Home Meat Making almond cookies. How to make almond cookies: recipes, photos. Recipe for almond cookies by Yulia Vysotskaya. stage: preparation of ingredients

Making almond cookies. How to make almond cookies: recipes, photos. Recipe for almond cookies by Yulia Vysotskaya. stage: preparation of ingredients

Incredible, tender, delicious, almond cookies - an exquisite treat! We have selected cooking recipes that are sure to please.

  • Almonds (not peeled) - 120 g
  • Wheat flour - 30 g
  • Egg white (100 g) - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 230 g

Do not peel or fry the almonds, grind them into flour.

I used ground almonds, so you can safely use ready-made almonds.

Mix with sugar.

Let me make a reservation here that the cookies turn out very sweet. If you don't like sweetness, try reducing the amount of sugar.

Add egg whites (NOT whipped) and stir. It's best to do this in a saucepan.

Stir well, using a mixer.

Place the pan on low heat and bring the mass to body temperature (about 36 degrees), this is easy to determine: if the dough does not burn your finger, but is warm, then you can remove it. Don't forget to mix thoroughly.

Add flour, stir.

It turns out to be a runny dough.

Heat the oven to 190 degrees.

Line a baking tray with baking paper; you can grease the paper with butter and sprinkle it with flour - just to be sure. Use a cornet or spoon to lay out fairly large circles (diameter - about 4-5 cm). Leave some space between the cookies as they will spread slightly during baking.

Bake for about 15-17 minutes, do not overcook! The cookies should brown slightly.

Remove cookies from the baking sheet only after COMPLETE cooling!

Recipe 2: almond flour cookies (step by step photos)

We offer you a recipe with photos of preparing macaroons step by step.

  • Sugar – 180 grams;
  • Egg whites – 3 pieces;
  • Powdered sugar – 130 grams;
  • Almonds – 150 grams;
  • Butter – 30 grams;
  • Flour – 40 grams.

Take 150 grams of nuts. Grind them until very fine. It is better to grind with a blender or coffee grinder so that the consistency of the product is more like flour. Then during cooking it will be distributed evenly and give that wonderful taste that we all want to get. It is very important that the blender is dry, otherwise all the nuts will stick to the wall.

Pour sugar into the ground nuts (some people prefer to use brown sugar, it is considered much healthier).

Take three eggs and separate them from the yolk into a separate cup.

Add the egg white to the mixture and beat with a mixer for about 2 - 3 minutes. It is important to obtain a homogeneous foamy mass. Transfer the resulting mixture to a saucepan or any deep container that is not afraid of fire. Place on the stove and stir from time to time. We wait until the product begins to bubble and foam, but we must be quite careful.

Be careful not to let the sugar start to burn. Otherwise, the cookies will turn out tough, with lumps.

Carefully add the sifted wheat flour, continuing to stir. For better results, reduce the heat. It is very important to get a mass that is not too thick and not too liquid. The consistency of the dough should resemble pancake batter.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. While our oven is heating up, take out a baking sheet and place permanent baking paper on it. Place the butter in the microwave for 15-20 seconds until it melts. Grease the paper with oil. Using a spoon or pastry bag, spread the finished dough. The shape of the cookies can be very different (it all depends on the imagination of the pastry chef), but the easiest is the circle shape.

It is important to leave space between the cookies to prevent them from sticking to each other. The approximate diameter is 3-6 centimeters (some people prefer to make cookies the size of five rubles, so they look much more interesting and children love them very much).

Place the baking sheet with macaroons in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes. It is important that our baked goods take on a delicate golden hue and can be taken out. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, let cool for 30 - 40 minutes. Now our cookies can be served.

Depending on your taste preferences, you can add some ingredients. Many people like to pour melted chocolate over the finished dessert and add coconut flakes to get a more exotic taste.

Recipe 3: how to make macaroons

Classic macaroons are ideal for evening tea. The texture of the dough is appetizing, tender, crispy. These baked goods are flavorful with freshly ground almonds. Even a novice housewife can prepare such cookies.

  • Flour - 400 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Almonds – 170 g

Set aside 30 pcs. almonds for decoration. Grind the remaining almonds using a blender.

Pour boiling water over the reserved nuts for 2-3 minutes. Then we peel them.

Grind butter, sugar and eggs in a container.

Add chopped almonds and mix.

Gradually add flour to the mixture, kneading the dough.

Let the resulting dough stand for 10 minutes.

Grease a baking sheet with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Form the dough into a ball, press the peeled almonds into it and place on a baking sheet.

When all the cookies are formed, you need to let them rest on the baking sheet for 5-7 minutes. At this time, turn on the oven to preheat to 180°C.

Bake cookies in the oven for 20 minutes.

Let the finished baked goods cool and serve.

Recipe 4: homemade almond cookies

Here is one of the options - tasty, crumbly and aromatic. Such aromatic and delicious cookies will please everyone, both for a holiday and for the simplest tea party.

  • Flour 150 grams
  • A pinch of salt
  • Butter 125 grams
  • Sugar 50 grams
  • Almonds 30 grams (chopped)
  • Egg 1 piece

Cut the butter into small pieces.

The last step in preparing the dough is to mix all the ingredients.

Bake for 8-10 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees. All is ready!

Recipe 5: Macaroons flakes (with photo)

Nothing complicated, it takes very little time to prepare, and you are guaranteed to enjoy it. Immediately after baking, the cookies are soft, but very quickly become crispy and crumbly. This is if you bake on a baking sheet. If you use ramekins, the edges will be crispy, but the middle will remain soft (this will increase the baking time).

  • 170 grams of almonds
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 40 grams of flour
  • almond flakes for sprinkling

If you, like me, have unpeeled almonds, then you need to pour boiling water over them for 3-4 minutes.

After that, drain the water, now press on the nut - it peels off the skin very easily. The almonds need to be dried, easier in the oven for 6-8 minutes at 60 degrees.

Grind almonds using a blender. Be sure to add a little sugar so that the fatty crumbs do not stick together into lumps.

The finer you grind, the more uniform the cookie structure will be.

Take the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks well with sugar.

Combine the yolk mass with almond flour and mix thoroughly.

Add flour and mix well again.

Beat the whites and carefully combine with the almond-yolk mixture.

The consistency of the dough is fluid, but not liquid. Using a pastry bag or simply using a spoon, place small balls of dough onto a baking sheet (preferably on greased parchment). Leave more space between the cookies - the dough will spread.

I put some of the dough into molds. Sprinkle almond flakes on top.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes. The longer you bake, the drier the cookies will be.

These are the macaroons I got.

Recipe 6: nut cookies with almonds (step by step)

  • Premium wheat flour 200 g
  • Butter 120 g
  • Sugar 80 g
  • Ground almonds 50 g
  • Chicken egg 1 piece
  • Baking powder 1 tsp

Combine butter and sugar.

Add the egg.

Beat in a blender.

Add ground almonds.


Add flour with baking powder.

Knead the dough.

Wrap in film and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Roll out the dough into a circle 0.5 cm thick.

Cut out cookies.

Place the cookies on a baking sheet and place in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Apply a design with a wooden skewer. Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Recipe 7, step by step: macaroons according to GOST

  • Roasted almonds 120 g
  • Egg white (or 3 whites cat. C1) 100 g
  • Sugar 230 g
  • Butter for greasing parchment
  • Flour 30 g

We will need unpeeled and roasted almonds. Therefore, if you bought dried ones, toast the almonds in a frying pan or in the oven. Pour into a coffee grinder or blender.

Grind the nuts well.

Add granulated sugar.

And ¾ of the egg whites.


Beat the mixture with a blender. Then add the remaining quarter of the egg whites.

The resulting almond mixture must be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees to dissolve all the sugar. I heated it in a water bath, stirring constantly.

Add 30 g of sifted flour (this is about 2 tablespoons, but it’s better to measure more precisely).


If you want cookies the same size as store-bought ones, then divide the dough into 10 parts and place them on parchment from a pastry bag, then the cookies will be more or less the correct shape. I decided to make the cookies a little smaller and didn't bother with the bag. Therefore, I spread it with a tablespoon, from which the dough dripped. I got 14 pieces.

Grease the parchment well with butter and sprinkle with flour. To be honest, whether with flour and butter or just butter, the cookies in both cases were not very easy to remove from the parchment.

  • Sugar – 180 grams;
  • Egg whites – 3 pieces;
  • Powdered sugar – 130 grams;
  • Almonds – 150 grams;
  • Butter – 30 grams;
  • Flour – 40 grams.
  • Preparation time: 00:20
  • Cooking time: 00:20
  • Number of servings: 4
  • Complexity: light


We offer you a recipe with photos of preparing macaroons step by step.

  1. Take 150 grams of nuts. Grind them until very fine. It is better to grind with a blender or coffee grinder so that the consistency of the product is more like flour. Then during cooking it will be distributed evenly and give that wonderful taste that we all want to get. It is very important that the blender is dry, otherwise all the nuts will stick to the wall.
  2. Pour sugar into the ground nuts (some people prefer to use brown sugar, it is considered much healthier).
  3. Take three eggs, separate them from the yolk into a separate cup (the yolks can be saved for another dish).
  4. Add the egg white to the mixture and beat with a mixer for about 2 - 3 minutes. It is important to obtain a homogeneous foamy mass. Transfer the resulting mixture to a saucepan or any deep container that is not afraid of fire. Place on the stove and stir from time to time. We wait until the product begins to bubble and foam, but we must be quite careful.

    Be careful not to let the sugar start to burn. Otherwise, the cookies will turn out tough, with lumps.

  5. Carefully add the sifted wheat flour, continuing to stir. For better results, reduce the heat. It is very important to get a mass that is not too thick and not too liquid. The consistency of the dough should resemble dough for.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. While our oven is heating up, take out a baking sheet and place permanent baking paper on it. Place the butter in the microwave for 15 - 20 seconds until it melts. Grease the paper with oil. Using a spoon or pastry bag, spread the finished dough. The shape of the cookies can be very different (it all depends on the imagination of the pastry chef), but the easiest is the circle shape. It is important to leave space between the cookies to prevent them from sticking to each other. The approximate diameter is 3-6 centimeters (some people prefer to make cookies the size of five rubles, so they look much more interesting and children love them very much).
  7. Place the baking sheet with macaroons in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes. It is important that our baked goods take on a delicate golden hue and can be taken out. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, let cool for 30 - 40 minutes. Now our cookies can be served.
  8. Depending on your taste preferences, you can add some ingredients. Many people like to pour melted chocolate over the finished dessert and add coconut flakes to get a more exotic taste.

    Well-packaged cookies remain fresh and can be stored for up to 3 to 4 days.


  • Eggs – 2 jokes;
  • Almonds – 300 grams;
  • Sugar – 150 grams.

Cooking process:

Homemade cookies are one of the most delicious and healthy treats. With this recipe you can get a tasty and satisfying snack for tea.

  1. Finely chop the nuts in a blender.
  2. Break the chicken eggs and beat them until foam forms.
  3. Combine eggs with chopped nuts and sugar.
  4. Make small cakes from the resulting mass and place them on a baking sheet with baking paper.
  5. Place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
  6. Our cookies are ready! Bon appetit!

Have you ever thought that every dish has its own story? Cookies - how many warm memories are associated with this word.

I hope no one has forgotten about macaroons - the favorite dessert of many of us in childhood. The classic recipe turns out incredibly tasty, tender, melting in your mouth. Fragrant, tender dough, with a memorable aftertaste, is perfect for home gatherings and tea parties with friends. Eat a few cookies in the morning, washed down with milk, and feel the taste of almonds in your mouth all day long. And, of course, in the evening, with your family, during soulful tea parties, so that you can spend another gloomy day with pleasure.

By the way, it is believed that the unique taste of the product is revealed only in tandem with milk. But coffee, on the contrary, does not allow you to enjoy this sweet dish.

The history of the delicacy

Despite their simplicity, macaroons have a very rich history. Each country and people have their own unique cooking recipe and many different legends about its origin. However, it would be correct to assume that Italy is the real homeland.

Back in the 9th century, nuns from an Italian monastery began baking cookies with almonds in order to somehow maintain a shelter for women. These were difficult times, but the nuns knew that the nuts of the beautiful almond tree were able to heal wounded souls, help people, giving them hope for tomorrow, for the future. Inside this nut there was hidden valuable content, the secret of which was kept in ancient legends. It is believed that the almond is the result of the union of the souls of two lovers who were brutally killed, but turned into a beautiful flowering tree.

Macaroons also became widespread in France during the Renaissance. However, there they call it “pasta”. Almond flour and food coloring are used for preparation. Almond flour is quite expensive. Initially, only aristocrats and those who were frequent guests at the royal court could afford this dessert. Even today, in the 21st century, the price per package can reach 60 euros, but the unsurpassed taste is worth it. The dough is prepared according to a special recipe, due to which it turns out tender and melts in the mouth.

Calorie content

The energy value of the product per hundred grams is approximately 426 kcal. This is a lot, but in the morning everyone can treat themselves to a delicious dessert without fear of ruining their figure. After all, our main enemies are overeating and ignorance of moderation; they are the only culprits of excess weight. On top of that, it is much healthier than other confectionery products. Almonds contain healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins.

Cookie Festival in China

This type of cookie is popular and widespread in China. Every year, a festival is held near the ruins of St. Patrick, in the city of Macau. More than twenty different stores open, selling different varieties of flavored macaroons. With or without filling, covered with chocolate or caramel, here everyone can find something they like. Best of all, tasting is free and you can eat as much as you want! This tradition is a revival of history. According to legend, almond cookies were the favorite delicacy of Chinese rulers, so if you have long wanted to visit China and love cookies, then it’s time to buy plane tickets.

  • The rules for serving this dish originated in England at the royal court. For serving, golden multi-story vases for desserts were used, the first floor of which consisted of various tartlets and cold appetizers. The remaining floors were occupied by various sweets, including macaroons.
  • ·In French courts it was customary to serve it as an afternoon tea. Instead of tea, they drank cold milk, which helped restore strength, and between two cookies there was a thick filling of chocolate or delicate cream.
  • · In the Soviet Union, GOST rules were strictly followed for the preparation of these cookies.
  • · There are repeated mentions of almonds in literature (poems, prose).
  • · This type of cookie is often used as a gift. The main reason for this is the fact that the cookies look quite aesthetically pleasing and have an interesting, unusual taste. Therefore, various bows and boxes will always come in handy when decorating such a gift.

My husband has been reminding me of these cookies for a week now, how delicious they were. It seems nothing complicated: almond flour, sugar, egg. But spices play a special role in this recipe. Don't skimp and replace vanilla with synthetic vanillin. Walnut flour is not a cheap product and it would be a shame to ruin everything with a few grams of white powder.

The cookies can be stored in a closed container; they will become denser as they cool. But warm, just out of the oven - this is madness. Bright aroma, delicate crumbly texture, mmm :-)

ingredients for macaroons
sugar - 160 gr.
egg - 1 pc.
- 320 gr.
lemon or orange zest - 2 tsp.
vanilla pod - 1 pc.

How to make macaroons at home

1. Add vanilla seeds and zest to the almond flour and mix. I added part of the pod, crushed in a coffee grinder, which was previously used and dried. Expensive spice must be used to the last crumb.

2. Beat the egg and sugar until fluffy and white.

3. Add the beaten egg to the almond flour in parts and knead into an elastic dough.

This is what the finished dough looks like. More precisely, almost ready, because... It needs to be put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, wrapped in cling film. There the dough will “ripen” and become harder and more elastic.

4. Take out the chilled dough, divide into 2 parts and roll into a sausage about 3-4 cm thick.

Cut into pieces

I tried to lightly roll out the cookies with a rolling pin and press them with my hands. The second option turned out to be better. What I rolled out with a rolling pin turned out too thin and overcooked. What I formed with my hands was of optimal thickness, baked well, was soft and crumbly.

Transfer the formed cookies to a lined baking sheet or baking mat.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Cookies bake very quickly, do not leave them unattended!

As a result, the powder melted on the mat and turned into caramel drops. It also melted on cookies that were thinner. But I have already emphasized that there is no need to create too thin ones. But next time I’ll sprinkle powder on the already baked ones.

The cookies are ready, you can invite your household for tea, if they haven’t already come running to the incredibly sweet vanilla aroma that will soar throughout the kitchen.

Enjoy your tea!

It happens that sometimes you really want to cook something simple, but at the same time very tasty and unusual. Something that has not yet become boring, has not had time to get boring, and moreover, something that can surprise you. Then original recipes come to the rescue, for example, macaroons - an incredibly tasty delicacy that simply melts in your mouth. There are even several varieties of this delicacy: classic, honey, cinnamon or chocolate. There are a lot of options, as well as recipes, you just need to choose the one you like best. So how to make macaroons?

  • Time: 20–25 minutes
  • Servings: 10

Cookies with almonds are perfect for gatherings on quiet family evenings, and not only. It will also look good at any holiday and in any company, because the baked goods are truly incredibly tasty and do not leave anyone indifferent; they simply blow your mind.

  • 230 grams of sugar;
  • 120 grams of almonds;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • 30 grams of flour;
  • 30 grams of butter.

Cooking method

This delicacy is equally good with tea, coffee, compote and even cocoa; virtually nothing can spoil it. In addition, macaroons have an average calorie content and are a rich source of vitamins, and they are also natural, without preservatives or chemical additives, which makes them a special honor.

Macarons - French macaroons

  • Time: 20–25 minutes
  • Servings: 6

Currently, original cookies made from almond flour, called macaroons, are gaining popularity. It is believed that it was the French who invented it; it was they who gave life to this brightly colored delicacy. In addition to its memorable appearance, macarons have something else, namely taste. Due to this, they have now become very fashionable.

Set of products for cooking

  • 150 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 100 grams of almonds;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons rice flour
  • 1 tablespoon flour.

Cooking method

This recipe did not involve coloring, but if you really want to, then by adding food coloring to the composition you can give any color to the finished dessert, regardless of shape and calories. Everyone, especially children, will really like these rainbow-colored treats. Such a delicacy will look especially good at a children's party or at a youth party, but this does not mean that the French delicacy cannot be prepared just like that, for yourself.

Macaroons are perhaps not the simplest culinary recipe, but they are very original and stylish. You should definitely write this dish down in your own cookbook so that you can cook it as often as possible and thus delight yourself and everyone around you.

Cook deliciously and bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the nuts.

Place the required amount of unpeeled, raw almonds into a clean, dry blender bowl. Grind the nuts into fine crumbs or until the consistency of flour. If you purchased ground almonds, this will make the first step much easier. In any case, pour the almond crumbs into a deep bowl.

Step 2: combine all ingredients.

Now take three chicken eggs and separate the yolks from the whites into separate bowls. To make cookies, you only need egg whites, and you can use the yolks for any other equally delicious dishes. Add the required amount of sugar to the bowl with nuts, mix the dry ingredients with a tablespoon until smooth and add the whites to them.
Using a mixer, mix the ingredients until smooth. 2 – 3 minutes turning on the kitchen appliance at medium speed. You should not beat the dough ingredients until fluffy; this may cause the protein to curdle during heating. Preheat the oven up to 190 degrees Celsius.

Step 3: prepare the almond dough.

Place the lightly beaten nut mixture into a thick-bottomed pan, using a wooden spoon or spatula to help. Place the container on the stove, turned on to medium level, and heat the liquid mass up to 36 - 38 degrees. You can easily check the desired temperature by touching the dough; it should be warm and not burn your fingers, but if you have a pastry thermometer, it will be even easier for you to determine the appropriate temperature. While heating, constantly stir the liquid mass with a wooden kitchen spoon so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
When the nut mixture reaches the desired temperature, remove the pan from the stove, using a kitchen towel to help you, and add the sifted wheat flour to the liquid mixture. Knead the dough thoroughly so that there are no flour lumps.

Step 4: bake macaroons according to GOST.

Line a large non-stick baking tray with baking paper. Now take a regular plastic bag, cut off one of the sealed ends with scissors and spoon the almond dough into the bag using a tablespoon. Gently press the dough onto the baking sheet, thus forming small round cookies with the approximate diameter up to 4 - 5 centimeters. Leave a little space between the cookies as they will increase in size during baking.
To smooth out any uneven spots, dip a baking brush in a small amount of plain running water and lightly brush over all the cookies. Then place the baking sheet with your product in a preheated oven on 15 – 17 minutes and bake the cookies until lightly browned. After the required time has passed, remove the baking sheet with flour products from the oven, let them cool slightly and then, using a kitchen spatula, transfer the cookies to a metal wire rack, where they can rest and cool completely to room temperature. In the meantime, prepare your next batch of macaroons and brew your favorite tea or coffee.

Step 5: serve macaroons according to GOST.

According to GOST, macaroons are served at room temperature. Immediately after cooking, the flour product is allowed to cool completely, since everyone knows that hot food is very harmful to the stomach. Then the sweet rounds are transferred to a large dessert dish. You can savor this yummy with any drinks. These cookies go perfectly with aromatic vanilla or green coffee, as well as herbal or fruit teas. Although children prefer to enjoy these cookies with fruit yogurt, milk or sweet kefir. Enjoy! Bon appetit!

- – According to GOST, almond cookies are very sweet, so if you are not a fan of sugary sweetness, you can reduce the amount of sugar to taste.

- – If you are not sure about your baking sheet and oven, you can, to be safe, grease baking paper with vegetable or butter fat and sprinkle with a small amount of wheat flour.

- – If you deviate a little from GOST standards, then you can add food baking powder to the dough for fluffiness, because eggs do not always raise the dough enough, you can also add vanilla sugar for a deeper aroma, and of course whole almonds, they will significantly improve taste effect.

- – After cooking, you can sprinkle the cookies with powdered sugar if you wish.

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