Home General issues Miratorg sausages made from marbled meat. Unusual advertisement for unknown cevapchichi sausages. How to fry kupaty in the oven

Miratorg sausages made from marbled meat. Unusual advertisement for unknown cevapchichi sausages. How to fry kupaty in the oven

The life of a modern person passes in a fast rhythm and constant rush. There is little time left for preparing homemade food and it is a pity to waste it “standing at the stove.”

A large assortment of semi-finished and ready-made meals on the shelves of supermarkets and stores helps solve this problem.

A worthy place among them is occupied by the products of the Miratorg company. The list is very large: frozen fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, semi-finished products, ready meals, juicy kebab and much more. Sausages, frankfurters, small sausages, kupats, and cutlets are in great demand. The range is constantly expanding, new types appear. The most favorite dish for most people is sausages.

Product Description

The company uses only fresh raw materials to prepare its products. Premium marbled beef (), selected pork, tender chicken.

Sausages are produced both with and without casing. Only natural casings are used. Products can be chilled or frozen, requiring further preparation and ready for consumption. A variety of spices give semi-finished products a piquant taste. The products have the ideal shape and correct consistency.

The storage conditions and periods for all types of goods are approximately the same, excluding frozen ones. From -1.5 to +4 degrees. The shelf life is short 10-15 days. The products do not contain GMOs or growth hormones.

The composition contains “wrong products”: stabilizers, emulsifiers, acidity regulators, thickeners and other “Eshki”. But their percentage in the product is very small. They will not cause any harm to health.


This is the name of the small sausages that came to us from Montenegro. The minced meat is not minced through a meat grinder, but finely chopped. Mix with chopped onions and spices.

There are five of them in the package, with a diameter of 22 mm, and a total weight of 300 grams. They do not have a shell and do not “float” due to the structure of the minced meat. They lie on a special, moisture-absorbing napkin. They have a pleasant, balanced taste.

The company produces beef, chicken, home-style Cevapchichi, with paprika.

Pork sausages

Miratorg produces grilled pork sausages with a mixture of peppers and herbs from natural products and according to traditional recipes.

The most popular are “Tyrolean” and “Beer”.

"Tyrolean" sausages came from Austria. Made from high quality raw materials. Cumin and fennel are added to them, giving the product a unique flavor. Produced in a casing, package weight 400 grams, 5 pieces, chilled.

“To Beer” is made from tender pork with the addition of herbs, a mixture of peppers and garlic. The package contains 400 grams, five pieces per casing. Chilled.

Sausages “Tyrolean” and “Beer” are good cooked over coals.

Frozen grilled kupaty. The ingredients include juicy pork, a mixture of allspice, garlic, bay leaf and salt. Shelf life six months. They are in demand among gourmets and food lovers.

Poultry sausages

A wide range of semi-finished products are made from chicken meat. Cevapchichi, Chipoletti, nuggets, cutlets and much more. They are in great demand among the population and form the basis of a healthy diet. Chicken meat contains vitamins, amino acids, minerals and is easily digestible.

Grilled sausages “Shashlik” and “Homemade” are a dietary product. Made from poultry meat with the addition of beef fat and spices according to classic recipes, they are light and have a delicate “homemade” taste.

Grilled sausages “Spicy” are made from dietary chicken with the addition of spicy hot spices.

Chicken dishes will decorate your table at home and on a picnic, will not spoil your figure, and will bring pleasure.

"Cipoletti" - chipoletti

These thin sausages are created according to Italian influences and recipes. Produced only from fresh raw materials. Dried garlic and fried onions give the product a specific taste. The recipe includes a variety of spices: a mixture of peppers, chili, turmeric, coriander. Cipoletti produces chicken, wrapped in bacon, with sun-dried tomatoes, onions, prunes, Italian style, for grilling.

“Cipoletti in Bacon” and “Italian Style” are wrapped in juicy bacon, which gives the product a unique flavor.

Due to the thin diameter, sausages do not lose their juiciness and softness.

Marbled beef sausages

The Holding's products have gained such popularity among the population due to the raising of Aberdeen Angus "meat" bulls. Animals are raised in a special way, which leads to the formation of thin layers of fat - a marble mesh. During heat treatment, the fat melts and permeates the meat, giving it a sweetish taste, tenderness and juiciness.

When growing, no growth stimulants, medications, hormones, or GMOs are used! Therefore, semi-finished beef and pink veal products are extremely useful and healthy products. The most popular of them are Cevapchichi with paprika, Cipoletti with Dijon mustard, with sun-dried tomatoes, “Savory”, “Classic”, “Assorted” sausages.

Piquant sausages consist of beef meat with the addition of various spices, pieces of red chili pepper, and cumin. Good for grilling and grilling.

Assorted sausages are packaged in 640 grams and consist of three varieties: classic, chitpoletti with Dijon mustard and chipoletti with sun-dried tomatoes. They include marbled beef, spices, cumin, salt, horseradish, ginger, garlic, dried vegetables and other components.

Classic sausages are prepared according to a traditional recipe. They have a natural shell. Their unusual spicy flavor, juiciness, and softness make them ideal for gourmets.

How to cook sausages produced by Miratorg

There are quite a lot of recipes for preparing these products, including photos and videos, posted on the Internet on the company’s official website, on forums and culinary sites. It makes no sense to describe each of them in detail.

How to grill over charcoal

During picnics in the fresh air, sausages are cooked by stringing them on a skewer, in the form of a shish kebab on a grill, on an open fire or coals, on a grill, in a special barbecue device. You can even cook on twigs and two bricks. The main thing is that when baked, the sausages will always be tasty. No pre-marinating required.

Mustard, ketchup, and various sauces will be combined with sausages cooked over an open fire. Can be served with pickled onions, vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, salad. With anything, the main thing is that grilled sausages eaten in the fresh air are always a pleasure.

Boiled sausages

They are easy to prepare at home. It will turn out no worse than on coals. A quick dinner for the whole family will be ready in half an hour.

You can simply boil them. Serve with any side dish, sauce, herbs. This method is good for those who cannot eat fatty or fried foods. When cooking sausages, prick them with a fork or toothpick. Then excess fat will come out of them. You can add bay leaf, spices, and a clove of garlic to the cooking water. These sausages can be added to salad, soup or hodgepodge.

How to cook in the oven

It is advisable to boil for a few minutes. Place in a baking dish, pour in beaten egg and cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs, bake until golden brown.

There are many recipes for pies with sausage fillings on the Internet. They can be prepared in dough, in puff pastry, baked in the oven.

How to cook in a frying pan

Sausages can simply be fried in a greased frying pan. Place the product in a frying pan, pour in a little water, pierce it in several places, cover with a lid and simmer for just a couple of minutes. Then remove the lid, let the water evaporate and fry on both sides until crusty.

Any side dressing will go well with fried sausages. It’s especially tasty with canned peas, pickled cucumbers and stewed cabbage.

Fried sausages can be cut into rings and added to any dish - pasta, boiled or stewed potatoes, porridge, fried eggs or an omelet with them. Many people like to wrap them in pita bread, with vegetables, mayonnaise and ketchup and fry until golden brown. Cut into rings and fried with onions and mushrooms. Stewed in sour cream. It all depends on imagination and desire.

Grilled sausages at home

Microwaves and ovens have special grill stands. In this case, no piercing is required to prevent juice from leaking out. Excess fat will render out during frying. The dish must be turned over so that the crust cooks evenly.

Grilled sausages are served with pickled or fried onions, herbs, any side dishes, fresh or pickled vegetables, salad, and cheese. Any sauces, horseradish, mustard, adjika are suitable for them.

Gourmets believe that of all the cooking methods, grilling is the most optimal for preserving the taste of the product and its juiciness.

Price and product reviews

Miratorg product catalogs are constantly updated. There you can see what promotions and discounts exist. Each buyer can apply for a discount savings card for a Bargain Purchase.

Prices are quite affordable for the average consumer. Here are some examples of the most popular sausages. They are taken from the miratorg official website:


  • veal 149-90
  • chicken 133-90
  • with paprika 164-90
  • home-style 109-90

Pork sausages:

  • Tyrolean 169-90
  • for beer 169-90
  • for grill 169-90

Poultry sausages:

  • for grilling “Spicy” 119-90
  • for barbecue grill 119-90
  • for grill "Home" 119-90

Marbled beef sausages:

  • Spicy 224-90
  • Classic 224-90
  • Assorted (640 grams) 399-90


  • chicken 99-90
  • in bacon 239-90
  • with sun-dried tomatoes 159-90
  • with Dijon mustard 159-90
  • with prunes 184-90
  • with fried onions 119-90
  • in Italian 139-90
  • for grilling 114-90.

The prices for the product are quite reasonable, considering that it “consists of natural meat.”

There are many product reviews on the Internet. “How many people, so many opinions.” From the most negative to the most laudatory. But most consumers like these products.

“...at the store shelf from (manufactured by Miratorg), my mouth filled with saliva, and my hands unconsciously counted out the necessary bills.”

The main reasons why people buy Miratorg products are a high-quality product, without GMOs and growth hormones. It contains only natural ingredients. The assortment is amazing in its diversity. This saves time and effort spent on cooking. Flexible prices, promotions, convenient form of payment.

Today, Miratorg products can be bought not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries, in specialized stores and in various supermarket chains.

  • Prices are valid at the time of publication of the article

Hi all!

Today we will talk about......food)

I’ll say right away that in our city we didn’t find them right away, but now (after we finally managed to buy them) they’re just on every counter)) Yes, we are winners in life) But that’s not about that now)

So, price sausage data varies from 100 to 150 rubles (depending on the store chain, apparently)

The packaging is completely ordinary, disposable, designed to be opened and all the sausages eaten at once, which for me personally is not convenient

Product weight - 300 grams (5 sausages)

Shelf life - 10 days

In appearance, the product looks like sausages, or more precisely, ordinary minced meat formed into sausages. In color..... in color it is more reminiscent of a mixture of ground beef and pork, but we won’t say so, because the composition states the following (the E-shki were very upset):

Beef, water, table salt, dextrose, spices, onion, garlic, paprika, stabilizer E331, E450, E500, acidity regulator E451, E452, thickener E415.

The Chevapchichi are neatly packaged on a piece of paper (apparently to make them easier to take out). But in order to get them, you first have to separate them with a knife.

Five pieces fit perfectly in a frying pan (although my mother, for example, when buying 2 packages, fit 10 pieces in a frying pan just fine, because they shrink very much in size during the frying process, apparently due to the large amount of fat.

Fry until done and voila

In taste, in fact, as well as in appearance, they resemble simply fried minced meat of good quality

The Miratorg website says:

These sausages contain a unique set of spices, giving them an unforgettable taste.

But.... alas..... I'm probably not a gourmet, because... I thought their taste was completely ordinary)

Thank you for your attention!

Choose your taste! Spicy “Classic” or “Spicy” with cumin and pieces of red pepper? Juicy beef sausages are made from selected marbled beef. You can grill them or cook them in a frying pan at home! Rich taste and delicious aroma - try it!


The product is developed on the basis of the famous Balkan Cevapčić. These sausages contain a unique set of spices, giving them an unforgettable taste. The product is molded into sausages with a diameter of 22 mm, no casings are used, because The shape of the sausages is maintained due to the structure of the minced meat.

Pork sausages

Kupaty? Tyrolean sausages? Sausages with garlic, a mixture of peppers and herbs? Grilled sausages with mixed peppers and herbs? We prepare them according to classic recipes from selected pork and do not use preservatives, flavors or other artificial additives. Just juicy meat and aromatic spices - try it!

Poultry sausages

Sausages made from tender young chicken fillet are an ideal grill option for those who are worried about their figure. Made from low-calorie chicken meat - homemade taste and a minimum of calories. Simple, healthy and tasty - try it!

Fry Cevapchichi over medium heat, turning different sides every 2 minutes.

How to fry cevapchichi

1. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add a couple of tablespoons of oil.
2. While the frying pan is heating up, place the cevapchichi on a cutting board and separate the cevapchichi from each other so that they do not fall apart during frying.
3. Place the cevapchichi in the frying pan so that they do not touch.
4. Fry the cevapchichi for 10 minutes, turning them with different sides every 2 minutes.
5. Serve cevapchichi with chopped vegetables, sprinkled with oil.

Serve cevapchichi with hot sauce (mustard, ketchup) and chopped onion.


Chevapchichi are essentially the same sausages as lula kebab, only they contain 2 types of minced meat, not one, and they are shaped not like sausages, but into small rectangular cutlets.

How to fry cevapchichi miratorg: as a rule, they are quite long, so you should either take a large frying pan or lightly squeeze the cevapchichi with your hands to make them shorter. Second rule: do not put the entire package of cevapchichi on the frying pan, first divide them among each other. Third rule: turn the cevapchichi with a spatula, without pressing hard on the cevapchichi so that the juice does not leak out. Keep in mind that when frying, cevapchichi are fried by 20-30 percent. Since cevapchichi miratorg is not very spicy, it is recommended to either sprinkle them with ground pepper when frying, or serve them with hot sauce.

The composition of cevapchichi is minced meat and spices. To make cevapchichi at home, combine minced pork and beef, salt, season and roll into sausage shapes.

Before frying cevapchichi, you can dip them in flour, then in egg, and then in breadcrumbs - this is a recipe for how to fry cevapchichi with a crispy crust. To fry cevapchichi with sauce, simply add it after frying on all sides, cover with a lid and simmer for 3 minutes.

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