Home Preparations for the winter Russian folk tale "Zhiharka". Fairy tale: “Zhikharka” folk Zhikharkina?! Ah-ah-ah, it’s lying on the floor! So I'll take it

Russian folk tale "Zhiharka". Fairy tale: “Zhikharka” folk Zhikharkina?! Ah-ah-ah, it’s lying on the floor! So I'll take it

Far, far away, in a dense forest, there stood a small hut. And in that hut lived the Cat, Sparrow and a little man - the brave fellow Zhikharka.

The Cat and Sparrow went hunting, but Zhikharka remained to do housework: he swept the hut, cooked dinner, set the table, and waited for Sparrow and the Cat.

The Fox heard that Zhikharka was left alone in the house. She had long wanted to try Zhikharkin’s meat. She began to keep an eye on the hut.

The Cat and Sparrow, when they went hunting, Zhikharka was always told to lock the doors. Zhikharka, I always locked the doors, but once I forgot...

Zhikharka got everything done, and suddenly he hears - thump, thump, thump - the Fox is coming down the stairs! He got scared, crawled under the stove and hid in a corner.

The Fox ran up to the stove, put her paw in the oven, pulled Zhikharka out, threw it on her back - and went home.

And as soon as she brought Zhikharka into her hut, she quickly rushed to light the stove: she wanted to fry Zhikharka as quickly as possible. When the stove burned out, the Fox took a shovel and said to Zhikharka:

Get on the shovel!

And Zhikharka, although small, is remote: he sat down on a shovel, spread out his arms and legs - and didn’t go into the stove.

“You’re not sitting like that,” says Lisa.

“I don’t know any other way,” Zhikharka answers. - You, auntie, show me how to do it!

The Fox jumped onto the shovel, curled up into a ball, picked up her paws, and covered herself with her tail.

And that’s all Zhikharka needed!

He quickly closed it into the oven and closed it with a damper! And he ran home as fast as he could.

And at home, the Cat and Sparrow are grieving. Only suddenly, along the stairs, along the frequent steps - knock-knock-knock - Zhikharka runs, shouting in a loud voice:

Here I am!

The Cat and Sparrow were happy! They jumped off the bench - well, hug Zhikharka. They grabbed him by the arms and spun him around the hut. There was so much joy here!

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Summary: The Russian folk tale Zhikharka will tell you about some fascinating story that happened to a little boy, as well as his good friends, it was a fluffy cat and a feathered rooster. This large and very friendly family lived in the dark and dense taiga and shared all their work honestly. The Zhikharka always did all the housework around the house, and every morning his household went far into the dense and dense forest to get food. When they returned home with food and loot, the boy always by that time cleaned the house, prepared dinner and made the house warm and cozy. Somehow the fox found out about this and came up with a plan to lure and steal the boy from the house while his friends were hunting in the forest. When the boy saw the fox, he hid from the fox. She managed to get into the house when the front door was slightly open and tricked Zhikharka into her clutches. What happened to the boy? How did he get back home? Who helped him with this? The end of this story can be read on our online page. The Zhikharka fairy tale is also available on our website in audio recording. Read or listen with pleasure.

Text of the fairy tale Zhikharka

Once upon a time in a hut there lived a cat, a rooster and a little boy - Zhikharka. The cat and the rooster went hunting, and Zhikharka did housework: he cooked dinner, set the table, and laid out spoons. He lays it out and says: - This simple spoon is Kotova, this simple spoon is Petina, and this is not a simple one - chiseled, with a gilded handle - this is Zhikharkina. I won't give it to anyone. The fox heard that Zhikharka was the only one in charge of the hut, and she wanted to try Zhikharka’s meat. The cat and the rooster, when they went hunting, always told Zhikharka to lock the doors. Zhikharka locked the doors, locked everything, and once he forgot. Zhikharka took care of everything, cooked dinner, set the table, began laying out the spoons, and said: “This simple spoon is a cat’s, this simple spoon is Petina, and this not simple one is chiseled, with a gilded handle, it’s Zhikharkina.” I won't give it to anyone. I just wanted to put it on the table, and on the stairs - stomp, stomp, stomp. - Mother! The fox is coming! Zhikharka got scared, jumped off the bench, dropped the spoon on the floor - and had no time to pick it up - and crawled under the stove. And the fox entered the hut, look there, look there - no Zhikharka. “Wait,” the fox thinks, “you yourself will tell me where you are sitting.” The fox went to the table and began sorting through the spoons: - This spoon is simple - Petina, this spoon is simple - a cat’s, and this spoon is not simple - chiseled, with a gilded handle - I’ll take this one for myself. And Zhikharka is under the stove at the top of her voice: “Ay, ah, ah, don’t take it, auntie, I won’t give it to you!” - There you are, Zhikharka! The fox ran up to the stove, put its paw in the oven, pulled Zhikharka out, threw it on her back - and into the forest. She ran home and lit the stove hot: she wanted to fry the Zhikharka and eat it. The fox took a shovel. “Sit down,” says Zhikharka. And Zhikharka is small and remote. He sat down on a shovel, spread out his arms and legs, and didn’t go into the stove. “You’re not sitting like that,” says the fox. Zhikharka turned the back of his head to the stove, spread out his arms and legs - he didn’t go into the stove. “It’s not like that,” the fox says. - And you, auntie, show me, I don’t know how. - What a slow-witted person you are! The fox threw Zhikharka off the shovel, jumped onto the shovel herself, curled up in a ring, hid her paws, and covered herself with her tail. And Zhikharka pushed her into the stove and covered her with a damper, and he quickly got out of the hut and went home. And at home the cat and the rooster are crying, sobbing: - Here is a simple spoon - a cat, here is a simple spoon - Petina, but there is no chiseled spoon, no gilded handle, and our Zhikharka is not there, and our little one is not there!.. The cat wipes away his tears with his paw , Petya picks up with his wing. Suddenly, down the stairs - knock-knock-knock. The woman runs and shouts in a loud voice: “Here I am!” And the fox was roasted in the oven! The cat and the rooster were happy. Well, kiss Zhikharka! Well, hug Zhikharka! And now the cat, the rooster and Zhikharka live in this hut and are waiting for us to visit.

Watch the fairy tale Zhikharka listen online for free

Once upon a time in a hut there lived a cat, a rooster and a little man - Zhikharka. The cat and the rooster went hunting, and Zhikharka was a housekeeper. I cooked dinner, set the table, and laid out the spoons. He lays it out and says:

So the fox heard that Zhikharka was the only one in charge of the hut, and she wanted to try Zhikharka’s meat.

The cat and the rooster, when they went hunting, always told Zhikharka to lock the doors. Zhikharka locked the doors. I locked everything, and once I forgot. Zhikharka took care of everything, cooked dinner, set the table, began laying out the spoons, and said:

- This simple spoon is Kotova, this simple spoon is Petina, and this is not a simple one - chiseled, with a gilded handle - it is Zhikharkina. I won't give it to anyone.

I just wanted to put it on the table, and on the stairs - stomp, stomp, stomp.

- The fox is coming!

Zhikharka got scared, jumped off the bench, dropped the spoon on the floor - and had no time to pick it up - and crawled under the stove. And the fox entered the hut, look there, look there - no Zhikharka.

“Wait,” the fox thinks, “you yourself will tell me where you are sitting.”

The fox went to the table and began sorting through the spoons:

- This simple spoon is Petina, this simple spoon is Kotova, and this spoon is not simple - chiseled, with a gilded handle - I’ll take this one for myself.

- Ay, ay, ay, don’t take it, aunty, I won’t give it to you!

- There you are, Zhikharka!

The fox ran up to the stove, put its paw in the oven, pulled Zhikharka out, threw it on her back - and into the forest.

She ran home and lit the stove hot: she wanted to fry the Zhikharka and eat it.

The fox took a shovel.

“Sit down,” says Zhikharka.

And Zhikharka is small and remote. He sat down on a shovel, spread out his arms and legs, and didn’t go into the stove.

“You’re not sitting like that,” says the fox.

Zhikharka turned the back of his head to the stove, spread out his arms and legs - he didn’t go into the stove.

“It’s not like that,” says the fox.

- And you, auntie, show me, I don’t know how.

- What a slow-witted person you are!

The fox threw Zhikharka off the shovel, jumped onto the shovel herself, curled up in a ring, hid her paws, and covered herself with her tail. And Zhikharka pushed her into the stove and covered her with a damper, and he quickly got out of the hut and went home.

And at home the cat and the rooster are crying and sobbing:

- Here is a simple spoon - Kotova, here is a simple spoon - Petina, but there is no chiseled spoon, no gilded handle, and there is no our Zhikharka, and there is no our little one!..

The cat wipes away tears with its paw, Petya picks it up with its wing. Suddenly, down the stairs - knock-knock-knock. The woman runs and shouts in a loud voice:

- Here I am! And the fox was roasted in the oven!

The cat and the rooster were happy. Well, kiss Zhikharka! Well, hug Zhikharka! And now the cat, the rooster and Zhikharka live in this hut and are waiting for us to visit.

The fairy tale “Zhikharka” is a Ural folk tale in which the story is about a small, restless man. In some versions of the story this little man is called a boy, in others, on the contrary, a girl.

While reading a fairy tale to your child, pay special attention to the following points:

  • Zhikharka forgot to lock the door - you need to be careful;
  • discovered himself for the sake of his thing - to explain to the child that no matter how expensive or desirable the thing is, one cannot, in spite of everything, follow thoughtless desires;
  • as well as about relationships in the family and returning home, for example, like, and others.

In the fairy tale “Zhikharka”, the role of a dangerous hero is again played by the cunning and insidious fox, which a child, according to previous fairy tales, should associate with deceitfulness. Zhikharka is an excellent fairy tale from the field of fairy tale therapy for every child. You can only slightly force events to suit the child’s problems and add additional acquisitions during the return, for example, the necessary qualities or events.

Zhikharka - read the text of the fairy tale with pictures

Once upon a time in a hut there lived a cat, a rooster and a little man - Zhikharka.

The cat and the rooster went hunting, and Zhikharka did housework: he cooked dinner, set the table, and laid out spoons.

He lays it out and says:

This is a simple spoon - Kotova, this is a simple spoon - Petina, and this is not a simple one - chiseled, with a gilded handle - this Zhikharkina. I won't give it to anyone.

The fox heard that Zhikharka was the only one in charge of the hut, and she wanted to try Zhikharka’s meat.

The cat and the rooster, when they went hunting, always told Zhikharka to lock the doors. Zhikharka locked the doors.

I locked everything, and once I forgot.

Zhikharka took care of everything, cooked dinner, set the table, began laying out the spoons, and the fox was walking up the stairs - clatter, clatter, clatter.

Zhikharka got scared, jumped off the bench, dropped the spoon on the floor and crawled under the stove. And the fox entered the hut, look there, look there: there is no Zhikharka.

“Wait,” the fox thinks, “you yourself will tell me where you are sitting.”

This spoon is simple - Petina, this spoon is simple - Kotova. And this spoon is not simple - it’s chiseled, the handle is gilded - I’ll take this one for myself.

Ay, ah, ah, don’t take it, aunty, I won’t give it to you!

There you are, Zhikharka!

The fox ran up to the stove, put its paw in the oven, pulled Zhikharka out, threw it on her back - and into the forest. She ran home and lit the stove hot: she wanted to fry the Zhikharka and eat it. The fox took a shovel.

“Sit down,” he says, “Zhikharka.”

And Zhikharka is small and remote. He sat down on a shovel, spread out his arms and legs, and didn’t go into the stove.

“You’re not sitting like that,” says the fox.

Zhikharka turned the back of his head to the stove, spread out his arms and legs - he didn’t go into the stove.

Not so, says the fox.

And you, auntie, show me, I don’t know how.

How slow-witted you are!

The fox threw Zhikharka off the shovel, jumped onto the shovel herself, curled up in a ring, hid her paws, and covered herself with her tail. And Zhikharka pushed her into the stove and covered her with a damper, and he quickly got out of the hut and went home.

Here is a simple spoon - a cat, here is a simple spoon - Petina, but there is no chiseled spoon, a gilded handle, and there is no our Zhikharka, and there is no our little one!

The cat wipes away tears with its paw, Petya picks it up with its wing.

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