Home A fish Techniques for working with text in the classroom with different types of reading (viewing, introductory and studying). How to work with puff pastry butcher's bakery Repeat the previous command

Techniques for working with text in the classroom with different types of reading (viewing, introductory and studying). How to work with puff pastry butcher's bakery Repeat the previous command

Working with text is a lot of different things. This is the search for the right texts, this is the correct reading of the texts you need, this is the ability to write clear, vivid and lively texts yourself.

Effective Reading

How to find the right text and the right information? First, you need to understand and decide what you really want, what are your goals. Secondly, you need to read the right books. Thirdly, these books need to be read correctly, and not like you :).

Reading is different. It is important for one whether the book will be interesting and exciting, for the other - what results it will achieve. Some read because reading is exciting and because it is a good way to pass the time, others read to achieve their goals. Let's call the first reading process, track the results after each book read. This is the most important skill.

Therefore, the general direction remains: if you pick up a book, especially if you start reading it, you must clearly know what you will read in it, how long you will do it, what result you expect from reading and where are the results of reading in your life apply.

When an author writes something, he himself has not always figured out what he wants to say. But he writes. The task of the reader in this case is to understand what the author would write if he understood his own thoughts. The higher the clarity of the writer's thinking, the more meaningful, clear and logically structured texts he writes. The better your LAT (logical text analysis) skill is worked out, the better and faster you understand texts. And not only in written texts, but also in oral ones - you begin to better understand what the people you are talking to want to tell you.

Microsoft Word is the most important and necessary tool for any office work. And the number of functions that it has will shock any person. We have selected 20 tips that will help you simplify your work with Word and automate some routine tasks. You can read similar material for Excel.

Insert date and time

You can quickly insert a date using the key combination Shift + Alt + D. The date will be inserted in the format DD.MM.YY. The same operation can be done over time using the combination Shift + Alt + T.

Fast register change

If you do not yet own the blind typing method, then CAPS LOCK can play a trick on you. By accidentally turning it on and not looking at the screen, you can type a mountain of text that will have to be deleted and rewritten from scratch due to one pressed button. But by selecting the desired text and pressing Shift + F3, you will change the case from uppercase to lowercase.

Cursor acceleration

Usually, if you move the cursor with the arrows, it moves one letter at a time. To speed up its movement, hold down the Ctrl key together with the arrow.

Selecting fragments of text located in different places

A very useful feature that allows you to highlight inconsistent pieces of text. Hold Ctrl and select the pieces of text you need.


If you use copy and paste (and you probably use them), then most likely you know about the extended clipboard in Word. If not, then it is called by pressing the button of the same name and shows everything that you copied to the buffer during the work.

Quick screenshots

If you are doing a manual, a service review, or you just need to paste a screenshot into Word, this can be done very simply using the appropriate tool. Click the Snapshot button and Word will show all active windows. By clicking on any of them, you will get a screenshot of this window.


Turning on hyphens can improve the readability of your text, as well as getting rid of long blank spaces between words. You can arrange them yourself or entrust it to the computer. The button is located in the menu "Page layout" - "Hyphenation".


You can add a watermark to your document for added protection. To do this, go to the "Design" menu and select "Underlay". Word has four standard templates, you can also create your own.

Repeat previous command

A very useful feature that allows you to duplicate the last command. If you press F4, then Word will repeat the last command you made. This can be text input, consecutive deletion of several lines, applying styles to different sections of text, and much more.

Stress setting

Putting emphasis in Word is easy. To do this, place the cursor after the letter that should be accented, and hold down the key combination Alt + 769. Important: the numbers must be pressed on the numeric keypad on the right.

Ribbon customization

The top ribbon with buttons can be very flexibly customized. To do this, go to the menu "File" - "Options" - "Customize Ribbon". Here you can add features that were not there before, and remove those that are not needed. Moreover, you can delete or create your own tabs with features.

Quick selection of a large piece of text

To quickly select a large piece of text, place the cursor at its beginning and click with the mouse while holding Shift at the end of the fragment. It will save time and nerves in situations where you have to select several sheets at once.

Fast document navigation

There are several combinations that greatly speed up document navigation:

  1. Ctrl + Alt + Page Down - next page;
  2. Ctrl + Alt + Page Up - previous page;
  3. Ctrl + Home - move to the top of the document;
  4. Ctrl + End - guess for yourself. :)

Inserting a new page

How I hate myself for not knowing this combination before. Ctrl + Enter allows you to instantly create a new leaf, rather than holding Enter with one hand while brewing tea with the other.

Changing the default save folder

By default, Word saves all files to the Documents folder. In order to change this, go to the menu "File" - "Options" - "Save". In the line "Location of local files by default" select the folder you need. In the same menu, you can set the default document format, autosave, and more.

Source Formatting

In order to return the text to its original formatting, you need to press the key combination Ctrl + Spacebar.

Word as a task manager

If you're a big fan of Microsoft and Word in particular, you can even use it as a task manager. True, to begin with, you have to try a little. Right-click on the features ribbon at the top and select Customize Ribbon. In the right column, enable the only disabled Developer tab.

Go to the "Developer" tab that appears and find the "Checkbox" element, which shows a checkmark (why not). Now, by clicking on the checkbox, you can create lists of tasks and mark them as completed.

Vertical selection of text

If you accidentally mess up your list, you can highlight the text vertically. To do this, hold Alt and use the mouse cursor to select.

Protecting a document with a password

It doesn't even need to be said why. In our age, when information has become the main weapon, it never hurts to have additional protection. To protect a document with a password, go to the "File" tab and select the "Protect Document" option. Now feel free to create a password, but remember that if you forget it, you will not be able to recover it.

The fastest way to open Word

Rounding out our list is an incredible hack. If before, in order to open Word, you created a new document or searched for it in the Start menu, now this is a thing of the past. Press the key combination Windows + R and enter in the window that appears winword. If you don't use the command line for other commands, then the next time you press Windows + R, the command to start Word will automatically load and you just have to press Enter.

Do you have ways to make working with Word easier? I'm sure there is. Share them in the comments!

Tips for schoolchildren


1. Work with the title.
- After reading the title, stop! Formulate for yourself what will be discussed in the text.
- Remember everything you already know about this topic.
- Make up questions that you think will be answered in the text.
- Try, as far as possible, to give hypothetical answers to these questions before reading the text.
- Then start reading. As you read, compare your assumptions with the actual content of the text.

2. Working with text
- When reading, watch for any incomprehensible words and expressions in the text. If there is, find an explanation for them in dictionaries or reference books, or contact those who know this.
- The content of the text itself may be incomprehensible. Think about whether this misunderstanding is related to the material covered, but poorly learned. Think about what exactly
From the old material interferes with understanding, and repeat it. Think about whether the text will become clear if you look at specific examples.

3. Have a dialogue with the author.
- In the process of reading, put questions to the text and put forward your assumptions about the future content.
- Be sure to test your assumptions as you read. If you cannot give a hypothetical answer to your questions, look for them in the text. Did not find the answer in the text, look in other sources.

4. Highlight the main thing!
- When reading the text, try to separate the main from the secondary. Think in what part of the text the main idea is expressed, what complements and substantiates this main idea.
- As you read, make an oral or written plan.
- Make diagrams, drawings, tables reflecting essential points.
- Make notes if necessary.
- Consider all the examples given in the text, come up with similar ones.
- Visualize what you are reading as you read.

5. Remember the studied material.
- Explain the connection between the thoughts-points of your plan.
- Retell the text according to the plan.
- Answer the questions to the text, if any.

6. Test yourself!
- After answering the questions, check the text for the correctness of your answer.

Text comprehension
Any text you read is divided into paragraphs. And it's not just that.
Each paragraph contains one main idea, for the sake of which the author wrote this paragraph.

The texts are redundant, 75% is water, which frames the main idea. In principle, it would be possible to write texts only with the main thoughts, but it is inconvenient to read them this way.

The main idea in its purest form is an aphorism.

To better understand what the main idea is, let's take one paragraph together. Read the given text and formulate its main idea.
“The width of the European railway track was adopted long before the invention of the steam locomotive. It exactly corresponds to the distance between the wheels of the ancient Roman chariots, with which the Romans made aggressive campaigns through the territory of modern England and France. The peoples of Europe made their chariots according to Roman models. The same standard was taken into account in the construction of railways” .
The main idea will be the answer to the question: "What did the author want to say with this text?" or "What did I learn from the text after reading it?"

How to work with texts
Before searching for the main idea in a paragraph, you need to learn how to highlight key words - these are words that carry meaning and cannot be excluded from the text in any way.

To master the skill of highlighting keywords, they should be underlined in the texts. Read, for example, a newspaper and underline key words with a pencil. It is rather difficult to explain what keywords are. To put it simply: do not underline those words without which it is already clear what is being said.

Here's what I got with (you can get it differently) for our text:

was adopted long before inventions locomotive. She is exactly corresponds to the distance between wheels of ancient Roman chariots, with which the Romans made aggressive campaigns through the territory of modern England and France. Peoples of Europe did their chariots by Roman samples. The same standard was taken into account during the construction railways .

Reading only the underlined words, we get: “The width of the European railway track taken up to the locomotive corresponds to the distance between the wheels of ancient Roman chariots. The peoples of Europe chariots according to samples. Railway Standard”. The text was shortened, but the meaning remained.

We underlined 20 words - this is 42% of the original text (48 words in total). Already at this stage, we weeded out 58% of the text.

You need to underline as you read, perhaps later (when you read the text in full) the underline will turn out to be not so important. But it is better to emphasize more in the early stages.

Over time, you no longer need to underline words - the brain itself will automatically highlight key words in the text.

Consider the underlining of the first sentence: “ European railway gauge was adopted long before inventions locomotive.
Why did I emphasize so: it is about width(not height or length), European(not American) railway gauge(not highways), adopted(without it it is not clear), to the locomotive(not after or on time).
Now analyze this proposal and you will see one nuance that was not immediately paid attention to. Nuance: how could the width of the railway track be adopted if the steam locomotive had not yet been invented?!
With this proposal, the author simply wants to interest us, according to the principle: do you know what? The proposal is erroneous, since the width of the railway track could not be "accepted" before the invention of the steam locomotive.

As you can see, in one small text, so many interesting things happen if you think about it.

So, I got the main idea of ​​the text: the width of the railway track in Europe is equal to the distance between the wheels of the ancient Roman chariot (12 words - 25% of the original text). 75% redundancy - which was required to prove.

It can be even shorter: the distance between the rails is equal to the distance between the wheels of the chariot. (8 words - 17% of the text)

You can imagine: a chariot on rails (image of the main idea). Remembering this image, you will deploy in memory all the information from the text. Try it!
Finding the main idea is like solving riddles. But only in riddles you can see the answers. And no one will give them to you in the text.

One way to learn to understand what the main ideas are is to try to write something yourself. For example, when preparing an essay, students can not only copy it completely from the Internet, but write something there on their own. So you will immediately understand what paragraphs are and what they are for. Another option is to read and think more.

To summarize: Each paragraph is 1 thought. And this idea of ​​the author and it needs to be found. Procedure: we emphasize key words - we find the main idea - we create its image.

Most teachers in their lessons are faced with the fact that students do not know how to work with text.

Possible reasons:

  • Modern children in the conditions of oversaturation of the information environment read little educational and additional literature.
  • The textbooks contain a fairly large amount of material.
  • The educational process is aimed at independent acquisition of knowledge.

Working with text is one of the tasks in any lesson. It is not enough just to ask students to open the book to the right page, read the material and answer the question. This will lead to the absence of the required result and a senseless loss of time in the lesson.

The same type of activity within the lesson can be built in different ways so that it becomes not only effective, but interesting and motivating for students. In order for reading to become productive, students must take an active position, carrying out a variety of mental operations. When working on a text, it is important to take into account the types of reading that pursue different goals.

Types of reading

  • Review Reading is the most superficial view, giving the most general idea of ​​the content and meaning of the text. The end result is the decision whether to read the text or not.
  • Introductory reading is more detailed than the preview. This type is characterized by the extraction of basic, but not additional information from the text being read. As a result, students determine whether there is enough information in the text or whether it needs to be reread or analyzed.
  • Learning Reading- the most detailed type of reading. The purpose of this type is not just a thorough study, but also penetration into the meaning of the text, a detailed analysis of the text. The final result is aimed at understanding all levels of the text, as well as at the perception of various information presented in the text (factual, conceptual and subtext).

Reading goals are achieved using a variety of techniques for each type of reading.

Techniques for working with text used for viewing reading

  • Analyze the subtitle and predict the topic of the text.
  • Make an analysis of subheadings, if they are present in the text. As an additional task, it is possible to view figures and various selections in the text.
  • Get to know the structure of the text.
  • View the first as well as the last paragraph of the readable text.
  • Introduction to the title.
  • Use text annotations.

Text Techniques Used for Introductory Reading

  • Students read the text paragraph by paragraph. It is important to focus on the nouns, the first and last sentence of each individual paragraph.
  • Highlight important information. You can determine the main thing in the process of reading the text.
  • Arrangement of graphic signs adopted by the students themselves: ? - I do not understand or! - it is interesting.

Techniques for working with text used for learning reading

  • Isolation of semantic parts of the readable text.
  • Predicting the content and meaning of subsequent parts of the text, based on what has been read.
  • Highlight key words in the text as you read.
  • Replacing the semantic parts of the text with their equivalents.
  • Identification of details, as well as subtext information contained in the text.
  • Determination of text belonging to a specific functional style.
  • Drafting questions that are problematic, both during and after reading the text.
  • Making student judgments.
  • Drawing up a plan or graphic diagram that will help to identify the structure of the text, as well as the relationship of its individual parts. Students love this kind of work.
  • Text processing, creating new texts based on what you read.
  • Commenting is final stage work on the text for studying reading.

The listed methods of working with text are basic, but far from the only ones. Their use is largely determined by the experience of the teacher, his desire to work creatively and look for new effective ways to solve problems in the classroom. The choice of certain techniques also depends on the level of preparedness of students and their learning motivation.

A fragment of an English lesson aimed at teaching the learning type of reading

Work on any text in a foreign language consists of three stages:

  • pretext;
  • text;
  • post-text.

The pre-text stage involves familiarization with lexical units that can cause difficulty, as well as predicting the content of the text.

Exercises for the pre-text stage

  • Correlating the meaning of a word with the topic: filling in the gaps in a sentence from a number of proposed words.
  • Expanding students' potential vocabulary: reviewing text and finding common root words.
  • Recognition of the meaning of grammatical phenomena: the selection of certain parts of speech and their selective translation.
  • Prediction of language means and text content: reading aloud only those parts of sentences that answer the teacher's question.

The text stage involves reading the text and working on its lexical and grammatical material.

Exercises for the text stage

  • Reading the text and highlighting key sentences and words in it.
  • Text comprehension control: identification of true and false statements; answers on questions.
  • Highlighting the main parts of the text.
  • Correlation of separate parts of the text: reading certain paragraphs in order to confirm the facts.
  • Abbreviation or paraphrase of the text: replacement of sentences with synonymous phrases.
  • Selective translation of the text.

The post-text stage is needed to improve the skills of monologue and dialogic speech.

Post-Text Exercises

  • Determination of the cognitive value of the read: commentary on certain parts of the text.
  • Developing the skills of monologue and dialogic speech based on the text: compose a dialogue or situation on the topic of the text. It is possible to use Passov's functional tables, logical-semantic maps of the problem.
  • Writing annotations, summaries of the text.

To work with text to become productive, you must:

  • Carefully build the algorithm of the lesson, think through its course to the smallest detail.
  • Clearly set goals for students.
  • Focus on the level of preparedness of students and their learning motivation;
  • Do not forget about a differentiated and person-centered approach.

And so that your pastries are based on puff yeast dough turned out to be airy and soft inside and crispy on the outside, we have prepared recommendations for working with Myasnov BAKERY dough, as well as examples of baking options that can be prepared.

Five steps from buying dough to finished baking

1. Defrost the dough. To do this, put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or leave it at room temperature away from heat sources for 1-1.5 hours. Re-freezing is not allowed.

2. Form the desired pastry and place on a greased butter baking sheet. For this purpose, well suited.

3. To receive golden brown grease the baking surface with diluted water or or Myasnov FARM. Do not touch the edges as they will harden during baking. Sprinkled pastries do not need to be lubricated.

4. Leave the pastries for 50-60 minutes until complete proofing in a draft-free room at a temperature of 26-30 0 C.

5. Bake products at a temperature of 220-240 0 C for 15-25 minutes. The time may vary depending on the type of pastry and the features of your oven.

Methods for cutting puff pastry and molding products

What to cook from puff yeast dough? Croissants, puffs, baskets, envelopes, pies with all kinds of fillings... There are a lot of options. Choose!


1. Roll out the dough. Please note that if you take a whole layer, the snails will turn out to be quite large. In this case, we used half of the layer.

2. Lubricate the dough with an egg over the entire area. You can apply your favorite cream.

3. Add raisins Myasnov BUFFET - or, to your taste, chocolate drops or other toppings of your choice.

4. Gently roll up the dough.

5. You should get a roll, as in the photo.

6. Cut the roll into portions. Separate the snails from each other, turn over, put on a baking sheet and send to bake.


1, 2. The first two stages repeat the initial stages of snail preparation. The only difference is that in this case we used jam for lubrication. Artisan jelly marmalade Myasnov BUFET -, or is perfect.

3. Fold the dough on one side to about the middle of the formation.

4. Do the same on the other side.

5. The edges should "converge" exactly in the middle, as shown in the photo.

6, 7. Cut the resulting workpiece into portions. Please note that it is necessary to work with a knife carefully so that the curls do not fall apart and do not lose their shape.

8. Embellish curls if desired. We sprinkled the products with coconut flakes.


1. Cut the dough into squares about 10*10 cm in size.

2. Each square must be folded into a triangle.

3. On one side of the triangle with a knife (we recommend a pizza cutter), make a cut, but not completely.

4. Turn the triangle back into a square, grease one corner along the edge, where the cuts are, with an egg.

5. Take the resulting cut corner and move it to the opposite corner.

6. Bind the edges. That is why we smeared them with an egg. You have a square-shaped product.

Basket unsweetened

This pastry differs from the previous one only in the filling. Therefore, we repeat the steps of preparing the basket itself and proceed to filling.

5. You will need pre-diced cheese - they can be put whole or cut in half.

6. Put in a couple of mozzarella cubes first.

7. Add a couple of tomato slices. If the basket is not yet filled, repeat.


1. Cut the dough into thin strips about 15-20 cm long.

2. Fold the horseshoe strip, sprinkle with grated cheese along the entire length - or Myasnov FARM.

3. In order for the cheese to remain on the dough during further manipulations, we recommend that you lightly “walk” over the workpiece with a rolling pin: this way you will, as it were, crush the cheese into the dough.

4. Take the ends of the "horseshoe" and cross them "crosswise" so that the workpiece resembles an untied tie.

5. Then grab the intersection and flip it 360 0.

7. Sprinkle cheese again: you can't ruin a pretzel with cheese!

We are sure you can come up with many more baking options yourself. Experiment! Good luck and don't forget to share photos of your creations on social networks with hashtags #myasnov #myasnovbakery #kulturamyasnov #dough

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