Home Salads and appetizers Types and composition of coffee drinks. Types and composition of coffee drinks Hot? drinking coffee

Types and composition of coffee drinks. Types and composition of coffee drinks Hot? drinking coffee

Coffee is a drink with a penetrating aroma, invigorating taste, centuries-old history and a huge number of recipes. It cannot be regarded as a mere consumer product. This is a huge number of species, varieties and use cases.

Types of coffee on biological grounds

Coffee is one of the most widely used drinks in the world. And all because its history goes back several centuries, and it goes well with a large number of additional ingredients. In addition, many regions of the world have their own traditions of roasting, grinding, preparing and serving coffee, which have become the so-called coffee classics - the basis on which all other drinks are based.

There are several dozen types of coffee, if we consider it as a product, but only 3 of them are of interest as an industrial product. These are Robusta, Arabica and Liberica.

The highest position is occupied by arabica - a low tree, quite capricious and not very productive, but giving fragrant fruits of high quality. It is the Arabica grains in the composition of any type of coffee that give the drink its characteristic rich aroma, pleasant mild taste and good golden foam. The most popular Arabica variety is Brazilian Bourbon and Santos. Arabica beans are oblong, uneven, with a caffeine content of 1-1.5%.

Robusta occupies approximately 30% of the total share of coffee production. Its trees are much taller, the beans are more rounded and high in caffeine. Robusta drink is recognized as the strongest coffee with pronounced bitter notes. Robusta is almost always paired with Arabica to give a mixture of strength, body and a slight bitterness. Instant coffee is produced mainly from Robusta. Although disease resistant and hardy, Robusta trees are grown on a limited number of plantations.

You can distinguish Arabica from Robusta already outwardly

Liberica is the rarest of all cultivated coffees. Its trees are tall, low-yielding, with medium grain quality. Used as an additional variety in blends.

What types of coffee are available on the market?

  • Whole bean coffee.
  • Ground.
  • Soluble (sublimated, powder, granulated).

A few years ago, the so-called milicano coffee appeared, combining the properties of instant and ground coffee. New technologies have made it possible to enclose grains of ground arabica coffee in a granule of instant coffee. This made the drink quick to prepare, but with a pronounced taste and aroma of natural grains.

On the market, you can also find both single-sorted coffees and blends or blends. The former are intended for a narrow segment of the market - professional cafes and restaurants that develop their own blends and offer signature drinks. Ready-made blends go on sale and are ideal for preparing a drink at home, in the office, cafes and so on.

Bean roasting methods

Types of coffee, depending on the method of roasting, play an important role in shaping the taste of the finished drink. There are the following degrees of roasting beans:

  • the initial one, which contributes to the easy disclosure of the taste and aroma of the grain, is used for elite Arabica;
  • weak, or Scandinavian, as a result of which the grain slightly cracks and acquires a light brown color;
  • medium, the purpose of which is to release some of the oily resins and adjust the acidity, is used to make espresso;
  • strong, allows you to get the strongest coffee, the color of the grain is dark brown, oily, the cracks are pronounced.

There are other intermediate degrees of roasting, which, as a rule, bear the names of the area for which this or that method of heat treatment of grain is characteristic. This is a French roast, Mediterranean, American and so on.

This is what beans look like at different degrees of roasting.

The maximum release of caffeine, resins and bitterness occurs at a strong degree of roasting. From such grains, the strongest coffee is obtained, invigorating and tonic. Its color can reach black, and the grain shines intensely due to the oils released to the surface. Sometimes heavy roasting is used to disguise the low quality of coffee and hide its taste.

There is also a separate category of coffee - it is a green product that has not undergone heat treatment. It became popular after some studies showed the value of this product for health in general and weight loss in particular. For many years, green coffee has been on par with green tea as a product with a high antioxidant activity and fat burning effect.

Types of coffee drinks

Turkish coffee is considered a coffee classic all over the world, although the most popular type of drink is espresso. It was the Turks who taught the Europeans to drink and brew coffee, and the most famous Venetian entrepreneurs got rich on the trade in this product. To prepare a strong drink, you need to get the right cezve or cezve, high-quality grain or ground coffee and a few minutes of free time.

Composition of the most popular drinks

Turkish coffee should not boil. It is removed from the fire up to 5-7 times when a new layer of foam appears. For 120 ml of cold water, take 1-2 tsp. ground grains. Drink the drink hot with or without added sugar. What types of coffee drinks exist and is there a limit to original recipes?


The most popular base for most coffee drinks. It is a strong drink with a dense texture and thick foam, made from dark (strong) roasted grains. The classic proportions are: 7 g of ground grains per 40 ml of water. Served in tiny white cups. You can add sugar. Espresso is most popular in Italy, where there are many variations on the theme, such as lungo, dopio and americano.


This is espresso with lemon juice added. Served in small cups, in which 35-40 ml of espresso and 30 ml of juice are mixed. A slice of lemon is used as decoration. Suitable for those who like pronounced sourness in coffee.

The most invigorating coffee that is drunk in one sip and washed down with cold drinking water. It is not customary to add sugar to it. Prepared by analogy with traditional espresso, but the volume of water is reduced to 25 ml. This coffee drink is very popular in Italy, it has a thick and dense texture.


Drink from a series of coffee desserts. Prepared in layers, where chocolate alternates with espresso, hot milk and whipped cream. Gradually, the layers are mixed with each other and a fragrant strong espresso with a creamy foam is obtained.


One of the most popular drinks in Western Europe. It is prepared from two different processing parts of milk and one part of espresso. Served in glasses of 450 ml with straws. To prepare a drink, one part of the milk is well warmed up, the other is also warmed up and whipped into an airy thick foam. It is customary to decorate this drink with drawings in the style of latte art.

Some kind of latte. Here, strong espresso is combined with hot frothed milk, and the foam is laid out on top of the drink with a spoon. Served without sugar.


It is a combination of warm milk, espresso and frothed milk, which are formed in layers and served in a 150 ml cup.

Viennese coffee

Appeared in Vienna in the XVII century. It is a drink made from espresso coffee, which is densely covered with whipped cream on top. Grated nuts, cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate chips can be used as decor.


Drink with alcohol. It is customary to consume in the afternoon. Prepared on the basis of espresso with whiskey or other kind of alcohol, as well as whipped cream in a cap. Served in Irish glasses.


Prepared from standard 30-40 ml of espresso, which is diluted with 90-10 ml of water. Often supplemented with sugar, milk, biscuits and other desserts.


This is the name of cold coffee, popular in Greece. It is made from 1-2 shots of espresso with ice and sugar, which are shaken in a shaker. Milk and additionally cold water are sometimes added to it.

Another kind of summer cool drink. It is prepared from a portion of chilled espresso and a scoop of vanilla ice cream, which is placed directly into the cup. A delicious dessert is decorated with grated chocolate.

honey raff

One of the few drinks invented in Russia. It consists of a portion of strong coffee, which is whipped together with cream and honey in a cappuccinatore. Whipped milk is laid out on top of the whipped mixture.


It is represented by a portion of espresso, on top of which, up to 1.5-2 cm high, a dense in structure and well-shaped milk foam rises. Translated from Italian, the name of the drink means tower.

The list of types of coffee drinks can be continued for a very long time. All of them are prepared tasty and original, they are distinguished by colorful presentation, non-standard combination of ingredients. There are seasonal types of coffee, which are offered chilled in the summer heat, and hot and warming in the winter cold.

There are many local recipes for making coffee-based drinks. This coffee is Caribbean, Irish, Mexican, Moroccan, and so on. The composition may include lemon, pineapple, orange juice, various syrups, types of alcohol, brown sugar, spices and so on.

Warming sbiten with sea buckthorn and spices. Recipe

Sea buckthorn sbiten is one of the varieties of aromatic drink known in Russia since the 12th century. Culinary Alexander Seleznev shared with RIA Novosti a recipe for a warming broth made from jam, honey and spices.

Sbiten is a non-alcoholic tonic drink that is good warms the body in the cold season.

To prepare sea buckthorn sbitnya you will need:
Water -1 l
Honey - 100 g
Sea buckthorn jam - 150 g
Cinnamon - 5 g
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
St. John's wort - 0.5 g
Cloves - 3 g
Anise - 3 g
Cardamom - 3 g
Red pepper - 3 g
Nutmeg - 3 g

Sea buckthorn jam should be added to water and bring the mixture to a boil. Alexander advises to remove the foam that appears during the heating of the drink - then the broth will turn out to be transparent and light.

A cinnamon stick, bay leaf and St. John's wort should be put in the drink, which, if desired, can be replaced with mint, rhododendron or basil. Then add cloves, anise, half a teaspoon of cardamom and a pinch of red pepper. According to Seleznev, red pepper is softer than black, so it is preferable to use it.

The last ingredient is nutmeg. It must be carefully scraped with a knife and added to the broth. After laying the spices, sbiten should boil for 5-10 minutes and infuse for half an hour. During this time, the spices will give the drink its flavor. Strain the finished broth through a sieve, add honey and serve.

As the confectioner notes, you can use any jam, as well as fresh or fresh-frozen berries of cranberries, blueberries, raspberries. If desired, sbiten can be made alcoholic: for this, one glass of red wine or beer should be added to a liter of water.

Sbiten has been known in Russia since the 12th century. Its name comes from the verb "to shoot down". Honey and herbs were infused in different vessels and mixed immediately before use. For a long time, aromatic broth was a national winter drink, like kvass in summer. Non-alcoholic "Russian mulled wine" replaced tea and coffee for people until the end of the 19th century.

How to keep warm in cold weather? The surest remedy for this is sbiten, a hot spicy drink that used to be sold with might and main on the street by lively sbiten people.

7 best sbiten recipes:

Fragrant custard

bee honey - 1 kg

hops - 40 g

spices to taste (cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, mint, etc.)

water - 3 l.

Take water, boil it, and then strain or filter it. Take honey and dissolve in boiling water, make sure that everything dissolves, slightly warm if necessary. Set aside the solution with honey in a cool place and stand for a day. Then, stirring constantly, boil it over low heat for two hours (the foam must be removed). Shortly before the end of cooking, add hops, cloves, cardamom and other spices to honey. Pour the resulting broth into a clean barrel or other containers and cool. Then add half a glass of dissolved yeast to the vessel. Seal the vessels and put in a cold place for 2 weeks. Strain the aged sbiten and pour into bottles, which should then be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Sbiten custard monastery

hops - 2 tsp

green tea (strongly brewed) - 1/2 cup

Mix honey with water and boil over low heat for 3 hours. Put hops, a small boiled pebble in gauze and, tying it in a knot, lower it into a saucepan with honey. A pebble is necessary so that the hops do not float. Boil honey with hops for 1 hour, periodically, as it boils away, adding hot water. Remove the honey from the heat and, while still warm, strain through cheesecloth into a glass or wooden bowl. In this case, the container should be filled no more than 4/5 of the volume. Leave the dishes in a warm place for the fermentation of honey. As a rule, it begins a day or two after the intoxicated honey is cooked. When the honey ferments (stops hissing), pour 1/2 cup of strong brewed tea into it. Strain several times through the flannel. Sbiten is ready. However, it will acquire excellent taste only after a year of storage in a cool place.

Sbiten Moscow

molasses - 150 g

a pinch of cinnamon

cloves, hops, nutmeg, allspice - 2 g each

water - 1 l.

Dissolve honey and molasses in warm water. Bring to a boil and simmer for a few minutes. Then add spices and boil for another 5 minutes. Cool the resulting infusion and let it brew for half an hour. After strain and you can serve.

Sbiten Vladimirsky

cloves, cinnamon, ginger, bay leaf - 5 g each

Boil water and cool slightly. Add honey to warm water and boil for about 20 minutes. Then add cloves, cinnamon and other spices to the resulting drink and continue to boil for another 5 minutes. Strain the resulting drink. Serve hot.

Sbiten Suzdal

sugar - 150 g

cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, bay leaf - 15 g each

Take boiled water and add honey to it. Bring the mixture to a boil and boil for 20 minutes, then add spices and boil for another 5 minutes. Strain the drink and tint with burnt sugar.

Sbiten Kostroma

sugar - 1/2 cup

tea - 1 tsp

cognac - 50g

lemon - 1/2 pc.

cinnamon - 0.25 tsp

Most of us know the difference between latte and cappuccino, while the more sophisticated coffee drinker knows the wonderful flat white. But there are coffee drinks in which true experts understand.

However, if you want to test your barista, why not ask about one of them and see if he really knows, or if he's just another hipster hard worker at his uncle's job.

  1. Guillermo (Guillermo)

The coffee equivalent of tequila, this is for those who like sour and citrus coffee.

In some coffee recipes, lemon can be found among the ingredients. In fact, the domestic habit of drinking coffee, like tea, with lemon, has nothing to do with the classic recipe. Coffee gourmets argue that citrus aroma perfectly emphasizes the taste of coffee. A cup of espresso prepared in the traditional way with lime wedges is the real Guillermo. The number of slices is not regulated, it all depends on personal preferences.


Guillermo is served on the table with slices already added in ordinary coffee cups about half full, hot or pre-chilled on ice. It is allowed to put a milk jug on the table so that those who wish can dilute the drink with a few drops of milk.

"Guillermo" is not the name of a coffee bean variety at all, but a Spanish male name. Whether it was the owner of the cafe where the drink was first introduced to the public, or an ardent admirer of the new taste, history is silent. Only one thing is known for certain: they began to add lime by analogy with Espresso Romano, which is served with lemon. Connoisseurs have found that the slight bitterness of a lime harmonizes with the coffee taste more than the straight-sour sharpness of a lemon.

It is strictly forbidden to add citrus fruits to coffee lovers suffering from gastritis in high acidity.

  1. Dirty Chai (Dirty Tea)

Dirty Chai is a blend of spices blended into a warm, soothing drink. Usually includes black tea, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, cloves, and black pepper, but varies from region to region.

Chai latte is the same but served with steamed milk.

If you like the taste of Dirty Chai but still need caffeine, just add espresso or doppio.

  1. Yuen Yeung

This drink is extremely popular in parts of Asia such as Hong Kong and Malaysia where it is known as Kopi Cham. This drink is a hybrid of tea and coffee, which contains 30% black coffee and 70% tea, mixed with condensed milk and sweetener.

It can be served hot or cold and even incredibly sweet to stick everywhere.

  1. Leche Manchada

Literally means "dyed milk". A drink for people who love a hint of coffee and nothing else. Only milk with a drop of coffee, that's basically it. So to say coffee milk or coffee flavored milk

Some may say that this is the same as latte macchiato, but it is even weaker.

  1. Marrocchinno

A tiny form of mocha that can be drunk fairly quickly (though perhaps even better sipped) is an espresso shot with cocoa powder and milk foam in a small glass.

In the Italian city of Alba, where the production of the Ferrero chocolate company, many add Nutella chocolate sauce (belongs to the same owner as Ferrero) instead of cocoa powder. You can just imagine how delicious this chocolate sauce is.

  1. Con panna

The name says it all, as it literally translates to "with cream" and that's exactly what you get, an espresso with a hood of whipped cream on top.
Depending on where you are in the world, it can also be called "suizo".

No problem, the barista will make you a flat white on cream and it will be the same. Few notice the difference in taste. What's in cream, what's in milk. Only the fatness itself is felt in different ways.

  1. red eye

Especially for caffeine addicts. Those who use caffeine even in tablets. There was already a story about caffeine sodium benzoate.

If you really need one of these, we suggest you see a doctor. Such needs are not always normal. Red Eye (red eye) pumps the heart, a mixture of regular black coffee, with a shot of espresso. Americano plus espresso.

Add two shots and it will be black eye, add three dead eye and add four shots and it will stop the heart. Don't be stupid enough to try or repeat!

A smarter way to enjoy the red-eye flavor is with Tobio, a shorter drink made with half filter coffee and half espresso.

  1. Cafe de Olla

Hard to find outside of central America (though by no means impossible), the Mexican coffee drink consists of ground coffee flavored with cinnamon and whole cane sugar called piloncillo.

If in Mexico, coffee will be brewed in a traditional clay pot.

  1. Cafe Bombon

The coffee drink from the Spanish city of Valencia is a shot of espresso and an equal amount of crema served in a clear glass that creates a layered effect as it sinks to the bottom.

This condensed cream is very sticky and makes the drink extremely sweet.

  1. Cortado

Based on the Spanish verb "cortar" meaning "to cut", this is a shot of espresso with warm milk. Many will argue that this is the same as a macchiato, but with frothed milk on top, not a warm milk mixture.

  1. Kaisermelange

Motherland Austria. The drink includes espresso and a beaten raw egg yolk until smooth, creamy, then adding a dollop of honey for sweetness. Rum or brandy can also be added for those who wish to have alcohol on their coffee.

Vietnamese egg coffee is similar to this one, with three beaten egg yolks and condensed milk.

  1. Eiskaffe

German ice coffee as two scoops of vanilla ice cream are laid out on top of black ice. In addition, whipped cream and chocolate chip sprinkles may be included.

Iced coffee or ice coffee, ice coffee is a way to serve coffee drinks. Often used as a soft drink. There are several ways to prepare cold coffee. In the first case, the finished hot drink is cooled to the desired temperature, in the second case, coffee is prepared by keeping the ground beans in water (for example, using a French press), after which it is filtered.

Often, ice coffee is prepared similarly to the hot counterpart of a particular coffee drink. So, there are “cold latte”, “cold mocha”. These drinks are made by mixing hot espresso with the required amount of chilled milk.

Iced coffee can be served both already chilled and still hot, but with the right amount of ice. Since sugar does not dissolve well in cold liquids, sugar syrup or sweeteners are usually added to cold coffee.

  1. Espresso Tonic

Espresso is mixed with a tonic like Gin & Tonic to create a refreshing, carbonated ice coffee. Ideal for those who want to sip coffee for a long time, but also want to cool down and cheer up on hot summer days.

And what amazing and unusual types of coffee drinks have you tried and met?

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Many of us cannot imagine life without coffee. Without its awakening aroma in the morning, without its bitter, but such a pleasant taste, invigorating and tonic.
Our love for this drink is usually limited to two or three of the most common recipes for its preparation - those that are often offered in cafes, or you know how to cook it yourself.

However, the variety of coffee drinks is endless, and making them isn't all that difficult, even at home.

The variety of invigorating flavored drinks is amazing

coffee classic

Oriental coffee is one of the earliest ways to make coffee. This method of preparation does without the participation of a coffee machine, coffee is prepared here in a special dish - on a hot surface - for example, hot sand. At home, you can use salt instead of sand.
It is very important that the coffee be freshly ground, and the degree of grinding must be high - otherwise the coffee grounds will be felt in the mouth, which should not be.

If the drink is prepared on fire, then boiling should not be allowed.

Oriental coffee is served in small coffee cups with a glass of chilled water.

Oriental coffee served with a glass of cold water

Espresso - the basic basis of coffee drinks

Many popular coffee recipes are based on espresso - concentrated black coffee, which is brewed in a special coffee machine.
The very name "espresso" says a lot, especially about the way it is prepared. The rich taste of this type of coffee drink is achieved as follows: after 6-7 grams of well-roasted finely ground coffee, water is passed under high pressure, heated to almost a boiling point of 92-95 degrees. The total amount of the resulting drink should be 30-35 ml.

The strength of the espresso can also be varied by adding different amounts of water or using more ground coffee. In this regard, several varieties of espresso can be distinguished: americano, doppio, lungo, ristretto.

  • Americano is a popular espresso preparation, the ratio of coffee concentrate and water (90-120 ml of hot water is added to 30 ml of espresso) allows you to achieve a rich, but mild taste.
  • Doppio is a classic espresso shot doubled. A kind of "double espersso".
  • Lungo is probably a medium-strength coffee drink between classic espresso and americano. For 7 grams of ground coffee used in this espresso variant, there are 50-60 ml of water.
  • Ristretto is the strongest type of espresso. This is due to an increase in the concentration of the coffee itself and a decrease (compared to a regular portion of espresso) in the volume of water. The following proportion is maintained here: 7 grams of coffee per 20-25 ml of water. This type of espresso is especially loved by the Italians - it is considered the most concentrated and is served with a glass of chilled water.

An espresso shot is small in volume, but strong enough in terms of caffeine content

Espresso for originals

Espresso and lemon juice - an unexpected combination! However, one of the most popular espresso recipes in Italy is a coffee drink made with lemon juice.

After preparing a classic espresso (30-35 ml of water and 6-7 grams of coffee), add 5 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice to a cup, or use ready-made lemon concentrate. Sugar for such a drink is served separately.
This type of coffee is considered unusually tonic and is perfect for an early morning awakening!

Palette of coffee flavors: milk, cream, sugar

Despite the pronounced and rich taste, many coffee lovers are not averse to diversifying the recipes for preparing this drink with additional ingredients. Among the most used and loved, of course, are derivatives of dairy products: milk, cream, milk foam.

Interesting to know!
The easiest way to soften the taste of coffee is to add some milk to it.

Americano with milk. The classic proportion recipe in this case is as follows: 50 ml of milk is mixed with 50 ml of water and 30 ml of espresso. The result is a classic cup of Americano with a volume of 130 ml.

Cafe con Leche. Literally translated as "coffee with milk". A very simple and popular recipe in Spain and Portugal. Prepared coffee (in any form - espresso, double espresso) is mixed with milk in a ratio of 1:1. Popular options for making coffee using whipped milk and cream.
You can complicate the recipe a little by adding specially processed milk or cream to coffee drinks. Milk can be whipped with steam in a coffee machine, cream is whipped with a mixer until a thick, homogeneous mass that retains its shape well.

Cappuccino (Cappuccino). This recipe involves adding hot frothy milk to coffee. This is a fairly large drink - 150 ml. In the preparation of cappuccino, all its components (espresso, milk, milk foam) are mixed in a ratio of one to one. The classic version is that 40 ml of milk and the same amount of milk foam are added to 40 ml of espresso.

Cappuccino is distinguished by whipped foam

Latte (Latte). For the preparation of this variety of coffee with milk, Mocha coffee beans (one of the varieties of Arabica) are used. In its preparation, the same ingredients are used that are used in the preparation of cappuccino, however, the proportions in this case will be slightly different. For one part espresso, two parts milk and one part milk foam are taken. This drink is served in a tall glass.

Latte Macchiato (Latte Macchiato). The so-called "striped coffee". A very curious way of making coffee in terms of appearance and taste. Due to the fact that during the preparation process, coffee is poured into milk (through a layer of milk foam) and not vice versa - as in the case of preparing a classic Latte, the drink is stratified, forming three pronounced layers - milk, coffee and milk foam. Served in a tall glass goblet with a straw, this coffee looks extraordinarily impressive.

Coffee drinks for gourmets

Café con Panna or Viennese coffee. The most common recipe in which coffee is served with cream. The basis of this drink is a single or double espresso, which is served under a cap of whipped cream. Sometimes cream can be sprinkled with grated chocolate, cinnamon or nutmeg.

Raf coffee. This is a kind of coffee cocktail, which, in addition to espresso and cream, includes vanilla sugar. All ingredients are whipped with a cappuccinatore, which is in the coffee machine. The volume of the drink and the form of its serving are similar to those of a cappuccino. Recently, experiments with the components of this drink have become very popular. Instead of vanilla sugar, you can use vanilla syrup, or a teaspoon of honey.
If you add honey, then you get the Honey Rough, which coffee house regulars have become fond of lately. Whipped with honey and cream, espresso should have a dense and viscous consistency, then you can be sure that you have prepared it correctly.

Such a beautiful name is called a coffee dessert, which is an ice cream filled with a portion of espresso. It is also possible to supplement this dessert with chocolate, whipped cream, lemon or orange zest.

Affogato is a combination of espresso and ice cream.

Coffee and alcoholic drinks

Whatever advocates of a healthy lifestyle say, a cup of espresso with a drop of quality cognac or whiskey can be a pleasure not only for coffee gourmets. Here are some of the most popular coffee and alcohol combinations.

Coretto. Espresso with the addition of various kinds of liqueurs. Italy is considered the birthplace of this drink, so grappa is often added to the coretto there. Other possible types of additives are sambuca or fruit brandy.
If, while in the Mediterranean countries, you want to order Coretto, then you need to clarify what kind of alcohol you want to add to coffee. The proportion in which coretto is usually prepared is a classic shot of espresso + 20 ml of your chosen liquor.

Irish coffee (Irish coffee). One of the most popular coffee drinks containing strong alcohol is Irish whiskey. This is a hot coffee cocktail with added alcohol (whiskey, cognac, brandy), sugar and cream. The cream is whipped and laid out on the surface of the coffee, already at the end of the cooking process. For 90 ml of hot black coffee, 45 ml of strong alcohol is added.

The combination of coffee and alcohol is quite popular.

Coffee brulo. Hot coffee cocktail with bright taste. It consists of strong black coffee, brandy, sugar and spices - cloves, lemon or orange peel, vanilla stick. A mixture of brandy, sugar and spices is heated in a separate bowl over low heat for two minutes. The finished mixture must be poured into cups of coffee, after filtering through a strainer. The cocktail is prepared at the rate of 50 ml of brandy per 100 ml of coffee.

Hot? Let's drink coffee!

Many people associate coffee and drinks based on it with a warming effect, however, there are a number of recipes that allow you to make coffee chilled - sometimes quite strongly (when crushed ice is used). Such drinks are especially pleasant to savor in hot weather.

Coffee-glase (glase). The simplest version of the recipe is not hot coffee (in French glacé - ice, frozen). To prepare it, you need to take a double shot of espresso (or americano) and cool it so that it is not hot. Otherwise, the ball of ice cream that you put there will instantly melt and the drink will lose its taste. For 100-130 ml of coffee, a scoop of ice cream weighing 50 grams is added.

Coffee-glase is the best choice in hot weather

Frappe - "iced coffee". This coffee drink is made from ingredients that need to be whipped in a mixer until a strong foam appears. To prepare a delicious frappe at home, a double espresso, 100 ml of cold milk and 3-5 ice cubes is enough.

For many of us, coffee has become an integral part of life, however, we are not always ready for experiments, preferring some specific and familiar type of coffee or way of preparing it. However, coffee preparation provides a wide scope for imagination and the search for new tastes. Try, create your own recipes, getting sincere pleasure from this drink!

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