Home Second courses How to make delicious raspberry jam in five minutes for the winter. Five-minute raspberry jam for the winter How to make five-minute raspberry jam jelly

How to make delicious raspberry jam in five minutes for the winter. Five-minute raspberry jam for the winter How to make five-minute raspberry jam jelly

Pyatiminutka thick raspberry jam is a very tasty and healthy dish for all ages. It helps with various colds, as it contains acetylsalicylic acid, which leads to an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces body temperature at high temperatures.

There are many ways to preserve raspberries for the winter. The most gentle one, in which the healthy berry retains its properties, is the Pyatiminutka raspberry jam recipe. Therefore, it is a must have in your winter preparations. And today we will learn how to cook raspberry jam quickly, like a five-minute batch. But make it thicker and preserve vitamins as much as possible.

Thick raspberry jam Pyatiminutka


  • raspberries - 5 kg (it doesn’t matter - yellow or red);
  • sugar – 2.5 kg + 2.5 kg (total ratio of raspberries and sugar – 1:1).

Five-minute thick raspberry jam - step-by-step recipe with photos:

Let's prepare the ingredients
Take an enamel basin or a large wide pan (enamel or stainless steel).
Pour raspberries and half the sugar into a container. Stir and leave to stand for two hours - this is necessary so that the raspberries give juice and the sugar crystals partially dissolve.

Cooking for the first time
Place the pan with the raspberries in sugar on the fire and bring to a boil. Stir the raspberry jam periodically to help the sugar dissolve faster.
Turn off the stove and leave the container with raspberry jam on the stove. This is necessary so that it cools to room temperature. Usually, many housewives leave it overnight and continue cooking in the morning.

Second brew
Bring the cooled jam to a boil a second time, pour in the second half of the sugar. Stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the finished jam hot into sterilized jars and close with nylon or iron screw-on lids. Store in the refrigerator. You can roll up iron lids with a machine, then leave the jars until they cool completely at room temperature and put them in a cellar or basement.

Attention!”]If the sugar is not completely dissolved, the jam may become sugary.

Video - cooking recipe

How to make thick raspberry jam? To make raspberry jam thick, be sure to prepare it exactly according to the steps described above. Do not add all the sugar at once (!), but let it sit for several hours. It is better to leave it overnight (cover the container with gauze to prevent flies!). Only then will the raspberry jam be thick and not too runny.

The second portion of sugar gels. The raspberries turn out like thick jelly. To ensure that the berries remain intact, you should not overcook them, otherwise the raspberries will boil and you will just end up with thick jam. During short cooking, vitamins are retained in raspberry jam.

Is it possible to make thick jam from frozen raspberries?
Jam made from frozen raspberries or other berries will be just as tasty as from fresh ones. To cook, you don't need to do anything extra. The main thing is to get frozen raspberries, defrost them at room temperature (not in the microwave, so as not to destroy the vitamins!) and make the entire recipe for raspberry jam for the winter according to the steps presented above.

Today you will talk about how to cook five-minute raspberry jam for the winter at home, consider a step-by-step recipe and the intricacies of its preparation. But before that I would like to talk a little about raspberries and their properties. Raspberry, just like strawberry, can be confidently considered one of the most favorite types of jam. Raspberry jam is not only tasty, but also healthy. During an autumn or winter flu epidemic, a cup of tea with aromatic raspberry jam will contribute to a quick recovery.

It is for this reason that such a delicious delicacy as raspberry jam should be in every home. Well, in the summer, don’t miss the opportunity to eat plenty of fresh berries and dishes with them, which will additionally help saturate the body with useful substances and, as a result, strengthen the immune system.

I am sure that many housewives know that there are many ways to preserve tasty and healthy raspberries for the winter. Some people prefer to freeze it, while others prepare jams, preserves, compotes or liqueurs from it. Today I want to talk about raspberry jam. Today there are more than enough methods and recipes for making raspberry jam. According to the classic recipe, raspberry jam is made using fresh berries and sugar. But in recent years, other recipes have appeared in which, in addition to raspberries, other berries or fruits are added. It could be strawberries, gooseberries, black currants, lemons, oranges. The addition of these berries and fruits significantly changes the structure and appearance of the jam, and also affects its taste.

Today I want to share with you a recipe for quick raspberry jam at home, or rather, show you how to prepare raspberry jam for the winter. From the very name of the jam it becomes clear that its cooking time will be scanty and will not exceed 10 minutes. A short heat treatment of the berries will help preserve most of the nutrients and vitamins. If you want to cook thick jam for five minutes at home, then at the end of cooking add a bag of pectin into the jam, which you can buy at any grocery store.

Now let's move on to the recipe and see how it's prepared five-minute raspberry jam for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photo.


  • Raspberries - 1 kg.,
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg.,

Five-minute raspberry jam for the winter - recipe

Sort the raspberries. Put the spoiled and wormy ones aside.

Remove the stems, if any. Place the prepared raspberries in a colander. Rinse with lightly cold water. Some housewives prefer not to wash raspberries so that they do not become watery, but I still recommend rinsing them with water, because even berries that seem clean at first glance contain a lot of dust. After the water has drained from the colander. Place raspberries in a saucepan.

Cover it with sugar and leave for 30 minutes.

Once the sugar has dissolved, crush the raspberries with a masher.

Place the raspberry jam on low heat. After boiling, abundant foam should appear.

Remove it from the jam with a slotted spoon. After this, boil the jam for another 5-10 minutes.

Five-minute raspberry jam for the winter. Photo

Raspberry jam is a very tasty and healthy dish for all ages. It helps with various colds, as it contains acetylsalicylic acid, which leads to an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces body temperature if it is high during ARVI.
Therefore, you should definitely have such jam in your preparations for the winter. And today we will learn how to make raspberry jam quickly, like a five-minute jam, but make it thicker and preserve vitamins as much as possible.

- raspberries - 5 kg (it doesn’t matter what kind of raspberries we take - yellow or red)
- sugar - 2.5 kg + 2.5 kg (that is, the general ratio of raspberries and sugar is 1:1)

So, I present to you a step-by-step recipe for making raspberry jam (recipe from Polina Vasilyeva):

1) Step one.
Prepare the ingredients.
Take an enamel basin (best). If you don’t have a basin, you can use a large pan, also enameled or stainless steel.
Pour 5 kg of raspberries and 2.5 kg (that is, half) of sugar into a bowl. Stir and leave for two hours - this is necessary so that the raspberries give juice and so that the sugar partially dissolves in it.

2) Step two.
Cook for the first time.
Place the bowl of raspberries and sugar on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally so that the sugar dissolves as quickly as possible.
Turn off and leave the bowl of unprepared raspberry jam on the stove so that it cools to room temperature. Usually, many housewives leave it overnight and start preparing jam in the morning.

3) Step three.
Continue cooking.
As soon as the jam has cooled (preferably in the morning), put the bowl back on the fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the jam is brought to a boil, turn off the heat and pour the second half of the sugar into it (in our case, 2.5 kg). At the same time, you should constantly stir the jam so that the raspberry juice dissolves the added sugar faster.

4) Step four.
Pour into jars.
As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, our raspberry jam can be poured into sterile jars and closed with lids (here we describe how to sterilize jars correctly). But I let the jam cool again for two to three hours. Then it infuses a little in the basin. Before pouring jam, jars must be sterilized.
You can use either plastic lids or screw-on lids to store jam. This is unprincipled. It will not sour or ferment, as it contains a lot of sugar.

Attention: If the sugar does not completely dissolve, the jam may become sugary.

I am often asked how to cook raspberry jam so that it turns out thick?

To make raspberry jam thick, be sure to prepare it exactly according to the steps described above. That is, do not add all the sugar at once (!), but let the jam sit for several hours, or better yet, leave it overnight (just cover it with gauze to prevent flies!). Only then will it turn out thick and not too liquid. The second portion of sugar gels our jam a little, and the raspberries turn out like jelly, that is, thick. And you don’t need to cook it for too long, otherwise the berries will boil and all the vitamins will be destroyed.

Another question that my friends often ask me is: what is better - five-minute jam or the way you cook it?

To which I answer them that my method is not fundamentally different at all from how to make five-minute raspberry jam.
The simple advantage of a five-minute cook is that it is cooked very quickly and there is little destruction of vitamins, since it is cooked for only 5 minutes. And after five minutes you can already pour it into jars.
But! When you prepare raspberry jam according to my recipe, you will realize that my recipe is even better - I don’t cook at all! I bring it to a boil and turn off the heat! And I dissolve the sugar in two stages. In this case, the jam turns out thicker, and the vitamins are preserved much better than if I actually cooked it, even if only for five minutes.

And a neighbor asked a long time ago - is it possible to make jam from frozen raspberries?

Well, why not? You can also make jam from frozen raspberries or other berries. To prepare it, you don’t need to do anything extra. The main thing is to get frozen raspberries, defrost them at room temperature (not in the microwave, so as not to destroy the vitamins!) and follow the entire recipe for making raspberry jam according to the steps presented above.

Last year, by the way, this is exactly what happened. We were leaving just in time for a vacation during the raspberry picking season. And the neighbor harvested and froze the berries. In August, I returned from vacation and simply took frozen raspberries and made jam from them. It turned out very tasty and indistinguishable from the usual one. And it stood fine in the cellar until the next harvest.

By the way, if you are making honey gingerbread during Lent, then fresh jam from frozen raspberries is just right for layering the gingerbread.

Bon appetit in winter when you eat this jam. I look forward to reviews and comments on my recipe.

Polina Vasilyeva specially for the site Sebe-na-zametku.ru

Raspberry jam is a must have in any home. And you probably already have it. Before the onset of winter, everyone is trying to stock up on this useful product. Raspberry jam is good for colds, has a number of substances necessary for the body, and also lifts your spirits. It is hardly possible to find a person who would not love raspberry treats.

Natural raspberry jam contains many useful acids, such as tartaric, citric, malic, and salicylic. It is thanks to their presence that raspberries perfectly relieve inflammation and lower the temperature in diseases.

When we get hypothermic in the air and a cold starts, usually the first thing we do is drink hot tea with raspberry jam. By sweating, we lower the temperature, and in some cases the disease even recedes. Just 2 mugs of tea with raspberry jam can significantly improve your well-being. This berry effectively helps treat illness, and it is very important that there is always one or two jars of this wonderful remedy in the refrigerator.

Why should raspberry jam be stored in the refrigerator? Because this is the only way to preserve all the beneficial substances in it. These, in addition to the above-mentioned acids, include: vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins, calcium, which strengthens bones and potassium, which ensures normal heart function. In addition, raspberries contain copper, which is part of antidepressants, and iron, which is used in hematopoiesis. So that raspberries do not lose their qualities, they are mixed with sugar and crushed, or a jam called “five-minute” is prepared, and only then put into jars and put in the refrigerator.

That is why it is necessary to have some supply of raspberry jam. Moreover, making jam is not difficult.

I’ll write the five-minute jam recipe below. I will also describe all the secrets and features of preparation, thanks to which your delicacy will not only be tasty, but will also retain all the beneficial substances.

Five-minute raspberry jam recipe


  • sugar – 1.5 kilograms.
  • raspberries - 1.5 kilograms.

How to make raspberry jam?

1) First of all, you need to carefully examine the berries themselves. It is necessary to remove all the leaves and various beetles and caterpillars that these berries love to eat.

There is a method by which you can lure all insects out of berries. To do this, you need to prepare a salted solution in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of table salt per 1 liter of water. It is best to put the raspberries in a sieve and dip it into the solution. After about five minutes, all the insects will float to the surface. Then the water can be drained and the berries washed with two to three liters of water.

If you take raspberries from your garden, you can simply inspect them; it is not necessary to rinse them in salt water.

2) If you did buy a berry at the market or in a store, then it is better to wash it, but you need to do it carefully so as not to crush it. It is better to remove the stems from the berries after washing, as this will damage the berries less and retain all the juice.

3) After this, transfer the raspberries into a colander and wait until all the water has drained out and the berries have dried a little.

4) Place the raspberries in the pan where we will cook the jam.

Please note that it is better not to cook berries in aluminum pans, since the substances contained in the juice can interact with it and turn into less useful forms.

6) Place the pan on low heat and stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Next, increase the heat until the mixture boils.

7) Foam released during cooking must be removed. If you leave the foam, the jam will quickly turn sour and you will have to do everything all over again.

8) After boiling, cook for five minutes.

9) Pour the prepared jam into jars, which must be sterilized beforehand, and close the lid. It is best to pour into small jars. This will make it easier for you to store it. Opened jam, even in the refrigerator, can quickly turn sour. It would be a shame to lose your work.

10) Cover with a cloth or towel until cool.

Grated raspberries with sugar, recipe without cooking

Raspberries can be stored for the winter without cooking. To do this, crush the berries with a masher and add sugar. Here you need to add more, about 1.5 kilograms of sugar per kilogram of raspberries. In some cases, two kilograms are used.

Berries mixed with sugar are left at normal temperature so that the sugar can completely dissolve. This takes almost a day. At this time, you need to periodically stir the berries.

Next, you need to pour the raspberries into sterile jars, and pour a layer of sugar 1 centimeter thick on top. And we screw it all on with a lid. You can additionally close the top of the jar with thick paper and tie it with an elastic band.

  • If the berries were not deformed during picking, then it is better to use them, without any processing.
  • If the berries have lost their shape and softened, it is better to grind them. This can be done in any sieve.
  • You don’t have to wash raspberries if you picked them from your garden and are sure that they are clean and have not been on the ground.
  • If you take store-bought raspberries, then in any case you need to wash them.
  • Let me remind you that you should not use aluminum pans to prepare jam, since the jam may become sour when cooked. It is best to stir using a plastic or wooden spoon.
  • As a rule, when cooking, sugar and berries are taken in a 1:1 ratio, but you can deviate from this rule. Some people add less sugar than berries. You shouldn’t prepare a lot of jam at a time; the optimal weight is one and a half to two kilograms. Especially you should not prepare jam from whole berries in large quantities.
  • Jam should be poured into pre-sterilized jars to avoid rapid spoilage.
  • Lids for jars should not have any defects; it is best to use a new lid for a new jar. You can additionally put paper on the lid and tie it with an elastic band.

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


The aroma of the most favorite berry delicacy of those with a sweet tooth is incomparable. Fresh fruits, just picked from the bush, retain their beneficial properties for some time, but what about in winter? You will have to take care of this during the harvest, and these simple recipes will help you stock up on aromatic dessert with vitamins for future use.

How to make raspberry jam Pyatiminutka

Making raspberry jam Five minutes is a minimum of time spent and a maximum of preserved nutrients. The preparation stage of the berries will take longer than the harvesting process itself. To prepare a tasty delicacy, the fruits collected from the bush are sorted and simply dipped in salted water (a tablespoon per liter) for a quarter of an hour to remove insects. Then the berries are laid out in layers in a wide basin, sprinkled with sugar, left for 3 hours, and when the juice appears, boil for no more than 7 minutes.

Classic jam Pyatiminutka

According to the traditional recipe, housewives prepare raspberry jam for the winter in Five Minutes, choosing ripe and healthy fruits. The peculiarity of this recipe for preparing a delicious delicacy lies in the equal ratio of ripe fruits and granulated sugar - a kilogram of each ingredient. To ensure that the berries remain intact, only the juice must be boiled, so the infusion time for the preparation can take half or a whole day.


  1. Sprinkle the ripe fruits with sugar in layers, leaving the juice to simmer for 10-12 hours.
  2. Carefully drain the resulting syrup, boil for a few minutes, and then cool slightly.
  3. Add the separated berries and bring to a boil again, no more than five minutes.
  4. Pour hot raspberry jam for the winter into sterile jars, rolling it up and wrapping it in a warm cloth until ready.

Five-minute raspberry with other berries

This homemade delicacy is a good remedy for colds, because the juicy red fruits contain many useful microelements and vitamins. If you want to make a healthy homemade preparation, then you can prepare a platter by combining raspberries with almost any other berries. An important rule is to maintain proportions, and for preparing raspberry jam for the winter Five Minutes with a healing effect, black currants will be a good pair. The color of the delicacy will be rich, and if you sterilize the jars in advance, canning will take just a few minutes.


  • raspberries – 600 g;
  • black currant – 1-1.2 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the berries with half the amount of sugar, add water and leave to form juice.
  2. Place the dishes on the stove to bring the raspberry and currant jam to a boil for five minutes. It is advisable to remove the foam from above with a wooden spoon, but do not disturb the workpiece itself.
  3. Boil the assortment for 5-7 minutes, remove from heat, and until the mixture has cooled, pour in the remaining sugar. When the crystals dissolve, the finished dessert dish should be immediately poured into jars and covered with lids.

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