Home Vegetables The sign on the coffee is thicker than a starfish. Fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation of symbols. Interpretation: other symbols

The sign on the coffee is thicker than a starfish. Fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation of symbols. Interpretation: other symbols

For fortune telling on coffee grounds, you can only use freshly ground coffee and purified water. You cannot add milk, cream or various sweeteners to a drink intended for fortune telling. While drinking, you need to fully concentrate on the issues of interest and not think about the bad. In order to discern drawings and figures in the bizarre patterns and spots of the thicket, you need to use all your imagination and imagination. This fortune telling is suitable for both women and men.

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How to guess correctly using coffee grounds?

Appeared during the reign of the Russian tsars. This method later spread throughout Eastern Europe and became quite popular among people from the upper classes. Book publishers have published many manuals with interpretations of coffee figures and patterns.

With the help of coffee grounds, Alexander Pushkin was predicted to have his tragic death, and the prophecy was exactly fulfilled.

Fortune telling begins with properly brewed coffee:

  1. 1. You need to grind Arabica beans and take 3 teaspoons of freshly ground coffee. The grind should be medium.
  2. 2. Then pour coffee into the pot and add distilled water, putting it on low heat until the so-called cap forms.
  3. 3. After boiling, the drink should be turned off immediately and allowed to brew for 5-10 minutes.

In order for the fortune telling result to be reliable, it is not recommended to add any spices, seasonings or liquids to freshly brewed coffee.

Procedure algorithm

Fortune telling procedure:

  1. 1. After the coffee has brewed a little, you need to pour it into a porcelain cup. The dishes should be light colors and without any patterns or ornaments.
  2. 2. The person should then drink the hot drink slowly, leaving some liquid at the bottom of the cup, and vigorously rotate the cup in a circle (clockwise).
  3. 3. After three full circles, you should tip the contents of the cup onto a small saucer and mentally count to 5.
  4. 4. Then raise the cup and carefully study the resulting symbols.

First you need to decipher the symbols that are on the sides of the cup, starting from the handle and moving from left to right. Then you can move to the center (bottom).

Location of coffee images:

  • Signs at the bottom are distant events.
  • At the bottom of the cup - the prediction will come true within a year.
  • At the top is what will happen in the near future.

The grounds that remain on the saucer symbolize past events; the drawings near the handle represent what is happening in the life of the fortuneteller at a given time.

The larger the size of the resulting picture, the more strongly it affects the life of the fortuneteller. If there are a lot of light spots in the cup and almost all the coffee grounds remain on the saucer, it means that joyful events await him.

The male version of fortune telling is no different from the female one: the procedure and decoding of the meanings are identical.

Decoding letters and numbers

Descriptions of letters and numbers are given in the table:

AThe first letter of the alphabet symbolizes victory
BTo improve the standard of living
INSymbol of sadness and grief
GTo spiritual enlightenment
DTo lack of money
ETo repentance
YoRegret over missed opportunities
ANDTo public shame
ZExquisite pleasures and unusual entertainment
ANDAll secrets will become clear
YExposing the Deceiver
TOOnly faith in God and sincere repentance for your actions will help ease the pangs of conscience.
LThe fortuneteller will soon meet his love
MA fortuneteller does not deny himself anything and lives one day at a time
NTo nervous disorders and deep shocks
ABOUTVacation is just around the corner
PGroundless suspicions and reproaches from a lover
RAddictions ruin your life
WITHTo lengthy discussions
TYou will meet interesting people who will influence your worldview
UTo disagreements and useless disputes with household members
FYou need to believe in the best and not lose hope
XTo an extramarital affair
CFor promotion
HTo a great tragedy that will break the heart of a fortuneteller
ShTo get rid of negative emotions
SCHIt is worth asking forgiveness from loved ones for hurtful words uttered in a fit of anger
bTo flirt with a man you don't know well
KommersantUnexpected guests
EValuable losses
YUThe disease will drag on for a long time
ITowards personal growth
0 Fate favors the fortuneteller
1 To a new hobby
2 To general malaise and loss of vital energy
3 Portends bright prospects and a bright future
4 Plans are not destined to come true
5 They will spread dirty rumors and weave intrigues about the fortuneteller.
6 To separation from a loved one
7 You will be lucky not only in love, but also in business
8 To clarify relationships with blood relatives
9 The number promises a promising acquaintance

Interpretation of figures and symbols

Below are tables with the interpretation of figures and drawings that appeared during fortune telling on coffee grounds. They include:

  • animals;
  • birds;
  • insects;
  • objects;
  • Marine life;
  • natural and celestial objects;
  • people and body parts;
  • mythical creatures;
  • some biblical symbols (dove, cross, icon);
  • geometric shapes and lines, etc.

Letters A - D:

ArchTo financial problems and difficulties in the professional field
  • A clear image - for exciting trips of an entertaining and business nature;
  • Blurred contours - to troubles on the road

The designation of an angel has several interpretations:

  • to positive news from loved ones;
  • the fortuneteller will be helped by a close friend, as well as a guardian angel
DiamondTo mutual and strong love
ButterflyTo a risky event
JarA person who tells fortunes can always count on the support of his friends and relatives
DrumFortune telling girls or men have great potential and many hidden talents that they are not even aware of.
BouquetTo happiness and success in all areas of life
RamStubbornness and a difficult character will not lead to anything good
SquirrelA waste of time and energy on useless activities
Boot (boot)
  • Torn - bad luck;
  • Whole - to the long road
BottleSymbolizes illnesses and bad habits of the fortuneteller
BaggageA person deserves a good rest, so you need to relax and not think about business
  • In the lowlands - the health of the person who tells fortunes is not in danger
  • On the hill - to money. This could be a sudden receipt of an inheritance or the emergence of a new source of income
TrousersTo serious problems on the way to your goal
VaseTo material prosperity
CamelThe fortuneteller will have to work hard and devote himself selflessly to his work in order to become a successful and wealthy person
WolfTo commit an unseemly act
WineFeel remorse
GrapeA fortuneteller can turn his talents into big money
WitchSymbolizes an insidious and powerful ill-wisher who wants to harm the fortuneteller and resorts to the help of evil spirits
BucketTowards successful business
ScalesTowards trials and unfair accusations
BroomTo external and internal changes
BikeThe fortuneteller will be able to achieve his goals and will not deviate from the right path
  • Teeth up - to a rich and luxurious life;
  • Down - to the condemnation of others
Couple in loveA guy and a girl kiss - they love a fortuneteller
RopeA bad sign that promises a series of unpleasant events
HairA fortuneteller is keeping someone's secret, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for him to keep his mouth shut
VolcanoTo unbridled passion and self-destruction
CrowA big misfortune will visit the fortuneteller's house
WreathGood luck in all your endeavors
BalloonThe fortuneteller will have to go on a long journey abroad
RiderPatronage of an influential and wealthy person
TieTo honor and respect
HeadTo new ideas and brilliant thoughts
EyeFate is favorable to the fortuneteller. Two eyes - for long-awaited meetings
LipsSymbolizes a fateful meeting
PigeonRepresents the purity and purity of the soul
NailTo monstrous injustice
CoffinTo a tragic incident and a lot of tears shed
PearTo family well-being
MushroomsTo join the family of the fortuneteller
GarlandForetells a significant event. This could be your own wedding or an invitation to a wedding ceremony from close friends
MountainsA person always strives to be the center of attention, but many people do not like this behavior
  • With clear contours - to abundance and financial prosperity;
  • With blurry ones - the fortuneteller’s goals are vague and unattainable;
  • With a crooked roof - to quarrels with neighbors and household members
The DragonThis mythical creature signifies victory over enemies and one’s own fears. Your plans will definitely come true
DolphinThe fortuneteller is able to deal with any problem that arises on his own
DinosaurSecrets from the past will soon remind you of themselves
Young womanTo the emergence of a competitor in business or a rival in matters of the heart
TreeHard work, conscientiousness and endurance will lead to recognition and glory

Letters E - L:

Christmas treeThe fortuneteller is used for selfish purposes
HedgehogThis animal symbolizes the character of a fortuneteller. It is not easy for him to find a common language with others, he is stubborn and willful, never makes concessions and takes everything with hostility.
AcornThe fortuneteller loves to relax with the whole family in nature and is content with little
CraneTo a long life
GiraffeMan lives in illusions. You need to look at things realistically and not build castles in the air
VestSomeone wants to cry to the fortuneteller in his vest
SnakeTo the treachery and machinations of people from close circles
HareSymbolizes a weak-willed and cowardly person
ZebraThe life of a fortuneteller consists of white and black stripes. He understands that after defeat there will definitely be victory, and does not lose heart after another failure
FencePersistence, bordering on stubbornness, negatively affects all areas of the life of a fortuneteller.
LockA sign of strength - not only physical, but also spiritual
StarTo fulfill your innermost desire. Dreams will soon become reality
UmbrellaLife's troubles will not affect the fortuneteller in the near future
Zodiac signTo meet a person who was born under this constellation
IconTo the Fall
Playing cards)

For correct interpretation, suit is important:

  • Hearts - for comradely help;
  • Clubs - to stable income;
  • Diamonds - the non-trivial thinking of a fortuneteller will help you achieve what you want;
  • Spades - to incredible luck
A dropFor easy money
SquareThe fortuneteller is able to provide a comfortable life for his relatives, but in the pursuit of material wealth he forgets about family values
WhaleThe work will be appreciated
GoatWe need to devote more time to our health, both physical and psychological.
KeyThe fortuneteller’s abilities and skills help him open any doors
BellSymbolizes triumph
Cross (Orthodox)To a happy destiny
  • The whole - for marriage;
  • Torn or deformed - to parting with a loved one
CrownTo receive a large inheritance
BasketYou need to appreciate what you have at the moment
ShipLuck turned its face to the fortuneteller
CowTo renew previous love relationships
CrocodileYou need to be more vigilant and careful, because a person is in great danger. The threat comes from the immediate environment
ChickenTo good news from close relatives
SneakersFor a sporting event
  • Covered - a sign of death;
  • Not cleaned - symbolizes optionality and indiscipline
Horse (horse)To heartfelt affection and the appearance of a bosom friend
Cat or catThey symbolize ruin and poverty. A fortuneteller can lose all his property in one moment because of a deceitful and greedy man who is hiding under the guise of a friend.
FaceHigher powers protect and protect the fortuneteller from all sorts of troubles
FrogA sign of kindness and warmth
a lionSymbolizes a noble, wise and strong-willed person who will achieve great heights in life
FoxA person has fox cunning and wit. Thanks to these qualities, he easily achieves what he wants.
  • Zigzag - to love adventures that will have irreversible consequences;
  • Oblique - to a serious illness;
  • Straight lines - symbolize good health
ShovelA fortuneteller will get involved in an adventure, but the risk will be unjustified
MoonTo changes that will affect your personal life
SwanA calm period, life without emotional turmoil, worries and worries
ForestTo commit a fatal mistake and heavy retribution for what you have done
LampA fortuneteller is very insightful and has excellent intuition. He senses the mood of those around him and finds the right approach to people
BatA negative symbol foreshadowing troubles at home and at work
BoatThe fortuneteller is constantly in search and cannot decide on his purpose.
LadderPortends a rapid rise up the career ladder

Letters M - R:

BearFate has prepared inhuman tests for the fortuneteller, but he must overcome them in order to achieve his goals.
AntTo household chores and internal anxiety
LightningI'll have to defend my point of view soon
LighthouseA fortuneteller is not used to giving in to difficulties; failures only strengthen his character and force him to move on.
BallThings will get better
MouseTo great financial losses and irreparable losses due to the machinations of enemies
FlyTo wealth, which will entail many personal problems
BridgeOne wrong step and your life will be ruined, so you shouldn’t make hasty decisions
MonthThe fortuneteller is an extremely secretive person and does not let anyone near him
JellyfishCaution warning. You should not make new acquaintances in the near future
Man (figure of a male person)To the appearance of a fan. For men, such a symbol means the appearance of a strong rival who wants to recapture his beloved
KnifeTo the betrayal of a lover
RhinocerosFantasies will soon come true
ScissorsTo a change of residence and problems with new neighbors
NotesSymbolizes a cheerful and carefree life
MonkeyA person is surrounded by scammers, hypocrites and liars who cannot be trusted
CloudTo fame and high social status
FireTo unbridled passion and ardent love, which can turn into tragedy
GlassesSymbolize deception and betrayal. Business partners can mislead a person, and he will sign documents that will harm his business and personal life
DeerRepresents a wise and intelligent person
EagleThe fortuneteller will achieve a triumphant victory over his sworn enemy
NecklaceTo the visit of an old friend
PeacockSymbolizes a high position in society and inflated self-esteem of the fortuneteller
RoosterA friendly and trusting atmosphere will reign in the fortune teller’s family
PenguinToward self-realization
SpiderTo unexpected gifts and joyful surprises
PalmFor unforgettable impressions and emotions
FeatherSymbolizes creative talents and original thinking
PyramidA fortuneteller is the master of his life and never quits what he started halfway.
DressYou need to decide on your life priorities and make important choices that will affect the rest of your life.
GloveOnly the awakening of past feelings can bring a fortuneteller out of a depressive state.
HorseshoeFortune smiles on a man
PresentA fortuneteller is indispensable at home and at work, so he is valued and loved by friends, relatives and colleagues
ParrotTo disappointment and huge scandals in personal relationships
GunRisking your own life for dubious pleasures
A loopTowards a fatal disease
ParachuteTo an unexpected turn of events that will change the usual way of life

Letters R - U:

HandSymbolizes success in personal life and strong friendly ties
RainbowTo receive a favorable offer
RocketPlans can come true if you direct energy in the right direction.
CancerTowards a melancholy mood
ChildConcerns related to children
BeltYou need to pay attention to your appearance and exercise to get your figure in order.
ShellTo success in the creative field
MermaidTo momentary desires and all sorts of temptations
FishForetells a favorable outcome of events
GlassYou need to think about your lifestyle and draw appropriate conclusions
RoseThe flower symbolizes love, happiness and joy
RhombusBy a happy coincidence
RiverReflects the emotional state of the fortuneteller. If there are a lot of bends, the person is hot-tempered and impulsive
  • Beautiful, smooth - the fortuneteller will fall in love and will feel the happiest, since the feeling will be mutual.
  • Irregular shape - to diseases of the cardiovascular system
DogThe fortuneteller has many comrades who will never leave him in trouble
ElephantSymbolizes power and life experience
CandleA person can predict events, predictions often come true
CigaretteYou need to be more decisive and take the initiative into your own hands
SkeletonLive a poor and lonely existence
SunThe fortuneteller has leadership qualities, and people willingly follow him
TableDisorder in the soul and in life
OwlSymbolizes sorrow, pain and serious illnesses
ArrowA person will be able to find out what he has been interested in for a long time
PigSuccess in business and material prosperity will not bring much delight and peace of mind
AirplaneThe fortuneteller needs a change of scenery and relaxation
FireworkSymbolizes the creative potential of the fortune teller
ViolinTo a dizzying but short-lived romance
AxeA person will commit a brave act for which others will begin to respect him
PlateThe fortuneteller can be too harsh towards people close to him
SlippersTo dangerous connections
CaneTo get help from a stranger
TigerSymbolizes an angry and aggressive person who is next to the fortuneteller
  • Closed - to an unexpected gain;
  • Unlocked - to financial stability
PointsTo receive a substantial amount of money
ShoeTo big expenses that will be associated with travel
IronA fortuneteller takes on too many obligations that he cannot cope with.
KnotTo causeless worry and anxiety
DuckA romantic trip to hot countries with your loved one is expected
SnailMissing a brilliant chance or not taking advantage of unique opportunities
HurricaneTo confusion in business and personal matters

Letters F - Z:

FlagThe enemies will deal a crushing blow, you need to be prepared for anything
T-shirtFor a pleasant time with close relatives
BreadTo health problems
HillTo the emergence of obstacles and obstacles on the way to achieving your goals
FlowerSoon a person will feel truly happy and taste life
CupThe fortuneteller does not think about spiritual values ​​and cares only about his material well-being
WatchTo stagnation in business
CrapA person does not want to accept his fate, but cannot influence the outcome of events
ScullTo the beginning of a new stage of life, thoughts about the frailty of existence and one’s true purpose
TurtleThe fortuneteller is scattered over trifles, not noticing the essence of the events taking place.
  • The nose is directed downwards - to discord in the family;
  • Up - to a family idyll
HatTo honors and glory
A capMan creates problems for himself
Fur coatThe person is completely safe
JesterThis is not the time for jokes, you need to be more serious and reasonable
YulaTo pointless purchases and squandering
SkirtTo frivolity and shamelessness
Lizard (and other reptiles)You need to have a good rest in order to take on your work with renewed vigor and bring it to perfection.
  • The whole - to profitable transactions;
  • Broken - to bankruptcy
AppleIf the profession is related to creativity, the person will be lucky in everything
AnchorTo temporary difficulties
HawkTo an unfortunate incident

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

It all started when I ordered my personal...

A (letter)
Foretells victory

If the car is clearly visible, travel is expected; if the lines are blurred, there are some worries ahead.

Happy love

Help and protection from an unknown well-wisher. Good news, unexpected joy.

The joy of receiving money or a gift.

This is a symbol of lovers. Family harmony, for a single person or an unmarried woman, is a successful solution to love affairs.

B (letter)
The power is in your hands.

A butterfly can mean a person who is younger than you and has great influence on you. If a butterfly appears at the top of the cup, very interesting events may happen to you that will make you fully feel young and happy. Also, BUTTERFLY, when interpreted, can mean a love letter. Frivolous, innocent adventures, if with dots - the risk of wasting your life.

You are traveling into a dream, but who is stopping you from turning your dreams into reality?

Success and support from friends. Any of your ideas will find supporters.

Most often, this sign appears in the cup of gifted people, and if success has not yet come to them, then everything is still ahead.

You take on several things at once. This often leads to a waste of strength and energy. Prioritize your tasks.

If the shoe is clearly visible in the cup, your position is comfortable, and both neighbors and friends love you. If the shoe is poorly drawn, the opposite is true. Torn - a threat of failure and shame.

Inconsistency in relationships.
At the bottom of the cup, a tambourine means that you have given up some kind of love affair, but you cannot completely get this connection out of your head. In the middle part of the cup - you really want to get caught in the net, get involved in some kind of dizzying romance...
At the top of the cup - expect some new relationship - love or friendship.


Happiness, especially if there is a triangle nearby.

Health problems, warning.

You should be wary of an ill-wisher. Try to determine who he is and take countermeasures. Danger.
At the top and clearly visible - you will receive a large amount of money for your work; below and clear - treatment and health.

Profit, money.

Good health.

B (letter)
This letter means that you are experiencing some kind of grief.
This sign is always associated with money. If the vase stands upright, then you are a generous person! If the vase is tilted, be careful: you may lose money.
The symbol has a double meaning: if the bucket is standing - success in business, if it is lying on its side - if possible, refrain from transactions.
You are moving on the right road and will achieve everything you set out to do.
Success in business.
Changes in yourself and others.
Obstacles, difficulties and worries. Something is blocking your happiness. Also, the CAMEL sign can mean wealth.
The rope can be tied to something - then you have health problems; if it is collapsed, financial difficulties await you.
Now is a time when you will have to give something and receive nothing in return.
Litigation is possible. Balanced scales mean justice will prevail, unbalanced scales mean injustice.
Success that will be achieved as a result of hard work, not talent.
Quarreling; litigation.
Rich and luxurious life.
You are full of energy. You are overwhelmed with a lot of ideas and plans.
Change of residence, travel.
This symbol is often found in cups of people who have suffered a serious illness or committed a brave act.
A secret that needs to be kept quiet.
It's always a question, a doubt. Look at what other symbols are next to the question mark - they will tell you what to do.
Misfortune in the house.
HORSEMAN - help from a strong person.
Passions can overwhelm you and cause harm.
Perhaps you have to solve some personal problems or defend your share in the will. All this is unpleasant, but it is better to be prepared for it.

G (letter)
Place St. candles in the church. George.
Success and honors.
You have a unique ability to convince people of anything. You may be treated unfairly.
Wedding - yours or someone else's; happy event.
Attractiveness and charm.
Be attentive and careful, especially in business.
In the middle part of the cup, the symbol shows that circumstances are favorable to you; try at this time to get from life what you have long planned.
There will be a change in life.
Do you love to travel; you have friends abroad.
The nest can also be seen in the cups of people whose professional work involves children. And if the person being told fortunes has no children, but a nest appears in a cup, then you have a lot of animals at home.
Thoughts; memories. Some thought is firmly stuck in your head. If there are initials nearby, this person haunts you. If there are no initials, you are too carried away with reflection. Digging into yourself.
Strong patron, strong protector, wants to help you
There is some danger ahead, a small danger.
A young friend who has a good influence on your life, a beneficial influence on you and your destiny.
Your protection.
False promises.
HEAD AND FIGURE OF A DOG near a circle with several edges.
Marital fidelity.
Pure, honest soul.
You are aiming for the top and will soon reach it if the mountain is clearly visible. If the contours of the mountain are unclear, most likely you need to think carefully again about how to achieve your goal. If you see more than one mountain, you have multiple goals.
Happy home, but things need to be put in order and lifestyle adjusted.
If the sign is at the bottom of the cup, you are reaping what you sow. With this in mind, it is worth making the right decision. A rake in the middle part of the cup - thanks to your hard work, you are able to turn a barn into a palace. At the top of the cup - money is on your way. It’s worth preparing a “rake” to rake in more money.
Grief, sadness.
Serious disease.
Height, weight gain.
To the addition to the family. This does not always mean a child, it could be puppies or kittens.
Comfort and prosperity.
It's always just love.

No money.
Unexpected lottery.
Mutual love.
Marriage is coming soon.
Quarrel, divorce, betrayal.
Close marriage, long happiness.
Success in a new venture.
You can count on a significant amount. If the money appears at the bottom of the cup, it will not arrive soon or you have a lot of debt.
Money is always about money. The more coins visible in the cup, the more money there is.
You are a person who overcomes difficulties, a strong person. You know your worth. Plans will be fulfilled, desires will be fulfilled. Fame, glory.
The airship in the cup says that you can allow yourself to be different from everyone else. Follow events, act on time - and soon what you want will be yours. A creative approach will help achieve the desired results.
The symbol has a complex interpretation. A strong, good home means well-being, reliability, especially in business, you can start new things. Poorly drawn walls mean trouble at home is possible. If the house has a crooked roof, problems will arise with the neighbors. Home is the place where you feel good, where you are at home... The figures closest to it belong to your family.
Ahead lies luck, success, family happiness.
Family happiness.
Get your own home.
Things are for the better.
Travels and adventures. The trip is about to take place.
Victory, triumph.
You have a dangerous enemy.

E (letter)
Conscience is clear.
Caution symbol. Your kindness can cause harm. You can’t be good to everyone, they won’t appreciate it anyway. You can be used for their own selfish purposes.

Ж (letter)
Clarification of relations between relatives, intra-family feuds, dissatisfaction with the mother-in-law, expressed and unspoken.
A toad or frog in a cup is a good sign for those who are planning to start a family. But beware of flattery and flatterers.
A seduction that will bring a lot of problems to the man who is carried away by her.
Sincere friend; near the rose - a lover for a young man; near the tulip - a dangerous friend.
Big trouble on the part of the woman.
You really love spending time in nature; this symbol can mean a person associated with environmental activities, as well as simply an amateur gardener.
ANIMAL (not a dog or a horse) is the enemy.
Longevity, strength, endurance. This sign is most often found in long-lived cups.

3 (letter)
Worries, troubles, endless household chores.
You are too stubborn, and this bothers you. Obstacles on all sides. You will not be free in your actions and plans.
You work too much; It's time to take a break and pay attention to those around you. This sign also means a strong character, often overwhelming others.
Either you yourself are an inert person, or circumstances are such that others decide everything for you. Even if you finally decide to change something, now is not the time to break into a closed door.
Obstacle on the path to success.
Cowardice, inability to grasp perspective. Shyness.
Fulfillment of desires. Lucky sign in all positions. Freedom, liberation. A five-pointed star means success, but without joy, a 6-pointed star means luck, a 7-pointed star means sadness, and an 8-pointed star means an accident.
You find it difficult to get along with people.
If you see a snake in your cup, you can safely make an important decision. Maybe it's treason. Someone is plotting against you.
You will meet a person with the specified zodiac sign. Look at the zodiac sign and determine by the position in the cup what awaits you with the person born under this constellation.
You are protected from adversity and troubles. If the umbrella is open, your level of protection is higher, and you are completely isolated from troubles. If it is closed, there is protection, but it is weak: you will have to work hard yourself.

I (letter)
Revealing secrets.
Sadness, tears, melancholy.

K (letter)
Buy yourself a cross.
Easy money.
Jealousy leads to complications in life.
When interpreting the symbol, you should pay attention to the suit of the cards. If the card is at the bottom of the cup, money from the past will come.

If there are clubs at the bottom, that's the money you earned that you should receive.
If there are worms, someone will give you money.
If there are spades, you will win the lawsuit.
Diamonds - you can win money.
If the card appears in the middle of the cup, good luck and fortune await you.
Clubs are the luck you have earned.
Worms - you will be lucky with the help of friends and family.
Peaks - you've been waiting for this luck for a long time!
Diamonds - you owe your luck to your intellect.
If the card appears at the top of the cup, count on a grand undertaking.
Also, the appearance of cards can be interpreted as clubs - a new beginning is associated with work; if the worms are probably a new love affair; peaks - new adventures; diamonds - new capital investments or financial acquisitions.
If you are burdened by today's connection, do not worry - it will soon be interrupted. If, on the contrary, you want to maintain a relationship with someone, be prepared for the fact that you will have to work at it.
A harbinger of a happy, prosperous life.
You are a true romantic, but too careless.
Enmity, loss. Ardentness, impulsiveness or conspiracies of enemies.
Wait for the guests. If the symbol appears opposite the handle, near the rim, the mysterious guest will reveal the secret.
Small profits, some success at work.
You are talented.
In all positions, clover means the same thing - you are a happy person, you are always lucky. All problems will be solved, everything will end successfully.
You have enough ability to succeed. All doors are open to you. Assess the situation correctly, and new opportunities will open up.
You have to learn something new and increase your intelligence. Open - litigation in court, closed - difficult search.
You are a very hospitable person, you attract people with your warmth and sense of humor, children and animals love you.
You work too much, think about your health.
Typically, the bell appears in the cup just before the wedding. If the bell is straight, good news; if it rings, the news is very important.
The ring has several interpretations: whole - a wedding, broken - difficulties in marriage or even divorce. In addition, the symbol next to it is of great importance. There will be as many weddings as there are rings. If the ring is solid and bright, the wedding will be just right; if it is weakly drawn, there are difficulties regarding the wedding.
Engagement, wedding, important union.
Two rings - the implementation of all plans.
Trouble with neighbors. Guest from afar.
You will need strength to protect yourself. Learn more about your opponents - and success is guaranteed.
If the spear points upward, you can expect a brilliant future. If down, what you expected will happen, but it will happen a little differently.
Get ready for big changes in your life. Near luck.
Interference, obstacles. Don't try to go ahead, it's better to just get around the obstacle. The basket symbolizes time itself. The basket can be tipped over or filled. You have to be extremely careful not to spill what’s in it, go slower.
Always a good sign that brings joy. Seeing the box in your cup will definitely make you happy. The gift will not disappoint you. Joy, luck, success.
You will meet an old friend or former lover. Happiness awaits you ahead.
You are disappointed with your lot in life. If this symbol appears in a cup, it means that someone is preventing you from expressing yourself, you are being suppressed and not being allowed to do what you would like.
Receiving an inheritance. Inheritance does not always mean receiving money. Instead, you can receive some priceless gift or talent that cannot be exchanged for any good in the world.
You are a strong person, distinguished by enviable constancy. Your inner energy attracts people.
A secret that must be kept. The cat in the teacup calls you to silence. As long as you remain silent, no one can harm you.
Poverty, ruin. Your false friend is spreading gossip behind your back.
You have aptitude for the occult sciences.
Sad news.
Happiness in family life.
Possibility of an accident.
Cleaned means you are smart, untidy means you are undisciplined.
You should be careful in business matters. Be especially careful if there is an initial next to the symbol and it represents a person you doubt. If the symbol is at the top of the cup, you are on the eve of making a wrong decision.
Creative beginning. This symbol refers not only to art, but in general to the development of creative thought and creative fertility. Fearfulness.
Changes in life, new opportunities. No matter where you see the circle on the cup, it always brings changes.
Excellent relationships with others.
New acquaintance.
Betrayal, loss. You have unreliable friends who can join the camp of enemies.
Good health.
Thoughts about home; news from relatives. You will help some stranger.
Despite your wisdom and insight, you need to look at yourself more realistically. The matter will end unsuccessfully.

L (letter)
Love, a sudden outbreak of feelings, perhaps at first sight.
You understand people well, feel their moods and desires.
An unexpected journey with a happy ending.
Unexpected or random money. A good, calm life.
You are a good-natured but proud person. You have enormous inner strength, thanks to which you have achieved a lot in life. Power, nobility.
A mistake on the path of life.
Career advancement.
Longevity; friendship. In many cases, the bat signifies the arrival of a stranger who will come into your life and help you. Beware of conspiracies and false friends.
Consistency, friendship. At the bottom of the cup is a quarrel.
You have succumbed to one of the worst feelings - envy.
Illness, indecision, uncertainty, sometimes loss.
Happy carefree life, it will pass carelessly and uselessly
A confusing journey, long, that depends on the lines and surroundings
Adventure and illness.
There is an evil enemy that we must beware of.
Personal difficulties, resentment, difficulties and sorrows of a loved one.
Have a nice trip.
Be attentive to your affairs - they leave much to be desired.
Material difficulties.
Health and longevity.
Close, good trip.
Favorable sign. Your intelligence and wit attract people to you. Any of your endeavors will be accepted.
Someone wants to insult you, but he will not succeed. Deception, fraud, trickery, cunning.
If the leaf is intact, you are in good health; if the leaf is torn, you have health problems.
Strong defense.
Romantic dreams. Searching for a life's path. In difficult times you will find refuge.
Success is problematic. Now is not the time to take risks.
At the top of the cup is the finding of something lost where one did not expect to find it. But in most cases, when the shovel is at the top, it means that a person is facing financial problems and is being too careless with his funds.
Surrounded by human faces, they envy their position and try to insult and slander them at work.
In the hands of one woman there is a dark shovel - you will receive an inheritance.
A new friend will appear in your life; road.
If the moon is full, you cannot restrain yourself and tell everyone about your feelings; if it's a crescent moon, you hide them.
At the top, the symbol means that you must prepare for changes in love relationships and feelings. Notice if there is another sign nearby. It will help you correctly interpret the current situation. Often the moon at the top of the cup signifies difficulties in marriage.
Dots around - marriage or marriage of convenience.
A sign of happiness, good luck, kindness and great love. Good news.
Someone who will benefit will come from far away.
Recovery from illness.

M (letter)
Sharply changing circumstances, ups and downs.
You are a born leader and attract those around you like a beacon. Trouble threatens, but will be averted.
Typically, this symbol appears in the cups of people who have just made an important discovery or received a promotion.
Something prevents you from finding a common language with people; you are constantly irritated and argue with others. A sign of a hard life; life will be in danger, but you can save yourself, everything is in your hands
A danger that can be avoided.
Unwise decisions that lead to problems.
Failures due to your own stupidity.
This is a warning symbol. Wherever it appears in a cup, be careful: someone is preparing a dirty trick for you. Don't let yourself be ridden; be more picky about your friends.
You should not be influenced by others. Be yourself.
You have your own point of view on everything. All your ideas should be brought to life. You are a talented teacher and can inspire others to develop original ideas.
Parting or separation.
You are a confident person, you have the strength and courage to lead to success. But trial and error will lead you there. Tendency to cruelty.
You should try yourself as an artist. Don't bury your talent. Sometimes this symbol appears in the cups of people who have never noticed any talents in themselves or have not yet had time to discover and develop them.
You have to make an important decision that will change your life. But luck can turn away from you when you are one step away from it.
Trouble, anxiety. Be persistent, success will come to you.
A dangerous seducer for a woman who tells fortunes.
Wealth, inheritance, but also troubles and problems. More flies - more problems.
At the bottom of the cup - you have had business losses. In the middle part - you need to achieve improvement in business - do not let yourself be fooled. At the top of the cup - you will have a lot of problems with your future business partner. Keep this in mind when making plans.
Good luck in life.

N (letter)
Be worried.
Be careful, you are susceptible to adverse influences. This refers to any insects except spiders.
Help will come from the people around you.
If the threads are wound into a ball and there is a short end left, you are doing too much at once; if the end is long, don't overwork it. Thread in the upper part - you will soon begin long-term important work that will bring great income.
If this sign appears in your cup, it means you are not subject to the will of others.
Damage, loss, sacrifice, betrayal, deception. Try to be less frank. Often this symbol can mean the betrayal of a husband or wife. Breaking up a relationship, ending a friendship.
In many cases, they indicate that you will be moving soon. Beware of new neighbors, they may be unrestrained and will tell others about your personal problems.
Fantasize, the rhinoceros will help make your fantasies come true, even if you yourself no longer believe in them.
Wherever the symbol appears in the cup, the notes mean that you love life and fun. If there is an instrument nearby (for example, a violin), the person has the ability to play this instrument.

O (letter)
Everything is against you, loneliness.
False friends; fraud. Be careful in everything you do now.
Your dreams will bring you fame and fortune. You can not only have your head in the clouds, but also benefit from it.
Well-being and prosperity.
You are on the way to completing a plan that you have been hatching for a long time. It's time for successful financial investments.
You are waiting for a meeting with your loved one. It also means having a quick temper - don't lose your head in the heat of emotions. Avoid hasty reactions and anger.
In any part of the cup, this sign means that you strive to give everything to everyone, however, at the same time, a lot comes back to you. You sincerely do not understand greedy people who sit on their wealth, afraid to part with even an insignificant part of it. You will spend a lot of time helping others, and they, in turn, will someday help you.
An influential person or relative.
At the bottom of the cup - you need to establish connections with the person whom the necklace symbolizes; it can be very useful. Notice if there are any initials nearby. Torn - separation, failure in love.
Honesty, wisdom.
Victory after a hard struggle, a beautiful future.
You like to change things or have several things that you can later resell at a profit. Now is the right time to make material profit from this.
Scandal, quarrel.
The feeling of loneliness does not leave you. If the island reminds you of a specific place, you will visit it soon.
No matter how you feel about it, this symbol is a call to the “madness of the brave”; you need to intervene in something. You never know what others will say about you, ignore it and do what you have to do.
This symbol warns of danger. You need to pay attention to your surroundings and not sign any papers, you may regret it later.

P (letter)
As a rule, this symbol appears in cups of people whose professions require increased attention to appearance: television announcers, models, actors.
The happiest sign. Palma tells you that happiness and prosperity await you, those around you love you and they need you. This symbol is often found in newlyweds' cups.
Good job.
Your main ally on the path to success is nature. More walks in the fresh air and natural products on the dining table.
Are you ready to take a leap into the unknown? Well, go for it, only if the parachute is not at the bottom of the cup, otherwise you will fall into a whirlwind that will drag you into the abyss.
You are distinguished by good taste and high intelligence, and in general you love everything good in life.
At the bottom of the cup, a sign indicates that a friend from afar is about to appear.
Great financial success. An unexpected gift.
The most successful location is the spider at the top of the cup, near the handle. This position guarantees you to receive a lot of money.

If the spider is visible at the bottom of the cup, it is better to invest in long-term measures.
If it is in the middle part of the cup, for financial success you better use different investment opportunities.
If the spider is at the top, you can afford the financial risk by buying a lottery ticket.
Yours and your enemies will soon be defeated. If you have legal problems, then the appearance of a cobweb in the cup is a very good sign: you will successfully solve them and emerge victorious.
Wit and intelligence.
Awakening old feelings.
A sign of family harmony, prosperity, new news.
Marriage is a great happiness.
Amazing, very good news.
Someone wants to harm you, a little harm from some person, after that good luck.
A big change for the better.
An extremely unfavorable sign, foreshadowing serious problems, sometimes death.
A saw in a cup is not the best sign and in any position means the same thing - problems.
Your dreams will come true. The number of pyramids determines the number of goals you are going to achieve. If two pyramids are superimposed on one another, you have two main dreams, and very different ones. You can be successful at both. Any sign near the pyramid shows what the person has been working on lately. When interpreted, this will help to better understand what this person really wants in life.
You are in danger.
When you see a letter in your cup, pay attention to whether there are initials nearby: they will help you understand who to expect news from. Inaccurate sign, bad news. Surrounded by dots - business news.
If you see this sign in a cup, quickly think about what you would like to achieve success in - it is guaranteed to you.
If this sign appears in your cup, know that you are loved and you have friends, your colleagues and neighbors treat you kindly, they are ready to do something nice for you.
Your fantasies are difficult to achieve or you intend to do the impossible.
Luck in general. A good opportunity to go on a trip. At the top - perhaps your journey will last longer than you expected. Something will keep you away from home.
You are too lazy; your well-being is directly dependent on your laziness.
Vain dreams and hopes.
You are too talkative. A scandal and subsequent gossip are expected.
Tears, regret. Unexpected meeting.
A short friendship or acquaintance.
All birds are a symbol of good news in business. Good news.
Future litigation.
Success in society, good news.
A BIG SPOT is a great misfortune.

Love to drink.
A rainbow is always something good, a symbol of fulfillment of desires, even if you have to overcome difficulties. If the rainbow is not far from the handle of the cup, it means that promising goals will soon be achieved, especially in desires that you could not even dream of fulfilling.
Decision time.
Melancholy; mood swings; disease.
Realization of grandiose plans.
Rocket at the top - go for it, you will soon receive an unusual offer. Having another sign near the rocket will help you navigate the situation and tell you what steps are best to take. If there is a straight line next to the rocket, then it is better to think over the strategy again and not take any radical steps yet.
A good sign for creative people: they can achieve a lot in their profession.
Troubles related to children; the appearance of a newborn. If the symbol is located at the bottom of the cup, it refers to a child from your past who will soon somehow enter your life again. This can be seen in the cups of people who once abandoned a child, and then he got in touch with them.
The river is a mirror of your feelings. A large number of bends near the river shows that a person is going through a very emotional time. If there are few bends, you are in a bad mood now, you are not inclined to communicate... If there are two turns, your feelings are divided.
It's time to think about your figure. You seem to be overly preoccupied with thoughts about food. Don't indulge your desires.
Wedding, engagement.
At the bottom - good news, closer to the edge - you can rely on friends.
RHOMBES - Happiness in love.
It is very important which side the hand is turned: the palm is good luck, the back side is bad luck. The palm can be recognized by the presence of lines. Disappointment.

Be careful, you are being tempted.
Lunch, party. Good news or travel.
At the bottom of the cup, the symbol means that people will come into your life who will teach you a lot. The sign in the middle of the cup shows that you are able to teach others what you yourself know and understand well. At the top of the cup, the symbol means moving forward if you use your opportunities wisely.
One or more small fish - a corresponding number of invitations to visit.
Integrity of nature.

C (letter)
An unexpected gift of fate.
Creativity, talent, creation. Sometimes this symbol may appear in a pregnant woman’s cup: the birth of a child is also creation.
A journey awaits you, or maybe you want to drop everything and go somewhere. Most often, this symbol is found in cups of people associated with aviation. When an airplane is visible at the bottom of the cup, it means your thoughts are in the air.
A good sign: it shows that you are an insightful person who is able to understand the mechanisms of events. Dream. Zeal, diligence in study.
Fulfillment of desires. Any wish will come true. Success accompanied by spiritual discord and illness.
This symbol has two interpretations. Pay attention to the shape of the heart. If it is of perfect shape, you are happy in love. The initials next to the heart will indicate with whom you will experience a love adventure. If your heart is irregularly shaped, then you have health problems. This is true no matter where the symbol is located in the cup.
Intense passion for someone.
Someone is watching you all the time. It’s good if it’s just curiosity and not someone’s machinations. You may be drawn into intrigue.
A cigar in a cup means that the time has come favorable for investment.
A cigarette in your cup indicates that you can confidently move forward.
All obstacles will be overcome. There are no unsolvable problems for you. Whatever business you undertake, it will end in success.
Poverty, poor health.
Romantic meeting with a mysterious stranger. If you are planning to go abroad, get ready, a love adventure awaits you there. Usually the violin means a meeting of lovers in another country or unusual place.
It’s hard for you now, don’t hesitate to ask your friends for help, and you will definitely get it. Strength, power, wealth.
The tornado in the cup advises you to rely on the will of fate. Don't try to change anything, everything will not go the way you would like. We'll have to get over it.
You are surrounded by trustworthy friends. True friend.
Serious illness or death.
With the power of your personality, you attract people and lead them with you. This symbol usually appears in the cups of political leaders and teachers.
Life is gradually changing for the better. Anxieties and difficulties melt away.
Something has been revealed to you that you could not understand for a long time. A good sign for people involved in scientific research.
You need to keep your hands busy; idleness will not bring you any good.
Lasting love connection.
Disorder in the soul and affairs.
Brilliant success comes from little things.
If the symbol is at the bottom of the cup, this means that you probably missed the chance due to your own sluggishness. In the middle part of the cup - do not look down on something that seems to you to require a lot of effort, but the result is modest - in the long run the result will be amazing.
The arrow provides an answer to a specific question. If it points up, the answer to your question is yes; if it points to the side, it means “maybe,” down means “no.”
Success, promotion.
This symbol refers to everything related to work. If there is a reduction in staff at your job, rest assured, the steps say that it will not affect you.
Receiving a letter
If the chest is open and jewels are visible in it, this is a very powerful symbol. But if the chest is closed, you are not ready to announce yourself to the world. At the bottom of the cup, the symbol shows that your past will become known. In the middle part of the cup - you will finally begin to understand why life is not going the way you plan. At the top of the cup - you are about to feel your exclusivity, and everyone will agree with you.

You will have to make a choice between two close people.
You should be gentler with others. Your harshness can harm you.
To succeed in life, you will need inner strength. Anger.
This symbol means a brave deed that a person has done or will do.

Be prepared that your cherished wish is about to come true.
Good luck ahead. Group - money, one - strengthening of the accompanying sign.
Safety, security.
Luck, unexpected luck.
If there are letters next to the cane, you shouldn't trust someone with those initials.
TUBE (musical instrument)
You are a noble, strong, wise person.

Updating your wardrobe, rearranging furniture, changes in your personal life.

Don't worry about trifles.
At the bottom of the cup - you still have many opportunities that you have not used. In the middle part, you are slowly moving towards what you have been planning for a long time. If the snail is near the handle of the cup, it shows that you were not looking for easy ways in life. At the top of the cup - you're doing everything right. Here, more than anywhere else, the saying “The slower you go, the further you go,” is appropriate. You are close to your goal. If you get the snail near the very rim of the cup, consider it all over and get ready for the holiday.
Too much work, too many responsibilities. If the iron is standing, you clearly see the goals and ways to achieve success. If the iron falls on its side, there is a lot of work, but much less money...

Unexpected guests with their own problems.
Marriage to a rich man.
Attack. There's no need to rush.
Someone is watching you. Perhaps they want to entrust you with some important task and are checking whether you are able to cope with it. Or maybe they are just admiring you.
If fruit is visible at the bottom of the cup, expect a relative to visit. Fruit in the middle part of the cup - your family has a very favorable effect on you. If the fruit is visible at the top of the cup, do not expect that your family will become your support, so either learn to live like family with friends, or choose a team that will be one big family.


Late love.

Plans are disrupted, everything falls out of hand, it’s better to have a rest day.
It doesn’t matter what kind of flowers, they are all fortunate.
FLOWER - love, your wish will come true.

H (letter)
Concerns about others, minor losses.
This is not the time to ask life for more, be grateful for what you have. Be content with little and share with others. Do not demand gratitude for good - you will be rewarded in due time.
Upward nose - prosperity, downward - quarrel in the family.
Give gifts or receive guests.
Someone cares about you.
Travel, decision making.
Move slowly, but with purpose and conviction.
Success in love.
Change of job.
Numbers can represent a monetary amount, a date, or a time. They are always connected to other symbols, so they give us additional information. For example, you saw a basket (a symbol of obstacles) and the number 2 in a cup, which means that two obstacles have appeared on your path that are preventing you from moving towards your goal.

1 - someone loves you.
2 - illness and failure.
3 - successful trade deal, profit.
4 - you still hope, good luck is ahead.
5 - gossip, empty talk, gossip.
6 - wedding, but there will be problems.
7 - family happiness, mutual love.
8 - quarrel with a loved one.
9 - new acquaintance.
0 - you were born under a lucky star.
100 - happy life.

Ш (letter)
Depression, loss of strength.
Honor, glory.
If the symbol appears at the bottom of the cup, beware of the man in the hat: he will come only to extract information from you. Don't say anything, it's not in your best interest.
If the hat is in the middle part of the cup, make friends with its owner; you will be protected from troubles.
At the top of the cup - an unexpected guest will have a great impact on your life.

Ш (letter)
Unfinished business, a debt that requires return.
Minor troubles will disappear.

Yu (letter)
Bad old age.
Trouble over trifles, meaningless purchases.

I (letter)

Life will get better.
A very good sign, especially for creative people. The apple is a symbol of all types of art.
This symbol is associated with money issues. No matter what part of the cup it is in, it means the same thing, the only important thing is whether there are cracks on it or not. If a broken egg means loss of money, if a whole egg is gained; if the egg is cracked, be careful with your money.
A clearly drawn anchor is a sign of good luck, but if its edges are blurred and the image is blurry, you will be disappointed and experience temporary difficulties on a personal level. Sometimes you can see two anchors in a cup: one is clearly visible, the other is barely visible. This means that a person cannot decide whether he is happy or disappointed. Here you need to pay attention to the neighboring symbols, they will help you understand what is preventing him from finding happiness.
Sudden danger.
You need to rest: there are many important things ahead. Unexpected event.

Chapter 1. Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Fortune telling on coffee grounds has been known in Europe since the 18th century. and still serves as one of the favorite predictive arts. The vast majority of “coffee fortune tellers” are women, and their clientele also mostly consists of women and girls. Men usually do not take this fortune telling seriously. Perhaps the reason for this is the specific language of fortune telling, which was formed in a female environment and poorly reflects those objects and phenomena that are interesting to men.

This is how Italian and French fortune tellers tell fortunes.

They leave the grounds in the coffee pot after the coffee and try to drain all the liquid from it so that the grounds are a completely dense mass. They leave her in this state for at least an hour.

Any grounds, fresh or old, are suitable for fortune-telling, as long as they are almost dry, when the fortune-tellers want to do the experiment. Prepare a white earthenware plate, without stains, completely wiped and dried over the fire, if the weather is damp. Stir the grounds with a spoon and carefully pour it onto a plate so that there is no more than half of the plate. They begin to shake the plate in all directions for a minute, then pour everything that is on its surface into another vessel.

When all the water is drained, only particles of the thicket will remain, arranged in a very diverse manner and making up a countless number of hieroglyphic signs. Of course, when these signs are very confused or the grounds are very dense, or, finally, the plate does not have a smooth surface, then the fortune tellers add a little water to the grounds, heat it up and begin to guess again.

When the grounds are poured onto a plate with all the prescribed precautions, they begin to disassemble and explain the signs and figures that came from it.

To get the best results when telling fortunes with coffee grounds, you need to prepare a mixture of two types of grinding coffee - coarse and fine. Place 2 tbsp in a cup. l. coarse coffee and 1 tsp. thin. Cups should be without patterns, with a wide edge. You will also need a saucer. The cup needs to be warmed with boiling water and then dried quickly. Put coffee in it in the specified amount. Place the cup on a saucer so as not to stain the table or tablecloth. Pour boiling water over the coffee, close the lid and let it brew for a little over a minute. Then the person being told a fortune must drink this coffee or at least take a few sips. Then he pours out the unfinished coffee, leaving no more than 1 tbsp in the cup. l. liquids. When you have done all this, you need to take the cup in your left hand, make a wish and make three circular movements with the cup counterclockwise so that the grounds are distributed along its walls. Then quickly turn the cup upside down and place it on the saucer - let the liquid drain. Next, take the cup and place it on the saucer with the rim up. You will see that the coffee grounds form on the walls of the cup those same figures, dots and lines, the meaning of which you will have to reveal.

The saucer shows the past, the cup shows the present and future.

Fortune telling will be successful only if the fortuneteller is favorably disposed towards the person to whom he is telling fortunes.

The fortuneteller must not forget for a second that he wishes the person well.

The signs on the outside of the cup speak, as a rule, about external, purely material signs of the near future, the situation on the bottom speaks about something purely personal, about what is in a person’s soul.

The signs for a saucer and a cup are interpreted the same way.

The cup needs to be turned over the way you want, and not in some special way.

In what order should you look into the cup?

1. First of all, look along the edge of the cup away from the bottom towards the center.

2. Horizontal lines from left to right.

3. Horizontal lines from right to left.

4. Bottom and center.

1. Suppose that in the cup on the left, in the direction of the horizontal line, there is a person on whom a dot is visible. He is in the garden, there is a butterfly on his head - this means that this person is the owner of the cup, who will receive a love letter from his beloved and will soon meet him. If violets are visible around a person, it means that, despite her poverty, she is marrying a rich man (marrying a rich woman). If there are ants around a person, then these are people with small souls who cause trouble to everyone. If someone is standing on the right side, then this is a friend, and if there is someone on the left, then it is an enemy. The sediment at the bottom of the cup shows the person's heart. If the sediment is thick and swollen upward, this person is experiencing grief; if the bottom of the cup is open, then grief is far from it.

2. If small dots are visible in the cup, this is money, and the more dots, the more money. If you notice a small chick or something like a butterfly in the cup, then you will receive a letter. If the bird is closer to your heart, then you will receive a letter from a friend or stranger informing you about some kind of work, and if it is far from your heart, you will receive news from afar. If there is a face in a cup, shadows, then the largest of the faces is the face of the owner of the cup, and the rest are either friends or enemies. If the shadow is black and close to the heart, it means an enemy, but if white lines are visible on the invisible shadow, then someone will do good to you. If there are white lines on two shadows, then it means you have two good friends. If you see a line upward from your heart, it is curved and there are black spots on it, then you will come somewhere, despite the obstacles, you will reach your goal. If there is sediment at the bottom of the glass in the center and there is a bulge the size of a pea on it, this is due to illness. If the bulge is black, then it is death. If you see the shadow of a mountain in a glass, it means that you are loved for your intelligence, or you will receive a promotion. If there are black shadows around the house, then your condition is dangerous; wealth will not soon visit your house.

And now a little more about those symbols that can be imprinted on coffee grounds.

The meaning of the symbols seen

The head of a man without a body is a young man who properly influences your destiny.

Face in profile - reliable protection.

Two faces in a circle - marriage awaits you soon.

A face in a circle means someone has strong feelings for you.

Two faces separated by a line means your partner will cheat on you.

A man's head in a crown - you will receive help from influential people.

Success awaits you in the circle where you communicate. Favorable resolution of the intended goals.

A man's head with a beard and mustache in the center of the cup - wealth in the house, profitable acquaintances, entertainment.

A woman’s head with a high hairstyle is a desire to show her “I”. One of your friends will do you a pleasant favor: help you with money, introduce you to the right people.

A head with long hair is a long road.

A drooping head is a serious illness.

A head with protruding ears - you are in doubt, but you must make a decision, fate will help you with this.

Two heads turned towards each other - you are loved and you have a reciprocal feeling for this person; a flower between two heads - a happy marriage.

A face with a long nose - your lifestyle will interest some envious person.

A face with a humped nose - be attentive and careful in some life situations.

A person with a damaged nose - be careful. There may be financial costs.

A person with an animal - someone wants to give you a helping hand.

The young man is headed for divorce.

An old woman is a reliable love affair.

Angel - quick healing. You are under the protection of higher powers.

Mother of God is a favorable sign, expect happy times.

The disadvantaged and weak will find protection in you both materially and spiritually.

Horseman - unexpected news, news, meeting, receiving long-awaited news.

A horseman holding a rod in his hand - illnesses will bypass you, a surge of fresh strength awaits you.

A horseman with a sword is a dangerous undertaking: people around you will try to interfere with you, unreliable friends will try to trip you up, but your desire to emerge victorious will help you succeed.

A horseman with a gun - quarrels, discord. For the military - promotion in rank.

A horseman with a flag means a successful career, a wonderful future.

The devil - various troubles, illnesses, fate tests you, betrayal.

A girl is a declaration of love, sincere passion.

A female figure in a crown sitting in a chair means a change for the better, profit, bargain purchases.

A woman in a black scarf - a funeral of loved ones, tears. There is a quarrel between two human figures.

A woman holding a vessel in her hand means promotion, lucrative contracts.

A woman holding a rod in her hands means you are finding a reliable friend.

The priestess is a symbol of the feminine principle. Guardian of family happiness.

Intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, internal energy that attracts people, the ability to influence and control them. Achievements at work.

A priestess holding a bright moon in her hand is a symbol of motherhood.

Priestess on a dark background holding a dark moon: for young women - difficult childbirth; for older women - illness. For men - troubles with relatives.

Court lady - intrigues, struggle for primacy.

A female statue with a wreath on her head - peace, freedom, salvation.

A man in prison means imprisonment in a government house, but friends and influential people will help him find freedom.

A man wearing a robe represents justice. If you are categorical in your statements, then your actions will be appreciated. Excellent career growth and material well-being await you. You will be in contact with a wealthy partner. A good lawyer will help you in matters related to the law.

Oxen - for the sake of your rise in some activity, you will commit treason, sacrifice a close friend.

The threatening figure of a warrior is a painful ego. Discord, quarrels.

Sage - you are able to introduce new original ideas, your extraordinary abilities will help you achieve success and establish profitable contacts. Your intellectual abilities will soon pay off:

success in trading is possible.

A sage on a dark background - value your talents, do not be arrogant.

A man in a dark mask is news of a serious illness of a loved one.

A person with long arms has a practical attitude towards life. A strong position in society awaits you.

A person with short arms - money is earned dishonestly, a lazy attitude to life, an idle lifestyle.

Body parts

Mouth – innocence, efficiency; on the walls of the cup are true friends; in the middle is the good news.

Hand - failure, disappointment.

Eyes – change in life. Be vigilant in business relationships, be careful when making decisions, think everything through carefully.

Sad eyes - melancholy, despondency. Bad news. Lack of opportunity to demonstrate your abilities.

Big eyes – harmonious distribution of energy.

Elongated eyes - you skillfully hide your feelings from other people.

Stork - harmony in the family, good luck. Success and profitable acquisitions.

The image at the bottom of the cup is the birth of a child.

Stork on the roof of a house - moving, buying an apartment.

Stork in the nest - success at work.

Raven is trouble in the house.

Crow - melancholy, illness, disappointment.

A crow sitting on a tree without leaves means long-term illnesses of loved ones.

A crow with outstretched wings means someone is slandering you.

Sparrow - profitable deals, concentration of the mind. A happy solution to many problems.

Dove - agreement, harmony, successful choice of marriage partner. Two cooing doves - marriage, peace and tranquility in the family.

Goose - good news from loved ones.

A goose with outstretched wings is a nice gift.

A flock of geese means failure to fulfill your desires, accompanied by losses, but in the near future the situation will change for the better.

Drozd - interesting meetings, tempting offers. New acquaintances.

Woodpecker - perseverance, soul-searching. Career growth.

A woodpecker hollowing out a hollow signifies persistence in achieving one’s goals.

Crane - the parameters of your destiny are excellent: you will live to a ripe old age, but at the same time you will be lonely at heart.

Canary - love relationship on the side; at the edge of the cup - soon you will have a lover; at the bottom of the cup - your loved one is in melancholy.

Chicken - helping a stranger. Pleasant chores associated with home comfort.

The swallow is a messenger of good luck, peace and understanding in the family. Fulfillment of all your hopes.

Swan - pleasant twists of fate: good luck in business, love relationships.

Eagle - after a difficult and persistent struggle, victory in everything that concerns both health and spiritual, intellectual, material spheres. At the bottom of the cup is achieving prosperity without any outside help.

Peacock – wealth, luxurious life, vanity. Peacock with an open tail - buying an apartment; if there is a ring next to the peacock, it means a successful marriage. At the bottom of the cup is vanity, ostentatious arrogance, which is fraught with the fact that you will soon be disappointed.

A parrot is a sign that does not say anything good: quarrels, scandals, discord.

Rooster - prosperity, good news. Rooster on the hill - marriage.

A rooster at the top of the cup means unexpected news.

A rooster at the bottom of the cup means intrigues from your environment.

A rooster upside down is an unexpected turn for the better.

Owl - you need to take precautions, since at the moment you may experience failure in any business you start.

An owl at the bottom of a cup means need, illness. At the edge of the cup - betrayal in love.

Duck – increase in profit; duckling - your spouse will prove his devotion to you.

Heron - your well-being depends on yourself.


Butterfly - the serenity of life. A sign in the center of the cup - be alert, do not indulge in excessive fun, a butterfly at the edge of the cup - an indication of pleasure, you will be received everywhere with due attention if you are sincere. A butterfly marked with dots predicts your pretentiousness, which can lead to various kinds of problems.

Ant - your ingenuity, hard work, practicality; anthill - good and reliable friends are next to you.

Fly - enormous wealth, receiving an inheritance.

Wasp - people from your environment want to humiliate you, slander you.

Beetle - disease, distress.

Spider – resourcefulness of mind, secrecy.

A spider in a clean place - thanks to your erudition and natural sense of tact, you will achieve the favor of people. At the bottom of the cup - do not take the advice of a flatterer, ask for the advice of your good friend. On the handle of the cup - someone is weaving a net around you.

Scorpio – struggle, contradiction. Don’t be upset, pull yourself together, as this is a temporary period followed by a streak of good fortune.

A dark scorpion next to a tree means discord with relatives.

Bee - hard work, thrift.

A bee on the handle of a cup is an expectation of pleasant, erudite people; at the bottom of the cup - a lot of work, disorder, domestic strife. At the edge of the cup - relaxation in the company of good friends.


When guessing by the figure of an animal, one must take into account the qualities inherent in this animal.

Squirrel – resourcefulness, desire for superiority over others. A squirrel on a tree is a manifestation of your creative abilities. Nice reward.

Ox – income in material terms, meeting a partner.

An angry bull - quarrels, strife, misunderstanding on the part of the partner. A bull on top is a highly paid job. Below - good health.

Wolf - be careful because they want to rob you. There are very greedy and envious people around you with whom you have business relationships.

Camel - you will achieve certain success thanks to endurance and endurance. Exciting trips to different countries.

Dragon - changes in life, career growth, high rise in emotional and living standards.

Hare - cowardice, timidity, myopia, melancholy. The hare is in a clean place - you must support your interlocutor, as he is too modest.

A sign at the bottom of the cup means your good friend needs help.

Kangaroo - they want to use your name for personal gain. Kangaroo with a baby - helping your children, self-sacrifice for loved ones.

Goat - you will be incredibly lucky, don’t miss your chance; a harbinger of joyful events; happy marriage. A goat surrounded by small curved lines is a disappointment in love; may gain notoriety, a serious battle with opponents awaits.

The cat portends failure, expect bad news; failure in business. If you can see a cat at rest next to the handle at the edge of the cup, your fate will give you good luck more than once if you overcome enormous obstacles. Your false friend is doing everything to harm you. You will have enemies who will do anything to tarnish your reputation.

Crocodile - you are in danger of being deceived by your closest friends. You are facing troubles that you will stubbornly fight, trying to get out of them on your own, and you will succeed.

The rabbit means a happy turn in everyday circumstances. You will be more satisfied with your income than before. A sign of fidelity in love for both married and single people.

The rat promises deception and resentment, embitterment, shame, guilt. A sign of violence, a harbinger of illness.

A rat near a man in a robe - you will overcome difficulties and avoid other people's interference, you will recognize the intentions of your enemies; you have to fight with a disastrous result for your enemies.

Leo - positive volitional impulses, the patronage of an important person, your knowledge and high business qualities will help you gain favorable attention and respect in society.

A lion with his head held high in the middle of the cup - you are controlled by unknown forces. You will become a winner in any business you undertake; A happy life without failures and worries awaits you.

Leopard is a sign that foreshadows your success; enemies who seek to hinder you will fail; difficulties in business and love - if the leopard is indicated by dots.

The horse is a wonderful sign. It promises you the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting with like-minded people; great wealth; success with fans or admirers.

Fox - cunning, intrigue, deceit; you will engage in dubious matters.

Fox for the entire length of the cup - you can expose a fake friend.

A fox surrounded by human figures or faces - beware of treachery on the part of friends; you are stronger than your opponents.

Elk - a happy life in which your deepest desires will come true; a free life without hassle.

The bear is a sign of irresistible rivalry in a variety of matters.

Bear below - portends winning a game or lottery; way out of a difficult situation.

The bear at the top is a meeting with a rude, ignorant person; to dangerous connections; If you repent of a stupid act committed out of stubbornness, you will suffer great losses.

A monkey in the center of the cup - you should be afraid that a hypocritical person will treat you dishonestly; someone's treachery can hurt you if you are not careful; Beware of the revenge of insincere people who will only seek to advance their own cause to the detriment of your interests. Success in love, quick marriage.

Deer - you will gain a true friend; help from friends in a difficult situation, a successful marriage, successful completion of affairs, you will gain reliable protection, a pure and true feeling.

Donkey - a huge job awaits you, coupled with great patience: it will end successfully for you; successful course of your affairs; Perhaps you will get rid of debts and be able to get rich.

At the edge of the cup there are interesting trips and the acquisition of new knowledge.

In the middle of the cup - you will have a prosperous life, full of prosperity and love.

At the bottom of the cup - soon you will have to mobilize your courage to defend the honor of your good name.

Elephant - your position in life will be strengthened, and you will accept with dignity more than one gift of fate; true prosperity in all respects;

public acceptance.

A dog is good luck and true friends; well-being in business; solid condition;

happiness in love; you will be able to protect yourself in a difficult situation. A few dots in the shape of a dog's head are a good and reliable friend.


Snake - you will be powerless against your enemies, you are threatened by illness.

A snake coiled in a ring - you will succumb to anger, and your enemies will harm your work.

Several snakes - you will be able to find a way out of the most difficult situation; you will not be able to move - someone will try to infringe on your rights.

Frog - your love will be rejected.

Big dark frog - you should take care of your own health, otherwise it will make your loved ones suffer. A croaking frog predicts a quick trip to your friends, but this trip will not bring you joy.

A frog on top - you will make acquaintance with a pleasant person.

Near the road - a random but very profitable acquisition.

Near the cage - unfortunately, which you will overcome thanks to the kindness and help of friends.

Lizard - invulnerability or resourcefulness of your enemies; you will be able to return luck, but at a heavy price; you will need to muster all the will and determination to survive this test.

Turtles - an unexpected event will bring you joy and strengthen your spirit, which will immediately affect your work.

Sea inhabitants

Sharks are formidable, terrible enemies, inevitable failures that will plunge you into the abyss of despair.

Omar - great help that rich friends will provide you; you will occupy an extremely high position in society, and many people will be under your command.

Fish - fate will generously reward you; happy marriage; an extraordinary surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances.

Large fish - prosperity and joy await you; you have every reason to make your own destiny.

Trees and shrubs

Tree - all your plans and dreams will come true, quick promotion; you will receive a sign of future success and glory.

A tree with branches hanging down - be careful when handling money, otherwise things will end badly.

A tree without leaves, dry - great experiences await you due to the illness or death of a loved one.

Broken tree - your efforts to complete the work you started will not be crowned with success, you may lose your job or be greatly humiliated.

Oak promises prosperity, perseverance and strength of character, longevity, courage and courage, fulfillment of plans in business and love.

Spruce - family happiness; bring joy to others; the onset of very important and joyful events for you.

Willow promises a sad journey, but true friends will console you in your grief;

Beware of new acquaintances.

Bush - your ill-wishers want to lure you into a trap; illness and sadness, mental suffering, longing for a loved one.

The forest foreshadows deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone;

you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed simple; portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Leaves - joy and successful implementation of plans; your business will go uphill and begin to generate more and more income.

Walnut tree - a quick win, you will find a significant amount of money;

successful entrepreneurship and favorable in love.

Apple tree - the time will come for your hopes to come true; move forward boldly; you will have good luck in love.

A rose is a sign of shared and happy love, a wedding, joyful experiences.

A wreath of roses is a sign of peace and love, the fulfillment of hopes.

The tulip is a symbol of love and married life; a handsome but frivolous person loves you.

Violet - a happy love affair; to happiness and wealth.

Chrysanthemum - belated love, loss.

Lines, circles

A straight line, short and long - happiness.

Many straight lines - health and longevity.

An interrupted straight or zigzag line is an adventure and illness.

A long straight line means your life will pass carelessly and uselessly.

An arched or curved line means there is an evil enemy that you need to beware of.

Many crooked lines - surrounded by enemies who do you harm.

Wavy lines are a long journey, the duration of which depends on the length of the lines.

An oblique line is a disease.

Many oblique lines - your affairs are bad.

Many broken lines mean a difficult financial situation.

The line is crossed by broken lines, crooked lines - difficulties and heart wounds, difficulties and sadness for your loved one.

There is a separate line in the middle of the bottom of the cup - a close, good journey.

A small dot and dash are a good omen.

The line is short - the place of work is changing.

Circles – small children, education.

Dark circle - serious illness, troubles.

Many circles connected to each other - the birth of a child, a large family.

Geometric figures

The right triangle is unexpected luck.

Broken triangle - there are no dangers.

Two touching triangles - your position is unstable.

Three intersecting triangles - love luck.

Oval hill - get married or get married.

Many oval mounds mean good luck in your affairs.

Quadrangle - luck, success in love.

A square is the best sign. Your life will be happy and financially secure, quick profit is possible.

1 – someone loves you.

2 – illness and failure.

3 – trade deal.

4 – you still hope.

5 – conversations, gossip.

6 – wedding, but there will be problems.

7 – family happiness.

8 – quarrel with a loved one.

9 – new acquaintance.

0 – you were born under a lucky star.

100 – happy life, you will live long.

Letters, signs

A - you will have a victory.

B – power is in your hands.

B – you are in grief.

G – put the candles on St. George.

D – no money.

E - conscience does not give you peace.

N - you will worry.

P – insincerity.

R – like to drink.

D – acquaintance.

X - get married.

K - get yourself a cross.

Yu – bad old age.

I - life will get better.


A car is on the road, a sign of successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

Angels are a consolation; you will be pleased with good news from your friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives.

The harp warns you against being too gullible, especially in love.

Watermelon - early pregnancy, failures in business, worries and troubles.

Lampshaded – a difficult situation, despondency and depression.

A tower with a dome - you will achieve a lot in life, success, stability.

Drum - helping a friend, smooth, friendly relationships, a sign of good luck and prosperity.

The dish is all the opportunities to implement your plans, success in any company.

Beads - you will find a patron or a person who will treat you with boundless respect.

Log - to family troubles and quarrels; for the upcoming long-term arrangement of your home.

Tambourine - to intrigue with a new acquaintance, a major quarrel with friends and relatives because of your intemperance and violent temper.

Vase - many pleasant events await you in your family life; all the torments and joys of forbidden love.

A wreath is a sign of future opportunities for enrichment and glory, a long-awaited and happy end to an uncertain and difficult situation.

Libra - a sense of justice will soften your temper, and your affairs will go uphill.

Pitchfork is a struggle for a better life, which will require enormous efforts from you, both physical and mental.

Vulcan - violent disputes await you, which will damage your reputation.

Newspaper - deception will be revealed in your affairs, and your reputation will be tarnished. A favorable opportunity to travel abroad and make friends there.

Nails - quarrels and grief await you; victory over a rival in love.

Coffin - unsuccessful marriage, remorse for actions.

A coffin with a cross means bereavement and early departure of a dear relative.

Thermometer – family troubles, dissatisfaction with one’s job, illness.

Headdress - you will be famous and lucky, you will give up your property to others.

Sofa - you should beware of envious people. You will achieve a strong financial position and be able to afford to make large acquisitions.

Yard – loneliness, great financial difficulties, turning to friends for help.

Firewood is a sign of the unsatisfactory state of your affairs and a quarrel with your beloved being.

The door is happiness and the environment of kindred souls, a warning about possible difficulties that you will encounter while trying to put your affairs in order.

Palace - your business prospects will soon expand, and you will accept your new position with dignity.

Money - fortunately, boundless prospects and unclouded joys;

practicality and frugality.

Blackberry - evil approaching you, failures and losses, life complications.

Christmas tree is a very joyful event.

Bishop - moral suffering and mental anguish associated with the inability to properly restore order in one’s affairs.

Toad - your views will be severely condemned, you will become the culprit in the death of your friend.

The lark is a sign of a high goal, having achieved which you will get rid of selfishness and be able to develop good, attractive spiritual qualities.

Railway - your affairs will require increased attention from you, as someone will want to interfere with you and seize the initiative in a difficult situation.

Foal - good times are coming, you will take a worthy and honorable place in your environment.

The crane is a sign of disappointment, a harbinger of unusual events.

Fence - successful completion of an important task, active creative activity and prosperity.

Factory - to worries and problems at work.

Hall - get support at work, achieve wealth, you will be forced to carry out a very difficult task, but you will be rewarded a hundredfold for your hard work.

Curtain - you will learn the secret; to complications and lack of money.

Dawn - grandiose changes; good news, prosperity, generous gifts.

Mirror - to change, marriage, for married people - to betrayal, quarrel.

A needle is a warning, someone can prick you painfully, separation from a loved one, lonely old age full of hardships.

A toy means sadness, boredom, disappointment in life, meaningless hobbies.

Hut - to prosperity in business and peace in the family, long trip.

An icon is a consolation in God or admiration for some person.

Source – a prosperous and calm life; you will emerge unsullied from a dirty story that could undermine your reputation.

Cavalryman - you are too proud of yourself and sometimes undeservedly consider yourself more worthy than those around you, you envy the successes of “worthless” people.

Kadka - suffering and insults inflicted by loved ones; disappointments, illness.

The wicket is a happy but fragile marriage; surprise; you will have to face difficulties.

Bricklayer - you will be accused of committing an unseemly act, but you will be able to justify yourself.

Pencil – improving your skills and expanding your knowledge.

The picture is the need for choice, decision-making, success in business.

Cards – financial, material situation, luck, romantic relationships, meeting interesting and famous people.

Pan - you will get entangled in gossip and lies; pointless argument; to numerous troubles.

A hearse is the death of a loved one. Unrequited love will incur significant expenses.

Swing - you will experience strong feelings for someone, worry about relatives.

The boiler is a new purpose, small income from work done conscientiously.

Fortress is a warning against rash actions, because of which you can fall out of favor with people who are favorable to you.

The cross is a sign of reliable protection from the misfortunes and troubles that threaten you, into which your enemies may involve you.

Bed - unjustified hopes for marriage and love relationships.

Circle – fulfillment of desires, inner satisfaction.

Lace – fidelity in love and improvement of one’s position in society.

Doll - you can become a victim of a scam in love or you yourself can deceive someone’s expectations.

Kitchen - well-being in the family and material wealth.

Labyrinth - to solve a confusing problem by tracing the sequence of events, to find the cause of failure.

Shop - scandals and family squabbles; Trying to organize your own business in the future will bring you nothing but losses.

The lamp symbolizes controlled light, which can bring both joy and trouble. The light bulb represents the one who controls the situation.

Tape - a wide variety of entertainment and pleasure.

Ladder – development of your mind and intuition; engage in self-contemplation;

finding your place in life; satisfy your vanity in work and pride in love.

Ruler - troubles and worries; quarrel with neighbors; Take out the accumulated irritation on your loved one.

Shovel - mourning; and sadness; losing something dear to you, adultery.

Skiing is an unexpected joy, uncertainty in a love relationship.

Mask - you will experience distrust of others, hide your feelings. You will go to great lengths and indulge in destructive pleasures.

Oil – good luck, success in love; you are ready to do good deeds; in difficult times, true friends will not leave you.

A mattress means family happiness and comfort in the home, peace and well-being; you decide to build or purchase your own home.

Furniture - life in abundance, but with anxiety and troubles.

Medal - you will receive the patronage of an influential person, you will receive great honor and recognition of your merits.

Broom - someone is taking advantage of you; argument; conflicts.

The sword is to achieve power, quarrel with friends.

Monastery - peace, protection; you love a person who is unaware of your feelings.

Museum - victories or defeats; A hypocritical and deceitful person will try to influence you.

The ball is an unstable situation; a gain will be replaced by a loss.

Pump – headache and general weakness; to the failed meeting.

Thread - to lose some part of yourself; confusion; argument; taking a long time to complete a difficult task.

Stretcher - receiving an inheritance, your affairs will turn for the better.

Socks - you need to gather your thoughts to start taking action.

The obelisk is a call to live exemplary lives, to follow wise advice; your love affair will not last long.

Shoes are a call to accept someone’s point of view, success, additional profit.

Fence - you will have a chance to take the place you deserve, a warning about the possible loss of property.

Clothing is a serious problem; goal achievement; success.

Blanket - need for protection; lack of self-confidence, you will have to answer for your own negligence.

Window – search for opportunities; Soon you will receive an invitation to a house where you have long wanted to go.

Order - you will achieve significant honors and high recognition of your merits.

Glasses - the need to take a closer look at your friends.

The package is a pleasant surprise: the one who is delayed by business and whom you have been waiting for so long will finally return.

Coat - other people’s mistakes will cause your failures; You will become a victim of your own stubbornness.

Steamboat - expect a holiday full of pleasant surprises.

Gloves are a harbinger of good luck in business, if only you show reasonable frugality and caution.

Stove - temporary disappointments; worries about children.

Saw - unpleasant incidents and failure in business.

Buttons - disappointment, loss and illness.

Bubble - troubles in business.

Spot - beware of big trouble, be careful.

Rocket - an unexpected and rapid rise; successful matchmaking;

an unexpected meeting with a wonderful person.

Revolver - quarrel with a loved one, separation.

Belt - meeting with a stranger who will destroy your well-being.

Shirt - disease; dishonor both in official affairs and in love.

A backpack is a great pleasure that you will experience outside the circle of your friends and normal communication.

Napkin - fun activities in which you get to take center stage.

An airplane is a favorable conclusion to business transactions.

Priest - restless days, humiliation and sorrow.

Network - you will have to make a lot of effort to free yourself from the harmful influence of bad people.

Bench – latent distrust of one’s debtors.

The violin means harmony in the house, things will go better than before.

The wall is the achievement of what you want, victory over your enemies.

Statue - your wishes will not come true; retribution awaits for old sins.

Plate - others will take advantage of the results of your efforts, you will be disappointed in life.

Telephone - you will overcome all difficulties; fleeting acquaintance.

Fabric – experiences; obstacles; failures; change your plans, change your lifestyle.

An ax is a misfortune in business and disagreement in the family, a troublesome matter.

Prison is a restriction in life, isolation, being exposed to danger, the possibility of getting sick.

Jewelry - you will achieve patronage and wealth; Success and good luck in business await you.

A flag is someone’s call for help; instability, you will have the opportunity to improve your financial situation.

Lantern - grief, lack of purpose, happy marriage, an influential patron will help you find a job.

Piano – happy marriage, satisfaction of passion; to a change of profession.

Photography – better keep your secrets; a fleeting love interest.

Temple - prosperity, you will gain useful acquaintances, repentance for sins.

Refrigerator - be careful, it is a threat to your health.

Crystal – impending depression.

Chains are slander and treacherous plans of your envious people; the burden of worries and responsibility can fall on your shoulders.

Circus is a frivolous attitude towards life; missed opportunities.

Clock - stagnation in life; being rejected by family; to change.

The cup is joy; the beginning of a new period of life.

Attic - to be a prisoner of your thoughts; disappointment; failure in business; a sign of unrequited love.

Hut - you will gain freedom and get rid of small but troublesome tasks around the house.

Chess - someone is setting a net against you. Scheming behind your back.

Closet - you will get confused in your relationships. Disappointment in life; you will meet a person who stubbornly keeps his secret.

School - feeling nostalgic for a bygone time; your plans have not yet been decided.

A hat is a profitable enterprise, honor and fame.

Tongs - nostalgia for the past, meeting old friends.

Brush is a disease; Get an interesting and well-paid job.

Skirt - deep feelings associated with the loss of a lover.

Yula - you will fall under the influence of a certain person, and no one else will be able to change your opinion or convince you except him.

Electric train - troubles or changes in plans related to your new acquaintances await you.

Scaffold - you want to have fun; loss of money; the planned business will fail.

Core – good luck, success in love, warning about deception, you are being pursued by enemies.

The label is an opportunity to get into bad company, strong anxiety due to the illness of relatives.

A yacht means happy days, a fun holiday away from boring everyday life and household chores.

224. Fortune telling on tea leaves In order to correctly read the sign that is made up of tea leaves, take a simple-shaped cup. The liquid should only cover the bottom. Take the cup in your left hand and shake the tea, making three sharp turns with the cup clockwise.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds In a cezve or small saucepan you need to pour 3 teaspoons of ground coffee, pour in water and boil. After removing from the heat, let it brew, placing the cezve on a saucer with salt. Then you need to carefully drain the coffee so as not to stir the grounds, add to it 200 ml

Fortune telling on coffee grounds Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous methods of prediction. There is practically no person who has not heard or read about him. But few managed to find out their destiny, destined by the symbols in a coffee cup. Italians

Fortune telling using coffee grounds In wealthy homes, fortune telling was also done using black coffee. The cup with coffee grounds was covered with a saucer and turned over. Afterwards, the saucer was placed on the table and water was poured. The cup was immersed three times, upside down, with the “magic” phrase: “Loyalty, friendship and harmony.”

Fortune telling for Epiphany. Fortune telling by ring in water Fortune telling is done at midnight, with candles lit. For this fortune telling, you need to take a glass with a flat bottom, without drawings, pour clean water into it and lower the wedding ring into the glass. Then look straight into the water

5. Fortune telling on coffee grounds Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous methods of prediction. Pour ground coffee into a coffee pot, add water, put on fire, bring to a boil. Before you start fortune telling, you need to concentrate and clearly

Chapter 7. Fortune telling from drawings Fortune telling from drawings is a very exciting way of divination. Having decided to use this method, it is not enough to write the name of the item on pieces of paper, you need drawings. Let them be primitive, but it is desirable that they be created by yourself

Chapter 2. Fortune telling by dice People have used dice for gambling since ancient times. Fortune telling has a deep antiquity. We already see numerous types of it among various monuments of Egypt, Greece, Chaldea, Ancient Rome and other countries. In Ancient Egypt, ancient

Chapter 3. Fortune telling by coins I gave Neptune a coin - Neptune, not Charon yet - Do immortals also play heads and tails? Tatyana (Tanda) LugovskayaBefore we begin fortune telling on coins, we would like to give you recommendations and rules, the observance of which will determine

Chapter 5. Fortune telling by cereals Alfitomancy is a collection of fortune telling, or rather, a whole section of fortune telling using cereals. We invite you to consider the most popular and famous of them. Fortune telling No. 1 There is an interesting fortune telling, which has a huge

Chapter 2. Fortune telling by tea In the Middle Ages, there were many ways to predict the future, including this: they poured molten lead, wax or other melting materials, which, when solidified, took on a wide variety of shapes, and then interpreted the resulting figures.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is an ancient ritual used by magicians and wise men of all countries. Its homeland is the Middle East, where they know how to prepare an invigorating, scalding drink. The dark substance remaining at the bottom of the bowl was not poured out, but the resulting patterns were thoughtfully examined.

In this article

Where to start fortune telling: first look at the cup

Fortune telling by grounds begins with a simple action: first brew coffee from ground beans, then:

  • drink some of the resulting drink;
  • Distribute the rest over the walls of the bowl;
  • women rotate the vessel with their left hand, counterclockwise;
  • men do the opposite;
  • Having completed three circles, tilt the bowl away from you;
  • count to seven while the grounds flow down the sides.

On the one hand, there is nothing complicated in fortune telling. On the other hand, the symbols are vague and figurative. Not every person can discover the world of secret knowledge. Coffee grounds will not reveal themselves to skeptics; to decipher mystical signs, you need imagination and imagination.

The first glance into the cup is the most important. Take a close look at the symbols and visually evaluate the quality.

  1. If the pattern on the walls of the cup is light, transparent and openwork, this is a good sign.
  2. Dense, contains clots and is not clearly defined - problems await you. The number and nature are determined by the shape of the spots. Location is the time of appearance in life.
  3. Each large and dense cluster indicates certain problems. The first glance into the cup will show how many of them there will be in the fortuneteller’s life path.

Enjoy aromatic coffee and meditate

Seeing the picture of fate at the bottom of the cup is not easy. The process of fortune telling on coffee grounds is meditation. Magicians say that at this moment one should let reason and logic go free. You need to act and feel guided by your inner vision and intuition. Interpret symbols based not on life experience, but on the subconscious. It is the best advisor in this type of divination.

The video contains instructions for telling fortunes using coffee grounds:

In the popular Brazilian TV series “Clone,” the main character asks her friend to tell her fortune using coffee grounds. Zoraide predicts strange things to Zhadi, which both frighten the girl and give her hope. Women keep a cup with leftover coffee to watch how the heroine’s fate changes and an important moment in life approaches.

What a novice sorceress needs to know: features of the ritual

There are no clear rules and dogmas that should be followed when guessing on coffee grounds. Over time, each sorceress develops her own ritual of divination. But there are general recommendations.

  1. For fortune telling, take a light bowl and a plain saucer, without drawings or patterns.
  2. There are two types of natural coffee – coarse and fine grind. This is necessary so that the resulting pattern is in relief.
  3. Water for one drink.
  4. Turku. Coffee is prepared there for divination.

The drink is brewed either by the questioner (magician) or by the assistant. The coffee is poured into a cup, allowed to cool, and the question they want answered is loudly and clearly formulated.

A tasty, aromatic drink should be drunk, and the grounds should be left at the bottom.

Fortune tellers say that three to five clearly defined symbols are enough for divination. Then the result will be reliable, and fortune telling will be effective.

Everything you need for fortune telling using coffee grounds

It is better to practice fortune telling on coffee grounds in solitude. Try not to let anything distract you and the questioner from the process. Do not tell fortunes in a cafe or in a large and noisy company. You cannot reduce the ritual to a game or a joke - the answer to the question will be incorrect, the information will be distorted, and the meaning of working with the magic drink will be lost.

How to correctly interpret drawings in a cup

The main thing is to see the entire pattern. Isolate the main one from the many details, geometric shapes and symbols and work with it. The second stage is to understand that this particular figure is yours. She will tell you about the future, reveal prospects and warn about upcoming problems:

  • spots and symbols in the middle of the walls of the cup are events relating to the present time;
  • if the pattern is located along the bottom and on the lower wall of the vessel, this is not a very good sign;
  • the pattern that stretches to the handle will tell about the inner world, aspirations and desires of the fortuneteller;
  • the image located counterclockwise is something that will forever leave the life of the questioner;
  • the thicket swirling clockwise is the near future.

Familiar symbols: the most common patterns

It is easiest to work with simple and understandable symbols - numerical designations, objects, plant or animal patterns.

It happens that coffee sediment is intricately woven into letters of the alphabet. The task of the soothsayer is to see the sign and, at the level of associations and intuition, understand how it will affect fate.

The question should be asked clearly and clearly. Vague and vague formulations mislead magical instruments and the fortuneteller. The answer will be as vague as the question.

The video is dedicated to the meaning of the main symbols when telling fortunes using coffee grounds:

Letter designations

The letters of the alphabet that appear in the coffee grounds carry different meanings.

  1. “A” means that the fortuneteller will soon win an important victory. Depending on the issue, this may include a promotion, resolution of a controversial court case, or a salary increase.
  2. “B” indicates that the questioner will receive unlimited power, which he has long dreamed of.
  3. "B" is not a good sign. Perhaps sad news, troubles and sorrows await you.
  4. "G" indicates health problems. Go to church and light a candle for good health. If you were interested in the fate of close relatives or friends, you should pray for their well-being and health.
  5. “D” predicts problems with money, delayed salaries, demotion and other financial troubles.
  6. “E” advises to calm down and relax. The problems you will encounter will not be your fault.
  7. “F” recommends being attentive and careful in family relationships. Conflicts between spouses are possible.
  8. “Z” represents worries that are associated with everyday life and household chores.
  9. “I” advises keeping secrets to yourself and not sharing even with your best friends.
  10. “K” warns against wrong steps and advises to think about the soul. Buy a new pectoral cross - it will protect you from the influence of dark forces.
  11. “L” says that a loved one will appear soon. Love, mutual understanding, pleasant long-term relationships await you.
  12. “M” predicts the collapse of dreams, financial instability, debts. The old way of life will be disrupted. You won't be able to influence the situation, accept it.
  13. “N” signals sadness and anxiety.
  14. “O” warns that the questioner will be left alone. Through no fault of my own.
  15. “P” warns the fortuneteller that he will have to experience betrayal and insincerity on the part of friends.
  16. “P” indicates that the fortuneteller will have problems with alcohol in the future. Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. There is a high likelihood of addiction.
  17. “S” is a good sign, indicating a gift or surprise.
  18. “T” says that difficult choices await you.
  19. “U” portends new acquaintances and good luck.
  20. “F” says that there are unexpected guests on the horizon who will burden you with problems.
  21. “X” indicates an imminent wedding, a strong and long-term relationship.
  22. “C” recommends holding off on new endeavors and projects.
  23. “Ch” predicts that your loved ones will soon find themselves in a difficult situation.
  24. “W” portends bad news, which can easily make you feel sad, melancholy and depressed.
  25. “SH” warns of the need to repay old debts. Depending on the question, it may not be about money.
  26. “Yu” is a bad state of mind, apathy.
  27. “I” is a good omen: you are guaranteed a good mood and cheerful company.

Digital symbols

Numbers surround a person everywhere. Everyone has their favorite or unlucky numbers. In fortune telling on coffee grounds, the following interpretations are accepted.

  • Zero is an absolutely lucky number. If it falls out, have no doubt - you were born to be lucky and strong. Difficulties are temporary.
  • A unit predicts a quick acquaintance with a pleasant person, a new relationship.
  • Two - pay attention to your health.
  • Three – financial well-being. Winning the lottery, a salary increase, an inheritance.
  • Four – don’t despair and don’t give up. The dark streak is about to end.
  • Five - beware of gossip.
  • Six means a quick wedding, but unforeseen difficulties may arise.
  • Seven symbolizes love, warmth of the hearth, comfort and prosperity.
  • Eight warns that quarrels and disagreements with loved ones are possible.
  • Nine - expect new acquaintances and meetings.
  • Ten is good luck and a happy life.

Relax your eyes while looking at the symbols at the bottom of the vessel. Look at the signs not with external, but with internal vision. Practice until you achieve a lasting result, when the key motive appears in the intricacy of patterns.

If the grounds formed a heart symbol

The symbolism of most types of fortune telling is similar. So, arrows or peaks usually mean blows of fate or problems, and hearts - love relationships and new acquaintances.

Depending on the wording of the question, the age and gender of the questioner, a heart at the bottom of a coffee cup can mean several things.

  • easy, non-committal flirting;
  • the beginning of new romantic relationships;
  • confession of feelings and proposal to enter into legal marriage;
  • new relationships outside the family (lover or mistress).

These predictions are only true if the heart resulting from the coffee grounds is clearly defined and clearly visible.

If it is divided into two halves, foggy, vague and unclear, this can mean problems in your personal life, resentment, betrayal and disappointment.

Pay attention to the position of the heart in relation to the bottom and walls of the bowl. If it's written straight, you don't have to worry. Reversed - trouble awaits you. In some cases, the changed position of the sign symbolizes empty dreams, daydreams and fantasies that have no basis in reality.

In this video, the clairvoyant talks in detail about the meaning of the heart symbol when telling fortunes using coffee grounds:

If the grounds have formed the outline of a tree

Plant motifs and patterns are a separate topic in fortune telling on coffee grounds. In general, the sign of a tree with a clearly drawn crown and roots is a good omen. It all depends on what the question was and what the questioner puts into the symbol, its associations, aspirations and aspirations.

If you see a tree at the bottom of a cup, pay attention to the details surrounding it:

  1. A large, beautiful tree with a gorgeous crown is a choice. The person asking will be offered different options, but only he can decide what to do.
  2. A flowering tree or a tree strewn with fruits - you will soon make a lot of money.
  3. Broken is a symbol of broken hopes.
  4. The roots are bigger than the crown - the questioner is an insecure, timid person with many complexes.

Pay attention to the location of the sign. If a tree is visible at the bottom of the vessel, then you will have to fight for happiness. There will be obstacles on the way of the questioner.

If the tree is located on the walls of the bowl, think about family. This is a sign that when choosing a path, you should consult with your immediate environment and not make a decision alone.

Coffee grounds in the shape of a dragon

The intricate patterns sometimes resemble the outline of a mythical creature popular in European and Chinese culture, the dragon. On the one hand, this is a good sign, which says that the problems will soon be resolved. On the other hand, the dragon is a multi-valued image. It all depends on who is being told the fortune and what question is asked.

If the person asking is a business person, then the appearance of the symbol promises profit and good dividends. But if the dragon appears in a crisis situation, then you need to be wary: perhaps the offer your partners came to you with is dubious.

When the fortuneteller is a lonely woman, the symbol foreshadows an imminent meeting with a loving man. If the girl is married, problems may arise with her significant other due to cheating or flirting.

The mythical creature should be considered together with other signs - it will indicate what you must pay attention to.

Coffee grounds in the shape of dolphins

Dolphin is a positive sign. He says the time for change is just around the corner. A symbol of good luck, control over oneself and the situation, achievements and progress.

Depending on other patterns, a coffee grounds dolphin can represent support for a strong and influential person.

Another meaning of the symbol is a quick journey.

When mythological creatures appear in the coffee grounds, this is a sign that life is guided by Higher Powers. Rely on their will, and fate will be favorable.

Other signs and their interpretation

Each magician has his own glossary of images and symbols, which has been compiled over the years. More practice is the main advice given to beginning fortune tellers.

There are many signs that appear in the coffee grounds. They should be interpreted based on experience and intuition.

From this video you will learn how to use coffee grounds to determine whether a person has the evil eye or damage:

What do body parts mean?

  1. The head symbolizes the questioner. Dramatic changes will soon occur in your life.
  2. Eyes. The questioner should see something that he had not paid attention to before. Perhaps fate will give you a second chance.
  3. Hand or hands. Unpleasant events.
  4. Leg or legs. A journey awaits you.
  5. Lips are a symbol of good news.
  6. Male or female silhouettes - an unexpected meeting, romance or even marriage. It all depends on what question was posed to the coffee grounds.

Animal world

  • to see a cow or a bull at the bottom of a cup - to receive a reward for positive character traits: kind-heartedness, honesty, decency;
  • the buffalo symbolizes obstacles and dangers - be careful and careful;
  • deer - your friends will share secrets and plans;
  • elephant means good news, luck or winnings;
  • a bear is a symbol of danger, but don’t be afraid, it will pass by;
  • a camel is a good sign, indicating that you will soon be lucky in life;
  • lion is a symbol of power;
  • the tiger advises the fortuneteller to be more restrained; emotions will spoil the work begun and lead to problems;
  • the appearance of a unicorn - to amazing and mystical incidents;
  • pegasus is a symbol of inspiration, listen to your intuition, it will tell you how to act;
  • a dog is a good sign, its appearance indicates that you have true friends who will support you in difficult times;
  • the wolf, on the contrary, is a symbol of hostility and mistrust;
  • the fox is the personification of cunning, take a closer look at people, they can deceive you;
  • cat - failures in your personal life;
  • a kitten is a symbol of betrayal of loved ones;
  • the squirrel suggests that you will have to achieve your goals alone, relying only on your own strengths and capabilities;
  • hare - complexes that interfere with the implementation of plans;
  • the eagle represents victory in all endeavors;
  • owl - show wisdom and patience;
  • the swan is a symbol of love and fidelity;
  • a rooster or chicken is a sign of family well-being and strong relationships between spouses;
  • goose - a meeting with an unpleasant, pompous and overly proud person;
  • a fly means money;
  • the snake, on the one hand, symbolizes betrayal and deceit, on the other, it is the standard of wisdom;
  • caterpillar - you are moving towards your goal too slowly, but you will reach it;
  • the appearance of a beetle in the coffee grounds is a sign of gossip;
  • toad - dream come true;
  • a hedgehog is a symbol of a secret threat; it is urgent to take protective measures;
  • the butterfly represents frivolity and empty dreams;
  • the snail advises the fortuneteller to talk less about himself to unfamiliar people;
  • bird - for news.

The interpretation of symbols in the form of fauna representatives is simple. It is enough to remember what qualities this or that animal has, and by association apply them to the situation about which you are asking coffee grounds.

Flora and nature

  • low trees and bushes are harbingers of serious disappointments;
  • clover is a symbol of successful completion of the work started;
  • flowers - someone really misses the questioner;
  • mountains are obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • a waterfall is an irresistible force that is difficult to resist;
  • the appearance of mushrooms in coffee grounds, on the one hand, is a profit, on the other, a reminder of the need to repay debts;
  • road - travel;
  • the moon is melancholy, sadness, loneliness and sadness;
  • a star is a good sign, you are on the right path, and good luck accompanies you in your endeavors;
  • a month means that the situation will get out of control;
  • the sun is a symbol of happiness;
  • the flames tell the fortuneteller that he should be calmer;
  • volcano - be careful: unexpected changes in fate await you;
  • a comet is a symbol of a new relationship that can seriously captivate.

Biblical symbols

  1. An angel denotes protection from above. Someone is trying to annoy you, but Heaven will not allow this.
  2. The cross has a dual interpretation. On the one hand, this is a symbol of marriage, on the other, a heavy burden that will fall to the lot of the questioner.
  3. Church domes are a consolation in grief. Hope for a successful resolution of the situation.


  1. Zodiac sign symbol - a person born under this star will appear in life.
  2. Circle - problems that are difficult to cope with.
  3. The ring is a symbol of marriage, if the issue concerns marriage.
  4. The crown is an unexpected inheritance.

Wardrobe items

  1. A dress or other outerwear is good luck.
  2. Boots, other shoes - travel.
  3. Hat, cap, other headwear - your efforts will be rewarded.

Geometric shapes made from coffee grounds

Coffee grounds take any form. Geometric shapes are easiest to see in a plexus of patterns. They are also clear for interpretation.

  1. The square is a symbol of stability, happiness and prosperity.
  2. The triangle is a figure denoting unity and the divine. A harmonious combination of intelligence, intuition and fortitude. Luck will accompany the fortuneteller.
  3. An oval (circle) symbolizes a happy married couple.
  4. A straight line means the questioner’s life path will be easy.
  5. Parallel lines - long life.
  6. Zigzags are a sign of a winding, thorny, but interesting fate.
  7. Waves are a symbol of peace and tranquility.

Every point matters

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a fascinating process. It is not enough to learn the meaning of the signs and consult a cheat sheet. The picture that emerges at the bottom of the bowl is diverse: every detail and point is important in it.

  • Thus, the sign and the following ellipsis from the thicket greatly enhances its quality and meaning;
  • two and three points - the development and end of the situation;
  • many, many small dots - to monetary profit.

The above meanings of symbols in different editions and esoteric schools may be supplemented and varied. Each fortune teller brings something different to the process of deciphering patterns, based on personal mystical experience. The main advice is to look at the bottom of the cup, guided not by your mind, but by your heart, intuition; trust your inner voice, develop clairvoyance and divination abilities.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

We often start our mornings with a cup of strong, aromatic coffee. Has anyone ever thought that intricate coffee patterns conceal fateful predictions? If you have such thoughts, it’s time to figure out what they mean.

First, a little history. The Italians consider themselves the founders of fortune telling using coffee grounds. They are convinced that it is in Italy that its origins should be sought.

However, there is evidence that coffee fortune-telling was known to the Indians of Peru from ancient times, and it was from them that the Europeans adopted the technique, slightly modifying it. Fortune telling with coffee was very popular at the court of the Turkish sultans. Russian courtiers did not lag behind; in Russia they have been guessing about coffee since its active supplies began - since the time of Peter the Great.

The key point, of course, is the preparation of the drink itself: the coffee must be natural, of good quality, tasty and aromatic, the whole process of preparing for fortune telling should give you pleasure.

The dishes for the ritual are taken in a neutral color, preferably white, with smooth walls, without patterns - so that the figures are clearly visible and nothing distracts from fortune telling.


Prepare the drink: proportions for 80-100 grams of water - one or two teaspoons of coffee, no sugar added.
Pour the coffee into a cup and let it sit for a few minutes.

You definitely need to pay attention to the process of taking the magic drink. We drink, savor and focus on the question. Leave about a tablespoon of coffee at the bottom. After this, be sure to vigorously rotate the cup with your left hand and tip it upside down onto a saucer.

Arrangement of patterns

To decipher silhouettes and their combinations, slowly examine the resulting patterns. You need to study in a certain order:

  • we study from right to left;
  • we study from left to right;
  • studying the bottom;
  • Next we study the saucer.

In order to correctly predict the present and future, when fortune telling on coffee grounds, it is important to pay attention to where the symbols are located; their correct interpretation will depend on this:

  • coffee figures formed closer to the edge of the cup - this is your present;
  • coffee figures formed closer to the middle on the wall of the cup - something that will happen in the near future;
  • coffee figures located far from the edge or at the bottom are the distant future;
  • coffee figures located close to the handle of the cup indicate events that should happen in the fortuneteller’s house or his close circle, since the handle of the cup symbolizes the person himself;
  • the figures formed on the saucer indicate the past or complement those depicted on the cup.

You need to pay attention to the size of the coffee figures; the larger they are, the more significant the event that will happen.
If the cup is light, there are few stains - this is always a good sign for the fortuneteller, but one must remember that this does not apply to cases where the fortune-telling was performed incorrectly.

Deep interpretation of symbols

There are a great many signs that can be seen in a coffee cup, as well as options for how they should be deciphered. As a rule, everyone who is interested in coffee predictions develops their own system of symbols and interpretations. Here you need to trust your intuition more than some reference books.

Don't be discouraged if you can't immediately decipher or even see any drawings - give yourself time. The more you practice, the more clearly the pictures and their explanations will appear.

This article presents the most common and “simple” symbols to interpret, so that you have something to start from. Supplement and modify this list, because magic is, first of all, creativity!

Geometric figures

Usually, geometric figures or signs are interpreted from the point of view of general perception.

  • straight lines– often mean movement, certainty, a straight path;
  • wavy lines– volatility, uncertainty, change, doubt and unrest;
  • intersecting lines, crosses– important significant events, the need to concentrate attention on some moment or object;
  • circle– integrity, completeness of cycles and affairs;
  • triangles– self-development, pursuit of goals, drastic changes in life.

Complex figures should be interpreted depending on what they are:

  • figures with many sharp angles are a symbol of internal tension or problems overwhelming the fortuneteller, the need to defend oneself, as well as vigorous activity;
  • if the figures are smoothed, rounded - on the contrary, a symbol of calm, regularity, or even stagnation;
  • symbols that have a generally accepted interpretation, such as heart, card suits- are deciphered based on this interpretation.

Numbers, letters, punctuation marks

Numbers, as a rule, are associated with important dates - both in the past and in the present and future; however, they can also be interpreted from the point of view of lucky and unlucky numbers, if personal numerology is close to you.
What is the significance of numbers when telling fortunes on coffee grounds:

  • 0 – can be interpreted in the same way as any circle; represents a state from which movement in any direction, absence of result, nothingness is possible;
  • 1 – often means the identity of the fortuneteller himself or the person close to him; a sign of both leadership and superiority, and loneliness, isolation from society;
  • 2 – a symbol of a holistic partnership, both love and friendship;
  • 3, 4, 5, 7 – as a rule, they mean family, friendly and creative unions of several people, which play an important role in the life of the fortuneteller;
  • 6 – may mean an event or person violating your boundaries, but most often it is a sign that your energy protections are working perfectly;
  • 8 – integrity, infinity, enhances nearby signs;
  • 9 – a lucky number in many worldview systems; if together with 6 forms a sign similar to “yin-and-yang” - internal harmony;
  • 10, 20, 30 and other “round numbers”- the first number should be interpreted in accordance with its meaning, and 0 – as a symbol of integrity or original state;
  • arbitrary combinations of numbers– lucky dates and numbers.

Letters can also be interpreted differently:

  • capital letters, first of all, are associated with the names or initials of people dear to you; or, on the contrary, those who will have a significant but negative impact on your life;
  • also – the initial letters of the names of cities and places that play a role for you; associative cues;
  • Often Latin letters located at the beginning of the alphabet mean acceptance and leaders, letters at the end of the alphabet mean rejection and outsiders, and the closer to the end or beginning the letter is, the stronger the meaning.

Punctuation marks, as a rule, is a reflection of your emotional state and perception of the situation.

  • question and exclamation marks mean doubts and strong emotions respectively;
  • dot– completeness, the presence of only one option for the development of events;
  • ellipses– desire to continue, uncertainty;
  • many points, located chaotically - strengthen the nearby signs.

People and body parts

Interpretation of symbols-parts of the body when fortune telling on coffee grounds:

  1. Often female images associated with love, creativity, nature, motherhood, men's images– with strength, progress and protection. But it's not that simple. Much depends on the gender and personality of the fortuneteller; it is also worth paying attention to the position in which the image and accompanying drawings are frozen. Pay close attention to how the image evokes feelings. You can see women or man as the personification of yourself or people from your close circle. If an image evokes strong emotions, try to figure out which person it is primarily associated with.
  2. Old man or old woman often mean parental figures (not necessarily the parents themselves, perhaps people for whom you feel kindred feelings, respect, whom you want to be like), mentors. Symbols of wisdom, ancestral support and protection. Perhaps – threats that are difficult to understand and overcome.
  3. Girl or boy can personify both your children and children from your close circle, and your “inner child”. They are also positive symbols of forward movement, creativity, joy, but also of inexperience, immaturity, and inability to cope with difficult situations.
  4. Child of indeterminate gender or baby- are often symbols of readiness for parenthood, if they are not associated with any important events in the past and present.
  5. Germ- a symbol of transformation and transfiguration, as well as subconscious fears.

Body parts:

  • eyes– often associated with mystical events in the life of a fortuneteller, someone’s kind care; in another meaning - close attention from ill-wishers;
  • mouth, lips– symbols of sensuality, love; smile– well-wishers nearby; evil grin or grin– envious people or aggression directed against oneself;
  • head– also, as a rule, means a specific person, but more emphasis is placed on his personality than if you examined the figure in full; pay attention to the position of the head - perhaps the image is “looking” at some specific signs; heads separated by a line– obstacles and misunderstandings in relationships, possibly due to someone else’s interference.

Animals, birds, insects

Interpretation of images pets always very individual:

  • cat or dog, as a rule, personify friends and enemies in your family circle, endowed with certain qualities - depending on the position in which the animal is depicted; it can also personify you if it is your totem;
  • horse- often a symbol of the desire for change or restrained internal impulses;
  • sheep, goats, other herd pets often reflect your perception of society and yourself or another person in it;
  • monkey or pig– often represent a person towards whom you have an ambiguous attitude, as well as desires, aspirations and character traits that you want to hide.

Wild animal, depending on the strength, size and emotions evoked, can mean you, your totem animal, your inner aspirations and fears, as well as people outside the family who influence your life:

  • fox, snake, rat can be both harbingers of insidious deception and a way out of a difficult situation with the help of ingenuity or wisdom; often warn of impending danger;
  • bear, lion, tiger, boar, elephant and others large animals may represent a destructive intervention in your life, or may represent a protector-lover or a kind, strong friend;
  • small animals, squirrel, badger, mouse– events or people that have a minor, distracting impact on you, both negative and positive.


  • parrot or canary most often represents a feeling of security within the walls of one’s home, or the need for it;
  • chicken, duck, turkey– symbols of family, protecting the maternal principle, excessive guardianship;
  • rooster, goose, turkey– an image of spiritual rebirth or events that bring material profit; also - unreasonable vanity, a person who wants to assert himself at your expense;
  • eggs - integrity, the birth of something new.

Wild birds:

  • bird in a cage or crossed out with stripes - external restrictions on internal freedom;
  • flying bird, swallow– a sign of inner freedom or the desire for it; positive changes in life;
  • owl, raven, crow and others large birds - as a rule, warning symbols signifying a successful outcome of the most difficult situation.

Butterflies, May beetles, bees, wasps- signs meaning pleasant or not very insignificant events; sometimes they can serve as symbols of internal anxiety and confusion.

Spider, web - wisdom and foresight; warning, trap; if the spider is your totem or the totem of a friend, it personifies you or him; if it evokes strong negative emotions - an enemy, usually female, who has started something evil against you.


  1. Tree, bush - as a rule, they are associated with the World Tree, fateful events, family; the interpretation completely depends on the accompanying images.
    Specific tree: spruce, oak, birch – the interpretation, as in the case of geometric figures, depends on the smoothness of the lines, the presence of needles (“for protection”); clearly visible branches (usually associated with family “branches” or facets of personality), leaves (correct understanding of the situation, a competent plan of action).
  2. Roots, root- what is happening in the subconscious of the fortuneteller, if smooth and strong - the stability of the inner life, confused, torn - the need to understand oneself; They can also represent a connection with family and ancestors. Acorns, seeds – an idea that has not yet been formed or some event that is not yet obvious, but the results of which you will see in the near future.
  3. Flowers - field ones, such as chamomile or cornflower often personify your dreams; gardening, like rose, violet, carnation– pleasant light events, falling in love; greenhouse, and lily, orchid, callas– non-trivial events, unusual proposals and changes. Flowers with thorns(clearly visible) - a warning sign in love affairs, the need to defend yourself.

Buildings, landscape, sky

  • house– as a rule, it personifies your house, depending on how it looks and a forecast is made;
  • church, temple, other religious buildings - personify significant events in life; for most people, predominantly light colors in such drawings are a good sign;
  • arch, threshold, door, window– images of how life’s path will develop in the near future, open and spacious ones promise good luck and ease, closed, broken, cramped ones – various obstacles;
  • road,fork, crossroads– as a rule, they clearly indicate the need for choice or drastic changes in life;
  • mountains, fields, meadows– significant events, both positive and negative, for which you are not yet quite ready;
  • clouds– often mean difficulties, the extent of which you have not yet realized;
  • Sun– happiness, overcoming, clarity in life and thoughts; moon - calm happiness, mystical events.

Video lessons that will teach you how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds, the meaning of symbols, figures, animals, plants and numbers:

Interpretation of animals when fortune telling on coffee grounds - horse, bear, rooster, elephant, dog and others:

Alphabetical index, simple interpretation

The so-called simple interpretations are when the symbol is associated not with the personality of the fortuneteller, but with the experience of a particular predictor or fortune-telling system.

Since each predictor develops over time his own system of interpreting the symbols on the coffee grounds, the description of the signs can vary significantly in different sources.

Here is a list of the most common images and their interpretations; perhaps it will suit you.

Digit 0 denotes a lucky star that protects you from birth
Digit 1 You occupied someone's thoughts
Digit 2 take care of your health
Digit 3 Good luck awaits you, the deal will be successful
Digit 4 don't hope in vain, hopes are groundless
Number 5 beware of gossip
Number 6 obstacles to marriage
Number 7 happy family, that's the main thing
Number 8 quarrel with a loved one
Number 9 nice meeting you
Number 10 happiness is on the doorstep, a little patience
Number 101 A comfortable life awaits you
Arch take care of your health
Harp family happiness
Butterfly your frivolity will not lead to good
Drum gossip and scandals
Squirrel set your priorities correctly
Boot next to the handle of the cup - you are waiting for a move or dismissal from work
Scales possible legal proceedings
Question mark Doubts are gnawing at you
Crow family problems
Volcano curb your passion
Garland Success awaits you
Eyes Changes await you
Woman's head Love is waiting for you
Man's head looks up: a defender is next to you; looks down: be alert, there may be danger
Mountains success, luck
Vulture be careful, theft is possible
Lips on the edge of the cup - help from friends; at the bottom - happy news
Girl Love awaits you
Young woman look carefully at the signs around her and the answer will come
Tree good sign, can mean a happy journey, health
House on the Hill achieving success
House with roof and windows spiritual harmony
Oak victory will be won
Spruce success in creativity
Acorn good sign, good luck awaits
Woman pay attention to clothes, figure and understand the meaning of this sign
Bug pay attention to your health
Lock heavy, overbearing character
Germ transformation, beginning
Umbrella You will need help, shelter. If the umbrella is closed, you will not get it; if it is open, they will help you.
Ass if the donkey opens its mouth, expect good luck; donkey in the center of the cup is not very good - betrayal in business
Dagger conspiracy of enemies
Cell losses, damages
Key New opportunities may open up for you if you are attentive to the circumstances
Root if located in the lower part of the cup, it can mean a big win, in the upper part - a new addition awaits your family of relatives; if the root is located in the center, this indicates the rich inner world of the fortuneteller
Cat pay attention to your surroundings, there may be treacherous people there
Bush Trouble is brewing in your business
Swan quiet life
Bat beware of your surroundings
Lines are straight and clear Success awaits you
Wavy line long journey
Zigzag line time for fun
Fox cunning, deception
Leaves Relatives will help you in your affairs
Shovel hard work but you will get the reward
Horse good news, meeting lovers or friends
Baby minor troubles or the birth of a child await, you need to look for additional signs around
Bridge in the center of the cup - difficulties in achieving and implementing plans
Man if the color is dark - not very good, on the contrary, light - a good sign
Ball prosperous life
Scissors be careful, there may be hypocritical people around you
Monkey double play, need to be careful
Clouds Problems
Window with a cross beware of fire
Circle good luck in business
Plastic bag emergency, look at the signs around
Parachute danger will pass by
Letter if the pattern is unclear - bad news, if surrounded by dots - a business letter
Bird flying bird - positive news
Fork be careful when making a decision
Child New addition awaits you
Rose may mean engagement to a loved one
Human mouth expect success, rewards
Mermaid temptation
Fish positive events associated with the arrival of something in your life; the larger and more “noble” the fish, the more significant the event
Pig life success
Violin don't be selfish
Elephant respect in society, a strong friend or patron; trip or interesting project
Dog means help from a friend
Triangle if down - change of plans, up - good luck
Duck A happy life awaits you, can also mean a wedding
Violet A wedding awaits you, and a gorgeous one at that
Flag Success awaits you
Chrysanthemum may mean late love
Flower wish fulfillment
Church if the church is located at the top, happy changes await you, if at the bottom - a wedding; If the church is dark, changes for the better await you
Suitcase A journey awaits you
Hat Success awaits you, look at the signs around you, we will understand where it will come from
Egg successful life
Anchor you have invisible protection, amulet

Believe it or not

In the modern world, fortune telling is a wonderful, magical opportunity to look into the secret world of mysteries. Everyone wants to lift the curtain, to find out what is there in the future. Some are driven by curiosity, while others take the ritual more seriously. But we must not forget that many options for the development of events are always possible, and we are the creators of this action - life.

Remember, we create our own happiness and which option we choose depends only on us. So let's enjoy this magical ritual and treat it as a magical pastime.

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