Home Salads and appetizers How many calories are spent. Calorie consumption in various activities

How many calories are spent. Calorie consumption in various activities

With age, the human body undergoes irreversible changes, accompanied by a slowdown in metabolism. The latter process sometimes leads to the appearance of excess weight. This can be avoided only by regularly taking care of your body. Sports, active lifestyle, Regularly performed physical exercises are the key to harmony for decades.

But not all types of activity lead to the same effect, since some actions consume, for example, 100 kcal per unit of time, while others consume five times more. What activities burn the most calories? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, since everything depends on the age, weight and height of a person, the constitution of the body. However, you can average calorie consumption rates to rank the most effective exercises. In our article you will find summary tables on calorie consumption when doing different sports.

daily calorie requirement

on average, women need 2000 kcal, and men 2500

The average person needs at least 1600 kcal, entering the body with food, provided that it is at rest all day. Women, at least a little active, need 2000 kcal, men - 2500.

Alas, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet lead to extra pounds. Later, people begin to take care of the body by doing all sorts of exercises.

There is an empirical formula for determining the vital number of calories. For women it looks like this:

9.99 × weight (in kg) + 6.25 × height (in cm) - 4.92 × age - 161;

to calculate the indicator for men, the figure "5" is added to the result.

If the goal of playing sports is to acquire the optimal weight, you must follow the rule: The number of calories burned should exceed the number consumed by 20%. For example, according to the above formula, 1600 kcal were obtained. Then, to gain normal conditions, you need to burn 320 kcal per day. How to do this is a personal choice for everyone, some choose intense physical exercises, others choose long-term cyclic loads. Before a detailed consideration of ways to burn calories, it is worth referring to the natural data of a person.

Dependence of energy loss on body structure

There are three types of building:

  • ectomorph;
  • mesomorph;
  • endomorph.

The first is characterized by leanness, long limbs, narrow palms and feet, and an almost complete absence of body fat. Such a representative spends energy 5-8% faster.

The second is characterized by a developed muscular system, a long torso, broad shoulders. The following indicators refer specifically to them as the most common representatives.

Endomorph can be distinguished by a rounded face and body, an impressive volume of the subcutaneous layer. It consumes calories 6-9% slower than the mesomorph, since the available fat slows down the metabolism.

When considering the appropriate type of physical activity to maintain optimal weight, you need to consider the structure of your own body. Now it is worth clarifying the number of calories burned with different mobility using the example of a person weighing 70 kg.

Physical exercise at home

jump rope - the most effective calorie burner for home

Many people are reluctant to go to the gym, preferring to move at home. Some may say that this is wrong, but even simple movements of the game format can benefit the body. For example, . Familiar from childhood at a frequency of 120-150 jumps every minute for an hour, it will burn about 750 kcal. It is difficult to withstand an hour of continuous movement, so it is recommended to perform 6-8 sets of 8-10 minutes. Then calories will be consumed a little less (600 kcal).

Skipping rope is considered the most effective way to maintain a normal weight if you do not want to leave the house.

Physical exercises with the weight of your body (, jumping "legs together / apart", lifting the torso on) at a light intensity will burn 250, at a high intensity - 550 kcal.

Popular, alas, is not the best method of spending calories - up to 5 kcal every minute. However, it is worth doing it at least to strengthen the muscles and timely transition to harder exercises.

When performing the bar with dumbbells, the situation is different. Taking a load with each hand, the latter alternately rise to the body and linger for 2-3 seconds. 15 kcal is burned per minute.

Some people do not accept working with cargo, leaning towards. It's curious that in terms of benefits, hula hoop torsion is comparable to - about 600 kcal is lost per hour! Leading nutritionists of the world claim that if you twist the hoop for 5-6 ten-minute sessions daily, this will lead to a narrowing of the waist by 3 cm per month.

Dancing at home is no worse than running, swimming or playing sports. An hour of intensive movements burns 450 kcal. The indicator varies, based on the speed and complexity of the dance.

Exercise outside the home

Burning calories outdoors is faster than indoors

It is easy to believe in favor of cyclic sports with aerobic exercise (deep breathing at an increased heart rate) by looking at their representatives. Swimmers, runners, cyclists, skiers are slim, smart, thin.

  • 5th place - riding, skating (5.167);
  • 4th place - classes in gym (5,2);
  • 3rd place - outdoor games like football, basketball, etc. (6.273);
  • 2nd place - water sports (6,625);
  • 1st place - running (9.00).

Running is a guaranteed way to burn extra calories - an hourly movement at a speed of 12 km / h will write off 700 kcal, at a speed of 8 km / h - 560 kcal.

Walking up the stairs is even cooler - in 60 minutes the body will thank you with a loss of 900 kcal. uses fewer muscles than running therefore, calorie consumption rates are reduced by 15-20%.

Winter physical activity requires energy not only for movement - the lion's share of calories goes to warm the body. For an hour of ice skating, a person loses 700 kcal, and skiing - up to 900 kcal, depending on the conditions.

Don't think that warm clothes prevent you from burning extra calories and don't neglect frost protection.

The same applies to . When in water, the human body experiences stress, accompanied by the release of calories in order to warm the body. Hourly swimming at a speed of 10 m / min burns 215 kcal, at a speed of 50 m / min - 720 kcal.

Trampoline jumping is considered an excellent method of parting with excess weight. If you give a lesson for 15 minutes, the calories burned are comparable to an hour of training on a treadmill.

How many calories to spend when doing different sports (video review):

For comfortable assimilation of the information provided, below is a table of calorie consumption for a person weighing 70 kg.

Table 1. Calorie consumption during activity at home.

Table 2. Calorie expenditure during activity outside the home.

Type of activity Hourly calorie consumption, kcal
Cycling (20 km/h) 540
Moderate running (12 km/h) 700
Easy jogging (8 km/h)

One calorie is the amount of energy required to raise 1 degree Celsius to 1 gram of water. We can say that this conventional unit allows you to determine which energy value possesses a particular product. Almost every woman at least once in her life followed a diet to lose weight, but it is interesting to find out how many calories a person spends per day, eating normally?

In fact, there are several ways to determine how many calories a person needs per day. It would be logical to say that we will not get better if the amount of energy consumed per day is less than spent. But there are certain nuances that significantly complement this statement.

Important indicators

Among other things, it is necessary to take into account such an indicator as the glycemic index of foods, which is defined as the ability of food consumed to affect blood sugar levels. A high index means that a lot of glucose enters the body, which means it will produce a large amount of insulin, which will turn almost all the carbohydrates eaten into body fat. In fact, blood sugar levels are very important indicator for those who follow their figure. But this does not mean at all that you should give up such healthy, but glucose-containing foods, like cereals and fruits. In fact, it would be much more correct to minimize the consumption of harmful white sugar.

To understand how many calories a person spends per day, you should pay attention to such a thing as the thermal effect of food. It shows how much energy a person needs to digest a particular product. For example, meat, fish, radish, dark rice have a high thermal effect, and sugar and alcohol, in turn, have a low thermal effect, the absorption of which practically does not require any energy.

Number of calories needed to maintain current weight

The calculation of calories that a person needs in order to maintain real weight occurs in several stages.

1. Let's determine how much energy a person needs to spend daily in order to maintain the natural processes of respiration, the production of substances necessary for the body, thermoregulation and other physiological processes. So, it is believed that it takes 20 percent of our weight.

2. Now let's find out how much energy is spent on physical activity. To do this, we multiply the result obtained earlier by the indicator of your activity. So, if you are mostly in a sitting position throughout the day, use a factor of 0.2. More active people who occasionally take leisurely walks or exercise homework, multiply the previous result by 0.3. If you move around a lot, regularly do gymnastics or yoga, or do hard physical work, then choose an indicator of 0.4. Athletes must use a factor of 0.5. Now the result obtained after multiplication adds to the one you had in the first paragraph.

3. It remains to find out how many calories a person spends per day on digesting food. To do this, you need to add the two figures obtained earlier and calculate how much it will be 10 percent of this result. So we will determine the third digit in the formula.

4. Add up the three numbers and get the number of calories that you need to spend per day to maintain the current weight.

Those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not play sports can calculate this indicator even easier. In this case, you should simply multiply your weight by the number 28 - this will be the minimum amount of energy that is required to maintain the vital activity of the body.

The number of calories burned directly depends on your weight, gender, intensity of exercise, as well as metabolic rate. As you can see, the figures below are very arbitrary. However, you will find them on most specialized calorie calculation websites. It is believed that such data are average, that is, in our case, they are suitable for women weighing from 65 to 70 kilograms. However, even if your weight differs from the above, our data will help you form an idea of ​​​​the work of your body and the energy costs that occur during the day.


How does the morning start, with coffee and a croissant or with porridge on the water with a vegetable smoothie? No, from making the bed (35 kcal), showering (10 minutes - 40 kcal), preparing breakfast (75 kcal), washing dishes (50 kcal), make-up (60 kcal) with styling (141 kcal) and, of course, choosing and trying on clothes (93 kcal). If you have a dog, then walking with it will cost you 200 kcal for 40 minutes.

A trip to work will also not go unaccounted for. There are, however, many different options, so choose the one that is closest to you. So, driving a car will cost you 90 kcal per hour, walking - 270 kcal, but traveling by public transport is 70 kcal if sitting, and 120 kcal standing.


During the day, we can be involved in many processes, ranging from writing letters (80 kcal / hour) and talking on the phone (50 kcal / hour), ending with conversations with colleagues near the cooler (80 kcal / hour).

It is generally accepted that for an eight-hour working day, the average office worker, subject to mild stress, spends about 550 kcal. Such work includes various paperwork, telephone conversations, correspondence by mail and occasional walks to the kettle. In general, quite familiar things, without any excessive physical exertion.

Those who are employed in the field of education or service, that is, whose work involves a lot of movement and communication with other people per day, can spend from 1000 kcal. This type of work involves you being on your feet a lot, moving around indoors and talking a lot, a lot, which is obviously extremely energy intensive. Plus, the stress that comes with this kind of work also affects the number of calories burned. However, the same amount per day can be spent by those whose work is related to taking care of the house - cleaning, cooking and caring for the child also belongs to this category.

Most of all during the working day, of course, those whose work is directly related to physical activity are burned - loaders, workers, builders, repairmen, athletes, finally. There you can already talk about at least 2000 calories per working day.

It will also be interesting to note how much our brain itself burns per day. Studies show that in the absence of mental stress, the brain burns up to 400-500 kcal per day. If your work is connected with the need to solve certain tasks that require increased concentration and mental stress, then congratulations, your brain spends twice as many calories. Emotions increase energy consumption by 10-20% - experiences, joy, fear make the brain work with increased force.


In the evening, calorie consumption is the lowest of the day, which is quite logical, given that at the end of the day we prefer to take a break from business, doing relaxing things. Reading your favorite book for an hour will cost you 29 kcal, and watching TV 65 kcal. It is also interesting that 10-15 minutes of laughter can burn up to 50 calories. Some experts even compare 1 minute of laughter to 10 minutes of fitness.


While we sleep, the body continues its hard work. For 8 hours of healthy sleep, a person can spend about 560 kcal. However, such a volume is burned only on the condition that you go to bed in a relaxed, not stressful state, a room in which you sleep at a comfortable cool temperature, and three hours before bedtime you did not eat anything fatty, sweet and very high-calorie.

Summing up

Any activity, whether active or passive, consumes energy. More or less - depends on the nature of the classes and your physique. If you set a goal for yourself to lose weight, the first step is to analyze your day for activities, which will help you calculate at least an approximate number of calories you spend.

The second step is to determine the number of calories that you are recommended to consume per day according to medical standards. For each age, weight and height, this amount is calculated individually. For help, it is better to contact a nutritionist, who, among other things, will help you make a diet and decide on the type of food.


According to sanitary and hygienic standards, to office those categories of work, the intensity of energy consumption of which is up to 120 kcal / h with little physical exertion, as well as up to 121-150 kcal / h - subject to alternating sitting and walking. Thus, on average, an office worker loses only 700-800 kcal per day. This compares to an hour of floor gymnastics, an hour and a half of rowing swimming, and two hours of jogging on a flat road. Considering that office lunch often consists of sandwiches and pies from a nearby stall, they often experience rapid weight gain.

Walking - effective method combat excess calories. If the office is located near the place of residence, walking home is a great way to lose extra calories and fatigue accumulated during the day.

The nutrition of an office worker should be hearty and healthy. Meat, fish, porridge, vegetables - these are the foods that will give strength and will not cause fat accumulation. flour products completely eliminated from the diet, provided there is no physical activity. An office worker should consume no more than 1300-1400 kcal per day, so that with minimal exercise they are not overweight. If he is unable to refuse food, at lunchtime it is imperative to go out into the fresh air and do brisk walking for about 10-15 minutes.


The calorie content of a sandwich, which includes a loaf, butter, cheese and sausage, is about 314 kcal. This means that by eating three of these treats a day, an office worker replenishes energy costs for the whole working day.

Useful advice

Between the main meals in the office you need to arrange small snacks. The most optimal number of them is three. You should not eat sweet cookies or sweets - it will be better and healthier for the body to get yogurt or some kind of fruit.

Tip 2: How many calories does the average person burn per day

Calorie counting has become an obsession for many people. Any meal, any kind of physical activity is carefully analyzed and included in the overall calculations. This is undoubtedly a working way to monitor your weight, but is it worth the nerves expended?


Scientists believe that our ancestors spent much, much more calories. Hard work, lack of a sedentary lifestyle, long walks certainly require more energy. It is believed that the average diet of the soldiers of Peter the Great ranged from four to four and a half thousand calories. At the same time, there were practically no obese among them, energy consumption was also very high.

Modern people who do not go in for sports professionally, sit at the computer a lot and walk a little, spend on average about two thousand calories per day, which most often leads to the fact that unused calories of food eaten are deposited on their sides. To prevent this from happening, you can not only cut the diet, but also cheat a little, forcing the body to spend more energy on maintaining life.

Of course, the easiest and most difficult thing is to go in for sports, enroll in, make the body work, this approach will bring results pretty quickly. But not all modern people have time for serious sports, and someone simply cannot bring himself to devote enough time to them. But you can increase the consumption of calories by others.

Each person, performing any action, expends energy, which is replenished thanks to food. When the balance of consumed and expended calories is disturbed, obesity can appear from their excess or all kinds of diseases from a lack of calories.

Therefore, knowing how many calories are expended in certain activities is so important. And for those who lose extra pounds, such a calculation is simply necessary.

Energy expenditure by activity group

The work of the human body is a continuous expenditure of energy that occurs during the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver, lungs and other systems and organs. According to scientists, one kilocalorie is spent per kilogram of human mass.

With simple calculations, it turns out that only one human body consumes about 1800 calories per day.

The figure is very average, since this indicator is individual and depends on:

  • gender;
  • weight;
  • age (full years);
  • growth;
  • the presence of fatty deposits.

In order to increase the consumption of kilocalories, it is necessary to make additional movements and be physically active.

Now, understanding that different physical activities burn calories in different ways, consider sharpening energy for the main physical groups:

Activity group Possible work Calories burned per day
Sedentary mental work people working in the office, accountant, 2250–2500
Sedentary work with muscle activity teacher, salesperson, cashier, driver 2650–2800
Work with a constant small muscle load doctor, bank employee, cook or waiter, courier, conductor 3000–3150
Work with a relative load on the muscles locksmith, surveyor, painter, agronomist more than 3500
Work considered hard workshop worker, professional athlete, loader, digger more than 4000
Hard work mine worker, steelworker, bricklayer more than 5000

How to calculate calorie consumption for different activities?

There are quite a few tables on the Internet that offer to calculate the calories that are consumed per day. But it is worth noting that they do not take into account factors such as height, age, and others.

Therefore, we offer a universal formula that will help you more accurately calculate how many calories you spend per day.
Choose the coefficient that best suits your rhythm of life:

Ratio (A) Physical activity
1,9 Daily active physical activity. Doing hard work.
1,73 Daily intensive training twice a day. Doing work that is considered hard.
1,64 Intense workout once a day daily. Doing work that is considered hard.
1,55 Intensive training 5 times a week. Performing work with a relative load on the muscles.
1,46 Moderate intensity workout 5 times a week. Performing work with a constant small muscle load.
1,38 Moderate intensity workout 3 times a week. Performing sedentary work with muscle activity.
1,2 Complete lack of physical activity or its indicator at a minimum level. Performing sedentary mental work.

Now let's calculate how many calories you spend using the formula:

(your weight in kg * 10) + (your height in cm * 6.25) - (your age, full years * 5, for men add +5 to the amount received, for women subtract -161)

Amount you receive, you need multiply by the selected factor. This will give you the total number of calories burned per day.

Calorie consumption during sleep and rest

The human body loses calories even in sleep, because while the mind is "off", the internal organs remain active. The process of cell vital activity is stable, there is a metabolism, metabolic processes of restoring the expended energy through the processing and assimilation of food.

Calories are best burned during deep sleep.

The average per night can go up to 60–70 calories per hour subject to medium build. Means, You can lose up to 500 calories per night . To increase metabolism, the air in the room where you sleep should be cool. Also, the obligatory 8-hour sleep should not be neglected, since Swedish scientists have proven that lack of sleep (less than 8 hours a day) leads to more wakefulness, which provokes the active production of the hunger hormone - ghrelin.

As for rest, it can be active or passive:

Leisure. This concept includes the continuation of intense activity (physical, mental) with a change in its type.

Passive rest involves minimal muscle movement.
Scientific fact: with active rest, the body recovers faster.

Calorie consumption while running and walking

Walking allows you to significantly increase energy costs. The more intense the stroke, the faster the calories are burned. Flatness is also taken into account: a flat road, uphill or stairs. You can calculate the lost calories using the formula above, and the coefficient by which you need to multiply can be found in the table.

The resulting amount is the calories that would go away in a day of movement, but since you do not walk for days on end, the amount received must be divided by 24 hours of the day and multiplied by the hours that you were on the move.

Jogging (moderate pace) for half an hour may well notice an hour-long brisk walk.

  • So, when jogging, an average of 600 kcal / h is burned.
  • When running in one place, the indicator is slightly lower and equal to - 500 kcal / h.

The figures are averaged, since in each case an individual calculation of calories is necessary.

Swimming calories burned

Swimming takes quite a lot of calories and here's why:

  • firstly, water resists and for all actions you need to make additional efforts;
  • secondly, usually water in reservoirs or a pool has + 22-26 ° C, which is lower than body temperature, so the body spends additional calories to heat the body.

There is a slight deviation in calorie burning depending on the chosen style, but on average it takes swimming lessons:

  • in women - 260-290 calories;
  • in men - 375-400 calories.

The figures are given for a half-hour session.

The greater the weight of a person involved in swimming, the more energy is required to move in the water.

Calorie consumption in team sports

Have you ever wondered why fit people participate in team sports? The conclusion suggests itself - team sports help burn a lot of calories.

Calorie consumption while working at the computer

While doing housework, you can actively waste calories. It is especially effective to work in the yard if you live in a private house. For clarity, we give a table of calorie costs for homework.

1. Work at home:

2. Work in the yard:

Calorie consumption while dancing

All young people, regardless of size, love to dance, but they probably didn’t think that they burn calories with rhythmic body movements in dance. Dancing is one of the most fun ways to lose weight. And most importantly, to dance you do not need any physical training, warm-ups, etc. It is enough to listen to music and dance. And no matter where: in the studio, at home in the kitchen, in a nightclub. On average, a girl weighing 60–65 kg loses 240–350 calories while dancing.. In addition to getting rid of excess weight, this type of activity is uplifting and energizing.

Ballet is considered the "record holder" in getting rid of calories, since an hour of practicing this dance will help you say goodbye to 650 calories.

How many calories are consumed during sex and orgasm?

Have sex and lose weight is a great slogan for those trying to lose weight. British scientists were not too lazy and calculated that sexual intercourse with the activity of both sexual partners can burn about 600 calories per hour. And this is equivalent to an hour of running at a fast pace or an hour of ballet classes!

Under the concept of sex lies not only the sexual intercourse itself, but also the foreplay in the form of kisses, which on average spend up to 50 calories. In addition to metabolism, which helps convert calories into energy, during caresses, hormones are “turned on” to work, which contribute to the processing of subcutaneous fat into energy.

During sex, all parts of the body are involved, the heart contracts much more actively, the respiratory system works to the maximum. During orgasm, all indicators additionally increase significantly. We can definitely say that sex is a great and most enjoyable way to burn calories.

Sex can be compared to fitness: the higher your sexual activity, the more calories you can say goodbye.

Calorie consumption table for different activities

Kind of activity Calories burned per 1 kg of body weight per hour Approximate costs with a weight of 60-80 kg
Run 10,7 450–720
Walking with the family 1,4 87–115
Bathing a child 2,7 116–215
jumping rope 7,7 463–617
Gymnastics (energetic) 6,5 390–520
Cycling at an average pace 4,3 257–343
Car driving 1,4 87–115
shopping 3 180–240
Games with children with moderate activity 4 241–321
Buying products 2,1 129–171
Hair Styling 2 121–161
Knitting 1,7 103–137
Talking while eating 1,3 80–106

Calorie calculator for different activities

How to calculate calories burned? Everything is quite simple. The table above (second column) shows how many calories are expended per kilogram of body weight when doing different work per hour. You need to multiply this figure by your weight and the time during which you did this work. The resulting figure will be the sum of calories burned.

Unusual ways to burn calories at home

We talked about the main ways to burn calories, now we will discuss unusual and interesting options for converting calories into energy:

  1. 10 minutes of laughter burns up to 40 calories.
  2. Chewing gum for an hour will burn 11 calories.
  3. Reading aloud for an hour will save you 90 calories.
  4. If you sing while taking a shower, then an additional 10–20 can be added to the standard 35-50 calories.
  5. Playing cards with household members will help you lose 50 calories per hour.
  6. Getting dressed and undressed can burn 80-120 calories, so try on things in your closet more often.
  7. Moving furniture around the apartment for an hour can convert 381 calories into energy.
  8. 1 hour of massage for your beloved, you can erotic (as it is written) will help you burn 235 calories, and if the massage is continued with a prelude, the body will get rid of almost 900 calories.

Calories are not all the same. As you know, in one gram different products contain varying amounts of calories. In 1 gram:

  • carbohydrates - 4 calories;
  • protein - 4 calories;
  • fat - 9 calories;
  • alcohol - 7 calories.

To lose extra pounds without harm to the body, you need to create a 30% calorie deficit per day.

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