Home Porridge Ginger liqueur is a delicacy that heals many diseases! The best recipes for ginger tincture with vodka, alcohol and moonshine Ginger liqueur

Ginger liqueur is a delicacy that heals many diseases! The best recipes for ginger tincture with vodka, alcohol and moonshine Ginger liqueur

Many people have heard about the healing properties of ginger. It is used to treat certain diseases, increase the overall tone of the body, strengthen the immune system, and even for weight loss. This root has long been known as a warming agent. It was even used as an antidote.

Properties of ginger

You can find fresh, pickled and dry root on sale. It is an antiviral, immunostimulating, antispasmodic agent. Ginger tincture is often used for treatment.

With proper preparation and use, you can:

Improve blood circulation;

Normalize metabolism;

Reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes;

Relieve spasms of smooth muscles;

Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

Remove stagnation in the biliary tract and gallbladder.

In addition, ginger tincture can affect fat metabolism. It speeds up all processes occurring in the body and promotes weight loss. Therefore, ginger is often used in cases where figure correction is required. It should also be said that it normalizes cholesterol levels. And this is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other serious diseases.

For colds, ginger tincture or tea helps speed up recovery. Taking them promotes increased blood flow to the upper respiratory tract and relieves inflammation. Ginger can also be used as a pain reliever for headaches, toothaches, joint pains and troubling osteochondrosis.

Preparing the tincture

In order to make a healing drink, it is advisable to purchase fresh ginger root. There are several options for how ginger tincture is prepared. An ancient Tibetan recipe, the most frequently reviewed one, suggests making a drink with alcohol. As a rule, vodka is used to prepare it.

You need to take a pre-washed and peeled piece of ginger weighing about 250 g and cut it into thin slices. The root prepared in the manner described above should be placed in a small container (for example, a jar of horseradish or mayonnaise) and filled to the top with vodka. The ginger tincture should be infused for two weeks in a dark place. The Tibetan recipe says that it needs to be shaken periodically.

After two weeks, the infusion is filtered and 2 tsp is added to the drained liquid. honey You need to drink the prepared healing drink 1 tsp. on empty stomach. 2 tsp per day is enough.

Non-alcoholic option

If you want to make a tincture for a minor or for a person for whom alcohol is contraindicated, then you should use a different option. For such people, not Tibetan ginger tincture, but a decoction is suitable. To prepare it, you will need a small piece of root weighing about 30 g, 300 ml of water, 0.5 tsp. natural honey and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Ginger must be cut into thin slices and placed in a small saucepan. You can also use a ladle. Pour water over the chopped root and simmer for about 15 minutes. After this, the broth is cooled and filtered. Add honey and lemon to the resulting liquid.

Strengthening the immune system

There are other ways to prepare ginger tincture. The recipe may vary depending on the purpose for which you are preparing this healing drink.

For colds, for example, it is recommended to make a tincture of ginger, lemon and honey. But you need to prepare it in advance. For these purposes, you need to take a lemon, wash it well and cut it into slices along with the skin. Place them at the bottom of a previously prepared container - an ordinary well-washed jar. Finely chopped ginger is placed on top of the lemon. Then the whole thing is filled with liquid honey. If necessary, it can be pre-melted in a steam bath.

This ginger tincture is prepared over two months. During this period, the ginger will be able to infuse. Do not forget that it is advisable to store the jar in a dark place, protected from sunlight.

Recipe for weight loss

Everyone knows the property of ginger to normalize metabolism, which stimulates the body, causing it to remove fat accumulation faster. If you want to lose weight, you can prepare a decoction. You need to take ginger, a spoonful of lemon juice and a liter of water.

The grated root is poured with boiling water and placed on fire. As soon as the liquid boils, remove the saucepan from the heat. You can immediately add lemon juice to it and pour it into a thermos. This ginger tincture should stand for at least two hours. The cooking recipe can be changed at your discretion. Some, for example, advise adding honey to it.

But there is another method for how ginger tincture should be prepared. An ancient Tibetan recipe, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, recommends mixing finely chopped ginger and a few cloves of garlic. The ingredients are placed in a thermos and filled with boiling water. They must be left for at least 2 hours. The strained liquid can be drunk either hot or cold.

Miracle drink

To remove toxins, you can use a mixture of lemon, ginger and cucumber. A tincture made from these products helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to remove excess fluid, waste and toxins from the body. It is prepared as follows.

Take 2 liters of boiled chilled water and a medium-sized root. Ginger must be chopped using a blender or fine grater. The resulting slurry must be mixed in water. You should also add 1 medium-sized cucumber there. You must first peel it and cut it into strips. You should also add sliced ​​lemon into the water. This ginger tincture should stand overnight. The specified volume of liquid must be drunk per day. This tincture must be taken in a course - 4 days are enough to achieve the desired effect.

Expected effect and reviews

The beneficial properties of ginger root have been known for thousands of years. Now you can find dozens of different recipes that tell you how to prepare a healing drink from this plant.

Ginger tincture helps not only with colds, stagnation of bile and pain. Reviews confirm that you can drink it for asthma, kidney problems and problems with the digestive system. Some even claim that it is an excellent method of preventing cancer. By the way, if you are worried about joint pain, you can make compresses from the prepared alcohol tincture.

When taking ginger for weight loss, keep in mind that there will be no noticeable results if you do not remember the basic rules of nutrition. Yes, the tincture can speed up metabolism and the removal of toxins, but this is often not enough. It is necessary to exclude baked goods, fatty meats, and all kinds of sweets.

Ginger tincture can reduce psychological dependence on food and tone the body. This, in turn, helps increase physical activity.


Before making ginger tincture, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of situations in which it is not recommended to drink it. Contraindications include any liver problems, including cirrhosis. It is not recommended for people suffering from hepatitis.

Disorders of the cardiovascular system are also a contraindication. Ginger contains substances that have cardioactive properties. They can stimulate the heart muscle.

Allergy sufferers should also avoid using ginger tincture. If you drink it during periods of exacerbation, you can only worsen the condition. Ginger will contribute to the fact that all reactions of the body will only worsen.

Contraindications also include peptic ulcer and gastritis. You should not drink it if you have high acidity. People suffering from this problem often complain of heartburn after consuming the tincture.


“...The squirrel lives in the mansion, but gnaws everything on nuts. But the nuts are not simple, all the shells are golden, the kernels are pure emerald...” A fairy tale is a fairy tale, and in walnuts (these are what Pushkin’s squirrel gnawed), in addition to the kernels, there is a lot of value. For example, unloved and, as a rule, discarded partitions by everyone. It turns out that they contain a priceless treasure for our health, and, you see, neglecting treasures is downright blasphemous. Let's better learn how to prepare a healing tincture from walnut partitions, and talk about its proper use.

The benefits of tincture of walnut partitions

Before preparing the tincture, let's discuss the benefits of the walnut partitions themselves, and see why they are so valuable. Let's start with the fact that a nut is not just a fruit, it is a seed fruit, from which, under favorable conditions, a new nut tree can grow. This means that all the most important and necessary nutrients, microelements and vitamins were accumulated in it. Secondly, walnuts, along with seaweed and some other natural products, are considered a storehouse of such an important and irreplaceable component as iodine. And its maximum concentration is located precisely in the partitions. For whom are medications from this product primarily important?

Using tincture of partitions

A decoction and tincture of walnut partitions is shown:

  • people with thyroid diseases, nursing mothers, pregnant women, children of kindergarten and primary school age and people whose profession involves exposure to radiation (nuclear power plant employees, radiologists and oncologists, office employees who spend all day in front of a computer monitor);
  • elderly people suffering from arterial hypertension, diseases of the stomach and intestines, memory and attention disorders, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis;
  • women and men who have reached the age of 40, because it is at the age of 40 that the premenopausal restructuring of the body begins, the risk of developing fibroids, fibroids, cysts and mastopathy in women, prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men increases.

Recipes for tincture of walnut partitions

The preparation of an alcohol tincture of walnut partitions depends on the disease for which it will be used.

Option one: take a half-liter dark glass bottle and fill it 1 third with partitions, and fill the rest of the space with vodka. Seal the bottle tightly and place in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. Then strain the tincture and use it to treat thyroid diseases and related conditions, rub rheumatic and arthritic joints, make compresses on a sore spine.

Option two: pour 2 tbsp into a mayonnaise jar. l. nut partitions crushed in a coffee grinder and fill them with vodka until completely covered. Seal the jar tightly and leave in a dark place for 7-10 days. Then strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. 15-20 minutes before meals for diabetes, ulcerative colitis, atherosclerosis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Any of the two options for nut tincture can disinfect small wounds and cuts - this way they heal much faster.

Does the tincture of walnut partitions have any contraindications?

The question is quite reasonable, After all, every medicine has both its pros and cons. So are there any contraindications to the use of tincture of walnut partitions, and, if so, for whom?

It turns out there are. The use of tincture of walnut partitions is strictly prohibited for people of both sexes who suffer from allergies, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, who are prone to urticaria and Quincke's edema, who suffer from acute gastritis, or who are in the acute stage of this disease. And even if you do not belong to the listed groups, still, before you start using tincture of walnut partitions, do not be too lazy to consult your doctor. After all, only you yourself are responsible for your health.


Nut tincture with honey recipe with photos, how to prepare it on Webspoon.ru

Preparing nut tincture with honey

Nut tincture with honey is a drink that is not only tasty, but also medicinal. Tinctures are less sweet and stronger than liqueurs and can serve not only as an alcoholic drink, but also as a healing elixir. This drink has a whole range of healing effects and will give you vigor and health. And, although preparing the tincture is a long process, it is worth it.

The tincture is useful for joint pain, bronchopulmonary and vascular diseases. Well, it will be more interesting to treat your friends with a delicious homemade liqueur, rather than a ready-made alcoholic drink bought in a supermarket.

Preparation of the dish according to the recipe “Nut tincture with honey”:

Step 1

To prepare nut tincture with honey, we need vodka, honey, and nut partitions.

Place the nut partitions in a jar. Pour vodka.

Leave for 2 weeks. During infusion, the tincture changes color significantly.

Separate the nut partitions from the tincture.

Add honey. Stir. Leave for another 2 days.

Strain through 8 layers of gauze.


Ginger tincture Tibetan recipe, how to prepare ginger tincture on Webspoon.ru

Preparing ginger tincture according to a Tibetan recipe

I really love various herbal medicines. I won’t say that I am an ardent supporter of homeopathy, but if there is an opportunity not to use pills, then I will definitely use it. In particular, I really love using ginger.

At home, even an inexperienced cook can prepare a lot of delicious alcoholic and other drinks. One of these is a liqueur infused with ginger and nuts, which is consumed as a stand-alone product or added to baked goods and other desserts. How to prepare such a fragrant and unusual drink?

Ginger-nut liqueur

Traditionally, ginger liqueur is prepared in combination with nuts to give the drink a richer flavor and rich color, similar to the color of cognac. Preference is given to walnuts, since the alcohol extract from them has an unsurpassed aroma of roasted kernels.

To prepare ginger-nut liqueur, you need to correctly calculate the proportions of the products. So, for every 100 grams of good vodka, take 10 grams of ginger root.

Usually they use half a liter of vodka and 50 grams of root. Additional Ingredients:

  • sugar from 100 to 200 grams depending on preference;
  • 3 g vanilla sugar;
  • 5 walnut kernels.

The more sugar added to the liqueur, the sweeter it will be. Ginger should be finely chopped into slices, covered with sugar, nut kernels placed and poured with vodka. In a closed container, shake everything well and leave to infuse for 14 days in a cool, dark place. The contents of the bottle should be shaken periodically.

Walnut kernels give the liqueur a cognac hue and set the main nutty aroma

After 2 weeks, the resulting liquor is passed through gauze or cotton wool to filter it well and obtain crystal clarity. Walnut-ginger liqueur is ready.

Some gourmets supplement the traditional drink recipe with ingredients such as lemon zest and water. The first ingredient enriches the taste and aroma of the product, and the second is used to prepare the syrup. In this case, ginger, lemon zest and walnuts are first poured with sugar syrup and then with vodka. For every 100 grams of sugar, take 50 ml of water.

At home, when preparing liqueurs, you need to remember that in each recipe it is important not only the ratio of products, but also the aging period. Only proper and long-term infusion allows you to obtain an extract rich in taste, color and aroma.

Homemade Baileys recipe

There are dozens and even hundreds of homemade options for the most famous cream liqueur from Ireland, Baileys. Since its recipe is kept in the strictest confidence by the manufacturers themselves, one can only guess and experiment. Below is a recipe for ginger liqueur, made by analogy with creamy Baileys.


  • 300 ml vodka;
  • 500 ml 20% cream;
  • yolks of 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tsp. instant coffee;
  • 0.25 tsp ginger powder;
  • a can of condensed milk;
  • vanilla sugar 6 g;
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • 1 tablespoon honey.

Baileys with the addition of ginger acquires an unusual taste - this is one of the variations in the preparation of the famous drink

The drink is prepared in several stages:

  1. Mix spices (cinnamon and ginger) with honey and add vodka. Shake, cover tightly and refrigerate for 5 days. Shake the mixture daily.
  2. After the specified period of time, clean the tincture of all ingredients using gauze or cotton wool.
  3. In a separate container, thoroughly beat the remaining ingredients with a mixer until smooth. First, beat the yolks, then add cream, condensed milk, vanilla, coffee (dissolve in a spoonful of boiling water), and sugar.
  4. Next, the contents of the two containers are carefully combined with each other, beaten again with a mixer and bottled.

The shelf life of this product is 1 month. It can be used as a sweet low-alcohol drink, or added to coffee, tea, desserts, soaked in cake layers, poured over ice cream, etc.

In any ginger liqueur, too much fresh root or ginger powder should not be added. Its spicy and even tart aroma can overwhelm the smells of other ingredients and be too intrusive for those who are accustomed to less aromatic drinks.

Ginger root is a pungent seasoning that is often used for cooking, baking, tea, and added to tinctures and other homemade alcoholic drinks. Ginger tincture is an original spicy alcohol that is easy to prepare at home.

The ginger in it goes well with many additives: honey, lemon, herbs, fruits and berries. To obtain a tincture, ginger root is often used fresh. Dried ginger powder is usually used as a culinary seasoning.

Useful properties of ginger tincture

Ginger tincture has a number of beneficial properties that are inherent in ginger root. When used correctly and in moderation, the tincture serves as an excellent preventive and auxiliary traditional medicine in the fight against certain diseases. Ginger has properties and active components that:

  • fight colds;
  • strengthen the body's defenses;
  • improve metabolism;
  • help in the process of losing weight;
  • improve memory, vision, blood circulation;
  • prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
  • improve potency;
  • soften the symptoms of PMS;
  • relieve pain;
  • help remove toxins and waste from the body.

Ginger tincture is prepared at home by lovers of homemade alcoholic drinks so often that a certain classic recipe for its preparation has already been developed. The recipe for ginger tincture is absolutely simple.

The main condition for obtaining a quality drink is the high quality of the ingredients. Always use only high-quality, unadulterated alcohol when making homemade infusions. Do not listen to those who believe that the bad taste of alcohol can be improved with the help of ginger and other additives. Take care first of all of your health, which can be undermined by drinking low-quality alcohol.

To prepare ginger vodka at home using the recipes below, you can use good vodka, high-quality moonshine or diluted alcohol. To know exactly how to prepare ginger tincture and what it tastes like, you need to use any of these recipes. It's very simple.

Ginger tincture with vodka is most often prepared for medicinal purposes. It can be consumed in small quantities orally, and can also be used for compresses and as a rub.

Ginger vodka tincture is beneficial for men. It increases libido and improves potency. Take a teaspoon of ginger vodka twice a day, diluted with water. If there are no contraindications, you can increase the dose to a tablespoon.


  • Ginger root – 400 g
  • Vodka – 1 l

How to cook

  1. Wash the ginger root well and dry with a towel. Peel off the outer shell. Cut into thin slices.
  2. Place the prepared ginger in a glass jar and fill with alcohol.
  3. Infuse ginger in vodka for 14 days in a dark place at room temperature, shaking the mixture daily.
  4. Strain the drink and bottle it. Keep in the refrigerator for several days.

On alcohol

Ginger tincture with alcohol, if used undiluted, can burn the mouth and larynx. Therefore, you need to dilute it with water to 40-45 0.


  • Ginger root – 350 g
  • Medical alcohol – 300 ml
  • Water – 600 ml

How to cook

  1. Dilute alcohol with water.
  2. Wash the ginger, dry, peel and cut into thin slices.
  3. Infuse like vodka for two weeks, shaking the jar occasionally.
  4. Strain the ginger tincture into alcohol and can be used for medicinal purposes.

On moonshine

Once again, it would be useful to remind you that moonshine tincture with ginger is prepared only on the basis of high-quality home distillate without unpleasant odors and taste. To do this, moonshine is distilled twice and carefully filtered. Ginger tincture from moonshine turns out strong and hot, men love it more.


  • Moonshine – 1 l
  • Ginger root – 0.5 kg

How to cook

  1. Grate the peeled ginger onto a coarse grater.
  2. Pour the ginger mixture with moonshine in a glass jar.
  3. Let the future ginger moonshine steep for 15 days. Shake it vigorously every 2-3 days.
  4. Strain the prepared ginger tincture with moonshine through gauze or thick cloth and pour into bottles. Store in the refrigerator.

Recipes with additives

Ginger tincture has a pungent taste and a warming effect. You can soften it, change its taste, add other flavor notes, and enhance its therapeutic effectiveness with various additional additives. Ginger infusion goes well with honey, lemon, citrus fruits, various fruits and berries.

Honey tincture

Honey makes ginger vodka tincture softer, sweetens it, gives it a special aroma, and makes it even healthier.


  • Ginger – 50 g
  • Honey (fresh, herbs) – 100 g
  • Vodka – 1 l

How to cook

  1. Wash the ginger, grate it, and place it in a glass jar.
  2. Pour liquid honey into a jar.
  3. Fill the contents with vodka.
  4. Seal the jar tightly and shake well to mix the mixture and dissolve the honey.
  5. Place in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks.
  6. At the end of the infusion, strain the tincture several times through a thick cloth.

Lemon-honey tincture

Lemon will add sourness and share vitamin C, and honey will soften and sweeten the ginger tincture. This drink is easy and pleasant to drink.


  • Ginger – 30 g
  • Honey – 1 dessert spoon
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Vodka – 0.5 l
  • A pinch of salt

How to cook

  1. This tincture is prepared quickly. Wash the ginger and grate it.
  2. Wash the lemon with warm water and soda to remove the preservative layer from the surface, wipe with a napkin.
  3. Remove the zest from the lemon without touching the white layer underneath.
  4. Place ginger, lemon zest, and a pinch of salt in a jar.
  5. Add honey and juice from half a lemon.
  6. Pour the mixture of ingredients with vodka, close the vessel tightly and shake well until the honey dissolves.
  7. Leave the infusion for only 15 minutes, maximum - half an hour. Experts say that this is enough to obtain a pleasant taste.
  8. Strain the drink and refrigerate.

Grapefruit tincture

Tincture of ginger and grapefruit removes “bad” cholesterol from the body, helps to lose weight, “accelerates” metabolism, and helps overcome constipation.


  • Ginger root – 4 pcs.
  • Vodka – 1l
  • Water – 200 ml
  • Lemon – 5 pcs.
  • Grapefruit – 1 pc.

How to cook

  1. Wash, peel, and cut the ginger into thin slices.
  2. Peel lemons and grapefruit, cut into pieces, remove seeds so as not to add unpleasant bitterness to the tincture.
  3. Place ginger and citrus fruits in a jar, fill with vodka, add water.
  4. Close the container and shake well.
  5. Leave the mixture for a week.
  6. Strain and store for storage. Take 1 tablespoon twice daily.

Advice. If cancer has already been diagnosed, ginger tincture is contraindicated for use. The disease can accelerate its development.


  • Ginger – 250 g
  • Garlic – 250 g
  • Vodka – 1 l

How to cook

  1. Peel the ginger and garlic.
  2. Blend them in a blender.
  3. Pour vodka into the resulting mushy mixture.
  4. Infuse the composition for 15 days in the dark.
  5. Strain the tincture well, first squeezing the ginger-garlic pulp through cheesecloth.
  6. Dilute 10 drops of the resulting tincture with water and take twice a day.

Blueberry tincture

This tincture will improve vision, help cure colds, stabilize stools, and is a good preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases.


  • Ginger – 3 tablespoons grated root
  • Vodka – 0.5 l
  • Honey – 3 tablespoons
  • Blueberries (berries) - glass

How to cook

  1. Mash the blueberries in a glass jar with a wooden pestle.
  2. Add ginger and honey to the berries, mix well.
  3. Pour vodka over the mixture.
  4. Close the jar with a lid and shake well to mix.
  5. Leave the mixture for 15 days.
  6. At the end of the period, strain the tincture by squeezing the pulp into it. Store in the refrigerator.

Ginger liqueur with cognac

This homemade liqueur has a spicy and piquant taste due to the presence of a large number of different spices in its composition. Try to cook it, you will like it.


  • Ginger root – 3 tablespoons
  • A glass of vodka or diluted alcohol
  • Cognac – 120 ml
  • Brown sugar – 120 g
  • White sugar – 240 g
  • Black cardamom – tsp.
  • Cloves – 3 pcs.
  • Orange zest - tsp.

How to cook

  1. Add sugar, spices and chopped ginger to the water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes from boiling.
  2. Cool the fragrant syrup. Strain it.
  3. Mix cognac with vodka or ginger syrup.
  4. Infuse the drink for a month in a dark place.
  5. Strain and filter the liqueur, keep it for another 7 days. Serve with desserts.

Homemade ginger honey liqueur

If you are a gourmet not only in food, but also in alcohol, and you know what Drambuie liqueur tastes like, try making something similar at home. But buy whiskey for this. The result will pleasantly surprise you.


  • Whiskey or cognac – 375 ml
  • Ginger – 3 tablespoons
  • Honey – 250 ml
  • Water – 250 ml
  • Lemon zest - teaspoon

How to cook

  1. Make a syrup from water, honey, ginger and lemon zest. Don't forget to skim off the foam. Boil for 7-10 minutes. Cool and strain.
  2. Mix the syrup with whiskey or cognac and leave for 30 days in a cool, dark place.
  3. Strain the resulting liqueur and pour into a bottle. Wait another two weeks.


To get a pleasant note in the taste of ginger tincture, add cinnamon to the previous recipe on the tip of a knife if you like this spice. It goes well with the ingredients of ginger vodka.

Pepper tincture with honey and ginger

Peppercorn with honey and ginger will cure any cold and invigorate, warm the soul and body. There will definitely not be anyone indifferent to this drink.


  • Ginger – 50 g
  • Honey – 100 g
  • Vodka – 0.7 l
  • Hot pepper – 1 pod
  • Juniper berries – 10 pcs.

How to cook

  1. Wash and grate the ginger.
  2. Transfer the ginger to a jar, add pepper, honey and. Fill with vodka.
  3. Close the jar with a lid and shake several times.
  4. Place in a dark, dry place for 14 days.
  5. After infusion, strain the tincture several times. After bottling the drink, let it sit for another week to stabilize the taste.

Ginger ale

Classic ginger ale is a low-alcohol carbonated drink with a rich history. It is not difficult to prepare it at home. The main thing is to stick to the given recipe.


  • Grated ginger root – 2 tablespoons
  • Water - glass
  • Sugar – 9 tablespoons
  • A pinch of salt
  • Lemon – 2-3 pcs.
  • Dry yeast – 1/3 tbsp. l. (1/8 tsp champagne yeast)

How to cook

  1. Peel and grate the ginger root.
  2. Mix water, salt and sugar in a saucepan and boil it. Remove from heat. Add ginger paste and let it brew.
  3. Cool the ginger syrup to 30 0 .
  4. Squeeze the juice from the lemons.
  5. Pour the ginger water into a 2 liter plastic bottle. Add lemon juice and yeast.
  6. Fill the bottle with water so that the level does not reach 2-3 cm from the neck.
  7. Place in a warm place, but out of direct sunlight, to begin the fermentation reaction. After two days the bottle should become stone. It must be placed in the refrigerator and kept for up to 14 days.
  8. Carefully open the bottle, gradually releasing the carbon dioxide. Do this over the sink. Strain the ale and drink straight away.

With mint

It gives any drink a refreshing taste, and in combination with hot ginger you get a very interesting cocktail of flavors.


  • Ginger – 2-3 tablespoons
  • Mint – 3 sprigs
  • Vodka – 0.5 l
  • Honey – 2 tablespoons

How to cook

  1. Place mint and grated ginger in a glass jar, add vodka and honey.
  2. Stir the mixture well to dissolve the honey.
  3. Infuse the drink for 14 days in the dark.
  4. Strain and consume to calm the nervous system, get rid of insomnia, and calm intestinal spasms.

Immunity is the body’s reaction and ability to resist environmental factors. It is hardly possible to strengthen it with medicines and folk remedies. But it is quite possible to improve the body's defenses by taking healthy drinks and foods.

Any of the recipes given here is suitable for strengthening the immune system. But make the tincture according to the Tibetan recipe. After all, the monks who used it lived long and had good health.


Preparing ginger tincture according to an ancient Tibetan recipe is not at all difficult. It is important to simply maintain the proportions of alcohol and ginger.


  • Ginger – 250 g
  • Alcohol - 300 ml
  • Water – 600 ml

How to cook

  1. Peel the ginger, wash and finely chop.
  2. Dilute the alcohol with clean water.
  3. Mix ginger with diluted alcohol. Leave in a glass container for 14 days. Shake the jar occasionally. This will allow ginger extracts to turn into alcohol faster.
  4. After straining, Tibetan ginger tincture is ready for use.

Ginger tincture for weight loss

The following recipe for ginger tincture can speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight.


  • Moonshine – 0.5 l
  • Ginger root 3-5 cm
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

How to cook

  1. Grate the ginger.
  2. Squeeze the lemon juice.
  3. Cut the cucumber into rings.
  4. Place all ingredients in a jar and fill with moonshine.
  5. Leave covered in a dark place for a week.
  6. Strain the drink. Take a teaspoon three times a day before meals, diluting with water.

Contraindications for use and possible harm

Ginger tincture, along with its beneficial properties, has its contraindications, and if abused or misused, it can cause harm to health. Therefore, before using it for medicinal purposes, consult your doctor.

  • hypertension;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • alcoholism;
  • internal and uterine bleeding;
  • allergic reactions;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic renal and liver failure;
  • after a stroke;
  • liver diseases.

Ginger vodka is successfully used to maintain health, but this must be done in reasonable quantities, listening to the recommendations of traditional healers and doctors. So as not to cause significant damage to health instead of benefit.

Video recipe

Ginger is included in the category of medicinal products, considered one of the most valuable spices in the world. Rich in natural oils (especially gingerol), this sweet and aromatic spice has amazing therapeutic properties.

Ginger has long been known in both traditional and alternative medicine. This product was mainly used to solve digestive problems and colds.

Research over the past decade has shown that ginger is as effective or even superior to many synthetic anti-inflammatory drugs because it has no serious side effects.

The main biologically active substance in ginger - gingerol - is responsible for most of the healing properties of the product. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is also effective against viral and bacterial infections associated with gum disease (such as gingivitis and periodontitis).

This substance is especially effective for nausea caused by land or sea travel. Ginger also helps relieve feelings of nausea and prevent the gag reflex in patients undergoing chemotherapy, as well as in patients after surgery.

Research shows that 2 grams of ginger per day for 11 days significantly reduces muscle pain in people who have elbow problems. Ginger slowly but effectively reduces the progression of muscle pain.

Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, ginger is beneficial for people suffering from knee pain. This product reduces pain and restores mobility. Ginger can also be used topically in combination with cinnamon and sesame oil.

Consuming ginger significantly reduces blood sugar levels and improves heart function. A 2015 study found that 2 grams of ginger powder per day reduced blood glucose levels by 10-12% over a 12-week period.

In terms of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, ginger reduced these rates by 23%. The study involved 85 people with high cholesterol. 3 g of ginger powder significantly reduced cholesterol and triglyceride levels in their blood.

Ginger is recommended for chronic indigestion (dyspepsia) as it speeds up gastric emptying, thereby reducing stomach pain and discomfort. A study conducted on 24 healthy patients found that 1.2 g of ginger powder before meals speeded up gastric emptying by 50%.

Another popular use of ginger is for menstrual pain. 1 g of ginger powder per day in the first 3 days of menstruation helps reduce pain and cramps no worse than ibuprofen or mefenamic acid (part of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic medications).

Ginger improves brain function, prevents brain aging and Alzheimer's disease. In a study of 60 middle-aged women, ginger improved cognitive performance and working memory.

Ginger has been proven to prevent various types of cancer. Its antitumor properties are due to its rich content of 6-gingerol. Some studies suggest that ginger may be beneficial for pancreatic, breast and ovarian cancer.

Here are just some of the reasons to eat more ginger!

Ginger liqueur recipe


– 60 g ginger root

- 150 g sugar

— 1-2 glasses of water

- 1-2 glasses of vodka

- 1 lemon or 1 orange

- 1 vanilla pod.


1. Peel the ginger root using a spoon. Cut into slices, then into small pieces. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise and divide into two parts.

2. Place both ingredients along with sugar in a saucepan and cover with water. Let the ginger simmer for about 20-25 minutes on low heat until soft. Then remove the pan from the heat and let cool.

3. Peel the lemon or orange, wash with vinegar and soda and cut into small slices. Add to cooled ginger mixture.

4. Add vodka and cover the pan tightly with a lid. Leave to infuse for 24 hours.

5. Strain the liquid to remove any ginger, orange peel and vanilla bits.

6. Pour the liquor into bottles and keep them in a dark place. The drink can be consumed the next day, when all the aromas are revealed.

Ginger is an aromatic, pungent root that is often added to tea and baked goods. Recently, it has become popular in pickled form - this is facilitated by the popularity of Japanese cuisine.

It has a lot of useful properties - ginger root helps with weight loss, in the treatment of male diseases, when used correctly, it has a beneficial effect on the liver and stomach, and improves blood circulation.

You can make ginger tincture from the root at home. In this case, you can take any alcohol that is in the house as an alcohol base. A drink, if prepared according to all the rules, will benefit the body, you just need to follow the dosage and rules of use.


Ginger tincture is a unique remedy that can help in losing weight and fighting various ailments. Ginger is often used in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases.

Properly prepared ginger-based medicine can improve blood circulation, relieve stomach pain, and also cough. In addition, ginger tincture can cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

In order for you to know how to properly prepare such a remedy, we would like to present to your attention several simple recipes for preparing ginger tincture at home. You don't need a huge list of products. Just arm yourself with our recommendations and prepare an excellent medicine for many diseases, the miraculous properties of which you can experience for yourself.


About the medicinal plant

Only one part of the plant is suitable for treatment and consumption - the rhizome. Appearance of ginger root:

  • round, branched, covered with beige cork;
  • has a glossy shine, when cut, the internal fibrous structure is visible, the color of the pulp is yellow;
  • there is a pleasant and pungent smell;
  • the taste is pungent and goes well with meat and fish dishes.

Powdered root is sold in the spice department, and fresh root is sold in the produce department. From the fresh root you can prepare:

  1. a tasty addition to the first or second course;
  2. decoction to increase resistance to infection;
  3. weight loss tea with honey and lemon;
  4. infusion with alcohol or water.

Ginger tincture can be easily prepared at home, because the product can be bought in almost every supermarket. A remedy to enhance immunity can be prepared during ARVI epidemics.


Beneficial features

The properties of the resulting composition depend on whether the tincture is prepared with moonshine, alcohol or vodka. To enhance the effect, complex formulations are used with the addition of honey, lemon or spicy medicinal herbs.

The peculiarity of alcohol tinctures is the use of small doses with multiple dilutions for oral administration. The alcohol is pre-diluted to the desired concentration and only then used to obtain the drug.

Studies of preparations based on ginger infused with alcohol have shown the following effects on the body:

  1. strengthens the walls of blood vessels, regulates cholesterol metabolism;
  2. enhances metabolism, participates in weight loss programs;
  3. reduces inflammatory processes in the body;
  4. improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  5. tones the body.

But there are specific problems in the body that can be solved by using ginger tincture. Thus, the use of ginger tincture in vodka to increase potency is associated with an improvement in blood circulation. It is useful to take 1 teaspoon of ginger before meals, or drink tea with the addition of the same amount of tincture and a slice of lemon. The dosage should not be exceeded; there may be problems with the gastric mucosa.

Ginger vodka tincture strengthens the human immune system. When adding ginger tincture to a dish or drink, it is important not to exceed the dose. Two teaspoons of ginger vodka during the day and only for a month will strengthen the body.

To improve vision, in addition to traditional treatment, it is useful to take ginger tincture. Take the drug once a day, but only a tablespoon.

What else does ginger tincture in vodka help with? Gargling with a diluted tincture solution will relieve sore throat caused by inflammation. Women suffering from fibroids and during menopause, taking the tincture, relieve painful symptoms and strengthen the nervous system.

However, such a strong drug should be avoided by those who are allergic to components and have chronic gastrointestinal diseases, especially in the stage of exacerbation of peptic ulcers.

The tincture should not be used by nursing mothers or pregnant women. If there is existing tachycardia, taking the tincture can worsen the patient’s condition. It would be correct to consult your doctor before using the drug.


Ginger-nut liqueur

  • 50 g ginger;
  • 0.5 l of vodka;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 6 pcs. walnuts (kernels);
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • 50 ml water (optional).


  1. Peel fresh ginger root and cut into small pieces.
  2. Place in a jar, add the zest of half a lemon, walnut kernels, vanilla and regular sugar.
  3. You can first boil the sugar syrup in 50 ml of water, but this is not necessary, you just have to shake the jar daily so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Infuse the liqueur for 1-2 weeks, then filter and bottle.

Nuts, by the way, acquire a very bright, unusual taste, so I recommend not throwing them away, but leaving them for desserts, pastries or snacks. You can also try to create something with ginger, here I rely on your imagination.

This ginger liqueur is very delicate, with a pleasant ginger burning sensation and a vanilla aftertaste. Sugar may seem too little or too much - here you will have to play with its amount. Ginger-nut liqueur can be drunk with milk 50/50, they say it’s very tasty.


  • 200 g ginger root;
  • 480 g sugar;
  • 240 ml water;
  • 1 liter of vodka.


  1. Peel and cut the ginger into strips, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar and water.
  2. Cook (practically simmer) until the ginger becomes soft and the sugar turns into syrup.
  3. Pour everything into a jar (along with ginger) and fill with vodka.
  4. Leave for at least 1 month, then strain through a thick cloth or coffee filter and bottle.
  5. The remaining ginger can be used in cooking or to make your next batch of tincture.

The tincture will be hot, but very tasty. It is somewhat reminiscent of green ginger wine (I’ll write a recipe someday). It is better to drink the tincture with ice or lemonade.

Quick recipe with vodka

We will need the following components:

  • high-quality vodka – 1 liter;
  • ripe lemons – 2 pieces;
  • fresh honey – 2 teaspoons;
  • peeled ginger root – 40 grams;
  • table salt – 2 pinches.


1. Lemons must be washed in hot water and dried with a clean towel or piece of cloth. This way we will remove from their peel the chemicals that are used to treat the fruits.
2. Using a fine grater, remove the lemon zest. Care must be taken to separate only the yellow part of the peel from the fruit. The white pulp lying below will give the drink excessive bitterness.
3. Grate the ginger root on a fine grater and pour into a glass jar. We also add lemon zest, salt and the juice of one lemon. Mix everything properly.
4. Infuse the resulting mixture for 15 minutes. Then add honey to it and pour in vodka. Seal the jar hermetically with a lid and shake well. Let it sit for 15 minutes.

5. Pass the drink through a cotton-gauze filter. Additionally, squeeze out the remaining pulp in the jar.
5. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a jar and mix again.
6. Leave the mixture for 5 minutes, add vodka and honey. Close the lid, shake vigorously several times, leave for another 5 minutes.
7. Filter homemade ginger tincture through 3-4 layers of gauze, squeeze out the pulp well.
Dessert tincture of ginger in vodka with a strength of 33 to 36 degrees is ready. Have a delicious tasting.


Alcohol recipe


  • fresh root - 350 g;
  • medical alcohol - 300 ml;
  • boiled water - 600 ml.

How to cook

  1. Pure medical alcohol is not used to prepare the tincture. It is too strong and can cause burns if used internally. The alcohol must be diluted with water (in a ratio of 1:2). Chilled water is poured into the alcohol and the liquid is stirred.
  2. Ginger is placed in the selected jar.
  3. The product is poured with diluted alcohol on top.
  4. It is recommended to infuse the product for 14 days. But if an urgent need arises, then you can use the “medicine” in alcohol after the seventh day.

Moonshine tincture recipes

Ginger is an ancient medicinal plant that is widely used in folk medicine. Using it in moonshine tincture, we acquire a high-quality, healthy product with which we can treat diseases and prevent them, and improve the condition of the skin. There are several interesting recipes that bring results.

Recipe 1

A classic tincture of ginger and moonshine is easy to prepare. In addition, some components will only enhance the benefits and add flavor.

For the tincture we will need:

  • 900 grams of moonshine;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 100 grams of honey;
  • 50 grams of ginger.


  1. First, prepare the ginger root.
  2. It needs to be peeled and cut into small pieces.
  3. You can also use dry ginger.
  4. Put it in a liter jar, fill it with moonshine, add honey and lemon juice.
  5. Stir the liquid and place in a cool place, protected from light, for a week. Strain and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Ginger tincture with honey and lemon has a unique aroma and taste. They drink it chilled, so it has a refreshing effect.

Recipe 2

Moonshine tincture with ginger can be prepared in another way. It won't take you much time and won't require a lot of products.

We only need a few available ingredients:

  • 0.5 liters of moonshine.
  • 50 grams of ginger.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of hibiscus tea.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare a glass jar.
  2. Cut the ginger into pieces.
  3. Fill with moonshine.
  4. Add hibiscus tea leaves.
  5. Leave in a warm place for about two weeks.

At the end of the day, the drink will acquire a rich red hue and a sour, burning taste. The tincture can be used both for pleasure and for medicinal purposes.


Recipe 3

If you urgently need to make a refreshing and aromatic tincture, prepare:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 20 grams of fresh ginger;
  • salt;
  • 0.5 liters of moonshine;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.


  1. Grate the ginger and lemon zest.
  2. Pour the ingredients into a jar, add salt, mix, add the juice of half a lemon.
  3. Let the mixture brew for a few minutes and add honey and moonshine, stir and close the lid.
  4. Leave to infuse for five minutes. Strain and you can taste it.

The tincture will delight you with a pleasant, lemony taste.


Ginger liqueur with cognac

  • 240 g white sugar;
  • 120 g brown sugar;
  • 350 ml water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. chopped ginger root;
  • 3 buds of cloves;
  • 1 tsp black black cardamom seeds;
  • 1 tsp grated orange zest;
  • 250 ml of vodka (preferably 50% alcohol);
  • 120 ml cognac.


  1. Pour white and brown sugar into a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil.
  2. Add peeled, grated or finely chopped ginger root, cloves, cardamom and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain the aromatic syrup through a sieve to obtain a liquid without any solid residue.
  4. Pour it into a liter jar, add orange zest, alcohol diluted to 50% or vodka and cognac.
  5. Infuse the liqueur in a cool, dark place for 3-4 weeks.

Strain the aged liqueur and filter through cotton wool. Pour into bottles and keep for at least 1 more week. The drink is very tasty, but there is very little ginger in it, so it makes sense to use a little more of the root. It is better to chop it very finely so that when cooking the syrup, the ginger gives out maximum taste and aroma.

Homemade ginger honey liqueur

  • 250 ml liquid honey;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 3 tbsp. chopped ginger root;
  • 1 tsp lemon zest, grated;
  • 375 ml whiskey or cognac.


  1. Bring honey and water to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Remove any foam that appears during boiling (beeswax, it must be removed so that the drink quickly clears).
  3. Add ginger and lemon zest and simmer for another 4 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.
  5. Strain through a sieve, pour the honey syrup into a liter jar and add whiskey or cognac (the original recipe uses Scotch whiskey, knowing how delicious Drambuie liqueur is, I still recommend using scotch, even the cheapest one).
  6. Infuse the liqueur in a dark, cool place for at least 1 month, after which it must be strained and filtered through cotton wool/thick cloth.
  7. Bottle and let sit for at least 2 weeks. This liqueur is very delicate and very different from ginger tinctures, where ginger predominates. Here the root is needed for a pleasant aftertaste and subtle aroma. Try it!

Ginger is healthy, warming, easy to fight a cold and lift your spirits. Scientists have also proven that ginger reduces the risk of stroke. In general, ginger tincture is not only tasty, but also somewhat healthy. Of course, if you know when to stop.




  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%) – 0.5 l;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • ginger root (fresh) – 20 g;
  • ground cinnamon on the edge of a knife



On grapefruit

Application: to remove cholesterol; from atherosclerosis; for weight loss; from constipation; to normalize digestion; in order to prevent bleeding gums.


  • grapefruit - one fruit;
  • lemons - five citruses;
  • ginger - four roots;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • water - 200 ml.

How to cook

  1. The root vegetable is peeled and cut into thin strips. The raw materials are placed in a jar.
  2. Lemons and grapefruit are peeled and cut into pieces.
  3. Citrus pulp is placed in a jar. To prepare this tincture at home, you can use lime instead of lemons.
  4. Pour the mixture with vodka. Add water.
  5. The jar is closed and shaken well. The remedy is infused for seven days.
  6. The drink is filtered. It is necessary to take a tablespoon twice a day.


  • fresh garlic - 250 g;
  • ginger - 250 g;
  • vodka - 1 l.

How to cook

  1. The garlic is peeled and ground in a blender. Ginger is also added there.
  2. The resulting slurry is poured with vodka.
  3. It is recommended to infuse the mixture for 15-16 days.
  4. The drink is filtered.
  5. Take ten drops twice a day, diluting the tincture in water.

This tincture recipe is suitable not only for men. The tincture is to some extent able to protect women from developing breast cancer.



  • to improve vision;
  • from diarrhea and constipation;
  • for the treatment of inflammation in the digestive and respiratory system;
  • for colds;
  • in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases;
  • for the treatment of genitourinary ailments.


  • blueberries (berries) - one glass;
  • ginger (grated) - three tablespoons;
  • honey - three tablespoons;
  • vodka - half a liter.

How to cook

  1. The blueberries are carefully mashed. The pulp is placed in a jar.
  2. Grated ginger is added to the aromatic pulp.
  3. Add honey and pour in vodka.
  4. Mix the product well.
  5. Leave in a cool place for about 15 days. Then filter.

Blueberries can be replaced with lingonberries. As reviews show, lingonberry also improves visual acuity, helps protect the heart and blood vessels, and effectively normalizes the digestion process.

Ginger tincture can be supplemented with various components. So, by adding chamomile decoction to the drink, you can enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of the elixir. And to strengthen the heart and have a positive effect on the respiratory organs, it is recommended to add a decoction of sage or mint to the infusion.


Pepper tincture with honey and ginger

You will need:

  • Ginger – 50 g;
  • Vodka – 500 ml;
  • Honey – 70 g;
  • Dried juniper – 8 – 10 berries;
  • Hot pepper – ½ – 1 pc.


Peel and chop the ginger.

  1. Together with juniper berries, honey and pepper, place in a glass bowl.
  2. Close it with a lid and put it in a dark closet for 2 weeks.
  3. From time to time the container needs to be taken out and shaken. Finally, strain the contents.
  4. It is best to drink this drink during or after meals. It helps prevent colds and gastrointestinal disorders, tones the body and has a warming effect.
  5. Take it neat or add it to hot drinks.

Whatever recipe you choose, remember that ginger tincture is a medicine and at the same time a strong alcoholic drink. Therefore, it must be taken accordingly. As a rule, a single dose is only 1 – 2 teaspoons.


Khrenovukha has been a very common alcoholic drink among the Slavs since ancient times. It was used to treat guests and treat various diseases. In the original recipe, horseradish is made from horseradish root. Alternatively, it can be made with either garlic or ginger. In some recipes, ginger is added to horseradish along with horseradish.

The recipe for horseradish with ginger is quite simple.

  1. Place ginger root in a bottle of vodka so that you don’t have to pour out the vodka.
  2. The resulting mixture must be placed in a dark place for a week.
  3. When tasting, the tincture should not be unbearably hot. There should be a pleasant aftertaste.
  4. Individually, using the sampling method, you can create the drink that suits you best in taste and strength. After a good horseradish, as our great-grandfathers said, you don’t want to snack.

Ginger ale

Ginger ale continues the theme of ginger infusions. It tastes like a Schweppes soft drink. It is also done quite quickly, unlike store-bought analogues, it contains no chemicals, only natural products.

In its classic recipe, this drink contains

  • sparkling water
  • sugar.

The alcoholic ginger ale recipe calls for yeast and various spices. Very often honey, fruits and years are added to it.

Ginger ale is used medicinally in the treatment of colds, as a part of cocktails (mainly with whiskey), and also simply as a soft drink.

Recently, ginger tincture has been most widely and actively used for weight loss. People who want to adjust their weight are recommended to take a teaspoon of tincture in the morning and afternoon, but not in the evening, for a month.

Under the influence of ginger, metabolic processes in the body are normalized and accelerated, appetite is reduced, which leads to the loss of extra pounds. For lasting results, along with consuming this wonderful tincture, you need to review your diet and add physical activity.


With mint


  • 2-3 tablespoons grated ginger root,
  • 2-3 sprigs of mint,
  • 500 ml of alcohol or vodka,
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

The proportions of the components for the tincture can be slightly changed to suit your taste.

  1. Place mint and ginger root in a liter jar, fill with alcohol, add and stir honey thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  2. Leave for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place.
  3. Then strain and take as directed.

Tincture of ginger and mint helps calm nerves, overcome insomnia, and relieve stomach cramps.


To strengthen the immune system

And now we will present to you a recipe for ginger tincture with vodka to strengthen the immune system. This composition will strengthen the body and give strength. To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • 500 ml vodka;
  • two lemons;
  • fresh ginger root (100 g);
  • 4 tablespoons (tablespoons) of sugar;
  • 1/2 spoon (teaspoon) cinnamon.


  1. Grind the lemons in a blender, add all the other ingredients (except vodka) and blend again.
  2. Place the resulting mass in a jar and fill with vodka.
  3. The ginger root must be washed, peeled, chopped or finely grated, and added to a container with vodka and lemon.
  4. Close the jar tightly and refrigerate for 24 hours.
  5. After this, the composition can be filtered. Thus, you have a ginger vodka tincture.
  6. Taking this composition is recommended for problems with the biliary tract and some liver diseases (consultation with a doctor is necessary).
  7. The product should be taken 1 teaspoon (teaspoon), diluted in 150 ml of warm water, twice a day after meals.

Tibetan recipe

For preparation you need 250 grams of ginger root (peeled and crushed).

  1. Place the processed raw materials in a glass jar, fill it with vodka (to the top of the jar), close the lid tightly and place in a dark place for two weeks.
  2. Shake the root regularly.
  3. Then the infusion is filtered and filled with vodka to its original volume.
  4. You can add a little natural honey, but not more than one tablespoon.
  5. Ginger tincture with vodka according to the recipe of Tibetan monks is effective not only for sore throats and colds. It improves human immunity, cleanses the blood, and increases vitality. In addition, it is a very effective remedy for improving potency.

The medicinal composition should be taken in the morning and evening thirty minutes before meals, 5 ml (teaspoon).

Tips for using ginger elixir

When the Tibetan ginger tincture is ready, a pressing question immediately arises: how to use this miracle remedy? To provide the body with maximum benefit and significantly improve health, the healing elixir is used according to the following nine rules.

For prevention

Drink the drink twice a day, early in the morning and before lunch.

  • You should not delay taking ginger until the evening, because the product is very invigorating and can cause insomnia.
  • For prevention purposes, a single dose is half a teaspoon.
  • The tincture must be diluted in a glass of water.
  • It is prohibited to take undiluted ginger drink. It can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the digestive system. The duration of prophylaxis is one month. Then they take a break of 60-90 days.
  • After such an interval, prophylaxis can be resumed.

To strengthen the immune system

To restore strength, improve health and fill the body with vital energy, you need to increase the dose to one teaspoon. Take twice a day, according to the same rules.

For throat diseases

The tincture will help cure laryngitis and pharyngitis. It is recommended to use it even for sore throat. Use ginger rinse. To prepare the solution, add one teaspoon of tincture to half a glass of water. The liquid is stirred. It is recommended to gargle with this solution at least six times a day.

For bronchial asthma

Healers recommend using a Tibetan recipe for ginger tincture prepared with alcohol in the fight against asthma. It is he who is able to provide effective improvement in the patient’s condition. Take twice a teaspoon. The same treatment regimen is also appropriate for restoring lost vision.

For diseases of the liver, intestines, stomach

Such patients require a special approach to treatment. It is strictly forbidden to start immediately by taking one teaspoon. This can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

  1. It is recommended to start therapy with two to three drops of tincture.
  2. They are diluted in 100 ml of water. Use twice.
  3. Every day the dose is increased by one drop, provided that no unpleasant symptoms arise.
  4. By the end of the week, a single dosage should already be a teaspoon. Treatment is continued at this volume for 30 days. The break in therapy is two months.

To reduce discomfort and improve the condition of the gums, it is recommended to treat the oral mucosa once or twice a day with ginger infusion diluted in water (1:1).

You can apply the mixture to the gums using a cotton swab.

For joint pain

Compresses from the tincture can be used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, and radiculitis. To reduce pain and eliminate inflammation, it is recommended to rub the damaged areas with ginger.

For acne

If unaesthetic pimples appear on your face, you can burn them with tincture. But you need to use the product very carefully, applying it with a cotton swab only to acne. If you touch healthy skin, you can cause burns to the dermis.

For diseases of the reproductive system

For both women and men, ginger tincture acts as an aphrodisiac that increases potency and desire.

  • Use it twice, a teaspoon at a time, carefully monitoring your health condition.
  • Women should take special care.

In case of uterine bleeding, ginger remedies are strictly contraindicated!

In order for the tincture to provide the body with the long-awaited benefits, it is necessary to take it only on an empty stomach. Otherwise it will be useless.


For weight loss

  1. Ginger tincture with vodka has become often used by people to correct their weight.
  2. In this case, the tincture prepared according to one of the recipes described above is taken a teaspoon in the morning and afternoon for thirty days.
  3. Then there is a break for a month, after which the course can be repeated.

Undoubtedly, ginger vodka tincture is an effective appetite suppressant and tonic. Nevertheless, nutritionists recommend a comprehensive approach to the problem of excess weight.

Using the tincture will be more effective if the patient eliminates excessive consumption of sweets and fatty foods from his diet and increases physical activity. It is recommended to replace high-calorie foods with fruits and vegetables, and reduce appetite with a glass of water.


Elixir for male potency and treatment of prostatitis

Since ancient times, Eastern medicine has used a recipe for an extract of the miraculous root to treat inflammation of the prostate in men. Miracle root means courageous in Chinese. The use of an alcoholic infusion based on ginger increases blood flow to the male genital organs, tones and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate.

  1. Thanks to its chemical composition and trace elements, the alcohol tincture awakens sexual desire and serves as a real natural aphrodisiac for the stronger sex.
  2. Treatment of impotence and prostatitis with alcohol tincture of ginger is much safer and more effective than the use of many medications.
  3. Today, this is the best antibacterial natural remedy for the fight against streptococci and staphylococci, which contribute to the development of the disease in men.

Preparing a healing elixir does not require much effort. There are many recipes for tinctures from the overseas root, with the aroma of lemon and juniper branches or the taste of bee honey. The main thing is to get rid of this insidious disease.


Properties and contraindications

The listed effects of the product can also cause negative consequences in the body.

The main property of ginger root is stimulation of: blood circulation, production of gastric secretions, bile. As a result, body temperature and blood pressure increase, intestinal motility increases, and cellular mechanisms are activated.

Such processes negatively affect the body in the presence of such diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • peptic ulcer of the intestines, stomach;
  • acute and chronic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholecystitis;
  • stones in the kidneys and ureter;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke, transient ischemic attacks;

  • skin diseases in the acute stage;
  • chronic tendency to allergic reactions;
  • internal bleeding;
  • increased body temperature with influenza;
  • meningitis;
  • low blood clotting rates, hemophilia;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • burns.

It should be remembered that during pregnancy it is advisable to take ginger root only at the very beginning of pregnancy to eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis. After the first trimester, the product is contraindicated because it stimulates muscle activity and, accordingly, will burn, cause a sharp contraction of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage.

Contraindications for oncology

It is important to note that the described remedy has a stimulating effect not only on healthy cells, but also on pathological ones. Therefore, taking ginger root in any form in the presence of benign or malignant tumors will lead to aggravation of the disease.

The neoplasm cells will begin to rapidly divide, which will provoke intensive growth and progression of cancer. In some cases, even metastases.

Possible consequences of using the product

In the absence of contraindications, it is still necessary to pay attention to the possible consequences of using the product:

  1. worsening effect when taking antihypertensive drugs and calcium blockers simultaneously;
  2. enhancing the effect of antidiabetic drugs, medications to normalize heart function;
  3. short-term, but rapid and significant increase in body temperature;
  4. irritation of mucous membranes;
  5. dilation of blood vessels;
  6. acceleration of intestinal motility and metabolism;
  7. increasing the amount of bile produced.

Considering the above facts, you should not take ginger in parallel with medications. Under no circumstances should you use the product on an empty stomach, even if your digestion is fine.


Do not underestimate this amazing remedy. The effectiveness of ginger tincture is confirmed by the manuscripts of Tibetan monks, who used the tincture to treat various diseases for centuries. Ancient wisdom even today helps a person survive when the number of counterfeit drugs increases too rapidly.

Ginger tincture became famous in Tibet as an effective tonic and cleanser.

  • According to traditional healers, ginger can even cope with infertility.
  • There is also a hypothesis, unconfirmed by science, that the drink restores and improves vision.
  • Mixed with raspberries, raspberry jam or syrup, the tincture doubles the healing properties. This composition is especially effective for colds, sore throats and debilitating toothaches.


History of recognition and popularity

Ginger cultivation was first started in India. It must be said that ginger roots were originally used by the Phoenicians not as spices, but as a currency.

Ginger came to Ancient Egypt thanks to the Phoenicians, already as a valuable and expensive spice, and quite quickly Egypt became the main center for the import of this expensive spice.

  1. The amazing plant immediately attracted the attention of ancient scientists; its beneficial properties were studied by the ancient Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder and the Greek physician and pharmacist Dioscorides, who described ginger in his famous book “On Medicinal Matter” as a means of improving digestion and warming the body.
  2. Dioscorides prescribed medicines from ginger root to his patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The ancient Romans treated eye diseases with this spice, and the ancient Greeks eliminated the consequences of abundant feasts with the help of ginger wrapped in a bread cake.

The popularity of the plant was promoted by Arab merchants, who began to import it to the countries of West Africa, where ginger was subsequently not only used for culinary purposes, but also used for sore throat and hoarseness.

About two thousand years ago, an exotic spice came to China. Its unique properties immediately attracted the attention of scientists and doctors. Ginger is also mentioned in the scientific works of the legendary Chinese philosopher Confucius.

  • East Asian healers considered ginger root to be a good natural stimulant and recommended it as a means to prolong youth.
  • The Chinese used it as a means to improve memory, especially in old age.
  • Chinese sailors chewed ginger to reduce symptoms of motion sickness; The Japanese used the overseas root as a cure for wounds, nausea, and hangovers.
  • In China, ginger was given aphrodisiac properties, hence its name, translated from Chinese as “masculinity.” As a means of igniting passion, the spice is mentioned in the Arabian tales of the Arabian Nights.

In the Middle Ages, ginger root came from Greece and Rome to England, and then to other European countries. In the 10th century, due to its healing properties, the plant was included in the Anglo-Saxon Medical Directory. Ginger is mentioned more than once in English scientific works of that time.

In England

In England it was almost as widespread as red pepper. The overseas root was very expensive, but despite this, its success increased year by year. Ginger was used to season meat, poultry and vegetable dishes; it was added to baked goods, jam, wine, beer and other drinks. Ginger bread, which Queen Elizabeth I of England loved, was considered a great delicacy in those days.

The popularity of ginger in Europe is indicated by the name of the street where the spice shops were located - Ginger Street (translated from English ginger means “ginger”).

English doctors prescribed the exotic root as a medicine for various diseases.

King Henry VIII, who was known as a great admirer of spices, recommended it as an anti-plague drug. To enhance the medicinal properties of ginger, it was mixed with other spices such as cardamom and nutmeg.

In Rus'

In the post-Soviet space, ginger has been known since the times of Kievan Rus.

  1. It was added to various dishes - kvass, liqueurs, mash, sbitni, honey, buns and Easter cakes.
  2. In the old days, gingerbread cookies were famous, which later, thanks to their spicy taste, gave the name to a new confectionery product - gingerbread.

In the 16th century, Domostroy recommended housewives to preserve watermelon rinds in spicy molasses with “ginger.” In 1911, N.F. Zolotnitsky wrote: “...the famous Little Russian borscht was prepared back in the 16th century, and sliced ​​beets with ginger seasoning were served at boyar feasts as an appetizer for the appetite.”

However, after the revolution, the old channels for importing spices were lost, and many recipes for delicious and healthy dishes and drinks with ginger were forgotten. A useful overseas root appeared on our market shelves relatively recently.


Instead of a conclusion

Ginger tincture is a great helper for your immunity. By using it regularly, in the autumn and spring, you can avoid problems such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Don't forget that it contains alcohol. If there are contraindications, it is better to prepare a decoction or non-alcoholic tincture based on rosehip syrup or citrus juice. Ginger decoctions also have healing properties, serving as an excellent alternative to tincture.

Their only drawback is their short shelf life. You will have to cook for a maximum of two to three days, even if stored in the refrigerator.

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