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Liver salad recipe for funeral dinner. How to properly and tasty cook liver salads. Layered salad with beef liver

The woman is not in vain dubbed the vessel of the devil. She seduces and subjugates, gives unbearable pleasures and can turn life into torture, lure with illusions, let in fog and, in general, makes the whole world revolve around her. Of course, not every representative of the weaker sex is capable of such feats. "Femme fatale", a sorceress, a witch - this is how their victims and ordinary, average citizens dubbed the "lovely ladies".

witch signs

So let's figure out how witches were recognized before and how to identify them among those around them now. As a textbook, you can, of course, take the famous treatise "Hammer of the Witches", but we will go the other way. And to begin with, let's recall situations when we encountered something special in a female form. For example, a completely ordinary girl or an ancient old woman will look at you - and her eyes are not tenacious, attentive, right to the soul. And you will feel uncomfortable, somehow scared ... And then your head will ache, everything will fall out of your hands. How witches were recognized in the old days: by the evil eye that they directed at their victims. Another fairly striking example: sometimes men call their lovers that, especially after a stormy, passionate night, or when a lady manages to force a gentleman to do something that he did not want to do. Moreover, he achieves this not by blackmail and threats, but by completely different, beyond the control of reason methods. How witches were recognized by such signs: if there is increased sexuality, promiscuity, the ability to subdue one's will, it means that the lady certainly sniffed with the devil! And of course, every self-respecting sorceress simply must be able to fly on a broom, broom or, alternatively, in a mortar! At least have the listed items in your arsenal. Their presence somewhere in an inconspicuous corner of the house was considered as indirect evidence of a woman's connection with the “other” world. The listed facts are a small fraction of how witches were recognized in the century, commercials, 17-18. And if you go further, look into the depths of centuries?

For answers - to Gogol!

It is clear that witches must have some distinctive features. A fair question arises: "in appearance?" Let us turn to the true connoisseurs of everything infernal - Gogol and Bulgakov. In "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" and "Mirgorod" we meet with the most different devilry from popular beliefs and observations of real events. Here is the charming, cunning and unlucky Solokha. She is just over 40, and she is in the prime of female strength, beauty, sexuality. Eager for compliments, ready to listen to them even from a demon. How to recognize a witch by appearance, because Gogol Solokha has a diligent, hospitable hostess, kind in speeches, and outwardly does not drop herself. Dressed to the face, clean and neat. But here's the bad luck: she has a sure sign about which rural gossips gossip - a tail. Small at all, imperceptible under puffy skirts. But there is!

Stepmother and Pannochka

The tail, more precisely, the process on the coccyx, can be classified as idle speculation, although in biology they call such a phenomenon an atavism, and in nature cases of the birth of people with such deviations have been recorded. Since everything unusual frightens and repels, atavism was called a devilish omen. And woe to those who had it! After all, how witches were recognized in the Middle Ages: if you have a tail, you are a witch. The next sign is long hair. Women were generally not recommended to cut their braids in the past, and not only because they were considered a symbol of femininity and beauty. The longer the hair, the more active the life force and the closer the connection with the cosmos. Intuition and the gift of foresight are more clearly manifested. And a magical gift too! Do not forget, in all witch rituals, women always let their hair down, “untangle”, wrapped in them like a cloak. And the pannochka witch in "Vie" appears before us untwisted, with black strands along her pale cheeks. Yes, she has black hair. And dark eyes, deep as a whirlpool. Even the dead pannochka is strikingly beautiful. The stepmother from May Night is also good-looking. However, her gloomy essence is betrayed by an evil look and the ability to turn into magical animals. How to recognize a witch among people: get accustomed to the behavior of cats and dogs, if they are nearby! In her presence, they will behave restlessly: throw themselves, attack, or, conversely, hide.

In the footsteps of Bulgakov

It was not for nothing that Mikhail Afanasyevich called Gogol his favorite writer. Bulgakov himself is not only a wonderful satirist, but also a mystic who deeply penetrated the secrets of the other world. His "Diaboliad" excites the imagination. And "The Master and Margarita" is a real encyclopedia that lifts the veil over witchcraft secrets. If you want to know how to recognize a witch by her eyes, read Gella's descriptions. You will not only face already known facts but also meet new ones. Gella is a classic creature from the "other" world, a vampire, a servant of Woland. And her appearance is appropriate: colorful, spectacular, memorable. A red mane of thick hair, green, lecherous, phosphorescent eyes, ideal proportions of the body and - as a special sign - an ugly scar on the neck. What we have: For the portrait of the heroine, Bulgakov uses precisely those ancient stereotypes of the image of a witch that have developed in Slavic, Russian-Ukrainian mythology. Red hair and green eyes have long been considered a sign of lascivious, licentious, shameless, vicious women. And a sign of connection with supernatural forces.

Queen Margaret

And here is another classic witch - Margarita. Before her transformation, she was a woman tired of life, exhausted by experiences - with thin wrinkles on her forehead, dull eyes, yellowish shadows on her temples. What is the transformation of the heroine after the wonderful Azazello cream? The eyes turned green (again green!) and began to squint slightly, the eyebrows plucked into a thread became thick, laid down in even, smooth arcs. The hair is black, curly - instead of an artificial perm. Smooth forehead, not a single wrinkle, clean, delicate skin with an even pink blush. Thanks to the transformation, Margarita lost 10 years. She feels complete inner freedom, emancipation, therefore she “grins her teeth” carelessly in laughter. Here is an instruction for you - how to recognize a witch in the modern world.

Household witch Annushka

In the novel, there is another representative of the witching clan-tribe: Annushka. She is pure incarnation of the lowest category of sorceresses - evil ones. Gella may also seem like that, but only at first glance. She punishes evil with evil, biting Varenukha, frightening Sokov. Its "impurity" is very conditional, even neutral. Annushka is different. Where this woman appears, squabbles, quarrels, gossip begin. She has a "filthy" language, from which nothing kind and friendly comes off. Annushka sniffs out, peeps, eavesdrops, in order to later spread another fable among the neighbors. And the nickname of the heroine is appropriate: Plague! And when Margarita's horseshoe falls into her hands, the woman's eyes light up with "completely wolf fire." By the way, each of them looks in different directions.


Moles are the marks of the devil. So unambiguously and undeniably stated in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. True, not all, but a special form, irregular, or too large, protruding above the skin. How to recognize a witch by moles? Usually, a woman suspected of witchcraft was stripped naked and carefully examined. If the unfortunate woman had marks on her body, and even with a few hairs - trouble! They were necessarily pierced with a long needle, piercing it deep under the skin. Droplets of blood appear - the "witch" has a chance to escape. There is no blood - that's all, this is one of the "evidence" according to which the woman was accused of being impure and sent to execution. A lot of people suffered a terrible death because of such people. However, there is no smoke without fire. And according to knowledgeable people, real witches really have special marks. If you look closely, then their moles are really special: in the form of numbers or strange icons. According to these signs, one can also distinguish modern "Witchers".

hand lines

Since we are analyzing all the signs pointing to the magical essence of some ladies, it is impossible not to remember how to recognize a witch by her hand. Firstly, in real, ancestral sorceresses, the lines on the palms are arranged so that the Russian letter “M” or the inverted English “double yu” is clearly visible, i.e. W. Secondly, a sign of a witch is such a skin pattern when a human eye is formed from the interweaving of small lines. Traditionally, it is located on the hill of the Moon - after all, it is this planet that is responsible for the work of the subconscious, everything unknown, mysterious, associated with the night zone. "Witch's eye" indicates the presence of certain abilities, inner strength and special energy. It reveals to its owners such knowledge that an ordinary person does not even suspect. "An eye in the palm of your hand" happens to natural healers, healers, herbalists, astrologers, fortune-tellers, psychics, mediums, magicians. It is this, by and large, that distinguishes a truly gifted person from a charlatan and a deceiver. And finally, one more sign: the triangle that forms the liver and fate. According to ancient treatises, it also occurs only among witches or women who are prone to witchcraft, but do not practice it.

White and black

Experts say: there is no white and black magic - it is one-color. But there are good and evil witches who use their gift in different ways. Some heal, advise, help, warn, remove damage and the evil eye, avert trouble. Those. act in accordance with the primary meaning of the word denoting their occupation. Others act differently: they do all sorts of filth and dirty tricks. Often, for their dark deeds, such "witches" use the house of God. How to recognize a witch in a church? This is quite difficult, especially if you are not specially trained. Still, here are a few suggestions. Some of them may seem stupid or pointless. Take your time: defy rationalization! Method one: on Easter clean Thursday, you need to go to church in clothes turned inside out. Stand on the sidelines without touching anything. Then you will see the sorceress, completely naked, with her back turned to the priest. Just don’t give a look, otherwise it won’t be good! Method two: when a dead man is buried in a church and psalms are read, take a closer look at the women's faces. The witch hardly tolerates holy words, her face is distorted by pain and anger. And one more thing: if a woman spins around you, asks to put a candle instead of her, or kind of accidentally pushes you, hits your hand - congratulations, you are faced with a sorceress, and quite unkind. Return the blow to her, with your left hand. And move away, better to the priest.

modern witch

Speaking of witches, we forgot two more bright representatives of this tribe: Olesya and her grandmother, Manuilikha - the heroines of Kuprin's story. We need them, because give additional information on how to recognize a witch in the modern world. So, Olesya: tall, slender, long-haired brunette, with a strong, healthy body, because. she grew up among the freedom of the forests. In passing, we note: real witches preferred to live on the outskirts, away from curious human eyes and general fuss, but closer to nature, from which they drew their strength and knowledge. Her eyes are dark, shining, her eyebrows are thin, gracefully curved, slyness, imperiousness and naivety slip through her face, her skin tone is delicate, swarthy pink. She is charming, Olesya's beauty is original, she cannot be forgotten. The girl is endowed with the strongest charisma, giving the whole appearance a special appeal. But her grandmother resembles fairy-tale heroines. A thin face, sunken cheeks, and a hooked, equally long and sharp chin, faded round eyes under reddish eyelids, a twisted figure and a gnarled stick to boot. Manuilikha speaks unusually, with sayings and riddles, her voice is now hoarse, now whispering, her fingers are twisted - a real Baba Yaga! Isn't it true that you also met such lovely grandmothers? It is quite possible that some of them really used to be engaged in dark deeds!

Image transformation

And indeed it contains an element of the mysterious, unknown, magical. The fair sex lives more with emotions than with reason. The world of feelings is subtle, irrational, based on intuition, forebodings, the influence of the subconscious. Therefore, women are more closely in touch with the transcendent, otherworldly, sometimes without even noticing it. Their energy is more strongly connected with the natural, with tribal ties. After all, thanks to a woman, new life comes into the world. Because once the word "witch" was not abusive. On the contrary, it had a positive semantic coloring. This was the name given to women endowed with special - higher - knowledge: coastlines, able to heal people and animals, protect, protect, communicate with the spirits of nature and command the elements. So it was with paganism. But Christianity, alas, did not tolerate any rivalry in the sphere of influence on man. And because the beregini turned into sorcerers, accomplices of the devil. Those. those same witches who were hunted down by the Inquisition. To force women to confess, they were subtly tortured: with a rack and a “Spanish boot”, they tied them hand and foot and threw them into the water. Will emerge - a witch, on her fire or the gallows; drown - the priest will sing as a random victim. Later, those accused of witchcraft were stoned and given to the mob to be torn to pieces. But even now you can be sure: a real witch has a special look, a completely different aura around her, in her purse, in addition to a powder box and a comb, there are strange objects: stones, roots and bunches of herbs, a candle stub. And she is all special!

There are ways to determine whether a person is a magician or a witch. To do this, you need to do some calculations with the date of birth and the number of the Devil - 666. Thanks to a simple method, you can not only determine some, but also find out to what extent a person has magical abilities.

How to recognize a witch by date of birth?

To make it easier to understand the calculation, consider an example. Take the full date 07/31/1963 and add 6 to each digit, the result is 97.73.8629. After that, you need to analyze the result. If 3, 6 and two 9s are present (the sequence does not matter), then the calculation of the witch by date of birth should continue. Otherwise, the person does not have any magical abilities and this can be finished. It is important to replace that the numbers 3996 were chosen for a reason, the whole point is that this number, when divided by 6, gives 666 - the number.

The next step in calculating how to determine a witch by date of birth is to add up all the birth numbers one by one: 3 + 1 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 30. It is important that the final number is divisible by 6. If the result does not match this condition, then the calculation ends, and you can be sure that a person with such a date of birth does not have magical abilities. After that, you need to sum up the numbers that we got when adding the date of birth with 6: 9+7+7+3+8+6+2+9 = 51. This number must also be divisible by 6. In our example, this condition is not met and calculation stops. You can understand that you are a witch by your date of birth if all three conditions coincide, since this is an indication of a connection with the number of the Devil. Most often, people with magical abilities are born on days close to the new moon in the following months: April, May, December, January and February. One more important condition- A witch is born only between midnight and dawn.

People with magical powers have existed at all times. But not everyone knows how to recognize a witch in a friend, relative or lover. This can be done by paying attention to a number of features in appearance and behavior.

Who is the witch

There is something sinister in the very word "witch". But if earlier, at the mention of this term, the appearance of a terrible twisted old woman with a wart on her nose came to mind, then the modern witch is completely different. They are also called seers, sorceresses, soothsayers, clairvoyants.

Witches have magical powers. In the old days, such women had to hide their gift. They were afraid of fortune tellers, and in the Middle Ages they were burned at the stake. Modern witches are often asked for help.

Magic and esotericism are in fashion today. Many learn to read tarot cards or in other ways to predict fate. Women tend to have good intuition and non-linear thinking. Often they are engaged in magic and rituals.

However, a real sorceress has a gift from above, which is often inherited. In order for a special gift to manifest itself, an initialization rite was performed earlier. There is no such tradition in the modern world. Many are unaware of their supernatural abilities. A gift often appears after a tragic event.

A feature of the witch is unregulated, spontaneous clairvoyance. Pictures of the future appear before the eyes of the seer involuntarily, which by no means makes the life of the sorceress happy.

Clairvoyants predict the future and sometimes even know the date of their own death.

How to recognize a witch in our time

In society, sorceresses are not much different from ordinary women. They can be distinguished from the crowd due to some features in appearance and behavior. Ladies born on certain days are prone to magical abilities.

By date of birth

Numerology will help you learn about the girl’s ability to predict the future and read conspiracies. But for this you need to know the date of birth of the subject.

  1. The first thing to do is to add 6 to each digit of the date of birth. If the addition results in a two-digit number, then the numbers are added together again. For example, 07/31/1963 = 97.64.7639. If as a result there are 3 magic numbers 3, 6 and 9, regardless of the location, you should continue the calculations.
  2. The next step is to sum up the date of birth numbers. If the total (3+1+0+7+1+9+6+3=30) is divisible by 6, there is a possibility of magical abilities.
  3. Now it remains to add the numbers obtained in the first step: 9+7+6+4+7+6+3+9=51. If this number is also divisible by 6, then we are talking about a witch. In the given example, this condition is not met.

Clairvoyants are often born on days close to the new moon, in January, February, April, May and December, as well as at night - from midnight to morning.

By appearance

Modern witches dress and look like ordinary women. Issue sorceresses details:

By behavior

Enchantresses do not advertise their abilities. But sometimes they give themselves away with small remarks and guess the mood of others or the outcome of some business. They manage in a miraculous way to avoid trouble. You can identify a witch by the following signs:

  • Witches are closely connected with nature and love animals. They would rather spend the day in solitude on the banks of the river than go to a noisy party. Witches are not afraid of unpleasant natural phenomena, whether it be a storm, a thunderstorm or a hurricane.
  • With trepidation, clairvoyants treat the plant world. In their kitchen you can see all kinds of herbal teas and tinctures.
  • Women with a magical gift easily converge with people. However, they prefer to spend time alone. Even the company of close relatives of the sorceress is avoided.
  • Soothsayers are wise and interesting in communication. But after spending time with representatives of white magic, the soul is light and pleasant. But evil witches seem to suck out energy. After talking with them, a person feels exhausted.
  • The house of sorceresses is often a mess, despite the fact that they like to buy new expensive things. Because of this, a man may even suspect witchcraft in his wife, which is not always true.
  • Witches often talk to themselves.
  • There is an opinion that witches avoid going to church and even pass out from the smell of incense. This is not true. Enchantresses often visit temples, but here such individuals should be wary. They can bring damage to the church. If the sorceress went around the person in the temple counterclockwise and stopped behind, then she thus takes energy from the victim.
  • Seers often cross their arms or legs while in church, they are baptized with their left hand, starting from the navel. Often they turn their backs to the altar and walk backwards out of the temple, as if walking backwards.
  • It is worth paying attention to the behavior of people in the church during Christmas. On this day, women associated with otherworldly forces try to touch the castle on the gates of the temple. So they get magical energy.

Signs of a witch according to the "Hammer of the Witches"

One of the tasks of the "Hammer" was to prove that women conjure more often than men.

Particular attention was paid to the search for witches in the Middle Ages. Then there was a special treatise called "Hammer of the Witches." It outlined the signs of a witch. It was believed that women who were prone to magic did not know what tears were and rarely cried.

The creators of the treatise claimed that there is a place on the body of a witch that is immune to pain. It was called the devil's seal. A sign of involvement in otherworldly forces was the wearing of stones, amulets, the storage of potions and ointments based on plant components in the house.

Witches were considered women who rarely got sick, kept apart from others, avoided communication.

If you recognize the sorceress in a loved one or in yourself

Communication with witches does not pose any threat, therefore, if for some reason a representative of magic was recognized in a loved one, there is no need to take special actions.

You should continue to communicate with the sorceress. But still, you should not enter into conflict situations with such ladies. It is better to maintain a neutral relationship. After all, witches often even unconsciously and not of their own free will can bring trouble to an opponent.

Having recognized the traits of a witch in yourself, you do not need to tell everyone about your abilities for magic, and even more so use the skills for personal needs. Witches try to store magical energy, because rituals take a lot of strength. However, some develop their abilities to help and heal people. But the supporters of dark magic, committing damage and love spells, become associates of the devil.

In today's world, many people have supernatural powers. Some don't even realize it. A number of features will help recognize the witch. However, it is better to use magical skills only in exceptional cases.

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