Home A fish Stew in the oven at home. How to make pork stew at home. Pork head stew at home

Stew in the oven at home. How to make pork stew at home. Pork head stew at home

Everyone is used to buying stew in the store, but you can make it yourself. Moreover, it tastes much better at home. And you will not think about quality, because you will be sure that everything is made from fresh raw materials.

When buying, it is not always possible to be sure of the contents of the jar, sometimes it happens that instead of meat there may be only streaks and water. But with homemade stew, there will certainly not be such troubles.

Let's quickly find out how to make pork stew with your own hands.

Subtleties and tricks

Before you start cooking pork stew, you need to choose and prepare the meat correctly. It is from the correctly selected meat that the whole taste of the stew will depend.

Rules for the selection and preparation of pork for cooking stew:

  1. It is better to choose meat from a part of the thigh, neck;
  2. Pork should be fresh and fatty. The color should be bright red, not winded;
  3. If there is little fat, then you can add a little internal fat;
  4. If there are bones, then they must be cut off;
  5. Next, a piece of meat is washed, cut into medium pieces;
  6. Preferably before stewing, fry the pieces until golden brown. This is necessary so that after stewing the meat retains its appetizing appearance;
  7. The meat should be stewed for about 5 hours. The entire cooking process must be carried out on low heat.

In order for the stew to be stored for a long time in the future, it must be sterilized and hermetically sealed. Be sure to add salt, spices are natural preservatives that preserve the taste of the stew.

You can store the stew in jars with a volume of 500 ml to 3 liters. From above, the cans are rolled up with metal lids.

Step by step recipe

Let's start cooking pork stew at home:

How to cook pork stew in the oven

What components are required for 12 half-liter jars:

  • meat from a shoulder blade for 3 kilograms;
  • 2.5 kilograms of pork ham;
  • kilogram of pork flank;
  • 60 black peppercorns;
  • 12 leaves of lavrushka;
  • 12 peas of allspice;
  • 6 large spoons of table salt;
  • a little black ground pepper.

Cooking time - 5 hours.

Calorie content - 489 kcal.

Let's start cooking homemade stew in the oven:

  1. First of all, you need to rinse the pork under cool water and wipe it with paper towels;
  2. If there is a film or skin on the meat, then it is better to cut it off;
  3. Cut the meat into large pieces, their width should be approximately 6-7 cm;
  4. We spread all the pieces of pork in a large container;
  5. Pepper and salt the pork. Mix all the pieces well;
  6. Close the container with a lid and leave to marinate for an hour;
  7. In the meantime, you need to sterilize the jars. They can be sterilized over steam;
  8. In a separate container, boil the lids for 5 minutes;
  9. In each jar we lay out a leaf of lavrushka, a pea of ​​allspice, 5 peas of black pepper;
  10. Next, put the meat in jars, put a piece of flank on top of each jar;
  11. We cover the container with lids, but do not twist them very tightly;
  12. Pour a kilogram of salt onto the surface of the baking sheet and distribute it in the form of a uniform layer;
  13. We put the jars on a baking sheet in salt, it is important that their bottom does not come into contact with the metal surface of the baking sheet;
  14. We remove the baking sheet with jars to the lower tier of the oven and leave it to cook at a temperature of 200 degrees;
  15. As soon as the fat melts and begins to boil, the temperature must be reduced to 140 degrees and left to cook for 4 hours;
  16. After that, we take the stew out of the oven, leave it to stand for about 15 minutes so that all the fat stops boiling;
  17. After that, wrap the jars with a warm towel and leave to stand for 1-2 days;
  18. Storage can be stored in a cool room. This stew can be stored for 1 year.

Cooking meat preparations in a slow cooker

What ingredients are needed for cooking:

  • 4 kilograms of pork meat;
  • bay leaf - 4 pieces;
  • 4 large spoons of table salt;
  • 15 black peppercorns;
  • 1 small spoon of marjoram.

Cooking time - 5 hours;

Calorie content - 495 kcal.

How to cook homemade pork stew in a slow cooker:

  1. First you need to rinse the meat well under cool water and wipe it with a paper towel;
  2. If there is a film, veins on the surface of the pork, then they should be cut off;
  3. Cut the meat into medium pieces. The size of each slice should be 5 cm wide and long;
  4. Next, lay out the pork pieces in the capacity of the multicooker;
  5. We select the "Extinguishing" mode and the time is 5 hours. Stew only meat, no need to add water, salt, pepper to it. In the process of stewing, all the necessary fat will be released from the pork, which will not allow the meat to dry out;
  6. About an hour before readiness, you need to open the multicooker container and add salt, bay leaf, peppercorns and other spices to the meat;
  7. Salt should not be too much, but not too little. It is due to this component that the shelf life is ensured;
  8. Close the multicooker and continue to simmer;
  9. In the meantime, we wash the jars and sterilize them over steam or in the oven;
  10. If you decide to sterilize the jars in the oven, then put the container there with the neck down, select a temperature of 150 degrees and leave it to be sterilized for 15 minutes;
  11. Covers should be boiled for 5 minutes;
  12. Next, lay out the meat in jars, pour the remaining fat;
  13. We cover with lids, but do not close too tightly;
  14. We put the container in the oven, leave it to languish at 200 degrees for 20 minutes;
  15. Then we take everything out, roll up the lids;
  16. As soon as the stew has cooled, it must be removed in the refrigerator or in the cellar for storage. Can be taken out to the balcony;
  17. Such meat stew is stored for 6 months.

Pork stew at home is soft, juicy, fragrant. For a change, you can add greens, various spices, fragrant herbs to it. It can be used to prepare any dishes - soups, cereals, potatoes, pasta.

In addition, it is stored for a long time, so it can be safely harvested for the winter. You can store it in a cool place on the balcony, in the cellar, in the pantry, in the refrigerator. On average, meat is stored from 3 months to one year.

Stew - canned meat stewed in its own juice. A special technology ensures long-term storage of the product without loss of nutritional value. Canned meat can be added to porridge, potatoes, soup, naval pasta, or simply eaten warm. The product is used as a filling for pies, casseroles. Canned meat is a lifesaver for housewives. It takes much less time to cook a dish if you use stew instead of raw meat.

Who invented "canned" meat

Meat stew appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. The product was invented by the Frenchman Nicolas Appert. He suggested putting boiled meat in containers preheated to 115°C. According to Apper's idea, the container was not closed completely, but left a small hole. When the product finally cooled down, the slot was plugged. This technology provided long-term storage.

The British improved the invention of Upper. They "transferred" the meat into tin cans, which were hermetically sealed. Soon, this method of preserving meat was picked up by the Americans and Germans. At the beginning of the 19th century, stewed meat was considered an elite product due to its high cost, but closer to the middle, the production of canned food was mechanized, and the price of the product fell. Soon, canned meat received the status of an "army dish", which was facilitated by the wars. It was necessary to provide the army with food that would not spoil for a long time. Stew in tins came in handy.

Residents of the countries of the post-Soviet space know the taste of stew very well. In times of scarcity, the product was in great demand. Meat was rarely brought into stores, but it was possible to buy a can of stew. She helped out the housewives, allowing you to cook hearty meals even during a period of total shortage.

The advantages of "canned" meat were highly appreciated by tourists. Stew still helps out during hikes and expeditions. Banks do not take up much space in a travel backpack. With the help of a simple product, you can turn barley or buckwheat cooked on a fire in a matter of minutes into a culinary masterpiece - simple, but insanely tasty and satisfying, in nature - that's it.

In 1966, a stew dated 1916 fell into the hands of scientists. The analyzes carried out showed that the quality of the product was not affected by such a long storage.

What's in

Stew is a useful product, but only if we are talking about high-quality harvesting. Unscrupulous manufacturers add flavorings, flavor enhancers to canned food, exceed the amount of sodium nitrite, which increases the shelf life of the product. All this negatively affects the health of the consumer: Preservatives destroy tooth enamel, provoke gastrointestinal diseases. Stew is not always made from high-quality raw materials: trimmings, offal, skins, cartilage, soy are added to the meat. In this case, it is not necessary to talk about the benefits of the product.

But stew, cooked at home from high-quality raw materials, really boasts a rich vitamin and mineral composition. The product contains:

  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin PP;
  • a group of vitamins B (except B12);
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

Stew is a source of animal lipids and protein. The product quickly saturates, promotes recuperation after physical activity. The harvest is high in calories, so excessive passion for the product without physical exertion can lead to weight gain.

Making homemade stew is easy. However, if you do not know some tricks, canned food may not work.

  • Choice of meat. Stew should be prepared only from fresh meat. Buy the main ingredient only in trusted places. Frozen raw materials cannot be used for harvesting. For stew from pork, beef, lamb, you need to take only meat pulp. Pieces with bones can be added to canned chicken: they become soft, almost not felt.
  • Adding fat. The most delicious stew is obtained from lean meat, but fat must still be present in canned food: it saturates the product with taste and extends the shelf life. Mistresses recommend taking meat without fat, and “dilute” the composition of the stew with melted lard. This life hack is repeated no matter what raw materials the stew is made from (even poultry).
  • Seasonings. The stew should be fragrant. Especially if you plan to put it on the table as a separate dish. "Delicious" smell will provide seasonings. The minimum set is laurel, pepper (ground and peas), salt. But you can also experiment: add thyme, oregano, cloves.
  • Sterilization of jars. It is imperative to sterilize the container. This also applies to lids. If you skip an important step, then canned food can quickly deteriorate or “explode”. You can choose any method of sterilization - over steam, in the oven, boiling water.

If you use tin lids to seal containers with stew, grease them with melted lard before rolling. So you increase the "life" of the product, prevent the formation of rust on the inside of the lid.

How to do: 3 technologies

There are many ways to cook stew at home. Housewives most often turn to three well-known and simple technologies.

  1. In the oven . The technology involves laying raw meat in sterilized jars. The container with raw materials is sent to a cold oven, then the temperature is set to 200 ° C. When the stew boils, the temperature indicator is lowered to 160 ° C, cooked further (three to six hours).
  2. In a saucepan. The principle of cooking is similar to the technology in the oven, but here the jars are immersed in a pot of water. The meat is cooked by means of the temperature from the heated liquid. The stew will be ready in about four hours. A jelly-like consistency around pieces of meat is formed if a bone is placed on the bottom of the jar.
  3. Stewing / frying. Meat can be simply stewed or fried, canned. It will take a long time to extinguish - at least three hours. To prevent the jars of stew from exploding, after laying the finished meat, it is recommended to pasteurize them for 30 minutes. Meat fried to readiness must be poured with melted fat (for example, the one in which it was cooked): it acts as a preservative.

Stew recipes at home

Pork, lamb, beef, rabbit meat, poultry - any raw material will go for stew. Even "exotic": for example, beaver meat. Below are proven recipes for homemade stew. You can take any of them, adapt to the type of meat that you have. Remember that the cooking time depends on the main ingredient. Chicken, rabbit meat can be simmered less, and pork, beef and fibrous poultry meat - strictly according to the recipe.

Don't overdo the bay leaf. On a half-liter jar of stew, you need to put no more than two pieces. Always check the expiration date of the product: the old laurel is bitter, gives bitterness to the dish.


Peculiarity . Pork stew at home is much tastier than store-bought. To repeat the recipe, you need to prepare a large thick-bottomed pan. It should fit containers with prepared raw materials. You can experiment with seasonings: for example, add thyme branches, a little marjoram to the stew.


  • pork - 3.5 kg;
  • lard - 300 g;
  • onions - three heads;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • ground black pepper - 7 g;
  • allspice - seven pieces;
  • bay leaves - five pieces.


  1. Wash the meat, cut it into large cubes.
  2. Pass the onion through a meat grinder. Mix onion pulp with pepper and salt.
  3. Mix seasonings with meat. Send the workpiece for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
  4. While the meat is infused, take care of the lids and glass containers - sterilize them in any way.
  5. Lay the bay leaves in the bottom of the containers. Top with marinated pork. For meat - chopped lard. Cover jars with lids.
  6. Line the bottom of the pot with a towel. Put the previously prepared container.
  7. Pour water into the pan: the liquid should not reach the very edges of the cans.
  8. Place the saucepan with the containers over medium heat. When the first bubbles appear on the water, reduce the heat to a minimum.
  9. Tomite the workpiece. Make sure the water doesn't boil out of the pot. If fluid becomes low, add more.
  10. In four hours everything will be ready. It remains only to roll up, turn over, wrap in a warm blanket and leave to cool. It usually takes half a day.

Stew can be cooked with various cereals, mushrooms, beans. You will get a full-fledged lunch for the future, similar to a ready-made semi-finished product from a supermarket.


Peculiarity . Beef stew at home is juicy, fragrant, melting in your mouth. The recipe involves cooking stew in a glass jar in the oven. You need to follow the technology with maximum accuracy, but you can experiment with spices. During cooking and immediately after cooking, it is impossible to open the oven door: due to a sharp temperature drop, the glass container may burst.


  • lean beef - 2 kg;
  • lard - 400 g;
  • laurel - two sheets for each jar;
  • salt, pepper (black, peas) - to taste.


  1. Cut the meat pulp into large pieces, lard into small pieces.
  2. Sterilize jars. Take care of the calculation: "laurel - beef - bacon." Add spices.
  3. Cover meat with foil. This will prevent the juice from flowing out. If drops fall on a baking sheet, they will smoke.
  4. Close the container with the lids that will be used for seaming, but do not tighten yet.
  5. Put the prepared jars of meat in a cold oven. Set to 200°C.
  6. Watch the stew first. When through the oven door you see that the contents of the jars are boiling, reduce the temperature to 160 ° C.
  7. Leave the future preservation to stew for three hours. Turn off the oven after the time has elapsed.
  8. Leave to cool in the oven for two to three hours. When the jars are cool, remove the foil. Roll up conservation.

From a rabbit

Peculiarity . Making homemade rabbit stew according to this recipe is simple, but time consuming. The cooking technology assumes that at first the meat will be marinated for six hours. You need a frying pan with high sides: the pieces will have to be fried.


  • rabbit - 1 kg;
  • pork fat - 200 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • seasonings - optional.


  1. Cut up the carcass. Rinse the rabbit well, dry with a paper towel, cut off the flesh.
  2. Cut the meat into small cubes.
  3. Put the workpiece on a tray, salt, leave for six hours in the refrigerator. This will remove excess liquid.
  4. Press the meat after the recommended time.
  5. Melt the lard in a deep frying pan. Fry the meat until done. At the end, add any seasonings, salt to your liking.
  6. Sterilize jars. Put the pieces of rabbit meat in a container, pour over the fat that remains in the pan.
  7. Roll up the workpiece.

If you plan to make a rabbit stew using the “jar” technology in the oven, then soak the cut carcass in water for at least two hours to bleed the meat.

from a bird

Peculiarity . This recipe is best suited for preparing stew from fibrous meat of duck, goose. The pulp is stewed over low heat. For these purposes, a thick-walled dish is selected, ideally a duckling. To make the broth fragrant, onions, carrots, greens are added, but they are then removed, and not sent to jars along with meat.


  • duck - one carcass;
  • onion - one head;
  • carrots - one root crop;
  • parsley - half a bunch;
  • laurel - two leaves;
  • peppercorns - six pieces;
  • spices - to taste;
  • water for the eye.


  1. Cut up the duck. Separate the meat, remove the veins. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
  2. Transfer the meat to the roaster. Fill with water: the liquid should cover the pieces by 1 cm.
  3. Put to stew.
  4. Peel onions and carrots. Add vegetables to meat when it boils. Here - parsley and peppercorns. Salt is not needed yet.
  5. Simmer over low heat for two hours. When the time is up, remove vegetables and herbs from the broth.
  6. Cook for another hour and a half. The meat should become soft.
  7. Salt the stew to taste, add bay leaves. Simmer for about 20 more minutes. In the end, the broth should completely cover the meat.
  8. Carefully remove the boiled pieces from the ducklings. Arrange them in pre-sterilized jars, leaving about a centimeter gap at the top.
  9. Pour the broth in which the duck was stewed to the brim of the cans.
  10. Roll up the banks. Turn over and leave the stew in this form to cool under the covers.

Ducks and geese have a lot of fat. Therefore, you should not additionally use lard - the product will turn out to be too fatty.

We attract kitchen "helpers"

You can cook delicious stew with the help of "helpers" - an autoclave, a slow cooker and even a microwave. The presence of such devices in the kitchen greatly simplifies the process of harvesting canned meat. Recipes need to be repeated step by step without changing the technology, but you can take the meat of your choice. It is also allowed to experiment with seasonings, the main thing is not to overdo it. Prepare a small batch of stew for testing: so you can understand how to bring the recipe to the ideal.

A swollen lid indicates improper cooling. The “wind” stew is also cooled from the autoclave in the same devices. Other cooking methods involve cooling under a blanket.

in an autoclave

Peculiarity . This method of cooking allows you to save a maximum of nutrients in the meat. Another plus is the guaranteed safety of the product: the device provides complete sterility. Stew in an autoclave at home takes a long time to cook, you need to monitor the pressure, but the result is worth it. The meat is juicy, tender, and if you add seasonings - fragrant. You can take any raw material.


  • meat with a fatty layer (pork / beef) - the amount is determined by the size of the autoclave;
  • bay leaf - one leaf per jar;
  • black peppercorns - three in a container;
  • salt, spices - to your own taste.


  1. Cut the meat into pieces. Salt, season.
  2. Sterilize the container along with the lids. Put a bay leaf, peppercorns in each container.
  3. Spread the chopped meat on the prepared container, roll up. Do not tamp, leave 2 cm to the top, otherwise the lids may be torn off.
  4. Place the blank in the autoclave. It is advisable to use an iron stand.
  5. Fill the autoclave container with water. Banks must be covered with liquid.
  6. Close the machine. Set the pressure to two bar, start heating. It is necessary that the pressure rises to four bar, the temperature - up to 140 ° C. With such indicators, the stew is cooked for about three hours.
  7. At the end of direct cooking, do not open the autoclave. Let the water cool naturally. This takes approximately 12-24 hours.
  8. Get out the banks. The stew is ready.

Using an autoclave, you can make fish stew at home. The fish needs to be gutted, cut into pieces, laid out in jars. Add spices to taste, a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Fish stew in an autoclave is prepared using the same technology as meat stew, but only 40-55 minutes.

In a slow cooker

Peculiarity . In a slow cooker, you can cook stew from any type of meat. According to this recipe, half the volume is pork, the other half is beef. It is better to take the pulp with a small fat layer. The recipe involves the addition of forest mushrooms, but you can cook without them. Stew cooked using a slow cooker is especially tender.


  • pork - 0.5 kg;
  • beef - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - two large onions;
  • forest mushrooms (optional) - 0.5 kg;
  • laurel - three leaves;
  • peppercorns - eight pieces;
  • salt, ground black pepper.


  1. Cut the meat into pieces, onion into thin half rings. If the mushrooms are large - cut, small ones can be used whole.
  2. Put the prepared ingredients into the multicooker bowl. Set the "Extinguishing" mode.
  3. Stew the dish for three hours. After the time has elapsed, open the lid, add seasonings, mix.
  4. Close the lid, continue cooking in the same mode for another hour.
  5. Arrange the finished stew in sterile jars, roll up.

If the kitchen has a pressure cooker, then the process of cooking stew will be significantly accelerated. The exact time depends on the type of meat used. You need to simmer it until fully cooked. Cans can be pasteurized in a pressure cooker.

in the microwave

Peculiarity . In the microwave, you can only make chicken stew: chicken fillet cooks quickly. The maximum power of the device must be at least 700 W - otherwise nothing will come of it. This stew can be stored in the refrigerator for two days, but it is better to serve immediately.


  • chicken - 700 g;
  • black peppercorns - up to ten peas;
  • laurel - three leaves;
  • salt - half a teaspoon.


  1. Rinse the chicken, cut into pieces.
  2. Put the prepared meat in a deep bowl designed for microwave cooking. Add spices, mix.
  3. Cover the meat container with a lid. It will not only serve as protection against splashes, but also ensure fast cooking due to internal steaming.
  4. Turn on the microwave oven at maximum power. Set a timer for ten minutes.
  5. Remove the container with the stew after the signal. Stir the meat to evenly cook and distribute the seasonings.
  6. Place the container in the microwave for another ten minutes. The power is the same - to the maximum.

To prepare the stew, you can take chicken quarters, drumsticks, thighs or legs. The skin is not removed: gelling substances accumulate under it, which give the dish a special taste. Chicken fillet is not suitable for cooking stew.

Even a novice hostess will be able to repeat the stew recipe at home. The main thing is to choose the technology that seems the simplest to you. Do not forget about the proper storage of preservation - only in a cool place. If the stew is canned with broth, then it must be opened no later than three months after preparation. The stew, which is pieces of meat in a dense jelly with a fatty layer on top, is stored for nine months. An open jar must be kept in the refrigerator, and only three days. But usually there are no problems with this: home-made stew is so tasty that it disperses right there.

Reviews: "Simply amazingly turns out, without any labor costs"

Due to the impossibility of finding a normal one in stores, you have to do it yourself in a slow cooker - it turns out amazingly, without any labor costs (except for cutting and laying the meat into pieces, and then adding seasonings).

Amina_ , http://forum.awd.ru/viewtopic.php?f=379&t=187351

My mother for twenty years every year in 70-80 made homemade stew, kept her cattle. For almost a year from autumn to the end of summer, the stew stood in the pantry on the floor, and it never went bad. I made fifty cans. I don’t know the recipe, but I cooked in a Russian oven, salt, spices, cooked for a long time without boiling.

CHekA, http://dacha.wcb.ru/lofiversion/index.php?t47500.html

1:502 1:507

Stew is a very convenient product that every housewife should have in stock. There are situations in life when food needs to be prepared quickly. And what could be better than opening a can of good stew and frying it with pasta or potatoes? With it you can cook any soup, cook a delicious second course, make a delicious sandwich.


And for those who raise pigs, the issue of conservation is most acute.

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Store-bought stew does not always live up to our expectations. And we cook homemade stew to your taste. We know exactly what kind of meat we put in it, we can adjust the recipe to our taste.


There are different ways and recipes for making homemade stew. You can cook it in a water bath, you can - in the oven, slow cooker, autoclave. Well, if you have a pressure cooker, it is very convenient to cook stew in it.

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To make homemade stew you will need:


Pork (shoulder is better) - 500 g;
Salo - 300 g;
Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
Salt, pepper - to taste.

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Advice: Stew is best done in glass jars that can be hermetically sealed. Sterilize jars. There are many ways to sterilize canning jars, for example, place clean, dry jars in the microwave for 3 minutes.

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Meat cut into medium-sized pieces. Cut off excess fat.


Salt, pepper. Mix thoroughly.


Put a bay leaf on the bottom of a sterilized jar, then put the chopped pork. Pack the pieces of meat tightly.

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Then cover the jar with a sterilized lid and place in a cold oven. Turn on the oven at 250 degrees.
- As soon as the meat boils, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and continue to keep the jar of stew in the oven for another 3 hours.
- Don't let the careless appearance of the cans scare you, these are the remains of the juice flowing from the can. At the end of cooking, the remaining juice is removed, the jar is wiped with a napkin and becomes clean.

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While the meat is stewing in the oven in a jar, you need to melt the fat from solid white fat. To do this, cut the fat into small pieces, put it in a roasting pan and melt the fat at a low temperature. Drain the rendered fat into a clean container.

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After 3 hours, remove the jar of stew from the oven, pour the contents with melted pork fat, close and roll up the lid hermetically. Leave the jar to cool at room temperature.

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Remove jars with ready-made pork stew in a cool place. But keep in mind that such homemade stew is perfectly stored at room temperature.



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When using home-cooked stew, remove unnecessary fat, take out the pork and use it as directed.

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Homemade pork stew in a pot


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To be sure of the quality and taste of this product, you should make it at home.



For this we need to take:


4 kg of fatty pork,

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2 tbsp. spoons of salt


pepper and bay leaf.

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To begin with, you should thoroughly rinse the meat and cut it into 3 cm pieces. Then they need to be put in a saucepan, pour water and bring to a boil over high heat.

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Then remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook for 4 hours.

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Half an hour before the end of cooking, add spices.

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Distribute meat with broth into clean jars. Cover and sterilize for 15 minutes. It remains only to close the banks.

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Homemade pork stew in a pressure cooker




1) Rinse the meat, cut into pieces.
2) As spices, we use bay leaf, peppercorns and ground pepper.
3) Salt the meat at the rate of 1 teaspoon without a slide per 500 g of meat, add pepper, bay leaf and chopped onion. We mix the mass.
4) At the bottom of the pressure cooker, put a special stand, which is included in the kit, lay out the meat. Add water, enough so that it is on the same level with the meat. Cover with a lid and put on fire. You can bring the mass to a boil over high heat. The fact that the water is boiling, we learn by the characteristic whistle. Immediately reduce the fire and cook on the smallest fire for 2 hours.
5) During this time, we will sterilize the jars and lids. Homemade pork stew is ready, you can put it in jars.
6) Cover with lids and set to sterilize in a water bath for 40 minutes from the moment the water boils. We do not put hot jars in cold water (they can crack), and cold jars in hot water too.
7) We roll up the jars with lids. Homemade pork stew is stored in a cold place.

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Homemade pork stew in a pot without water


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To prepare stew at home, you need:


Cut 1 kg of clean pork meat and put it in a clean, dry pan,


Add 200 grams of lard cut into small pieces.

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The pot should be tightly closed and put on a minimum fire, while there is no need to add water - after all, fresh meat has enough moisture, which will be released during the slow cooking process.

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In the process of cooking the stew, which takes from 4 to 5 hours, the meat should be stirred occasionally, and at the end of cooking, add a little bay leaf, as well as salt and a little ground black pepper to taste.



It is advisable to use black pepper with peas, which must first be ground in a coffee grinder - this will give the stew a completely unique taste and aroma.

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Homemade pork stew in a slow cooker


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Pork Stew Ingredients:


boneless pork - 3 kg;
onion - 1 pc.;
bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
peppercorns - 12 pcs.;
salt - to taste.

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How to cook pork stew:


Rinse the meat, cut into cubes across the grain. Put the pork into the multicooker bowl.
Add the peeled onion cut into 4 pieces. Close the lid and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 5 hours.
Then open the lid, salt, add spices and seasonings and continue cooking in the same mode for another hour.
Arrange the finished stew in sterilized jars and roll up.



Homemade pork stew in jars


13:585 13:590

Cooking meat stew is not a difficult process.


We will need:
Pork meat - 5 kg.
Fat - based on 5 kilograms of meat 1 kg of fat. If the meat is fatty, you can take less fat.
Salt - 1 teaspoon per 1 kg of meat.
Bay leaf, peppercorns.

13:1035 13:1040

Cut the meat into large pieces, add salt, you can add marjoram if desired, mix.
Next, we prepare the jars, they must be washed and sterilized. In prepared jars, put 2 bay leaves, black pepper, 5-10 peas on the bottom of each jar.
Put the meat in each jar, alternating fatty pieces and lean. Then melt the lard, pour the fat into jars of meat.
Place jars filled with meat in a cold oven on a baking sheet sprinkled with an even layer of salt so that the temperature in the oven is even.
Turn on the oven and heat up to 200 degrees. At this temperature, cook the stew for 3 hours, then carefully remove the jars from the oven and roll up with clean scalded lids.



During the preparation of the stew, the meat is boiled down by 40%, so you need to buy meat in volumes, given that in order to have 7-10 kilograms of stew, you need 10-14 kilograms of meat. It is also necessary to take into account that if you cook beef stew, then fat is needed for better storage, since there is not much fat in beef meat, it is necessary to add fat at the rate of 5 kg of meat to 1 kg of melted lard. If you cook pork stew, then you can not put fat.

13:843 13:848

1:502 1:507

Stew is a very convenient product that every housewife should have in stock. There are situations in life when food needs to be prepared quickly. And what could be better than opening a can of good stew and frying it with pasta or potatoes? With it you can cook any soup, cook a delicious second course, make a delicious sandwich.


And for those who raise pigs, the issue of conservation is most acute.

1:1279 1:1284



Store-bought stew does not always live up to our expectations. And we cook homemade stew to your taste. We know exactly what kind of meat we put in it, we can adjust the recipe to our taste.


There are different ways and recipes for making homemade stew. You can cook it in a water bath, you can - in the oven, slow cooker, autoclave. Well, if you have a pressure cooker, it is very convenient to cook stew in it.

2:750 2:755 2:1042 2:1047




To make homemade stew you will need:


Pork (shoulder is better) - 500 g;
Salo - 300 g;
Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
Salt, pepper - to taste.

3:268 3:273

Advice: Stew is best done in glass jars that can be hermetically sealed. Sterilize jars. There are many ways to sterilize canning jars, for example, place clean, dry jars in the microwave for 3 minutes.

3:718 3:723


3:757 3:762

Meat cut into medium-sized pieces. Cut off excess fat.


Salt, pepper. Mix thoroughly.


Put a bay leaf on the bottom of a sterilized jar, then put the chopped pork. Pack the pieces of meat tightly.

3:1208 3:1213



Then cover the jar with a sterilized lid and place in a cold oven. Turn on the oven at 250 degrees.
- As soon as the meat boils, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and continue to keep the jar of stew in the oven for another 3 hours.
- Don't let the careless appearance of the cans scare you, these are the remains of the juice flowing from the can. At the end of cooking, the remaining juice is removed, the jar is wiped with a napkin and becomes clean.

4:792 4:797

5:1301 5:1306

While the meat is stewing in the oven in a jar, you need to melt the fat from solid white fat. To do this, cut the fat into small pieces, put it in a roasting pan and melt the fat at a low temperature. Drain the rendered fat into a clean container.

5:1747 5:4

6:508 6:513

After 3 hours, remove the jar of stew from the oven, pour the contents with melted pork fat, close and roll up the lid hermetically. Leave the jar to cool at room temperature.

6:865 6:870

7:1374 7:1379

Remove jars with ready-made pork stew in a cool place. But keep in mind that such homemade stew is perfectly stored at room temperature.



8:508 8:513

When using home-cooked stew, remove unnecessary fat, take out the pork and use it as directed.

8:753 8:758

Homemade pork stew in a pot


9:1343 9:1348

To be sure of the quality and taste of this product, you should make it at home.



For this we need to take:


4 kg of fatty pork,

9:106 9:124

2 tbsp. spoons of salt


pepper and bay leaf.

9:198 9:203



To begin with, you should thoroughly rinse the meat and cut it into 3 cm pieces. Then they need to be put in a saucepan, pour water and bring to a boil over high heat.

9:529 9:534

Then remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook for 4 hours.

9:647 9:652

Half an hour before the end of cooking, add spices.

9:765 9:770

Distribute meat with broth into clean jars. Cover and sterilize for 15 minutes. It remains only to close the banks.

9:1008 9:1013

Homemade pork stew in a pressure cooker




1) Rinse the meat, cut into pieces.
2) As spices, we use bay leaf, peppercorns and ground pepper.
3) Salt the meat at the rate of 1 teaspoon without a slide per 500 g of meat, add pepper, bay leaf and chopped onion. We mix the mass.
4) At the bottom of the pressure cooker, put a special stand, which is included in the kit, lay out the meat. Add water, enough so that it is on the same level with the meat. Cover with a lid and put on fire. You can bring the mass to a boil over high heat. The fact that the water is boiling, we learn by the characteristic whistle. Immediately reduce the fire and cook on the smallest fire for 2 hours.
5) During this time, we will sterilize the jars and lids. Homemade pork stew is ready, you can put it in jars.
6) Cover with lids and set to sterilize in a water bath for 40 minutes from the moment the water boils. We do not put hot jars in cold water (they can crack), and cold jars in hot water too.
7) We roll up the jars with lids. Homemade pork stew is stored in a cold place.

10:1821 10:4

Homemade pork stew in a pot without water


11:604 11:609

To prepare stew at home, you need:


Cut 1 kg of clean pork meat and put it in a clean, dry pan,


Add 200 grams of lard cut into small pieces.

11:966 11:971

The pot should be tightly closed and put on a minimum fire, while there is no need to add water - after all, fresh meat has enough moisture, which will be released during the slow cooking process.

11:1370 11:1375

In the process of cooking the stew, which takes from 4 to 5 hours, the meat should be stirred occasionally, and at the end of cooking, add a little bay leaf, as well as salt and a little ground black pepper to taste.



It is advisable to use black pepper with peas, which must first be ground in a coffee grinder - this will give the stew a completely unique taste and aroma.

11:313 11:320

Homemade pork stew in a slow cooker


12:911 12:916

Pork Stew Ingredients:


boneless pork - 3 kg;
onion - 1 pc.;
bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
peppercorns - 12 pcs.;
salt - to taste.

12:1157 12:1162

How to cook pork stew:


Rinse the meat, cut into cubes across the grain. Put the pork into the multicooker bowl.
Add the peeled onion cut into 4 pieces. Close the lid and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 5 hours.
Then open the lid, salt, add spices and seasonings and continue cooking in the same mode for another hour.
Arrange the finished stew in sterilized jars and roll up.



Homemade pork stew in jars


13:585 13:590

Cooking meat stew is not a difficult process.


We will need:
Pork meat - 5 kg.
Fat - based on 5 kilograms of meat 1 kg of fat. If the meat is fatty, you can take less fat.
Salt - 1 teaspoon per 1 kg of meat.
Bay leaf, peppercorns.

13:1035 13:1040

Cut the meat into large pieces, add salt, you can add marjoram if desired, mix.
Next, we prepare the jars, they must be washed and sterilized. In prepared jars, put 2 bay leaves, black pepper, 5-10 peas on the bottom of each jar.
Put the meat in each jar, alternating fatty pieces and lean. Then melt the lard, pour the fat into jars of meat.
Place jars filled with meat in a cold oven on a baking sheet sprinkled with an even layer of salt so that the temperature in the oven is even.
Turn on the oven and heat up to 200 degrees. At this temperature, cook the stew for 3 hours, then carefully remove the jars from the oven and roll up with clean scalded lids.



During the preparation of the stew, the meat is boiled down by 40%, so you need to buy meat in volumes, given that in order to have 7-10 kilograms of stew, you need 10-14 kilograms of meat. It is also necessary to take into account that if you cook beef stew, then fat is needed for better storage, since there is not much fat in beef meat, it is necessary to add fat at the rate of 5 kg of meat to 1 kg of melted lard. If you cook pork stew, then you can not put fat.

13:843 13:848

Sokolova Svetlana

Reading time: 1 minute


Stew is a colloquial name for canned stew. Sold everywhere and stored for a long time without loss of nutritional value. Since manufacturers deviate from state standards, the quality of the purchased product is in doubt, so I will tell you how to properly cook stew at home.

Not every housewife decides to cook it at home, considering the task to be difficult and costly. In fact, there is nothing difficult in preparing homemade stew, it consists of natural ingredients without preservatives, meat waste and substitutes. Different meats are used for cooking: beef, pork, chicken, rabbit meat, even beaver meat.

Recipes for delicious pork stew

Canned meats are tasty and healthy if prepared on your own. The technology for preparing pork stew is simple, but takes time. Homemade canned food is an addition to a side dish, an independent dish or a snack in the fresh air.


Servings: 30

  • pork 4 kg
  • onion 3 pcs
  • salt 2 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper 1 tsp
  • Bay leaf 10 sheets

per serving

Calories: 367 kcal

Proteins: 13 g

Fats: 35 g

Carbohydrates: 0 g

4 o'clock 0 min. Video recipe Print

    I pour water over the pork and cut it into medium pieces, add onion, salt and pepper, passed through a meat grinder, mix. I put it in the fridge for half an hour. Sometimes I use other spices, but be careful, otherwise the taste will suffer.

    While the meat is languishing, I pour water over and sterilize glass jars. I put a bay leaf at the bottom of each container, put pieces of pork on top. Pour pre-boiled water into each jar.

    I cover the bottom of a wide pan with a towel, put jars of meat on top, covered with lids. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, cover with a lid. I cook on a small fire for 3.5 hours. I carefully monitor the water, add if necessary.

    I roll up the jars with the finished stew with lids, turn them upside down and leave to cool. Store in refrigerator or low temperature room.

I consider homemade stew made from pork a universal product. She pleases the family with delicious dishes and helps out when unexpected guests knock on the door.

Pork head stew

In terms of taste and quality, pork head stew is significantly ahead of the store counterpart.


  • Pig head -- 1 pc.
  • Water - 2.5 l.
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons.
  • Black and allspice, bay leaf - to taste.


  1. I pour water over the pork head and carefully cut off the cheek, otherwise the stew turns out to be too oily. The pulp is separated from the bones and cartilage, washed, dried and cut into small pieces.
  2. I put the prepared meat in a saucepan, add water, put it on fire, wait for it to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for 3.5 hours. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add salt, pepper and laurel.
  3. I lay out the boiled pork in sterilized jars with a volume of 500 ml and put it in a wide pan, after covering the bottom with a towel. I add water so that the jars are immersed to the shoulders. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook for 20 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, I take the jars out of the pan, roll them up with lids, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool. I determine the finished product for storage in a cool place.

I use small jars for a reason, they are very convenient. One jar is enough for cooking several dishes, it does not take up much space in a backpack or refrigerator.

Cooking beef stew

Beef stew is combined with buckwheat, pasta, mashed potatoes or regular scrambled eggs, making the taste of the main dish perfect. Some cooks use canned meats to stuff pies, others make pizza bases out of them.


  • Beef - 2 kg.
  • Water - 3 spoons.
  • Thyme - 2 branches.
  • Bay leaf -- 2 pcs.
  • Pepper and salt - to taste.


  1. Rinse beef with water and pat dry with paper towels. I cut into large pieces and spread in a thick-walled dish. I recommend using a good brazier, the tenderness and aroma of the stew largely depend on it.
  2. I add water to the meat, cover the dishes with a lid, put on a small fire. I cook for 2 hours, periodically checking if there is broth in the brazier. After two hours, add salt, thyme and pepper, cover with a lid, turn off the heat and leave for 6 hours.
  3. After the time has passed, I spread it in sterilized jars and tightly roll up the lids. Store in a cool place or refrigerator.

Cooking video

To make the taste of beef stew unique, sometimes I add a little onion and carrot at the beginning of cooking. I pre-peel the vegetables, pour over with water and cut into large circles or cubes. Before pouring into jars, I take out the vegetables and throw them away.

Proper chicken stew

Not every woman finds time to cook delicious meals, but the desire to please her family with culinary delights does not disappear anywhere. Chicken stew comes to the rescue. It is prepared easily and quickly, and the taste is significantly ahead of the product offered by shops and supermarkets.


  • Chicken fillet - 2 kg.
  • Black pepper -- 8 pcs.
  • Laurel - 4 leaves.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Ground pepper - 1 teaspoon.
  • Marjoram - 1 pinch.


  1. I wash 4 half-liter jars well and set them to be sterilized. I pour chicken fillet with water, dry it, cut off the fat (I don’t throw it away, it will come in handy later) and cut it into small pieces. Add salt, marjoram, ground pepper, mix.
  2. At the bottom of a sterilized jar I put a bay leaf and a few peppercorns. Fill with meat, cover with cling film. Be sure to make holes so that the steam can escape freely.
  3. I put the jars with the future stew on the brazier and send them to the oven. I set the temperature to 200 degrees. I do not advise putting jars in a hot oven, they will burst. Carcass 3 hours.
  4. A third of an hour before the end of cooking, I chop the fat cut at the beginning, put it in a frying pan and melt it. I take out the cracklings, salt the fat and leave it on the fire.
  5. At the end, I carefully take out the jars of stew, add a little melted fat to each to increase the shelf life, roll up the lids. I wait until the meat has cooled down, and send it to a cool place.

beaver stew recipe

Traditionally, hunters smoke beaver meat. If this is not possible, they make canned food that is not inferior to classic types of meat. Incredible taste, excellent aroma, violent juiciness - the characteristics of beaver stew.


  • Beaver carcass -- 1 pc.
  • Peppercorns - to taste.
  • Bay leaf - to taste.
  • Ground pepper - to taste.
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. I pour water over the beaver meat, free it from the bones, cut off the fat and films, cut it into pieces, put it in a bowl and pour it with water. I soak for 12 hours. Since the meat releases a lot of blood, I recommend changing the water several times.
  2. I dry the soaked meat with a paper towel, add salt and pepper, mix. At the bottom of a sterilized jar I put a bay leaf and a few peppercorns. I fill the jar with beaver meat. I leave 3 centimeters to the edges.
  3. I cover the bottom of a wide pan with a folded cloth, put jars on top. I pour hot water into the pan so that 3 cm remains to the edge of the jars. I cover the jars with lids and put them on the stove.
  4. As it boils, I reduce the heat and cook for 7 hours. During cooking, the water boils away, so I periodically add it. The finished stew is taken out of the water, rolled up with lids, turned upside down and wrapped until cool.

Beaver stew is a delicacy, because this kind of meat is rarely found on sale. If you put such a treat on the table of your guests, it will satisfy their gastronomic wishes and pleasantly surprise you.

Rabbit stew

Rabbit meat is a tender, tasty, healthy and dietary product. It is baked in sour cream, stewed in wine, put on stew. The result is one - a hearty, tasty and fragrant dish.


  • Rabbit meat -- 800 g
  • Pork fat - 150 g.
  • Salt and favorite seasonings - to taste.


  1. I cut the carcass of a rabbit. At the end of the main processing, I douse the carcass with water, dry it and carefully cut off the flesh. Cut into small pieces 2-3 cm thick.
  2. I spread the prepared meat on a tray, sprinkle with salt and leave for 8 hours. This time is enough for the rabbit meat to give up excess liquid. After the time has elapsed, I squeeze and fry in melted lard.
  3. I sprinkle the fried pieces of rabbit meat with spices and put them in sterilized jars. I usually use peppercorns and garlic. Then I fill it with the fat left after frying and roll it up.

I store jars of rabbit stew in a cool place without access to light. If there is no such room, wrap each jar with thick paper or opaque material. Stew prepared according to the recipe is stored for up to six months.

Tips for cooking in an autoclave, oven, slow cooker

Stew is a meat that, due to prolonged stewing, acquires the properties of a canned product and retains freshness even during long-term storage.

Here are some helpful cooking tips, and below I'll look at recreating this indispensable product using an autoclave, oven, and microwave.

  • High-quality stew is prepared from lean meat. Sometimes melted lard is added.
  • To prepare beef stew, buy one large piece of meat. Veal is not suitable, as it is inferior to beef in terms of taste.
  • Pork is medium fat. Experts recommend including brisket whenever possible.
  • Chicken is taken on the bones, without the skin.
  • Preparation involves stewing without adding water for 2.5-3.5 hours.
  • For stewing, thick-walled and vertically elongated dishes are used. Other containers are not suitable, in them the meat floats above the liquid, as a result, the effect of cooking in its own juice disappears.
  • The stew is stored in a cool, dark place. Covers are smeared with melted fat against rust.

in an autoclave

Meat is a source of protein that the human body needs. Frying or prolonged heat treatment removes all useful components. The autoclave is different. Cooking conditions contribute to the preservation of healthy fats, vitamins and carbohydrates. The final product becomes tender and juicy. Let's consider the technological process with an example.


  • Pork - according to the size of the autoclave.
  • Salo.
  • Laurel, peppercorns, ground pepper - to taste.
  • Spices for meat - to taste.
  • Garlic - to taste.


  1. I prepare liter jars. I take as much as will fit in the autoclave tank. I douse each jar with water and sterilize.
  2. At the bottom I put a washed clove of garlic, a few peppercorns, a bay leaf and a little chopped lard.
  3. I cut the washed pork into medium pieces, put it in jars, sprinkle with salt and pepper, roll up the lids. I send it to the autoclave.
  4. I pour water into the autoclave tank to cover the jars. I close the device, pump air up to 1.5 bar. I put the autoclave on the stove and wait until the pressure reaches 4 bar, then I lower the heat and cook for 4 hours, monitoring the pressure.
  5. At the end of the time, I turn off the fire. I don't open the autoclave. I'm waiting for the water to cool completely. It takes a day, after which I take out the stew from the tank and send it to the cellar.
  6. , previously covered with lids. Be sure to take out the sealing gum.
  7. I set the temperature to 200 degrees and turn on the oven. After boiling the contents, I reduce the temperature to 150 degrees. I cook for 3 hours, periodically add water to the pan.
  8. After the time has elapsed, I take out the jars and roll them up with lids, returning the gum back.

In a slow cooker

I offer a recipe for stew with mushrooms in a slow cooker.


  • Pork - 500 g.
  • Beef -- 500 g
  • Forest mushrooms - 500 g.
  • Onions - 2 heads.
  • Peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Laurel - 3 sheets.
  • Ground pepper and salt - to taste.


  1. Pork and beef are poured over with water, dried with a paper towel, cut into pieces. I cut the peeled and washed onion into half rings. I use small forest mushrooms whole, cut large ones into pieces.
  2. I send the prepared ingredients to the multicooker bowl, activate the stew mode, set the timer for 4 hours. After 3 hours, open the lid, add salt and seasonings, continue cooking under the closed lid.
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