Home Second courses The name of the vessel for preparing ground coffee. How to properly brew Turkish coffee - recipes. How to make Turkish coffee correctly

The name of the vessel for preparing ground coffee. How to properly brew Turkish coffee - recipes. How to make Turkish coffee correctly

Not many people know how to brew coffee in Turkish and without at home so that it turns out tasty and aromatic. This requires ground grains and appropriate utensils. In addition, there are a huge number of ways to brew an invigorating drink. We'll talk about this in the article.

Do you know what natural coffee is? These are the beans of the fruit of the coffee tree growing in tropical areas. Only proper roasting allows the vigor drink to obtain a beautiful color and wonderful aroma.

People have long had an extensive discussion regarding the dangers of coffee. Over time, experts have proven that moderate consumption does not harm the body, on the contrary: the reaction improves, thinking processes are enhanced and the body’s resistance to stress increases.

How to brew coffee in a coffee maker

Making good coffee is not difficult. People use a wide variety of brewing methods, which differ only in the equipment used.

Only from properly ground beans can you make delicious coffee. The fine grind provides a divine aroma. If you plan to use a coffee maker, it is recommended to use coarsely ground powder.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. If the coffee maker is equipped with a filtration system, it is strictly not recommended to use finely ground powder. Once wet, it will not allow liquid to pass freely through the filter element.
  2. For one glass of clean water, take 2 spoons of ground coffee. In some cases, special capsules are used.
  3. All that remains is to start the coffee maker and it will independently solve the preparation problem.

Video instruction

Thanks to the kitchen appliance, brewing does not take much time. If you don’t have a coffee maker, read the article further to learn other ways to prepare an aromatic drink.

Instructions for brewing coffee in Turkish

According to the French, you cannot boil coffee. And it is true. A drink brought to a boil loses its value because it has a different taste and aroma. And if the French know how to brew coffee in a Turk, the rest do not know all the information about it.


  1. First of all, powder is poured into the Turk. Take a teaspoon for a small cup. The amount of water and coffee must be correct and depends on the actual size of the Turk.
  2. If you like a sweet drink, add sugar to the turk along with ground grains.
  3. Pour water into the bowl and wait until the contents of the Turk warm up.
  4. Mix thoroughly. In most cases, this is done only once, after which a light-colored foam appears on the surface.
  5. With further heating, the “young” foam will begin to darken. The rise of foam, accompanied by the appearance of bubbles, indicates that it is time to remove the Turk from the stove. You cannot hesitate, as the liquid will boil, which is not recommended.

Video of proper cooking

Is it possible to brew coffee without a Turk?

Undoubtedly, ground coffee should be brewed in a Turkish coffee pot. If it is missing, you will have to focus on cooking technology.

Traditionally, the Turk is replaced with a ceramic pot. However, the result is no worse. According to some gourmets, coffee made in a ceramic pot tastes much better. True, brewing liquid in such a container is extremely inconvenient.

If you don’t have a ceramic pot at hand, use any enamel cookware for cooking. A small saucepan or small ladle will do.


  1. Initially, the grains are roasted and ground. It is not recommended to roast grains in reserve. The fact is that coffee is prepared exclusively from fresh beans.
  2. The container in which they are going to cook is preheated and then the powder is added. Pour boiling water over and simmer on low heat. Take 30 grams of ground grains for one cup of water.
  3. Watch the cooking process carefully. Do not stir while doing this. As soon as the contents of the vessel begin to rise, turn off the heat.
  4. Do not bring to a boil as this will have a bad effect on the taste. Pour into a cup, reserving the foam. It will make the coffee more aromatic.

Video tips

Even if you don’t have suitable utensils, brew your favorite coffee drink without any problems and nothing will stop you from enjoying your favorite treat and a piece of biscuit.

Exotic coffee in a pan

There are times when you urgently need to brew coffee, but there is no coffee pot, Turk or regular kettle nearby. In such a situation, use a saucepan.

Feel free to use enamel cookware with a well-fitting lid. Another container will do, but then the energy drink may lose its taste.

  1. Grind the pre-roasted grains. If they are not available, use store-bought ground coffee.
  2. The degree of grinding is extremely important and depends on the personal taste preferences of the cook.
  3. Before starting cooking, pour boiling water over the dishes. After that, pour water into it and add sugar. As soon as the contents of the dish boil, quickly remove from the stove and add the powder. Heat the contents slightly, but do not bring to a boil.
  4. As soon as foam appears on the surface, remove the dishes from the burner and leave to steep for a few minutes.
  5. Pour the finished drink into cups after the grounds have settled. Heat the coffee utensils in hot water before pouring.

Before serving, be sure to consider the tastes of the people you intend to treat. Some add water, others drink it with cream or milk.

How to make coffee in the microwave

Some people believe that it is impossible to brew coffee in a microwave oven. One can only partially agree with this opinion. There are situations when the coffee maker is out of order or you don’t want to stand at the stove. What should I do? A backup method for preparing natural energy drinks will come to the rescue.

Method No. 1

  1. Pour a teaspoon of ground grains into a cup and add a teaspoon of sugar. Fill the ingredients two-thirds full with clean water. Microwave the dishes for a maximum of two minutes.
  2. During this time, carefully monitor the drink. As soon as the foam starts to rise, turn off the kitchen appliances.
  3. After the foam has settled, turn on the microwave again. Do the procedure several times.
  4. After this, remove the container and leave for a few minutes. During this time, the grounds will settle to the bottom.

Method number 2

  1. Pour some clean water into a clean mug, add sugar to taste and a few spoons of ground grains.
  2. If you want to enjoy the wonderful aroma, add a little cinnamon.
  3. Cover the mug with a saucer and microwave for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Take out the mug, stir and wait for the grounds to settle.

As an experiment, try this cooking method in practice. However, it is better to cook in a coffee maker or Turk.

How to brew coffee with cinnamon

Coffee is loved all over the world. There are many ways to prepare the treat. Often fresh honey, fruits and even spices, including cinnamon, are added to the drink.


  • ground grains - 1 teaspoon.
  • granulated sugar - a third of a teaspoon.
  • cinnamon - a third of a teaspoon.


  1. Pour the ground grains into a saucepan and hold over the heat for a little while to warm up.
  2. Add sugar and cinnamon. Add water per cup.
  3. If brewing for several people, the number of components is increased proportionally.
  4. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil, then pour a little into a cup. Then boil again and drain. Do the procedure three times. The result is an invigorating drink with foam.

Coffee with cinnamon has a divine aroma and will invigorate any person. When in doubt, take the recipe and recreate the drink in your own kitchen.

Coffee with milk

Some people like to drink coffee with milk, which tones the body and has a mild taste. For fans of “white coffee”, proper preparation is a real problem, which I will eliminate.

  1. Place freshly ground grains in a pot and cover with cold water. Take a teaspoon of powder into a medium mug. Before cooking, be sure to pour boiling water over the Turk.
  2. Bring the contents of the vessel to a boil, but do not boil. Remove the Turk from the stove.
  3. If you want to experience the tonic taste to the fullest, pour in a little cold water when the contents of the Turk boil. After this, bring to a boil and remove from the stove.
  4. All that remains is to pour into cups and add a little warmed milk.

To fully develop the aroma of coffee with milk, add a little sugar to the cup and sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Brewing with milk is no different from regular brewing. The only difference is the addition of fresh milk.

How to brew coffee with foam

There are gourmets who only like a coffee drink with foam. Any prestigious establishment will gladly treat you to such a treat for a nominal fee. Not everyone can cook it at home.

The taste of a coffee drink depends on many factors: variety, roasting, storage conditions, degree of reduction and, of course, method of preparation. If you approach this stage incorrectly, you can ruin even very good coffee. This drink can only be prepared “by hand” as we all know.

How to make coffee in a coffee maker

The main advantage of this cooking method is its speed and the absence of the need for constant control of the process, as when cooking in a Turk. However, not everything is so simple here, because you also need to choose a coffee maker. And here, believe me, there is plenty to choose from. There are geyser, drip, piston, capsule and combination coffee makers.

In a geyser coffee maker, water passes through the coffee powder several times, saturating it and. Thus, the drink is brewed for about five minutes, after which you can begin tasting.

In a drip coffee maker, water passes through the coffee filter only once (albeit very slowly), after which it enters the reservoir for the finished drink.

A piston coffee maker is convenient because it does not require electricity. It consists of a glass flask and a lid with a piston. Coffee is poured into the flask, boiling water is poured and the lid is closed. After five minutes, the coffee grounds are pressed to the bottom with a piston, and the drink is poured into the cup.

A capsule coffee maker is designed for preparing coffee from pressed capsules. But it is not always possible to find the desired pressed coffee in stores, so such units are in less demand.

The combination coffee maker is the most multifunctional of all of them. It can prepare coffee in a variety of ways, depending on your preferences. In addition, such a coffee maker is always equipped with a coffee grinder, which allows you to enjoy a drink from ground beans without making much effort.

Why is coffee brewed in a Turk?

True connoisseurs are sure that it is best to brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot, because when you brew the drink yourself, monitoring the changes, you put a piece of your soul into the preparation process. And what is done with soul always turns out better. In addition, the shape of the Turk is the best way to ensure that the coffee retains its aroma and all its beneficial properties during brewing. Thanks to the narrow neck, contact with air is minimized, so the entire bouquet of taste and aroma remains in the drink.

How long does it take to brew Turkish coffee?

Many years of research in the field of “coffee making” have shown that the amount of time spent is very important for the final result. Adherents advise not to save the time allotted for preparing the drink. You need to choose a very low heat and be patient, especially if you are going to treat someone. The longer the coffee is brewed, the better its taste becomes. But, if you are in a hurry, you can first heat the drink over high heat. How long to brew Turkish coffee is, of course, up to you, but if you listen to the advice of real coffee lovers, you definitely won’t regret it.

How to brew Turkish coffee correctly

To properly brew coffee by hand, it’s useful to know a few little tricks:

  • Water for coffee should be clean, not from the tap. You can pass it through a regular filter, or bring it from the store.
  • For a good drink, use freshly ground coffee. Then the aroma will be more intense.
  • The finer the grind, the better the taste.
  • The Turk needs to be warmed up a little first. To do this, keep it on fire, or rinse it with boiling water.
  • Never let the drink boil when cooking.

So, we have clean water, very finely ground coffee powder, a Turk and a stove. You can start creating your own magical drink, that is, brew ground coffee in a Turk. As mentioned earlier, we warm up the Turk, pour coffee into it at the rate of one teaspoon per cup, add sugar to taste, add water and put the Turk on very low heat. Then we wait patiently, watching as the water begins to move, aromatic steam rises, and foam appears on the surface of the drink. It is she who is key to the success of this entire event. The fact is that foam prevents the evaporation of substances that make up coffee and give it a special taste and aroma. Therefore, one should not allow boiling and destruction of this useful barrier between the drink and the outside world. As soon as the foam begins to rise, you must immediately remove the Turk from the heat. After this, let the drink settle and repeat the procedure one or two more times. We pour the coffee into cups and, as they say, let the whole world wait!

Making Turkish coffee: recipes

You now know how to brew coffee in a Turk, but this is a classic recipe. And man is a creature who always wants variety. Therefore, below are some simple recipes.

Arabic coffee

To prepare the “Arabic drink”, first place an empty Turk on the fire for about 20 seconds. After this, remove from the stove, pour the required amount of sugar on its bottom and place on the fire again. When the sugar turns light brown, add water and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, remove the Turk from the heat and add coffee to it. To make the drink brew longer, and therefore become stronger, you can pour a tablespoon of cold water into the Turk. Next, wait until the foam begins to rise and remove the drink from the heat.


Coffee . In addition to the ingredients we already know, you will also need frothed hot milk. This is precisely the highlight of this drink. To get a Latte, pour whipped hot milk in a thin stream in a 1:1 ratio into ready-made hot coffee, brewed in a Turk and poured into a cup or tall glass. As a result, part of the milk settles to the bottom, and milk-coffee foam appears on top of the drink, which can be decorated with chocolate chips.

Orange coffee

It turns out that coffee can perfectly serve as a refreshing drink. To get this unusual coffee, we need orange juice, cold milk and a few ice cubes. Brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot, strain and pour into a tall glass, first adding ice cubes to the bottom. Add orange juice. The amount of juice should be slightly more than half the volume of coffee. And the final touch is cold milk (about 20 ml). The coffee soft drink is ready!

And the most important secret: whenever and wherever you make coffee, do it with love. After all, the emotions that you put into the process will definitely come back to you with great taste and good mood!

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Useful tips

It's invigorating. It has been used since the 15th century. It originated in Ethiopia and quickly became popular in the old world. It is called the "drink of the wise."

At first it was drunk by African shamans, and now it is a drink recognized throughout the world.

Making coffee is not at all difficult, but certain rules still need to be followed.

Read also:

How to brew Turkish coffee correctly

To brew quality coffee, prepare roasted beans. Do not store the grains for a long time, otherwise they will lose their flavor.

How to brew coffee with foam

1. It is best to grind the grains immediately before cooking. This way you can fully enjoy the aroma of this drink.

The grind level of the coffee is also important - try a fine grind. The fact is that coffee must give its properties to water, and this happens faster and better if you use a fine grind.

It is worth noting that finely ground coffee rises faster before boiling. This creates a rich foam that tightly seals the neck of the Turka, which preserves the aroma.

2. To make the taste milder, add a small pinch of salt to the coffee pot before you start brewing.

3. It is advisable to warm the cup, as a cold cup will not allow the coffee to fully reveal its aroma.

How long to brew coffee

4. You need to prepare at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons of coffee per cup of water. Also, it's worth noting that overdosing on coffee won't make it taste any better (too much caffeine makes the drink bitter), and it may not be good for your health either.

5. Use filtered water. You also need to make sure it doesn't come to a boil while cooking. You need to cook on low heat.

During cooking, make sure that the foam cap does not collapse.

Don't be distracted while brewing coffee; you need to follow this process from start to finish.

6. After you have brewed the coffee and removed it from the stove, add some very cold water. After this, the grounds will settle and the drink will become more transparent.

How to brew coffee in a coffee maker

It is already known that in order to quickly recover in the morning, an apple is more effective than coffee. But if you are a follower of the old method and prepare coffee using a coffee maker, then you need to know a few rules.

1. Choosing the right grind for your coffee maker

Not all coffee makers are created equal—different models require different grinds. First, you need to find out what grind size is right for your coffee maker. Any manual for using a coffee maker will provide the necessary information.

2. Don't forget the filter

The coffee maker has a special removable container. You need to insert the filter into this container - it is different for each model. The correct size filter fits easily and does not wrinkle or protrude at the edges. There are both reusable and permanent filters. If your coffee maker has a permanent filter, then you won't have to change it.

3. You need to pour coffee into the filter

Before you start pouring coffee, you need to determine exactly how much it is. On average, a cup holds about 230 ml of coffee. To make coffee for one cup you need to pour 1 tbsp into the filter. a spoonful of ground natural coffee. If you prefer stronger coffee, you can add another spoon.

4. Measure out the amount of water

Pour the volume of water into the coffee maker reservoir that will correspond to the number of cups. The tank has divisions to determine the volume of water. If you think that you have not filled enough water, simply replenish the tank with the required amount.

5. Pour water into the special compartment of the coffee maker

Typically, such a compartment can be found at the top of the device, under the lid.

(*) In many coffee maker models, the reservoir contains divisions so that the user knows how much water to pour. But it will still be more convenient to measure the volume of water with a cup into which the drink will be poured, i.e. for 1 cup of coffee 1-2 tbsp. spoons of drink and a volume of water corresponding to the volume of the cup.

6. Turn on the coffee maker

To do this, first insert the coffee maker flask onto a special heated stand. Make sure the water compartment is closed. Next, click “Start”. Coffee preparation will end when the drink stops dripping.

It is worth mentioning the fact that some models of coffee makers are equipped with an anti-drip system. This means that if you are preparing coffee for several cups, but still want to drink the first cup before the preparation of the drink is finished, then you can freely simply remove the flask (in this case, the coffee maker automatically stops “dripping”) and fill your cup with coffee . Then simply insert the flask back and the “dripping” will continue.

How to brew delicious coffee in a saucepan

If you are expecting guests and want to make coffee for them, or if you have a large family who loves this drink, you can, of course, use a Turkish coffee pot as usual. But then you will have to make coffee several times.

To save time and immediately prepare large quantities of coffee, you can use an enamel pan.

When choosing a pot for making coffee, the main thing you need to pay attention to is the tight fit of the lid. The better it adheres to the pan, the better your coffee will be.

Let's start cooking:

1. First you need to grind the grains. The degree of grinding can be any, depending on your tastes.

2. Use boiling water to rinse the pan, and then add the required amount of water and add a little sugar.

3. After you bring the water to a boil, remove the pan from the stove and add ground coffee.

4. Place the pan back on the stove, but do not bring to a boil. When thick foam appears, remove the pan from the stove and leave for a few minutes to allow the drink to infuse.

5. When the coffee has brewed and the grounds have settled, it’s time to pour the drink into cups. But try to warm the cups in hot water in advance.

How to brew coffee in a Turk (video)

How to brew coffee correctly (video)

How to store coffee

Try to protect coffee from exposure to air, direct sunlight, humidity and foreign odors.

Store your coffee in a hermetically sealed opaque container - this way it can last for about six months.

The best storage place is a table or kitchen cabinet - coffee can be stored in such places for several weeks. One of the most inappropriate places is the refrigerator, contrary to erroneous belief.

If you want your coffee to be stored for a long time, choose coffee beans, since in this form the level of protection against harmful factors is higher.

It is better to grind coffee immediately before drinking, so you can fully enjoy the aroma and taste.

How to brew ground coffee

As mentioned earlier, it is better to brew very finely ground coffee in a Turk (see).

If you use a coffee maker, it is very important to use moderation when preparing coffee. It is better not to grind the grains very finely, but coarsely is also not correct.

If the grind is too fine, coffee dust may pass through the filter and the drink will turn out cloudy. And if the grind is coarse, then it will infuse longer than usual, and most of the aroma will evaporate.

A sense of proportion comes with experience, so we won’t give specific numbers.

The aroma of coffee is improved by salt, or rather a couple of its crystals. They need to be added before cooking.

It is better not to heat up coffee that has cooled down, as you will hardly feel its aroma.

How to brew natural coffee (recipe)

Brazilian coffee (serves 4)

8 teaspoons ground coffee

1 teaspoon cocoa powder

1 teaspoon sugar

200 g milk

400 ml water.

1. Brew strong coffee (2-3 teaspoons per cup of water).

2. Bring the milk to a boil.

3. Pour cocoa and sugar into a separate container and fill it with some milk. Stir. Add the remaining milk and add just a little salt.

4. Boil everything for 10 minutes.

(*) You need to drink this coffee in small mugs (in Brazil there are special mugs for this - shicarazinhas).

Viennese coffee (2 servings)

Ground coffee 6 tsp.

Sweet cream 150 ml

Sugar 1 tsp.

powdered sugar

cocoa powder or chocolate syrup

1. Whip the cream together with a small amount of powdered sugar until foamy. Next, put it in the refrigerator.

2. Pour coffee and sugar into a Turk and pour 2/3 cup of cold water.

3. Bring to a boil using low heat. Brew coffee as usual (see).

4. Strain the coffee into warm cups until it takes up less than half.

5. Add cold whipping cream to a cup.

6. You can serve the drink with chocolate syrup and/or cocoa powder.

Oriental coffee

Typically, this coffee is brewed in a container called a cezve - this is a cone-shaped saucepan with a long handle.

To make oriental coffee, you need to prepare the finest grind coffee.

1. Pour sugar into the cezve, pour in cold water and bring to a boil.

(*) It is better to use distilled or filtered water.

2. After that, you removed your syrup from the heat, add coffee to it and start stirring quickly until you get a thick foam.

3. Let the foam settle a little and place the container on low heat.

You need to remove the coffee several times and then reheat it again, so you get oriental coffee.

You can add spices, a little cocoa or salt to enhance the aroma and taste.

Coffee "Oflameron"

There are 2 options for preparing this coffee according to the old recipe. Each depends on the type of coffee you prefer - bitter or sour.

For sour coffee you need:

1. Prepare 1 teaspoon of finely ground coffee.

2. Pour 60-70 grams of slightly warm water.

3. Heat over low heat and, when foam appears, add 1-2 tsp. semi-sweet champagne.

(*) It is worth noting that champagne must be opened in advance to allow the gas to evaporate.

4. When the foam becomes massive, remove from heat.

For bitter coffee you need:

1. Prepare finely ground coffee at the rate of 1 tsp. for 60-70 grams of filtered or distilled water.

2. Before taking the first spoonful of coffee, dip it in vanilla water.

3. Heat the coffee over low heat until foam appears.

4. Add 1-2 tsp to the drink. semi-dry champagne without gas.

5. Wait until the coffee foam becomes massive and remove from heat.

Coffee Glass (1 serving)

1. Prepare coffee in the usual way (see).

2. Cool the drink.

3. Place ice cream in 300ml glasses

4. Pour 1 tbsp ice cream. spoon chocolate syrup and add chilled coffee.

5. Add 1 tbsp to each glass of drink. a spoonful of whipped cream, and a little sugar or powdered sugar. You can sprinkle with candy crumbs.

Mocha "in the cloud" (6 servings)

You will need:

5 glasses of milk

10 grams of dark chocolate

2.5 cups black coffee

3 tbsp. spoons of vanilla sugar

2/3 cup whipped cream

Ground nutmeg.

1. Prepare a saucepan, pour 3 cups of milk into it and place on low heat. Do not bring to a boil.

2. In a separate container (preferably a fireproof jug), mix coffee and 2 cups of milk.

(*) You can add sugar if you wish.

3. Remove the milk from the heat, add vanilla sugar and put it back on the stove. This time, bring the milk to a boil.

4. Place chocolate, broken into squares, into milk. All this time the milk must be stirred to melt the chocolate.

5. Pour the milk into the jug containing the coffee and whisk until foam appears.

6. Pour the drink into glasses or tall mugs.

(*) You can garnish with whipped cream, a cinnamon stick and a pinch of nutmeg.

On our website you can find a huge amount of useful and interesting information about coffee, its properties and its influence. To read about it all

What's a morning without coffee? And many will agree that this drink lifts our spirits and gives us a boost of energy for a while. If it’s not difficult for us to decide on our favorite type of drink, then the question may arise: what is coffee brewed in?

Yes, if the coffee is instant, then there are no problems. Pour boiling water over it in a cup and everything is ready. What if you need to brew coffee? Then there are several options for this procedure. First of all, these are coffee makers. They are divided into electric ones and those that need to be heated over a fire. A piston coffee maker is often used to make Turkish coffee. This is a narrow vessel that can withstand high temperatures, with a piston. There is also a coffee maker that makes “oriental” coffee. It has a tray and a thermostat, several Turks, which are heated by an electric heater.

And if not a coffee maker, then what?

Very often at home we use Turks or call them jazz in another way. The essence of this method is that the Turk has a narrow neck, and this ensures that when brewing coffee, all the aroma is preserved in the vessel. The liquid retains all the aroma and taste of the ground coffee beans.

A turk is a metal ladle with a handle. Basically, according to tradition, the Turku is made from forged copper. They are also made from clay and ceramics, stainless steel, silver and other materials. Everyone chooses the Turkish woman that he likes best. The taste of the drink also depends on the size of the vessel; the smaller the pot, the more aromatic the coffee will be.

You can read about how to brew coffee in a coffee maker, in a Turk, coffee recipes and how to brew coffee without a Turk on the pages: “

In our age of technological advances, making coffee has become commonplace, with the press of one or two buttons. But to prepare real coffee, with a rich taste and aroma, knowledge and understanding of the traditions and history of this drink is mandatory. The secret of success is available only to those who know how to brew coffee in a Turk while preserving all the flavor nuances of the selected variety.

To prepare good coffee, you need to know something, be able to, enjoy watching the mystery of the birth of a coffee drink, and participate in this amazing process: when the aroma and taste of coffee beans are extracted from coffee powder into water, and ordinary water turns into a wonderful drink.

Preparatory stage for making Turkish coffee

Since we decided to make coffee in a Turk, then we, of course, need this simple vessel. Opt for a copper Turk. This is the best variant. It’s not for nothing that in Turkey, where good coffee has been revered since time immemorial, they have been using and are using precisely such containers for centuries. By the way, in Turkey itself they are called cezves. Copper heats up quickly and retains heat for a long time; for some reason, coffee made from it tastes better!

Ceramic Turks are good, but their disadvantages are high cost and fragility. It is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature during the cooking process and be sure to protect it from mechanical influences. Don't drop it. Clay Turks are only good for making one type, otherwise the porosity of the clay will cause the flavors to start mixing.

The shape of the Turks also matters. Many people like it with a wide neck. But this is not the best option; it is advisable to give preference to a vessel with a narrow top. In such a Turk, the aroma and taste are preserved better. And you shouldn’t take very large Turks. The best option is for one or two servings.

You can prepare coffee on any burner (gas, ceramic); a prerequisite is that the heating should be very slow. Only in this case will the full bouquet of taste and wonderful aroma of coffee beans be preserved.

The best method is when the cezve is immersed in hot sand and the drink is heated from all sides. The coffee turns out thick, with dense foam.

To brew coffee correctly, you need the “right” water. This means it must be fresh, filtered or bottled. If you prepare coffee using low-quality water, you should not expect a high-quality drink as a result.

It is better to buy coffee beans for making coffee in specialized stores. Only there you can choose the type of coffee that suits you. Whether it is a pure plantation variety, or whether you will be captivated by its aromatic delicacy - it’s up to you to decide.

The main thing is that the coffee beans are freshly roasted, of the same shape and color.

It is best to grind coffee beans immediately before brewing. But not everyone has this opportunity, and this process is somewhat boring. Nothing bad will happen if you ask to do this at the time of purchase - in a good store they will do it for you for free. But the coffee grinders there are professional, the grinding in such units turns out to be very fine - not everyone likes this, keep in mind.

If you decide to grind coffee at the store, do not take a lot of it at once. It is better to buy more often, in smaller portions, so that the coffee is fresh. Store in glass or tin containers with tight-fitting lids.

How to make Turkish coffee correctly

The French say: “Boiling kills coffee.” And indeed it is. A boiled coffee drink no longer has any value; it changes its taste and loses its aroma. Therefore, when properly preparing Turkish coffee, it is more accurate to use the word “brew.” Even if the word “brew” appears in relation to coffee, keep in mind the correct action: “brewing.”

Let's start the magic

  1. Pour finely ground coffee into a copper pot. For a 50 ml cup, 4 grams of powder is enough (this is approximately 1 teaspoon). Depending on the size of your Turkey, we calculate the correct amount of coffee and water.
  2. If you drink a sweet drink, be sure to add sugar along with coffee powder.
  3. Pour water into the Turk. Cold!
  4. Place the Turk on the burner (very low heat) or immerse it in the sand.
  5. We wait until the contents warm up well and “set.”
  6. Stir the drink intensively. The number of movements does not matter. This is only done once! A light foam will appear on the surface.
  7. As it heats further, the foam darkens. As soon as it starts to rise along the edges and the first bubbles appear, immediately remove the Turk from the heat. Do not allow it to boil under any circumstances!

When pouring ready-made coffee into a cup, try to preserve the foam. It contains many aromatic and flavoring substances. For connoisseurs and gourmets this is a very valuable detail. In the homeland of coffee in Arabia, foam is considered the “face of coffee.”

Many people know how to brew Turkish coffee. Almost every lover of this wonderful drink has their own nuances, little tricks and additives that make coffee truly exclusive. With the help of minor deviations from classic cooking principles, you can get new taste experiences every time.

For example. First pour sugar into the Turk, add water and bring it to a boil. In this case, sugar serves not only to add sweetness to the drink, but also to soften the water. The flavors and aromas of coffee powder are better extracted into the water. Remove the pot with boiling water from the heat, add coffee and stir quickly. A thick foam forms. As soon as it settles a little, put it on low heat and bring the drink to a boil.

You can remove the coffee from the heat and bring it back to a boil more than once. After several heatings, the drink becomes thicker and denser. A small nuance: if you hold the sugar placed in the Turk on the fire a little so that it melts slightly at the bottom, you will get coffee with a hint of caramel in taste. The main thing is not to miss the moment - the sugar should not burn.

The topic of additives is very interesting. During the cooking process, you can add a few crystals of salt, cinnamon or ground ginger to the Turk with coffee on the tip of a knife, even hot pepper. In each case, the taste will sparkle with new shades. Experiment for your health!

The path of coffee beans to our table is very long. In the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and America, grain is grown that provides us with the opportunity to enjoy drinking a cup of coffee. Let's respect the ancient traditions and history of this drink. We will prepare only coffee that will delight us with its taste, divine aroma and charge us with a good mood for the whole day.

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