Home Soups Chiffon sponge cake - recipe step by step with photos. How to make chocolate or vanilla chiffon sponge cake. Perfect baking: butter sponge cake recipe How to make an airy sponge cake with vegetable oil

Chiffon sponge cake - recipe step by step with photos. How to make chocolate or vanilla chiffon sponge cake. Perfect baking: butter sponge cake recipe How to make an airy sponge cake with vegetable oil

Homemade baking is one of the delicacies that not only children, but also adults love.

There are many types of different baked goods, but perhaps the simplest and fastest is sponge cake.

Its recipe is as follows.

You will need basic products for which you don’t even need to go to the store specifically. Eggs, sugar, flour - products that are in the refrigerator and cabinets of any housewife.

But, if you want to amaze your family, try baking not an ordinary, but a butter sponge cake. Recipe? Exactly the same, only you need to add butter to the eggs, sugar and flour. The fact is that in this case the dough turns out to be very tender and moist from the very beginning. Some say that such a biscuit can even be eaten just like that, without soaking or adding cream or jam.

How many of these products do you need to take to get such a tender biscuit? The recipe recommends the following: for six eggs you need to take one hundred and fifty grams of flour, two hundred and fifty grams of sugar and one hundred grams of butter.

The recipe recommends starting to prepare the butter sponge cake by beating the butter and sugar. It is better to take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it softens. It is necessary to beat the butter and sugar in such a way that a white homogeneous mass is obtained. Then the yolks, previously separated from the whites, are added to this mass. Some, however, prefer to speed up the process and add whole eggs without beating the yolks and whites separately. However, with this method, the dough still suffers somewhat after baking: it is more viscous and does not rise so well. Therefore, it will be better if you decide to experiment only with the filling (adding berries, poppy seeds, chocolate to the butter sponge cake if desired), but leave the recipe unchanged.

So, after separating the yolks, they should be poured into the prepared mixture in several stages, stirring and distributing in such a way that later, after adding the whites, the whole mass is not particularly mixed. After this, you need to beat the whites themselves. Moreover, there is also some subtlety with regard to proteins: it is better to pre-cool the proteins. Then they whip up much better and, most importantly, give more guarantees that when transferred to the main mass they will not mix completely, but will remain in the same airy state. This culinary trick is justified by the need to make the dough more airy and leave as many air bubbles inside it as possible. This function is precisely performed by chilled ones. Therefore, when baking such a seemingly simple delicacy as butter, you should not modernize it.

Some of the cooled and then whipped whites should be very carefully transferred to the finished mass and flour should be added. You should also stir carefully: you need to stop stirring immediately after the flour lumps disappear. At the end, add the rest of the whites and mix a little.

The dough prepared in this way is poured into a greased form and placed in a preheated oven. By the way, some confectioners often sprinkle the baking dish with flour in addition to butter.

The recipe recommends baking the butter sponge cake for about half an hour at a temperature of one hundred and ninety degrees. A biscuit baked in this way can be considered a masterpiece.

The only thing that can improve the taste is subtlety, which some particularly fastidious cooks adhere to. The fact is that in real oil, or the recipe advises adding baking powder or soda. This addition is a must if you want your sponge cake to rise to the skies and literally melt in your mouth. Therefore, if you add a little baking powder or baking soda, the taste of the butter sponge cake will become simply fabulous.

In order to prepare a delicious and delicate dessert that will decorate any table, you usually need to spend a lot of time and effort. Baking cake layers, various cookies and rolls - all this requires the close attention of the housewife.

But you can also prepare a simple dessert, the taste of which will not be inferior to even the most exquisite dishes. To do this, you need to use a butter sponge cake recipe. You don’t need too many ingredients, the dough is easy to knead, and this sweetness bakes quite quickly.

In addition, you can diversify a simple biscuit recipe in several ways. The dessert can be divided into cake layers and coated with cream of your choice. You can also add chocolate, vanilla, fruit, cinnamon, and so on to the dough itself. It all depends on personal preference.

Classic butter sponge cake

Product composition:

  • flour - three hundred and fifty grams;
  • eggs - six pieces;
  • butter - three hundred and fifty grams;
  • baking powder - two teaspoons;
  • powdered sugar - three hundred and fifty grams.

Preparing a biscuit

About an hour before cooking, all products must be placed in a room at room temperature. When preparing, we will use the butter sponge cake recipe. And the first thing to do is take a deep bowl and put soft butter, powdered sugar into it and beat with a mixer.

Next, add one egg to the resulting mass and beat well. Repeat this process until all the eggs have been added to the dough. After this, you need to sift the wheat flour, mix it with baking powder and add it in small portions to the whipped mass. At the same time, do not forget to stir all the time so that there are no lumps. Knead the dough prepared according to a simple biscuit recipe until ready.

Now you need to prepare a fireproof mold. It must be covered with baking paper so that both the bottom and sides are covered with paper. The top should be greased with oil, and then the dough should be placed in the mold and leveled.

Send the pan with the dough to the oven, preheated to one hundred and seventy degrees, and bake the future biscuit for forty-five to fifty minutes. The dough should brown on top and also increase in size. You can check readiness with a toothpick. If, after removing it from the dough, the toothpick is dry, then the dough is ready.

Carefully remove the butter sponge cake prepared according to the recipe so as not to break it from the mold and let it cool. Then it can be served on the table, sprinkled with powdered sugar on top, or can be used as a base for making all kinds of pastries or cake.

Chocolate sponge cake

Grocery list:

  • flour - two hundred and fifty grams;
  • cocoa - two heaped tablespoons;
  • butter - one hundred grams;
  • sugar - three hundred grams;
  • baking powder - one teaspoon;
  • eggs - twelve pieces;
  • salt - one third of a teaspoon.

Making chocolate sponge cake

Products that are on the balcony or in the refrigerator in winter must be kept in a room at room temperature for at least an hour before cooking. They should warm up and the butter should become soft. In order for you to end up with a fluffy, well-baked sponge cake, and not a rubbery layer of dough, you must strictly follow the technology for preparing a butter sponge cake with the addition of cocoa powder.

The cooking process begins by preparing two deep bowls. Place the yolks in one of them, the whites in the other, and also pour one hundred and fifty grams of sugar into each bowl. Beat the whites with a blender into a thick mass and the yolks until the consistency of cream. Place the whites into the yolks and very carefully connect them together.

Next, in accordance with the recipe for butter sponge cake with cocoa, pour salt, baking powder and cocoa powder into a separate bowl. Add here good quality wheat flour, sifted twice. Mix well. Divide the resulting dry mixture into three equal portions. First pour one portion into the beaten eggs and mix gently, with light movements. Then add the second and third portions of the dry mixture.

After this, add butter melted in a water bath to the dough. It should be warm and under no circumstances hot. Without sharp movements with a spatula, mix the butter with the dough. The chocolate biscuit dough preparation process is complete. Now you need to cover the bottom of the springform pan with parchment, also grease the bottom and walls with butter and put the dough into it.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of one hundred and seventy degrees. Place the pan with the dough into it and bake the chocolate butter sponge cake for about sixty minutes. Remove the finished biscuit from the oven and let cool without removing it from the mold. Open the mold, remove the biscuit and place on a flat plate. It can already be served on the table with a cup of coffee or tea, or you can decorate it with cream or whipped cream.

Butter biscuit with vanilla

The following ingredients will be required:

  • flour - eight hundred grams;
  • sunflower oil - two glasses;
  • vanilla extract - five drops;
  • sugar - five hundred grams;
  • baking powder - fifty grams;
  • citric acid - twenty grams;
  • water - three hundred milliliters;
  • salt - twenty grams;
  • eggs - fourteen pieces.

Preparing the dough

When preparing vanilla sponge cake, you need to follow the recipe and sequence. To begin, separate the whites and yolks into two deep containers. Pour citric acid into the egg whites and beat with a mixer into a thick foam. First add warm water to the yolks and stir with a whisk. Then pour in sunflower oil and add half of the prepared granulated sugar, beat with a mixer.

The next thing to do is to prepare a dry mixture from the second half of granulated sugar, salt, double-sifted wheat flour, and baking powder. All dry ingredients must be thoroughly mixed together. Next, you need to carefully, without sudden movements, combine the whites whipped with acid with the whipped yolks.

After this, it is necessary, stirring continuously, to pour out the entire prepared mixture of dry ingredients in small portions and mix with light movements. The biscuit dough is ready. All that remains is to prepare the baking sheet. Its bottom and walls should be lined with parchment paper for baking. Grease with sunflower oil, then place the dough on a baking sheet and smooth with a spatula.

Baking a biscuit

The oven was heated to a temperature of one hundred and seventy degrees during cooking. Place the baking sheet with the dough in the oven and bake the vanilla butter sponge cake at this temperature for thirty-five minutes. Then the temperature must be reduced by ten degrees (to one hundred and sixty) and continue baking for another twenty minutes. If the top starts to burn during baking, cover the pan with a sheet of baking foil.

After cooking, remove the tray with the biscuit from the oven. Leave until cool. Then, once cooled, cut the sponge cake into portions, sprinkle with powdered sugar, place on a dish and serve the very tender, vanilla-flavored sponge cake on the table. This delicious dessert goes perfectly with a cup of your favorite drink.

Butter biscuit with marshmallows


  • flour - four glasses;
  • vanilla sugar - two teaspoons;
  • sunflower oil - one glass;
  • marshmallows - four hundred grams;
  • eggs - twelve pieces;
  • potato starch - four teaspoons;
  • sugar - one glass;
  • baking powder - five teaspoons;
  • salt - two teaspoons;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • water - one glass.

For the cream you will need:

  • powdered sugar - five tablespoons;
  • fat sour cream - five hundred grams;
  • decoration - one chocolate bar.


After baking, the sponge cake will turn out tender and airy if the entire recipe for the butter sponge cake was strictly followed during preparation. It is necessary to prepare separate dishes for yolks and whites. You will also need a bowl for dry ingredients. Pour citric acid into the bowl with the whites and beat with a mixer until thick foam forms. Add water, chilled in the refrigerator, sunflower oil to the yolks and beat with a mixer.

In a separate deep bowl, you must place sifted, preferably twice, premium flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, vanilla sugar, starch, and salt. Mix them well. Make a well in the middle of the dry mixture and add the mixed yolks with oil and water. Beat with a mixer until smooth.

Gradually add all the egg whites into the beaten dough using a tablespoon and mix gently. The main thing is to stir in only one direction. This completes the preparation of the butter sponge cake. This recipe makes quite a lot of dough, so you will need two springform pans to bake it.

Place baking paper on the bottom of the mold and grease the bottom and sides of the mold with sunflower oil. Fill them with dough and place in the oven. The oven temperature should be one hundred and seventy degrees. The biscuit is baked for about an hour. Moreover, under no circumstances should the oven be opened before forty-five minutes have passed, otherwise the dough will settle.

Remove the butter sponge cake prepared step by step from the oven. Leave for some time to cool. Then remove from the mold. We got two biscuits. One can be sprinkled with powdered sugar and served, and from the other we suggest making a cake with sour cream and marshmallows.

Forming a cake

Divide the completely cooled biscuit into two layers. In a mixer bowl, beat half a liter of sour cream and five tablespoons of powdered sugar. Cover the bottom and sides of the springform pan with parchment and place the first sponge cake in it. Coat generously with sour cream, place marshmallows cut into layers on top of it, and coat with cream again. Place the second cake layer on top and pour the remaining cream onto it.

For soaking and cooling, the cake must be placed in the refrigerator for four to five hours. After the required time has passed, remove the cake from the refrigerator, remove it from the mold, sprinkle grated chocolate on top and serve the delicious and tender dessert to the table.

Butter sponge cake is an airy, but at the same time dense cake that can be served as a separate dish for tea, or used as a base for other baked goods.

Biscuits with butter turn out so tender and juicy that they don’t even need soaking. From butter biscuits you can make a rich and delicious cake, fluffy cakes, and sweet cake pops. And also an ordinary empty butter sponge cake, stuffed with candied fruits or dried fruits, a butter sponge roll, tinted with food coloring or cocoa, and many, many other baked goods.

Biscuits with butter or margarine are much easier to prepare than regular protein ones. The entire process of preparing the dough consists only of mixing the ingredients. And all that remains is to pour the dough into the mold and bake. It’s simply impossible to ruin such a biscuit!

Butter biscuit - general principles of preparation

The biscuit is necessarily prepared from three main ingredients - eggs, flour and sugar. To make the sponge cake buttery, you need to add softened butter.

Butter for sponge cakes must be purchased fresh, from trusted brands. Baking flour should be of the highest quality and preferably passed through a sieve 2 times.

The butter should be removed from the refrigerator in advance and left to soften at room temperature for 2-3 hours. Afterwards you need to beat it with sugar until it becomes a white homogeneous mass.

To ensure that the dough rises well and does not turn out viscous, you should separate the whites from the yolks and beat them separately. Yolks - with the oil mixture, and whites - separately until white thick foam.

Afterwards, both mixtures need to be carefully mixed together, adding the required amount of flour. You need to mix either with a spoon or with your hands. Place the dough immediately, before it sinks, into a greased pan. If desired, you can simply line the pan with foil or baking paper.

You can bake the biscuit in a slow cooker or in the oven, which must first be warmed up thoroughly. To prevent the butter sponge cake from burning and drying out, you need to cook it no longer than the time specified in the recipe.

You can add dried fruits, poppy seeds, cocoa, fresh or frozen berries, coconut flakes, chocolate or food coloring to the biscuit.

Butter biscuit - classic recipe


4 raw chicken eggs;

170 g butter;

1 cup granulated sugar;

10 g baking powder (one sachet);

1.5 cups of premium wheat flour.

Cooking process:

1. Place sugar and soft butter in a bowl. Mash with a fork or whisk, the main thing is to achieve a uniform consistency.

2. Wash the eggs, crack them and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites in a separate container until fluffy.

3. Add the yolks to the butter and sugar. Beat until smooth.

4. Pour baking powder into flour and sift through a sieve. When preparing biscuit dough, be sure to use premium wheat flour.

5. Transfer the whipped whites to the butter mixture and mix lightly.

6. Now add flour in portions and at the same time knead the dough gently.

7. Line a baking dish with baking paper or tracing paper and pour the dough onto it.

8. Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180-200°C for 35-45 minutes. If you doubt whether the pie is ready, pierce it with a toothpick or a thin knife; it will be dry.

9. After the sponge cake is baked, let it cool slightly and remove from the mold.

Butter sponge cake with carrots


Half a glass of powdered sugar (you can use regular sand);

3 raw chicken eggs;

2-3 tbsp. l. butter;

1-2 fresh carrots;

2 cups of premium quality wheat flour;

A pinch of salt;

A pinch of ground cinnamon;

A packet of baking powder for biscuits.

Cooking process:

1. Peel and wash the carrots. Then grate on a grater with medium mesh size. You should get a glass of carrots. It is better to take fresh carrots so that they give enough juice. If the carrots are dry, the pie will be tough.

2. Mix eggs with powder, add oil. Mix.

3. Add carrots, cinnamon and salt to the eggs and mix well.

4. Sift the flour with baking powder and, while kneading the dough, add it to the container with the rest of the ingredients.

5. Place the finished dough on a baking sheet and bake at standard temperature (180-200°C) for a little less than an hour.

Butter biscuit with sour cream


90-100 g margarine;

One glass of granulated sugar;

1 cup of sour cream of any fat content (or yogurt without additives);

Partial spoonful of soda;

1 tbsp. l. semolina cereals;

10 ml sunflower oil.

Cooking process:

1. Put soda in sour cream and leave to swell for 15 minutes.

2. Pour sour cream and soda into a cup for kneading dough. Add softened margarine and mash with a fork.

3. Add sugar and eggs. Mix and beat with a whisk or blender. The consistency of the mixture should be without lumps.

4. Sift and add semolina and, after mixing the future dough, leave for a few minutes for the grains to swell.

5. Now add the sifted flour and knead the dough well.

6. Grease a baking sheet with oil and pour the dough into it.

7. Place in a preheated oven for about half an hour.

8. It is better to leave the finished pie to cool slightly before cutting.

Butter cake with food coloring


180-200 g fatty butter;

200 g wheat flour;

3 chicken eggs;

150 g granulated sugar;

On the tip of a knife, add food coloring (any color);

Half a packet of vanilla sugar;

Baking powder sachet (10 g).

Cooking process:

1. Soften the butter and grind with sugar.

2. Add eggs, vanilla sugar and mix with a whisk.

3. Sift flour together with baking powder.

4. Gradually add flour and baking powder into the bowl with other products.

5. Knead the dough.

6. Add dye to the tip of the knife. If you want to make a brightly colored sponge cake, add a little more. Can be used as a dye and spices, such as saffron or turmeric.

7. Beat the dough until the color and consistency are uniform.

8. Pour the finished dough into the mold and bake (oven temperature 180-200°C) until ready (about 40 minutes).

Butter sponge roll


1.5 cups premium wheat flour;

4 raw chicken eggs;

Almost a whole glass of granulated sugar;

10 g baking powder (sachet);

280 g butter;

10 ml sunflower oil;

100 ml condensed milk (or boiled condensed milk).

Cooking process:

1. Mix butter (180 g) with sugar and eggs in a cup. Whisk everything together.

2. Sift the flour through a sieve.

3. Pour flour and baking powder into a cup and knead the dough.

4. Prepare a long, low baking dish. Grease it with sunflower oil and pour the dough into it. Distribute evenly.

5. Place in a preheated oven to bake. This will take approximately 10-15 minutes.

6. At this time, prepare the cream. Mix the remaining slightly soft butter with condensed milk and beat with the whisk of a blender.

7. When the dough turns brown, remove it from the oven and let it cool slightly.

8. Now coat the entire surface of the sponge cake with cream and smooth it into a thin layer.

9. Roll up the biscuit roll and let it cool.

10. Cut the roll into portions and serve.

Butter sponge cake with cocoa


1 glass of premium wheat flour;

30-40 g butter;

8 raw chicken eggs;

180 g of powdered sugar or sand;

50 g almonds;

1 tsp. cocoa (or ground coffee);

5 g vanillin.

Cooking process:

1. Wash and crack the eggs, pour into a cup.

2. Melt the butter, but not to the point of boiling.

3. Mix flour with baking powder and sift through a fine sieve.

4. Scald the almonds with boiling water and peel the skin; it has a bitter taste. Dry the peeled nuts slightly and grind into crumbs. Instead of whole nuts, you can use almond petals, then you just need to chop them into crumbs.

5. Add sugar to the eggs and add butter. Whisk everything together.

6. Now add vanillin, cocoa and almonds. Beat again until everything is mixed.

7. Pour the flour into a cup with the remaining ingredients and knead the dough.

8. Line a baking dish with baking paper and pour the dough into it. Flatten with a spatula.

9. Place the pan in a hot oven for baking. The dough will rise and brown, then you can understand that the pie is baked. You can pierce it with a toothpick, if it is dry, you're done. If there is dough on the toothpick, then the pie is raw. Then put it back in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

To reduce cooking time, you don’t have to separate the whites from the yolks, but you need to keep in mind that the dough will rise a little worse.

To make it easier to whip the whites, you need to first cool them.

After adding flour to the dough, you need to mix it very carefully and only until the flour lumps disappear.

For a more delicate taste, vanillin can be added to the dough.

For airiness, you can leave a small amount of whipped egg whites and stir them into the dough at the very end.

To make the biscuit even better increase in size, you can add baking powder and soda slaked with ordinary vinegar.

If you sprinkle the bottom of the baking dish with flour or breadcrumbs, it will be easier to remove baked goods from it.

It is better not to open the oven while baking the biscuit, otherwise the baked goods may deflate.

Today I had to bake a biscuit twice with my crooked hand, because... 1 didn't work out. I wanted it to be homemade, so that I could safely give it to my child.

From the Internet, a note to yourself. Maybe it will be useful to someone else.

Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered such a problem as a failed biscuit. Being one of the simplest types of dough, biscuit dough is also one of the most capricious. And to achieve maximum results, certain rules must be followed.

A little theory.

Biscuit dough is divided into two main types:
- classic;
- oil (chiffon).

A classic sponge cake consists of eggs, flour and sugar. You can also add starch to a classic biscuit. In chiffon, accordingly, in addition to the listed products, butter or vegetable oil is added.

I would also highlight biscuits with added liquids - juices, fruit puree, etc.

In addition to the above products, you can add cocoa, nuts, fruits, dried fruits, coke shavings, etc. to any biscuit.

According to the preparation technology, biscuit dough can be divided into two categories:
- separating eggs into whites and yolks;
- without dividing.

Preparation of products and cooking technology.

1. Dishes.
The bowl in which you are going to beat the dough must be clean and dry. As well as mixer whisks, paddles and whisks, which you will use to beat and mix the dough in the future.

2 eggs.
Eggs for biscuit dough must be clean, fresh, preferably at room temperature.

If you cook by separating eggs into whites and yolks, then you should do this very carefully so as not to damage the yolk and it does not get into the white. To be on the safe side, you can break the eggs one at a time, first into a separate small bowl or cup, and then pour them into the main bowl in which you are going to beat the sponge cake.

Start beating the eggs/whites at medium mixer speed and as soon as the first bubbles appear (no more than 30 seconds from the start of beating) increase the speed to maximum. The more powerful the mixer, the faster the biscuit will beat.

Beat without separating the eggs.
This method is simpler and perhaps longer. Lightly beat the eggs, increase the speed of the mixer and after a while, when the mass has risen by about 1/3, start adding sugar. The beating process can take from 10 minutes depending on the power of the mixer, the quantity and temperature of the eggs. The result should be a very light and fluffy mass 5-6 times the original volume. Ideally, the egg mixture should be held on the beaters of the mixer, but I never had enough bowl size.

Beat, separating the eggs.
First of all, beat the yolks with half the amount of sugar at the maximum speed of the mixer. Beat until the mass becomes 2-3 times larger and acquires a lighter color and a thick creamy consistency. In this case, the sugar should completely dissolve.
Next, beat the whites with the gradual addition of the remaining sugar. You can tell that the whites are whipped sufficiently by tilting the bowl - well-beaten whites will stick to the walls of the bowl and will not flow out of it.

3. Sugar.
Sometimes there are lumps and foreign impurities in sugar - you should get rid of them.
For best results, the sugar should not be added all at once or all at once - in this case, it will settle and it will be harder to lift it from the bottom of the bowl, which will increase the whipping time. When the whites/eggs have already been whipped into a fairly high, but not thick foam (1-2 minutes after the start of whipping), start adding sugar in small portions at intervals of about half a minute. Beat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

You can also use powdered sugar. But this does not matter much, since the eggs take a long time to beat, and when they are beaten well enough, the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. Flour (starch, cocoa).

In order for the flour to mix well and the dough not to lose its airiness and fluffiness, it should be added to the dough in small portions. Mix the dough with confident, but not sudden movements, using a whisk or spatula in a circular motion in one direction, while lifting the dough from the bottom of the bowl. Chaotic and sudden movements will destroy the structure of the biscuit and release all the air from the dough. That is why after the eggs are beaten, the mixer can no longer be used. The same can happen if you knead the dough for a very long time.

Before adding flour to the dough, it should be sifted 2-3 times so that it is saturated with oxygen. Sifting also removes possible foreign impurities from the flour.
If you are baking a sponge cake with the addition of starch or cocoa, you should first mix them thoroughly with flour until smooth, and then sift everything together 2-3 times. In this case, of course, there is no need to sift the flour first.

If the sponge cake is prepared using the “separating the eggs” method, the flour can be added all at once to the yolk-sugar mixture. In this case, you should also add 1/3 of the whipped whites to it and mix everything together with a whisk.
If the sponge cake is prepared “without separating the eggs”, the flour should be added in parts, stirring with a whisk each time - this way it will mix into the dough more easily and evenly.

5. Butter (or chocolate).
If melted butter/chocolate is added to the sponge cake, it should be cooled to room temperature or, in extreme cases, until warm, but not hot.
In this case, the butter/chocolate is added at the very last moment. Pour it in a thin stream along the edge of the bowl and then carefully mix it into the dough.

If you are baking a sponge cake with the addition of butter at room temperature, then you should first beat it with a mixer until white and fluffy.

6. Liquids.
If you are baking a sponge cake with the addition of some liquid component (juice or fruit puree), then it is better to choose a sponge cake in which the whites and yolks are beaten separately. In this case, the liquid should be added to the yolk-sugar mixture.

7. Various dry additives.
We are talking about nuts, dried fruits, coke shavings, fruits, berries, etc... They should be added to the finished dough. Already after adding flour. If you use fresh/frozen fruits or berries, be sure to dry them with a paper towel (for example, cherries). It is better to add berries that are too juicy (for example strawberries) to the yolk mixture in pureed form, otherwise they will give a lot of juice during baking and the sponge cake may not turn out.

8. Baking.
One of the most important moments in preparing a biscuit. For convenience, the mold in which you are going to bake should be lined with baking paper - this will facilitate the process of separating the finished sponge cake from the bottom of the mold. It is convenient to use a springform pan.
The biscuit dough must be baked immediately! We made it, poured it into the mold, leveled it and straight into the oven. The oven must be well preheated in advance. The optimal baking temperature is 170-190 degrees. The biscuit does not tolerate drafts, so when you put the biscuit in/out of the oven, the door should be opened without sudden movements and not slammed when closing. Also make sure there is no draft in the kitchen. It is best not to open the oven door during the entire baking process.
The biscuit should be baked in the middle of the oven to ensure even heating on all sides.

9. The biscuit is ready
You can check the readiness of the sponge cake by piercing it in the middle with a toothpick or a dry, clean knife - if there is not a drop of raw dough on them and they come out of the sponge cake dry, it is ready.

10. Preparing to assemble the cake.
The biscuit definitely needs time to rest. Ideally, this is at least 10 hours. In this case, the biscuit ripens, it is easier to cut, it does not crumble and holds its shape better.
If you don't have time to wait that long, then at least wait until it cools completely. If you plan to cover the future cake with mastic, be sure to let the sponge cake rest!

My personal observations:
1. I don’t grease the pan - the sponge cake rises just fine, “clinging” to the walls. When baking a butter sponge cake, I think there is no need to grease it.
2. You should not pour the dough into the center of the mold, but distribute it evenly throughout the entire mold.
3. You cannot leave the sponge cake for a long time in the form in which it was baked - it can become damp at the bottom, because condensation accumulates between the form and the baking paper.
4. You cannot cool the biscuit on an open window.

Now about the most common errors and their causes.

To put them together briefly:
1. Poorly beaten/mixed dough.
2. Low or high baking temperature.
3. Insufficient baking time.
4. Poor position inside the oven - very high or very low.
5. During baking, the door opened (opened/opened abruptly/was open for a long time/not closed tightly/cold air got in).
6. Draft.

The topic describes in some detail the possible reasons why the biscuit did not turn out:

1. The biscuit has not risen at all or has risen little. It means that...
- the beaten eggs have settled while mixing with flour and chocolate.
2. The biscuit rose, but then began to fall right in the oven.
- opened the oven door early
- or opened and then abruptly slammed the door, and cold air entered the oven
- or the oven door does not close tightly, there is a small gap somewhere
3. The biscuit on top burns
- oven temperature too high
- or you just need to place the biscuit not in the center, but a little lower
4. The biscuit rose well, but as soon as it was pulled out of the oven, it sank greatly
- removed from the oven early
5. The biscuit rose well, but then sank in the center as it cooled (the edges remained high)
— took it out of the oven early, the biscuit didn’t have enough time
6. The biscuit rises well, but a “slide” forms in the center
- to avoid this, you can wrap the mold with a strip of foil, folding it in several layers and securing it to the edges of the mold, this technique always works well for me (thanks to the girls from the “cake decorating” topic for this advice)
7. The entire sponge cake or part of it (most often the bottom) turns out to be “rubbery” and seems unbaked
— the beaten eggs were not mixed well with the flour and especially with the butter-chocolate mixture; some part simply did not mix with the eggs and settled down during baking.

I hope this article will be useful to many and I wish everyone good luck!

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