Home Meat Mirror glaze. Colored mirror glaze Recipes for euro cakes with mirror glaze

Mirror glaze. Colored mirror glaze Recipes for euro cakes with mirror glaze

If sweets were awarded an Oscar, mousse cakes would no doubt garner an impressive collection of gilded figurines. A juicy biscuit, a cloud of airy mousse with an appetizing surprise in the form of a crunchy crumble or a sweet confrie inside, and on top of all this magnificence - a shiny mirror glaze or, if a professional with a culinary spray gun in his hand, fleecy velour. A real masterpiece of taste! Believe me, such a cake is worth spending time, effort, and a certain amount on its preparation.

Mousse perfection

While the whole world enthusiastically ate the Napoleon and Sacher cakes smeared with cream on holidays or savored the tender Tiramisu, European confectioners worked hard, inventing something special to impress the audience satiated with classic desserts. And they didn’t waste their time in vain, since through their efforts such a miracle of culinary thought as a mousse cake was born, which in one fell swoop broke all stereotypes about how this delicacy should look like.

First of all, the mousse cake has only one cake, which serves as the basis of the entire dessert. This role is usually played by the "king of baking" biscuit: classic, vanilla, honey, chiffon, marzipan. It happens to be at the base of the delicacy and chocolate brownie, and exquisite dacquoise walnut cake, crispy on the outside and tender inside, and almond Gioconda, and even shortcrust pastry.

A fluffy cap of mousse rises above the biscuit - fruit, berry, nut, cream, chocolate or coffee. And inside the eater is waiting for a filling of waffle crumbs, nuts, chocolate, custard or fruit and berry puree thickened with gelatin. It all depends on the intention of the confectioner.

Cake, filling and mousse - "three pillars" of the famous dessert

However, mousse cakes are famous not only for their exquisite flavor and texture combinations, but also for their spectacular appearance, so none of them can be considered complete without an impressive coating. We won’t talk about “velor” desserts this time, they can only be built with the help of special devices, for which it makes no sense to fork out if you are not a professional chef. But about the mirror glaze, which turns the dessert either into a huge Christmas tree toy, or into an exquisite candy, we will mention. She's definitely worth it.

Mousse cake is not an easy treat. Depending on the recipe, it can take from 2-3 hours to a day to cook (keep in mind that most mousse cakes "come to condition" in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours). Without sufficient skill, it is difficult to master such work in one sitting, so beginners can take advantage of the experience of the author of the article. Since the eternal workload, multiplied by no less eternal laziness and a little sloppiness, did not allow the creator of this opus to devote several hours in a row to baking, the idea came up to break the preparation of the cake into stages. So on the first day a biscuit was born, on the second the fruit confrie for the filling was prepared and frozen, on the third the mousse was whipped and the cake was assembled, and on the fourth it was time for the icing. As a result, the dessert reached the table on time, although not without some overlays.

Gallery of mousse cakes with mirror glaze

Two cakes are no longer a classic, but also a perfectly acceptable option. If you get a spectacular shape, the cake will turn out even more beautiful. Confri, coolie, compote - lots of filling options Mousse cakes have an impressive look Design plays an important role Agree, it looks appetizing? No wonder mousse desserts are gaining popularity Such a delicacy will honor any hostess A real work of art!

What is mousse and how is it prepared?

Although the cake is nominally the basis of the dessert, the exponentially growing popularity of cakes is based on a completely different component. Namely, on a sweet mousse, which is churned on the basis of heavy cream, curd cheese or custard. Almost always, it contains gelatin, thanks to which the sweet cloud acquires elasticity and easily holds the given shape, without losing one of its main qualities - lightness.

The exact composition of the mousse depends on the preferences of the cook or the eaters for whom he creates his delicacy, but it is not recommended to select the ingredients at random. Do not forget that the filling will be located inside the mousse, which should be combined with it to taste, so it is better for inexperienced cooks not to experiment in this matter, but to follow the recipe exactly.

Beating the mousse is the penultimate stage in the preparation of the cake, after which the sweet masterpiece is collected in a mold and sent to the refrigerator or freezer before moving on to the final touch, that is, applying a mirror coating (glazing).

Glamor glaze

If the mirror glaze is not the most significant flavor component of the mousse cake, then its role in the design of the dessert is difficult to overestimate. It is she who gives the delicacy that very impressive look that will make the guests let out a sigh of admiration together.

Sometimes a second layer of base glaze is applied on top of the first layer, allowing you to create spectacular stains on the surface of the cake.

Mirror glaze differs from the usual culinary glaze, which usually covers homemade cakes, in several ways:

  • it is really mirror, that is, glossy and shiny, reminiscent of molten glass;
  • it requires a certain heating temperature, which most chefs recommend not trying to determine “by eye”, but using a culinary thermometer;
  • it is not applied with a spatula or spatula, but is carefully poured onto the cake from above, having previously installed it on a wire rack with a substrate.

As a rule, mirror glaze includes glucose (invert) syrup or molasses. And also water, condensed milk, sugar, chocolate, cocoa, cream, vanilla, dye and everything that the chef thinks to add to it.

Video: how to make invert syrup for glazing

Mousse Cake Recipes

  1. Silicone cake mold. You can do without silicone, just from this it will be easier to extract a delicacy prepared for the glaze.
  2. Cake ring or smaller biscuit mold. Do not forget, he will have to completely hide under the mousse.
  3. Small curly molds like those in which ice is frozen - for the filling.
  4. Mixer or blender (it is advisable to have both on hand, since a mixer is convenient to whip the mousse, and an immersion blender will be very useful when making glaze).
  5. A culinary spatula or, at worst, a wide flat knife to spread the icing over the surface of the cake and easily transfer the cake itself from place to place.
  6. Fighting spirit and smile.

As mentioned above, professionals use a special thermometer to create a mirror glaze. If you have it, great. If not, do as you please. The author of this article, for example, decided that spending money on a thing that you do not plan to use in the future is not worth it. Perhaps that is why, or perhaps because of not quite straight hands (this option cannot be ruled out either), the glaze turned out to be far from being as smooth and mirror-like as the author imagined in his dreams. Which, however, did not affect the taste of the cake, so decide for yourself.

Silicone molds make the task much easier

  • classic cake with berries;
  • "sunny" pumpkin cake;
  • cake "Three chocolates";
  • and just chocolate cake with nuts.

But in order not to re-describe the cooking steps common to all mousse cakes each time, we divided the article into blocks:

  • biscuit baking;
  • filling preparation;
  • mousse preparation;
  • frosting recipe;
  • cake assembly.

Are we getting started?

We bake a biscuit

Although mousse-based desserts saw the light in the 18th-19th centuries of the last millennium, mousse cakes are a relatively young delicacy, so it’s too early to talk about the classics in its traditional sense. Any mousse cake can be called conditionally classic, having three parts in its composition: sponge cake, creamy mousse and berry filling. Just such a recipe you will find below. But if you want to taste a cake with a crispy nut layer inside or build it from three types of mousse, you will have such an opportunity.

Honey cake for a classic cake with berries

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 150–160 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 7–8 g;
  • honey - 20–25 g;
  • sugar - 65 g;
  • soda - 1/2 tsp


  1. Combine honey, butter and sugar in a saucepan or saucepan and heat over medium heat until the sugar dissolves and the mass becomes homogeneous. Do not worry if the mixture darkens a little during the cooking process, this is normal.

    As it warms up, the mixture will darken slightly.

  2. Remove the saucepan from the heat, add soda to it and stir vigorously. There is no need to extinguish it with vinegar or lemon, high temperature and honey will do it for you, as the foam that appears in the saucepan and the mass increasing in volume will let you know.

    The mass will begin to bubble and increase in size.

  3. Beat in the eggs, gradually add the flour and knead the dough. Be careful here: you may need a little less flour than indicated in the recipe, so add it in parts and watch the consistency of the dough. As soon as it becomes elastic, the goal is achieved.

    After adding flour, the dough brightened

  4. Roll out the dough on a floured table into a layer 5–7 mm thick.

    For the cake you need a 1-2 cm thick cake

  5. Transfer to a baking sheet lined with baking paper, prick with a fork in several places and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° for 5-10 minutes.

    Dough pricked with a fork will not puff up when baking

  6. Allow the cake to cool slightly, and then cut out the biscuit to the size of the mold.

    Korzh is ready!

If you manage to find buckwheat or linden honey in the store - or better in the market, the aroma of baking will turn out to be more saturated. You can opt for chestnut, but it tends to give the dough a little tartness, which not everyone will like.

Soft biscuit for pumpkin cake

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 50 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 1/2 tsp;
  • butter.


  1. Arm yourself with a mixer and beat the eggs with sugar. The mass should increase in volume by about 2-3 times.

    Use a mixer, it's faster

  2. Sift the flour with the baking powder and add it to the egg mass, kneading the dough with a spatula from the bottom up.

    Sifted flour will add airiness to the dough

  3. Line a baking dish with parchment paper, grease the bottom and sides with butter.

    Nothing will burn or stick with parchment.

  4. Pour the dough into the mold and send it to the oven preheated to 180 ° for a quarter of an hour.

    The biscuit is ready if there is no dough left after piercing with a toothpick

  5. Let the finished biscuit cool down and remove it from the mold.

    If the cake is too plump, cut it lengthwise and freeze one half.

Savoyardi for the Three Chocolates cake

It seems that a chocolate or coffee base just asks for such a cake. But there will be plenty of chocolate in this dessert anyway, so we suggest you prepare something else: a biscuit according to the Savoiardi dough recipe - the very one from which soft, melting cookies for Tiramisu are baked.

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 50 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • powdered sugar - 30 g;
  • Baileys liqueur - 40 ml.


  1. Crack the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Divide the sugar into two parts, adding one to the yolks and the other to the whites. Beat both: whites - into a steep foam, yolks - until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

    Both protein and yolk, you need to beat well

  2. Combine both masses, gently mixing them with a spatula.

    Stir with a spatula from top to bottom

  3. Without stopping to wield a spatula, add the sifted flour to the mixture.

    Add flour gradually

  4. Prepare a baking dish: cover with parchment, grease the sides with oil.

    Go well with a piece of butter on the sides of the form

  5. Transfer the dough to a plastic bag with the end cut off (in case you don't have a pastry bag with nozzles) and carefully, moving from the center to the edges, release the dough in a spiral into a mold. Sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

    The dough can be shifted with a spoon, but it is more convenient with a bag

  6. Bake the biscuit in a preheated 180° oven for 10-15 minutes, then let cool and soak in the liqueur.

    If you plan to serve the cake to children, replace cocoa liquor

Video: dacquoise for chocolate cake with nuts

Cooking stuffing

The most common filling for a mousse cake is, perhaps, berry-fruit cream (creme) and confri. We invite you to prepare them. Sea buckthorn and orange go well with pumpkin mousse, almost any berry goes well with classic creamy mousse, so you can choose to your taste here. Well, for the chocolate cake, since it was decided to put a dacquoise at its base, we will prepare a crispy nut parlin. Only the Three Chocolates cake will be left without a filling - its three multi-colored layers will delight you with a rich palette of flavors.

berry cream

You will need:

  • fresh or frozen berries - pitted cherries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries - 130 g;
  • yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 5 g;
  • white chocolate, broken into small pieces - 40 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l. for sweet berries and 3-4 for sour.


  1. Puree the berries with a blender. If using raspberries, run them through a sieve to get rid of the pits, which will ruin the consistency of the dessert and get stuck in your teeth.

    Choose your berries

  2. Soak the gelatin according to package directions, let it swell and add to the chocolate.

    Chocolate drops specially designed for melting are very convenient.

  3. Beat the yolks with sugar until white.

    Switch mixer to high speed

  4. Add berry puree to the yolks, mix well and heat over low heat until thickened, continuously whisking it intensively with a fork or whisk.

    It is better for inexperienced housewives to hold the puree in a water bath - so it definitely does not burn

  5. Pour the thickened berry mass into a container where gelatin and chocolate are waiting in the wings, let them stand for 1-2 minutes, beat everything with a blender and cool to room temperature.

    Chocolate broken into small pieces melts quickly in hot puree

  6. Pour the creme into the biscuit ring lined with cling film to get a thin layer of filling. Or do otherwise and spread the berry mass into molds - this way you will get figures that look good in mousse. In both cases, the container with the berry mass will need to be placed in the freezer.

    Today in stores you can find forms for any occasion.

An excellent addition to the cream will be confri from the video recipe below. In this case, first make the confri, freeze it in a biscuit mold, and then pour the cream on top and send it back to the freezer. You will get a two-layer berry filling. In addition, confries can also be frozen in ice cube trays.

Video: cherry confri

Crispy nut layer

You will need:

  • milk chocolate - 100 g;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • puffed rice - 80 g;
  • parline of almonds and hazelnuts - 175 g.


Video: how to make a parline

We bring down the mousse

Let's move on to the sweet "zest" of sensational cakes - airy mousses that will crown your dessert. And since mousse, as a rule, is made according to the same scheme, we will give a recipe for its preparation in the form of a general algorithm so as not to describe the same sequence of actions four times. Uncover your mixers!

So, you will need…

For the classic cake:

  • milk - 230 ml;
  • cream with a fat content of 33% - 400 ml;
  • white chocolate - 320 g;
  • gelatin - 12 g;
  • vanilla extract (can be replaced with cinnamon) - to taste.

For pumpkin cake:

  • the pulp of baked in the oven and pureed pumpkin - 350-400 g;
  • cream with a fat content of 33% - 500 ml;
  • orange juice - 50–70 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 125 g;
  • gelatin - 25 g.

For the Three Chocolate Cake:

  • chocolate dark bitter - 200 g;
  • milk chocolate - 200 g;
  • white chocolate - 200 g;
  • milk - 120 ml;
  • cream with a fat content of 33% - 900 ml;
  • butter - 90 g;
  • gelatin - 30 g.

For chocolate mousse:

  • dark chocolate - 150 g;
  • milk - 220 ml;
  • cream with a fat content of 33% - 450 ml;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • vanilla extract - to taste.


  1. First of all, soak the gelatin as directed on the package.

    Gelatin should swell

  2. Next, prepare the base for the mousse:
  3. Whip the pre-chilled cream to stiff peaks and fold it in portions into the prepared mousse base, which has cooled to 35–40°. You need to do this very carefully, with the movements of the shoulder blade from top to bottom, but with high quality - you should get a homogeneous mass without streaks and inclusions.

    No sudden movements! Cream must not fall

Once the mousse is ready, you can proceed to the assembly of the cake.

Dessert Assembly Order

Biscuit on the table, confries and parlin in the freezer, and you just shook off the last drops of whipped mousse from the spatula ... It's time to move on to the most interesting and crucial stage: to collect a single delicious masterpiece from scattered sweet pieces. And you will not do this in the traditional way, starting with the base cake and ending with the top, but exactly the opposite, because mousse cakes are stacked upside down in the form.

  1. Put a part of the mousse on the bottom of the mold - about half - and put it in the freezer for 5-7 minutes so that the mousse begins to set.

    You only need half of the mousse at first

  2. Return the form to the table, spread the prepared filling over the slightly frozen mousse: berry confri and cream - for a classic or pumpkin cake; parline - for chocolate.

    If you have frozen confries in small molds, spread them randomly over the surface of the mousse.

  3. Pour the filling with the rest of the mousse.

    The cake is almost done

  4. Put the biscuit on top, slightly drowning it in mousse.

    The biscuit should neither protrude too much from the mousse, nor drown in it.

  5. With a wide knife or spatula, remove the remaining mousse that has protruded above the edges, cover the form with cling film and refrigerate for 8-12 hours. After that, the cake can be removed from the mold and turned upside down with a biscuit. That's it, you can proceed to the final step - decorating the dessert with mirror glaze.

    It remains only to decorate

If we are talking about the Three Chocolates cake, the assembly order remains unchanged. You simply skip the filling step and successively pour all three layers of mousse into the mold: white chocolate, milk chocolate and dark chocolate. Send each new layer for 5-10 minutes in the freezer to let it harden.

Two glaze options

The cake is almost ready, it remains to decide what kind of icing you will cover it with. We offer two options to choose from. The first recipe is the classic one used by professional chefs. The second glaze can not rightfully be called a mirror glaze, but if there is no invert syrup at hand and there is no desire to cook it, you can use the “budget” variation of the glaze.

Video: universal mirror glaze recipe

A simplified way to prepare a glaze

You will need:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • high-fat cream - 100 g;
  • cocoa - 60 g;
  • sugar - 175 g;
  • gelatin - 12 g.


  1. Soak gelatin according to package directions.

    Gelatin will add shine and viscosity to the glaze.

  2. Pour sugar into water and heat over medium heat until the grains dissolve.

    By the time the water boils, the sugar will have time to dissolve.

  3. Let the syrup boil, reduce the heat and boil the mass for another 5-8 minutes.

    The syrup will start to thicken slightly.

  4. Add cocoa and cream, stir.

    Thanks to cocoa, your frosting will have the aroma and taste of chocolate.

  5. Remove the saucepan with the syrup from the heat and add the gelatin to it.

    Glaze without invert syrup is not as mirror-like, but still delicious

Video: coffee mousse cake Heart

Ways to decorate mousse cakes - photo gallery

Why not decorate the cake with marshmallows? Figured chocolates will come in handy And here we used two layers of glaze Dried berries? Why not? Here is a real artist! simple and cute Romantic motifs - what you need for a birthday cake Makes you think of summer, right? For fantasy lovers You can buy chocolate decor elements or make your own. Sponge cake - "biscuit sponge" - a newfangled way to decorate cakes

Video: how to decorate a mousse cake

Mousse desserts sometimes look so that inexperienced housewives give up in advance: is it really possible to cook such beauty on your own ?! You can, no doubt about it! To do this, you do not need to complete a cooking course or look for special ingredients in stores. All you need is your ardent desire and a little diligence, and the mousse cake will certainly submit to you, so don't be afraid to experiment.

mirror glaze- spectacular, glossy, noble coating of cakes and pastries! But how beautiful she is, how capricious she is! We analyze the most common mistakes in its preparation. Now your sweets will be perfect!

Hi all!

For a long time we did not replenish the section, but we must! And today we will devote our article, more precisely, to the most common mistakes that occur during its preparation. The professional training portal for confectioners The Chef will help us with this! The guys answered the questions that most often torment novice confectioners who have begun to conquer the mirror glaze, or, in the language of the masters, glaze. We combined this information with experience, and we got a great chest of useful tips!)

Recipes mirror glaze mass, and the number only multiplies. Caramel, on gelatin, condensed milk, cream, pectin, berry puree ... We also have a troika on the site - and. The most simple, working, running recipes. And it seems that everything is verified to the smallest detail, described in detail, but, one way or another, troubles happen: it either drains from the sides, then it lies in waves or with bald spots, then it loses its luster, then ... In general, it turns out that the glaze is a guy with skittish!

If anyone has forgotten the rules for working with mirror glaze, we recall.

  • The icing is prepared in advance, preferably 12 hours before use, and this time is kept under the “vkontakt” film in the refrigerator.
  • Before use, the glaze is heated to operating temperature. For each recipe and composition, it can be different - from about 27 to 40 degrees. Experienced confectioners often focus not even on temperature, but on consistency: the icing should be fluid, but not too fluid. It is difficult to explain this, therefore, in fact, they came up with the concept of “working temperature” so that there was at least some kind of guideline.
  • Only frozen (or in extreme cases very well frozen) cakes are poured with icing! You can cover both mousse and sponge cakes with it, but the latter should be well aligned and - again! - frozen. Cream for alignment - any stable!
  • It is necessary to allow excess glaze to drain, so the blanks are placed on a wire rack or other surface, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is less than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the cake.
  • The drained icing can be collected and reused - but in no case on the same cake: the second layer is unlikely to lie flat. Put the icing in the refrigerator, and within a week you can cover another dessert with it)
  • You can’t freeze the glaze, otherwise it will lose its shine, for which we all love it so much! However, if you used the recipe on dextrose, then the gloss will remain after freezing. But such recipes are rarely used by home confectioners.

So, those are the basics.

And now - actually, errors.

Icing runs off the sides of the cake - completely or almost completely

Well, firstly, perhaps you were in a hurry and did not let her “ripen”. The fact is that gelatin needs time to earn its full potential. It's 6-7 hours. That is why the glaze is prepared in advance. And it’s better to infuse the icing for 12 hours, to be sure) No, seriously, in the leading confectionery schools, this is exactly how much time is allotted for the “ripening” of the icing. And one more thing - if you are worried, start with dark chocolate icing recipes: they are stronger and set faster on the cake.

Secondly, it is likely (although you will now deny it)), your cake was not cold enough. For better adhesion, the cake should be downright icy! Therefore, take the blank out of the ring or mold, put it back in the freezer for a while and only then fill it with glaze, because during the time that you get the cake out of the ring (which, due to lack of practice, can be very difficult), he will have time to absorb a little room temperature and it won't be so cold anymore.

The third is condensation. Yes, again, while we are fiddling, taking the cake out of the mold, it manages to be covered with tiny droplets of water due to the temperature difference. And they will also interfere with a good grip. Therefore - again! - we don’t keep the cake at room temperature for a long time before glazing, and just before pouring, we wipe it with a clean hand, removing possible condensation.

Glaze falls in waves

There is only one answer here: you did not bring the temperature to the working temperature - the glaze is too cold! If you don't have enough experience yet to recognize the correct glaze consistency, but want (which is completely normal!) to avoid such problems, freeze some mousse in small molds and fill them with glaze before icing the main product. You can try dipping a well-chilled spoon into the glaze, for example, but this test is not always 100% correct.

Bubbles on glaze

Not scary, but unpleasant: the aesthetic side of the issue suffers. Of course, bubbles can be covered with decor, but their presence still speaks of the insufficient level of professionalism of the confectioner in the field of modern mousse cakes and the not very high quality of the coating. And if you planned a design in the style of minimalism, then the bubbles will simply spoil the whole concept for you. In short, ideally, you need to learn how to cover cakes with glaze without bubbles! They appear at the stage of preparing the glaze, when you actively mix all the ingredients. Before use, according to technology, it is necessary to “break through” the glaze with a submersible blender. This procedure, in theory, should rid the mixture of bubbles, but this is not always the case. It happens, on the contrary: the bubble blender only adds! Therefore, it is extremely important to “punch” strictly according to the rules: in a tall glass, tilting it slightly and fixing the blender nozzle in one place, without moving it back and forth. You need to find the optimal position of the nozzle, in which the blender will make a quiet, characteristic sound. But a lot depends on the blender itself, on the structure of its nozzle. In other words, you need to feel your technique, make friends with it. And this, of course, also comes with practice. And if you want to see right now clearly how to break through the icing in order to rid it of bubbles, this can be done in the lessons of The Chef online academy, for example, or.

The icing quickly fades on the cake!

And this is the most mysterious mistake, annoying and very unpleasant! After all, glaze is called mirror glaze for that: it is glossy, glitters and you can look into it like in a mirror! But it often happens that just a few minutes after coating, the glaze becomes dull (And there is nothing to be done about it. Why is this happening? Even chefs admit that there is no normal, logical explanation for this phenomenon. But, of course, there are suspicions!) a common opinion is that the glaze is simply weathered, dried. Therefore, experienced craftsmen advise to pack the cake in a box as soon as possible and put it in the refrigerator in it to defrost. They say it helps to keep the shine and the very "mirror". It has also been noted that how quickly the icing will wind up depends on the model of the refrigerator: the better everything is ventilated inside, the faster the icing becomes matte. In general, again and again - negotiate with your equipment, in the confectionery business all these devices are not just machines, but really friends and helpers!

And further! When adding dyes to the glaze, remember that their color fully appears only over time (about a day), so you can not evaluate the result immediately. On the cake, the shade may change.

Thank you for your attention!

If you have questions on this topic, leave them in the comments, we will try to help in every possible way online.

Recently, amazingly beautiful mirror cakes have gained popularity. They are delicate in taste and minimalistic in appearance, but they look amazing and fascinate with an unusual brilliance. Such cakes will appeal to Libra striving for perfection, Taurus who loves to cook, and Leo will definitely like that you can see your reflection in the cake. But such a wonderful cake will surprise and impress representatives of any signs of the Zodiac!

Mirror glaze for cake

Properly prepared mirror glaze for decorating a cake has an ideal mirror structure. Glaze is made on various products: chocolate, fruit puree, cream, cocoa and much more.

mirror cakes usually prepared on the basis of mousse, in their composition - a thin biscuit, filling and mousse. Mirror glaze is suitable for mousses and other desserts that require freezing, as they have a smooth surface to achieve the desired even effect.

How mirror cakes are made

mirror cakes became especially popular when the Ufa craftswoman Olga Noskova became an Instagram star posting photos of her creations there. Photos of cakes with icing, developed according to her unique recipe, were reprinted by famous world publications, and Britney Spears called them "too beautiful to eat." Olga Noskova is nominated for The Shorty Awards, which is awarded to the most popular social media accounts.

For her cakes, she uses Belgian and Swiss chocolate, natural-based French dyes, various berry and fruit purees.

It seems that such a wonderful cake cannot be made at home, but if you know the technology and the exact formula of the ingredients, all this is quite real.

How to make your own mirror glaze at home

Typically, the composition of the mirror glaze includes water, sugar, gelatin, glucose syrup and chocolate. To prepare the miracle icing for the cake at home on our own, we need a cooking thermometer for the exact temperature.

Recipe for mirror glaze at home:

  • 150 g glucose syrup
  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • 75 g water
  • 12 g gelatin
  • 60 g water for gelatin
  • 100 g condensed milk
  • 150 g white chocolate
  • Dye for desired color
  1. Soak gelatin in cold water. Mix water, sugar and glucose syrup, boil. Add the swollen gelatin to the boiled mixture and mix well.
  2. Separately mix condensed milk with white chocolate. Pour the syrup over the chocolate and condensed milk mixture.
  3. Add the coloring and blend in the immersion blender at an angle to avoid bubbles.
  4. Then the glaze should be covered with cling film and refrigerate for 12 hours.
  5. Before applying to the cake, the icing should be 35 degrees (heat in the microwave or in a water bath).
  6. Get the cake prepared in advance (it must be completely frozen in the freezer). It is advisable to use mousse for a smooth surface.
  7. Now you need to cover the cake with icing. The cake must be placed on the wire rack, under the wire rack - a baking sheet, and carefully pour the cake with icing. It is more convenient to pour in three stages - one third of the mixture. The icing of the specified temperature will spread itself. If necessary, smooth with a spatula, but only quickly, the glaze sets quickly.
  8. Cool the cake again (you can put it in the freezer for an hour). Cut with a hot dry knife.

photo of mirror cakes with magic icing

It seems that quite recently there was a time when a cake decorated with oil flowers and figurines caused delight in almost any person. But times are changing, and you will not surprise anyone with confectionery with banal decorations.

Today, professional chefs have learned to do really amazing things. Real copies of figures of people and animals, intricate designs, whole paintings and even photographs now often decorate cakes and pastries.

But it is not necessary to be a super professional to impress your friends or relatives. It is enough to learn how to make mirror glaze, and then a simple cake will turn into a real work of art.

Highlights of the preparation and use of mirror glaze

Mirror glaze, or as glaze is also called, is made from products that can be bought at almost any store. Usually its main components are water, sugar, gelatin, glucose syrup and chocolate. Depending on the type of glaze, dyes, cocoa, vanilla, condensed milk, molasses and other ingredients are also added.

After mixing and heating all the components of the future glaze, it is necessary to beat with a blender. In this case, be sure to monitor the temperature. Depending on the type of glaze, the working temperature is from 29⁰С to 39⁰С. If the glaze is colder than the set temperature, then it will begin to roll and the mirror effect will not work. If the glaze is too hot, then streaks will form on the cake, or the icing will completely drain down.

When glazing, care must be taken not to form condensation. Otherwise, the glaze will wrinkle and the appearance will be spoiled.

You can work with glaze immediately after preparation or after a day. It should be stored in the refrigerator, previously covered with cling film. You can use the rest of the glaze, only the composition should be the same.

Most often, mousse cakes or pastries, as well as soufflés, are covered with mirror glaze, as they require freezing. This will ensure an even and smooth distribution of the glaze over the surface of the confectionery.

Shiny glossy cake icing recipes

Chocolate glaze

The first step is to soak the gelatin. If the gelatin is powdered, then 30 ml of water will be enough, if the gelatin is sheet, about 200 ml of water is needed.

Boil water with sugar and molasses. Remove the mixture from the heat and add the separately boiled cream.

While stirring the resulting mass, add cocoa or chocolate bar and mix well again.

During this time, the gelatin will have time to swell and it can be added to the glaze. Powdered gelatin must be warmed up a little before use. If the gelatin is sheet, it is squeezed out and added to the resulting mixture.

The frosting is almost ready. It remains to pour it into a special tall glass, lower the immersion blender and beat a little.

The glaze temperature should be 37⁰С.

Color Glasage

Required components:

  • Gelatin - 1 pack;
  • 75 ml of water;
  • 150g sugar;
  • 150 ml of molasses;
  • 1.5 white chocolate bars;
  • 100 g of condensed milk;
  • 5 g of water-soluble dye.

Approximate cooking time is 15 minutes.

Calorie content of colored glaze - 342 kcal per 100 g.

Combine sugar, molasses and water, put on fire. After dissolving the sugar, you can add gelatin (it must be soaked in advance).

Melt the white chocolate in a separate bowl. The chocolate must be of the best quality you can find. The taste and quality of the glaze itself depends on this.

First, pour condensed milk into melted chocolate, and then syrup, then mix, add food coloring and beat with a submersible blender.

When whipping, it is important that the bubbles form as little as possible, otherwise you can spoil the appearance of the glaze. Therefore, the blender should be slightly tilted and touch the bottom of the dish.

You can fill the cake.

Caramel mirror glaze

  • Gelatin - 15 g;
  • Sugar - 260 g;
  • Molasses - 1 faceted glass;
  • Cream (fat content 35%) - 300 ml;
  • Milk chocolate - 75 g.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Calorie content in 100 g - 365 kcal.

Combine sugar with molasses, and cook caramel. Do not stir the sugar, so that the mixture does not harden.

After a while, the syrup will turn a caramel color. This means it's time to take the mixture off the heat and add the boiled cream. They need to be poured in gradually, constantly mixing the resulting mass.

Pour the resulting caramel into the grated chocolate. Add diluted gelatin and mix.

The final step, as always, is to “break through” the glaze with a blender.

To obtain a pearly hue, gold kandurin (approximately 5 g) is added at the stage of gelatin introduction.

Mousse Cake Recipe with Icing Decor

Strawberry Confit:

  • Fresh strawberries - 260 g;
  • Sugar - 80 g;
  • Water - 35 ml;
  • Rum - 4 tsp;
  • Gelatin - ½ pack;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp

Chocolate mousse:

  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Sugar - 4 tsp;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack;
  • Cream (1) - 150 ml;
  • Cream (2) - 250 ml;
  • White chocolate - 85 g;
  • Water - 60 ml.
  • Gelatin - 1 pack;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Invert syrup - 150 ml;
  • Condensed milk - 100 ml;
  • White chocolate - 150 g;
  • Water-soluble dye - 1.5 g.

Almond Brownie:

  • Dark chocolate - 90g;
  • Butter - 90g;
  • Wheat flour - 50g;
  • Ground almonds - 30g;
  • Sugar - 90g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Dark and white chocolate for decoration - 50 g each.

Cooking time - 3.5 hours.

Calorie content of 100 g - 348 kcal.

Cooking brownies

Mix melted butter and chocolate with sugar and beat a little with a mixer, add eggs. Turn off the mixer, add the almonds and flour and mix well.

Bake the cake in a silicone mold for half an hour (160 ⁰С). The finished cake must be cooled.

Preparing strawberry confit

Combine strawberries with sugar, boil. Dissolve the gelatin (previously soaked) in the strawberry mixture, pour in the lemon juice and rum. Mix the ingredients and freeze in a silicone mold.

Making chocolate mousse

Yolks, mashed with two types of sugar, pour two tablespoons of hot cream, mix. Pour in 150 ml of cream and thicken everything over low heat.

Cool the resulting mass a little, add gelatin (swollen), pieces of white chocolate and beat with a blender. In a separate bowl, whip the cream (250 ml) and add it in parts to the previously prepared mixture. Fill the mold with half of the chocolate mousse and place in the freezer to set. The mold should be larger than the diameter of the strawberry confit and almond brownie.

Cake assembly

Put strawberry confit on frozen chocolate mousse, pour over a lot of mousse and put brownies. Fill the free space of the mold with the rest of the mousse, and cool the cake in the freezer for 14 hours.

Glaze preparation

After combining water, sugar and glucose syrup, boil the mixture. Mix grated chocolate and condensed milk, pour hot syrup, stirring constantly. Add gelatin and dye dissolved in advance, beat with a blender, avoiding the formation of bubbles.

After the cake has hardened, you can begin to restore beauty. To do this, take the cake out of the mold and place it on a stand or wire rack (place a baking sheet lined with paper at the bottom). Bring the icing to a temperature of 33⁰С and pour over the cake. Once the icing has set a little, you can decorate the cake with white and dark chocolate sheets.

Mousse cake "Stendal" with two-color glossy icing

Cherry Mousse Ingredients:

  • Cream (fat content 33%) - 150 ml;
  • Cherry puree - 80 g;
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - ¼ cup;
  • Corn starch - 3 tsp;
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp

For vanilla mousse:

  • Cream (fat content 33%) - 250 ml;
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar - 60 g;
  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Gelatin - 3 tsp

Colored glaze (red):

  • Gelatin - 7 g;
  • Sugar - 75 g;
  • Molasses - 75 ml;
  • White chocolate - 75 g;
  • Water - 500 ml;
  • Condensed milk - 50 ml;
  • Red food coloring.

Chocolate glaze:

  • Gelatin - 4 g;
  • Dark chocolate - 25 g;
  • Water - 40 ml;
  • Cream (fat content 33%) - 40 ml;
  • Cocoa - 40 g;
  • Sugar - 125 g.

For decoration:

  • Grated chocolate;
  • Fresh cherry.

Cooking time - 2.5 hours.

Calorie content of 100 g - 299 kcal.

You can cook with several variations, and every time this is an excellent dish.

Lavash appetizers with crab sticks will help you out when you need to quickly prepare something for a feast. and recommendations.

Light okroshka on kvass is a simple and tasty dish, without which it is simply impossible to imagine a summer menu.

Making cherry mousse

Pour a little less than half of the cream into a saucepan and heat a little. Then, in a thin stream, add the separately whipped mixture of yolks, sugar and starch, while stirring constantly. Bring the resulting mixture to a state of thick sour cream over low heat (outwardly it will still look like custard).

When the cream has cooled down a bit, add the pre-soaked gelatin and let cool. Then whip the remaining cream with cherry puree and cream.

Put one chocolate cake in a detachable form, then the resulting mousse. Lay the second biscuit on top and put in the freezer for 3-4 hours.

Vanilla mousse preparation

Mix the icing sugar with the yolks and beat well. Without ceasing to whisk, add boiled milk (thin stream). Bring the mixture to a boil and cook a thick cream.

Whip the cream into a strong foam and gently mix with the cooled cream. Stir the soaked gelatin in the cream beforehand.

Glaze preparation

To prepare the red glaze, boil a mixture of water, molasses and sugar, add condensed milk, chocolate (pre-melt), gelatin diluted in water and red food coloring. Mix thoroughly with a blender, avoiding the appearance of bubbles.

For chocolate glaze in a metal bowl, mix cocoa with sugar, add water and cream, stir again. Bring the chocolate mass to a boil, stirring with a whisk or spatula. Cool slightly and dissolve pre-prepared gelatin. Beat the glaze with a blender or whisk.

Cake assembly

Cover a baking sheet with a thick film, put a confectionery ring with a diameter of 24 cm on it. Pour a third of the vanilla mousse into the ring, and cool the cake blank in the freezer.

After a few hours, put the biscuits with a cherry layer in the form with vanilla mousse and pour the remaining vanilla mousse. Remove the cake in the cold for 14 hours.

Once the cake has completely set, take it out of the mold and, turning it over, place it on a stand. Pour chocolate icing over part of the cake and wait a while. Fill the other half with red icing. The junction of flowers can be decorated with fresh cherries and grated chocolate.

To minimize the formation of bubbles, the blender should be held at a slight incline to “pull” the mass into a single jet. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid getting air into the glaze, then the bubbles can be removed with a spoon or pass the mixture through a sieve. There is also a special emulsion nozzle for a blender.

When cutting a cake, there is often a problem with the icing reaching for the knife. This can be avoided by preheating the knife a little. The cake must be very cold.

If the glaze is too thick, you can remove it with a spatula. The spatula is also useful when removing cakes and cakes from the grill so that the icing threads do not hang down.

A special ring tape will help to pull the cake out of the mold. It fits into the ring before assembling the cake and helps keep the edges of the product smooth.

And if the mirror glaze did not work the first time, do not despair. The more training, the better the result!

Bon appetit!

A real culinary hit of recent times is a cake with a mirror glaze (aka glaze). Many housewives, seeing the beautiful, shiny coating of the dessert, think that only professionals can make it. Although you can decorate a similar decor at home, if you know a couple of tricks.

Creating a glaze is no easy task. However, such a coating can turn the most ordinary cake or pastry into a masterpiece.

Composition of ingredients:

  • gelatin - 12 g;
  • water - 70 ml (plus 75 ml to combine sugar with syrup);
  • food coloring of the desired color;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 g;
  • white chocolate - 150 g;
  • invert syrup - 150 g.

Of the indicated list of products, syrup is the hardest to find. There is a way to make mirror glaze without it. It is allowed to replace it with liquid honey or home-made syrup. It will require 350 g of sugar, 155 ml of hot water, a pinch of soda and 2/3 teaspoon of citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak gelatin sheets or powder in ice water for 1 hour.
  2. Pour the melted chocolate and condensed milk into the blender bowl.
  3. Separately, in a metal bowl, combine sugar, syrup and water, put on a slow fire. It is impossible to interfere with the composition with a spoon, because this will lead to the formation of bubbles, you can only slightly rotate the dishes to prevent burning. As soon as the thermometer shows that the temperature of the mixture has reached 103 degrees, remove it from the heat.
  4. Add squeezed gelatin and syrup to the chocolate-condensed mixture, measure the temperature again. Kneading is allowed only if it is 85 degrees. Then the dye is added. It is important not to overdo it with it, because in finished form the glaze looks brighter than in the dishes.
  5. During whipping, the device is held at an angle of 45 degrees without movement. Only the bowl rotates, otherwise foam will appear. The resulting composition must be kept in the cold for 12 hours. After that, the glaze should spring back when pressed.
  6. The mixture must be heated to 30-35 degrees and beat again before direct use.
  7. Pass the glaze through a sieve to remove bubbles and pour into a bowl with a spout.
  8. Cover the cake with mirror glaze. If it is colored, then it must be used immediately after beating, otherwise droplets will appear on it and the glossy effect will not work.

Leftovers can be refrigerated for several days. But before use, the mixture must be warmed up and whipped.

For which cakes is it better to use this icing

In order for the decoration to look spectacular, the surface of the dessert must be even. Therefore, not every cakes and pastries can serve as the basis. Mousse products and cheesecakes are suitable. But there is a way to decorate any other cake with mirror glaze. However, for this you will have to first level the surface. Chocolate ganache can become such an intermediate coating. If you plan to decorate the cake with light glazing, then it is better to use white icing for leveling.

How to properly cover a cake

The second most important stage is the distribution of mirror glaze over the finished product. If you break the technology, you can spoil even the perfect glaciation.

Cake Covering Rules:

  1. The product must be pre-frozen in the freezer on a perfectly flat surface (you can install it on a cutting board). If a mousse cake with a mirror glaze is planned, then it is frozen in a durable silicone mold.
  2. Place a wide dish in the working area, where excess glaze will drain, and on top of it a grate (the one installed in the oven will do).
  3. Place the product to be coated on the resulting composition and pour the glaze in the center. If the cake is even, then it will automatically distribute itself around the entire perimeter. Light roughness and excess can be removed with a spatula or a knife with a wide blade.
  4. Let the glaze dry for about 15 minutes, lift the cake and remove excess coating (you can simply tuck them).

The cake decorated with icing must be re-cooled, ideally 1 hour in the freezer. Glasage sticks strongly when cutting, so cutting into portions must be done with a heated and dry knife.

Space cake with mirror glaze

Such a dessert will help to shock and delight guests. And this is not surprising, given what extraordinary beauty it turns out.

Composition of ingredients:

  • frozen mousse cake with brownie base - 1 pc.;
  • mirror glaze - 1.5 l;
  • sugar stars - a small handful;
  • sugar glitter - to taste;
  • gel food coloring - blue, blue, purple, black, fuchsia.

You can limit yourself to buying dyes in only 3 shades - blue, black and fuchsia, and make the rest yourself by mixing and adjusting saturation.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the finished glaze into 6 deep plates and color with dyes of the desired color (leave 1/6 of the glaze uncolored). Fuchsia and black need about 40-50 ml.
  2. Again, merge the entire multi-colored mass together. At the same time, you can’t mix it too much, because you get a single tone. Space cake suggests the presence of colored streaks. Therefore, a couple of movements with a shoulder blade are enough.
  3. Set the frozen cake on a wire rack with a tray and apply space glaze on it.
  4. Let the masterpiece stand for about 10 minutes and decorate with stars and sparkles.

If you can't find a star decoration, you can replace it with silver sugar balls. On the finished product, they successfully imitate star clusters.

"Red Velvet"

A classic cake of this type can also be decorated with mirror glaze. On the cut, such a dessert will look very impressive due to the alternation of red and white layers.

Composition of ingredients:

  • mirror glaze - 600-700 ml;
  • red biscuit cakes with a diameter of 16 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • raspberry jelly - 200 g;
  • cream 33% - 200 ml;
  • yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • cream cheese - 290 g;
  • sugar - 70 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • gelatin - 7 g;
  • water - 30 ml.

To form the cake, you will need an 18 cm diameter mold so that the cakes covered with mousse can freely enter it.

Cooking method:

  1. Dilute gelatin according to the instructions. Whisk the yolks until foamy.
  2. Prepare syrup from 70 g of sugar and 35 ml of water.
  3. Pour the boiling syrup into the yolk foam in a thin stream, without stopping the mixer.
  4. Mix the swollen gelatin with honey and heat until the components dissolve.
  5. Combine with the egg base and gently fold in the cheese. Add whipped cream to this.
  6. Fill the silicone mold with a third of the creamy mousse, drown the red biscuit cake in it. Then lay out a layer of raspberry jelly in a spiral and cover it with mousse.
  7. Gently cover with the second cake layer and fill the mold with the rest of the mousse. Freeze product.
  8. Cover the cake with mirror glaze.

For decoration, you can use a colorless glaze or add a pink, purple or red dye to it. If there is no need to obtain a bright and saturated color, then it is better to tint the glaze with beetroot or berry juice.

Treat "Three Chocolates"

For lovers of goodies from cocoa beans, a cake that combines three types of this product at once will be an excellent holiday option. The chocolate icing in a mirror format will give a greater effect to the product.

Composition of ingredients:

  • chocolate biscuit - 1 cake;
  • chocolate mirror glaze - 600 ml;
  • fat cream - 750 ml;
  • gelatin - 27 g;
  • chocolate (bitter, milk and white) - 450 g;
  • yolks - 6 pcs.;
  • milk - 450 ml;
  • water - 270 ml;
  • sugar - 135 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Adjust the cake to the size of the assembly form.
  2. Make 3 types of chocolate mousse. To do this, boil the yolks and milk whipped with sugar until thick. Then divide into 3 parts, add chocolate of the desired color and gelatin swollen in water to each. At the very end, add whipped cream.
  3. Line the assembly form with cling film. There should be no wrinkles. Place a sponge cake on the bottom and cover it with dark chocolate mousse. Send in the cold until it seizes. Do the same gradually with the two remaining mousses.

Freeze the finished cake and cover with chocolate mirror glaze.

With coconut and pineapple flavor

Exotic notes always favorably set off desserts. And if you arrange a dessert with a glaze, then the dish will do honor to any feast.

Composition of ingredients:

  • almond biscuit - 1 cake with a diameter of 16 cm;
  • coconut mousse - 600 ml (prepared as standard using 200 ml of coconut milk);
  • pineapple confit - 400 g;
  • corn flakes - 25 g;
  • white chocolate - 70 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • coconut flakes - 25 g;
  • mirror glaze - 600 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix cereal, shavings, chocolate and butter. Tamp the mass in a detachable form and allow to harden. Then layer with mousse.
  2. Pour the first layer with pineapple confit. When it grabs, carefully lay the biscuit.
  3. Pour the coconut mousse over the dessert and send it to the freezer.

On this product, yellow glossy or lime colors will look spectacular. Pieces of tropical fruits can be an additional decor.

Sponge cake with mirror glaze

Due to the fact that biscuit products do not have an even structure, the technology of coating them with glaze is complicated by the need for additional alignment.

Composition of ingredients:

  • biscuit cake - 1 pc.;
  • mirror glaze of the desired color - 600-700 ml;
  • condensed milk - 75 g;
  • soft butter - 180 g;
  • powdered sugar - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat butter, condensed milk and powder until creamy. Put on the cake.
  2. It is possible to level the surface as much as possible and remove the product in the cold.
  3. If, as a result, the dessert has some roughness, then it must be corrected with another layer of cream or only side smudges should be made from mirror glaze.

After the applied decor has hardened, you can safely distribute the glaze on the surface of the product. A pre-made frame will not allow the glaze to spread.

How to cook with strawberries

No matter how delicious the combination of pastries and mousse is, you will inevitably want to diversify it. Strawberries will cope with the task 100%.

Composition of ingredients:

  • round biscuit or sand cake base - 1 pc.;
  • strawberries - 500 g (300 g - in mousse, the rest - in confit);
  • cream - 500 ml;
  • glaze - 600 ml;
  • sugar - 250 g (200 g - in mousse, 50 g - in confit);
  • water - 50 ml;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. spoon with a slide;
  • gelatin - 35 g (25 g - in mousse, the rest - in confit).

Cooking method:

  1. Puree the berry. Set aside 200 g and mix with starch and sugar. Boil down and add swollen gelatin (half of the total volume). Allow the confit to cool slightly, then pour into a mold that has a smaller diameter than the finished cake. Send the workpiece to the freezer.
  2. Strain the remaining puree, mix with gelatin and sugar. Warm up, but make sure that the heat does not exceed 60 degrees.
  3. Whip the cream and gradually combine with the berry mass.

The cake is assembled in a silicone mold. At the same time, the mousse layer is alternated with the confit, and then with the test base. The cake should not protrude from the mousse, so it should be slightly pressed into the product and frozen. After the final hardening of the dessert, it is covered with glazing.

One of the secrets of the mirror glaze recipe is the exact observance of the temperature regime and dosage. Therefore, you need to get a kitchen scale and a thermometer. Then the preparation of the glaze will become a matter of technology.

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