Home A fish What kind of coffee do you need to make a drawing. Unusual coffee paintings worth seeing. How to draw a heart on coffee

What kind of coffee do you need to make a drawing. Unusual coffee paintings worth seeing. How to draw a heart on coffee


The latte art technique is as follows: specially prepared in a special way is poured into a coffee drink and, mixing with it in a cup, creates various patterns on the surface of the coffee. In catering establishments, a barista, who has passed in this field, is responsible for creating latte art.

So, to create drawings on coffee, you will definitely need a coffee machine. First of all, prepare the milk foam. Take whole pasteurized milk with a fat content of 3-3.5%. Pour milk into a stainless steel pitcher specially designed for latte art. The milk level should be slightly below the base of the pitcher's nose. Bring the pitcher to the steam wand located on the coffee . Immerse the steam faucet in the middle of the pitcher, while the holes of its tip should be at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from the surface of the milk.

Open the steam tap. The milk will begin to expand in volume and form foam. Hold the pitcher straight and raise the steam faucet tip, keeping a distance of 1-1.5 cm, as the foam increases. Control the whipping process by sound: a uniform hiss should be heard. This stage takes 5-15 seconds.

Next, you need to steam the milk. Rotate the pitcher so that the steam tap is close to the side of the pitcher. Immerse the tip of the faucet 1-1.5 cm from the bottom of the pitcher. Tilt the jug of milk towards you, controlling the vortex movement that has arisen in it. The steaming phase lasts 5-15 seconds, during which time the temperature of the milk reaches 65-75°C.

Close the steam valve and remove the pitcher from under it. Before the milk enters the coffee drink, it should be shaken with circular movements of the hand.

Make a thick espresso in the coffee machine. Pour the coffee into the prepared cup. For a more distinct pattern, sprinkle the resulting foam with cinnamon, grated chocolate or cocoa. Start pouring milk in small portions. The pitcher's nose will serve as your "pencil" when creating a future drawing.

There are three basic shapes in latte art: a flower, a heart, and an apple. To create a flower, mentally divide the cup into 4 identical parts: top, bottom, right and left halves. Start pouring milk into the top base of the cup. When the cup is half full, carefully move the milk flow to the left side. While gently rocking the pitcher, turn it into the right half of the cup. Pour the remaining milk in a zigzag pattern, ending at the bottom. When the cup is almost full, lift the pitcher and cross out with the last portion of milk. In this case, the pitcher's nose sharply move from the bottom up. A thin stream of milk at the final stage, as it were, collects the entire pattern in the center of the cup.

To create a heart, visually draw a circle on the surface of the cup; it will not be possible to go beyond its borders. Point the pitcher's nose at the center of the cup. Fill an imaginary circle with milk by gently rocking the pitcher from side to side. After filling the cup to the brim, lift the pitcher and cross out the circle in a thin stream along the diameter.

To create an apple-shaped pattern, pour a dollop of milk froth near the far side of the cup. This will be a branch of the future apple. Then place the pitcher's nose in the center of the cup and form a circle, as in the example with the heart. Carefully fill the cup with milk foam.

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Before frothing the milk, briefly open the steam valve to drain any condensation that has formed in it.
At the end of the milk frothing process, the steam dispensing tube must be cleaned with a cloth, and also opened for a couple of seconds, removing drops of milk that have fallen into the tap.
Mastering the technique of creating basic drawings will allow you to invent and embody more complex shapes.

Useful advice

The simplest and fast way creating a picture - with a toothpick. Pour some milk into the center of the cup. The dark dots of espresso left on the surface will be your "ink". In contrast with milk foam, you can create quite elegant patterns.
The use of syrups with the addition of starch allows you to create patterns of different colors.


  • Latte art - the art of drawing on coffee
  • coffee cup drawing

Spectacular appearance- the key to the popularity of a particular dish. Coffee is no exception either. The refined, unusual look of a cup of coffee makes the guests applaud admiringly, and adds a considerable number of points to the rating of the drink. How to decorate coffee?

You will need

  • - coffee;
  • - whipped cream or milk;
  • - cocoa powder;
  • - cinnamon, grated chocolate;
  • - chocolate topping;
  • - Cup;
  • - toothpick.


As final touch use grated cinnamon, chocolate chips, cocoa. They can highlight some parts of the picture or apply sprinkles along the edge of the cup. In this way, you can decorate the coffee surface with funny animal faces, abstract swirls and waves, graceful flowers and leaves.

Start “drawing” and you will be surprised how many miracles can be created from an ordinary cup of coffee with cream. It just takes a little imagination and a little patience.

Drawing on coffee is an interesting and at the same time simple way to decorate a drink. You can easily apply a pattern to coffee using a paper stencil. Just imagine how surprised your guests will be when you serve such an unusually decorated, aromatic drink on the table.

Many of us have seen the art of coffee painting with our own eyes in coffee houses. It's always nice to get a cup of fragrant coffee decorated with an intricate pattern, but have you ever wondered how these are created? coffee pictures? There are many techniques by which to decorate the coffee surface, but in this article we will tell you how to make coffee with a pattern using the main ones.

How to make drawings on coffee?

Historically, the art of foamy coffee painting - latte art, originated in the vastness of Italy. The first to paint coffee were the Capuchin monks (hence the consonant name of the coffee drink for painting - cappuccino) back in the 16th century, and thanks to the love of Italians for coffee, it has come down to our times. However, the art of latte art has diversified over time, classical drawings in the shape of a heart and a flower began to border on a whole string of works from all kinds of spices and syrups.

If you want to pamper your guests with a delicious and beautiful drink, then you should definitely figure out how to make a simple but effective drawing on your own coffee, and we will help you with this with our photo master class.

Foam technology

First, let's look at the main - "foamy" latte art technique, in which only whipped milk will be used. Properly frothed milk is the basis of a good pattern: the milk should not be overheated, so control the frothing temperature by placing your little finger on the bottom of the milk jug. Start frothing milk from the bottom as soon as you feel warm - smoothly move to the top and whip the foam.

The classic pattern on coffee foam is a flower, even a non-professional can do it.

Etching technique

The etching technique involves the use of any sharp objects (toothpicks, needles, sticks) to create delicate curves and lines. You can learn how to make drawings on coffee using this technique from the photo master class below.

Screen technique

So, we figured out how to draw a pattern on coffee using two basic techniques, however, there is also a third simplest technique - stencil technique. You can buy a coffee stencil in a store or make it yourself, to do this, select a simple pattern, print it out, glue it to a piece of thick paper or cardboard and punch small holes along the contour of the image with a needle or awl. The next time you want to treat yourself to a nice drink, simply hold the stencil near the coffee foam and carefully sift the cinnamon, black pepper, or vanilla through the holes.

To create designs with glaze, you need at least basic artistic skills, although minimalist stripes or a check on a foam surface are within the power of every aspiring coffee artist.

Today, drawings on coffee is a modern art that has been called "Latte Art".
The idea of ​​painting on the surface of a drink first arose in Italy among blacksmith monks. In the modern world, the masters of creating drawings on coffee are called barista (coffee bartender).
Initially, this art was not very diverse. The first images were in the form of simple flowers, leaves and hearts. But over the years of intensive development, "Latte Art" has improved, becoming a very popular and expensive art.

Drawings are the main technologies

The first step in creating a beautiful pattern is a well-brewed, thick espresso and high-quality whipped foam using high-pressure steam.
In practice, there are several basic technologies for applying patterns to coffee drink- using a toothpick and a stencil. The first option is considered the most difficult.
Using a stencil allows you to create complex compositions with maximum clarity. You can make such a stencil at home, for example, from thin cardboard. In addition, drawing on coffee can be done using a variety of syrups - caramel, chocolate, strawberry, etc. In elite restaurants and coffee houses, "Latte Art" is carried out with a special printer.
Pitching is a unique Italian technique. Its essence lies in the fact that the pattern on coffee is applied using a jug - a pitcher, in which milk is preliminarily whipped.
Etching is an original addition to pitching. To implement this method, the whipped milk is first poured into the espresso, and then, using a pointed object (skewer, toothpick), we draw the desired picture.
Cappuccino art - this technology is distinguished by the additional use of chocolate syrup and, rarely, food coloring.
Multi art is a skillful combination of etching and cappuccino art.
Espresso art - a picture on coffee is created on cream (espresso foam).

The most common elements of "Latte Art"

The basic elements of this art include:

First, to add brightness and saturation to the image, you need to sprinkle cocoa powder on the espresso.
Secondly, well-whipped foam is the key to a perfect pattern.

In general, drawing on coffee is a rather interesting, but complex science that requires special knowledge and skills of the master.

Each illustration is an individual manifestation of the imagination of a barista who is able to bring real artistic masterpieces to life.
To date, annual Latte Art championships are held, where coffee bartenders can fully demonstrate their skills. Such events are very interesting, because in addition to the skill of professionals, there you can get acquainted with new drawings and innovative technologies drawing images on the “energy drink”.
The beauty of Latte Art art is hard to overestimate. Indeed, with its help, an ordinary cup of espresso turns into a real compositional masterpiece of thoughts and fantasies.

Do good coffee easy: all coffee machines brew it equally well. But the intricate drawing on the foam will make the girl see you as a creative and subtle personality, even if you work as a personnel manager at a slaughterhouse.

Ignat Sakharov

Technique 1. Stencil

You prepare a latte or cappuccino, trying to make the milk cap thicker.

Then you take a pre-purchased stencil - there are, for example, candygrand.ru and domoteka-market.ru. You can even order stencils for a dollar a million on AliExpress, if you are not afraid that they will send you a dried basilisk by mistake.

You hold the stencil over the cup, pour cinnamon or chocolate through a strainer (it will be smoother). You remove the stencil and admire the creation.

Technique 2. Pitching

This is how professional baristas usually draw on coffee. First you need to turn the milk into a thick foam. To do this, it is poured into a pitcher - a steel jug with a long narrow spout - and whipped with steam from a coffee machine. This results in what baristas call microfoam.

By this time, an espresso of finely ground coffee should already be ready: this will thicken the foam. You tilt the cup and pour the milk into the coffee in a circular motion, as if stirring the coffee with a thin stream of microfoam.

As soon as the milk, pushing off from the bottom of the cup, appears on the surface, you begin to move the pitcher's nose in a short zigzag. So on the surface of the coffee you get a pattern of foam, which is called a rosette.

Now if you take a toothpick and draw the details to your taste, it will be not only pitching, but also etching. And all together - latte art.

DIY coffee drawings + Photo

We have all seen cute photos with cups of coffee, the foam of which was decorated with amazing patterns. And for sure everyone thought about how to create such drawings on coffee? To be able not only to get at the table flavored coffee, but also leave a vivid impression of its use.

The art of creating drawings on coffee foam has its own name - latte art, and in order to do this, you do not have to be a professional. There are two options for creating a pattern on coffee foam: etching (engraving) and the stencil method.

The first way: drawing on coffee using a stencil

The stencil version of creating a picture on coffee is the simplest, fastest and most affordable. Its essence lies in the fact that a cup of coffee is covered with a pre-created stencil (with any desired pattern), the surface of which is sprinkled with ground cinnamon. Since slits are made in the stencil, forming an inscription or pattern, a brown trace of cinnamon remains on the airy light coffee foam. The smell of cinnamon enriches and sets off the aroma of coffee, and the drink acquires a more refined taste.

Of course, using a stencil method, you can create drawings not only from cinnamon powder, but also from red ground pepper, vanilla, colored granulated sugar.

This is done as follows:

You can purchase stencils for creating designs on coffee in the appropriate stores. But it’s easier to cut it out yourself from thick paper, cardboard or a plastic cover from any products.

The second way: draw on the foam

Here you need a pastry syringe and a nozzle with the thinnest hole. It must be filled with melted chocolate. Next, connect your imagination and draw whatever you want on the foam. You can start with the simplest wave, and end with a true masterpiece.

The most common way is to draw cream on coffee foam. It will require a steady hand, but this method is easier to learn than it might seem at first glance. You need to take the cream and add liquid chocolate to them. Then you need to drop a little of this mass on the foam in the very center of the cup. Then arm yourself with a skewer and draw. Start with the simplest sun or snowflake.

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