipe for weight loss

Ayurvedic medicine considers ginger to be an effective remedy that warms up and “ignites” the body from the inside. And this process contributes to the burning of accumulated fats, which occurs due to the activation of oxygen exchange in cells and tissues.

But you should not expect a miracle from one cup of a drunk drink or tea. This is a long and systematic process, but it gives a result. Therefore, it is equally useful for both men and women:

Infusion for weight loss. Pour chopped ginger and two tablespoons of green tea in a thermos with boiling water (two liters). After 3 hours of infusion, strain, pour in the juice of half a lemon and add three tablespoons of tea honey.

Slimming Tea. In a glass of boiling water, brew half a teaspoon of chopped ginger. After 10 minutes of infusion, put a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey in a cup. It is better to drink tea in the morning and in the afternoon, half a glass each.
Watch the video: Ginger for weight loss

Garlic drink. Garlic is often recommended for dietary nutrition, it helps burn fat, restores the body's immune forces, phytoncides normalize bowel function and destroy pathogenic bacteria.

In this recipe, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of ginger root (medium size), 4 heads of garlic, 4 lime fruits, which is poured with boiling water and infused for 3 hours. ml.

How the drug acts on the body, what processes it activates:

  1. Regular use accelerates the process of freeing the body from accumulated decay products, which sometimes settle in the body in the form of toxins. The purification process is accompanied by the removal of toxins, excess water, pathogenic bacteria with slags.
  2. The use of the mixture before meals slightly reduces appetite. This happens due to the intake of useful substances necessary for the body, including honey carbohydrates, with the medicine. Sometimes, a teaspoon of the mixture 60 minutes before meals, twice a day, is enough to muffle the feeling of hunger that develops before bedtime.
  3. There is an increase in the vitality of the body. There is a desire to do sports and household chores, to take daily walks. The depressive state is removed, the body returns the ability to enjoy the surrounding reality.
  4. Acceleration of metabolic processes, contributes to the activation of all processes occurring in the body, which eliminates drowsiness after eating. And morning awakening will not be a painful process associated with unwillingness to get out of bed. Gradually, the body is filled with vivacity and energy of youth. Here you have the properties inherent in the rejuvenating apple.

What is important to consider when preparing

In most recommended recipes, the ingredients are poured with boiling water or even brought to a boil. Probably, in this case, some properties of the products are lost or reduced, because it is known that heat treatment destroys many vitamins and active biological substances.

Maybe someone will need this advice. To flavor tea, you can brew a piece of lemon peel in it, and when the tea has cooled down to 50 degrees, then stir in it a spoonful of tea mixture: ginger with lemon and honey. Then all the healing properties in the drink will be preserved.

I've been looking at this forum for reviews of these recipes. Some argue that since ginger drinks are tonic, they should not be drunk late in the evening, because of the possibility of losing sleep. Others claim that the presence of honey, on the contrary, causes drowsiness if you drink warm tea with the mixture before going to bed.

Ginger with lemon and honey is a mixture that is beneficial for human health in inflammatory diseases. The products can be used as a tea or as a dietary supplement for both adults and children as a mood booster during periods of depression or as a preventive measure against various diseases. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to know the properties of the products and how to take them correctly. Otherwise, they can bring significant harm.


A mixture of three products is considered useful due to the main component - ginger root. However, honey and lemon also have immune-boosting properties and contain many nutrients. Regular consumption of ginger with citrus fruit and a bee product will help normalize the digestive process, especially in people with weak peristalsis of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract and low acidity of gastric juice. At the same time, the main beneficial properties of food components are to strengthen immunity. As a result, human health improves, the risk of infectious and inflammatory processes decreases.

Drinks prepared on the basis of three products help to normalize the functional activity of the gallbladder and participate in the excretion of bile, which helps in the breakdown of fat. In addition, ginger with lemon and honey supports the normal state and growth of the natural intestinal microflora, accelerates the absorption of nutrients by microvilli in the small intestine and facilitates the peristalsis of the organ. Recipes based on three nutritious ingredients were used by traditional healers for children to eliminate irritation of the stomach walls, and for adults to slow down the aging process. The latter is due to the antioxidant properties of the products.

Each component has an individual composition and useful qualities, which requires separate consideration.

Getting to know the citrus ingredient

Lemon has a high content of vitamin C - ascorbic acid, which is a strong natural antioxidant and exhibits antibacterial properties. The chemical compound slows down the aging process and prevents the development of oxidative reactions in the body, provoked by exposure to free radical groups. The latter are represented by reactive oxygen species, which cause cell hypoxia and activate the aging process.

Ascorbic acid binds to free radicals and neutralizes toxic elements. And also vitamin C takes an active part in the work of the immune and lymphatic systems. Nutrients in lemon juice help to neutralize the activity of toxic substances in the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase blood circulation in ischemic areas.

Due to its antioxidant properties, ascorbic acid is used against cancer, reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system, stroke and swelling.

properties of ginger root

In folk medicine, the beneficial qualities of ginger are used as a remedy for nausea, indigestion and for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the root vegetable in parallel has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the development of oxidative reactions in the body. When eating ginger, sweating increases, due to which toxic components are removed from the body faster, intoxication is reduced. This therapeutic effect is especially relevant for colds.

If you add ginger root to tea, then the digestion process will normalize, dizziness and vomiting will stop.

Ginger root helps to eliminate chills and fever in severe colds, if you use tea based on it with lemon and honey as a preventive measure in parallel with drug therapy.

Chemical formula of honey

Honey envelops the mucous membranes of the throat, providing a calming and analgesic effect on the foci of the inflammatory process. Such properties helped him to become the first product that is used to eliminate coughs and colds. The abundance of vitamin complexes helps to strengthen the immune system and stimulates the production of lymphocytes. Due to this activation of the lymphatic and immune systems, honey allows the body to more effectively fight infection and fever.

In the ginger-lemon mixture, the sweet component with a pleasant structure brings a balance between sour lemon and spicy ginger, binding both components together. At the same time, the product of bee production gives the mixture a pleasant aroma.

Alternative way of using

It is recommended to use a ginger-lemon mixture with honey on the eve of cold and flu season. These three ingredients will help boost immunity and reduce the risk of contracting viral or infectious diseases. If a person is still sick, then such a nutritional supplement will help overcome the disease in a short time. In some cases, more than oral use of the products is recommended.

Ginger root combined with lemon peel and honey, prepared in advance in the form of a decoction, will be an excellent component in bath procedures. Such a bath will help to relax, stabilize and restore the mental and emotional state after a working day. Ginger root, cut into pieces of 5–6 cm, and 1 chopped lemon should be boiled for 15 minutes, then add honey. The broth must be filtered and poured into a filled hot bath. After the procedure, it is recommended to go to bed immediately.

In addition, a mixture of beneficial ingredients will help cleanse blood vessels, stabilize blood pressure, reduce swelling and cleanse the body of toxic compounds. In parallel, the ginger-honey mixture with lemon helps in other situations.

  • Salmonellosis. According to experimental studies, plant components contained in ginger root have a bactericidal effect on salmonella. After a medical consultation, you can use a mixture of ginger, lemon and honey for salmonellosis. For a greater effect in severe infectious and inflammatory diseases, you can add apple cider vinegar.
  • Cough and fever. A 3-ingredient tea, when taken every 2 hours, helps clear up coughs and increase sweating to reduce fever.
  • Lemon flavor helps to increase concentration. If you regularly drink ginger tea with honey and citrus fruit, you can notice an improvement in memory. It will be easier for a person to focus on work or adapt to new conditions. In addition, a hot drink will help relieve emotional stress, provide a pleasant break and relax the body before a workout or an important performance.
  • Improving the work of the cardiovascular system. Research conducted at the Medical Institute of Maryland recorded that ginger helps prevent abnormal blood clotting. Active plant substances reduce the concentration of cholesterol and improve the rheological properties of the blood. Ginger tea is an excellent prevention of blood clots, which can lead to a stroke or myocardial infarction.

Important! A hot drink with the addition of ginger root, lemon and honey helps to eliminate nausea. Especially during toxicosis during pregnancy.

For men

Spices and aromatic sweet foods help increase libido and sexual performance. Ginger, honey and lemon are food aphrodisiacs because they contain substances that enhance testosterone secretion. In parallel, they help to relieve the inflammatory process in prostatitis. In the presence of benign prostatic hyperplasia, they increase microcirculation and blood supply to tissues in the genital area. Improving blood circulation helps eliminate erectile dysfunction. The three products can be used to make food supplements, snacks or drinks.

To increase potency, men need to choose one of several recipes below and consume ginger with lemon and honey on a regular basis.

  • It is necessary to make a mixture of 200 g of mountain honey, grated ginger root and juice of 2 lemons. Such a dessert can be drunk with tea 2-3 times a day. Can be stored for a week in the refrigerator.
  • The ginger root must be cut into thin circles 2-3 cm thick, after which the chopped parts must be brewed with boiling water. After 30–35 minutes, add 1/4 lemon or lemon juice, 1–2 teaspoons of honey to the finished tea.
  • The remedy for potency can be drunk with coffee. This drink has a quick and short effect. To prepare a healthy mixture, you need to remove the zest from a lemon with a knife or grater, and then dry it in the sun. Gently add the same amount of ground spices from ginger root, rosemary, cinnamon to dried citrus products. You can add cardamom or cloves.

In the process of brewing coffee, proportions must be taken into account - for 1 cup of coffee there is half a teaspoon of spices. 1 teaspoon of honey will sweeten coffee instead of granulated sugar.

  • For those men who love sweets, you can make homemade lemonade. Unlike coffee, the effect is achieved with regular use of the drink and is necessary for people with poor blood supply to the tissues of the genitourinary system. To prepare lemonade, pour 250–300 ml of water into 1 tablespoon of grated ginger root. The mixture should be boiled for 10 minutes. The juice of 1 large lemon is added to the broth, after which the liquid is brought to a boil again. As soon as the drink boils, you need to remove it from the stove and let it cool to room temperature. At the end of the time, the liquid must be filtered and honey added, diluting the mixture with cold boiled water until a liter of lemonade is obtained. You can decorate the drink with ice cubes, lemon slices and mint.
  • To improve erection, you can take a mixture of ginger powder, ½ lemon juice and honey internally. At night, ½ teaspoon for 14 days.

For women

Three food products have an immunostimulating, antiviral effect on the female body. Ginger Root with Lemon and Honey helps eliminate coughs and remove toxic compounds from the body. A hot drink made from healthy ingredients is used as a means of preventing colds and activates the immune system for the winter period, when the risk of developing cystitis increases for women. Even 100 g of ginger root can cure inflamed tonsils against the background of chronic tonsillitis. If a woman has diseases of the cardiovascular system, then she needs to include the root crop in her daily diet to eliminate the disease. The composition of the ginger root includes salts of magnesium and potassium - ions responsible for the functional activity of cardiomyocytes.

With the approach of autumn, many women begin to suffer from constant stress, their mood drops and depression sets in. Antioxidants contained in ginger, lemon and honey can improve the psycho-emotional state, invigorate a woman, drive away fatigue and apathy. When the mood begins to improve, the symptoms of depression also disappear: lethargy, drowsiness, irritation and indifference. Healthy foods can improve memory, help you concentrate, and increase muscle tone.

The latter property is relevant for severe menstrual pain or a general deterioration in well-being during menopause. Pain syndrome will help eliminate strong tea based on ginger root and lemon peel with the addition of honey.

Plant components have an analgesic effect and will have a calming effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. With regular use of a hot drink, fresh breath will appear, the risk of diseases in the oral cavity will decrease, toothache will decrease with thinning of the enamel. During heat treatment with boiling water in the process of brewing tea, some vitamin complexes are destroyed, which is why nutritionists recommend using fresh plant components as a snack for tea.

With the normalization of the digestive function, toxins are removed, the overall metabolism is accelerated. The female body begins to get rid of unnecessary substances, spends fat reserves, which causes weight loss.

To speed up the fat burning process, it is necessary to combine ginger root not only with lemon and honey, but also with green tea or cinnamon leaves. This combination of spices in the drink will give the body energy and help reduce appetite.

Pregnant women with regular use of ginger tea will be able to restore natural hormonal levels, get rid of stress and fatigue. If acne or red spots appeared during this period of life, then these products will help get rid of them. With toxicosis, it is recommended to drink tea on an empty stomach or eat a mixture at the first bouts of nausea.

For children

Many parents are afraid to give their child synthetic drugs because they are considered unhealthy and weaken the body. It is not recommended to completely abandon drugs, because traditional medicine is not always able to help with various diseases. However, natural products will help increase immunity and resistance to the negative properties of drugs, enhance the medicinal effect of the latter. Before using the ginger mixture with lemon and honey, you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of including tea or snacks in the children's diet. Natural nutritional supplements can be an excellent remedy for nausea and colds.

Depending on the age of the child, it is recommended to give a cooled or hot drink. It is allowed to drink 2-3 cups of a hot drink per day, but it should not be abused, since there is a possibility of an allergic reaction. It is recommended to use hypoallergenic linden honey or a bee product based on acacia in the process of making the drink.

In most cases, the human body tolerates natural products well in childhood, so this mixture will help to minimize the list of chemically synthesized medicines.

To prepare children's ginger tea, you must be guided by the following algorithm of actions:

  • you need to peel and cut (grate) the ginger root about 5 cm long; do not use ginger powder;
  • the resulting parts of the root must be mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of honey; you can increase the amount of sweet product as desired;
  • squeeze lemon juice from one citrus fruit and add to the rest of the mixture;
  • the mass of three ingredients is placed in a saucepan and poured with boiled water from 4–6 glasses with a volume of 250 ml;
  • you need to boil the mixture for 15-20 minutes to obtain a concentrated tea.

Need to take tea when the temperature fluctuates within +35… +37°C. It is also important to remember that products should not be given to children under 3 years of age. The amount of ginger in the cooking process can be reduced or increased depending on the desire of the child. It is necessary to ensure that the liquid is not very hot, which is due to thinner mucous membranes in childhood. They are easier to burn than the epithelium of an adult. Inhalation is allowed using a natural ginger mixture with the addition of lemon.

To strengthen the immune response in childhood at the end of summer, you can prepare the child's lymphatic system for colds that worsen in the autumn. To do this, it is recommended to prepare lemonade according to the following recipe, which additionally quenches thirst:

  • you need to clean and cut 3-4 cm of ginger root;
  • put chopped slices in a thermos and pour 300–500 ml of boiling water;
  • you need to insist a hot decoction for 60 minutes, then add lemon juice of one citrus to the drink;
  • when the drink cools down a bit, you need to dissolve honey in it to taste;
  • in the finished drink, it is allowed to add parts of a lemon or ice.

Important! When using natural products, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child. If the state of health has deteriorated sharply or allergic reactions have appeared, you should immediately stop the treatment with a drink.


In some cases, a citrus mixture with the addition of ginger and a bee product may not be suitable for everyone. The nutrients and active compounds in these foods can cause severe allergic and anaphylactoid reactions, especially in susceptible individuals. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to take the mixture in food with great care. It is recommended to try a small sample first to determine the body's tolerance to the nutritional supplement. If negative reactions appear, it is necessary to exclude products from the diet, since the body shows individual intolerance to the mixture.

Any dishes with the addition of ginger root contribute to an increase in body temperature. Therefore, people with a high temperature that rises against the background of diseases should not take three products together.

With colds, it is necessary to use the mixture for food only during periods of low temperature. Otherwise, temperatures above +39°C can cause the destruction of brain neurons. During periods of high t, it is recommended to limit yourself to tea with lemon and honey.

There are some general contraindications for these three nutrients, such as:

  • hemorrhagic disease;
  • ulcerative erosive lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • chronic gastritis or perforative diseases;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms or oncological damage to the blood;
  • tachycardia and severe cardiovascular disease during an exacerbation;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • damage to the liver and biliary tract;
  • predisposition to the development of bleeding;
  • pregnancy period with high uterine tone;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2.

Medical experts recommend drinking hot tea with a citrus blend combined with ginger and a bee product 1-2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, products can provoke the development of insomnia, especially in people with a high level of neuromuscular excitability. You should not add a lot of lemon to the drink, as organic acids adversely affect tooth enamel.

However, this contraindication is easy to bypass - people with hypersensitivity of teeth should drink tea through a straw. This method of application reduces the risk of developing caries and thinning of tooth enamel.

How to apply?

The use of a mixture of ginger root, lemon and honey requires the following rules, especially when losing weight, when you need to feel the result in a short time:

  • only freshly brewed tea brings the greatest benefit, so nutritionists recommend brewing a hot drink in the morning every day;
  • be sure to filter the liquid to reduce the concentration and saturation of the mixture;
  • the optimal dosage is no more than 2 liters per day;
  • it is necessary to drink tea on an empty stomach so that the herbal ingredients dull the feeling of hunger and prevent them from eating too much during a meal;
  • the last time you need to drink tea before 21:00 to ensure the body has a normal sleep and wakefulness regimen, because a mixture of ginger root with lemon and honey activates metabolic processes, causing insomnia;
  • during the cooking process, you can not add a large amount of ginger root - 100-200 g of the product is enough to saturate the body with useful substances.

When losing weight, only daily intake of tea can give a tangible effect. If you use the mixture on fasting days of diet therapy, you can cause only a slight laxative effect. To enhance the fat-burning effect, it is recommended to add additional ingredients to the tea - other natural products for weight loss. You can use a lactic acid-based cocktail with spices (turmeric), which will help in the fight against excess weight.


Tea brewed with ginger root, with the addition of citrus and honey, is a folk medicine recipe for boosting immunity, tested by people. Preparing a hot drink is quite simple. You can cook the product in a thermo mug and consume it hot during the day, which is especially important in the winter season. Tea can be cooled in summer with ice cubes or replaced with lemonade. Before cooking, you need to prepare the ingredients, namely:

  • peel the ginger root and grate, cutting into thin slices is allowed;
  • wash the lemon and divide it in half - squeeze the juice from one, cut the other into circles;
  • grated or finely chopped ginger must be poured with boiling water and allowed to cool for 10 minutes before adding the rest of the ingredients;
  • after the liquid has cooled, you need to add lemon juice to the ginger water and mix thoroughly;
  • the container must be wrapped with a thick cloth and let it brew for 20-25 minutes;
  • in the resulting tincture you need to add honey and the remaining slices of lemon.

High immune response

Each of the three ingredients contains beneficial substances that are especially effective in protecting the body from colds. Ginger tea with the addition of honey and citrus fruit is a necessary remedy for the prevention of inflammatory processes. To strengthen immunity, there are three recipes with the addition of lemon, ginger and honey.

  • Ginger smoothie. To prepare it, you will need a fresh root crop, a tablespoon of honey (the variety is selected to taste), the juice of one large lemon, 3-4 cups of boiled water. If necessary, you can add lemon zest to the drink, which will increase the effectiveness of products when taken against the background of various diseases. All ingredients must be mixed in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If after use there is an extra smoothie, then you need to store it in the refrigerator. To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to take 1 glass of the drug per day in the morning. Ginger smoothie is a great coffee substitute as it invigorates and makes you wake up with sweet and sour taste with a touch of spiciness.
  • Hot decoction. To make it, the ginger root is cut into small pieces and boiled for 5 minutes. After that, citrus juice and about 20 grams of linden honey are added to it.
  • Jam prepared on the basis of three components. This product is suitable for long-term storage in an airtight glass jar. To prepare a remedy, you need to finely grate the ginger root and citrus zest, then add honey to taste. You need to use 1 tablespoon of jam when you feel worse. A homogeneous mixture can be stored for about 3 months in the winter season, provided that it is absolutely tight. Walnuts can be added to taste.

Hot drink for colds based on three ingredients

The main components against colds are ginger and honey, the beneficial substances of which are less destroyed during heat treatment. Lemon for greater effect is recommended to be taken separately in its pure form. The fruit contains flavonoids necessary to activate the immune system and maintain an adequate concentration of ascorbic acid in the body. Citrus juice softens the spicy taste of ginger and adds a pleasant aroma to the drink. Regular intake of such a decoction helps to improve the psycho-emotional state and gives a person cheerfulness.

It is important to remember that the longer ginger is brewed, the more useful qualities it gives into the liquid. Thus, the medicinal property of the drink is increased, but at a high concentration, the tea will become bitter and pungent. Because of this, it is necessary to control the time of preparation and infusion, increasing the period of infusion depending on the desired therapeutic effect.

With daily use of tea based on ginger, lemon and honey, the body strengthens the immune system, thereby better resisting infectious and viral agents. And also there is an acceleration of the process of tissue regeneration, teeth are restored, the absorption of calcium by the musculoskeletal system is normalized, protection is provided from the action of free radical groups that cause irreversible damage to the gene material of the body. As a result of damage to DNA chains, chronic forms of diseases develop. Reactive oxygen species can provoke the development of cancer, arthritis, and pathological changes in the cardiovascular system.

First aid for high cholesterol

Any foods that have an antioxidant effect are a natural remedy for reducing total cholesterol levels in the blood serum. The components of ginger, honey and lemon help stop the oxidative processes of excess cholesterol, slow down the formation of low-density lipoproteins and increase the production of high-density lipoproteins, while improving the rheological properties of the blood, increasing the resistance of the vascular wall to ruptures. A natural remedy helps with cleaning blood vessels and slows down atherosclerotic changes in the vascular endothelium.

With regular use of the ginger-honey mixture with lemon, the risk of cholesterol plaque formation on the walls of the main arteries decreases, blood circulation and blood supply to tissues improves, and an increase in the functional activity of capillaries and coronary vessels is observed. The greatest benefit in this regard is ginger, which activates enzymatic activity to reduce the production of cholesterol in the body.

To improve the state of the cardiovascular system, it is enough to take both fresh and dried ginger root 100 g in crushed form with the addition of 1 lemon slice and a teaspoon of various types of honey per day. An alternative way to use natural products is to add them to tea.

Application for weight loss

Ginger Root takes the main part in the process of digestion of the three ingredients, as it has a thermogenic effect. By increasing body temperature and accelerating the heartbeat, plant components increase overall metabolism. In the course of clinical studies, it was revealed that lemon, due to the high content of organic acids, burns fat well. Both ingredients increase the level of absorption of calcium ions in lipid cells, provoking their conversion into energy. Lemon juice and especially lemon zest helps to remove toxic compounds from the body, which also speeds up the process of obtaining.

Fibrous pectin, found in citrus peel, reduces the absorption of sugar in the proximal small intestine, thereby reducing the plasma concentration of glucose in the body. As a result, the production of glycogen in the liver decreases. Fruit acid helps increase stomach acidity. For effective weight loss, it is enough to take the mixture during the day on an empty stomach before meals.

You should not abuse the products, since high acidity can provoke stomach ulcers.

Garlic can help you lose weight

Lemon-ginger mixture supplemented with honey is not only a recipe for boosting immunity and slowing down the aging process. This mixture will help you lose weight. The addition of garlic will enhance this effect. To prepare a fat burning supplement, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • 3 tablespoons of linden bee honey (replacement with another variety is allowed);
  • 2-3 medium sized lemons;
  • 300 g ginger root, peeled and grated (can be minced with a meat grinder).

Garlic and citrus fruit, peeled, must be crushed in a blender and placed in a separate container. To the resulting homogeneous mass, add ground ginger and pour boiling water. The mixture should be infused for an hour, after which honey is added to the tincture and mixed well with other ingredients. You can not pour the mixture with boiling water. In this situation, it is enough to mix the remaining ingredients together in a blender, adding honey at the end.

It is necessary to place the resulting mixture in a jar and cover with clean gauze, then keep it in a place isolated from sunlight for 10 days. 1 teaspoon of a homogeneous mass should be taken 3 times a day on an empty stomach. In this case, the mixture should be drunk in a diluted form, stirring a spoon in a glass of warm water. Duration of admission should last for 2 or more months. Banks with a mixture of 1 liter is enough for a month.

For how to make a vitamin mixture of ginger, lemon and honey, see the following video.

Ginger for immunity or medicinal burning root - according to reviews, one of the most common means of strengthening the resistant system, if there is no allergy. On its basis, mixtures, infusions are made, vitamin tea is brewed. It can be used by adults, children after two years.

Benefits of ginger for immunity

A beneficial effect on the human body is provided by the presence of a large number of vitamins, minerals and unique compounds.

Chemical composition:

  • High levels of trace elements: tocopherol, ascorbic acid, group B: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 12;
  • The content of salts of magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Manganese, zinc, selenium are also found;
  • Saturation of amines: threonine, treptophan, leucine;
  • The presence of Omega acids type 3, 6;
  • Healing components: alkaloids, glycosides, flavones, polyphenols.

It also contains ginger root.

  • Essential oils;
  • Sesquiterpenes;
  • resins;
  • Salts of mineral compounds: zinc, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus.

The cumulative effect of nutrients is manifested in the qualities:

  • Strengthens resistance;
  • Stimulates the activity of nerve cells;
  • Satisfies the feeling of hunger;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Contribute to the removal, good expectoration of sputum;
  • Anesthetizes, relieves spasms;
  • Improves healing of wound, burn surface;
  • Eliminates the negative effects of free radicals, as it is a natural antioxidant;
  • Stimulates immune processes;
  • Cleanses the body of toxic, poisonous substances;
  • Enhances metabolic processes;
  • Promotes warming;
  • Reduces the severity of allergic rashes;
  • Helps in the treatment of dermatological diseases;
  • Improves appetite, digestion;
  • It is a remedy for colds and flu.

It can be added as a spice in cooking, which will improve the taste and will contribute to the healing of the body.

The benefits of mixtures

A beneficial effect on human health, has a cumulative use of ginger root, honey, lemon.

Each ingredient contributes to immune support:

  • Honey is a natural antibiotic. The presence of a high level of trace elements, minerals, amines improves the functioning of all internal body systems. It is used in the prevention and treatment of colds, flu, SARS;
  • Lemon - rich in ascorbic acid, flavones. Stimulates the activity of immune mechanisms. Is an antioxidant.

Mix properties:

  • Relieves inflammation in the upper respiratory tract;
  • Facilitates well-being;
  • Helps to reduce high temperature;
  • Cleanses the body of toxins released by infectious agents;
  • Metabolic processes are intensifying;
  • The condition of the blood improves;
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is restored;
  • The heart is strengthened;
  • Increased mental and physical activity;
  • Relieves aches and pains in joints and muscles;
  • Helps with weight loss, normalization of body weight.

Home ways of raising immune forces based on ginger roots using various medicinal herbs, dried fruits (dried apricots), lemon, walnuts, garlic and honey have taken a strong place. The funds are suitable for a child from two years old, men and women of different ages. It is used in courses of three to four weeks with a break of six months.

For men, it is useful to use ginger with celery, licorice. This application will increase potency, increase attraction.

Women can brew parsley root with painful menstruation, to normalize the cycle and ease the onset of menopause.

The child is given teas, mixtures and drinks to prevent and relieve colds.

Recipes with ginger for immunity are created taking into account age, gender, general well-being. In order not to cause harm, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Immunostimulating anti-inflammatory mixture

How to use ginger to increase the activity of resistant cells, accelerate the onset of the immune response:


  • One hundred grams of the root - We clean it from a thin skin, grind it on a grater, in a blender;
  • Two hundred milliliters of honey;
  • Four medium citrus fruits - wash in running water, pour boiling water over to eliminate bitterness. Slice.

Grind the components to a gruel-like state, pour in the golden liquid beekeeping product.

Pour into glass container. Place in the cold.

It is correct to take a tablespoon before going to bed, warmly wrapped up to lie down to rest.

Thanks to the active substances, the combination of components prevents the development of infection. If the disease is frowning, it facilitates the course, reduces the period.

Decoction of ginger

The brewed root is very useful for raising immunity. A small piece is peeled, finely chopped.

We take an enameled container with a thick bottom, put the raw materials and fill it with water, no more than a glass. We are waiting for the boil and simmer over low heat for about five minutes.

After cooling, pour into a jar, close and put in the cold. How to use:

  • As an independent drink, you can add a spoonful of honey, sugar;
  • Add a small amount to tea or juice.

Ginger tea

For a child, brewed tea with a root is suitable.

We take a small piece of raw material, clean it. We chop finely. Bay of boiling water. At the moment of boiling - put tea leaves - green leaf tea. We simmer for fifteen minutes. Cool down, we filter.

Before serving, you can sweeten with honey, orange juice. Drink one hundred milliliters a day three times before meals.

You can make a tea drink differently:

Grate two tablespoons of root. Sprinkle with a mixture of medicinal herbs (burdock, dandelion). Pour hot water about half a liter. Keep warm for a quarter of an hour. Put a couple of spoons of honey. Use in the same way.

Recipe: Adult Ginger Tea:

  • Powder from the ground root, honey - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Juice of half a citrus, cinnamon stick;
  • Water is a glass.

Simmer the mixture on the fire until it boils for about ten minutes. Drink hot.

Ginger tea recipe with ginseng tones, increases efficiency, enhances brain activity. Helps to increase resistance to negative factors.

ginger drink

The root tincture is especially useful when an infection sets in, when the signs of infection have become clear.

The first way: we take one hundred grams of raw materials. We clean. We process to the state of porridge and pour a liter of boiling water. We stand in a thermos for an hour. We drink two hundred milliliters a day.

Ginger drink for immunity can be made on medical alcohol, vodka is considered the most effective.

In proportion to 0.5 ml. take four hundred grams of crushed raw materials. Place in a glass container, close tightly. Put in heat. Endure a month. Drink a teaspoon daily or use as a rub.

How to brew ginger

How to properly brew ginger:

  • It is better to use a fresh root;
  • Peel off the skin in a thin layer;
  • Finely chop or mechanically grind;
  • Pour in boiling water;
  • Insist five to ten minutes - for tea, at least an hour in a thermos - for infusion.


It is worth limiting the use of ginger for immunity when:

  • Increased pressure;
  • Inflammation on the skin;
  • Diseases of the stomach;
  • With a complicated pregnancy.

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