Home Porridge Apple jam with oranges for the winter. Apple and orange jam Delicious apple jam with oranges

Apple jam with oranges for the winter. Apple and orange jam Delicious apple jam with oranges

Apple preserves and jams are “classics”, familiar to everyone since childhood, because it was these delicacies that our mother spoiled us with. But if you want to diversify the traditional version of winter rolling, and make it even more tasty and unusual, then be sure to try making apple jam with oranges.

A “bouquet” of aromatic apples combined with a light piquant bitterness of juicy citrus fruits will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent. And to make it easier for you to make this delicacy, we have prepared a comprehensive step-by-step recipe with photos and videos.


Servings: – + 230

  • apples 2.5 kg
  • oranges 400 g
  • lemon 150 g
  • granulated sugar 1.5 kg
  • water 150 ml

Per serving

Calories: 52 kcal

Proteins: 0.1 g

Fats: 0 g

Carbohydrates: 12.9 g

1 hour. 40 min. Video recipe Print

    We sort through the apples and, having gotten rid of unripe and spoiled fruits, wash them under a running stream. Using a special knife, remove the core of the fruit and cut it into slices that are convenient for twisting in a meat grinder.

    We also thoroughly rinse a couple of oranges and one lemon under cool water using a brush (to remove the wax that sellers usually use to rub citrus fruits) and, after drying the fruit, carefully remove the zest from them on a fine grater, trying not to touch the white skin. After this, remove the seeds from the citrus fruits and peel them, then cut the pulp into small pieces.

    We pass apples, oranges and lemon through a meat grinder (using a fine nozzle) into a deep container with a thick bottom, in which we will subsequently cook the jam. Add citrus zest and one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar to the twisted fruits, mix the ingredients well and leave in this form for an hour so that the sugar crystals melt a little and the fruits release juice.

    After the allotted time, pour 150 ml of clean filtered water into the pan with the future jam, mix everything thoroughly again and put the dishes on the stove. As soon as the mass begins to boil, reduce the flame to medium and cook the jam for 30-45 minutes (the time will depend on how thick the product you want to get).

    Place the hot dessert in dry, sterile jars and seal with boiled metal lids. Let it cool with the necks down under something warm, this will take about a day. The delicacy should be stored with all other preserves in a cool place without sunlight.

    Advice: to prepare jam, choose apples of summer and autumn varieties - they are softer and, accordingly, easier to boil.

    A healthy delicacy prepared according to this recipe will not only be an excellent dessert for tea, but will also protect you from colds. Therefore, do not forget to stock up on delicious apple and orange jam for the winter using the simple method suggested. Bon appetit!

The jam has a homogeneous consistency, and due to the apples it still resembles jelly. Oranges are used in peeled form. If desired, you can also add zest. The peel must be thoroughly washed with water and then grated on a fine grater. The fruits are first cooked without sugar. To grind, you will need a blender or meat grinder.

After adding granulated sugar, the mass is brought to a boil. Cook the jam to the desired thickness over low heat. Since the consistency of the jam is dense and homogeneous, the mass may splash during boiling. The droplets are hot, so you need to carefully mix the jam so as not to get burned. To do this, you can use a spoon with a long handle.

But you need to preserve apple-orange jam in pre-steamed and dried jars. The specified amount of ingredients yields approximately half a liter of delicious and aromatic jam. By adding oranges, the preparation becomes brighter.

Ingredients for making jam

  1. Fresh apples – 450 g.
  2. Orange – 1 pc.
  3. Sugar – 500 g.
  4. Drinking water – 100 ml.

How to cook delicious thick apple jam for the winter, a simple recipe at home

Any apples are suitable for making jam; it is better to use homemade ones. Early varieties of apples cook quickly, so the jam will be ready in about 20-30 minutes. Rinse the apples with water, peel the skins, cut into 4 parts. Cut out the core and cut the pulp into small pieces.

Peel the orange and cut it into medium pieces.

Pour clean drinking water into the bottom of a thick-walled pan. Add apples and oranges. Place over low heat and cook the fruit until soft, about 15 minutes. They need to be stirred occasionally with a spoon.

Grind the boiled fruits in a blender until you obtain a puree-like consistency.

Pour granulated sugar into the applesauce and orange puree. Stir until smooth.

Boil the jam over low heat for 30 minutes until desired thickness. If foam has accumulated on the surface, it must be removed.

Place the hot apple jam into a jar.

Preserve the jar with an iron lid. Cool the workpiece under a towel, and then put it in the basement.

Delicious apple and orange jam is ready! Such a sunny preparation will remind you of a warm summer in winter. The jam spreads well on a slice of loaf or cut bun. Bon appetit!

Jam is one of the best ways to prepare fruit for the winter; it differs favorably from jam in that its preparation does not require a lot of sugar, and jam from some fruits can be prepared without sugar at all. The most delicious recipe is apple jam with different fruits for the winter - it turns out very different, depending on what fruit you add.

Delicious apple and plum jam

Very often they make jam from apples, plums, apricots and pears. Or they prepare a fruit mix by boiling several types of fruit with sugar. For example, apples and plums. This dessert is not difficult to prepare, so diversify the fruit preparations with a jar of apple and plum jam.


  • apples and plums - one kilogram;
  • granulated sugar – 1.3 kg;
  • water – 250 gr.

Cooking method

  1. Prepare the fruits:
    • sort, peel and cut the apples;
    • remove the pit from the plums;
  2. Boil the fruit mixture for about thirty to forty minutes;
  3. Let cool and grind through a sieve;
  4. Place on the fire and simmer for thirty minutes;
  5. Add granulated sugar to the fruit puree;
  6. Cook until the mixture becomes thick (approximately one and a half to two hours);
  7. Pour into clean jars, let cool and put in a cool place.

Advice! In order for the jam to be homogeneous, boil the plums separately for forty minutes. Then add apple puree (you can put it through a meat grinder), and let this mixture boil for thirty minutes, and only then grind through a sieve.

Apple and orange jam: recipe “Amber Fantasy”

Amber and delicious jam is obtained from available ingredients - apples and oranges. This is much tastier than store-bought jam, since the products are all natural and such a delicacy is prepared at home, without the addition of pectin and other chemical additives. The recipe for apple and orange jam can also help you out during baking - just put it on top of the dough and bake, the aromatic pie is ready.

The taste of apple dessert is simply amazing, with pleasant sour notes of citrus fruits.


  • two kilos of apples;
  • two large oranges;
  • 1.8 kilos of sugar;
  • glass of water

Cook in this order:

  • prepare apples - wash, peel, cut off spoiled areas, remove seeds;
  • grate on a coarse grater;
  • Boil the fruit mixture for thirty minutes;
  • Peel the oranges and cut them into small pieces;
  • mix granulated sugar, orange and applesauce;
  • let stand for twenty to thirty minutes until the apples release their juice;
  • put on the fire and cook while stirring for another hour and a half;
  • pour the finished product into a glass container.
  • if you want orange slices in the dessert, then cut it into large pieces;
  • Do not throw away the orange zest, but add it along with sugar to the jam; the finished product will be very fragrant.

Apple and pear jam “Sweet drop” for the winter

Apple pear jam for the winter is moderately sweet and very aromatic. This delicacy will appeal to both adults and children. It will take quite a lot of time to prepare a fruit dessert, but the unusual taste of the jam will not make you regret it.


  • two kilos of apples;
  • kilo of pears;
  • kilo of sugar.

Step-by-step preparation:

  • prepare apples: peel, chop (through a meat grinder or on a coarse grater);
  • add half a glass of water and cook for about thirty minutes;
  • Cool the apple mass and puree;
  • put the puree in a saucepan or basin, add sugar and boil for another twenty minutes;
  • Peel the pears, grate or cut into thin slices;
  • carefully place the pears into the apple mixture;
  • mix;
  • cook the jam until tender, about fifteen to twenty minutes.
  • pour the finished product into clean jars
  • to prepare an apple-pear dessert, you can take overripe and even spoiled fruits - they will still be wiped, trimmed or grated;
  • pears and apples can be taken in equal quantities.

Peach and apple jam

An unusual, but very tasty jam is made from peaches and apples. These fresh fruits are very healthy, and the jam from them also contains many vitamins and nutrients.


  • peaches – 2 kg;
  • apples – 1kg;
  • one medium-sized lemon;
  • sugar – 2 kg.

Fruit preparation and cooking:

  • Peel the apples and cut them into cubes;
  • Peel the peaches and remove the pit;
  • pass the fruit through a meat grinder;
  • mix fruit puree with granulated sugar and lemon juice;
  • simmer over low heat for thirty minutes;
  • Remove the seeds from the seeds and add them 5 minutes before they are ready.
  • Pour the finished product into jars.
  • before peeling the peaches, scald them with boiling water and then put them in cold water for a few minutes;
  • You can use not only juice, but also lemon zest in the jam.

Now let’s give the recipe according to GOST, without any additives, just for comparison.

Apple jam according to GOST: recipe “Greetings from the USSR”

Today we will prepare the most correct apple jam for you, according to the GOST recipe. This is exactly how jam should be, delicious, just like what you got from the store in childhood.

Cooking process:

  • process the fruits: peel, cut out damaged areas, remove seeds;
  • To make the apples boil faster, grate them;
  • place the grated apples in a saucepan or basin;
  • Boil them until soft and puree them with a wooden masher;
  • add a glass of sugar;
  • cook until a thick mass forms;
  • stir constantly so that the applesauce does not burn;
  • After cooking, pour into glass containers.

Apple jam prepared according to GOST turns out to be very thick and tasty. This jam does not spread when baking, and you can simply cut it into pieces. To prepare, you need to take one glass of sugar per kilogram of apples.

A delicious treat with a huge amount of vitamins in winter is apple and orange jam. All families prepare this wonderful sweet. Apple harvests have always been rich, and no housewife will miss a moment to preserve apple nutrients for a long time. From this fruit you can make not only jam, but also compote, jam, dried fruit, zucchini. The acidity of the apples is perfectly complemented by the sweetness of the orange. In cooking there are many recipes for apple jam with orange. Some of them are presented on this page. The cooking procedure for this recipe is shown step by step with photographs for each item. Therefore, even if the description is unclear, a visual photo will clarify the situation.

Benefits of Ingredients

Before considering a step-by-step description of making jam, you need to understand why canning apples and oranges at all? What are the benefits of apple-orange jam?

The abundant presence of magnesium in apples helps strengthen the immune system to the proper level. The cardiovascular system will be recharged thanks to the minerals contained inside and in the peel. Pectins will strengthen teeth and destroy harmful bacteria on them. The same pectins with fiber and cellulose will improve intestinal function. Ascorbic acid and a certain group of vitamins fight colds, improve metabolism, increase strength, and help absorb food.

Orange, in turn, improves appetite, improves tone, and cleanses the blood. Microelements in the fruit have a positive effect on the endocrine, digestive and vascular systems. Salicylic acid promotes the healing of wounds and ulcers. Orange juice relieves inflammation, lowers fever, and reduces allergies. Looking at the listed positive qualities of the two fruits, you should definitely combine them together and prepare various preparations for the winter.

Apple jam with orange slices

For those who like to enjoy the sweetness of jam while chewing it, it is better to cut the ingredients into pieces or slices. Sliced ​​apple jam with orange is exactly the solution you need. Lemon will be added to the ingredients for sourness.


1 step. Wash, peel, cut one kilogram of apples into two parts and remove the seeds. Cut the resulting halves into medium-sized pieces.

Step 2. Wash one orange, one lemon and, without removing the peel, cut into pieces, removing all the seeds.

Step 3. Mix the two cuts and add 500 grams of sugar. Leave to soak for half an hour.

Step 4 Place the mixture in a saucepan and put on fire. Simmer for 40 minutes until the syrup becomes thick and the apples are translucent.

Step 5 Apple, orange and lemon jam is ready to eat. Instead of lemon, you can use citric acid. The proportions, in this case, should be: 0.5 teaspoon per 1 kilogram of ingredients.

Apple jam with oranges through a meat grinder

For those who want to spread fruit and citrus sweetness on bread and eat it as a snack with tea, apple and orange jam through a meat grinder is at your service.


1 step. wash, cut into arbitrary pieces, removing the core.

Step 2. Remove the seeds from 1 orange and turn it into arbitrary pieces. There is no need to remove the peel. It contains many vitamins.

Step 3. Place the pieces of ingredients in a meat grinder and grind.

Step 4 To get sweet jam from apples and oranges, you need to add 1 kilogram of sugar to fruit puree and set aside overnight.

Step 5 The next day, boil the liquid mass for about an hour until thick. The jam is ready to eat.

A blender can act as a meat grinder. Another old proven way to obtain apple pulp is a regular hand grater. Also, to obtain fruit puree, after boiling the ingredients, they should be rubbed through a metal sieve and boiled again.

Apple jam with oranges in a slow cooker

To save time and get a flavorful dessert means preparing apple jam with oranges in a slow cooker. The multicooker bowl is small, so this option is not suitable for large quantities of canning.


1 step. Wash whole and ripe apples (1 kg) and cut into small cubes. If desired, you can grate it. If the peel is thick, then it is better to get rid of it.

Step 2. Peel 4 fresh oranges. Cut the resulting flesh into pieces.

Step 3. Place the crushed ingredients in a multi-cooker bowl and add 1 kilogram of sugar. Let stand for 30 minutes.

Step 4 After the set time has elapsed, a lot of apple-orange juice should be released; if this does not happen, you need to wait a few more tens of minutes or add sugar. Then turn on the multicooker and set the “Pilaf” item with a set time of 40 minutes.

Step 5 Transfer the finished jam into a suitable container and wait for it to cool, after which you can enjoy the sweet and sour taste.

Providing recipes for making apple-orange jam is quite standard. The amount of components can be diluted by adding other fruits, berries or spices. So, by adding cinnamon, you can get a wonderful jam from apples with oranges and cinnamon, which has a strong smell and spicy taste. Vanilla will also fit perfectly into this tandem. Among the fruits you can consider are pear, peach, banana, apricot. This jam will be perfectly complemented by the following berries: raspberries, strawberries, rowan. In the boiling stages, only the step of processing the new added ingredient will be added and, possibly, the amount of sugar will increase. The rest of the cooking process will not change in any way.

Apple and orange jam is perfect as a filling for pies, cakes, and buns.

Excellent results and delicious preparations for the winter!

A fragrant and thick jam from apples and oranges prepared according to this recipe will turn out very tasty. It can be added to baked goods or used as a fruit layer for a homemade cake.
In the morning, when you need to prepare a quick and nutritious breakfast, just spread the thick mixture on a piece of toasted bread.

The jam is prepared without much hassle and quite quickly; it contains a large amount of sugar, which ensures good preservation of the preparation even at room temperature.

It will take 1 hour and 20 minutes to prepare the jam. From these ingredients you will get 2 jars with a capacity of 500 g.

- oranges – 600 g;
- apples – 1 kg;
- sugar – 1.3 kg;
- cinnamon – 2 sticks;

Remove the core from the apples and peel them. Then cut into small cubes. You can make jam from unpeeled apples, but in this case the heat treatment time increases, and this, in turn, reduces the amount of beneficial vitamins in the fruit. Pour about 150 ml of hot water into a saucepan and place apple slices in it.

Add peeled and diced oranges to the apples. Remove a thin layer of zest from one orange.

Cook the fruits in a sealed container over low heat until the apples and oranges become completely soft. After this, you can throw them into a fine sieve and wipe, or grind them in a food processor. Jam made from pureed fruit will be more transparent and beautiful.

Mix the pureed mass with sugar and finely chopped zest. Place the jam on the stove and cook for 20 minutes.

At the end of cooking, add cinnamon sticks to the jam, which will add a pleasant aroma to the mixture. The readiness of the jam can be determined by placing a teaspoon of the mixture on a saucer. Well-cooked jam does not spread.

Pour the hot mass into clean, sterilized jars, and when the jam has cooled, seal them and store them in a dark place.

You can store the jam at room temperature.

It turns out no less tasty

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