Home Drinks and cocktails How to make a good soap bubble liquid. Soap bubbles with glycerin: recipes and basic rules. Life hacks for launching soap bubbles

How to make a good soap bubble liquid. Soap bubbles with glycerin: recipes and basic rules. Life hacks for launching soap bubbles

Summer is in full swing - and you want something like that ... To be fun, simple and - to have a sea of ​​​​real summer sensations! One of the great options is soap bubble festival . Yes, yes, a holiday: any, even the most boring, evening with soap bubbles turns into an adventure. It's fun and beautiful, plus - new sensations, new observations, new discoveries ...

Oh, soap bubbles!

You can spend a quiet evening of experiments, you can have a fun competition, or you can have a noisy pampering for kids ... By the way, how many adults can walk past children blowing soap bubbles and not show “class”?

Today we have prepared for you 7 recipes for making soap bubbles at home . But you can use them in yard conditions, and in summer cottages, and in parks, and in holidays, and in walking, and even in the conditions of playing in a laboratory for studying the properties of soap bubbles!

What is important to know in order to make soap bubbles at home Fine?

Of course, the main thing is the solution and what sticks (tubes, frames) for soap bubbles you use. Below we give 7 recipes for soap bubble solution. You can choose the one that suits you best, but do not be surprised: you may have to "tailor" it to your conditions. Let some helpful tips help you.

The best children's books

Useful tips for those who make soap bubbles at home:

  • It is better to use boiled water to prepare the solution, and even better - distilled.
  • The less impurities (perfume and other additives) in the soap or other detergent used to prepare the liquid, the more reliable the result.
  • How to make the solution denser, and the quality of soap bubbles better? To do this, use glycerin or sugar dissolved in warm water.
  • The main thing is not to overdo it with glycerin and sugar, otherwise it will be difficult to blow bubbles.
  • A less dense solution forms less stable bubbles, but they are easier to blow out (suitable for babies).
  • Many bubble buffs advise letting the solution sit for 12 to 24 hours before drinking.
  • At the start, before blowing the bubble, you need to wait for a clean, solid film (on which you will blow), without additional small bubbles around the edges that sometimes occur. Bubbles must be carefully removed or wait until they disappear. And in general, it is desirable to avoid foam: insist, cool the liquid for soap bubbles - if only there was less foam.
  • Wind and dust in the air are not helpers for soap bubbles.
  • High humidity is a helper.

How to make a solution for soap bubbles: 7 recipes for all occasions

Recipe 1, simple: soap bubbles from dishwashing liquid

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup dishwashing liquid
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Ready!

You can use a similar composition, where glycerin is used instead of sugar:

  • 2/3 cup dishwashing liquid
  • 4 glasses of water
  • 2-3 tablespoons of glycerin.

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and put the mixture in a cool place for 24 hours. Glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy.

To do colorful soap bubbles , add to mixture food coloring(2-3 teaspoons for the whole volume or divided into parts to make bubbles of different colors).

Recipe 2, for the little ones: how to make soap bubbles from baby shampoo?

You will need:

  • 200 ml baby shampoo,
  • 400 ml of distilled (boiled, melted) water.

This liquid should be infused for a day, after which you should add:

  • 3 tablespoons of glycerin or 6 teaspoons of sugar.

Recipe 3, Fragrant: Bath Bubbles

You will need:

  • 3 parts bath foam
  • 1 part water.

Recipe 4, original: soap bubbles with syrup

You will need:

  • 2 cups dishwashing liquid
  • 6 glasses of water
  • 3/4 cup corn syrup

Recipe 5, cheap and cheerful: solution for soap bubbles from laundry soap

You will need:

  • 10 glasses of water
  • 1 cup grated laundry soap
  • 2 teaspoons of glycerin (or a solution of sugar in warm water, you can - with gelatin).

You can get by with a combination of water and soap without additional additives (for example, if there is simply no glycerin). Soap grated on a grater should be poured into boiled water, and hot, and stirred to full soap dissolution. If the dissolution is difficult, you can slightly warm the mixture with continuous stirring. Do not bring to a boil!

And if you do not want to grate laundry soap, then use this composition:

  • 100 ml liquid soap
  • 20 ml distilled water,
  • 10 drops of glycerin (after the foam settles, i.e. after about 2 hours. It is better to infuse the liquid in a cold place).

Recipe 6: extra strong soap bubbles for experimenters

You will need:

  • 1 part concentrated sugar syrup (proportion: to 1 part of water 5 parts of sugar: for example, for 50 g of sugar - 10 ml of water),
  • 2 parts grated soap
  • 4 parts glycerin
  • 8 parts distilled water.

With this solution, you can, for example, build various figures from soap bubbles by blowing them onto a smooth table surface.

Recipe 7: giant soap bubbles for a children's party

You will need:

  • 50 ml glycerin,
  • 100 ml dishwashing liquid,
  • 4 teaspoons of sugar
  • 300 ml of water.

A solution for giant soap bubbles can be prepared in a basin, and they are “blown out” using a gymnastic hoop or a frame specially twisted from a flexible material. Honestly, you don’t have to blow - rather, you have to wave the frame or slowly pull a large, strong bubble out of the basin.

Giant soap bubbles on the beach (video):

What to blow? Tubes/frames/sticks for soap bubbles

As sticks for soap bubbles, you can use tubules of different diameters, frames, cocktail sticks (especially with a cross-shaped or fringed tip and bent “petals”), hollow blades of grass or pasta, dough cutters, funnels, you can buy at the store special guns for soap bubbles or just blow them through your fingers! 🙂

And if you are invited to a real soap bubble festival or arrange one for yourself, you can make original stick-frames with your own hands from wire and colored beads, for example, these:

Another one original idea— use for blowing big soap bubbles… !

Soap bubbles show

And finally - see how beautifully and unusually soap bubbles are used in theatrical shows.

Hi all! More than once I wondered how to make soap bubbles at home. If you just mix water and shampoo, it may not work. And recently, I learned that there are a few more secret ingredients.

And if you add them right, you can even make giant bubbles, the size of a person! Well, the child will definitely fit in there. How? Now I will tell.

I remember my dad making homemade bubbles when I was a kid. I diluted just soap shavings and water. Strange as it may seem, it worked! Now it's a completely different matter. Not all detergents will work. Therefore, you have to think and look for those very secret ingredients and follow the rules for preparing a wonderful solution. Here are the main points:

  1. Only boiled water, settled. Better yet, distilled. Why is it so important? The salts that are in the composition can upset the balance, and instead of peanut joy, you will get a sea of ​​\u200b\u200btears.
  2. Detergent only of proper quality. to have fewer impurities.
  3. If the recipe contains glycerin, one of the secret ingredients, take the exact proportions. It serves as a link, if overdone, the child will make great efforts to blow the ball.
  4. It is good to withstand the composition before use for several hours in the refrigerator.
  5. A good level of moisture is a great assistant for blowing!
  6. A large amount of dust can interfere with the process.
  7. Approximate ratio of soap and water: 1/10.

Strive to follow the recipe, but do not be afraid to experiment, slightly deviating from the specified. Perhaps you can become the author of a unique composition? In the meantime, I will offer you the TOP top picks most commonly used by parents.

Cheap doesn't mean bad

In principle, any recipe for making bubbles is not worth a lot of money. But these components can be found in any home. Record!

  • Laundry soap shavings - a glass.
  • Water 10 glasses.
  • Glycerin 2 teaspoons.

Pour hot water into a saucepan and add chips. Put this wonderful mixture on fire, stir. But don't bring it to a boil! So stir until dissolved and remove from the stove. Cool, add glycerin. Ready!

And if there is no good laundry soap, use liquid soap.

With liquid soap

But this composition of the solution for soap bubbles I tried to make to my daughter this summer. Surprisingly, it turned out really well. But there is one drawback, which for some reason is not indicated in the recipes. I'll open it a little later. In the meantime, let's talk about the components:

  • Liquid soap 50 ml.
  • 10 glycerin drops.
  • Water 10 ml.

First you need to mix soap and water, add the glycerin base later. Then I kept this mixture in the refrigerator for 10 hours. in the evening, and in the afternoon of the next day, the daughter was already blowing strong bubbles.

It turned out a lot and it was fun! But then it turned out that the traces of these bubbles do not dry out on the pavement. It turned out such wonderful greasy stains that did not disappear and could not be cleaned with anything. It only washed out after a heavy rain. There is nothing particularly critical in this. But you need to know about this feature so as not to be surprised later.

The sweetest recipe

  • Sugar syrup 50 grams.
  • 100 grams of soap chips.
  • 200 grams of glycerin.
  • 400 ml of distilled or boiled cooled water.

The recipe does not specify, but I advise you to keep the mixture in the refrigerator first, and then use it. So you can blow different shapes! I think it's worth experimenting. What do you think?

For those who like to tinker

If you want to get a high quality product, without a doubt, I suggest the following formula:

  • Pure water 300 g.
  • Glycerin solution 100 g.
  • Ammonium chloride 10 drops.
  • Laundry soap 50 g (shavings).

First, mix the first 3 components, then heat the chips until dissolved, only observe the condition - do not bring to a boil)), combine. It would seem that nothing complicated. But it is necessary to withstand this for 3 days, preferably in a cold place. Then strain through cheesecloth, leave for 12 hours in a cold place.

Almost four days, and the solution is ready! And if there is no time to wait and the child urgently needs spectacles, use another option.

Quick Recipe

But I warn you right away, the idea is not always successful. Depends on the quality of the detergent and your plumbing. A neighbor's boy told us what he did, only from a certain shampoo, the brand of the child, of course, does not remember. But many advise for such purposes to use the series "Little Fairy". If desired, replace with dishwashing liquid.

So, take ¼ of baby shampoo, 2 parts of water, 2 teaspoons of sugar. You can add dye here, you get a color show! Mix well, and blow! But, I repeat, the shampoo must be suitable. I didn't get that idea.

Just don't despair. There are some more interesting options for how to make soap bubbles!

With washing powder

Do not be surprised, because this is a foaming component. I haven't tried it myself, but I think it should work great.

    Powder 25 g.

    Water 300 ml.

    Ammonia 10 drops.

    Glycerin solution 150 ml.

Such a composition with glycerin and powder is kept in a cool place for 2 days, then filtered and put in the refrigerator for another 12 hours. Now enjoy!

Huge bubbles

Here is the show! I don't know if you have seen when the bubble is the size of an adult? Yes, and it happens! Moreover, this miracle can be created with your own hands. And here's what we need:

  • Water 300 g.
  • Dishwashing liquid 100 g.
  • Glycerin 50 g.
  • Sugar 4 teaspoons.

Stir all the ingredients in a bowl or where you can lower a large hoop covered with a cloth. Don't worry, you won't have to blow anything! Just dip the hoop in there and move it from side to side. It's best outside when there's a slight breeze. In the pelvis, inside the hoop, you can put the child, and slowly lift the ring up. The bubble wrap will follow, and the child will be in the tunnel.

Another option with gelatin:

    Vodicka 800 g.

    Detergent 200 g.

    Glycerin 100 g.

    Sugar 50 g

    Gelatin 50 g.

Here's how to dilute such a mixture: let the gelatin swell well first. Then drain the excess liquid and put on a small fire, adding sugar. Let everything melt. Now add the rest of the components. Let it stand for a while, cool well and go!

These are the kind of homemade pranks you can let the kids. Just knowing how to prepare the mixture is not enough for a good result. After all, much will depend on the tool with which to blow.


The easiest option is to use an old bottle. We actually did just that. But there are several other ways:

    Wire. Twist an ordinary wire, you can color it, fix the handle and decorate it. Best and fast way- bright ribbons But if you turn on your imagination, you can stick different pebbles, small buttons, etc. on top. act!

    Cropped plastic bottle. Dip a homemade tool and blow into the neck.

    A tube that you can make with your own hands. It doesn't take long to make: just roll up a piece of paper and blow!

    Are you using a plastic straw? Cut its tip lengthwise into pieces.

    Tennis racquet. Available with or without mesh.

    For giant balls, wrap the hoop with rag tape. When the fabric absorbs the solution, slowly pull.

    Carpet beater.

Perhaps you can add something to this list? While you are thinking, I will talk about how you can make a soap bubble show at home.

Entertainment options

And you probably thought that they can only be blown into a round small hole? But no! There are many entertainments that will please your little one.

    Special devices. Liquid for the generator is poured there, which you can prepare yourself, and the performance begins. Such balls do not burst longer than usual and fly in different directions!

    Frosty Miracle. Did you know that you can blow funny bubbles in winter? Just cool the prepared composition. Then go out into the cold and try. A miracle of small snowflakes will form before your eyes!

    Matryoshka. Pour the soap mass into the saucer, dip the straw and blow it out. Then place the same straw inside the balloon and blow again. Inside one bubble, another is formed. Repeat your steps until you get bored.

    Colorful arts. It will take several glasses. Pour the resulting mass there, add paints or food coloring. Blow in turn from different glasses so that the ball hits a white sheet of paper. See what a colorful miracle will be drawn there!

    Play like this: you make bubbles, and the child touches them with his nose, then his finger, then his shoulder.

How do you like these entertainment options? Maybe something already tried? I will definitely do a show in the cold! What recipes do you know? What they were doing? Share comments! And become blog subscribers. See you again. Bye!

Give a special mood children's holiday is not as difficult as you think. Create soap bubbles with your own hands, get ready to launch them together with the guys at the right time according to the scenario, and then the brightest impressions for your child and his friends are guaranteed! The instructions and recipes below will help you organize this event.

How to make soap bubbles at home

To produce such fun fun at home, special skills and the creation of complex devices are not required. If the child has a box of purchased bubbles left, the task is simplified: you just need to prepare the solution and pour it into the bottle. In the absence of a special frame for releasing air-soap balls, it can simply be made from wire or blow bubbles from a straw. In the case when there are design skills, from a fan and several forms for bubbles rotating in front of it in a circle, at home you can even make a generator for blowing them.

Before choosing the right solution for the balloons you want to blow, it's important to know a few rules to help make blowing them fun:

  • It is better to make a solution with distilled water. If you have not bought such a purified liquid, at home you can replace it with boiled settled water.
  • Balloons are easier to blow out at high humidity, it is more difficult to do it in windy weather.
  • After preparing the foam solution, let it stand for 12 hours to a day before using.

Non-bursting bubbles

It is very disappointing when the ball quickly bursts, not yet breaking away from the frame. The answer to the question of how to make non-bursting soap bubbles at home will be recipes for solutions with glycerin and sugar. Such a mixture will allow not only to admire rainbow balls of different sizes for longer, but also to blow figures out of it on a smooth surface. Try this solution:

  • Do sugar syrup by adding 1 teaspoon of water to 5 teaspoons of sugar.
  • Combine the ingredients in the following proportion:
    • syrup - 1 part;
    • soap, grated - 2 parts;
    • glycerin - 4 parts;
    • water - 8 parts.

Another solution from which non-explosive spheres will turn out, you can prepare at home according to this recipe:

  • Mix Ingredients:
    • hot water(but not boiling water!) - 300 ml;
    • liquid glycerin - 150 ml;
    • washing powder - 25 g;
    • ammonia - 10 drops.
  • Let the resulting homogeneous mass brew for 72 hours, then filter if necessary.
  • Store this mixture in the refrigerator.

Giant soap bubbles

Huge and very beautiful rainbow spheres can be launched from the solution to create durable balls. How to make big soap bubbles at home? Design for this purpose a simple loop for blowing them.

  • Take:
    • two sticks 30-50 cm long - they should be small, not thick, but should not bend;
    • woolen thread or rope approximately 1.5 m long and not more than 3 mm thick.
  • Tie the ends of the rope, and then lay it out on a flat surface in the shape of a triangle.
  • Tie the sticks to the two corners of the figure, then spread them apart - between them you will get a loop.

The mixture to create large balls must be diluted at the bottom of a wide basin. Dip the rope into the solution, lift it into the air and begin to slowly move back. Large soap bubbles will form under the action of the air flow through the loop. The result will be especially good when there is no wind outside. Take note of another composition of the solution, which is suitable for blowing huge spheres:

  • In 500 ml of water, add dishwashing detergent - 200 ml, and glycerin - 100 ml.
  • The volume of the mixture can be reduced by observing the indicated proportions.
  • The solution must be infused for 1 day.

Composition of soap bubbles

With the knowledge of how to make soap bubbles at home, it remains only to assemble necessary ingredients and create a festive mood. Check out the list of ingredients you may need to prepare your sphere blowing solution.

Ingredient name


It is necessary to use distilled water, bought at a pharmacy, or from a water pipe, but boiled.

It is better to use a product with a minimum of flavors and additives, for example, laundry soap is perfect. This ingredient must be grated on a very fine grater and stirred in water until completely dissolved, and only then add other components to the resulting liquid.

Dishwashing liquid

It is very easy to dissolve in water compared to soap.

Baby shampoo

Due to the soft composition, it is suitable for use in the games of the smallest children.

Bath foam

With its help, you can make a liquid for blowing with different rich, bright odors.


This ingredient can be bought at a pharmacy. It is responsible for making the soap bubble solution produce strong and large rainbow balls.


Used in some recipes to give spheres durability.

Sugar or sugar syrup

Food colorings

In the nearest store you can buy such substances of different colors, and then, dividing the solution into parts, make a liquid for soap bubbles of various colors.

Bubble Recipes

You have already read some of the points explaining how to make soap bubbles at home. There is absolutely nothing complicated in this, but there are some points to consider. Try to do everything yourself before offering to play with the child. So you can see and correct possible errors or shortcomings in the manufacture of the composition, and then offer children fun fun without any annoying and unpleasant surprises.

Immerse the form in the solution carefully, do not whip the foam, because it will affect the fact that the balls will burst. Also, before blowing the sphere directly, make sure that there are no small bubbles around the edges of the transparent film to be blown onto. If these appear, wait until they disappear, because because of them the balloon bursts before it has time to inflate. Try different options for recipes for solutions and choose the best one for you in terms of ease of preparation and quality. If you learn to do everything right, you will always be able to create a joyful atmosphere for children's leisure.

There are many recipes for homemade soap bubbles that you can try even if you already know how to make them at home. Some of them are really very simple, with ingredients that we are 99.9% sure you have in your home. Other recipes for how to make soap bubble solution may raise some questions.

For the most simple recipes homemade soap bubbles need only liquid soap and water. But there are several soap bubble recipes that include unexpected ingredients. Here are some questions about how to make soap bubbles at home and the answers to them. Then we move on to recipes for homemade soap bubbles.

Where can I buy glycerin?

Glycerin can be purchased at most supermarkets in the baking section (along with cake decorating supplies) or at your regular pharmacy. Also, if you want to order it online, you can find several options in online stores.

Why is sugar needed in a homemade soap bubble recipe?

Even if you've tried making homemade soap bubbles before, the recipe with sugar might surprise you. Sugar makes soap bubbles stronger and more resilient. Thanks to sugar, soap bubbles last longer, which your baby will love.

Why does the soap bubble recipe include corn syrup?

Corn syrup works just like sugar - it helps make your soap bubbles firmer and last longer. This is just another option on how to make strong soap bubbles at home.

What soap should not be used for homemade soap bubbles?

You should not use cheap liquid soap for homemade soap bubbles, which is usually sold in shops "All for 2 hryvnias" and the like, or on the lowest shelves in shops and supermarkets. As a rule, they are too heavy to make good soap bubbles - the soap just settles at the bottom.

Can homemade soap bubbles be blown indoors?

Basic Recipe home cooking bubbles should not cause any problems for indoor use. It's just diluted soap! But with soap bubble solutions containing sugar and corn syrup, you need to be careful, as they can leave sticky marks on surfaces. And finally, the recipe for beautifully colored soap bubbles contains a small amount of food coloring, so they are probably best used outdoors.

How to store homemade soap bubbles?

Store all homemade soap bubbles in an airtight, labeled container. Also, a clean glass bottle of spaghetti sauce or any other container that closes tightly is great for storing them.

How long can homemade soap bubbles be stored?

Many soap bubbles, in fact, only get better with time. If the bubble solution has been sitting for several weeks, stir it gently to combine the components that may have separated in the meantime. Do not shake the container; you want to save this foam for bubbles!

How to make strong soap bubbles (Recipes)

The basic recipe for homemade soap bubbles

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid.

How to make soap bubbles: Mix water and dishwashing liquid in a cup or bottle. Mix carefully and thoroughly. Dip a bubble stick into the solution and get to work!

sugar bubble recipe

  • 4 glasses of warm water;
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 1/2 cup dishwashing liquid.

How to make soap bubbles: Mix sugar and warm water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add dishwashing liquid and stir again. Store in an airtight container.

Soap bubbles recipe with glycerin

  • 1 glass of warm water;
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid soap or washing powder;
  • 1 tablespoon of glycerin;
  • 1 teaspoon white sugar.

How to make soap bubbles: Gently mix all ingredients together and store in an airtight container. You will get very strong soap bubbles! If you do it right, they will be so strong that you can simply lose sight of them before they burst!

Jelly soap bubbles

  • 1 part dishwashing liquid;
  • 1 part gelatin or jelly powder
  • 8-10 parts warm water.

How to make soap bubbles: Carefully combine all three components. Avoid creating foam by mixing too vigorously. If you take a bright fruit jelly mix, you will get unusual colored soap bubbles. They are best worn outside.

Soap bubbles "no tears"

  • 1/4 cup "no tears" baby shampoo
  • 3/4 cup of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of corn syrup.

How to make soap bubbles: Mix all the ingredients and then wait for the bubbles to settle before using.

Colored soap bubbles (with food coloring)

  • 1/3 cup dishwashing liquid;
  • 1 1/4 cups of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 1 drop food coloring

How to make soap bubbles: Mix all ingredients in a jar or other resealable container. Only use them outdoors to avoid color marks on your walls, carpets and upholstery.

Eco soap bubbles

  • 1/4 cup eco, biodegradable dish soap
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

How to make soap bubbles: Mix all ingredients in a resealable container. Let stand overnight for best results.

Now you know so many different options on how to make soap bubble solution with and without glycerin at home that will keep the kids busy until the end of summer!

Bubble is joy, fun and laughter for any child. And among adults there is rarely a person who is indifferent to this entertainment. Soap bubbles can brighten up any holiday, make it unusual and interesting.

We are accustomed to the fact that soap bubbles are large and small balls that burst on contact with a solid body. Today, soap bubbles are a whole art, striking in their sophistication and fragility. Soap bubbles can be square, oblong and even curly. You can hold a soap bubble on your hand and even get inside the bubble itself. Don't believe? Now you will know everything!

What you need to know about making soap bubble solution

The main success in creating beautiful and large soap bubbles is soap solution. It should be prepared from clean water. The presence of various impurities in water in the form of chlorine worsen the viscosity of the solution. It is best to use distilled or boiled water. Hard water is also not suitable for mortar. Use melt water to reduce its hardness.

As soap formulations, it is better to use dishwashing detergents, soaps and shampoos without unnecessary additives. Various dyes, flavors and thickeners degrade the quality of the solution. If the bubbles burst quickly, and the solution is not so dense, you can first add a little glycerin to the water. Sweet water can be used instead of glycerin. Pour a little sugar into the liquid and only then add the rest of the ingredients to get a high-quality and dense solution for soap bubbles.

After preparation, the solution should stand for a while. It is best if the solution is prepared a few hours before the "soap performance". The same applies to the frames for blowing. Especially if they contain fabric parts, for example, a rope. The rope must be dipped in advance (for three to four hours) in a soapy solution so that it is sufficiently saturated.

When blowing bubbles, avoid foaming. In general, any debris and large dust are unacceptable. Before blowing bubbles, make sure that there are no small bubbles on the soap surface. Pay close attention to the location of the show. If you are doing this outdoors, the area should be protected from the wind. Dust and wind do not contribute to blowing beautiful and large soap bubbles.

Soap bubble solution - recipes

So, how to prepare a solution for soap bubbles? Here are some recipes for the strongest and largest soap bubbles.

  1. This is the easiest soap bubble recipe you have on hand. Take a glass of water and a quarter cup of dish soap. Before mixing the gel with water, add half a spoonful of glycerin or sugar to the water. Glycerin is sold in a pharmacy in liquid form. You can also use diluted gelatin. After combining all the ingredients, it is better to pass the mass through a sieve so that there are no grains of glycerin or undissolved sugar left in it. Leave the solution for a day before use.
  2. This recipe is suitable if there are small children among the players. The recipe for this solution is based on a baby shampoo that does not sting or irritate the mucous membranes when it gets into the eyes. Mix baby shampoo with water in a 1:2 ratio. And in a few hours you will be able to enjoy the sonorous laughter of your children.
  3. To prepare this composition, you can use bath foam. Mix three tablespoons of foam with one tablespoon of water. Leave for a couple of hours until fully cooked. Such a solution will turn out not only very strong and viscous, but also incredibly fragrant.
  4. Colored bubbles. To prepare a solution from which colored soap bubbles will be obtained, you need to add a lot, a lot of food coloring to it. Prepare a classic soap solution with any detergent and glycerin. Add oil paints or food coloring to the composition. Since a soap bubble is the thinnest film, therefore, in order to get a light color shade, a composition that is very saturated in color should be prepared.
  5. You can prepare a solution for soap bubbles from laundry soap, which can be found in any home. Grate a dry bar of soap. Then dissolve a tablespoon of soap chips in ten tablespoons of water. Add some dissolved gelatin or sugar to the composition.
  6. The solution can be prepared from liquid soap. Mix it with five parts of water and add some glycerin to the composition. Thoroughly mix the prepared mixture and wait until the foam disappears completely.

The newfangled craze for soap bubbles is to blow figures on the smooth surface of the table. With the help of various frames, you can build a soap figure of an animal or a fairy-tale character. To prepare a super powerful and strong solution, we need sugar, soap, distilled water and glycerin. For a liter of water, add half a liter of glycerin, a glass of soap chips and 100 grams of sugar. Please note that the soap must be free of dyes and fragrances. Mix the composition thoroughly and let it brew for 10-15 hours. After the specified time, it will become as elastic as possible and at the same time strong.

Huge soap bubbles

Surely you have seen the soap bubble show, where the bubbles are of incredible size. Experienced artists can put in a soap bubble not only a child, but also an impressive adult. 99% of the presentation success depends on the composition of the prepared solution. To prepare the mixture for giant bubbles, you will need water, several bottles of dishwashing detergent, sugar and glycerin.

It is best to prepare the composition in a small children's pool, no more than a meter in diameter. Pour 5 liters of water, a liter of dish detergent, 200 ml of glycerin and a glass of sugar into a container. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and leave them for a day.

A regular hoop can serve as a frame for huge bubbles. Lower the hoop into the pool. After that, put a small chair in the center of the pool so as not to step directly into the water. A person stands on a chair, and two assistants at the edges raise the hoop. Assistants must first wet their hands in the soapy composition so that the bubble does not inadvertently burst if it is touched. When the hoop is above your head, the person on the chair will be in a kind of "soap pipe". The spectacle is incredibly exciting and fascinating. And if you attach a handle to the hoop, you can blow huge bubbles in the form of a caterpillar. Such a performance will brighten up any children's holiday.

Soap bubbles can be blown out of straws, funnels, and even penless pens. Frames can be made of wire not only round, but also square, triangular. You can blow soap bubbles even through your fingers. The main thing in blowing soap bubbles is an idea, fantasy and a cheerful mood!

Video: how to make a bubble generator

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