Home General issues How to Preserve Green Walnuts. How to properly store walnuts in shell, shelled and green? How to store walnuts in shell

How to Preserve Green Walnuts. How to properly store walnuts in shell, shelled and green? How to store walnuts in shell

Walnut is an incredibly healthy product. It should be consumed every day, but in small quantities. Therefore, the question very often arises of how to store peeled ones. You don’t always have time to chop kernels for the whole family for breakfast, but meanwhile, having taken out a handful of ready-made ones, you can add them to any porridge. They are also perfect as a dessert. But convenience comes at a price. If the nut lies in the shell for a long time and well, then you will have to tinker with the peeled one. Today we will tell you how to choose the highest quality product on the market. But that is not all. We will spend a lot of time on how to store peeled walnuts. This is really very important.

Why do you need nuts in your diet?

First of all, it's just very tasty. It is perfect for adding to confectionery products and creams. Nuts will make any cake look royal. Secondly, it is also a useful product. It helps fight dermatitis, insomnia and other diseases. It is highly advisable to consume it regularly to boost immunity.

People who suffer from hypertension and anemia should definitely include it in their diet. However, to get the desired effect, you must choose a quality product. That's why today we want to talk about how to store peeled walnuts.

Choosing a product on the market

It’s worth starting from this moment. Today, stores offer a large selection of nuts, among which there are always peeled kernels. It's extremely convenient. Bring it home and the product is ready to use. However, you should not buy such nuts. You don’t know in what conditions they were stored, which means you risk taking a rancid product for a considerable sum. There is one more nuance: fruits in the shell are protected from bacteria and germs. But when kernels sit on the counter day after day, they can become infected with various pathogens. So, it was decided that only nuts in shells should be bought at the market. You can successfully prick them at home. Now the question “how to store peeled walnuts” becomes relevant.

Product rich in fats

This is the most important advantage of nuts. It is special oils that are responsible for the delicate taste. However, it is precisely this property that causes the nuts to quickly deteriorate. Therefore, it is advisable not to buy a lot of peeled kernels. However, there are a number of ways to store peeled walnuts at home. Let's look at them.

Checking the nucleoli

Whether you bought shelled nuts or cracked them yourself, it is extremely important to check their quality. To do this, carefully inspect the entire batch. Choose only whole, undamaged kernels. Chopped ones are only suitable for immediate consumption. Any sign of mold is a reason to throw away the product immediately. Eating it may be dangerous to your health. Therefore, extraneous stains and odors should be a reason for discarding kernels. Taste them - the nuts should not taste bitter or musty. Clean, light yellow kernels with a characteristic sweetish taste can be stored.

For direct consumption

This is the simplest and most correct option. Buy whole nuts and separate them into batches. Expect that you are going to eat each of them within 10-15 days. After cracking the nuts and removing the kernels, place them in a plastic or glass container and put them in a cool, dark place. This could be a balcony or the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. But rooms with high humidity are contraindicated: mold will grow on the nuts, and they will not be eaten.


Since peeled walnuts are sometimes planned to be stored at home for quite a long time, it is recommended to lightly dry the product in the oven. But this is especially true if you purchased shelled nuts at the market. To do this, examine them carefully. Pour the whole beautiful kernels into a dry frying pan and dry. After this, pour them into a cup and cool completely.

Preparation for the holidays

Prices always rise significantly around the New Year, so it’s logical to want to stock up on food in advance. Knowledge of how to properly store peeled walnuts will be useful to you. If you do not need them in the near future, then pack them in a container with a tight lid. You can put it between the lid and the neck of the vessel. Place the container on the top shelf of the refrigerator. It is very important that moisture does not get inside, otherwise the product will deteriorate. Before use, pay attention to the smell and color of the kernels. If it hasn't changed, you can safely eat it. It will stay in this condition for up to 6 months.

Long-term storage

We usually don’t buy a large batch for ourselves, so there’s no need to seriously think about how to organize storage. Especially if you are planning for a long time. It is believed that the maximum duration is up to 12 months. Since you sometimes have to store shelled walnuts for sale from new to almost old harvest, we suggest you use the freezer. To do this, dry kernels are wrapped in cling film and placed in a chamber. They will be completely safe there. After removal, it is recommended to dry the batch in a special cabinet. But most often the seller does not do this. As the core loses moisture, it becomes lighter. Therefore, when buying a product on the market, it is advisable to dry it in the oven for 10 minutes.

Unrefined product

Since storing shelled walnuts in the refrigerator is not always possible (especially if you need a large batch), it is better to stock up on nuts in thick shells. Of course, they can also dry out, but this will take much more time. Therefore, you need to sort out the fruits, remove the remaining peels and pour them into dry containers with a lid. At a temperature of +10 ... -5 o C, the absence of humidity and bright light, they will calmly be preserved until the next harvest. And you can take out the kernels from time to time and treat your family.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know how to properly store peeled walnuts. It’s not difficult, and each of you will be able to stock up on a tasty and healthy product at the height of the season. By following these rules, you will eliminate the possibility that the kernels will go rancid or spoil, which means that there will always be only healthy nuts on the table.

Nuts are on the list of the healthiest foods. They are nutritious, high in calories, and contain many useful microelements and vitamins. Nuts are eaten as an independent dish or used as ingredients for main dishes, salads and all kinds of baked goods. The taste and benefits of nuts depend primarily on quality and freshness. But even good fruits lose their properties if they are stored incorrectly at home.

General features of cleaning and storing nuts

The quality and freshness of nut kernels depends on storage conditions and whether they are peeled or not. They last much longer in the shell, so it is preferable to buy unpeeled fruits.

What you should pay attention to when buying nuts in any form:

  • The shell should be smooth, without stains, cracks or holes.
  • The kernel should not “knock” much inside the shell when shaken. Only overdried or old fruits make this sound.
  • Nuts that have been cleaned should be free of plaque and traces of mold.
  • The smell should be pleasant, “nutty”. If there is an unpleasant or foreign odor, it is better to refuse the purchase.

In order for the kernels not to lose their taste and nutritional qualities, you need to know how and where to store them. Each type has its own expiration date. If nutmeg does not lose its properties for 3–9 years, then pine nuts begin to deteriorate after 1–2 months. The degree of maturity is of great importance. Only ripe and well-dried fruits are suitable for long-term storage.

Photo gallery: types of nuts

Manchurian nut shells are more wrinkled than walnut shells Black walnut is another close relative of the more popular walnut. Hazelnuts are deservedly called the royal nut Brazil nut from start to finish cleaning Cashews are nuts that don't need to be peeled. Chestnuts are a favorite delicacy of the French. Pistachio - the nut that “smiles” Pine nuts are an expensive but valuable product

How to store unshelled nuts

Storing nuts is actually not difficult. Their main enemies are dampness, high temperature and light. When exposed to moisture, the fruits become moldy and become unfit for consumption, and due to high temperatures, they dry out. Since the kernels contain a large amount of oils, under the influence of heat and sun they begin to taste bitter, and in the shell they become oily in appearance.

Do not try to get rid of mold, even if the nuts are in an unshelled state! There is no way to remove toxins that have managed to penetrate the core! Eating such nuts is dangerous to your health!

Any nuts are stored in a dry, dark and cool place. Maximum temperature 20 °C. The cooler it is, the longer their freshness will remain.

If you bought fruits at the market, be sure to ask whether they were dried. If you collected them with your own hands, be sure to remove the outer shell (not to be confused with the shell!).

If the kernels were lying on the ground, then, of course, they need to be washed. It is convenient to do this in a large bowl or bath if there are a lot of nuts. By the way, this way you can determine which nut is good and which is bad. Fruits floating on the surface of the water can be safely thrown away - they are empty inside.

After the kernels have been washed, they are distributed on a flat surface in one layer. Before doing this, it is advisable to place the wet fruits on a sieve to drain excess water. When they are completely dry, they are poured into fabric bags and stored in a cool, dark place.

In order to extend shelf life, nut kernels are fried. Thanks to this, they become tastier, but, unfortunately, less healthy. You can also dry the fruits in a low-heat oven (50–100 °C) for 10 minutes. This way they will not lose their beneficial properties, and excess moisture will evaporate.

Do not store wet or poorly dried nuts. They may become moldy.

The shelf life of raw, unpeeled nuts will depend on the type. Below, using the table as an example, we will consider storage periods and optimal conditions specifically for each type.

Table: storage conditions for inshell nuts

Type of nutStorage options
PeriodTemperature, °C
1 year10–14
3–4 years3–12
Cedarup to 6 monthsbefore 18
Brazilian2 yearsup to 20
6–12 months4–20
Peanut12 monthsbefore 18
Almondmore than 1 yearbefore 18
Chufa2–3 up to 20
Chestnut1–3 months10–15
Muscatup to 9 years20
Coconut1–3 months10–15

Coconut, unlike other nuts, is not stored at a humidity less than 50%. The fact is that there is liquid inside the coconut. The lower the humidity, the faster it dries out, and the juiciness and taste of the pulp are lost.

Chestnuts spoil quickly even in the refrigerator. At room temperature, the fruits dry out and lose their quality, and in the refrigerator they become moldy. It is best to store chestnuts in the basement, burying them in the sand. This way they can be stored for up to 6 months.

Nuts are stored not only in the refrigerator, but also in the freezer, which extends their shelf life many times over. Most often, peeled kernels are used, which deteriorate faster and take up less space.

How to store peeled fruits

The storage location should be cool, dark and well ventilated. Kernels without shells are not stored open, as they quickly absorb foreign odors and begin to deteriorate. They are poured into glass or metal containers with a lid. It is highly undesirable to use plastic bags - the nuts will rot there. But if you are going to put them in the freezer, then there will be no problems.

The difficulty of storing shelled nuts also lies in the fact that they often harbor insect larvae, such as food moths. By purchasing them, you risk purchasing a contaminated product. If you are confident in the quality of the fruits, feel free to place them in an airtight container. If not, first bake in the oven at 200 °C for several minutes or in a dry frying pan with a thick bottom.

Table: shelf life of unshelled nuts

Type of nutStorage
dark place
3–4 weeks6 monthsmore than a year
Hazelnuts, hazel2–4 weeks3 months6 months
1 month2–3 monthsmore than 6 months
Brazilian1 year1–12 months*2 years
3 months9 months12 months
Cedar1 week2–3 weeks6–8 months
Peanut6–9 months4–6 months9 months
Almond3 months12 monthsmore than a year
Coconut- 2 days-

The safety of Brazil nuts depends on the packaging. If stored in a plastic bag on one of the refrigerator shelves, the shelf life will be a maximum of 1 month. They can be stored in an airtight container for over a year. When crushed, nuts can be stored for no more than 3 weeks.

A coconut without a shell quickly becomes tasteless and limp. It consists of 46% water, so it can ferment after two days. Coconut water is stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass jar for no more than a week, in the freezer - up to 3 months. If the pulp is crushed and dried, it can be stored for a year.

Peeled pistachios begin to lose their taste after 3 months, and it makes no difference where they are stored: in a cabinet, refrigerator or freezer.

As for chestnuts, they are rarely stored in a raw, peeled state. The fact is that raw chestnuts are quite difficult to peel. This will require a lot of effort and patience. After cleaning, chestnuts are placed in a plastic zip bag or food storage container and placed in the refrigerator for several months, or better yet, in the freezer.

Another problem with storing shelled nuts is that you never know for sure when they were shelled. There is only one way out: rely on your own instincts and sense of smell.

As for salty and sweet nuts, they are eaten immediately after opening the package.

Nuts that don't require peeling

Not all types of nuts require shelling. Chufa or ground almonds, as they are also called, are not peeled at all. In fact, this is not a nut, but tubers of a herbaceous plant - edible cyperus. After drying, the fruits wrinkle greatly; it is almost impossible to peel such nuts. Before storage, chufa must be washed and dried, after which it is stored in fabric bags in the basement or indoors.

This type of cashew is sold only in peeled form. The fact is that it is covered with a very poisonous shell containing the poison cardol. It is not recommended to peel nuts by hand, as this substance can cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, cashew nuts are cleaned using special equipment, and they go on sale without the shell.

How to store crushed and grated nuts

It is not recommended to store crushed nuts for a long time. Many housewives prefer to prepare large quantities of peeled and crushed kernels to use in baking and cooking. But in this form they quickly deteriorate and consuming such a product can be harmful to health. Chopped walnuts have a shelf life of 1-3 weeks, unlike shelled butterfly kernels. Almond petals begin to lose their quality after just a few days. Grated kernels are not stored at all. As an exception, only coconut or nutmeg, which can be stored for up to a year in a closed bag or jar.

Tip: grate the nuts just before using! This way they will not have time to lose their taste and aroma.

General storage rules at home

  • Nuts are stored only in closed containers - glass, metal, clay.
  • It is undesirable to use plastic dishes - the kernels deteriorate faster there.
  • Unshelled nuts of large sizes are usually poured into fabric bags, small ones - into containers or jars.
  • If there are a lot of fruits, then they can be poured directly onto the floor in a dry and dark room, covering the floor with oilcloth or a blanket.
  • This product stores well in the freezer.
  • It is not advisable to mix different varieties, since each of them has its own shelf life.
  • You cannot mix kernels of the same type, but purchased at different times.
  • If mold, musty odor, or insect larvae are detected, the fruits are thrown away.
  • Nuts last much longer in vacuum bags.

How to peel nuts from shells and husks

Many people prefer to buy already cleaned kernels because they do not want to waste their time and energy cleaning them. Some nuts have a shell that is so hard and fits so tightly to the core that without skills and equipment it is almost impossible to get the kernel intact. The most difficult ones to peel are Manchurian, black, hazelnuts, and chestnuts. It is not easy to peel pine nuts because they are very small and their shells are hard. Peanuts are the easiest to peel. You don't need any tools for this, since it's easy to do with your hands.

Nuts are cleaned using special nut crackers, pliers, a knife, a garlic press, a rolling pin, a hammer, etc.

In addition to the shell, the kernels are covered with a husk, which often has a bitter taste and spoils the taste of the kernels as a whole. It is also not easy to get rid of it.

Hazelnuts and hazelnuts

The difficulty in removing hazelnut and hazel kernels is that they are small, and their shells are smooth and quite strong. It is very difficult to break such tails with a hammer, and you also risk injuring your fingers. It is better to chop hazelnuts in the following ways:

  1. Using a garlic press:
  2. Using regular pliers:
  3. Using a fabric bag and rolling pin:
    • nuts are poured into a bag;
    • level in one layer;
    • take a rolling pin and “roll out” using force;
    • if some nuts do not “give up”, then you can knock on them with the same rolling pin;
    • the result is that both the kernels and the shell are in the bag, and not in all corners of the room.
  4. Using a fabric bag and a hammer. The method is similar to the previous one, only in this case the nuts are hit with the side of a hammer.

A huge advantage of the first method is that the shells do not scatter throughout the room. But if you want to get a whole kernel, then you will have to work on it for a while until you learn to “crush” the nuts with the required force without turning the core into crumbs. You should also get a high-quality garlic press, since cheap Chinese ones will break after the first hard nuts.

You can make a device for chopping hazelnuts and hazels with your own hands. You will need two wooden blocks 25 cm long, one card furniture hinge for four screws and, in fact, self-tapping screws.

How to do:

  1. Shallow rounded depressions are made symmetrically on both beams. The indentations can be of different sizes, since not all nuts are the same.
  2. The two bars are connected to each other using a loop and self-tapping screws. That's it, the self-made nut cracker is ready!
  3. Start peeling: place a nut on one block in a recess of the appropriate size and, with pressure, cover it with another. The kernels remain intact, and the shell does not shatter.

Video: how to make a device for cleaning hazelnuts and hazels with your own hands

Often the shell is so hard that it is very difficult to break. In such cases, the nuts are poured onto a baking sheet in one layer and sent to simmer in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 50–60 °C. After this, the shell becomes more pliable and it is much easier to get the core.

After being released from the shell, the hazelnuts are sent for storage or used immediately. Many people prefer to peel the nuts from the bitter husks, which stick tightly to the kernels. First, you will need to fry the nuts in a hot frying pan for 5 minutes, stirring vigorously. Also, peeled hazelnuts can be roasted in the oven at 180°C. After this, the nuts are allowed to cool, and then poured into a bag and “rolled” between the palms or on the table. Due to the friction of the nuts, the husk will fall off and, importantly, will remain inside the bag. You can place the toasted kernels between two kitchen towels and do the same.

There is probably no person who does not like pistachios. They are tasty and nutritious, and nature itself decided to make them easy to clean. A distinctive feature of these green nuts is that the hard, smooth shell opens as the fruit ripens. Peel pistachios easily and quickly with your hands, but in order not to break your nails and make this process even easier, you can use half a shell.

This method allows you to easily open slightly opened nuts. You can also use a knife, but it is not as convenient and there is a risk of injury. As for unopened pistachios, you can open them with pliers or a garlic press.

Video: how to easily peel pistachios

If you need to peel pistachio kernels, then doing this is as easy as shelling pears:

  • pour the nuts into a deep bowl;
  • pour boiling water and leave for 2 minutes;
  • drain the boiling water and pour in cold water;
  • After a few minutes, drain the water and peel the nuts with your fingers.

In the same way, you can peel any nuts, even those with an uneven surface of the kernels.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are difficult to peel. They are small in size and their shell is hard as stone. Unfortunately, ordinary equipment is not enough here, so Brazil nuts most often go on sale already in peeled form.

There are several effective ways to get rid of shells:

The fact is that extremely high or negative temperatures make the hard shell of the Brazil nut softer and more pliable for splitting, and most of the husk covering the kernel easily comes off along with the shell.

By the way, this freezing method can make peeling chestnuts easier!

Edible chestnuts

Unlike other species, they do not need to be pricked or beaten with a hammer. As a rule, chestnuts are peeled with a knife. This is easier to do after heat treatment.

Methods for cleaning chestnuts:

  1. Frying in a pan:
  2. In the oven:
  3. In the microwave:
  4. Cooking:
  5. In the freezer: Follow the instructions for Brazil nuts.

The peel is cut not only to make peeling the fruit easier. The fact is that when baked in the microwave and oven, as well as when frying in a frying pan, chestnuts without cuts can “explode”. For the same reason, chestnuts are not roasted at home without a lid.

Chestnuts peeled in this way are completely ready for consumption. If desired, you can use them to prepare a tasty and nutritious dish according to one of many recipes.

Video: how to peel raw chestnuts


Nutmeg, unlike walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, etc., is not stored in large quantities. The fact is that this is a spice and for cooking you only need a little bit of it, otherwise a bitter aftertaste will appear. It is also worth noting that in large quantities it can cause poisoning and even have a narcotic effect. What heals in small doses can kill in large ones.

At the tip of the knife there is medicine, in the handful there is poison.

Arabic proverb


Usually, nutmeg is bought already ground, but it does not have such a rich taste and smell as freshly grated one. It is less common to find unshelled nuts on sale. It can be stored in the shell for up to 9 years, which is a kind of record.

Removing the shell from this spicy nut is as easy as shelling pears: you just need to press the nut with a knife, cutting board or plate and “roll” it on the table. After such simple manipulations, the shell will crack and can be easily removed. The core will not be damaged.

Manchurian and black nuts, pecan

These three, at first glance, different nuts are classified as one type of tree - nut-bearing trees. The walnut is classified as the same species. Their common feature is that the peeled core is shaped like a human brain. Unlike walnut, Manchurian and black have a rather hard and thick shell. It’s quite difficult to get the core and that’s why many avoid them. But in vain, because in terms of nutritional value and benefits for the body, they are superior to their relative - walnuts.

How to crack a Manchurian nut

This is not easy to do using conventional methods, since the shell is too hard and the kernel fits tightly to it. Using a hammer, tongs, or nutcracker will not give good results and you will end up with crumbs instead of a kernel.

There is a good way to remove the Manchurian nut kernels practically unharmed. You will need a hammer and a tall log approximately 30 cm in diameter and 70 cm in height. It is best to use birch or other types of wood with similar hardness.

How to clean:

  1. In the middle, at the cut site, make a small depression.
  2. The nut is inserted with the sharp part into the recess, holding it in a vertical position with one hand.
  3. They take a hammer in the other hand and strike the back of the fruit, as if “hammering” it inside the log.
  4. After a few blows, the shell should crack, after which it will be quite easy to remove the core.
  5. The internal partitions will also be broken, which will greatly facilitate the cleaning process.

The Manchurian walnut shell has a very beautiful cross-sectional pattern, which is why it is used to make jewelry and decorative elements.

How to crack a black walnut

It is pounded using a nutcracker and a hammer. To make cleaning easier, the kernels can be boiled for a few seconds, like chestnuts.

Peeling the brown film off the nuts is also easy. To do this, you will need microwave-safe dishes, water and, in fact, a microwave. The kernels can also be roasted in the oven, but due to the uneven surface, the dry skin will be difficult to remove completely.


In our latitudes you rarely see this species on sale, although in its homeland - North America - it is one of the favorite delicacies. The pecan differs from its other relatives in its smooth shell and smaller size.

Pecans are chopped using special nut crackers, pliers, and a garlic press. You can also break it with a small hammer. The methods to make cleaning easier are the same as for black walnut.

How to peel a coconut

Sometimes you want to pamper yourself with something exotic and mentally go to distant islands, where there is summer, sun, palm trees and white sand. Coconut will help you feel like the hero of an advertisement for a Bounty bar. But how difficult it is to get to its contents!

Cracking a coconut seems difficult only at first glance. You will need a sharp knife with a narrow blade or a regular screwdriver, a hammer and a little of your time.

First, a liquid is “extracted” from the inside, which is often called coconut milk. They do this as follows:

  1. First, find the “eyes” on the nut. There are only three of them - two small and one slightly larger.
  2. Using a knife or screwdriver, punch a hole in the largest “eye” (it is softer than the others).
  3. Then turn the nut over the container and pour out the liquid.

You can also insert a cocktail straw into the hole and drink milk straight from the coconut!

How to split a coconut into two halves:

Instead of a hammer, you can use a large kitchen knife. The blows are applied with the blunt side of the blade. Then they take out the pulp with the same knife, making cuts in it and moving the blade away from the hard shell.

Video: how to easily break a coconut

How to peel peanuts, almonds and pine nuts, including removing the husks

Peanuts are easy to peel after roasting in the oven for 3–5 minutes at 180°C. After this, the nuts are placed in a bag and “rolled” on the table with your hand or a rolling pin until the husks are completely destroyed. Peeled and dried fruits are poured into a sieve and rubbed with your hands until the crushed brown film pours out through the holes. If the peanuts were peeled raw, then the nuts are filled with water for several hours and freed from the film with your fingers.

Almonds and pine nuts are placed in boiling water for 1-2 minutes and then peeled in the same way as peanuts.

Knowing how to select, clean and store nuts, you can enjoy their taste all year round!

Despite their overseas origin, walnuts are the most popular nuts in our country. Their homeland is not Greece at all, but Mediterranean countries. The nuts got their name because they were brought to Russia from Greece. Their popularity is easy to explain: walnuts not only have a pleasant taste, but they are also a nutritious product with healing properties. The fruits contain minerals, vitamins, vegetable protein, and saturated fatty acids. It is precisely because of the high content of fatty acids that walnut kernels have a short shelf life. In this article we will look at how to properly store shelled walnuts.

Storage rules

Nuts can be stored either shelled or directly in the shell. The first method is preferable because the bad nuts will be discarded immediately.

Storing unshelled walnuts involves a number of sequential steps. First of all, the nuts need to be sorted and completely cleaned of any remnants of the outer shell. Walnuts are susceptible to being eaten by insect larvae. To protect the kernels from pests, you can bake them a little in the oven or fry them in a frying pan for 7-10 minutes. This processing has its drawback - roasted nuts lose a number of useful substances. If the fruits will be stored for a long time, then calcination is indispensable. Nuts that will be consumed within 10 days are not processed.

How and in what to store shelled walnuts

For storage, it is better to choose a plastic or glass container that can be sealed tightly. The place should be cool; the top shelf of the refrigerator is ideal. This storage method will ensure the freshness of the product for up to 6 months. If you need to store nuts for a longer period, use the freezer. This method will allow you to save the kernels until the next harvest. To store in the freezer, you can use cling film or foil. You can use thick linen bags that are hung in a cool and always dry place. Nuts stored this way will need to be consumed within 2-6 months. You can use wooden boxes for unpeeled fruits. The storage temperature should be from +5 to +10 C°; nuts will be stored in this form for up to 6 months. Thus, when deciding where to store nuts, start from when exactly you are going to use them.

How not to store nuts

Now you know how and how long to store nuts, all that remains is to find out what mistakes should not be made during storage. If walnuts are left open or in a warm, humid place, mold may develop on the kernels.

Nuts absorb odors well, even if they are in the shell. If the fruits are stored in a room where there are strong foreign odors, the kernels will absorb them.

Temperature changes have a negative effect on the shelf life of walnuts. High temperatures above 20 C° will give the nuts a rancid taste and the kernels will begin to dry out.

How to choose the right nuts

When choosing walnuts at the market or in a store, first of all pay attention to the kernels. Their color should be a pleasant golden or even brown. The color depends on the type of nut. The kernels must be dry and free of foreign odor.

Walnut (scientific name Júglans régia) has other names - royal, Voloshsky and Greek. It grows naturally in Transcaucasia, China, India, the Tien Shan Mountains, and Asia Minor. In Europe, it is distributed in the Balkans, Greece and Ukraine. It has many varieties and is a valuable source of unsaturated fats, vitamins, microelements, amino acids and protein.

At first glance, storing such a product should not raise any questions, but in fact, under the wrong conditions, it deteriorates quite quickly and also becomes food for moths. In this article we will tell you how you actually need to store walnuts.

How long to store walnuts

    Unripe walnuts in shell can be stored at room temperature for no longer than 7-10 days.

    Dried whole walnuts will last in a dry, relatively cool room for up to 6 months.

    Shelled walnuts can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months.

How to prepare walnuts for storage

Walnut kernels retain their beneficial properties for a long time. They become most useful in early autumn, when they gain milk maturity, but do not yet contain 70% fat.

The collection is carried out in dry weather, manually removing green fruits from the tree that have begun to crack slightly. Ripe fruits are harvested in the fall, when they begin to fall. A cloth or plastic film is spread under the tree, after which the tree is shaken and dry, clean and unbroken nuts are collected. You can also collect them from the ground in dry weather.

After collection they need to be dried. To do this, spread a blanket in a dry and well-ventilated place and pour the fruits in one layer. Drying unshelled nuts will take 3-4 days at room temperature, during the process you need to find and remove blackened fruits.

It is important to know:

  • they need to be collected at least 1-2 days after the rain;
  • To properly peel nuts you need to use a special device that leaves the center intact;
  • peeled fruits need to be dried in the oven for longer storage;
  • the crushed ones can be collected in a bag and the crumbs can be used to prepare confectionery;
  • if you decide to collect them for sale, the whole peeled fruit is most highly valued, not halves;
  • Unpeeled ones are stored longer at a temperature of 5°C to 10°C;
  • In the cold, nuts do not lose their beneficial properties.

How to store green walnuts in shell

After collecting, spread a blanket at home and dry them. Storage conditions:

  • room temperature from 10°C to 20°C;
  • Shelf life – up to 7 days.

There is no need to wash green walnut kernels, as the white coating will be washed off and they will quickly turn black. It is also not worth storing them for a long time, because fermentation will occur in the picked fruits, and already in 2-3 days the valuable “milkiness” will be lost.

You can make jam from completely green nuts whose shells have not yet ossified. Its taste is pleasant and goes well with fruit and honey. In winter it is a valuable source of vitamins during the cold season.

Sealed jars can be kept at room temperature for 6 months. Under a nylon cover – 3 months in a cool place (refrigerator, cellar). You can also package the finished product in portions in bags or trays and freeze. Store at temperatures from -18°C and below for up to 1 year.

How to preserve walnuts for the winter

There are two ways to store these healthy fruits in winter: peeled and unchopped. Each of them has its own advantages, which are worth discussing in more detail.

The most important thing is to protect the nuts from moths. This is her favorite treat!

How to store unshelled walnuts

The fruits will remain healthy longer if you do not peel them but leave them in the shell.

In a city apartment, prepared nuts can be stored on the balcony. To do this, they are poured into a plastic or fabric bag and tied tightly. It is important that they do not get wet, so it is preferable to keep them in a dry place.

Also suitable for storing this product in an apartment:

  • dry cool pantry;
  • mezzanine;
  • kitchen cupboard;
  • drawer for fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator.

Storing walnuts in shell requires compliance with certain conditions:

  • humidity not higher than 70%;
  • temperature from 5°C to 20°C.

It should be remembered that until spring you need to periodically check stocks for spoiled fruits. And also make sure that there are no moths or other insects in the container.

How to store shelled walnuts

Peeled fruit is convenient for the housewife, as she will not waste time preparing the ingredient for baking and other dishes. To prevent them from going rancid and from becoming infested with kitchen moths, you should know how to store walnuts at home :

  • dried nuts can be stored in a hermetically sealed dry glass jar;
  • in the freezer, ripe fruits retain their taste and beneficial qualities for 2 years;
  • The optimal storage temperature should not exceed 20°C with a humidity of 70%.

Storing nuts in the refrigerator

It is worth noting that these are the best conditions to ensure that the fruits do not spoil for a long time. The most important thing is that there will definitely be no moths or bugs in the refrigerator. It is also important what to keep the nuts in. The best containers would be:

  • glass jar with an airtight lid;
  • plastic bag with zip fastener;
  • vacuum bags (can be packaged in portions).

The choice of shelf where the product should be stored is also important. A basket for vegetables and fruits is ideal, or on the middle shelf at a temperature of 5°-7°C.

The period for which unshelled walnuts are stored under such conditions is no more than 6 months.

These fruits tolerate freezing well. Simply pack the peeled and dried nuts into convenient containers (bags, plastic cups or trays) and put them in the freezer.

At a temperature of -18, nuts can be stored for up to 12 months.

Defrost them correctly gradually at room temperature.

The walnut is often called the “tree of life.” Indeed, thanks to its rich composition, it satisfies hunger, restores strength, and treats almost any disease.

It is enough to eat three nuts a day so that the body receives as many beneficial microelements as it needs to maintain health and strong immunity.

But to do this, you need to stock up on nuts for future use in the fall, while they are fresh and not spoiled by improper storage.
After all, it is not enough to collect them, you also need to preserve them until the next harvest.

Which walnuts are suitable for storage?

  • They should be the same size, clean, without peels that have darkened over time and sticking to them.
  • There should be no cracks in the shell, as such nuts will not be stored for long.
  • Before buying them, you need to split one or two fruits to ensure their freshness. If the nut kernel is dark or has a bitter taste, it is better to refuse such a purchase.
  • You can shake the nut. If the characteristic sound of a rolling kernel is heard, then such a nut has already dried out from the excessively high temperature at which it was stored.
  • Walnuts should not be too light. Such fruits most often turn out to be empty.

How to store walnuts in shell

It’s very good if you have your own walnut tree.

  • In this case, dry, settled weather is chosen for collecting nuts.
  • Nuts are shaken off the tree. Ripe fruits fall easily to the ground.
  • Peel the skin, as it causes the nuts to become moldy.
  • Scatter them to dry on the mat. Ideally, the nuts take 5–6 days to dry. If the weather does not allow this to be done outside, they are dried at home, scattered on the floor covered with cloth or paper.
  • If the nuts need to be stored for a long time, it is recommended to place them in a warm oven and heat them for about an hour to get rid of excess moisture.
  • Store nuts in linen bags or boxes in a dark, dry place. The room temperature should be no higher than 10–15° (room temperature is an extreme case).
  • Some housewives store nuts on the balcony. But this should not be done because of the high humidity, at which the nut kernels will begin to mold.
  • High temperatures are also contraindicated for walnuts. After all, they contain a large amount of oil, due to which they quickly become rancid.

How to choose already shelled nuts

Many housewives prefer to buy nuts without shells. Because, firstly, it is convenient, since you do not need to waste your precious time on cracking the hard shell and extracting the kernels.

Secondly, unlike whole walnuts, which everyone buys like a pig in a poke, shelled walnuts can be examined, smelled and tasted, thereby determining their quality.

  • Walnut kernels should be whole and, if possible, the same color. In this case, we can hope that they are all of the same variety and are not mixed with spoiled kernels or nuts from last year.
  • You cannot buy crushed kernels, because the seller can hide low-quality goods in this way.
  • Do not buy shelled nuts on the street, because they, like any other product, perfectly absorb dust, exhaust gases and can be infected with pathogens.
  • You need to try the nuts before purchasing. If they are bitter or have an unpleasant odor, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

How to store shelled walnuts

  • Walnut kernels are stored in an airtight glass or tin container in a dark and cool place. You cannot store shelled nuts in a plastic bag, as lack of ventilation will lead to their rotting.
  • The shelf life of nuts at room temperature is about two weeks.
  • To preserve peeled nuts for up to six months, place them in a glass jar, tightly close the lid and put them in the plus compartment of the refrigerator.
  • To prevent putrefactive microorganisms from developing in them, it is recommended to first roast the nuts in the oven, avoiding the release of oil. Otherwise they will acquire a rancid taste.
  • If you need to save nuts until the next harvest, they are packed in thick plastic bags, hermetically sealed and put in the freezer. To prevent them from absorbing foreign odors, they are stored separately from other products, especially those with a strong smell.

How to store green nuts

Green nuts cannot be stored. Most often they are used for medicinal purposes. To do this, they are immediately processed.

What can be prepared from green nuts or green peels?

  • Alcohol tincture. The bottle is filled 3/4 of the volume with crushed peel. Fill with vodka or alcohol. Insist for a month in a dark place.
  • Green oil. Green walnut peels are infused in olive oil in the sun for 40 days (5 pieces per half liter of oil).
  • Green shell juice. It is boiled with honey and used to gargle for sore throat.
  • Green nut juice extraction. Unripe nuts are washed, dried and cut into thin slices. Place in jars and sprinkle with sugar (for 500 pieces, take 1 kg of granulated sugar). Cover the neck with thick paper and put it in the refrigerator. The juice that is released subsequently is drunk throughout the year.
  • Green nut juice. Nuts are crushed in a juicer and mixed with sugar in a 1:2 ratio.
  • Decoction of unripe fruits. Chopped green nuts are poured with boiling water (20 g per glass of water) and boiled for 30 minutes.
  • Tincture of green walnuts on kerosene helps against many diseases.
  • Green nuts with honey. They are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and left for a month in a dark, cool place. This tincture improves immunity.
  • Green nut jam.

All these methods of storing walnuts are easily feasible both in a private home and in a city apartment. The main thing is to buy quality nuts.

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