Home Products Template scheme for creating a paper cake. Cardboard cake: do-it-yourself magic packaging. Happy birthday cake: photos of finished cakes

Template scheme for creating a paper cake. Cardboard cake: do-it-yourself magic packaging. Happy birthday cake: photos of finished cakes

Don't know what to give your loved one for Valentine's Day or March 8? Or maybe you need an interesting birthday present? Show imagination and originality. Everyone loves to receive gifts, but even more he loves to unwrap them - this is psychology. February 14, March 8, birthday is a time for pranks and gifts, because attention, love, and not material things are important. So, give him (or her) ... a paper cake with wishes from a whole bunch of bonbonnieres (pieces of cake)!

This masterpiece is created quite simply and takes about 4-5 hours.

You will need:

  • 13 sheets of colored paper
  • ribbons and lace
  • beads, rhinestones
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • mini gifts inside bonbonnieres.

Gifts for Valentine's Day (March 8, birthday) can be different - it all depends on your preferences, hobbies, relationships, etc. You can put inside the boxes not gifts, but the simplest items.

Examples of Paper Cake Wish Gifts:

  1. Put a note inside the box with a wish: “I promise to bring coffee to bed in the morning” and pour coffee beans inside or put a bag of disposable coffee;
  2. Put a condom in another piece and write in the wish: “I promise to wake you up in the morning not only with coffee” - this is a romantic holiday for two;
  3. Put a small chocolate bar or candy inside the “piece of cake”, indicate the wish: “I promise a sweet life”;
  4. Pour "M&M" into a bonbonniere and promise "bright and rainbow days together."
  5. Put colored crayons and write "Many vivid impressions"
  6. Put a bunch of little yellow emoticons and write "Eternal positivity"
  7. Insert a pair of dice with sixes on all sides (or a horseshoe) and sign "Incredibly Lucky"
  8. Wish "Unusual vacation" and put a shell, sand, mini glasses.
  9. Wish "Treasure" and put a bunch of small coins. You can add money to them.
  10. Wish "Good health" I put vitamin C.
  11. Wish "Luxury Life" and put down a toy limousine or hamer.
  12. Wish "Unlimited Love" and put a soft heart.
  13. Insert a candle and wish "Home warmth".

How to make a paper cake with wishes with your own hands:

So, let's start making a gift: first, a template. It is easy to make it: short sides are 5 cm each, long sides are 10 cm each. The larger the short side, the fewer “pieces of cake” you get. From the above calculation, 13 pieces of paper cake are obtained. To make a template and make the right angles between the lines, follow one rule: visually and intuitively place the ruler perpendicular to the resulting edges.

An easy option is to simply print out the included template sheet. A template will get the job done faster.
We cut out the template, circle it on each sheet of colored paper, draw fold lines under the ruler. We also make folds under the ruler so that the boxes turn out beautiful. Just bend the sheet along the line, attaching a ruler to it. Now it remains only to glue the edges - we connect the sharpest corner (it faces the middle of the cake), then the side.

Now we put inside a note with a wish and a gift. We close a piece of paper cake - insert the tongue into the slot (if they are made of cardboard). An ordinary colored paper bonbonniere can be sealed with PVA glue, since the paper is soft and the “locks” will not hold.

Now decoration: from ribbon, lace, you can easily make small bows. Beads, rhinestones, buttons, sequins, sequins are suitable for jewelry - all this is glued with PVA glue. Pieces of the "cake" are folded and tied with a ribbon. You can insert a candle in the center. All do-it-yourself paper cake is ready. it remains to fill it with wishes and hand it to the addressee.

Such a gift will be relevant even by March 8, even for a birthday, even for Valentine's Day. Just a few hours of time will help to give a card with wishes, a few gifts and the aesthetic pleasure of revealing each surprise at once!

Happy creativity! I am sure you will get a beautiful paper cake with tempting wishes and interesting gifts.

I made two such cakes, one as an advent calendar for children.

Second for a wedding for our friends.

And now the MC itself:


Such a cake can be presented on New Year. It can be made from 6, 10 or 12 parts. If the company is large, then the cake can be made multi-tiered.
In this master class, we will have a cake of 12 parts, if you need to make 6 or 10 parts, just change the angle in the pattern.

You can also make such a cake for a birthday or as a wedding gift.

We will need:
- cardboard, you can use paper for watercolor, you can make it from paper for printing, but then it will not be durable
- scissors
- glue
- a tool for folding cardboard (you can use any hard stick
- ribbons and other decorative elements

1. Make a pattern according to the attached template
2. Cut out, fold and glue the boxes. In order to bend the cardboard, draw a rigid stick along the fold line along the ruler. For gluing, you can use glue stick
3. Turn on your imagination and decorate the cake pieces as you wish. In this case, two types of decor pieces were made, which alternate in the cake.
4. Make a pallet. To do this, cut out a circle of thick paper (drawing paper) of a suitable diameter. We cut a strip for the sides, retreat from one edge by 1 cm (the height of the side), make cuts to glue to the base.
5. Put a surprise with wishes in each box.
sweet life (candy)
energy (batteries)
vivid impressions (colored pencils)
love (heart)
good health (vitamins)
heat (a piece of fur)
light (flashlight)
cheerfulness (coffee beans)
6. We pack the cake in transparent paper.

Now about how it turned out for me

For the first cake, I drew a box pattern with a pencil and a ruler on each sheet. And then I cut it out with scissors. I first ran along the fold lines with the same scissors (not with the cutting side), and then bent. For my cakes, I used watercolor paper. There is quite a good cardboard, white on both sides.

For the second cake, I was already too lazy to draw by hand and I decided to try running watercolor paper through our printer. He quite coped with the task. It turned out much faster.

For the feather cake, I made two tiers of 12 pieces and another tier of 6 pieces with lids. There was a different pattern. I drew it myself, drew on the ruler, measuring the desired dimensions.

I made the lids from colored cardboard, passing the edge through a special cutter.

Well, I made the last box round. Looks like now I can make any box))))

For decor, I used ribbons and a cutter with a flower. It takes about 7 meters of ribbon for a 12-piece cake to glue each piece in a circle

I put this cake on the top shelf and gave Andryusha a piece every day.

There was a letter for learning the alphabet. A toy wrapped in foil and a piece of cotton wool for the beard of our Santa Claus. Every day we glued a piece of cotton wool to Santa's beards.

And now for the wedding cake.

12 boxes were made in the same way as in the first cake. But then I decided to make a stand. My cake just fit in one of the lids. So I chose thicker cardboard, put this cover around with a pencil, and then cut it out with a knife.

Then I cut stripes from a sheet of A4 watercolor paper. bent in two for greater density.

Glued them into one long strip

And then glued to her circle. Cut off the excess. I stuck a pencil on the glue. He fit the best. The pieces themselves glued them together.

Wrapped around with ribbon.

I passed a hole in the middle and rolled the paper into a tube and inserted it into that hole. I glued the same to the base. To make a flower in the middle that would not fall when pulling out the pieces.

Outside wrapped in transparent paper and tied in a bow

And now for the surprises for this cake.

Small souvenirs and wishes for them.

1. Big and pure love

Love is a wonderful gift of fate...
Dreams come true with her!
Always keep her in your hearts!
Live in love and joy!
(keychain with a heart)

2. On the car

To not stand still
What would they drive to visit us,
Buy you a car
The first installment is just for the tire.
(money machine)

3. Unforgettable trips

To rest on the sea
And they flew to Paris more than once.

4. For kids

For a strong union
Urgently need a little one!
Give birth to babies
And girls and boys!

5. Home warmth

Song your house will be filled with comfort,
Every minute will be bright!

6. Good health


7. Sweet moments


8. Good mood


9. Ruble for a rainy day

We know the amount is not large,
But congratulations on your wedding day,
We would like to tell you:
Know if the day is hard
In addition to this ruble
Will always support you in everything
Our friendly family!

10. On a romantic trip
in the movie theaters

11. Inexhaustible energy

We wish you this holiday
You energy and strength,
What would every day with the dawn
Only brought joy!

12. Money

Let the money, straying into a flock of birds,
Fly towards you like a hurricane!
Let them surround, attack
And climb into your pocket with impudence!

The article will show you how to do original cake with a surprise.

A surprise cake is an unusual gift that will delight the birthday boy and surprise all the guests. Making it is quite simple, especially knowing the secrets of making. But how to decorate, you need to figure out yourself. After all, such a gift is a space for creativity and the manifestation of one's individuality.

How to make a cake out of paper or cardboard with wishes?

From the materials we need:

  • Thick cardboard (colored, with drawings or white)
  • Stencil template for a piece of cake
  • Scissors
  • Decorative elements (e.g. ribbons, artificial flowers, beads, lace)
  • Papers with wishes
  • Small gifts to put inside

Making paper cake

  • We print a stencil on plain paper for future pieces of cake
  • We take a sheet of cardboard, redraw a stencil on it and cut it out
  • Carefully fold the cardboard along the dotted lines
  • Fold a piece of paper cake
  • We do this with each sheet of cardboard. There should be enough pieces to form a round cake
  • Now we make the base. We put all the pieces in a circle, measure the diameter of the circle
  • Cut out a circle of the desired diameter from cardboard
  • We make boards from cardboard or paper
  • The base will help to easily carry the cake during transportation
  • We put in each piece a surprise gift and a wish written or printed on a piece of paper
  • Now let's decorate
  • One decor idea is to wrap each piece of cake with ribbon. Make a small bow at the back of the piece. On top, make a sticker where the date of birth of the birthday will be indicated. Decorate with flowers, beads or ribbon
  • Wrap the finished cake in wrapping cellophane, tie a bow

Cake decorations with wishes

  • Decorate a birthday cake with flowers
  • If you are too lazy, or there is not enough time to decorate each piece of the cake, you can make a composition and decorate its center
  • The base of the cake is not required. You can just put all the pieces tightly to each other, secure them with small pieces of double-sided tape and wrap the cake with ribbon
  • Pieces for such a cake so that they do not merge, it is better to make different colors
  • Place a floral arrangement on top of the cake. Flowers can be made from paper using a simple master class

Spiral flowers

  • Cut out a circle from cardboard
  • We draw a spiral on it, like a snail. Making not too thin edges
  • Now we twist our spiral. Get the original rose
  • The ends of the rose, so that it does not fall apart, are fixed with glue or tape

Schemes and wish cake template

  • Template to be printed and cut out. Don't forget to mark the fold lines

Template - basis

  • A template that shows where to apply glue when making a piece of cake

Happy birthday cake: photo

Wish Cake Ideas:

What to put inside a paper cake? Cake with surprise and wishes

Inside each piece of cake we put a wish and a small surprise that symbolizes this wish. An example would be such a "stuffing":

  • "Optimism for life". Inside we put a smiley icon, balls or soap bubbles
  • "Prosperity". You can put a banknote. By the way, this is a great idea to present money in an original way.
  • "Love". Putting a little heart
  • "Sweet life". You can put candy or your favorite birthday bar
  • "Good luck and luck." Place dice, card or poker chip
  • "Health". You can put Hematogen or Ascorbic acid
  • "Warmth and love of loved ones." For this wish, a candle or a small soft toy is suitable.
  • "Additions to the family". Baby or pacifier
  • "More travel." Airplane toy, seashells or ticket
  • "Pleasant surprises from life." Kinder Surprise
  • "New Purchases". Here you can invest what the birthday man dreams of (for example, a car model)

"Stuffing" for a cake with a surprise

Video: How to make a cake with a surprise and a wish

Each of us loves to receive gifts. But it is much more pleasant to give them and see surprise and admiration in the eyes of the recipient. It is these emotions that will be evoked by a paper cake with wishes, inside which you can put pleasant little things and memorable gifts. Such a gift will definitely be remembered for a long time.

What matters is what's inside

Paper cake is a very original and versatile gift. It can be timed to coincide with any event, such as a birthday, wedding or christening. And to receive such a gift will be pleasant for both a woman and a man. The main thing is to choose the right wishes for a paper cake. So, you can write tender words and declarations of love to your loved one. A friend will appreciate a good joke, and various tasks found in the notes will be appropriate at the corporate party.

All wishes must be selected individually, and these ideas will help you decide on the general concept:

  • "Great vacation." As an addition, you can put money or a seashell in the box.
  • "Sweet and carefree life." It would be appropriate to put confetti, a lollipop or a small kinder surprise here.
  • "Permanent immunity". Complemented with a surprise in the form of a pack of ascorbic acid or pharmacy hematogen.
  • "Home comfort and warmth." Inside you can put a box of matches or a candle.
  • "Have a good mood". Cut out a lot of emoticons from multi-colored paper, they will certainly cause a smile.
  • "Bright and colorful days." Colored pencils, felt-tip pens or markers would be quite appropriate here.
  • "Faithful and devoted friends." You can make a small collage of shared photos or put a nice surprise in the box that only you and your friend will understand.
  • "Fantastic Luck" This wish harmonizes well with playing dice or a small souvenir horseshoe.
  • "Fulfillment of dreams". Think about what the recipient dreams of most. Perhaps this is a trip to some country in the world. Then you can invest a small souvenir attraction. And if it's buying a car, then good addition will become a toy copy of the car.
  • "Eternal beauty and youth." Fill the space of the cake slice with nice beauty products like face cream or new lipstick.
  • "Cheerfulness of the Spirit". coffee beans or tea bag depending on the preferences of the recipient, the whole meaning of this wish will be perfectly emphasized.

In this spirit, you can continue indefinitely, the main thing is to connect your entire supply of imagination and creativity.

Original gift cake recipe

A do-it-yourself paper cake with wishes is a simple and quick gift. No need to come up with something special or look for the necessary materials for a long time. All you need to bring this idea to life is colored cardboard, a few decorative elements and about an hour of free time.

Necessary materials:

  • thick colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • Scotch;
  • ruler;
  • finishing paper;
  • glitter cardboard;
  • beads.

Process description:

  1. Then we cut out a blank from thick cardboard along it. Carefully use a ruler to give the cardboard the desired shape and bends.
  2. Lubricate all intermediate lines with glue and firmly press the parts to each other.
  3. For reliability, the bottom of the box can be fixed with a thin strip of adhesive tape.

  4. We fill in each field in accordance with the chosen topic and twist the blanks with a tube.
  5. We attach a note to a small gift. For example, wishes for a sweet life would be appropriate with confetti, marmalade or a chocolate bar.

  6. Then we cut out a circle of arbitrary diameter from cardboard with glitter and cut it in the shape of a spiral. With the help of superglue we form a flower from a spiral.

  7. We repeat these steps the required number of times, and then we collect all the boxes in the form of a cake.

I have an idea!

As you already understood, the basis of any paper cake is a template. It is not difficult to find and print a blank, in extreme cases it can always be drawn by hand. And if there is absolutely no time to decorate a gift, a sketch of each piece can be immediately printed on white cardboard, of course, when a color printer is in use.

Today, at the thought of a cake, not only sweet teeth rejoice, but also lovers of original surprises. After all, paper cakes are becoming more and more popular. In order to “bake” such a gift with your own hands, you don’t have to wait long for the right occasion - he will find you: birthday, wedding, March 8, February 14 or 23, or maybe the anniversary of the first kiss? Today we will tell you how to make a cardboard cake yourself and how to decorate it.

"Baking" is easy

Our paper cake will consist of separate cardboard boxes that look like pieces of a real cake. If you plan to serve such a surprise at a theme party to entertain guests, calculate the number of boxes in advance. The most popular is the 12-piece paper cake option. But if you wish and have free time, your cooking masterpiece may well turn into a two- or even three-tiered paper cake.

To create the basis for future pieces, you will need colored or white paper, PVA glue or double-sided tape, scissors, a ruler and a pencil. The paper should be thick enough - not thinner than a landscape sheet, in order to keep its shape well. We print the finished template (the photo on the right is enlarged) on the printer, cut it out and circle it on each sheet of paper. Decide whether all the pieces will be the same color or will become different.
We fold the workpiece along the dotted lines. Use a ruler for this - then the folds will turn out even. Now we glue the edges with the help of double-sided tape: for this, first we connect the acute angle, then the side one. We have a pyramid, which opens one branch. By the same principle, we glue the rest of the blanks. You can put a paper cake on a tray or make a do-it-yourself cardboard base for it.

decor ideas

The most responsible and pleasant moment is decorating the cake. We must turn scattered paper boxes into small gifts with our own hands. For this, everything will be used - beads, figurines, sequins, serpentine, paper flowers and ribbons. For decoration wedding cake beads imitating pearls will come in handy - they will give the gift a solemn and elegant look. You can also decorate the cake with flowers made from sweets and corrugated paper, made by yourself. Another interesting idea is decorating with quilling patterns.
We tie each piece with a braid, it will not allow the gift to fall out of the box. We make small bows from lace, glue them with PVA glue. You can insert a candle into the center of the cake. The frame for the cake is ready - it remains to fill it with gifts.

Wishes with a twist

Now about the "stuffing": you can fill the boxes with the simplest items and provide them with original wishes.

  • For a romantic gift to your loved one, pour a few coffee beans into the bag and attach the inscription: “I promise to wake you up with the smell of coffee in the morning.”
  • And if you want to hint at the passionate component of your life, put a condom in another box and write: “I wish you sleepless nights and strength to spend them.”
  • You can add a wish for vivid impressions and a sweet life to a chocolate bar or multi-colored dragees.
  • We will decorate the magnets in the form of emoticons with the inscription "I wish you smiles and positive."
    We wish travelers new exciting adventures and put a bottle of multi-colored sand or several shells into the box.
  • We apply coins and real banknotes to the treasure wish.
  • A toy car can become a symbol of a luxurious and rich life - do not forget to wish it too.
  • A small candle will add home comfort and warmth - such a wish will become universal and will suit both your soulmate and the newlyweds to whom you are invited to the wedding.
    Batteries can symbolize a wish for endless energy, a package of vitamin C for good health, a horseshoe for incredible good luck. The number of boxes with wishes and their content is limited only by your imagination.

Everyone can make a paper cake with surprises. This is a great idea for anyone. More often, such cakes are the work of women's hands, however, as the following video shows, a man can also handle the cake if he wants to congratulate his beloved in an original and unusual way:

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