Home Products Kirieshki at home in a frying pan. We make “Kirieshki” at home in the oven. True, I am wary of this food. It is known that it cannot do without some not very useful additives. There is only one way out - make them at home

Kirieshki at home in a frying pan. We make “Kirieshki” at home in the oven. True, I am wary of this food. It is known that it cannot do without some not very useful additives. There is only one way out - make them at home

Crackers are like seeds – once you start gnawing, you’ll see how to stop! And what kind of flavors have modern manufacturers come up with!

True, I am wary of this food. It is known that it cannot do without some not very useful additives. There is only one way out - to make them at home.

Well, this business does not require special skills, secret ingredients or special equipment. Garlic croutons can be prepared in three different ways. I'll tell you about them.


- 0.5 loaves of stale rye bread;
- 50-100 g of vegetable oil;
- a head of garlic;
- a package of dried ground garlic;
- salt to taste.

Complexity: very simple.

Cooking time: 1 – 1.5 hours.

The amount of ingredients, cooking time - everything is quite arbitrary and depends on how many crackers you want to make.


Thinly slice bread (1-2 days old). In this form it is suitable for all three methods.

1 way

Cut the bread crosswise into pieces as thin as possible.

Peel 5-7 cloves of garlic.

Cut into slices.

Fry in vegetable oil. The garlic itself is not needed, only its aroma is needed. I didn’t fry it for a long time. I was afraid that the oil would burn out too much.

Throw away the garlic and add Provençal herbs to the oil. You don’t have to add it, but I wanted it with herbs. Let's leave it for a while.

Mix the sliced ​​bread with butter and add salt from a salt shaker.

Place on a frying pan or baking sheet. Place in the oven at low or 155 degrees. The main thing is not to forget about the crackers and mix if the layer is thick.

Place the finished croutons on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Method 2

Pass 5 cloves of garlic into a grater or garlic press.

Add vegetable oil to them and let it brew for a while. The longer, the stronger the garlic aroma will be.

Brush the bread slices with garlic butter. Salt.

Then we cut it in the same way, into long cubes.

Place on a baking sheet and into the oven.

3 way

For garlic flavor, you can use dried ground garlic.

The advantage of this method is that you can do without oil. That's what I did.
Sprinkled the pieces of bread with garlic and salt. Then she cut it. I put it in the oven.

Bottom line

The crackers prepared using the first method had the weakest garlic aroma. But for some reason they turned out to be the most delicious. Whether the Provençal herbs played a role, or the fried butter, I can’t say.

Using the second method, the crackers turned out to be more aromatic, and you could even feel the burning taste of garlic.

The most “garlic” crackers were made with ground garlic. You can also make them with butter.

So it’s very easy to dry croutons for soup, salad, or just chew!

Surely every person at least once in his life has had a strong desire to eat something spicy and harmful. In such cases, we simply go to the nearest supermarket and buy these same “goodies”. All kinds of chips and crackers are especially popular. But why spend money on such products if, for example, making the same “Kirieshki” at home is much cheaper and safer? So let's take a closer look at how to enjoy delicious and aromatic crackers without leaving your own kitchen.

How to make “Kirieshki” at home: detailed recipe

Required ingredients:

  • wheat bread - 500 g;
  • fresh large garlic - 3 cloves;
  • ground sweet paprika - 2;
  • fine sea salt - 1 dessert spoon;
  • dried dill - 5 g;
  • ground black allspice - 1 dessert spoon;
  • dried basil - 1 dessert spoon.

Preparation of the main ingredient

“Kirieshki” at home can be made from any bread. However, the most delicious ones are made from wheat and rye bread. It is worth noting that such a product should not be fresh, but “yesterday’s” production. Thus, you need to take 500 g of dark and white bread, and then finely chop them into neat and beautiful cubes (with sides of 1 centimeter). If desired, crackers can be made in larger sizes, for example, in the form of sticks 30-40 millimeters long.

Heat treatment

“Kirieshki” can be prepared at home with or without heat treatment. If you do not urgently need such a product, then the shredded wheat should be spread in a thin layer on a tray or cutting board, and then placed open on a table or windowsill. In exactly one day, the flour product will become completely stale and become as crispy as store-bought crackers.

If you need homemade “Kirieshki” directly on the day of production, then it is advisable to dry them a little in the oven. To do this, you need to place the bread on a baking sheet, and then put it in a slightly preheated oven for literally 5-10 minutes. In this case, it is recommended to open the door of the gas device slightly. Once the product is completely dry and crispy, remove it and pour it into a large bowl.

Preparing a flavorful dressing

In order for “Kirieshki” at home to be as aromatic and tasty as a similar store-bought product, it must be seasoned with seasonings and spices. To do this, you need to put the following components in a small cup: grated garlic, ground sweet paprika, dried dill, basil, black allspice and fine All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed to ultimately obtain a loose and very aromatic mixture.

The final stage in preparation

In order to flavor the “Kirieshki” with a mass of seasonings and spices, they should be placed in a colander and then sprinkled generously with the prepared mixture. Shake the bowl vigorously and all the crackers will become fully aromatic, without losing their crunchy properties.

Crackers with different flavors under the funny name “Kirieshki” are loved by both adults and children. They can serve as a quick snack (although you shouldn’t “abuse” them in this regard), an excellent snack for beer, or one of the ingredients, both everyday and festive.

Cooking homemade kirieshki

  • The main ingredient is bread. Most recipes suggest using white bread, but this is not at all necessary: ​​you can use any variety that you like best. The main thing is to choose types of bread that are porous and airy, so that the crackers do not turn out too hard;
  • cutting board;

After we have prepared the kirieshki with our own hands, you can not only nibble on them, but also use them to prepare delicious and satisfying salads. One of them is a salad with kirieshka and beans.

The main ingredients of this salad are canned red beans in their own juice (1 can), corn, also canned (half a can), croutons (about 50 grams) and a clove of garlic. All this can be mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise and, in principle, limit it to this - you will get an original, tasty and nutritious salad. You can eat it with.

But for a more interesting taste, you can add some other ingredients to it - for example, smoked chicken or sausage, fried mushrooms, fresh or pickled cucumbers, grated hard cheese, carrots or herbs. Each component will give the salad new unusual shades of taste. But croutons should be placed in the salad only immediately before serving, otherwise they will become saturated with moisture, become soggy and lose their “crispiness.”

Salad with kirieshka and sausage

Another unusual recipe is a salad with croutons and sausage. It is prepared very easily and quickly, is inexpensive, and is eaten even faster than it is cooked, because the taste is simply amazing. For it you will need:

  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 200 grams of smoked sausage;
  • 200 grams of hard cheese;
  • 50 grams of crackers;
  • mayonnaise.

Using a thin sharp knife, cut the tomatoes. We try to do it beautifully so that the juice does not leak out and we get neat pieces. Using a sieve, let the excess juice drain from them. Cut the smoked sausage into neat cubes, grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Everyone loves Kirieshek crackers. True, there is no benefit from such a delicacy. According to experts, there is only harm. If your family members cannot deny themselves the pleasure of crunching on this delicacy, then it is better not to buy it in the store, but to prepare homemade crackers.
Of course, you won’t make them healthier, but you will be firmly confident that you are not poisoning your family with all sorts of additives.

Making “Kirieshki” is very simple. You will need bread (the kind you like), salt, seasonings. You can add seasoning for soup or barbecue. Yes, in general, any one that suits your taste. It’s better to mix the spices yourself. The same harmful “E’s” may still be present in bags of ready-made seasoning. And if you mix the herbs yourself, you will be more confident in their benefits.

Recipe for “Kirieshek”

The bread is cut into small pieces (preferably strips seven by twelve mm). Although choose the size yourself. Only small crackers taste better. The pieces are then poured into a large bowl and seasoned. Here you need to rely only on your taste. Add salt and seasonings and taste. (If you like garlic, you can squeeze it onto the bread. If you like paprika, you can use fresh ingredients).

Then the pieces are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet. Dry for at least half an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees, stirring occasionally to ensure even browning. If you are making crackers for the first time, then look into the oven more often. Since the pieces are small, they can burn quickly. As soon as the homemade “Keryeshki” is ready, cool and serve!

Delicious crackers, which someone called kirieshki, have firmly won a place in the hearts of beer lovers, and not only that. They can be used as a salad ingredient, added to soups, or simply eaten as a snack. And a trip to the store is not so necessary if you know how to make kirieshki at home.

  • The best bread for making homemade crackers is rye bread. The texture, color and taste of rye bread will help make kirieshki close to the original.
  • If it is possible to purchase a sliced ​​loaf, this is what we need.
  • To cut bread into the correct cubes or bars, it is better to take yesterday’s product. Dried bread does not crumble as much when cutting and is easier to prepare.
  • If you urgently need to make a savory dish for aromatic soup, you can resort to a trick by placing rye bread in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • For soups, it is better to cut the bread into regular 1 cm cubes. And for beer, cubes approximately 5-6 cm long and 1.5 cm wide will be more pleasant.
  • It is better to dry the crackers in the oven at a temperature no higher than 120 degrees. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven. The process lasts 30-40 minutes.
  • When kirieshki are needed very quickly, at a temperature of 200-220 degrees they will be ready in 10 minutes. With this cooking method we will get crumbly croutons.

Not very healthy, but often desired spicy treat

Do you have a strong desire to treat yourself to a salty, spicy and unhealthy product in a noisy company with beer or to add a high-calorie twist to your favorite salad? Of course this happens. So we buy such popular crispy crackers and chips.

However, you should not run to the nearest supermarket and spend a lot of money. Let's do a little magic in the cozy home kitchen. Let's prepare a treat that will be safer, cheaper, and tastier. Let's treat the process with love, imagination and get a variety of tastes. So, let's study the recipe for making kirieski at home with colorful and detailed photos.


  • 0.5 kg of rye bread;
  • 0.5 kg of wheat bread;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground sweet paprika;
  • sea ​​table salt - 1 tsp;
  • 5 g dried dill;
  • pepper mixture - 1 tsp;
  • 1 tsp. dried basil.


There are so many crackers you can find on sale today! The variety of flavorings is simply amazing - salami, jellied meat with horseradish, garlic, ketchup, bacon, crabs.

We have already looked at how to make kirieshki at home in the traditional way, but you can experiment with aromatic ingredients. Our helpers will be dry mixtures, chicken cubes and tomato paste. When adding croutons to a salad, it is better to use kirieshki with a neutral taste so as not to be distracted by the smell of fish or sausage. Consider kirieshki in tomato sauce.


  • rye bread - 700 g;
  • gentle ketchup - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper mixture - to taste;
  • olive oil.


  1. Let's cut the tender bread into neat, regular pieces.
  2. Mix tomato ketchup, salt and pepper in a container.
  3. In a one-sided baking bag, vigorously mix the prepared slices with a homogeneous paste.
  4. Place the bread on a baking sheet and dry it in the oven. We set the temperature to 120-150 degrees and watch, because the tomato will quickly do its job.
  5. It is advisable to turn the crackers over and bring the dish to a golden color. On average, the process lasts 30-40 minutes. Our crackers should ring.

Gourmet salad with croutons

Let's imagine a little to satisfy the taste needs of lovers. Let's combine kirieshki with vegetables, cheese, meat and enjoy the unforgettable taste of a magical culinary masterpiece.


  • bread;
  • cream cheese;
  • cold cuts;
  • olives;
  • salted cucumbers;
  • Cherry tomatoes.


  1. Cream cheese goes perfectly with all types of meat. An excellent addition would be pickles, cherry tomatoes and olives.
  2. Sprinkle the assortment with olive oil and add crispy kirieshki.
  3. In the previous recipe, we prepared salty croutons with a piquant taste, enriched with the aromas of herbs, which add a unique flavor to any salad.
  4. Just don’t forget: to enjoy crispy kirieshki, add croutons just before serving.

Crackers with different flavors under the funny name “Kirieshki” are loved by both adults and children. They can serve as a quick snack (although you shouldn’t “abuse” them in this regard), an excellent snack for beer, or one of the ingredients in a delicious salad. both everyday and festive.

But for all this it is not at all necessary to run to the store and buy packages of crackers: you can prepare them at home yourself. This, of course, will take a little longer, but such crackers will be healthier and much cheaper.

Cooking homemade kirieshki

So, let's try to figure out how to make it at home. For this we need:

  • The main ingredient is bread. Most recipes suggest using white bread, but this is not at all necessary: ​​you can use any type that you like best. The main thing is to choose types of bread that are porous and airy, so that the crackers do not turn out too hard;
  • seasoning for soups (such as “Vegeta”, “Rollton”, “Knorr”, etc.), which includes salt and flavoring additives - which ones exactly depend on what flavor of croutons you want to end up with;
  • cutting board;
  • a deep bowl in which you can mix pieces of bread with seasoning;
  • a special lattice tray for drying crackers, or, if you don’t have one, a regular baking sheet;
  • electric oven, oven or microwave - depending on what you have in your household.

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This is how homemade kirieshki are made with your own hands. Cut the bread into neat cubes of the desired size - most often 7-12 mm, then pour them into the prepared bowl (it should be dry and clean). Then we sprinkle the seasoning on the bread cubes, keeping in mind that it is quite salty, and we try not to oversalt our future crackers.

It would be a good idea to try a few pieces after thoroughly mixing, after washing your hands so that no seasoning remains on them. Spread the crackers prepared in this way in an even, thin layer on a baking sheet or drying tray and place in an electric oven or oven.

If you dry the crackers in the microwave, you need to stir them periodically so that they dry evenly. Drying time depends on the operating mode of the specific oven. After drying is complete, cool the resulting kirieshki to room temperature - and they are completely ready to eat!

Recipe for salad with kirieshka and beans

After we have prepared the kirieshki with our own hands, you can not only nibble on them, but also use them to prepare delicious and satisfying salads. One of them is a salad with kirieshka and beans.

The main ingredients of this salad are canned red beans in their own juice (1 can), corn, also canned (half a can), croutons (about 50 grams) and a clove of garlic. All this can be mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise and, in principle, limit it to this - you will get an original, tasty and nutritious salad. You can eat it with homemade bread.

But for a more interesting taste, you can add other ingredients to it - for example, smoked chicken or sausage, fried mushrooms, fresh or pickled cucumbers, grated hard cheese, carrots or herbs. Each component will give the salad new unusual shades of taste. But croutons should be placed in the salad only immediately before serving, otherwise they will become saturated with moisture, become soggy and lose their “crispiness.”

If there is a need to prepare the salad in advance, then all its ingredients, except for mayonnaise and croutons, are mixed in advance and put in the refrigerator, and everything missing is added to it just before serving, fortunately this will take no more than two minutes.

Salad with kirieshka and sausage

Another unusual recipe is a salad with croutons and sausage. It is prepared very easily and quickly, is inexpensive, and is eaten even faster than it is cooked, because the taste is simply amazing. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 200 grams of smoked sausage;
  • 200 grams of hard cheese;
  • 50 grams of crackers;
  • mayonnaise.

Using a thin sharp knife, cut the tomatoes. We try to do it beautifully so that the juice does not leak out and we get neat pieces. Using a sieve, let the excess juice drain from them. Cut the smoked sausage into neat cubes, grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Mix all the ingredients in a deep plate, lastly add croutons and season with mayonnaise. It is better to take low-fat mayonnaise for such a salad - after all, the dish itself is quite filling and high-calorie. The salad is ready, all that remains is to serve it on the table, and bon appetit!

In contact with

This product, packaged in small bags, can be purchased at any store or kiosk. Crackers are in great demand, especially among schoolchildren, because they are tasty and cheap. What is the harm of crackers or kirieshki to health? Today we will find out this in detail.

What are kirieski? Most likely, every resident of our vast country knows that these are salted, peppered and spicy crackers, which come in completely different tastes and sizes. Kirieshki, like , are considered an excellent quick snack on the road, at school and work, and are also extremely popular with children.

Currently, there are several variations of these croutons: cheese, ham-flavored, pickled cucumbers and even horseradish jelly. They are especially often eaten by children, who freeze with delight just when they hear their aroma and such a tempting taste. But are they really that good? Let's try to figure this out.

What are kirieshki (crackers) made from?

These croutons have earned their popularity for a reason; the fact is that their preparation uses special ingredients that are unlikely to be found in the most ordinary homemade croutons.

According to the manufacturers, special bread is used to prepare kirieshki, which is created in their own bakeries. In addition, kirieshki are not subjected to heat treatment in the form of frying in hot oil, they are dried in oil, thereby achieving the absence of cholesterol and harmful substances in the finished product. A wide variety of oils can be used, starting from soybean oil and ending with sunflower oil. The aroma of spices and the uniform taste of each cracker is obtained as a result of the uniform application of the flavoring additive.

Of course, in the process of preparing such crackers, not only natural ingredients are used, but also chemical ones, which act on the taste buds of the human tongue like a drug, making you want them more and more.

What is contained in kirieshki

So, let's try to find out what the seemingly harmless crackers contain:

Food and flavor additives, so-called “eshki”:

  1. monosodium glutamate, which very often causes allergies and is highly undesirable in baby food,
  2. sulfur dioxide, which is extremely contraindicated for people suffering from allergies, in addition, it is listed among the prohibited additives in a number of European Union countries.
  3. Citric acid and others.

Many of these additives are not just harmful, but even dangerous for human health, especially for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, they can cause food poisoning, as well as the appearance of malignant tumors.

Harm to health of kirieski

Absolutely no one doubts that frequent consumption of artificial foods is harmful, but not everyone knows what exactly the harm is:

  1. These crackers contain absolutely no vitamins and microelements, so they do not bring any benefit.
  2. The high calorie content of these crackers is primarily achieved through the use of oil in their preparation (not always the best type).
  3. Chemical flavoring additives, dye and carcinogens negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Undoubtedly, satiety comes quickly, but even faster comes a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, constipation and other negative consequences.

And as a conclusion from all of the above, the main problem of kirieski lovers is obesity and a sore stomach. Harmful fat compounds are not completely broken down by the body; they are absorbed into the intestinal walls and enter the blood, after which the excess is stored “in reserve.” However, such a “reserve” is not always beneficial.

What diseases can be caused by substances contained in crackers?

Most often, the gastrointestinal tract is affected by frequent consumption of kirieshi, but the cardiovascular system is also at risk. It has been scientifically proven that kirieski lovers have an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, and also lack stable blood pressure. In this case, the liver suffers no less, since it is she who has to make titanic efforts to at least slightly remove all harmful substances from the body.

I think it’s not worth saying that Kirieshki contributes to excess weight, depression and other psychological problems, and is also addictive, since this is elementary.

Why are kirieshki harmful to a growing body?

If you think that the main consumer of kirieski is children and teenagers, who on the way home from school can eat a whole pack of these crackers, or even two. After all, a child cannot realize what is healthy and what is not, so he relies only on taste sensations, as well as the crunch, which is so pleasant to the ear.

However, frequent consumption of such food can slow down the growth of organs and tissues, as well as create an unstable psyche and provoke early gastritis.

Harm of kirieshki for pregnant and lactating mothers

The worst thing for an expectant mother should be the consumption of food products that are created artificially. Since they bring absolutely no benefit to either the expectant mother or her child.

According to some data, they can even provoke complications during childbirth, as well as slow down the baby’s intrauterine development. Don't forget about such troubles as constipation, swelling, heartburn and mood swings, which can only be aggravated by these crackers.

An alternative for lovers of kirieski. How to cook kirieshki at home

However, no matter how sweet and tempting the forbidden fruit is, you can always find a healthy and tasty alternative. Try making delicious crackers at home that will delight your household and protect them from the harmful effects of chemicals.

So, we will need black or white bread. What’s good is that you can use bread that is no longer fresh, which will not be recycled, but will give you pleasant moments.

We cut our bread into small cubes, about 1 cm per rib, then heat the frying pan over high heat and add the smallest drop of regular sunflower oil.

Now comes the most crucial moment: quickly fry the future croutons and add a little chopped garlic, dill and onion to them (for a piquant taste and great aroma).

Then we send the crackers fried in oil to dry in the oven, preheated to 100 degrees. The main thing is to ensure that the crackers do not burn; to do this, it is recommended to stir them from time to time.

You can check the readiness of homemade crackers by tasting them; if they become light and crispy, it means the cooking process has come to an end. Now you can say with confidence that you do not expose your body to harmful substances, you eat only natural food, although you sometimes allow it to relax. Bon appetit and be healthy!

“Kirieshki” are salty crackers made from rye-wheat flour with various food and flavor additives. Often any such product, regardless of the brand or manufacturer, is collectively called “Kirieshki”.

Pleasant taste, variety of types and low price make “Kirieshki” a popular light snack. However, a significant amount of preservatives, flavors and dyes in their composition, as well as the intense saturation of the product with seasonings and salt, do not always have a positive effect on health. A healthy alternative to traditional “Kirieshki” will be delicious crispy crackers, which you can prepare yourself. As an example, let's try to make "Kirieshki" at home.

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To prepare a homemade analogue of “Kirieshek” you will need:

  • 0.5 loaves of bread (white or black - to your taste);
  • 1.5 teaspoons salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry herbs (for example, hops-suneli);
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method

The technology for making crispy crackers at home is not difficult:

  • First, cut the bread into cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm;
  • Then place the cubes in a plastic bag;
  • Add salt and spices to the bag;
  • Tighten the neck of the bag so that it is filled with air. Shake well so that the salt and spices are distributed evenly between the bread cubes;
  • Open the package and pour vegetable oil inside;
  • Screw the neck back on and shake;
  • Pour the bread onto a baking sheet, level it and place in the oven, preheated to 160-180 degrees;
  • Stir occasionally and taste the crackers. Once they reach the desired degree of dryness, remove from the oven, let cool and serve.

The following recommendations will also help you successfully master the recipe for delicious crackers:

  • Crackers made from white bread are more tender than from black bread;
  • It is advisable that the bread for making crackers be stale, otherwise it will be difficult to cut it into neat pieces;
  • It is recommended to use refined sunflower or extra virgin olive oil, or mustard oil;
  • It is not necessary to cover the baking sheet with baking paper;
  • When choosing the optimal temperature for drying crackers, it is necessary to take into account that at a low temperature they almost do not change color, at a medium temperature they are fried, and at a high temperature they are dried on top and fried while remaining soft in the middle;
  • When dried for a long time, crackers become hard and sharp, and when dried quickly, they become more crumbly.

“Kirieshki” are salty crackers made from rye-wheat flour with various food and flavor additives. Often any such product, regardless of the brand or manufacturer, is collectively called “Kirieshki”.

Pleasant taste, variety of types and low price make “Kirieshki” a popular light snack. However, a significant amount of preservatives, flavors and dyes in their composition, as well as the intense saturation of the product with seasonings and salt, do not always have a positive effect on health. A healthy alternative to traditional “Kirieshki” will be delicious crispy crackers, which you can prepare yourself. As an example, let's try to make “Kirieshki” at home.


To prepare a homemade analogue of “Kirieshek” you will need:

  • 0.5 loaves of bread (white or black - to your taste);
  • 1.5 teaspoons salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry herbs (for example, hops-suneli);
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method

The technology for making crispy crackers at home is not difficult:

  • First, cut the bread into cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm;
  • Then place the cubes in a plastic bag;
  • Add salt and spices to the bag;
  • Tighten the neck of the bag so that it is filled with air. Shake well so that the salt and spices are distributed evenly between the bread cubes;
  • Open the package and pour vegetable oil inside;
  • Screw the neck back on and shake;
  • Pour the bread onto a baking sheet, level it and place in the oven, preheated to 160-180 degrees;
  • Stir occasionally and taste the crackers. Once they reach the desired degree of dryness, remove from the oven, let cool and serve.

Useful tips

The following recommendations will also help you successfully master the recipe for delicious crackers.

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