Home Fish Is it possible to freeze apples? How to properly freeze apples for the winter at home in the freezer and rules for storing fruit. Is it possible to freeze whole apples?

Is it possible to freeze apples? How to properly freeze apples for the winter at home in the freezer and rules for storing fruit. Is it possible to freeze whole apples?

And fruits are much more beneficial for our body than various canned products. So if you freeze fruits correctly, you can not worry about a lack of vitamins all winter. Today we will tell you how to freeze apples correctly. They do this in various ways, and which one to choose is up to you to decide. Frozen apples taste somewhat like baked ones, so they can be served with tea instead of dessert.

Frozen Apples Recipe


  • fresh apples – 3 kg.


So, using this method, we thoroughly wash the fruits, peel them, cut out the core and chop them into small pieces. After this, put the apples in an enamel bowl and simmer with the lid closed over low heat, remembering to stir. Cook the apples until they turn into a homogeneous puree. Then we put it in plastic containers, cool it, cover it with film and put it in the freezer.

How to freeze fresh apples?


  • apples – 3 kg;
  • water – 3 l;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • citric acid – 5 g.


We bring to your attention another way to freeze apples: wash them, dry them, cut them into small thin slices, put them in a saucepan, fill them with cold salted water and add a little citric acid, thanks to which the apple pieces will not darken. After about 20 minutes, place the fruit on a cardboard tray and put it in the freezer. When the apples freeze, quickly separate the pieces from each other and send them back to the chamber. After a few hours, we transfer them into bags and be sure to tie each one.

What's the best way to freeze apples?


  • apples – 3 kg.


We choose good apples, without damage, and if there are any, we carefully remove them. Then wash the fruit thoroughly, dry it and cut it into quarters. Remove the seeds and stem, place the apples on plastic cutting boards or metal trays and place in the freezer. After about 3 hours, the apples are ready, pour them into bags, tie them tightly and store them in the freezer.

How to use frozen apples?

Frozen apples can be used in different ways. For example, in winter they can be added to pies or cottage cheese casseroles! If you freeze a lot of them, you will have enough reserves for the whole year, right up to the new harvest. And then it is very convenient to cook compote - in June there are already fresh cherries, but there are no apples yet, this is where frozen ones will come in handy. From frozen reserves they make delicious sauces for pancakes, morning oatmeal, and even add them to minced meat for cutlets and sauerkraut. Any baked goods made with them turn out incredibly aromatic and tasty. They can be used almost everywhere: in preparing a hot dish, sauce, mousse, side dish for duck, etc. You can also quickly make healthy puree for your baby, and frozen apples retain much more vitamins than prepared fresh fruits.

Frozen apple compote


In the beautiful autumn season, it’s time to make sure that you have something to please your family on winter evenings: aromatic tea with jam or a fragrant pie with pieces of apples.

And more and more housewives in this matter prefer freezing berries and fruits, because they will contain much more vitamins and beneficial microelements than heat-treated fruits, that is, in the same jam or canned compote.

Freezing berries at home is no longer a novelty, but not everyone freezes apples for the winter. But in vain, because this storage method has significant advantages:

  • Frozen fruits will retain vitamins and microelements, and during cooking many useful substances are lost;
  • Having made the preparation, you will always be sure that the fruit has not been subjected to any chemical treatment, which cannot be said about the same apples from the store, which look suspiciously “fresh” even when a new crop has already ripened on the tree branches, and they are still lying around on store shelves;
  • You will significantly facilitate and speed up the subsequent process of preparing your favorite dishes, since the fruits will already be prepared (washed, peeled and cut).

For freezing, choose any apples of sweet and sour varieties, but you need to know that the taste and texture of these fruits will change slightly after defrosting. To make pies, it is better to take Jonathan and Golden Delicious apples, since they will retain their shape best, but the Fuji or Gala varieties will retain their sweet taste.

Freezing rules

To successfully freeze fruit for the winter, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • With You should choose fresh, ripe, dense and not deformed fruits;
  • before freezing, apples must be washed and dried, since undried slices will stick together when frozen, and instead of neat and beautiful slices you will get one incomprehensible lump;
  • frozen fruits must be placed in an airtight container or plastic bag as densely as possible (the denser they are laid, the less moisture they will lose and, accordingly, the better they will retain their properties).

Thawed fruits can no longer be re-frozen, so care must be taken in advance to ensure that the portions of frozen fruit are not very large, sufficient for use at one time.

Before freezing at home, apples must be washed, stems and cores removed, peeled (this is not necessary; frozen slices can also be peeled later) and cut into pieces. The shape and size of the pieces (slices, circles or cubes) can be chosen at your discretion.

Preparing apples for freezing

So, small cubes will take up less space in the freezer and allow you to make more supplies. And apples cut into circles or slices will have a more aesthetic appearance and are perfect not only as a filling, but also for decorating pies and rolls.

To prevent the slices from darkening when frozen, they are kept in salted or acidified water for 15 minutes. This will not affect the taste, but will prevent oxidation and help maintain an attractive appearance.

An important role when storing such winter preparations is played by the temperature maintained by the freezer. The most suitable temperature for freezing is -18ºС. In this case, frozen fruit will be stored for up to 1 year. At temperatures from 0 ºС to -8 ºС, storage of apples is reduced to only three months.

To ensure that your summer preparations can please you longer, follow these simple rules:

  • Do not store frozen food for too long;
  • sign the date of freezing and the variety used;
  • Keep fruits separate from vegetables.

Freezing in slices

  • Dry the prepared apples thoroughly on a towel;
  • After this, carefully place the slices on a baking sheet, cutting board or tray covered with cellophane film, so that the slices do not touch each other. The use of cellophane is in principle not necessary, however, it significantly helps to collect frozen slices (if you decide to do without it, be sure to make sure that the surface on which you will lay the fruits is completely dry);
  • place the laid out slices in the freezer for 2 – 3 hours;
  • collect frozen slices in bags or containers and place in the freezer for storage.

This freezing method allows you to store fruit for 9 – 12 months.

Apples in syrup

  • prepare sugar syrup by taking 2 parts sugar to 3 parts water;
  • pour the syrup over the prepared apples, making sure it completely covers the slices (you can lightly press them down with a lid or plate);
  • After 3 - 5 minutes, remove the slices and place them in a thin layer in a bag and place them in the freezer.

Such fruits can be stored for up to 12 months.

Freezing in sugar

  • prepare apples and sugar, using 2/3 cup sugar for every 3 cups of fruit;
  • Place the fruits cut into slices and soaked in acidified water in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar;
  • Gently mix the fruit with sugar;
  • Place the resulting mixture in bags or food containers and place it in the freezer.

These fruits can be stored for up to 12 months.

Frozen applesauce

  • Peel the washed apples, remove the stem and core, cut into small pieces;
  • place them in an aluminum or enamel pan and place on low heat (sugar is not needed in this case);
  • simmer the fruit until the puree becomes thick enough;
  • pour the resulting puree into containers, close the lid tightly, and place in the freezer.

The resulting puree should be used within 9–12 months.

Apples, frozen whole

  • Dry well-washed fruits thoroughly with a towel;
  • do not cut the apples. If you want to use peeled fruits, then place them in acidified water and dry;
  • carefully place the fruit in a container, bag or wrap in cling film;
  • Place in the freezer to freeze and store.

This product should be stored for no more than 6 months.

So, you have decided on how to freeze the apples. And if you are not going to freeze them whole or prepare puree, then you need to take care that they retain their snow-white appearance and do not darken. To do this, it is important to follow several rules:

  • Prepare fruit in small batches: you shouldn’t peel a lot of fruits at once so that they don’t have time to darken while you cut the slices;
  • Immediately immerse the cut slices in acidified water (5 g of citric acid is required per 1 liter of water);
  • instead of acidified water, salted water is also suitable (30 g of salt is used for 4 liters of water), which will also help avoid oxidation and perfectly preserve the fruits.

What can you then cook from these apples?

You can prepare quite a large number of different dishes from frozen apples:

  • If you froze whole fruits, then they are well suited for baking either whole or in halves (for piquancy, add a filling of nuts, honey, cottage cheese, or just sprinkle sugar on top);
  • apples in sugar are an excellent base for a sweet dessert, smoothie or cocktail;
  • Applesauce is used for filling pies, buns, as a baby's first fruit food, or in preparing various sauces. It will also be a substitute for butter or jam in sweet sandwiches, and if you love making marshmallows, marshmallows or sorbet, then puree will help make these sweets not only tasty, but also quite quick to prepare;
  • if you add frozen berries (cherries, strawberries or raspberries) to the apple slices, and use lemon juice for flavor, you will get an excellent compote;
  • apple slices can be used as filling and decoration for pies, charlotte, cakes, muffins and strudels. Appetizing and satisfying pancakes are made with this filling.
  • Frozen apples will not only be part of a dessert or baked goods, but also an addition to savory dishes: a filling for a baked duck or a component of a holiday salad. They also make savory sauces for meat dishes.

Defrost fruit slowly. You can put the dishes with apples in the refrigerator and wait until they are completely defrosted.

Freezing apples is not at all difficult, as it seems at first glance. By devoting a little time to this simple procedure, you will not only save a piece of summer, but also use its gifts to benefit yourself and your family!

Probably everyone who has their own garden plants apple trees in it. Often it is not even one tree. And when the time comes to harvest, a reasonable question arises: what to do with the fruits that you did not have time to eat. In fact, there are many options for storing apples, but the most useful is freezing, since in this case the maximum amount of vitamins remains in the product. This article will discuss how to properly freeze apples for the winter in the freezer.

Features of freezing apples at home

There are certain rules that you need to follow if you want to get a quality product:

  • Before freezing, fruits must be dried to prevent them from sticking together.
  • The fruit cannot be re-frozen, so it is packaged in small portions.
  • To prevent the peeled slices from turning black, you need to soak them for a quarter of an hour in a slightly salty or slightly acidic solution.
  • For winter preparations, choose a ripe, undeformed product.
  • Do not freeze fruits that have been picked for a long time. Make sure that a minimum of time passes between harvesting and processing.
  • Apples can be frozen without peeling them. If necessary, it can be easily removed from slightly melted fruit.
  • Apples are frozen at a fairly low temperature, so the freezer must work properly.

What varieties of apples are best?

Of course, not all apples are suitable for freezing. They prefer late (autumn or winter) sweet and sour varieties: Antonovka, Golden, Kutuzovets, Sinam and many others. The specific variety will depend on the purpose of further use.

For example, Jonathan and Golden Delicious retain their shape best, while Fuji and Gala retain their sweet taste. But remember, like most frozen foods, apples will change slightly in both texture and taste.

Preparing fruit for freezing

To prepare fruit you will need:

  • apples;
  • water;
  • towel;
  • cutting board;
  • baking sheets or trays;
  • bags or containers for storage.

Collect ripe whole apples, wash them thoroughly with water and wipe dry with a towel. If necessary, cut off the peel with a well-sharpened knife. Cut out the stem, tail, and core. Next, you need to cut the fruit using the chosen method. If you plan to freeze whole fruits, then simply wipe them thoroughly.

Required temperature

The colder it is in the freezer, the longer the fruit can be stored.

There is also an option that involves shock freezing. In this case, the apples are immediately packaged in containers or bags and sent to the freezer. The freezer compartment is set to the “ultra-fast freezing” mode.

Any of the above methods requires the ability to regulate the temperature of the freezer.

Ways to freeze apples for the winter

There are different ways to freeze apples. They will differ depending on the capacity of the freezer and the purpose of freezing.


For this freezing option, you need to take fresh apples. First they are washed and dried with a towel. Next you need to remove the seeds (this rule is not mandatory, but it is better to do it now, because it is much easier). If necessary, you can peel the fruit. If this is done, be sure to keep them in a special solution, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. This will help maintain an appetizing appearance even before the apples end up in the freezer.

To prepare it you will need:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • citric acid - 5 grams.

Mix the acid thoroughly in the water and keep the chopped fruit in the resulting solution for at least a quarter of an hour.

Afterwards, the fruits are packaged in bags or sealed containers and stored.

Apples frozen in this way can remain in the freezer for up to six months. Whole fruits can then be baked, added to pies, pies, or made into compote. The only disadvantage of this freezing method is that fruits take up a lot of space, and storing them can be simply inconvenient.

In slices

Another freezing option that is popular is sliced ​​apples. First you need to rinse the fruits well and dry them with a towel. Next, if desired, you can remove the peel (if you plan to cook compote, then it is better to leave the peel, but for various types of fillings, cut it off). Cut the apples into 4 parts and remove the seeds, stem and tail. Next, the fruit is cut into slices or plates of the required size. To preserve the appearance, do not forget about the salt or lemon solution.

Then place the slices on a baking sheet or kitchen board. To simplify the task of transferring, it is better to cover it with parchment or cling film. Carefully place the tray in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

The main thing here is to arrange the fruit slices correctly: make sure that they do not touch each other.

After about 3 hours, you can take out the chopped apples and pack them in bags or storage containers. They try to prevent air from getting into the container - this will increase the shelf life. Fruits frozen this way take up much less space.

Dry freezing

With this option, apples are frozen in two temperature conditions, so you need to have a freezer with the ability to adjust the cold supply. Apples are also laid out on a board or baking sheet in one layer.

Don't forget to check that the pieces don't touch each other. The fruits are placed in the freezer for a couple of hours at a temperature of minus 23. Then the fruit is taken out, packaged and stored at a standard temperature of minus 18 degrees.

In sugar syrup

This freezing method is very popular among housewives for two reasons:

  1. thanks to the syrup, the shelf life increases to a year;
  2. The apples become sweet and can be eaten as a separate dish without any further processing.


  • water - 0.75 liters;
  • sugar - 0.45 kilograms;
  • ascorbic acid - 1.5 grams.


  1. Prepare syrup from the indicated ingredients.
  2. Cool and pour over the chopped apples.
  3. After a day, pour boiling water over the pieces of fruit (it’s more convenient to use a colander for this), place them on a tray according to the scheme described above and put them in the freezer for freezing.
  4. After 2-3 hours, pack the apples and store them in the freezer. Do not forget to monitor the absence of air in the container.

Preparation of puree

This option for freezing the product is perfect for using purees as fillings for baked goods or for baby food. In the first case, you can add sugar to taste, in the second, it is better to do without it. To prepare applesauce, you need to wash the fruit, dry it with a towel, cut off the peel in a thin layer, remove the stem, seeds and tail.

Prepared apples need to be cut into small pieces, placed in a saucepan and filled with a small amount of water. Wait until the resulting mixture boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer, stirring constantly, until the fruit reaches the required consistency. Cool the resulting mixture. If necessary, you can further puree in a blender. The finished puree is frozen in jars. The shelf life is on average 10 months.


The shelf life of frozen apples at a temperature of minus 18 degrees is on average 9 months, but it may vary depending on the freezing method. If you want to prolong it, then you need to soak the fruits in a salt or lemon solution.

Ingredients for the brine solution:

  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • 4 liters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine salt and water and mix well.
  2. When the salt has completely dissolved, lower the apple stock into the solution for just a few minutes.
  3. Next, spread on a baking sheet and freeze in the standard way.

Ingredients for the sugar solution:

  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • water - 3 glasses.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix everything thoroughly until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Pour the solution over the apple pieces for a few minutes and mix well.
  3. Place on a tray and freeze using one of the methods described above.

If the freezer does not support such low temperatures, you can also freeze apples for the winter, but they will only be stored for 3 months. For packaging, choose storage bags or airtight containers. Be sure to completely release the air from the bags if possible, and close the containers tightly. And in order not to miss the end of the shelf life, they sign the packaging date of each container.

Not every family decides to freeze apples for the winter. However, if you know how to properly freeze apples for the winter, you can provide yourself with vitamins all year round. From frozen fruits you can make both a delicious pie and puree for your child.

Properly prepared fruits will delight you with their taste and benefits. As a rule, apples are frozen both in pieces and in whole form. A few practical tips will help you prepare fruits correctly:

  1. Always choose fresh apples. The fruits should not be wrinkled and without wormholes. Use ripe fruits of any variety.
  2. To prevent apple preparations from darkening during freezing, they should first be soaked in cool water with citric acid.
  3. Frozen pieces will take up less space in the freezer. Before the freezing procedure, the ingredients are thoroughly washed and dried. Otherwise, you will end up with a solid lump of stuck together slices. Be sure to cut out the core with seeds.
  4. It is better to put the fruits in special freezing bags or containers. So that they lose less moisture, they should be packed tightly to each other.
  5. The ideal freezing temperature is minus 18 degrees. The shelf life is up to 12 months.

It is not allowed to re-freeze fruits or store them for more than a year. If the volume of the freezer allows, it is better to isolate them from vegetables and other products.

Recipes for freezing apples in the freezer for the winter

One of the most popular ways to freeze apples is in the form of slices. Chopped ingredients do not take up much space in the freezer and are convenient to store. How to freeze apples for the winter in the freezer, a step-by-step recipe will help. The amount of fruit depends on the volume of the freezer.


  • apples of any variety – 3 kg;
  • citric acid – 7 g;
  • freezer bags.

Rinse the specified amount of apples with running water and dry with a towel. Next, cut to remove the seed part and stalk. It is not necessary to cut off the peel. Especially if the preparations are intended for compote. Cut into slices or beautiful circles.

Dissolve citric acid in a small amount of water and immerse the chopped apples. The procedure is necessary to prevent darkening of the pulp and the pieces are better preserved.

Next, dry the slices on a cloth napkin. Spread parchment paper on a large baking sheet and carefully place the chopped ingredients. It is important to ensure that they do not touch each other. Place the preparations in the freezer.

After 2.5 - 3 hours, remove the pieces and transfer them to a freezer bag. The less air gets into the storage container, the better the taste and benefits of the fruit will be preserved. Store packaged frozen apples for the winter for 6 - 8 months.


Freezing fresh apples in their entirety is not new, but rarely does anyone use this method. In winter, you want to get the maximum benefit, and store-bought fruits contain nitrates. Blast freezing of country apples preserves all vitamins and allows them to be widely used in various dishes.


  • fresh apples – 1.5 kg;
  • ascorbic acid – 10 g;
  • drinking water – 50 ml.

Wash the apples and dry thoroughly. Since the fruit is frozen whole, the peel does not need to be cut off. However, you can carefully cut out the core with a thin knife, maintaining the integrity of the apple.

Dissolve ascorbic acid in water and immerse the fruit for 20 minutes. The solution will help maintain the light color of the pulp.

Dry before freezing; it is advisable to place each fruit in a separate small freezer bag. Don't forget to release the air from the bag. Place whole fruits in the freezer.

It is permissible to store apple preparations in their entirety for no more than six months at a temperature of –18–20°C.

For filling pies and charlotte

Frozen apples significantly save time and simplify the cooking process. It is enough to defrost prepared and peeled fruits. The recipe is useful for making charlotte or sweet buns.


  • fresh apples – 7 pcs.;
  • citric acid – 5 g;
  • filtered water – 1 l;
  • sealed freezer bags.

Wash the aromatic apples and cut them into pieces. It is necessary to remove the stalks and the core with seeds. Grind into circles or slices.

Prepare an acidic solution. To do this, mix citric acid with water. You can use natural lemon juice. Place the apple pieces into the resulting solution. Leave for 15 – 20 minutes.

After the specified time, place the ingredients on a flat surface and dry. Place dry slices in sealed bags or containers. Place in the freezer and shake the bag after 30 minutes to prevent the slices from sticking together. Frozen apples for the winter for charlotte and sweet pies can be used at any time.

For complementary feeding

If the complementary feeding period coincides with the cold season, you should take care of the quality of food in advance. Frozen apples from the garden are good for kids because they retain more than 90% of all vitamins. For baby food, use green apples for the first time; they do not cause allergies.


  • fresh apples – 10 pcs.;
  • water – 70 ml;
  • containers for freezing.

Rinse the fruits and wipe dry. Cut out the core; seeds are not allowed to get into the workpiece. Cut the prepared fruit into squares.

Next, prepare the applesauce. To do this, place the ingredients in an enamel pan and put on fire. To prevent the apples from burning, add a small amount of water. Do not add sugar. Simmer the apple pieces over low heat until they boil into a thick mass. Cook for 25 - 30 minutes, then let cool at room temperature.

Treat the containers with boiling water, add applesauce, and close the lids tightly. Place the preparations for complementary feeding in the freezer. The shelf life of frozen applesauce is no more than a year. Usually the blanks are used no later than after 9 months.

In sugar syrup

Apples frozen in sugar syrup are well suited for preparing sweet dishes. The blanks are also used for filling pies or compote.


  • apples – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 3 glasses;
  • sugar – 2 cups.

Wash the fruits, cut into slices, remove the seeds. Place in a deep bowl.

Prepare sweet syrup. Dissolve sugar in water and pour the resulting syrup over the apple slices. It is important that the liquid completely covers them. Cover the contents of the bowl tightly with a plate or lid. The components should be soaked for 5 - 7 minutes.

Pack in a thin layer in sealed bags, releasing excess air from the container. Place in the freezer, the freezing temperature should be minus 18 - 20 degrees. The shelf life of winter preparations does not exceed 12 months.

An apple is a healthy fruit for humans; it contains valuable magnesium, potassium and ascorbic acid. The product has a positive effect on blood composition, cardiovascular activity and the process of food digestion. In order to be able to store fruits rich in vitamins for a long time and consume them at any time, many want to know whether apples can be frozen in the freezer. We hasten to say that such processing is an excellent way to preserve nutrients and provide yourself with raw materials for cooking. You can also eat apples in their pure form. The freezing method is definitely easier and better than making sweet jam in jars.

Storing apples in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator

How to properly freeze apples at home?

To create a good supply for the winter, you need to have certain knowledge and have a spacious freezer compartment in your household refrigerator, where you can set the appropriate low temperatures. Only undamaged ripe fruits are suitable for harvesting. When overripe apples with traces of rot are frozen, they often look unappetizing after defrosting and look more like puree. Freshly picked fruits are best suited for cooling; these are the ones that should be selected for harvesting for the winter.

What are the health benefits of frozen apples?

It’s definitely worth freezing apples for the winter; this DIY preparation will provide the housewife with an excellent vitamin filling for charlotte, strudel, pies, the basis for compotes and all kinds of desserts. It’s great that in all seasons of the year, on weekdays and holidays, you can prepare delicious homemade dishes based on environmentally friendly cut, grated or whole fruits. Frozen apples contain many useful elements, so they are as close as possible to fresh fruit. It is known that about 90% of all nutrients remain in chilled slices, compared to the product before processing. During the off-season and cold winter months, it is important to focus on natural food without additives in order to cleanse the body and improve the immune system.

Apples can be stored in the freezer; they can be frozen using shock and dry methods, whole, in pieces, in the form of puree, with sugar.

Features of freezing apples in the freezer

Slicing apples for home freezing

It is acceptable to place whole fruits, slices, and pureed pulp into a household freezer. Apples are cooled separately or together with other crops. You can choose absolutely any shape, for example, cut fruit into circles, even slices, or arbitrary pieces. When apples are frozen for later use in making compote or pies, you can leave the skin in place. If you plan to add fruit to casseroles, sauces and other delicate dishes for adults and children, then the seeds, peel and stalks should be removed.

Protecting apples from darkening when frozen in the freezer

As we know, apples have the inherent property of darkening when exposed to light; such a nuisance can be prevented by soaking the slices. For this purpose, an acidic solution is used; to prepare it we take the following components:

  • citric acid - 5 grams;
  • water - 1 liter.

Immediately after cutting the apples, they are kept in the composition for about 20 minutes, this measure helps to prevent the product from darkening, the slices look appetizing.

Temperature regime for freezing apples in the freezer

You can choose from two options for cooling fruits:

  • shock freezing of apples;
  • dry frozen apples.

The essence of blast freezing is the ultra-high-speed cooling process of apple slices placed in bags. In order to achieve this effect, you need a modern refrigerator; in its control system you need to select the “quick freezing” option. In order to prepare apples in the refrigerator using the dry method, you need to spread the slices on the surface of a tray, put it in the freezer, and set the temperature to at least 23 degrees. After 3 hours, the fruits are ready to be packaged in containers in which they can be easily stored in a home freezer, where the temperature is maintained at least 18 degrees.

Methods for preparing apples for storage in the freezer

Freezing apples in slices in the freezer

So, we found out whether it is possible to freeze apples in the freezer, what subtleties there are in this matter, and now we will present the best recipes. Place freely shaped pieces in one layer loosely on the dry surface of the trays. Kitchen cutting boards are also used for this purpose. Keep the apples in the freezer for up to 3 hours, then place them in small portions in plastic bags, it is important that the volume of air in each of them is minimal. It is also convenient to store the slices in hermetically sealed plastic jars.

Freezing apples with syrup in the freezer

To prepare the preservative syrup you will need:

  • sugar - 450 grams;
  • water - 750 grams;
  • ascorbic acid - up to 1500 milligrams.

Soak the sliced ​​apples in a cool solution for a whole day, then pour hot water over the slices, place them on a baking sheet and place them on the freezer shelf, then pack the cooled product into bags, expelling the air from each. The result is a delicious dessert that has the aroma of a baked apple and a long shelf life thanks to citric acid.

Freezing apple puree in the freezer

Boil peeled chopped apples for a quarter of an hour without sugar, make a puree using a blender, keep in the freezer in plastic containers, and use as a filling for pies.

Freezing whole apples at home in the freezer

Soak washed, dried apples without cores for several minutes in a solution of the following components:

  • ascorbic acid - 1500 milligrams;
  • water - 50 grams.

If apples are properly prepared and frozen, then they can be stored in a household freezer for no longer than 1 year, while complete preservation of all beneficial properties is guaranteed. It is important to know that it is unacceptable to re-freeze already thawed fruits; they will have to be eaten.

Apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world. Spreading from Central Asia, the domestic apple tree and its numerous varieties became the basis of almost every garden in Europe, China and the Middle East, and then in America, Australia and Africa.

There are similar proverbs in English and Chinese, which translate roughly as follows: “Whoever eats an apple a day never sees the doctor.” In Russian there is a similar saying: “an apple for lunch and all diseases are gone.” This apt expression reflects the value of regular consumption of apples, which, due to the variety of varieties and methods of storage and canning, can be eaten all year round.

However, for some people this proverb is not relevant, since for certain diseases the consumption of apples must be reduced, or even stopped altogether. In addition, the health benefits of apples can vary significantly between varieties. To understand when, how and what apples you need to eat to maintain and restore the health of your body, read the continuation of this article.

  • Which ones to choose? Red, yellow and green apples
  • The benefits of apples
  • The benefits of soaked apples
  • Harm of apples

Which apples to choose? Red, yellow and green

The color of a ripe apple means that it contains certain pigments. In addition, the benefits of apples are directly related to this pigment, and indicate the different concentrations of other substances characteristic of each variety.

    Green apples. Most nutritionists consider green apples to be the healthiest. First of all, this is due to the fact that green fruits are generally easier to accept by any organism and are much less likely than others (yellow, red, black) to cause specific allergic reactions. Therefore, children need to be given green apples, which, moreover, contain more malic acid, which promotes digestion. It has been scientifically proven that green apples contain more ascorbic acid and have a lower glycemic index compared to red and yellow ones. This means that after eating them, the level of glucose in the blood rises more slowly, so diets for diabetics and patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system must indicate: eat only green apples.

    Red apples. Red apples are famous for their aesthetic beauty; they are most often used in various foods, although green ones are more beneficial in terms of the content of nutrients. Red apples most often contain less acid (which means they are harder on the stomach) and more sugar (which makes them dangerous for diabetics and increases the risk of tooth decay in children).

    Yellow apples. The fruits of yellow varieties differ significantly in taste from the previous two. One of the most popular yellow apples, the Golden variety, is not liked by everyone, as it contains more pectin, but less iron compounds. Although it is better to check the concentration of iron compounds yourself by observing their oxidation after cutting the pulp. With this simple practical method, you can see the difference in iron content even in apples from the same tree. Yellow apples also heal the liver and promote the elimination of bile.

The benefits of apples

A fresh apple, recently picked from a tree, contains many useful substances that the body needs every day for normal, healthy functioning. The main and especially necessary ones are retinol vitamins, a set of various beta-carotenes and ascorbic acid.

Due to the fragility of vitamin C, which is destroyed during long-term storage, chopping or heat treatment of the fruit, it is recommended to eat apples raw. The amount of ascorbic acid in apples is determined by their maturity, variety and the conditions in which the tree itself grows, so significant fluctuations in this indicator are possible (in some apples it can be 3-5 times more than in others).

The presence of another category of complex organic compounds beneficial to the body - pectins - provides apples with a low glycemic index, although, as already mentioned, it is lower for green fruits than for red and yellow ones.

But the benefits don't end there. Apples contain the daily requirement of flavonoids, which play a significant role in metabolism, and enter our body only with plant foods. They change the activity of certain enzymes so that the synthesis of uric acid slows down and the catabolism of formic acid accelerates. This improves the condition of patients with gout, rheumatism, eczema and other skin and joint diseases.

Apples are a pleasant way to quench your thirst, since on average these fruits contain 87% pure water. The most important substances for life - fats, proteins and carbohydrates - make up 0.4, 0.4, and 11% of the apple, respectively. Dietary fiber, or fiber, is considered separately - there are only six tenths of one percent in the pulp and peel. A whole percentage of the apple’s mass is given to pectins, and 0.8 g to ash compounds. Apples are a low-calorie food, since on average 100 g of apple contains only 47 kcal.

The benefits of apples in cosmetology

Applesauce, juice, slices and even flowers have long been used by the beautiful half of the population of Eurasia as raw materials for the preparation of various cosmetics. These ingredients help refresh the skin, give the face a ruddy appearance, remove the top layer of dead epidermal cells and thus remove fine wrinkles. Since many significant holidays occur in winter, there are also recipes using dried and soaked apples.

The simplest way anyone can quickly improve the condition of their facial skin is an apple massage. To do this, take a slice of fresh apple and massage the skin of your face with it, especially in the area around the eyes and on the cheeks. This procedure unclogs pores, slightly moisturizes the skin, and removes puffiness and bags under the eyes.

To avoid harming your skin, choose apple varieties that suit your skin type. Be guided by the principle: the drier the epidermis, the sweeter the apple should be. That is, oily skin needs sour fruits.

Interestingly, even a product such as apple cider vinegar (meaning a natural product, not a flavored table one) can be used for daily washing if you mix a teaspoon in half a liter of purified water. This mild solution is suitable for all skin types. Especially for normal skin, you can also prepare a decoction for washing from green apples: 50 grams of peel per 300 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes with orange peels in a steam bath, then infuse for an hour in a dark place. If you add cinnamon to this decoction, you will get an excellent anti-aging mist, which can be sprayed evenly over the entire surface of the face using a spray bottle.

For hands and nails, baths based on a mixture of sunflower or olive oil with apple cider vinegar in equal proportions are very useful.

With the help of fresh apples, it is possible to get rid of warts without harming the skin. The classic method for removing growths of the papilloma virus is a strong alkaline agent “celandine”, which can burn the epithelium. If you rub the warts with a slice of fresh green apple 5 times a day for a whole month, a similar effect is produced (the growths simply dry out and fall off), but without the danger of getting a chemical burn.

And the most unexpected thing is that a reliable remedy for strengthening hair is made from apple leaves. To do this, the leaves of summer apple trees are boiled for 10 minutes in the proportion of 50 g of dried raw materials per 0.5 liters of water. The strained and cooled broth should be used to rinse problem hair after each wash with any shampoo.

The benefits of apple peels and seeds

Most of the above-mentioned substances are concentrated in the skin and in the pulp underneath, so apples should be eaten with the skin on.

Although this only applies to fruits grown in environmentally friendly conditions. Even “pure” garden fruits for long-term transportation are coated with biphenyl (banned in the European Union and in the USA, a substance recognized as a carcinogen). Therefore, all store-bought apples are recommended not only to wash, but also to peel. Moreover, the skin of apples grown with chemicals becomes a source of these same chemicals, which is why it must be peeled off.

In addition to the peel, apple seeds are also beneficial, as they contain a lot of irreplaceable active components, thanks to which the development of cancer cells is stopped and the degeneration of benign tumors into oncological ones is prevented. Apple seeds are also rich in iodine, an acute shortage of which is felt by every resident of large cities.

Another specific substance found in apple seeds is the poisonous glucoside amygdalin, which is an anti-cancer vitamin B17. In moderate dosages it is beneficial, in large doses it is poisonous.

The benefits of soaked apples

Soaked apples retain the beneficial properties of fresh fruits, are easier to digest by the body and are stored for a long time, are an excellent product for the winter diet, restore the body’s vitamin and mineral reserves and fill it with energy.

There are many recipes for soaked apples, the method of preparation depends on your taste preferences - some people like sweet apples, while others like sour fruit and vegetable preparations with cabbage, which can be put on the table as a salad. Previously, apples were soaked in tubs and wooden barrels under pressure, where they were perfectly stored all winter, picking up flavor and piquant aroma from the brine.

Ancient recipes can be adapted to modern realities and glass containers can be used for soaking apples. It’s easy to prepare soaked apples in a glass bottle at home; their taste differs little from fruits soaked in a barrel, and the benefits of apples are almost completely preserved.

Fruits for home preparation must be fresh and whole without damage to the skin. Be sure to use ripe fruits collected in late autumn, but the pulp should be dense and elastic; overripe apples with decaying pulp are not suitable for soaking.

Several varieties of apples are suitable for soaking. The most commonly used are Antonovka, Pepin, Titovka and pineapples. The firmer the flesh of the apples used, the longer they need to be kept and soaked so that their density is suitable for further processing. Therefore, it is most profitable to immediately buy apples of the required density (neither hard nor soft).

We hope that it is obvious to everyone that high-quality urination requires exclusively natural products grown in gardens from an environmentally friendly area. Reach out to local residents of villages and villages who do not know what it means to use pesticides and other chemicals.

Of these apples, you need to choose only the ripest and whole ones, with a peel without dents or cracks. Even a small dent with rotten pulp can become the “fly in the ointment” that will ruin the entire product obtained as a result of urination.

When soaking apples in a container, you need to regularly add clean water, since the pulp of the fruit absorbs it like a sponge. If the skin of the upper fruits is allowed to become exposed, rotting may begin, which will gradually infect all the contents in the container.

Recipe. This Slavic delicacy can be prepared according to many different recipes. The essence of the process is to keep the apples in water with the addition of various spices and additives, such as spices, mustard, lavender, herbs (basil, mint, oregano, thyme), honey, alum and even berries (cherries, blueberries, cranberries, currants).

Of course, you can find a complex recipe for soaking apples, for example, with cabbage, which is mastered by sophisticated housewives, but there will be a high risk of failure. Often, because of the first negative experience, housewives refuse to urinate in the future. So that even a beginner can cope with this difficult task, it is worth choosing the simple and reliable options presented below.

Harm of apples

Today, the apple diet remains quite popular, as with its help they achieve impressive results in terms of weight loss. However, constant consumption of the same product can negatively affect the body’s condition, since it does not receive a significant amount of useful and necessary substances, and receives some in excess of the norm.

For example, apples contain a small percentage of coarse fiber, but in the case of an apple mono-diet, the body, whatever one may say, receives too much of it. As a result, colitis, ulcerative symptoms and gastritis worsen. The abundance of fruit acids received daily provokes the launch of inflammatory processes in the gallbladder.

Also, apples are harmful not only due to fruit acids, but also due to various sugars, and the fruits of red varieties contain much more sweetness than is healthy. This combination has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel, and its thinning provokes tooth sensitivity and increases the risk of all dental diseases.

Sweet apples of red and yellow varieties are prohibited for diabetics, as they have too high a glycemic index. Apple juice carries the same danger, be it freshly squeezed or factory-made. In addition, drinking apple juice too often contributes to the rapid dissolution of tooth enamel, which can cause teeth to crumble and develop hypersensitivity.

Harm of apple seeds

Many people talk only about the positive effect of apple seeds, while it is obvious that the hydrocyanic acid they contain is far from a useful component, to neutralize which the body requires additional liver resources. Therefore, everyone is talking about a conditional, but quite correct limit of 5 seeds per day, so as not to provoke intoxication.

How to store apples at home?

Apples are perfectly stored at home and can last all winter. But it is important for storage to choose only perfectly fresh fruits without spots or the slightest signs of rotting - one rotten fruit in contact with other apples can spread spoilage throughout the entire stock and reduce their shelf life.

You can keep apples in cardboard or wooden boxes; they are wiped with glycerin and each individually wrapped in a thin sheet of paper, lined with sawdust. The temperature in the storage room should not rise above zero degrees Celsius, the optimal humidity is 80-90%.

If you have a summer cottage, but no cellar, you can even store fruit in shallow holes (45-50 cm) dug specifically for this purpose. The bottom of the recess is lined with branches of coniferous plants to prevent damage by bacteria and rodents. The fruits are immersed in a plastic bag, tied tightly, lowered into a hole and covered with earth.

How long can apples be stored? Apples of summer varieties last two to four weeks on average, unless special measures are taken to extend their “life span.” Autumn and winter varieties, such as Anis, Antonovka, Florina, Zimnyaya lungwort, Autumn striped and others, can last a month or two, and under special conditions - from seven months to a year. To preserve summer apple varieties, it is important that the temperature does not drop below zero; winter varieties can withstand temperatures down to -3 degrees, but they do not tolerate temperatures above +5 and spoil.

How to store dried apples at home? If when storing fresh apples in the refrigerator it is important to prevent the fruit from losing moisture, for which they are stored in tightly closed plastic bags, then to preserve dried apples it is important to prevent the humidity level from increasing. The best container for storing dried apples is a glass jar with a screw-on lid; it is placed on the top shelf of the cabinet, where the air is dry and warm. Permissible storage temperature is from 0 to +8 degrees Celsius.

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Apples: what is possible and what is not?

Can you eat apples for gastritis?

Apples can be included in the diet of patients with hyperacidity gastritis, but during an exacerbation period, preference should be given to sweet varieties and eaten baked. For gastritis, it is useful to consume sour apples of green varieties in grated form on an empty stomach in the morning, combining this with a special diet that excludes sweet, fatty and spicy foods, fresh bread and other foods that provoke intestinal irritation. The use of apples for medicinal purposes for gastritis is carried out in courses - the first month they need to be eaten fresh daily in the morning, in the second month three times a week is enough. During periods of exacerbation, it is recommended to eat only baked apples without sugar for two weeks.

As already mentioned, it is better not to eat apples at night - they stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, increase appetite and promote increased gas formation, which is not combined with normal sleep.

Can you eat apples while breastfeeding?

Green apples are the safest for consumption; they can be consumed even by women weakened after childbirth to refresh themselves and supply the body with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. During pregnancy and after it, intestinal function may be disrupted; women often experience constipation - apples help solve this problem. But there is one caveat - raw vegetables and fruits can provoke increased gas formation, so if you experience noticeable discomfort after eating apples, you should abstain from these fruits. You can minimize this risk by eating baked apples.

Red apples should be consumed with caution during breastfeeding. Firstly, plant pigments, which give the skin of the fruit a red tint, are often allergens and can cause rashes and intestinal disorders in a newborn. Secondly, red apples are most often sweet varieties, and sugars in combination with fruit acids damage tooth enamel and promote the leaching of calcium from the body, which is especially dangerous for nursing mothers, who already lose a lot of calcium in breast milk. In addition, a large amount of carbohydrates in sweet apples can cause pain and colic in an infant, disrupting the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Apples contain a biologically available mineral complex, supply the body with calcium, sodium and iron, help restore hemoglobin levels when they drop and normalize blood pressure. The increased content of dietary fiber in apples helps to normalize the digestive system and intestinal cleansing processes - it is enough to eat one apple a day to get the required daily fiber intake.

Baked apples are not only a tasty and aromatic dessert, but also a very healthy product. In this form, apples are more easily absorbed by the body; during baking, pectin substances are concentrated in them, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and not only help with intestinal disorders, normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, but also accelerate the recovery process of a woman after childbirth. Preparing such a dish is very simple and quick - it takes two to three minutes to core the apples (the inside can be filled with honey and chopped walnuts) and fifteen minutes to bake.

Apples are useful not only for nursing mothers, but are also used as the first complementary food for six-month-old babies - it is better to choose green and yellow apples for this purpose, so as not to provoke allergic rashes in the child.

Do apples have iron?

Apples are rich in iron, so they can be included in the diet to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood - 100 grams of apples contain 2.2 mg of iron, and in addition - rutin, vitamin C and folic acid, which makes iron better absorbed. The iron content in apples of sour varieties is higher; such an apple can be visually identified by its tart taste and rapid darkening at the site of the cut or bite of the fruit. The apple flesh turns brown due to iron oxidation, so quickly darkening apples are the healthiest for people with anemia and brittle blood vessels.

There is also a folk remedy to “enrich” an apple with iron - to do this, stick a nail into it for two to three days. However, this recipe is rather dubious, since a nail can introduce bacteria that cause infectious diseases into the fruit.

Is it possible to freeze apples for the winter?

If you do not have a cellar to store fresh fruits in winter, you can freeze them in the refrigerator, where they can be safely stored for up to 12 months, maintaining their beneficial properties and taste. You can freeze apples either in the form of slices or crushed into puree - such preparations are convenient to use for making charlotte, pie filling and puff pastries. If the size of the refrigerator compartment allows, you can even freeze apples whole.

The main condition for preserving the beneficial properties of the product is to use only fresh fruits without signs of spoilage when freezing, do not refreeze them and prevent moisture and air from entering the storage container.

Do picked apples ripen during storage?

Unlike fruits such as pears, kiwis and persimmons, apples do not ripen during storage, which is why it is very important to choose the right time for harvesting.

Apples have an interesting feature that is often used by farmers - during storage they release ethylene, which accelerates the ripening of other fruits. So, if you put an apple and store it next to unripe pears, they will quickly become fragrant and soft. However, it is not recommended to store apples next to potatoes - this will have a bad effect on the quality of both products. The apples will acquire a starchy aroma and taste, and the shelf life of the potatoes will decrease.

Is it possible to eat apples at night?

There is no single answer to this controversial question. On the one hand, an apple eaten before bed helps satisfy hunger while consuming a small amount of calories. Also, in the absence of proper conditions (for example, on a hike), an apple helps clean teeth from plaque and prevent the proliferation of carious bacteria.

On the other hand, fruit eaten at night stimulates the appetite, which will make you eat something extra, and the fiber contained in apples can provoke colitis and flatulence.

Therefore, in order to make the right decisions about the benefits of an evening apple, you can also watch this video:

Slices     In sugar syrup     Preparation of puree     Whole frozen    

Is it possible to freeze apples for the winter? It often happens that autumn turns out to be a rich harvest, and a desire arises stock up on fruit for the year ahead. But there is a danger that if the fruits are not properly cold-treated, they will simply will spoil.

Are apples and pears frozen? Freezing several apples different from freezing berries, therefore, if all technologies are followed, autumn fruits will be stored in the freezer for a whole year.

Basic Rules

The most important subject is large capacity freezer, in this case, the fruits will retain all vitamins and nutrients in full.

Is it possible to freeze apples in the freezer? At poor refrigeration capacity It will not be possible to produce the necessary supplies for a long time.

Apples for freezing must be ripe, undamaged.

When freezing overripe, rotten fruits, there is a possibility that after thawing they will turn into unappetizing puree. Preference should be given to recently picked apples, because the less time has passed from picking to processing, the better.

About the benefits

Is it possible to freeze apples for the winter? Which benefit from them? Charlotte, apple pies, strudel, compote, various desserts and much more - all this will be available for preparation at any time of the year. All clean, environmentally friendly and already chopped.

But the main advantage is hold all properties, fresh apple. After all, it is freezing that preserves the maximum amount of vitamins in products, about 90%.

Is it possible to freeze apples and pears for the winter and why? Many fresh fruits lose almost all their vitamins by the end of winter, so frozen fruits provide an opportunity in the spring support immunity.

Slicing methods

What is the best way to freeze slices, whole apples, or another way? Can be frozen as whole fruits, so slices. Can even be frozen applesauce. When frozen, apples are cut into slices.

In this case, the shape can be any: slices, slices, pieces, circles. Removing the peel, stalk and seeds is a matter of taste for every housewife. It all depends on the purpose for which the preparation is made.

If for pies and compotes - quite the presence of peel is acceptable, then for fruit sauces, casseroles and similar dishes it is, of course, better to do without peel.

Everyone knows the property of apples that darken after cutting, but this can be avoided.

Needs to be prepared in advance solution(1 liter of water + 5 g of citric acid).

After cutting, immerse the slices for no more than 20 minutes in this composition, which will save them from darkening. You can freeze apples alone or mix them with various berries and fruits.

Required temperature

How to freeze fresh apples at home? At what temperature Is it possible to freeze apples for the winter? There are several methods of freezing: dry and so-called shock.

Dry– the fruits are placed on trays and sent to the freezer. The temperature regime is not less than -23°C. 2-3 hours after freezing, the apples are placed in containers. After this, the frozen pieces can be stored in a regular freezer at a temperature of at least -18°C.

Blast freezing– this is ultra-fast freezing of apples in bags. To do this, you must set the “fast freezing” mode in the freezer operating mode.

Shelf life of frozen apples

How long can apples be stored in the freezer? If all the rules are followed correctly, frozen apples can be stored in the freezer up to 12 months, maintaining all its properties.

Please remember that re-freezing prohibited.

Freezing methods

What are the ways to freeze apples for the winter at home? There are several methods for freezing apples.


Cut the apples into slices, remove the seeds and stem (but you can also freeze them with seeds).

Place the sliced ​​apples on dry cutting boards or trays.

The slices should not touch each other and lie in one layer. And immediately put it all in the freezer.

After 2-3 hours you can start packaging. Carefully removed slices are laid out in plastic bags or containers in small portions.

When packing in a bag, you need to make sure that there is as little air inside as possible. If packaging occurs in plastic containers, then correctly close very tightly to prevent air and moisture from getting inside.

In sugar syrup

Boil the syrup (mix 750 g of water with 450 g of sugar and 1500 mg of ascorbic acid). Cut apples into slices soak in cold syrup for a day. After this, blanch the pieces (pour boiling water over them), place them on baking sheets and cool them in the freezer.

Then put it into bags, with minimum amount of air. Apples prepared in this way have the aroma of baked apples and are a good dessert.

And the shelf life of such apples is increased due to the use citric acid, which acts as a preservative.

Preparation of puree

Peel and chop the apples; you don’t need to add sugar. cook for 15 – 20 minutes on low heat. Cool, grind in a blender, pour into plastic containers or jars. So, ready-made pie filling is always in the refrigerator.

Whole frozen

To do this, you need to wash and dry the apple. Using a special knife, carefully remove core.

Dip the fruit into a specially prepared solution ascorbic acid(50 g water + 1500 g acid) for a few minutes.

After this, put the apple in a special freezer bag, after releasing the air from there.

An apple frozen in this way can stay in the freezer for six months. maintaining all its useful qualities. Such fruits are used in cooking for such dishes as apples in dough or whole apples baked with sugar.

Of course, frozen fruit saves a lot of time for any housewife, so you should definitely take some time in the fall to enjoy almost fresh apples until the new harvest.

If you want to learn about other ways to store apples for the winter, you can read our articles on drying, drying and how to keep the harvest fresh at home or in the cellar, and you will also be interested in learning about the features of storing dried apples.

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