Home Bakery products Marshmallow cottage cheese at home: a simple recipe. Curd marshmallows at home. Dessert without sugar, which is suitable for all losing weight! Cottage cheese marshmallow recipe

Marshmallow cottage cheese at home: a simple recipe. Curd marshmallows at home. Dessert without sugar, which is suitable for all losing weight! Cottage cheese marshmallow recipe

Making marshmallows at home is very easy. Such a dessert is suitable even for those who adhere to the principles proper nutrition. Minimum ingredients and maximum benefits!

What products will be needed

For the preparation of curd marshmallows, the following ingredients are needed:

  • milk 1.5% - 160 ml;
  • cottage cheese 9% - 400 g;
  • powdered sugar - 50 g;
  • gelatin - 20 g.

Powdered sugar can be replaced with stevia powder, and 1.5% milk with skimmed milk.

Agar-agar can also be used instead of gelatin. So the dessert will turn out to be even more dietary: there are no calories in brown algae powder, but it contains many useful trace elements.

How to cook

To cook it healthy treat, necessary:

  1. Beat cottage cheese with a blender with powdered sugar. For an easier process, you can add a few tablespoons of milk.
  2. Soak gelatin in cold water. Leave for 10 minutes to swell.
  3. Dissolve the swollen gelatin in warm milk (the correct ratio of dry matter and the required liquid is indicated in the instructions).
  4. Thoroughly mix the milk-gelatin mass with the curd substance until a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Pour the mixture into a mold and refrigerate for several hours.
  6. When the marshmallow has hardened, cut it into cubes and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

A light dessert is ready!

There is nothing difficult in preparing the dish, and it will take a little time. To diversify the taste of delicacy, just add a spoonful of cocoa, citrus juice, any berries or brewed coffee to marshmallows. The dessert will sparkle with new colors and will appeal to both adults and children!

Do you like sweets, but want to lose a few extra pounds? Then you will definitely need recipes for pp marshmallows.

Marshmallow is one of the favorite treats of all losing weight. And the point is not only that the calorie content of ordinary marshmallows is much less than the calorie content of chocolate, for example. 100 grams of regular marshmallow contains about 300 calories. However, this figure may vary depending on the various additives. Often, manufacturers add various syrups, chocolate, which leads to an increase in the calorie content of marshmallows.

How many carbs are in marshmallows? 100 grams of regular marshmallow contains as much as 79 grams of carbohydrates, so eating 100 grams of marshmallow without harming the figure will not work.

How many marshmallows can you eat per day? Here, nutritionists are of the opinion that you can eat no more than 2-3 marshmallows per day. However, it should be borne in mind that if you adhere to proper nutrition in order to lose weight, then even such an amount of marshmallows can be harmful to your figure. Why? Because 1 marshmallow weighs about 30 grams, and three marshmallows will have a lot of carbohydrates.

We should not forget about the glycemic index of marshmallows, which is equal to 65 units. Although this is much less than the chocolate index, it is still not worth abusing this product when losing weight.

How is marshmallow useful for the body? Marshmallow contains a lot of pectin, which helps the body get rid of toxins, as well as gelatin, which strengthens the ligaments. In addition, there are practically no fats in marshmallows, so this dessert is very often recommended by dietitians to obese patients.

100 grams of marshmallow contains 0.1 grams of fat, but 100 grams of chocolate contains as much as 31 grams of fat, so the choice in favor of marshmallows, if you stick to proper nutrition, is obvious!

Is it possible to have marshmallows on pp? Definitely yes! Especially if it is a dietary marshmallow prepared by you. Marshmallow recipes do not contain sugar and other harmful additives. As part of such a marshmallow - fruit puree, protein, agar-agar or gelatin and a sweetener. Thus, you significantly reduce the calorie content of marshmallows and the carbohydrate content. On average, 100 grams of marshmallows contains from 50 to 70 calories! And about 7-10 grams of carbohydrates! Such marshmallows should definitely be included in your weight loss menu, and you can even eat it for dinner! There will be no harm! Another plus of self-made marshmallows is the complete absence of dyes that manufacturers love to put on for beauty! So if you are preparing marshmallows with natural sweeteners, this dessert is possible not only for adults, but also for children!

Marshmallow PP without sugar

You can always prepare PP marshmallows without sugar using baby fruit puree. There are only 58 calories in 100 grams of this dessert. BJU - 5/0.32/7

  • 150 grams of any baby puree. Be sure to choose sugar-free purees. If desired, you can mix several types of fruit puree.
  • 10-15 grams of gelatin. If you like a denser pp marshmallow, then use 15 grams.

Dilute gelatin in 90 ml of water and put on a small fire until completely dissolved. No need to boil gelatin! Then we combine gelatin with mashed potatoes and beat thoroughly with a mixer. Get ready to whip long and hard. We spread the thick mixture on parchment and wait until the marshmallows harden.

Diet marshmallow recipe

You can make diet marshmallows from peaches. There are only 55 calories per 100 grams of this marshmallow. BZHU 4/0.3/10.

  • 3 medium peaches. The secret of this diet marshmallow is that we will not boil the peach puree. Peel the peaches, remove the pit and beat in a blender. This way you save more fiber in diet marshmallows. You will get approximately 150 grams of natural peach puree.
  • Gelatin. We will use 15 grams.
  • Any sweetener to taste.

Dissolve gelatin in water and put on a slow fire until completely dissolved. Then mix it with peach puree, put a sweetener to taste. Allow the mass to cool slightly, then beat thoroughly with a mixer. Put on parchment paper and leave for a couple of hours.

PP marshmallow with agar-agar at home

  • There are only 56 calories in 100 grams of such a dietary dessert. BJU - 5/0.1/7
  • Fruit puree. We will use two types: apple and raspberry. You can use ready-made puree, or you can make your own. The main thing you have to do is boil down the fruit puree. At the output, you should get 100 grams of apple and 80 grams of raspberry puree.
  • 10 grams of agar agar. This organic product contains no calories at all, but it is replete with fiber. Another plus of agar-agar is that it does not retain fluid in the body.
  • 100 grams of erythritol. It is a natural sweetener. If the apples are sour, then you can add more.
  • 150 ml water
  • 1 protein

The first thing to do is to soak the agar-agar in water.

Once you have received applesauce let it cool down a bit. Meanwhile in raspberry puree add agar-agar, 70 grams of sweetener and bring to a boil. Also let cool. Beat one protein with the rest of erythrol and add to the cooled applesauce. Beat for 2 more minutes. Then gently mix the mass with berry puree and whisk again. We leave the mass to cool slightly, and then put it into molds.

Curd marshmallow

This pp marshmallow is a real storehouse of proteins. BJU- 14/0/2 and 67 calories per 100 grams. This recipe is really worth including in your proper nutrition.
  • Cottage cheese will need fat-free. Take about 400 grams.
  • 200 ml of milk. Here we will use not skimmed, but regular milk of 2.5% fat.
  • 1 tablespoon gelatin
  • sweetener
  • cook curd diet dessert simply! Beat the cottage cheese with the sweetener with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If you want to add color to your marshmallows, you can add some of any berries. For this dessert, gelatin will be soaked in milk, not in water. Follow the instructions on the gelatin packet exactly. When gelatin is ready, gently mix it with cottage cheese. Pour into molds and put in the refrigerator.

PP marshmallow from apples at home

You can also make marshmallows from apples. There are only 60 calories per 100 grams of this marshmallow. BJU - 4 / 0.3 / 10.

  • Apples. We will need about 1 kg of ripe and delicious apples. It is best to use Antonov apples, as they have a high content of pectin. They should first be washed, peeled and cut into thin slices. Put them in the oven for 15 minutes. Then grind the apples in a blender until puree.
  • Protein. We will be using a lot of this ingredient. We will need as much as 180 grams, so use a kitchen scale for accuracy.
  • 20 grams of gelatin
  • Sweetener. In this recipe, we will use a natural sugar substitute - agave syrup.

To get started, prepare the gelatin, to do this, just follow the instructions on the bag. On average, gelatin will take about 10 minutes to swell well. Whilst the gelatin swells, beat the egg whites to peaks. Carefully add gelatin to warm applesauce, then add this mass to the proteins. Just do it in several steps. We also put agave syrup there and mix everything well. It remains to put the marshmallows in molds and send to the freezer for 20 minutes.

Zephyr with gelatin

You can also prepare dietary marshmallows on gelatin alone. This low calorie recipe is in special demand among all losing weight. The calorie content of this marshmallow is only 35 calories per 100 grams. BZHU 7/0/4.

  • 250 ml of water. Divide into 100 and 150 ml in two separate containers.
  • 25 grams of gelatin. Since this is our main ingredient, we will use it a lot. Use instant gelatin.
  • 1 protein
  • Any sweetener of your choice.
  • A pinch of citric acid
  • A little vanilla for flavor.

Soak gelatin in 100 ml cold water and wait until it swells. In the meantime, put 150 ml of water on the fire, put any sweetener of your choice there. As soon as the water starts to boil, add gelatin to it and stir constantly until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Beat egg white until white peaks and add to it citric acid and vanillin. Gently mix the resulting mass with gelatin. We spread the marshmallows on a baking sheet with a spoon or a pastry syringe.

Marshmallow on stevia

You can also prepare marshmallows on the natural sweetener stevia. There are only 50 calories in 100 grams of this dessert. BJU - 5/0.32/6

  • Any berries. We will use currants. We need 300 grams.
  • 15 grams of gelatin
  • Stevia to taste

Soak gelatin in water. Grind the berries and rub through a sieve. Put the resulting berry puree on the fire and add stevia to your taste, bring to a boil. Add the swollen gelatin to the puree and stir until completely dissolved. Don't forget to chill the mass. Now you need to thoroughly beat the berry mass with a mixer. You will need at least 10 minutes to get a thick and fluffy mass. Transfer to molds and place in the refrigerator.

Zephyr on fit parade

Phytaparade is another popular sweetener that is convenient to use when preparing diet marshmallows. There are only 52 calories in 100 grams of this dessert. BJU - 5/0.32/7

  • 3 pears. Wash, peel, bake in the oven or microwave and beat with a blender until a fruit puree is obtained.
  • 3 egg whites.
  • 20 grams of dry gelatin.
  • Fitparad. 4 sachets or to taste

50 ml water

Pour gelatin with warm water and let it brew. Then put on the stove, add phytaparade, vanillin and, stirring, bring to a boil. Whisk the egg whites to white peaks and gently add the pear puree to them, stirring constantly. Then pour gelatin into the apple mass, mix and pour into silicone mold. Let cool and cut into cubes.

Diet berry marshmallow

The calorie content of this diet marshmallow is only 57 calories. BJU 5/0.32/7

  • 200 grams of berries. We will be using strawberries in this recipe, but you can substitute any other berry you like. You don't have to use fresh strawberries, you can substitute frozen ones.
  • 15 grams of gelatin
  • Any sweetener to taste.
  • Lemon juice. Use half of one lemon.

Grind the berries with a blender until a homogeneous puree is obtained. Add gelatin and leave for a few minutes to swell. We also put a sweetener in the berry puree and lemon juice. We put the marshmallows on a small fire and cook until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Remove from fire and let cool. Now you need to beat our marshmallows with a mixer. Do this at high speed so that the mixture expands faster. We spread the pp marshmallows in a mold and leave for a couple of hours.

Fruit salad with marshmallow

The ideal low-fat dessert will be and fruit salad with marshmallow. This dessert is especially good in summer, when you want light and low-calorie delicacies.

So, you will need:

  • PP marshmallow. You can use any marshmallow from our recipes.
  • Any fruit. It is good to use ripe pears and grapes. But here the choice is entirely yours!
  • Yogurt. Use only natural yogurt without added sugar or other additives.
  • Any honey.

To begin with, we are preparing a dressing for our fruit salad with marshmallows. Just mix yogurt with honey and stir well.

Cut the marshmallow into pieces. Put a layer of marshmallows on the bottom of the container, pour over with yogurt and then lay out a layer of fruit. We constantly alternate layers of marshmallows and fruits, thoroughly watering each layer with yogurt! Our fruit salad with marshmallows is ready! The calorie content of this pp dessert will depend on which fruits you used and in what quantity. Don't forget to weigh all the ingredients before cooking!

Diet marshmallows are a great option if you're on a diet or a healthy diet. Due to the low calorie content, you can include this dessert in your menu at least every day. Be sure to try our marshmallow recipes, enjoy yourself and treat your family and friends!

And fat. Curd marshmallow with a mousse structure, you can even afford it for dinner. For a sweet taste, you can use honey, maple syrup, or stevia. When choosing curd cheese give preference low-fat varieties or use spreadable cottage cheese.

For a vegan option, use bean curd, gelatin can be replaced with agar-agar. Any vegetable or cow's milk of your choice is suitable for the recipe.

  • Additionally, marshmallows can be flavored with vanilla, coffee, chicory, zest. The dessert can be cooled in a bowl and cut into portions or shaped like in the classic version.
  • To keep marshmallows from sticking to your plate and hands, use tapioca starch, rice flour, or coconut flour.
  • You can sprinkle products with carob or cinnamon.

Ingredients for cottage cheese marshmallow:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • gelatin - 25 g;
  • a little starch for sprinkling.

How to cook marshmallows from cottage cheese with gelatin

Put the gelatin in a dish for blooming.

Pour it with 60 ml of cold milk and leave for 10 minutes.

Put cottage cheese in a glass for whipping, add honey.

Pour in the milk and beat with a blender until smooth.

Dissolve gelatin in a water bath or in a microwave oven, do not boil.

Add gelatin to the curd mass in a thin stream and continue to beat.

Pour the prepared mixture into a suitable vessel or mold and leave for 3 hours to solidify in the refrigerator.

Cut the finished marshmallow into portioned cubes with a sharp knife.

Sprinkle with starch or rice flour.

Curd marshmallow will appeal to your loved ones and children. You can diversify this dish with any berry puree, which is added at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 600 grams of mass. It will give marshmallows new flavors and a bright color.

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