Home General issues Prepare cranberry juice. How to prepare cranberry juice. Cranberry puree

Prepare cranberry juice. How to prepare cranberry juice. Cranberry puree

Cranberry is a bright red berry, a resident of swamps. She is called the swamp, queen of the swamps, northern, crane. The spherical or ovoid berries of a red-burgundy hue contain such an amount of vitamin C that they are ahead of lemon and other citrus fruits in this indicator. This is not the only advantage of cranberries; there are many more useful treasures hidden in them. That is why the berry began to be collected and used for medicinal purposes back in ancient times. The specific bitter-sour taste is a serious obstacle to eating the berry in its pure form, so various dishes are prepared with it, boiled, prepared, and juices. The usefulness of cranberries does not decrease from such processing, and the taste is noticeably improved.

The effect of cranberry juice on the body

The product is widely known as an effective antibiotic of natural origin. For acute and chronic viral diseases, exacerbations of infections, it is recommended to use it in combination with the main drug therapy. Cranberry juice is effective as a preventive and medicinal remedy against diseases of the genitourinary system: inflammation of the appendages and ovaries in women, nephritis, cystitis, urethritis. The content in the product helps remove stones from the kidneys and bladder.

In the fight for beauty and anti-aging, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to a cranberry drink, as it is rich. These substances protect skin cells from aging and enhance their regeneration process. Introducing the product into your diet will help improve your complexion and make wrinkles less pronounced.

Cranberry is a berry known for its excretory properties. The juice is recommended to be drunk to cleanse the blood of the effects of taking antibiotics, to remove heavy metal salts from the body, and is also recommended for people who have been exposed to radiation. It is very helpful in case of poisoning with severe toxins, and is also used as a prophylactic against cancer and anemia.

The product contains a significant supply of iodine, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Normalization of metabolism is another useful bonus of drinking cranberry juice. In cases of obesity, disturbances in water balance and metabolic processes, cranberry juice must be included in the diet. It is also useful for diabetics, since ursolic acid, which is found in the berry and the drink made from it, can bring blood sugar levels to normal.

Drinking juice will benefit the cardiovascular system, because the substances in its composition fight bad blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots.

The most famous way to use cranberry juice is to treat colds. Already at the first symptoms of malaise, fever and chills, you need to drink a glass of a drink made from warm cranberry juice. This will give the body an impetus to fight the disease, reduce fever and inflammation.

The product copes well with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, as it has a wound-healing and antiseptic effect. And for the teeth, its benefit is to get rid of caries, periodontal disease, and plaque.

Chemical composition of cranberry juice

A treasure trove of vitamins is contained in cranberry juice. The vitamin C content in the product is off the charts - it surpasses lemons in this indicator, and only black currants have been distilled from cranberries and drinks made from it.

Mineral composition
12 mg
14 mg
6 mg
16 mg
1 mg
130 mcg
0.19 mg
10 mcg
Rubidium 44 mcg
17 mcg
1 mcg
2.3 mg
19 mg
155 mg

100 g of product contains 45.5 kcal, 0.4 g, 0.3 g, 11 g.

For skin diseases, mix half a glass of water and juice, add a teaspoon and drink the mixture three times a day, an hour after meals.

For hypertensive patients, it is advised to prepare a drink with honey in proportions of 1/1, consume 1 tablespoon three times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals. People suffering from stomach and pancreatic diseases are advised to take 50-100 g of cranberry juice diluted with water in a 1/1 ratio before meals.

For fever, the patient is given a mixture of 200 g of juice left for 1-2 hours, 50 g of cranberry juice and 15 g. You need to drink the drink in small portions, 5-6 times during the day.

In case of flu, colds, cough, bronchitis, the product is mixed with honey to taste so that it is not too sour, and drink 100 g before meals.

Use in cosmetology

When looking for products to improve skin health, do not forget that effective products can be found not only on the shelves of cosmetics stores. Cranberry juice taken internally has a positive effect on the skin, making it firmer, healthier, and smoother. In addition, it is also used as a component of masks, massage ice cubes and tonics. However, only freshly squeezed sugar-free product is suitable for these purposes.

In order to get rid of unwanted pigmentation, use a napkin moistened with juice. It is applied to the skin for 10 minutes, after which the face is washed with cool water. First you need to test for allergic reactions - apply the juice to the inner bend of the elbow, where the skin is very sensitive, and monitor your own sensations. If no redness or burning sensation appears within 5-7 minutes, then the product can be used.

You should use face and hair masks with juice no more than once every one and a half to two weeks. They are mixed in a non-metallic container, such as a clay or glass cup.

Preparing a drink in reserve

The basis for obtaining juice from berries is the process of squeezing or twisting. For these purposes, use a meat grinder or juicer, or you can simply crush the cranberries in a mortar.

Cranberries tolerate fresh storage well; in addition, they can be frozen for the winter. Boiling reduces the amount of vitamin C in its composition. You can also prepare juice this way, but it loses some of its benefits.

The simplest recipe: cranberries are twisted or crushed by hand, without adding any ingredients, rolled into sterile jars and tightly closed with lids. The product is stored in the refrigerator or cellar without heat treatment.

Healthy recipe with pumpkin:

  • 1 kg cranberries;
  • 1 kg ripe;
  • approximately 400 g sugar.

To prepare the drink take:

  • 2 kg bright orange carrots;
  • 1 kg cranberries;
  • 2 cups sugar.

The carrots are washed well, peeled, finely chopped and steamed. The resulting puree is passed through a sieve. The cranberries are sorted, washed, peeled and crushed, thus extracting juice. After mixing the carrots with the berries, they are sent to low heat, not allowing them to boil, and heated for about 3-5 minutes. When the dish has cooled, it is again ground through a sieve. It turns out quite thick, and at this stage it can either be passed through cheesecloth or diluted with water. After adding granulated sugar, the drink is stirred, heated over low heat for 15 minutes, without bringing to a boil, after which it is poured hot into sterile jars. After the product has cooled, it is stored in a dark, cool place.

Use of cranberry juice in cooking

Since the product has a strongly sour taste, it is practically not used as an independent dish. You can make syrup for ice cream from it by adding sugar and heat treating it. Cranberry juice is used as food coloring. In small quantities it is added to impregnation for cakes and biscuits, creams and desserts. Some marinades with the addition of this drink give the meat an amazingly tender structure due to the large amount of acids contained in the juice.

Most often the product is found in recipes for alcoholic cocktails, in combination with,. An unusually rich taste comes from a mixture of cranberry, grenadine, raspberry vodka, and soda. The combination of cranberry juice with lemon vodka, Cointreau liqueur and juice is the recipe for the famous Cosmopolitan cocktail.

Harm and contraindications of the product

What you definitely can’t do with this drink is drink it on an empty stomach. Even in a diluted state, the amount of acids in it can negatively affect the walls of the stomach. For those who have problems with the liver, as well as people suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis in an acute state, it is better to avoid drinking cranberry juice in any form. There are also known cases of individual intolerance and allergies - this is a direct indication to exclude the product from the diet. Pregnant women should use the juice with caution, after consulting a doctor.

In addition, cranberries do not interact well with some medications: Valium, Glucotrol, tamoxifen, Elavil and other blood thinners. The product reduces the effectiveness of diclofenac.

Of course, significant harm to the human body can be caused by a product made from berries collected in polluted areas with unfavorable environmental conditions.

The healing properties of cranberry juice are as unique as the taste of this drink. It has a strong stimulating effect: as if shaking up the natural resources of the body, the product supplements and enhances them with a set of vitamins and nutrients from its own composition, thereby improving health, giving vitality and vigor.

Cranberry is an evergreen shrub of the heather family that prefers moist habitats. The benefits of cranberries are inexhaustible; these ruby ​​berries can cure many ailments, from caries to lichen, as well as replenish the supply of essential vitamins in the winter. However, the miracle berries do not have any special taste: the sour-bitter, “medicinal” taste is unlikely to please anyone. However, you can replenish your supply of essential vitamins and amino acids by drinking a glass of sweet cranberry juice a day. But in this article we will tell you how to make cranberry juice while preserving all the beneficial substances.

How to make cranberry juice?

Cranberry juice can be prepared from either fresh, ripe berries or frozen ones. In the first case, the berries must first be mashed with a pestle or spoon in a non-metallic bowl, and the resulting pulp must be slightly heated so that the juice is more easily separated from the pulp.

If you decide to use frozen berries for juice, then they do not require preliminary heat treatment; you just need to crush them well and squeeze out the juice.

It is most convenient to squeeze berry juice through 2-3 layers of gauze, over a colander. The resulting drink is consumed immediately, or sterilized and preserved by adding a little honey or sugar. The juice prepared in this way is good for medicinal purposes, but it has a notoriously specific taste, so for those who find it unpleasant, we recommend the following recipe.


For juice:

  • cranberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

For syrup (30%):

  • sugar – 700 g;
  • water – 300 ml.


We wash the berries, place them in an enamel bowl and cover them with sugar. Leave in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours. After the time has passed, pour the resulting juice into a separate bowl, and pour the remaining berries with 30% sugar syrup prepared in advance and leave to brew for 4-6 hours. Then we drain the resulting juice again, mixing it with the previously made juice. Place the mixture on the stove and boil, skimming off the foam. When the foam stops forming, pour the juice into containers and close them well.

The remaining berries can be filled with water and cooked for about an hour. The resulting fruit drink is usually mixed with juice to increase the amount of the latter. Preparing cranberry juice for this recipe will take longer, but the drink will be sweeter and yield more.

Cranberry juice is a universal recipe that will fill your body with essential vitamins, acids, micro- and macroelements at any time of the year.

Cranberries are a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements, so this berry is used to treat a large number of pathologies. Interestingly, this berry retains its beneficial properties in the form of juice, and also after heat treatment - when preparing fruit drinks. To prepare cranberry juice for the winter, you need to use the recipes presented below.

Beneficial properties of cranberry juice

Cranberry juices and fruit drinks are very healthy drinks. For example, juice is used to treat hypertension, inflammatory processes in the urinary tract, gynecological pathologies, viral and bacterial infections, gout. Interestingly, cranberry juice is also used for external use.

This is due to the fact that this product is able to quickly and effectively destroy putrefactive microorganisms that cause skin lesions:

  • ulcers;
  • mastitis;
  • burns;
  • dermatitis;
  • carbuncles.

Also, some doctors prescribe treating sutures with cranberry juice after surgery. Such recommendations are due to the fact that cranberry juice has the properties of activating regenerative processes in the body.

Cranberry juice is a heat-treated drink that is recommended to be consumed in the following situations:

  • in the presence of inflammation affecting the genitourinary system;
  • with decreased immunity;
  • for liver pathologies;
  • for ulcers;
  • for gynecological diseases;
  • in case of digestive dysfunction;
  • for pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • for rheumatism;
  • for diseases spreading in the oral cavity.

How to quickly make cranberry juice (video)

Cranberry juice: using a juicer

To do this, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. The cranberries are washed, sorted, and passed through a juicer.
  2. The juicer is cleaned of any remaining pulp. By the way, the pulp can be additionally given through gauze.
  3. For each liter of drink received, 300 grams of granulated sugar are added. The drink is mixed and poured into clean jars.
  4. The containers are sent to be sterilized, rolled up and cooled at room temperature.

If you want to store the juice for more than 12 months, you should add a small amount of citric acid to it.

Cranberry juice: step-by-step recipe

This tandem has the most positive effect on the body, relieving it not only of diseases, but also activating metabolic processes.


  • 1 kilo of cranberries;
  • 1 kilo pumpkin;
  • 400 grams of sugar;
  • approximately 1 liter of water.

Step-by-step preparation:

    1. The pumpkin is washed, peeled and seeds removed, and grated on a coarse grater.
    2. A small amount of water is mixed with the pumpkin, the mixture is left to simmer over low heat for 60 minutes.
    3. Using a juicer, juice is squeezed out of pumpkin puree.
    4. The berries are sorted, washed, and filled with water so that it covers them by 2-3 centimeters.
    5. Place the pan with cranberries on the stove and heat until the water boils.
    6. Juice is also squeezed out of boiled berries using a juicer.
    7. Vegetable and berry juice is mixed, sweetened, returned to the burner and cooked for another 6 minutes.
    8. The hot drink is poured into clean jars and left to sterilize for 20 minutes.
    9. Drinks in cans are sealed, turned upside down, insulated and cooled.

The taste of this drink can be complemented by half a dessert spoon of honey added to it before serving.

How to make a liter of cranberry juice from frozen berries

Making juice from frozen berries is much more difficult than making fruit juice. However, it is possible. The most difficult moment in the preparation process is determining how much cranberries you need to take in order to get 1 liter of juice from it. This mainly depends on the method of freezing the berries and their former juiciness. The most juice can be obtained from carefully frozen cranberries, the berries of which have retained their shape.

To prepare 1 liter of juice you will need:

  • 2-2.5 kilos of frozen cranberries;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar.

How to cook:

    1. Frozen cranberries should be thawed first.
    2. Then the berries are placed in a blender and crushed to a puree.
    3. The resulting mass is squeezed out through a gauze napkin folded several times.
    4. The finished juice must be poured into a clean jar. After the liter jar is completely filled, you need to pour sugar into it. Next, the container should be covered with a lid and sent for sterilization. The resulting juice should be sterilized for 25-30 minutes.
    5. Then the workpiece is rolled up, turned upside down and necessarily insulated.

You can drink this juice immediately after squeezing it.

How to prepare cranberry juice for the winter in jars

To prepare cranberry juice, you can use both fresh and frozen berries.

You will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 cup fresh cranberries;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

How to make fruit drink:

    1. The berries are sorted, washed, and crushed using a blender.
    2. Using gauze, juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp, which must be immediately poured into a jar, closed and refrigerated.
    3. Cranberry pulp is filled with water, brought to a boil, and boiled for 7 minutes.
    4. The resulting broth is cooled, filtered and poured into a jar with the main juice.
    5. The drink is mixed with honey, covered with a lid and sent for sterilization. Drinks in liter cans must be sterilized within 15 minutes.
    6. The workpiece is closed with a preservation key, turned upside down, insulated and left to cool completely.

Instead of honey, you can add a tablespoon of granulated sugar to the fruit drink.

Cranberry syrup recipe

Cranberry syrup is a food additive that can be used as an additional ingredient for desserts, breakfasts, and main courses.

To make cranberry syrup, you need:

  • 1 liter of cranberry juice;
  • 1.5 kilos of sugar.

Step by step recipe:

    1. The cranberries are carefully sorted and washed under running water.
    2. The berries are poured into a mortar and kneaded with a wooden pestle. Instead of a mortar, you can use any enamel bowl.
    3. The resulting mass is transferred to a saucepan and heated slightly.
    4. The warm pulp is rubbed through a sieve.
    5. Syrup is prepared from water and sugar. To do this, add sugar to warm water, place the container on the burner and heat until all the sugar grains have dissolved.
    6. The slightly cooled syrup is mixed with the resulting puree and sent to the stove, where it is heated to a temperature of 60-65 degrees.
    7. The product is bottled and sent for sterilization. Containers with a volume of 0.5 liters should be sterilized within 20 minutes, and 1 liter - 30 minutes.

The syrup is sealed and left to cool completely.

Delicious cranberry and apple compote (video)

Preparing cranberry drinks for the winter will help strengthen your immune system during the cold season. Also, many housewives claim that drinks made from natural cranberries have the ability to invigorate a person and charge him with vital energy.

Cranberry juice may not be to everyone's taste. A sour berry needs either the addition of sugar or the addition of extraneous vegetables and fruits. Therefore, fruit drinks are more popular than juices; they are less concentrated. But the higher the concentration, the greater the benefit.

Nutritional value

Adding cranberry drink to your diet is beneficial; it is rich in nutrients and has low calorie content. The product contains:

  • vitamins b1, b2, b5, b6, b9, b12;
  • vitamins C, N, E, PP;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • chlorine;
  • sulfur;
  • silicon;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • molybdenum;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • lemon acid.

There are only 46 kcal per 100 g, if you do not add sugar. Supplementing your diet with such a product is a good solution. Low calorie content and concentration of nutrients will allow you to reduce the intake of vitamin complexes without harming your health.

Important! Cranberry juice saturates the body with useful substances, but there are side effects that neutralize all the good things and are harmful to health.

What are the benefits of cranberry juice?

The benefits of cranberry juice extend to the entire body. The berry and products made from it have approximately the same properties. Only in fruit drinks and sauces are they less concentrated. Cranberry products:

  1. Prevents the appearance of kidney stones.
  2. Reduce blood viscosity.
  3. Normalizes sleep.
  4. Makes capillaries more elastic.
  5. Relieves vascular spasm.
  6. They have an antibacterial effect.
  7. Increases stress resistance.
  8. Eliminate chronic fatigue.
  9. Relieves headaches.

Heat treatment of the product in moderation will not reduce the beneficial properties, but prolonged heating can be harmful. The properties of cranberry drink are not lost during storage. The only thing that really spoils the dish is the rare fermentation that occurs. There will be no harm from this, but it is not recommended to consume a sour product. Taste quality decreases, as does the content of nutrients.

Juice and heartburn

The benefits of cranberry drink for heartburn are controversial. Whether a product will harm or help depends on the cause of the disease. When heartburn is due to low acidity or poor digestion of food, cranberry juice will have a positive effect on the condition. But when acidity is high, it is contraindicated to consume any cranberry products.

Important! A diagnosis from a specialist will help determine the cause of the disease. Trying to find out on your own will not lead to good things.

It is preferable to get rid of heartburn attacks with pharmaceutical medications, preferably prescribed by a doctor. Cranberry is an adjuvant for treatment and prevention.

For skin rash

Cranberry juice helps against acne, rashes, and other skin damage when taken internally and externally. The latter is more varied:

  • Make ice cubes from the liquid and wipe your face with them;
  • wash with a concentrated substance;
  • juice is added to cosmetics;
  • make compresses from the pulp.

Cranberry cubes are considered a remedy that smoothes fine wrinkles well; washing and compresses are used to relieve inflammation and irritation. After the procedures, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream.

If irritation or itching occurs, stop using the product. There are allergies to cranberries.

The cardiovascular system

Pure extract strengthens, constricts blood vessels, slows blood flow. For greater effect, it is recommended to mix cranberry and beet juice.

For hypertension, the product is also useful, but people with low blood pressure should limit consumption or completely exclude from the diet anything that contains cranberries.

Important! When problems with the heart, blood vessels, or blood pressure are serious, the berry in any form is used as an adjuvant, and the main treatment is prescribed by a specialist, or, in extreme cases, a herbalist.

Cranberry juice and teeth

The drink has several beneficial properties for gums and teeth:

  • strengthening gums;
  • prevention of caries;
  • strengthens enamel;

Contrary to popular belief, the acid contained in cranberry fruits will not destroy teeth or burn the oral mucosa. For something like this to happen, there must already be damage.

How to make cranberry juice

The product is made in several ways. A simple way is to pass the berries through a juicer, strain, and bottle. Other methods give no worse results, although they require more labor, ingredients, and time. Depending on the additional components, cranberry juice produces different flavors, and its beneficial properties differ slightly.

Classic cranberry juice recipe

You will need 4 kg of cranberries, 4 tbsp. water, there is no need to add anything else.

  1. Cranberry fruits are washed thoroughly.
  2. The berries are crushed and ground in a blender.
  3. Place the mass in a saucepan, add 200 ml of water per 1 kg of berries.
  4. Heat to 75 °C, leave to cook at the same temperature for 10 minutes.
  5. The berries are rubbed through a sieve and cheesecloth.
  6. Boil the liquid and cook for 5 minutes.
  7. Pour into jars and seal.

The dish will benefit the immune system and colds. It is added to sauces and drinks.

Cranberry-Carrot Juice Recipe

To make this type of cranberry juice you will need:

  • 1 kg cranberries;
  • 2 kg carrots;
  • 0.5 kg granulated sugar.

Cooking occurs in this way:

  1. The washed carrots are peeled and finely chopped.
  2. Blanch until soft.
  3. The vegetable is rubbed through a sieve, the cranberries are mashed.
  4. The puree of berries and carrots is heated separately.
  5. Two types of puree are mixed, sugar is added.
  6. Squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth.
  7. Heat the liquid over low heat for 15 minutes - without boiling.
  8. The product is poured into jars, sterilized, and sealed.

Ready cranberry juice is stored in the refrigerator or another dark, cold place.

Important! The product contains a lot of pulp. To make it smaller, after squeezing the liquid is allowed to settle and drained only after that.

This type of drink contains a lot of vitamins; the beneficial properties of carrots are combined with the qualities of cranberries.

Cranberry juice with beets

You will need 600 ml of beet juice, 400 ml of cranberry juice. You should prepare jars and bottles in advance.

  1. Wash the beets, cut off the root and stalk, and blanch for 30 minutes.
  2. Tinder, pass beets through a meat grinder without peeling.
  3. Squeeze through gauze.
  4. Juice is squeezed out of cranberries.
  5. Mix beetroot and cranberry juices.
  6. Heat to 75 °C.
  7. Sterilize bottles and jars.
  8. Pour the product into containers.

The taste of this product is unique. You can improve it by adding honey while the product is warm.

The color compensates for the strange taste, but the drink is consumed only in its pure form, rarely diluted with water. This product is not recommended to be mixed with other dishes.

Frozen cranberry juice

The ingredients, in addition to cranberry juice, will include apple juice and sugar.

  1. Squeeze 0.15 liters of juice from cranberries.
  2. Squeeze 0.7 liters of apple juice.
  3. Dissolve 140 g of sugar in 200 ml of water.
  4. Combine juices with syrup and boil for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Hot roll into bottles and jars.

It should be taken into account that frozen berries give less liquid and more pulp if you do not defrost the berries. The hot product should be filtered, preferably through cheesecloth. But when defrosted, cranberries, on the contrary, will give more juice. This property is used when they do not want to add water to the product.

Juice with pulp

In addition to sugar and cranberries, you will need water. Number of components:

  • 0.65 l of water;
  • 1 kg cranberries;
  • 0.3 kg sugar.

The drink is prepared in this way:

  1. The berries are ground, slightly heated, and rubbed through a sieve.
  2. The syrup is being prepared.
  3. The syrup is mixed with berries and heated.
  4. The resulting product is bottled, jarred, and sterilized.

Cranberry juice is stored in the refrigerator or other dark, cold places. A simpler option: just put the berries through a juicer, pour them into bottles, and roll them up. This variety is added to any dishes where perfect transparency is not required, especially to cocktails.

Important! Cranberry products will not ferment even without heating. However, deep processing guarantees safety for more than a year.

Cranberry juice with soda

To prepare you need:

  • 50 ml soda;
  • 400 g cranberries;
  • to taste: sugar, honey;
  • alcohol if desired.

The drink is prepared as follows:

  1. Liquid is extracted from the berries and heated.
  2. Add honey and sugar to taste.
  3. Pour soda and alcohol to taste.

The drink has no benefits; the cocktail is created solely for the sake of taste.

Important! When drinking alcoholic beverages with cranberry juice, do not forget that the harm of alcohol under any circumstances outweighs the benefits of additives. It doesn't matter how healthy they are individually.

Cranberry juice in cooking

The product is used to prepare:

  • sauces for meat, fish, poultry;
  • cocktails;
  • desserts;
  • smoothie.

Rarely, instead of cranberries, juice is added to ready-made sauerkraut for taste, color, and to stop fermentation. Some housewives add the product to borscht instead of vinegar.

Concentrated juices can be added to tea and coffee as syrup. The filling of buns and donuts is not clean, but the confiture is first prepared.

Contraindications and precautions

Cranberry drink should be consumed with caution. Contraindications to eating cranberries:

  • liver diseases;
  • acute intestinal inflammation;
  • ulcers and inflammation of the stomach;
  • increased acidity.

Drink store-bought drinks with caution because of the additives. Berries for home harvesting should be collected away from large industrial centers and highways.

Whether one should take into account the superstition about the inadmissibility of picking berries in a cemetery is a personal matter for everyone, but cranberries collected in an insufficiently ecologically clean area will definitely do harm instead of benefit.

Cranberry juice and medicines

Cranberry drink is not compatible with any medications. It does not combine with:

  • Valium;
  • tamoxifen;
  • elavil;
  • glucotrol;
  • diclofenac.

Any blood thinning medications and cranberries do not mix well.

Important! It is necessary to consult a doctor when there is a suspicion that medications and cranberries do not combine.


Cranberry juice is healthy and easy to prepare. By adding different ingredients to the liquid, the taste is adjusted. The mixtures turn out to be more interesting than the mono composition, but pure juice is healthier for external use.

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And, accordingly, vitamins necessary for the body. Therefore, for the winter they make various preparations from herbs, vegetables, fruits, etc. Today we’ll talk about one of the most vitamin-rich berries - about cranberries.


Before freezing cranberries for the winter, they are sorted out, lethargic and damaged ones are discarded, and plant debris is removed. The berries are thoroughly washed and scattered on any material, dried well. Dry fruits are placed in plastic boxes or cups and placed in the freezer.

At constant temperature -18°С shelf life is three years. It is advisable to defrost in portions, since in this form the cranberries should be eaten immediately.

We will learn further how to dry cranberries with minimal loss of nutrients. The fruits for drying are sorted, peeled and washed thoroughly. To preserve maximum vitamins, the fruits are either blanched for several minutes in boiling water, or kept in a steam bath for the same time.
This cranberry harvesting is carried out two ways:

  1. In a dry, ventilated room, the fruits are laid out on any flat surface and dried until they no longer stick to your hands. After this, they are collected and stored in bags made of any natural fabric.
  2. Drying takes place in an oven or microwave, or in a special dryer. At the beginning of the process the temperature should not be high - up to 45°C, After the fruits wither, the temperature is increased up to 70°C. Store the finished product in glass containers under a lid for up to 3 years.

Important! Dried berries must be periodically inspected and darkened ones removed to avoid spoilage of the product.

Preparing cranberries for the winter without cooking (grinded with sugar) will allow you to keep them fresh and without the risk of spoiling during storage.

For this harvesting method, berries and sugar are taken in equal proportions: for 1 kg of raw materials 1 kg of sugar. The ingredients are ground into a mushy mass using a blender or meat grinder.
The finished mixture is placed in sterilized jars and tightly covered with parchment, or with a lid.

Let's consider another way, how to candy cranberries.

The product prepared according to this recipe can be stored for no more than two weeks, so you should not make it in large quantities. For preparation, take the same amount of both fruits and sugar (500 g per 500 g).

First, sugar syrup is boiled, then washed and pierced with a toothpick, the berries are poured with cooled syrup and refrigerated overnight. After this, the fruits are removed from the syrup, dried, rolled in sugar and stored in the refrigerator. These “candies” are good for children.

This recipe- This is a lifesaver during the period of colds: six teaspoons a day will help get rid of cough and runny nose.

Cranberries and honey in a ratio of 1 to 1 are ground to a puree-like mass. The mixture is placed in sterilized jars and stored in the pantry for one winter.

For jam you will need:

  • berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg;
  • water – 1 l
Ripe fruits are sorted and washed, then blanched for about five minutes, then left to drain in a colander.
Next, the fruits are ground with sugar and placed in clean and dry jars, after which they are sterilized for 20 minutes and covered with lids. When the jars have cooled, they are put into the pantry.

Did you know? In 1816, Henry Hall, a resident of the United States, began domesticating cranberries. Today, cultivated areas occupy more than 16 thousand hectares. Cranberries were brought to Russia in 1871 by the director of the Imperial Botanical Garden, Eduard Regel.

Cranberry jam

Jams and preserves– the best long-term option for storing cranberries in winter.

Important! If the recipe has not been violated, the raw materials are washed, and the product is sterilized according to all the rules, the jam or preserves can be stored for up to two years.

For jam will be needed:

  • berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • vanilla.
Pour the washed fruits into a saucepan, add water without covering the contents. Boil the contents of the pan over low heat until the berries begin to soften.
At this stage add sugar, zest of one lemon and vanilla. With new ingredients, cook, stirring, for 20 minutes. We place the finished products in sterile jars and close them with sterile lids.

For cranberry puree Each housewife will determine the quantity of ingredients herself, focusing on the capacity of the refrigerator and the desired amount of puree.

The fruits are pureed with a blender or meat grinder, then sugar is added to taste. Leave the mixture for a while: the sugar should completely dissolve.
The finished puree in a glass container can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month. The freezer will provide much longer storage; only in this case the products are transferred to a plastic container.

In ancient times, when there was no talk about refrigerators, our ancestors prepared for the winter soaked products. It was stored in good oak barrels in the coldest corners of homes.

Today, soaked cranberries are prepared as follows: for 1 kg of raw material, take a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt. Dry ingredients are boiled in two glasses of water, cooled and poured over the fruit.
This product is placed in a cold place, seasonings are added for piquancy: cinnamon, cloves, bay.

Pickled cranberries can be stored for the winter for up to a year.

Cranberry juice

To prepare the juice, thoroughly wash the berries (2 kg). Then they are ground into puree and, after transferring to a saucepan, boiled for ten minutes in 0.5 liters of water, without bringing to a boil.

Next, use gauze to separate the liquid from the cake. Sweeten the resulting liquid to taste and boil, without bringing to a boil, for another five minutes. The juice is poured into sterile jars and sealed, stored for about a year.

Cranberry juice

For fruit drink, take 500 g of fruit, 100 g of sugar, 1.5 liters of water. The washed berries are pureed, squeezed over a bowl through cheesecloth, collecting the juice. The cake is placed in a pan with water, sugar is added, brought to a boil and left to brew and cool.

The cooled but warm mass is filtered, the liquid is poured halfway into the prepared jar. Then add pure juice collected earlier. Fruit juice rolled into sterilized jars is stored for a year.

Cranberry compote

Cranberry compote not only brings benefits due to vitamins, but also perfectly relieves thirst. Will need:

  • 1 kg of fruits;
  • 600 g sugar;
  • liter of water.
The fruits are sorted, washed and placed at the bottom of clean jars. Boil sugar syrup, cool and pour it warm into jars, covering the fruit. Jars with contents are sterilized for 15 minutes. The compote is ready, it is allowed to cool and stored in the pantry or cellar for a year.

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