Home Bakery Lesson on vegetables. Summary of the lesson on speech development “Vegetables. Garden. Musical and rhythmic exercise “Harvest”

Lesson on vegetables. Summary of the lesson on speech development “Vegetables. Garden. Musical and rhythmic exercise “Harvest”

Kirillova Yu., teacher speech therapist.

Goal: - expansion and activation of the dictionary.
Tasks: form the plural of nouns;
-learn to form nouns with diminutive-
affectionate suffixes;
- learn to select adjectives for nouns;
- develop phonemic awareness;
- develop coordination of speech with movement, work on tempo
and rhythm of speech;
- develop fine motor skills;
- form visual-object gnosis.

Equipment: pictures of vegetables, a ball, material for the game “Where is whose shadow?”
Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. Finger gymnastics “CABBAGE”
Speech therapist. Guess the riddle:
She grows in your garden bed, Dressed in noisy silks. We are preparing tubs for her and half a bag of coarse salt.
Children. Cabbage!
Speech therapist. Let's prepare cabbage for the winter.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!
There is a knock in the house.
We chopped cabbage
And they stuffed it tightly into a tub.
Everything is fine with us now. (Rhythmic strikes with the edges of the palms on the table.)

(Grasping movements with both hands.)
(The index and middle fingers rub against the thumb.)
(Blows both hands on the table.)
(They dust off their hands.)

2. Introduction to the topic. (pictures of vegetables)
Name all this (pictures of vegetables) in one word. (Vegetables)
What other vegetables do you know?
Where do vegetables grow? (on the ground, underground)
How to collect vegetables that grow on the ground. on a bush? (plucked, cut)
How do they collect vegetables that grow underground? (dig up, 3. pull out)

3. Game “Pick a sign”

4. Game “Big-small”
Tomato-tomato carrot-carrot
Cucumber - cucumber pumpkin - pumpkin
Onion - onion beet - beetroot
Garlic - garlic cabbage - cabbage
Peas-peas potatoes-potatoes

5. Game “One - Many”
Cucumber - cucumbers
Pumpkin - pumpkins
Zucchini - zucchini
Eggplant - eggplant

6. Physical education lesson “Harvest”.

3 times.)

7. Game “Name the juice, salad.”
Carrot juice - carrot
Cabbage juice - cabbage
Beetroot juice
Cucumber salad - cucumber

Pea soup - pea
Zucchini caviar - zucchini
8. Game “Where is whose shadow?” (find the shadows of vegetables)

9. Summary of the lesson. Remember what they talked about.
Game “Give me a word.”
Where in winter it was empty in summer... cabbage grew.
From the ground, by the forelock, we pull a juicy...carrot.


Goal: - development of coherent speech.
Objectives: -learn to change nouns by case;
- learn to form relative adjectives;
- learn to coordinate nouns with adjectives;
- learn to compose simple sentences;
- learn to compose a description story (according to the diagram);
-development of attention, memory, thinking.
Equipment: pictures of vegetables, diagram for drawing
story, ball.
Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. Guessing riddles. (pictures of vegetables)
Before we ate it, everyone had time to cry. (onion)

A round side, a yellow side, a bun sitting on a bed.
It grew firmly into the ground. Who is this? (turnip)

When I put on a hundred shirts, I gritted my teeth. (cabbage)

I am growing in the ground in a garden bed, red, long, sweet. (carrots)

In the summer in the garden, fresh, green, and in winter in jars - delicious,
salted cucumbers)

How mysteries grew in our garden bed -
Juicy and large, so round.
They turn green in the summer and turn red in the fall. (tomatoes)

2. Game “What is missing”
Name all this (pictures of vegetables) in one word. (Vegetables)
(Children close their eyes, cover one of the pictures. Children open
eyes. What happened?)

3. Game “Pick a sign”
Carrots (beets, turnips, cabbage) - (what kind?) – tasty, crispy, orange, large, round, healthy, juicy, large, small….
Onion (cucumber, tomato, garlic, zucchini) - (which?) - tasty, crispy, red, large, round, healthy, juicy, large, small, bitter….

4. Compose a simple sentence (based on a picture).
For example: “I have a green cucumber,” etc.

5. Game “Name the juice, salad.”
Carrot juice - carrot
Cabbage juice - cabbage
Beetroot juice
Cucumber salad - cucumber
Potato salad - potato
Pea soup - pea
Zucchini caviar - zucchini

6. Physical education lesson “Harvest”.
Let's go to the garden and collect the harvest. (marching)
We will drag carrots (“Drag”)
And we'll dig up some potatoes. (“Dig”)
We will cut a head of cabbage, (“Cut”)
Round, juicy, very tasty, (They show the circle with their hands -
3 times.)
Let’s pick a little sorrel (“Tear”)
And let's go back along the path. (marching)

7. Writing a story according to plan:
-What is this?
-what colour?
-Where does it grow?
-What does it taste like?
-what shape?
-What can you cook from it?
For example: “This is a cucumber. It is green and grows on the ground. The cucumber is juicy, tasty, crispy. It's oval. You can make cucumber salad from cucumbers.”
Analysis of stories.
8. Summary of the lesson. Remember what they talked about.
Game “Fourth wheel”.
Cabbage, carrots, apple, garlic.
Cucumber, orange, carrot, pumpkin.

Assignments on the topic Vegetables

Consider natural vegetables at home with your child: potatoes, cucumber, carrots, cabbage, beans, beets, pumpkin, radishes, peas, onions, peppers.
Explain that all this can be called in one word “vegetables”
Pay attention to the following signs of vegetables: color, shape, taste.

Together with your child, prepare any vegetable dish.

2. Game “Guess the riddle, draw the answer.”

a) Although I am called sugar, I did not get wet from the rains.
Large, round, sweet in taste, did you know?

b) In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,
And in winter, in a barrel, they are yellow and salty.
Well done, guess what our name is?...

3. Memorizing the poem “Vegetable Garden” by A. Prokofiev.

There are many beds in the garden,
There are turnips and salad here,
There are beets and peas here,
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden
It will feed us for a whole year.

3. Game “Name the color” (orally)

Carrots (what kind?) - orange
Cucumber, potato, tomato, eggplant

4. Game “One - Many”

Cucumber - cucumbers
(carrots, cabbage, zucchini, onions, tomatoes, eggplant, garlic, beets)

5. Cut out pictures of vegetables and paste them in.

Yulia Klochek
Summary of the lesson on speech development “Vegetables. Garden"


Writing a descriptive story "Tomato" by pictures-symbols.

Correctional educational tasks:

formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes;

mastering verbs with different meanings;

selection of relative adjectives to nouns;

use in speeches sentences with the meaning of opposition;

Corrective developmental tasks:

develop and activate your vocabulary on the topic « Vegetables» ;

develop mental activity, attention;

Correctional and educational tasks:

instill in children an interest in the environment;

develop proper nutrition skills;

Equipment: pictures-symbols; didactic game “Let's help Lisa the goat”; pictures of vegetables.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time:

One, two, three, four, five - stand in a circle to play.

I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other.

We are calm and kind, we are friendly, we are healthy.

Take a deep breath through your nose and inhale freshness and good mood.

And breathe out all the grievances through your mouth and grief.

1. Guessing riddles.

On vegetable garden in an exemplary manner,

How they lined up at the parade... (beds).

What's that creak, what's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?

If I… (cabbage).

Round, crumbly, white,

She came to the table from the fields.

Salt it a little.

After all, it’s really delicious... (potato).

Even though I'm called sugar,

But I didn’t get wet from the rains.

Large, round, sweet in taste.

Did you recognize it? I - … (beet).

in summer garden - fresh, green,

And in winter in a barrel - yellow, salty.

Guess it, well done

What's our name... (Cucumbers).

Well done, you guessed the riddles correctly. How can all this be called in one word? (Vegetables) .

What else vegetables you know? (onions, garlic, radishes, dill, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, turnips, peppers).

Where do they grow? vegetables? (on the ground, underground)

How to collect vegetables that grow on the ground, on a bush? (pluck, cut)

How to collect vegetables that grow underground? (dig, pull out)

in autumn vegetable garden They ripen and are harvested in different ways.

How are potatoes harvested? (Potatoes are dug up).

How are tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, and peppers harvested? (tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, peppers are collected).

How are cabbage and zucchini harvested? (Cabbage and zucchini are cut)

How are radishes, beets, and turnips harvested? (Turnips, beets, radishes are pulled out of the ground)

2. Game "Sweet words"

Vegetables can be called affectionately.

Tomato - tomato.

Cucumber is a cucumber.

Carrot is a carrot.

Turnip is a turnip.

Radish - radish.

Beetroot - beetroot.

Onion - onion.

Pepper - pepper.

3. Didactic game “Let’s help the goat collect vegetables".

Look at the picture of the goat Lisa. She is holding a basket, she also wants to go to garden and collect vegetables. Let's help her. (Children find pictures with images vegetables among other pictures.)

Each child takes a picture and comments:

I cut cabbage.

I pull the carrot.

I pick peas.

I'm picking cucumbers.

I'm digging potatoes.

I cut the zucchini.

I pull out radishes.

4. Didactic game “What is missing.”

(The teacher shows the children several vegetables, then asks them to turn away and removes one. Children must guess what is missing.)

5. Game "Make a proposal"

The tomato is round, and the carrot...

Radishes are small, but radishes...

The cucumber is oval, and the pumpkin...

The onion is bitter, and the carrot...

The tomato is sour, and the garlic...

The cucumber is green, and the beets...

The carrot is in the ground, and the tomato...

6. Finger gymnastics "CABBAGE"

- Guess the riddle:

It grows in your garden,

Dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing tubs for her

And half a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage)

Let's prepare cabbage for the winter.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! (Rhythmic strikes with the edges of the palms on the table.)

There is a knock in the house.

We chopped cabbage

Grinded (Grasping movements with both hands.)

Salted (The index and middle fingers rub against the thumb.)

And they stuffed it tightly into a tub. (Blows both hands on the table.)

Everything is fine with us now. (They dust off their hands.)

7. Game “Name the juice, salad”.

Carrot juice - carrot

Cabbage juice - cabbage

Beet juice - beet juice

Cucumber salad - cucumber

Potato salad - potato

Pea soup - pea

Zucchini caviar – zucchini

8. Writing a descriptive story "Tomato" by pictures-symbols

Tomato is vegetable. It grows in vegetable garden in the garden. It is sweet and sour, round, red, soft, smooth. You can make salad, soup, juice, ketchup from it. Tomatoes are healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins and cleanse the body.


So we played different games with you. Which game did you like the most? When did you experience difficulties? Why vegetables Is it healthy to eat?

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Nosenko
Summary of the lesson in the speech therapy group “Vegetable garden”

Summary of a lesson in a speech therapy group on the topic: « Vegetables - vegetable garden»

Correctional educational tasks. [Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary on the topic « Vegetables. Garden"(garden, vegetables, potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, eggplant, zucchini, tomato, cucumber, dill, parsley; grow, clean, dig, pull, cut, lay, store, cook, boil, fry, salt, pickle, stew, cut; tasty, healthy, juicy, fragrant, soft, strong, smooth, rough, red, yellow, green, orange, brown). Expanding ideas about the importance of adult work. Introduction to the concept "words - actions". Updating verbal vocabulary. Practical mastery of singular and plural verbs

Corrective and developmental tasks. Development of coherent speech, visual attention and perception, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, creative imagination.

Correctional and educational tasks. Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, goodwill, independence, responsibility.

Equipment. Toys (train, cars, bunny, doll, parsley, bear, etc., pictures of animals, sound symbols (circles, word symbols (stripes, counting sticks for each child, chest.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Psycho-gymnastics. Relaxation exercises (relaxation). "Wind-up Toys".

Children, now you will turn into wind-up toys. Turn around yourself, turn into a Masha doll.

Children depict a doll, a dancing bear cub, a bunny playing a drum, and Merry Parsley

The wind-up doll is broken.

Children freeze in a certain position

2. Development of auditory attention

A game “What does it sound like?” Toys are examined and their sounds are compared. Recognizing toys by sound.

3. Differentiation of concepts "sound - word"

Toys are on display: doll, train and hammer. How does a doll cry? (Ah-ah-ah.) What did we say? (Sound). How does the train sound? (Uh-uh.) Is it a sound or a word? (Sound.) How does a hammer sound? (D-d-d. This is also a sound.) Name the words - the names of the toys.

Sticks are placed on the board to represent each word spoken.

We named a lot. (words).

Stripes are displayed - symbols of words.

Look at the stripes, these are houses of words. We will denote words with these stripes. Do you remember what words are made of? (From sounds.) Make your hands "cup", collect and name the word.

Speech therapist pronounces the words slowly, in a whisper, and the children speak loudly and in unison.

Kuuklaa, mmyachiik. (doll, ball). How do we designate sounds? (In circles.)

Open your pencil cases, take a red circle in your right hand, and a strip like this in your left. What do we mean by this stripe? (Words.) If I say a word, raise the bar; if you hear a sound, raise the circle.

Speech therapist pronounces vowel sounds and words, and children show the corresponding symbol.

4. Development of speech hearing and phonemic perception

The name of each item has its own sounds. If we replace even one sound, we will not recognize the word. Now listen to me carefully, I will pronounce words correctly and incorrectly, and you clap your hands only when you hear what is said correctly word: bunny, dyka, plover, baby doll, doll, mukolka (and etc.).

5. Introduction to the concept "words - actions". Updating the verb vocabulary

Children, we already know that the living and inanimate world surrounds us. What question would you ask if you wanted to know the name of a living thing? (Who is this) About objects of the inanimate world, how do you ask? (What is this) If we want to know about the actions of humans or animals, how do we ask? (What is he doing)

Pictures depicting a rooster, kitten, cow, hare are displayed

What is the rooster doing? (Stands, sings, crows, pecks.)

Selection of verbs for the words kitten, cow, hare. These words refer to the actions of animals. Inanimate objects can fall, stand, break, or lie down. What does the doll do? (Sits, lies, walks, waves.) What is Anya doing?

The instructions to perform actions are given in a whisper (Jumps, walks, waves.)

The doll and Anya performed similar actions. How is the doll different from Anya?

Children's reasoning

6. Physical exercise

A game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.” Dance moves to music.

7. Practical mastery of singular and plural verbs

What did we do? (Danced, had fun, ran, jumped.) We called action words

A toy car is on display.

What does the machine do? (Stops, drives, honks, brakes.)

Another car is being added

What do machines do? (They stand, drive, honk, brake.)

(Imitation of driving a car.)

Vanya is going, and the children. (are going). Pasha is carrying the cargo, and Tolya is with Kolya. (carrying cargo). Dima honks, and Anya and Dima... (honk).

A car is driving far away, its horn is barely audible. Make the sound in a whisper. Take a breath, say the sound a little louder, the car is approaching. Let us inhale again and as we exhale we pronounce the sound loudly. The car is removed. The sound u is pronounced with the voice fading.

9. Carrying out instructions consisting of two or three actions. Mastering past tense verbs

Speech therapist gives instructions to one child in a whisper. It performs two or three actions. Children observe, then answer question: What did Tanya do? The task is given to all children

Stand up, take a step forward, raise your left arm, lean to the right. What have you done? (They stepped, raised their hands and bent over.) What words did you use? (Action words).

10. Denotation by verbs of the work of individual human organs

What do we do with our hands? What are we doing with our feet? What does our heart do? What is our head doing? Every person should take care of their body. What should you do to have a healthy body?

Children's reasoning. Generalization speech therapist.

11. Summary classes

Reinforcing concepts "action words" .

Publications on the topic:

Lesson notes for the senior group “Vegetables” Topic: Vegetables Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables. Objectives: Educational: 1. Repeat the names of vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions, beets,...

How vegetables will not be born without our help. As soon as spring has arrived, we plant seeds. What a garden! People are surprised. The sun warmed the earth.

There is so much trouble in the spring-summer period at dachas, personal plots, etc. But there are no less joyful moments. Probably every one.

Notes on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and the development of coherent speech “Vegetables. Garden" Goal: expand the volume of the dictionary, enrich the dictionary with the names of vegetables. Objectives: correctional and educational: teach to use nouns.

Lexico-grammatical lesson in a speech therapy group preparatory to school on the topic “Vegetables”. The material selected for the lesson is appropriate for the age of the children, is easy to understand, full of play and clarity, and involves the active activity of the children. Presentation, artistic expression, and speech exercises were used, which contributed to the accumulation and refinement of children’s vocabulary. Attention was paid to the development of learning skills in children: the ability to listen and hear the instructions of the teacher, to work at a certain pace.

Lexical and grammar lesson on the topic: “Vegetables”

Integration of educational areas:

  • "Cognitive Development"
  • “Socio-communicative development”,
  • "Physical development"

Software tasks:

Speech development:

1. Consolidate and activate the vocabulary on the lexical topic “Vegetables”.

2. Exercise in the formation and use in speech of nouns with diminutive and augmentative meanings

3. Continue to teach how to answer the questions posed.

Cognitive development:

1. Develop observation, attention, thinking, coherent speech.

Social and communicative development:

1. Continue working to foster friendly relationships between children.

Physical development:

1. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

2. Develop the ability to coordinate speech with movements.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting vegetables, plot picture “Vegetable Garden”, vegetables (tomato, cucumber, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, radishes, turnips, radishes, pumpkin).

Progress of the lesson

1. Open entry into activities.

Game "Confusion"

Children are asked to name vegetables based on outline images superimposed on each other.

2. Introductory and organizational stage.

How to call all this in one word?

Where do vegetables grow?

What vegetables do you see in the garden beds?

Who plants vegetables in the garden?

Why do people grow vegetables?

When are vegetables harvested?

What can you cook from vegetables?

3. Motivation for activity.

Children are invited to guess riddles:

He never offended anyone in the world.
Why do both adults and children cry from him? (onion)

It is round and red, like the eye of a traffic light.
Among vegetables there is no juicier... (tomato)

In the summer there are fresh, green,
And in winter they are strong and salty in a barrel. (cucumbers)

The red nose is rooted in the ground, and the green tail is outside.
We don't need a green tail, we only need a red nose. (carrot)

As you guess, pictures of vegetables are displayed.

4. Expansion of existing knowledge:

Do you think vegetables are all the same or different?

What is the difference? (color, shape, size)

Imagine that we are in a little gnome’s garden, all his vegetables are small and we will call them affectionately.

Game “Name it kindly.”

But the giant doesn’t have a garden, but a vegetable garden, where huge vegetables grow. What would you call them?

Game "Big - Small"

Guys, do you want to help our friends harvest from their gardens?

You need to remember what actions you need to perform to collect vegetables.

Game "Harvest".

Children name words - actions that are performed when collecting potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.

Well done, you collected a lot of vegetables. I suggest you play the game “One - Many” and name which vegetables you collected.

(the speech therapist names vegetables in the singular, children in the plural).

5. Dynamic pause.

Game "Tops - Roots"

The speech therapist names the vegetables, if it grows in the ground, the children squat down, if above the ground they stand on their toes, raise their arms up.

6. Reading a poem.

The speech therapist reads the poem and asks the children to answer the question at the end.

What's growing in our garden bed?
Cucumbers, sweet peas,
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and salad -
Our garden bed is a treasure!
But watermelons don't grow

If you listened carefully,
I definitely remembered it.
Answer in order:
What's growing in our garden bed?

7. Practical work.

Children are invited to do shading on the topic “Vegetables”

8. Open withdrawal from activity.

Entering the lotto "Vegetables". Children are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the new game and play.

Bikmaeva A.N.,
teacher speech therapist

State budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 38 compensatory type
Nevsky district of St. Petersburg
Lesson summary for the middle group “Visiting the Running Bunny in the garden”
on the lexical topic “Vegetable garden. Vegetables"
(using electronic educational resources)
Author: Osipova S.A.
Saint Petersburg
Goal: To form ideas about vegetables, the ability to generalize concepts according to essential features, and reflect the result of generalization in a speech judgment.
Expand children's knowledge about vegetables: their name, shape, size, color;
Learn to distinguish vegetables by touch;
Replenish and activate the vocabulary on the topic;
Improve the grammatical structure of speech;
Develop coherent speech, visual attention, thinking, coordination of speech with movement, fine motor skills;
Cultivate cognitive interest in the world around you.
Technologies used:
Health-saving technology (compliance with SanPin). Result: formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle;
Technology of using gaming methods (playing with a bunny). Result: Relief of tension and emotional release;
Information and communication technology (use of power point). Result: The use of a multimedia program allows you to make the lesson emotionally charged, interesting, with excellent visual aids and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson.
Technology of a collective learning system (participation of the whole group, interaction with each other). Result: the child changes his attitude towards himself and others, changes his methods of communication, and learns to work together.
Problem-based learning technology (guessing riddles, comparing with geometric shapes, identifying by touch). Result: development of tactile and mental abilities, development of fine motor skills.
Materials and equipment: Cards with images of vegetables, models of vegetables, laptop with electronic slides for the lesson, TV.
Educator: Guys, today a big-eared guest galloped to us. Want to know who it is?
Children: Yes.
Slide 1
Educator: Who came to visit us?
Children: Bunny
Educator: Do you want to go visit the Runaway Bunny in the garden?
Children: Yes.
Together with my grandmother, I will water the beds in the garden. Well, in the evening I will water them all in order.
shows vegetables and invites children to guess them.
Slide 3 (with carrots)
- Guess what it is?
Red maiden,
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street.
A carrot is dozing underground. What is she dreaming of there? We threaten, frowning - Show yourself, girl!
A long time ago, in the Middle Ages, carrots were considered a delicacy of gnomes - fairy-tale little forest people. There was a belief: if you take a bowl of steamed carrots into the forest in the evening, in the morning instead of carrots you will find an ingot of gold. At night, the gnomes will eat carrots and generously thank you for their favorite food.
Guys, do you know that carrots come in more than just orange? Carrot roots come in pink, white, yellow and purple. People grow many different varieties of carrots, from the smallest to the largest. There are carrots that can grow up to one meter long.
- What shape does a carrot look like?
- What color is it?
- Who will find a picture with a carrot on the table and show it?
Slide 4 (with cabbage)
A hundred clothes, all without fasteners.
I want to tell you about cabbage in the garden, As everyone knows, It’s easy to collect. But it’s more difficult to grow, You need to water a lot, Weeds need to be pulled out more boldly, without mercy.
- What shape does cabbage look like?
- What color is it?
- Who will find a picture with cabbage on the table and show it?
In ancient Rome, cabbage was believed to have healing properties, and doctors especially recommended feeding cabbage to young children so that they would grow up strong and healthy.
Slide 5 (with bow)
Riddle: A grandfather sits, dressed in a hundred fur coats, Whoever undresses him sheds tears.
Onions grow in the garden, He is a great cunning man in nature, He is dressed in a hundred clothes, The kids for lunch don’t want to pick him, Why shed tears!?
-What shape does the bow resemble?
- What colour is he?
- Who will find a picture with an onion on the table and show it?
Slide 6 (with eggplant)
Riddle: HYPERLINK "http://zagadochki.ru/zagadka-vazhnyy-tolstyy-slovno-pan.html"
Important, fat as if he had grown blue... .

Is this a deception of vision? Blue, blue - A thick eggplant is ripening, It is long in shape.
- What shape does an eggplant look like?
- What colour is he?
- Who will find a picture with an eggplant on the table and show it?
It's time to relax and play with your fingers. Finger gymnastics “The landlady once came from the market.”
The hostess came from the market one day, (They walk)
The hostess brought it home from the market (Bend one finger at a time)
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas

Here the vegetables started an argument on the table (Alternately hitting with fists)
Who is better, tastier
And more needed on earth. (Bend one finger per name)
Potato? Cabbage?
Carrot? Peas?
Parsley or beets? Oh!.. (Cotton)
The hostess, meanwhile (Knock with the edge of the palm)
I took the knife.
And with this knife
Started to crumble (Bend one finger at a time)
Potatoes, cabbage
Carrots, peas,
Parsley and beets. Oh!.. (Cotton)
Covered with a lid, (cross their arms)
In a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in boiling water
Potatoes, cabbage, (Bend one finger at a time)
Carrots, peas,
Parsley and beets. Oh! (Cotton)
And the vegetable soup turned out to be quite good! (They show how they eat soup)
Slide 7 (with cucumber)
Riddle: In the garden it is long and green, but in the barrel it is yellow and salty.
Cucumber, cucumber, It’s lying in the garden. The daredevil winked at me - Everything will be all right.
- What shape does a cucumber resemble?
- What colour is he?
- Who will find a picture with a cucumber on the table and show it?
In India, cucumbers grow right in the forest, twining around trees like vines. They grow huge, a whole meter long.
Slide 8 (with potatoes)
It’s unprepossessing, it’s lumpy, but when it comes to the table, the guys will say cheerfully: “Well, it’s crumbly, it’s delicious!”
- I am a round potato, Beautiful and dark-skinned! So as not to grow old, I’ll go steam in a saucepan! - I am a white potato, Strong and brave!
- What shape does a potato look like?
- What color is it?
- Who will find a picture of potatoes on the table and show it?
Various funny stories happened with potatoes. For example, one general brought potatoes from America to England and began to grow them. He wanted to treat his friends to potatoes. I told the cook to cook it. The cook didn't know how to cook potatoes, so he fried the stems and flowers. The guests tried it and, of course, they didn’t like it. After all, the stems and flowers are completely tasteless, on the contrary: they are considered poisonous. The general got angry and ordered to burn all the potato bushes that grew on him.
They burned the bushes, but then they found baked tubers in the ashes, tried them and guessed that they needed to eat not the stems and flowers, but the tubers that were in the ground.
So, over time, potatoes fell in love with all people.
Slide 9 (with tomato)
Green branches grow in the garden bed, and on them are red children.
Tomato, tomato, You are a very important senor. You have a red caftan, It was not in vain that you grew up here. You are pot-bellied and respectable, It’s immediately clear that you are a prominent vegetable.
- What shape does a tomato look like?
- What colour is he?
- Who will find a picture of a tomato on the table and show it?
Tomato is a fruit that is popularly called tomato. All learned people call a tomato a tomato. A long time ago, tomatoes were not eaten at all. Because of their bright colors (and tomatoes come in red, yellow, pink and even orange), people thought they were poisonous. Then they began to grow them at home as ornamental plants, just as we now grow violets, Decembrists, and begonias on windowsills. And only then did people realize that tomatoes can be eaten.
Slide 10 (with pumpkin)
Fat lady, Lady-boyar. The dress is dressed in yellow color. There is a cap on the top of the head, the cap is on the side. Pouting in the garden - Guess it, guys.
Our pumpkin has grown fat, its sides are swelling. By September it has turned gilded and has become the color of copper.
- What shape does a pumpkin look like?
- What color is it?
- Who will find a picture with a pumpkin on the table and show it?
Now let’s play the game “Guess what’s in the basket?”
Vegetables are placed in a basket covered with a towel. You need to stick your hand inside, take a vegetable and, without taking it out of the basket, guess what it is?
(Children are called up one by one and guess the vegetables)
- Guys, did you like our trip to visit Bunny’s vegetable garden?
(Children's answers).
Let's say goodbye to the bunny, it's time for him to go to the forest.

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