Home Salads and appetizers Carrots peeled, semi-finished product (TTK1023). Peeled carrots, semi-finished product (TTK1023) Spicy carrots technological map according to GOST

Carrots peeled, semi-finished product (TTK1023). Peeled carrots, semi-finished product (TTK1023) Spicy carrots technological map according to GOST

Carrots, peeled

Technical routingCarrots, peeled(SR-619 version 2-2002)

Publishing house Kiev "A.S.K" 2003


This technical and technological map applies to carrots, peeled, p / f, produced in the name of the object, city.


food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking semi-finished carrots, peeled, must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

carrot roots- fresh, whole, healthy, clean, not withered, not cracked, without damage by agricultural pests, without excessive moisture, with or without the length of the remaining petioles no more than 2.0 cm, but without damage to the shoulders of the root crop.

Preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

  1. Recipe
  1. Cooking technology Peeled carrots, semi-finished product

Fresh carrots are sorted, tops are cut off from young carrots, washed, and then sent for cleaning by hand or in cleaning machines, followed by manual cleaning. It is not recommended to peel long carrots in machines, because. this leads to an increase in the waste rate. When peeling carrots by hand, the skin is removed with a knife. Waste from peeling carrots depends on the season.

  1. Characteristic ready meal, semi-finished product Carrots peeled, semi-finished product

Appearance: carrots - an elongated root crop, peeled. Color is bright orange.

Taste- characteristic of fresh carrots. Sweetish.

Smell- due to the presence essential oils.

  1. Requirements for registration, sale and storage Peeled carrots, semi-finished product

Permissible storage period peeled carrots, according to SanPiN at a temperature of + (2 + 4) degrees C, no more than 24 hours from the end technological process, vacuum-packed - up to 72 hours.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE "Novgorod State University

named after Yaroslav the Wise"

Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Department of plant growing


by discipline


Technology of cultivation of carrots in the conditions of the Novgorod region


student of group 0491 FTSHP

Osipova N.V.

Velikiy Novgorod


Biological features of the growth and development of carrots

1.1 Requirements for growing conditions for carrots

2. Variety of carrots "Nantes 4"

Characteristics of sod-podzolic soil

Calculation of yield by the arrival of PAR, moisture supply and soil fertility

4.1 Upon the arrival of PAR, the potential yield of carrots

2 Calculation of yield by moisture supply of crops

5. Agricultural technology of cultivation

5.1 Place in crop rotation, predecessors

2 Fertilization

3 Tillage

4 Sowing (planting)

5 Care of crops (plantings)

6 Protection of crops from pests, diseases and weeds

7 Harvest

6. Technological map of carrot cultivation

environmental protection



Vegetable growing is a branch of agriculture that is engaged in the cultivation of vegetable plants. Vegetable growing includes melon growing - growing melons (watermelon, melon, pumpkin). Distinguish vegetable growing of open ground and vegetable growing of protected (closed) ground. Vegetable crops are cultivated in the open ground to obtain vegetables and seeds in the spring-summer and autumn periods, in protected ground - vegetables in the off-season, when due to climatic conditions it is impossible to harvest in the field, and seedlings for open ground. Outdoor vegetable growing and greenhouse vegetable growing are closely related: one complementing the other, they ensure the production of vegetables throughout the year. Peculiarities of vegetable growing: mass use of the seedling method, and for protected ground, in addition, the use of growing and forcing plants (obtaining vegetable products due to reserve nutrients previously deposited in the plant body). In vegetable growing, the cultivation of two or more crops on the same area during the season is often used, compacted culture. In vegetable growing, repeated sowing and planting of vegetable crops are also common.

In the Russian Federation, about 60 vegetable plants are cultivated in open ground, as well as spicy vegetable plants (tarragon, watercress, coriander, mint, etc.). In open ground, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, onion, carrot and beet are the most common, in protected ground - the main crops: cucumber, tomato, onion (forcing on a feather), as well as cauliflower, lettuce and radish.

Carrot is one of the main vegetable crops of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation. The natural conditions created by breeders, high-quality varieties make it possible to obtain high stable yields of this valuable food and fodder crop.

This is one of the most beloved and common root crops. Carrots belong to the umbellate (celery) family. Carrots are valuable for their high nutritional, taste, dietary qualities, are easily absorbed by the body, and have a regulatory effect on the metabolic process.

The chemical composition of carrot roots (in%): water 84.24-87.22; sugar 6.04-8.05; nitrogenous substances 1.13-1.18; fiber 0.81-1.27; ash 0.94-1.21. The ash contains salts of iron, phosphorus, calcium. Carrots are rich in vitamins B, Br, C, etc. Red-orange varieties contain a large amount of provitamin A (carotene).

Carrots are one of the main vegetable crops. Root crops are used (for food) and seeds (for the manufacture of infusions, extracts). Root crops contain carotenoids - carotenes, phytoene, phytofluene and lycopene; vitamins B, B2, pantothenic acid, ascorbic acid; flavonoids, anthocyanidins, sugars (3-15%), fatty and a little essential oil, umbelliferone; in seeds - essential oil, flavone compounds and fatty oil. The flowers contain anthocyanin compounds and flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol).

1. Biological features of the growth and development of carrots

Carrot is a biennial plant of the celery family. Cultivated carrots are a biennial plant of the umbrella family. In the first year, a root crop is formed, in the second year, the formation of a stem, flowering and seed formation occurs.

The shape of the leaf rosette in carrot plants is upright, semi-raised or spreading. The size of the rosette depends on the size and number of leaves in it. A rosette is considered small when it contains 6–10 leaves, an average rosette has 10–15 leaves, and a large one has 16–20 leaves. The color of the leaves is light green, green, dark green, gray-green, purple-green. The dissection of the leaf blade can be expressed in varying degrees: slightly dissected, medium dissected and strongly dissected. Leaf segments are lanceolate-linear, lanceolate, sharply crenate and lobed.

The pubescence of the petiole of the leaf is sparse hard, sparse soft, dense hard, dense soft or completely absent (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Carrot leaf

The flowers are bisexual, collected in complex umbrellas. Pollination is cross-pollinated, carried out mainly with the help of insects and wind, the ovary is two-celled (Fig. 2). The fruit is two-seeded, dry. Seeds are elongated-oval, covered with spines on the outside, weight 1000 pcs. 1.0…2.8 g.

Figure 2 - Carrot flowers

The root crop comes in various lengths and shapes - elliptical, conical and cylindrical. The color of the root crop is orange, orange-red, less often yellow.

The root crop is a thickened fleshy taproot (central) root, which consists of bark (pulp) and core (wood). On the surface of the bark are lenticels (recesses), through which air enters the root crop. The more bark and less core, the higher the quality of the carrot. Between the core and the cortex is the cambial layer of cells that are able to divide, which caused promotes root growth. In the inner part of the bark, thin lateral roots with a mass of root hairs originate. The bulk of the roots is located at a depth of 25...30 cm, and some penetrate to a depth of up to 2 m (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 - Root carrots

Appearance (a) and cross section (b) of the carrot root is shown in Figure 4:

a) b)

Figure 4

b) 1 - periderm, 2 - secondary phloem, 3 - cambium, 4 - secondary xylem, 5 - primary xylem.

The size of the wood is determined by the percentage of the diameter of the wood to the diameter of the root (D). The wood is small if this ratio is less than 50%, medium - about 50%, large - more than 50%. Wood cross-section configuration: rounded, rounded-faceted, faceted, star-shaped. The surface of the root crop is smooth with small, medium or large lenticels and thin or thick roots, and tuberculate with small, medium or large tubercles and sparse or frequent lateral roots turning into small or large ramifications.

A seed plant is formed from the root crop in the second year, which consists of the main stem of a first-order shoot with a central umbrella. Victory, extending from the main stem and formed from buds located in the axils of rosette leaves, are second-order shoots. The former are called stem, the latter are rosette. Shoots of the third and fourth orders are formed on them.

Each of the shoots ends with an inflorescence - a complex umbrella, which consists of simple umbrellas, each of which has several dozen flowers. The flowers are small, bisexual, with a lower bilocular ovary. The fruit is a two-seed, when ripe it splits into two lobes.

Flowering begins 45 ... 55 days after planting the seed plants. The central umbrella blooms first, and then the umbrellas of subsequent orders. Each next order of umbrellas blooms only after the previous one has faded. The flowering of the main umbel lasts 11...13 days; the second order umbels - 11...12 days, the third - 13...16 days, the fourth - 18...19 days. In each umbel, flowering begins with peripheral umbels and spreads to the center, and in each umbel, from peripheral flowers.

Seeds ripen 60-65 days after fertilization. Therefore, in umbrellas of the third and fourth orders, the flowering of which begins in July and the first half of August, the seeds do not have time to ripen (Fig. 5).

Figure 5 - Carrot seeds

Seeds obtained from shoots of different orders vary in quality. The best in terms of sowing qualities are seeds from shoots of the second order (germination rate 85 ... 89%), seeds from the central umbrella have a lower germination rate (81 ... 82%), seeds from shoots of the third and next orders have low germination rate (64%).

By mass, carrot roots are divided into small ones weighing up to 100 g, medium 100 ... 150 g and large more than 150 g.

Carrots are pollinated by bees, flies, beetles and other insects. The most favorable temperature for flowering and seed ripening is 18…23°.

Carrots are cold-resistant plants. The minimum temperature for seed germination is +3…+6°С, shoots appear most quickly at +18…+30°С. At a temperature of +8°C, the germination period lasts 25-41 days, and at +25°C it is reduced to 6-11 days. Shoots of carrots withstand frosts down to -4 ... -5 ° C, but die with a prolonged decrease in temperature to -6 ° C. When podzimnih crops, well-hardened shoots of carrots tolerate even more severe frosts. The leaves of vegetative plants freeze at -8°C, and root crops do not tolerate prolonged frosts below -3 ... -4°C. Root crops taken out of the soil die at -0.7 ... -0.8 ° С.

The optimal temperature for growth and development and for the formation of root crops ranges from + 18 ... + 20 ° С, and for the accumulation of carotene + 15 ... + 21 ° С. In carrots, the root crop grows until late autumn, when the temperature no longer exceeds + 8 ... + 10 ° С. Under the influence of low positive temperatures, the color of the root crop becomes lighter.

At high temperatures, root crops coarsen and deform, especially if it is accompanied by a decrease in soil moisture.

Carrots are demanding of light and react extremely negatively to shading. A high yield of root crops and carrot seeds can only be obtained with good plant lighting. With thickening of crops, especially in the first phases of development, the illumination of plants decreases, which in turn causes stretching of plants, slows down the yield of the crop, reduces its size and quality of products, significantly worsening its vitamin value.

The length of the day and the intensity of solar radiation affect the growth of carrot roots and the accumulation of nutrients in them. A long day contributes to an increase in the average weight of root crops. St. Petersburg white nights, during which the cultivation of plants takes place with an almost continuous day, cause a more intensive increase in production.

The growth of leaves and root crops in carrots occurs more intensively under the influence of orange-red rays.

Carrots are relatively drought tolerant. Plants have a powerful root system, which extends to a depth of 2-2.5 m, a width of up to 1-1.5 m, which allows them to use moisture from the lower horizons and withstand soil drought. The configuration of the leaves, the presence of essential oils in them, as well as small villi protect carrots from excessive evaporation of moisture. It has the smallest need for the total amount of water for crop formation among root crops.

However, during dry periods lasting more than 20 days, carrots need to be irrigated. It should be remembered that carrot seeds swell slowly due to the high content of various oils in them. Therefore, it is very demanding on a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil during seed germination and in the first phases of growth. Carrots respond positively to irrigation and, with timely watering, give a significant increase in yield. Carrots give high and stable yields with uniform soil moisture throughout the entire period of cultivation. With moderate and constant soil moisture throughout the growing season, not only an increase in yield is observed, but also an improvement in product quality. A sharp transition from dryness to soil moisture causes intensive growth of root crops from the inside, which leads to a decrease in their quality.

Carrots during the entire growing season do not tolerate even short-term waterlogging of the soil, since under these conditions the growth and development of plants slows down, the roots rot. The groundwater level when growing carrots should be no closer than 60-80 cm from the soil surface. Increasing the level above 60 cm causes a decrease in yield.

Carrots are demanding on soil conditions. For the normal development of root crops, it needs soils with a deep arable layer. It grows well on fairly loose, sandy or light loamy fertile soil with a high humus content and good air-gas regime. Heavy loamy and clayey soils are unsuitable for growing carrots. They swim strongly, forming a soil crust that prevents seed germination. The emergence of seedlings is delayed, they are sparse, weak. Root crops grown on such soils branch out strongly, become ugly, and during storage are affected by white and gray rot. The thing is that long root crops, increasing their diameter, compact the soil. The volume of soil capillaries decreases by 10-15%. Only loose soil can be compacted. That is why all root crops grow well on well-drained, cultivated peatlands and silty soils of river valleys with permeable subsoil, as well as on light mineral soils.

On heavy clayey, acidic and structureless soils with a low content of humus, they do not reach normal sizes and acquire an irregular shape. When grown on dense soil, lentils develop on carrot root crops, which, growing, give them an ugly appearance, the surface of root crops becomes uneven and rough, and the yield of marketable products decreases. On poorly cultivated soils with a small arable layer, as well as on soils richly fertilized with fresh straw manure, long carrot roots acquire an ugly shape and even branch. Root branching is also observed when the main root is injured. Therefore, it is not recommended to dive and transplant carrots and root parsley. The roots branch even when the plants are rarely standing, but when the feeding areas are optimal for the variety, the lateral branches are mutually suppressed by the roots of neighboring plants. Ugly root crops often grow on poorly prepared soil. In this case, root crops often “stick out of the soil”, as a result of which there are green heads in carrots.

The soil should be neutral or slightly acidic (pH 5.5-7.0). On highly acidic soils, the yield is sharply reduced.

In terms of the removal of nutrients, carrots are one of the first places after cabbage. However, its seedlings do not tolerate an increased concentration of soil solution. Nutrients are used unevenly by the plant during the growing season. Carrots absorb the greatest amount of them in the second half of cultivation.

Carrots are low in nitrogen. With its deficiency, the growth of leaves slows down, they turn yellow and die. With excessive nitrogen nutrition, which is observed in floodplain and peat-humus areas, there is a rapid growth of leaves and a slow formation of root crops, sugar content decreases, their taste and marketable qualities and keeping quality deteriorate during storage.

Phosphorus is especially necessary for young plants. It also helps to increase the sugar content of root crops. With its deficiency, the leaves become reddish.

Potassium increases the tenderness of the tissues of root crops, contributes to a better filling of seeds. With its lack, the air supply mode is violated. The leaves become mottled yellow. It is noticed that with a lack of potassium in the soil, the resistance of plants to diseases decreases. High yields of carrots are obtained with increased doses of potash fertilizers with the addition of boron and manganese microfertilizers. This increases the resistance of the plant to the disease phomosis.

Carrots in the Novgorod region should be grown with moderate phosphorus-nitrogen and abundant potassium nutrition. It is sensitive to the concentration of the soil solution, which in the phase of seedlings should not exceed 0.02%, for mature plants - 0.025%.

For the normal growth of carrots, a small amount of iron, sulfur, manganese and other trace elements is needed.

carrot yield fertility

2. Variety of carrots "Nantes 4"

Carrot variety Nantskaya 4 was bred and zoned by Soviet specialists in 1943. This variety has high plasticity and is one of the most popular in our country.

Variety Nantes 4 is mid-season, its ripening period from sowing to technical maturity is 80 - 100 days. The yield of this variety of carrots, with proper care, for open ground is 3 - 7 kg / m2.

The rosette of leaves is high, semi-erect, the leaves are green. The inflorescence has the appearance of a ray complex umbrella with rough-pubescent rays. The flowers are cups with small teeth, with white, yellowish or reddish petals. The center of the umbrella is decorated with a dark red flower. The resulting fruits are small elliptical two-seedlings 3-4 mm long. The core of Nantes 4 is rounded, small. The root crop is raised above the soil surface (up to 4 cm) and reaches a length of up to 16 cm. The root crop is not prone to flowering, has a cylindrical blunt shape and a diameter of up to 4.4 cm. The color of the root crop, like the pulp, is orange. By the end of the growing season, its head takes on a green or purple bloom. The commodity weight of the root crop is 90 - 160 grams. Root crops of this variety have high palatability, are used year-round, keeping quality is high (Fig. 6).

Figure 6 - Carrot Nantes 4

3. Characteristics of Soddy Podzolic Soil

Soddy-podzolic soils are formed in the southern taiga on soil-forming rocks of different granulometric composition under coniferous-broad-leaved, coniferous-small-leaved, pine-larch moss-herbaceous and herbaceous forests.

Soddy-podzolic soils are divided into subtypes: soddy-podzolic and soddy-podzolic gleyic soils. Subtypes are divided into facies (provincial) groups: moderately freezing, moderately cold long-term freezing, moderately warm short-term freezing. Soddy-podzolic soils have the following morphological structure: Aq - brown-brown forest litter of plant remains decomposed to varying degrees, up to 7 cm thick; the transition is clear or abrupt; A o A 1- grayish-brown transitional organo-mineral horizon 1...2 cm thick; the transition is clear; A 1- light gray, gray, rarely dark gray humus-eluvial horizon 3...25 cm thick, with a poorly expressed fragile fine-cloddy, lumpy-powdery or powdery structure, the structure is foliose at the bottom; the horizon is loose, contains many plant roots; the transition is horizontal, distinct; A 1A 2- whitish-light gray transitional horizon up to 10 cm thick; powdery or indistinctly stratified, rarely fragile-finely cloddy-powdery, friable, contains plant roots; the transition is clear or abrupt; A 2- whitish or whitish-light-gray with a pale-yellow tinge eluvial horizon with a thickness of 1...2 to 20...30 cm, leafy-lamellar or platy, scaly, structureless in sandy soils, with unformed glandular spots; contains few plant roots; the transition is uneven, tortuous, tongue-tied; A 2B - variegated, mostly brownish and brownish-whitish, transitional eluvial-illuvial horizon 10 ... 15 cm thick, with a fragile lumpy-small-nutty or nutty-platy structure, abundant whitish silica powder, compacted, with glandular spots, roots are found singly; the transition is clear; B 1- brownish-brown, brown or reddish-brown illuvial subhorizon 20...40 cm thick, with frequent spots, sometimes streaks of whitish siliceous powder, nutty-lumpy, with SiO2 powder and brownish films on the surface of structural units, dense, contains small glandular manganese nodules, the heaviest in terms of granulometric composition, plant roots are found singly; the transition is gradual; V 2- dark brown illuvial subhorizon 25–30 cm thick, less dense, nutty-lumpy or nutty-prismatic, with well-defined brownish films on the surface of structural units, less silica powder; there are unit roots; the transition is gradual; BC - light brown or brownish horizon, transitional to the parent rock, flat-coarse-cloddy, dense; the transition is gradual; C - light brown soil-forming rock, dense, mostly loamy, less often clayey and sandy. Soddy-podzolic gleyic soils have many bluish-rusty spots, smudges, and streaks in horizons B, BC, and C.

The thickness and properties of soddy-podzolic soils vary depending on the provincial climate, granulometric, mineralogical and chemical composition, soil-forming rocks. Soddy-podzolic loamy soils of the oceanic facies of the Central European Plain have the greatest thickness (more than 250 cm), and the soils of the Trans-Urals and Eastern Siberia have the smallest (up to 100 ... 130 cm). In the latter, the soil profile is most sharply differentiated, and the BC horizon is distinguished by layering, which is formed under the influence of seasonal permafrost, and, consequently, by gleying and increased humidity. In the soddy-podzolic soils of the North European taiga-forest region, the soddy and podzolic processes are weaker than in the same soils of other regions (weakly podzolic soils predominate). They have a predominantly light particle size distribution; illuvial horizon B is highly extended, with a large amount of mobilized iron and aluminum oxides in the form of colloids that form films around minerals; a second humus horizon is often noted. The thickness of the soils of the East European region generally does not exceed 150...250 cm, the forest floor does not exceed 5 cm due to the rather significant decomposition of plant residues.

4. Calculation of yield by the arrival of PAR, moisture supply and soil fertility

1 Upon the arrival of the PAR, the potential yield of carrots

At pu = 104´ n ´ km ´å Q/Q

At pu - potential yield (c/ha);

n - PAR utilization factor (%);

K m - coefficient of economic efficiency of the crop or the proportion of tubers in the total biomass;

å Q - total PAR income for the growing season (kJ/cm 2);

q is the calorie content of the crop (kJ/kg); 10 4= 10000;

At pu = 104´ 2%´ 0,62´ 107.8/14152 = 94.45 c/ha = 9.445 t/ha.

2 Calculation of yield by moisture supply of crops

At two = 100´ W/K w

At two - yield of absolutely dry biomass, c/ha;

W - productive moisture (mm);

K w - water consumption coefficient (mm ha/c);

W = (176+153+159+173+178)/5 +(41+65+75+77+63)´ 0,8 = 167,8+256,8 = 424,6;

At two = 100´ 424.6/80 = 530.75 q/ha = 53.075 t/ha.

The transfer to an economically useful crop of standard moisture content is carried out according to the formula:

At T = Y biol. ´ 100/(100-w) ´ a

Um - yield of products at standard humidity, c/ha;

w - standard moisture content of the main product (%);

a - the sum of the parts in the ratio of the main product to the by-product;

At T = 530,75´ 100/(100-80)´ 2.3 = 1153.8 q/ha = 115.38 t/ha

5. Agricultural technology of cultivation

1 Place in crop rotation, predecessors

Crop rotation is a scientifically based alternation of crops and fallow in time and placement in the fields.

Crop rotations are based on a long-term plan for the development of the economy with a rational structure of sown areas in relation to natural, economic and other conditions. With a rational structure of sown areas and the correct placement of crops in crop rotation, the land is used most correctly and fully.

Crop rotation is of great agrotechnical importance, since its influence extends to all aspects of plant life and processes in the soil. It has a positive effect on soil fertility, increases crop yields and improves the quality of the products obtained, reduces the weediness of crops, their susceptibility to diseases and damage by pests, and reduces the negative effects of water and wind erosion. Crop rotations allow the economy to make better use of the means of production.

Crop rotations give the highest effect in combination with scientifically based methods of tillage, fertilizer system and other agricultural practices.

Crop rotation scheme:



Type - Special crop rotation

View - Steam row

The best predecessors of carrots in the winter and early spring sowing periods are tomato, cucumber, melons, onions, peas, early potatoes, annual grasses for green fodder, especially if organic fertilizers were applied under them. They are harvested early, which allows no later than the end of summer - the beginning of autumn to begin tillage. Also, the best predecessors of carrots are batun and onions. After them, carrots give a significant increase in yield, in addition, they acquire immunity to white and gray rot diseases.

In summer crops, it is grown after radish, early white cabbage.

In order to avoid damage to plants by diseases, carrots are returned to their original place no earlier than after 3-4 years.

2 Fertilization

For carrots, the calculated fertilizer rate is applied (see the calculation of the fertilizer application rate), which depends on the fertility of the soil and the planned harvest. In the literature, one can often find approximate recommended fertilizer application rates (N 100-120, P2O5 - 80-100, K2O - 150-200 kg/ha), but, as a rule, the calculated rates are somewhat higher.

At the beginning of the formation of a rosette of carrot leaves, increased phosphorus nutrition is required, therefore, when sowing, 10-15 kg/ha of P2O5 must be applied.

Carrots do not respond well to the introduction of manure (ugly, branched roots with poor taste are formed), so they are placed in the second year after the introduction of organic matter.

D = (UP ´ B) - (Pep+ DO ´ Poo)

WITH mu ´ TO mu

D - dose of fertilizer in physical weight (c/ha);

At P - planned yield, t/ha;

B - removal of nutrients (N, P 2O 5 or to 2O) from 1 ton of planned yield, kg;

P ep - intake of a nutrient from the soil, kg/ha;

D O - dose of organic fertilizers, t/ha;

P oo - the amount of nutrients supplied with organic fertilizers, kg/t;

WITH mu - the content of nutrients in 1c of mineral fertilizers (N, P 2O 5or to 2O);

TO mu - the percentage of use of a nutrient from mineral fertilizers, presented in the form of a decimal fraction (when using 50% of the nutrient in the formula K mu equal to 0.5);

NP 2O 5TO 2OV469P en 602590

D O - 30 t/ha;

P oo : compost (manure + peat) = 1:1;

P oo NP 2O 5TO

C mu Nitrogen fertilizersPhosphorus fertilizersPotash fertilizersAmmonium sulphate (NH 4)2SO 4Superphosphate Ca(H 2PO 4)2Potassium sulphate K 2SO 420-25% 14-19 %45-52%D (N) = ( ´ 4)-(60+30 ´ 0,3) = t/ha

23%´ 50%

D (P2O5) = (´ 6)-(25+30 ´ 0,1) = t/ha

14%´ 50%

D (K2O) = (´ 9)-(90+30 ´ 0,6) = t/ha

50%´ 50%

3 Tillage

For carrots, choose areas that are well lit during the day, clean from weeds, especially from perennials (wheatgrass). It should be sown in the second or third year after the introduction of fresh manure. In the area where the cultivated soil layer is shallow (10-15 cm), as well as in excessively moist areas, carrots (especially varieties with long root crops) should be grown in beds.

In autumn, plowing is carried out to a depth of 25-30 cm in order to accumulate more moisture and disinfect the soil by freezing. The depth of plowing is very important for the normal growth of root crops. If the main tillage is carried out shallowly, then the lower part of the root crops is bent, begins to branch and loses its presentation.

In the spring, at the onset of physical ripeness of the soil - harrowing, after 1-2 weeks - shallow cultivation (by 2-3 cm). Such a depth of cultivation is needed in order for the seeds to lie on a "hard bed". If you carry out a deeper cultivation, then the soil capillaries will collapse, through which moisture enters the seeds, and the seeds may not germinate.

Heavy soils, when they swim in the spring, are plowed to 2/3 of the depth, followed by harrowing. After such spring plowing, it is necessary to carry out deep loosening with a cutter and rolling.

The main requirements for soil preparation before sowing are thorough deep tillage and a leveled surface before sowing.

4 Sowing (planting)

The timing of sowing has a decisive influence on the yield of carrots. Slow-germinating seeds require significant soil moisture and are sown as early as possible while there is sufficient spring moisture in the soil. With a delay in sowing, the seeds fall into dry soil and give weak shoots, and sometimes do not germinate at all.

Sowing dates depend on the variety and production goals. Three types of carrot sowing are distinguished by time: winter, spring and summer. Podzimny sowing is carried out 10-20 days before the onset of frost, completely binding the earth. Such sowing is used only to obtain an early harvest.

Early spring sowing is carried out in order to use carrots in summer for early bunched goods. Sowing is carried out as soon as field work can be carried out, trying to use the moisture reserve in the soil. Late varieties, which are intended for storage and processing, are sown from mid-April to the end of May, the collection is carried out in October-November. For the southern zone on drip irrigation, a variant of compact crops is possible (after crops that are harvested early: early cabbage, cucumber, beets for beam production) in order to use the field area as intensively as possible. In this case, seeding is carried out with early varieties or hybrids, but no later than July 20.

The most common sowing date for autumn and winter use is the first half and until May 25th. June crops also give good results, but in this case it is difficult to get good shoots. Such terms are not used in production, because in the conditions of dry spring shoots appear late and are uneven. But gardeners always have the opportunity to carry out small waterings of the site (5l / m2) to eliminate the effects of drought or cover the crops with a film to get friendly, fast shoots.

In the middle and central lane, the following dates for sowing carrots are observed: early varieties from April 20 to April 25; mid-season - from April 25 to May 5. In the southern regions, sowing is carried out in 2 terms: spring - March 10-20, to obtain products in the summer; and summer - June 10-15, for obtaining testes (uterine roots) and winter consumption.

Sowing is usually carried out with vegetable seeders in wide rows, with row spacing of 45 cm, in a two-line method - with a distance between lines of 15 and 20 cm and between belts of 45 and 50 cm; in a wide-band method - with a strip width of 8 ... 20 cm and a distance between the strips of 40 ... 60 cm. For wide-band sowing, special coulters are used. In areas with excessive moisture and on soils with a small arable layer, carrots are grown on ridges or ridges using special seeders-bed-makers.

The seeding rate is 1.5...4.0 million/ha, depending on the method of sowing; with a wide-row one-line method - 1.5 ... 2.0 million, two-line - 2 ... 3 million, broadband - 4 million / ha.

Using seeds good quality and modern sowing equipment, the seeding rate can be reduced to 1.5-2 kg/ha (on surface irrigation, it is desirable to increase the seeding rate to 2.5 kg/ha) at a plant density of 1.2 1.8 million plants./ ha.

The depth of sowing carrots depends on the mechanical composition of the soil and the presence of moisture in it. On light soils, seeds are sown deeper than on heavy soils. When sowing in winter, they are sown to a depth of 0.5-1 cm, early in spring - 1-2 cm, and in a later period - 2-3 cm. soil, and on a smaller one, its top layer dries up quickly in the spring and field germination decreases sharply. Seedlings appear sparse and very variegated. To better pull moisture to the seeds, the soil on the ridge is slightly compacted before and after sowing. This should not be done only on winter crops.

5 Care of crops (plantings)

Crop care - post-sowing rolling, harrowing before germination (5-6 days after sowing) and after germination.

Thinning of carrot seedlings is carried out in the phase of 4...5 leaves. Bouquet is carried out with tilled cultivators according to the scheme cutout 27...30 cm, bouquet 30 cm, leaving after disassembly 6...8 plants in the bouquet. Thinning is also performed by longitudinal thinners. By harvesting there should be 300...350 thousand plants per 1 ha. Such a density can also be achieved by sowing small rates (0.6 ... 1.0 million / ha) and harrowing seedlings.

Caring for carrot crops during the growing season consists of timely and high-quality inter-row cultivation, weed, disease and pest control, as well as watering. During the growing season, 2-3 inter-row treatments are carried out (if mechanization means allow) or regular loosening of the soil in order to improve gas exchange and eliminate the crust. These activities should be carried out until the phase of 6-8 true leaves (until the vegetative mass closes). For the destruction of weeds on crops of carrots, herbicides (ground), the use of herbicides are used:

Pre-emergence application - within a week after sowing, Gezagard 50 is applied, sp., 3 kg/ha, the rate of working fluid consumption is 250-300 l/ha.

Post-emergence application - in the phase of 2-4 true leaves of culture - Gezagard 50, s.p. with the same rate as for pre-emergence application.

Against cereal weeds - 2-3 treatments with drugs from the group of graminicides: Furore Super, 7.5% - 0.9-1.2 l / ha; Centurion, 25.4 a.e. - 0.2-0.4 l/ha. The norm of the cost of the working fluid is 250-300 l / ha. The effectiveness of herbicides is significantly increased when irrigated with small rates: 230-250 m3/ha. It should be remembered that when growing carrots for beam products, herbicides are not recommended due to the short growing season of the crop.

Carrot is a relatively drought-resistant crop, but in the south, in the zone of unstable moisture, high and stable yields can only be obtained with irrigation.

Water consumption of carrots with optimal water supply is 4000-5500 m3/ha. The beginning of the irrigation season is determined by weather conditions, most often watering starts from the end of April - the beginning of May and ends 2-3 weeks before harvest, in order to avoid cracking of root crops and improve conditions for mechanized harvesting. On drip irrigation, watering is carried out regularly in accordance with the phase of plant development.

6 Protection of crops from diseases, pests and weeds

The carrot, especially its succulent root, is a very good object for both diseases and pests. She is sick both during cultivation and during storage.

Carrot fly (Psila (Chamaepsila) rosae). The front sight is 3-5 mm long. Antennae and legs are yellow. Larva 6-7 mm long, light yellow, shiny. In late April - early May, the years of the spring generation of flies begin. At the end of May, larvae emerge from the eggs and penetrate the roots of young plants, gnawing them. The second (summer) generation comes out in August and, in the same way as the first, damages carrot crops.

Control measures: Stefesin, 2.5% a.e. - 0.3 l/ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days. Volaton, 50% a.e. - 2 l/ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days.

Alternariosis (Alternariarad-icina). Alternariosis plants are damaged in the second half of the growing season. Disease development is facilitated by warm, humid weather. The affected leaves turn yellow and die, and the infection from them spreads along the cutting to the top of the root crop and causes it to rot in the future. During storage, the fungus causes dry rot of root crops - dark or grayish, slightly depressed dry spots form on the surface in different places.

Control measures: Copper oxychloride, 90% w.p. - 2.4 kg/ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days. Ridomil Gold, 68% w.p. - 2.5 kg/ha - waiting period after treatment 30 days.

Powdery mildew. The causative agents can be two types of fungi: Erysipheumbe Hiferarumf. dauci and Leveillulaumbelliferarumf. Dauci. Powdery mildew is common in many places. Leaves are usually affected, and in case of severe infection, cuttings are also affected. A white powdery coating develops on both sides of the leaves. Later, the plaque darkens, and the foliage gradually dries out. This leads to underdevelopment of root crops and a decrease in yield.

Control measures: Byleton, s.p. - 0.3-0.6 kg/ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days; Karatan, Ph.D. - 0.5-1 l/ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days.

Gray rot. The disease occurs on root crops during storage everywhere. In damp cool weather, gray rot affects different parts of root crops and all above-ground parts of the plant. The disease is especially harmful in the years after a cool, wet summer or autumn, when the root crops do not have time to ripen well. The fungus penetrates through mechanical trauma and damage by insects. Gray rot manifests itself in the form of a gray fluffy coating covering diseased areas. Delayed harvesting of dug-out root crops contributes to wilting and the spread of the disease. Washed, not dried root crops are less affected.

5.7 Harvest

Harvest carrots before the onset of stable frosts. In the northwestern and northeastern regions, it is completed by September 25, in the center of the Non-Chernozem zone - by October 1-5, in the southern regions - by October 20-25.

The leaves are cut with haulm harvesters. Then the root crops are dug up with a digger, staple or potato digger and picked up by hand. Converted potato harvesters are also used for digging and loading into vehicles. In beet-growing regions of the country, carrots are harvested using a set of beet harvesters if it is sown with row spacing of 45 cm.

Bunch carrots are removed with foliage and tied into bunches. Carrots of late ripening are harvested in a semi-mechanized way - they are undermined with a bracket, and then they are harvested by hand. There is also a mechanized method of harvesting, for this they use machines that dig up root crops and at the same time pull them out by the tops. Such machines work well only in the presence of healthy foliage.

Carrot roots are stored in vegetable stores and basements in bulk, in stacks, pyramids, boxes and plastic bags, as well as in pits and trenches. While maintaining the temperature within 1-2°C and a relative humidity of 90-95%. It is advisable to stack root crops in piles or pyramids with their heads facing out. It is recommended to sprinkle each row with wet river sand (when squeezed in the hand, moisture should not be released from the sand, and if it is unclenched, it should not crumble) with a layer of 1-2 cm. The height of the stack (pyramid) is 80-100 cm (15-20 rows) .

If carrots are stored in a vegetable store, they often get wet and rot on top. Therefore, vegetable stores should be systematically ventilated or root crops should be covered with burlap and mats. At low relative humidity, root crops quickly wither. To prevent this, a vessel with water is placed in the vegetable store and from time to time the passages are poured with water to increase the relative humidity of the air. To store carrots in boxes, wet sand (2-3 cm) is poured onto the bottom, root crops are laid on it in several layers and sprinkled with sand. Carrots are well stored in plastic bags weighing 20-25 kg. The bags are not tied up so that carbon dioxide is not concentrated in them and the relative humidity of the air does not increase.

Carrots can be stored in narrow (up to 1.5 m) low piles, but this method of storage depends on weather conditions. The most reliable way of storage is refrigerating chambers with a stable air temperature and relatively high humidity. At a temperature of 0-1°C, carrots are stored for 4-6 months, at a temperature of 2-5°C - 2-3 months.

6. Technological map of carrot cultivation

Predecessor - Potato,

Area - 20 hectares,

The planned yield is 45 t/ha.

Table 6.1

No. Agrotechnical measures Amount of work, ha, tons DeadlinesComposition of the unitAgrotechnical requirementstractor, combine.-x. machines1234561Soil disking20ha2/8 after harvesting previous JD 9320BDM-Agro 4 * 4Observance of overlaps, depth 5-8 cm2Loading of mineral fertilizers: superphosphate Potassium chloride5t 5.1t3/8YuMZ-6L/M-3Mineral fertilizer application10.1t3/8MTZ-1221AmazoneUniform application of plowing20 ha3/8J D 9320KUHN 5T Moldboard to a depth of 23-25cm,.5Disk with harrowing20ha2/4J D 9320BDT-3+ 3BZTS-1.0Observance of overlaps, to a depth of 8-10 cm6Field planning PANTERA, EC 1 l/ha 8 Herbicide treatment 20 ha 3 / 4 MTZ-82 POUR uniform treatment 9 Cultivation 20 ha 3 / 4 MTZ-1221 Europak Compliance with overlaps, to a depth of 5-8 cm 10 Preparation of seeds for sowing (treatment, calibration) 40 kg , black, white rot) 11 Loading of mineral fertilizers; urea5.7t3/4YuMZ-6L/M-12Cutting ridges with mineral fertilizers; Urea20ga 5.7T3 / 4J D 9320KRN-4.2Teader 60 cm Making urea 287 kg / ga13pose seeds20gaspardo SV 290Glubin Poking 1-2 cm14Sleps Single Returning20GCRAZZAZZ-1221SKSH-6Acrasis after seeding15-high treatment20g pump 1 / 6mtz-1221kor-4.2Mtub 3-4cm16Irrigation80ths. m3/ha5/6DT-75DDA-100MAN Irrigation rate 4000 m3/ha17Insecticide treatment6l1/7MTZ-1221OPSH 15DECIS preparation, EC 0.3l/ha (carrot fly, psyllids)18Interrow treatment20ha2/7MTZ-1221KOR-4.2Irrigation depth 3-40s. m3/ha3/7DT-75DDA-100MANIrrigation rate 4000 m3/ha20Harvesting of carrots with loading into transport20ha1/9MTZ-1221GRIMME21Transportation of carrots1/9GAZ-62-22Sorting of root crops into containers and storage2/9Electric motor PSK-6The spoiled and irregularly shaped root crops are removed. Sorting by size of root crops23Sale of root cropsс 2/9

7. Environmental protection

The use of high doses of fertilizers that exceed the potential of the crop (variety) can lead to undesirable processes in the soil - the formation of carcinogens (nitrosoamine) and an increase in its toxicity. Therefore, when processing a fertilizer application system, it is necessary to take into account predecessors, varietal responsiveness, tillage methods, soil and climatic conditions, soil structure and other factors that contribute to more efficient use of fertilizers.

The introduction of high doses of nitrogen fertilizers in the form of nitrates, ammonia, ammonium can lead to the accumulation of nitrates in plants. Nitrates in the body of humans and animals under the action of certain types of bacteria are reduced to nitrates, which are highly toxic and can lead to the death of the body. The content of nitrates in feed above the permissible norm can cause poisoning of animals. The increased content of nitrates and nitrites in feed reduces the quality of livestock products, especially milk. Therefore, to prevent nitrate poisoning of farm animals, it is necessary to organize toxicological control over the quality of feed and crop products.

To ensure environmental protection when using fertilizers and pesticides, each farm should have standard warehouses for storing mineral fertilizers and pesticides; special filling stations or mortar units: equipment of vehicles for the transport of fertilizers and pesticides, etc.

When working with herbicides, it is necessary to follow the precautions set out in the safety instructions for storage, transportation and use of pesticides in agriculture. Persons who have undergone appropriate instruction are allowed to work in warehouses and filling areas. Adolescents under 18, pregnant women and nursing mothers, men over 55 and women over 50 should not work with herbicides. During the preparation of solutions and during processing, one should not smoke, eat or drink water, as well as store food in pockets of clothing, the duration of work with herbicides should not exceed 6 hours a day. Workers must wear overalls made of waterproof fabric, rubber gloves, boots, goggles and respirators. On days of herbicide work, service personnel receive milk free of charge. The wind speed during the processing of crops should not exceed 5 m / s, it is forbidden to go to the treated areas earlier than after 3-5 days. The owners of apiaries located within a radius of 5 km should be notified about upcoming treatments 3-5 days in advance.

The effect of herbicides on the central nervous system causes disturbances in the behavior of animals: they lose their caution, appear in open places, highways and railways, where they can easily die. To protect the environment, herbicides should be applied in minimal doses, combined with drugs that quickly lose toxicity.


In his term paper I have considered the tasks set for the cultivation of carrots in the Novgorod region. Based on scientific research carried out over the years, different conditions cultivation of carrots, general exemplary schemes for the cultivation of this crop were proposed, a technological map of the cultivation of carrots was presented. A crop rotation of carrots, a soil tillage system with fertilizer application were proposed, well-known and most accessible measures to combat weeds and planting diseases were proposed. Some biological features of culture and cultivation technology on the scale of industrial production have been assimilated.

Growing carrots is one of the most promising areas in crop production. However, today the situation has developed in such a way that crop production, like agriculture as a whole, is in a terrible decline.

Based on this, in my opinion, it is necessary to improve the plant-growing complex and agriculture as a whole, as the main sectors that ensure the country's vital activity and its economic independence.

To do this, it is necessary to carry out a number of special events at all levels.

In the following areas:

§ improvement of existing and creation of new highly productive varieties and hybrids of carrots;

§ improving conditions and increasing interest in the results of the work of workers;

§ introduction of the latest technologies in production.

List of used literature

1 Bazdyrev G.I. Agriculture with the basics of soil science and agrochemistry: textbook / G.I. Bazdyrev, A.F. Safonov - M.: Kolos, 2009. - 415 p.

2 Belova G.I., Baklashova N.N. We grow vegetables, Kostroma, 2000, 392p.

Vasko V.T., Obolonik N.V. Potato cultivation technology in the Nonchernozem zone of the Russian Federation. - St. Petersburg: PROFI-INFORM, 2004, 224p.

URL Mechanisms and Technologies

Real host URL

6 Niklyaev V.S., Fundamentals of agricultural production technology - Bylina, 2000. - 557 p.

Posypanov G.S. Dolgodvorov V.E. et al., Crop production, Moscow Kolos 1997. 612p.

Soils of the URL zone

Reference book of the agronomist of the Nonchernozem zone. Ed. Belyaeva G.V.-M.: VO Agropromizdat, 1990. 575p.

Firsov I.P. Plant growing technology./I.P. Firsov, A.M. Solovyov, M.F. Trofimova - M.: Kolos S, 2005. - 472 p.


Salad of boiled carrots with apples with salad dressing

Product name

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Peeled table carrots semi-finished product

or fresh table carrots

Weight of boiled carrots:

fresh apples


Salad milk sauce


Nutrients, g


Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

Cooking technology: Rinse the carrots in running drinking water for 5 minutes and boil until tender, cool to a temperature of 8-10°C. Cut into small cubes or strips. Remove seed nests from apples, finely chop into strips, combine with boiled carrots. Add granulated sugar and season with sauce just before the holiday.

Supply temperature: 14±2°C.

Implementation period:


Salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers with vegetable oil. 2

Product name

The consumption rate of products for 1 serving with a net weight of 100 g

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g


fresh cucumbers

soybean oil

Parsley (greens)


100 grams of this dish contains:

Nutrients, g


Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

Cooking technology: prepared tomatoes and cucumbers (with the place of attachment of the stalk removed with part of the pulp) are cut into thin slices, combined. Add finely chopped parsley. Salt, gently mix and season with vegetable oil immediately before serving.

Serving temperature: 14±2°С.

Implementation period: undressed salad no more than 2 hours (at a storage temperature of 4 ± 2 ° C), dressed - no more than 30 minutes from the moment of preparation.


Tomato salad with vegetable oil. 2

Product name

The consumption rate of products for 1 serving with a net weight of 100 g

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g


Green onion

soybean oil

Salt enriched with reduced sodium content


100 grams of this dish contains:

Nutrients, g


Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

Cooking technology: tomatoes and green onions are washed under running water twice. In tomatoes, the place of attachment of the stalk is removed. Prepared tomatoes are cut into thin slices, onions are chopped. Tomatoes and onions are laid out in portions, salt and vegetable oil are added immediately before serving.

Since preparation. TECHNOLOGICAL CARD No. 01008 Salad green With cucumber and vegetable oil painting rec. 2 Product name Consumption rate of products...

  • Dear reader, we bring to your attention a wonderful book by Yuri Pavlovich Batulin - parapsychologist, researcher at the National Research Center for Defense Technologies and Military Security of Ukraine, chief expert of the International Academy of Bioenergy Technologies (MABET)


    ... green Luke. Add lemon juice and vegetable butter to taste (medicinal salad... the function of the glands of the internal sec rétions(thyroid especially); participates... Replenished by: A. vegetable products: celery, cucumbers, spinach, potatoes, radishes...

  • Aesculapius, a renowned physician of antiquity, had all-powerful assistants: the daughter of Hygiene and the cook Kulina, who delighted the days of his life with incomparable cuisine. Rumor at


    ... rec or alternating in color different kinds fish and caviar, green onion, butter ... . Salad green 292, red edged radish 215, cucumbers fresh 250, onion green 125 ... carrots or shredded green onions, sugar and vegetable butter. Salad garnish with cranberries...

  • Philosophy, physiology, prevention


    ... greenery. Salad from kohlrabi with green onions 800 g kohlrabi, 300 g green onions, 3 tablespoons vegetable oils ... vegetable oils. A bunch of tender garden leaves greenery, 2 small tomatoes and 4 small fresh cucumber... and ne rec. Add...

  • Routing (recipe)

    Technological map No. 10 Product name: Carrots, pureed with sugar 2 sp

    Recipe number: 5

    Mogilny M.P. "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for food

    Children in preschool educational institutions.

    name of raw materials

    1 portion

    Gross, g

    Net, g





    Miner. substances, mg

    Vitamins, mg

    Proteins, g



    Energy value, kcal


    IN 1

    IN 2










    Cooking technology: Processed carrots are chopped into strips or grated, combined with sugar.


    Technological map No. 11

    Product name: Carrot and apple salad 1 sp

    Recipe number: 6

    name of raw materials

    Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

    1 portion

    Gross, g

    Net, g









    The chemical composition of this dish


    Miner. substances, mg

    Vitamins, mg

    Proteins, g



    Energy value, kcal


    IN 1

    IN 2











    Technological map No. 12

    Product name: Carrot and apple salad 2 sp

    Recipe number: 6

    The name of the collection of recipes: A. Klyavinya "Big prescription culinary dictionary".

    Publisher: Agropromizdat Collection of recipes.

    name of raw materials

    Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

    1 portion

    Gross, g

    Net, g







    The chemical composition of this dish


    Miner. substances, mg

    Vitamins, mg

    Proteins, g



    Energy value, kcal


    IN 1

    IN 2










    Cooking technology: Processed apples and carrots are cut on a coarse grater and mixed with sugar.


    Technological map No. 13

    Product name: Carrot salad with apple and dried apricots 1 sp

    Recipe number: 7

    Name of the collection of recipes:

    name of raw materials

    Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

    1 portion

    Gross, g

    Net, g





    Dried apricots


    Vegetable oil


    The chemical composition of this dish


    Miner. substances, mg

    Vitamins, mg

    Proteins, g



    Energy value, kcal


    IN 1

    IN 2










    Cooking technology:


    Technological map No. 14

    Product name: Carrot salad with apple and dried apricots 2 sp

    Recipe number: 7

    Name of the collection of recipes:

    Polyakovsky Yu.I. "Collection of technological cards, recipes for dishes and culinary products

    For preschool educational and children's health institutions. Ufa

    name of raw materials

    Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

    1 portion

    Gross, g

    Net, g






    Dried apricots





    Vegetable oil


    The chemical composition of this dish


    Miner. substances, mg

    Vitamins, mg

    Proteins, g



    Energy value, kcal


    IN 1

    IN 2










    Cooking technology: Raw peeled carrots are cut into strips. Peeled apples with seed nest removed, cut into thin slices. Dried apricots are boiled and cut into pieces. Carrots are combined with apples and dried apricots, sugar is added and seasoned with vegetable oil.


    Technological map No. 15

    Product name: Carrot and apple salad with egg

    Recipe number: 8

    Name of the collection of recipes:

    Polyakovsky Yu.I. "Collection of technological cards, recipes for dishes and culinary products

    For preschool educational and children's health institutions. Ufa

    name of raw materials

    Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

    1 portion

    Gross, g

    Net, g









    Vegetable oil


    The chemical composition of this dish


    Miner. substances, mg

    Vitamins, mg

    Proteins, g



    Energy value, kcal


    IN 1

    IN 2








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