Home Nutrition How to bake Easter cakes in paper ones. Little tricks for proper baking of Easter cakes. Kulich is traditional Russian. Easter cake recipe, preparation

How to bake Easter cakes in paper ones. Little tricks for proper baking of Easter cakes. Kulich is traditional Russian. Easter cake recipe, preparation

Today we will tell you how to properly bake Easter cakes in paper molds using the example of one of the recipes for Easter baking, and we will also dwell in more detail on the advantages and disadvantages of this modern invention.

Easter cakes in paper molds - recipe


  • whole milk – 500 ml;
  • – 500 g;
  • granulated sugar – 620 g;
  • premium sifted wheat flour – 2-2.2 kg;
  • large chicken eggs – 10 pcs.;
  • peasant butter – 260 g;
  • refined vegetable oil – 120 ml;
  • pressed fresh yeast – 95 g;
  • vanillin;
  • pitted – 320 g;
  • table salt – 10 g.


We start baking Easter cakes in paper molds, as a matter of course, by creating the dough. To do this, pour a slightly incomplete glass of warm milk into a bowl, add all the crumbled yeast, three tablespoons of granulated sugar and flour and stir thoroughly. After fifteen minutes, process three chicken eggs using a mixer into a thick foam, adding two glasses of sugar, and after all the crystals have dissolved, flavorless vegetable oil and sour cream.

Now in a large bowl we combine the yeast and sour cream mixture, pour in the rest of the milk, having previously heated it to about fifty degrees, add about seven hundred grams of sifted flour, stir well and place in a warm and comfortable place for three hours. Every half hour while the secondary dough is proofing, mix it carefully and lower it.

As time passes, we make the final kneading of the dough. To do this, beat the remaining chicken eggs intensively with a mixer, leaving one white for making fudge. While whipping, add the remaining granulated sugar and process the mixture until all the sweet crystals are completely dissolved. Add vanillin, very soft butter and prepared eggs beaten with sugar to the dough. Mix everything thoroughly and, adding sifted flour little by little, achieve a non-sticky, but very soft texture for the Easter cake dough. Let it rise in the warmth. After the first rise, simply mix, and after the second, stir in the raisins, washed in advance, dried and sprinkled with flour. When the dough has risen for the third time, place it in paper molds, filling them to a little more than a third of the total volume, and leave for some time to at least double in volume. Now carefully move the Easter cakes in paper forms into a hot oven. Its temperature must be maintained at 180 degrees throughout the baking process. The time the products spend in the oven directly depends on their size and can vary on average from twenty to forty minutes. But to be sure, it is better to check the readiness of the Easter cakes using a dry wooden skewer.

How to bake Easter cakes in paper molds correctly?

As can be seen from the description of the recipe proposed above, paper molds for Easter cakes are used in the same way as any other molds, with the exception that they do not need to be greased with oil and sprinkled with additional flour or semolina. In addition, after baking, the products can be left in paper molds without removing them, and this will not negatively affect the appearance or taste of the finished Easter cakes. They will not get wet, but on the contrary, they will retain moisture and will not become dry. Another advantage of such forms is that they do not need to be washed. Their only drawback is that they are disposable, but against the general background of advantages it is absolutely insignificant.

Now you know how to bake Easter cakes in paper molds. The dough for this can be prepared according to any other recipe that you prefer, the result will please you in any case.

I am proud to announce that I am keeper of an old family recipe Easter cake :-). This is how my great-great-grandmothers baked, and this is how I have been baking for 20 years. Everything is verified to the smallest detail, along the way I will tell you small and very important secrets, read carefully. I’ll say right away that I’m publishing here only half of the inherited recipe (in the sense that my grandmothers and great-grandmothers took 2 times more ingredients :-)), but it’s still a LOT. I give it away to family, friends and acquaintances! (in the photo below is my Vovka with another pastry).

First, I’ll list all the products, because you not only need to buy them, but also warm them to room temperature in advance.


  • 10 eggs
  • 0.5 l sour cream
  • 250 g butter
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 0.5 l milk
  • 0.5 cups sunflower oil
  • flour (determined by eye, approximately 2 kg 300 g)
  • salt (1 teaspoon)
  • vanilla (bag)
  • 100 grams of yeast (not dry, regular fresh)
  • Colored decorations (balls, flowers, hearts)


I must warn you that preparing Easter cake is a long process. Only one dough matures in about 2.5-3 hours! Here are detailed instructions that a novice housewife can handle.

In a glass bowl, crumble the yeast, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons. spoons of flour, 200 g of warm milk. All this needs to be lightly stirred and placed in a warm place for 15 minutes. The picture on the right shows how the mixture turned into “living” foam.

Now take another bowl. You need to beat 3 eggs well with two cups of sugar, 0.5 cups of sunflower oil and 0.5 liters of sour cream.

Combine the first and second parts of the dough, heat the remaining milk (300 g) to about 50 degrees and pour into the mixture.

Sift the heated flour (I always place a bowl of flour on a stool next to the preheated oven) and pour into the mixture until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. I use about 600-700 g of flour at this stage.

Place the dough in a warm place for 2.5 or even 3 hours. Lower and knead every 30 minutes.


After 2.5 - 3 hours, add 250 grams of softened butter, the remaining 7 eggs and 1 glass of sugar (you need to beat separately until the sugar dissolves, and then combine with the dough). Throw in a teaspoon of salt (I use coarse). At this stage I move it all into a 10 liter plastic bucket, otherwise it will run away :-).

Add flour gradually. The dough should not stick to your hands and dishes, but should not be too heavy. You need to knead for a long time and very intensively, then put in a warm place and let it rise TWICE. Each time, wait for the dough to double in size, carefully lower it and knead again. After the second stirring, you need to add 1 cup of washed and dried raisins.

I used to bake in empty pea and fruit tins. I lined the walls and bottom with oiled paper. Now in every supermarket you can buy ready-made paper molds of different sizes. The bottom of these molds has holes, so even after baking, you don’t have to take the cakes out, they won’t get soggy. A wonderful invention! Easy to store and give as a gift :-).

Let's bake!

Attention! Our butter dough rises very well, so we fill the mold only 1/3 full. We wait 30-40 minutes. During this time, Easter cakes grow more than 2 times even without an oven. Place it in the oven very carefully...

Preheat the oven in advance and bake at 180 degrees. How long to bake? Small (the size of a standard can of green peas) - 25 minutes. Larger forms - 35 minutes. In any case, pierce it with a long wooden stick and assess readiness.

I place the finished Easter cakes sideways on a soft bed (covered with two layers of kitchen towels). My grandmothers taught me this. Apparently, this way our Easter cake has a better chance of maintaining its height. If baked in tin cans with paper, carefully free the cakes from the “shackles”. I remind you that we do not touch the paper molds.


While the beauties are cooling, beat the white of one chilled egg with 1/2 cup of powdered sugar. Don't repeat my mistakes! You can’t get a strong foam with a blender, beat it only with a regular mixer. Now you need to spread the top of the Easter cakes and sprinkle with colored balls.

I got 12 different sized (but identical in taste :-)) Easter cakes!

Dear readers of the site “Holiday Again”! If someone asks you how to bake Easter cake, feel free to send it to my website, you won’t be ashamed. Everyone to whom I gave this old family recipe was pleased with the result.

Baking Easter cake correctly (advice from bakers)

Kulich traditional Russian(recipe)

Doll with Easter cake from Svetlana Kulibaba

Little tricks for proper baking of Easter cakes

There are many recipes for Easter cakes. But it’s not enough to knead and bake; you also need to know the subtleties.

When baking Easter cakes you need to remember Basic Rules, the observance of which largely determines how the cake will turn out.

The main and indispensable decoration of the Easter table is Easter cakes, which are baked from rich yeast dough, but tall and round in shape.
According to legend, the shroud of Christ, buried according to Jewish customs, was round in shape.
This explains the traditional round shape of the Easter cake.
And it should be high because in the spring time of Easter everything in nature comes to life and stretches upward.

The quality of the Easter cake mainly depends on the quality of the products used. Flour is finely ground and slightly warmed before use (it is recommended to spread it in a thin layer on a napkin and dry for 2 days). Yeast should only be fresh. Egg yolks, if separated and kneaded separately, are rubbed through a sieve in more delicate baked goods. The butter is boiled until it is clear and cooled to the warmth of fresh milk before stirring in.

Preparation of the dough begins with thoroughly kneading the dough (for it, take half of the total amount of flour), and when it rises and increases in volume by approximately 2-3 times, without allowing it to settle, add the rest of the flour, baking, salt and begin to knead and beat for an hour, and to obtain a richer dough - up to 2 hours. Spices are added along with the baked goods, and almonds, raisins, candied fruits and the like are added to the finished dough. Then they place it in a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs mold at half its height, allow it to rise (a well-worked dough can rise several times higher than it was placed in the mold), and so that the top of the Easter cake does not become deformed, a paper cup is inserted into the mold.

Kulich is baked for 1.5 -2 hours. Take it out and lay it “sideways” on a pillow to preserve its shape. If after baking the Easter cake is covered with glaze, then it should not be brushed with egg. Saffron gives baked goods a very beautiful color (pour 1 tablespoon with rum or water, leave for 4 hours and strain), but not everyone likes its taste.

The dough should not be liquid, because the cakes will spread and be flat, and it should not be thick - the cakes will be too heavy and tasteless and will quickly become stale. The dough should be of such density that it can be cut with a knife and it does not stick to it, so that when dividing the Easter cakes there is no need to add flour. Cut the kneaded dough with a knife. The density is just right, if it doesn’t stretch behind the knife, it doesn’t stick to it. Can be laid out in forms.

You need to knead the dough long and thoroughly. According to ancient legends, it needs to be hit 300 times so that the guests will then praise the Easter cake 300 times. Knead the dough as long as possible so that it comes off your hands, dishes or table.

The dough should rise three times: the first time - when it is dissolved; the second time - when it is kneaded, the third time - when it has already been divided and placed in molds or on a baking sheet.

Easter cake dough does not like drafts, but loves warmth, so Easter cakes should be placed in a warm place at a temperature of 30-45 degrees. The temperature in the room where the cake is prepared should not be lower than 25°.

If the dough falls off, it’s not a big deal. Will rise again.

But here's a little advice - if you have already put the dough into molds and it has risen well, but when you try to put it in the oven, the top seems to deflate and become flat - do not expect that it will rise again in the oven and become round. It is better to wait with baking and wait for the dough to rise again. Otherwise, the cake may end up with a flat top. If you don't let the cake rise completely, it will turn out dense and juicy. Dried fruits must be pre-soaked; after baking, they will release moisture to the dough. Dried fruits, raisins, candied fruits, after drying and before adding to the dough, must be rolled in flour and then sifted (remove excess flour)

I kneaded the dough for Easter cakes with my hands (the consistency of the dough turned out to be like pies), but you can make a lighter dough by adding less flour - in this case the dough should be kneaded with a mixer, since the consistency should be thicker than for pancakes and more liquid than for pies and easily lags behind the walls of the bowl - such dough cannot be kneaded with your hands, but only with a spoon or mixer until bubbles appear - this means that the dough is sufficiently enriched with oxygen

In Rus', a lot of dough was usually prepared for Easter cakes, since it ferments better in large volumes

Easter cakes are baked in thin tin molds with a movable (removable) bottom.

This form must be lined with paper oiled with butter or ghee, and not just greased with butter.

It is advisable to line the inside of the mold with baking paper, then the cake will easily come out of it.

Grease your hands with oil too. Pick up and tear off pieces of dough with your hands and place them in the mold.

Before placing the Easter cake in it, the oven must be preheated well, because only in this case will it maintain a uniform temperature during baking, which is very important

The readiness of the Easter cake for baking is determined by its volume: the dough should rise almost to the edges of the pan.

To ensure that such a cake rises evenly, before placing it in the oven, a wooden stick is stuck into the middle of it. After a certain time, the stick is removed. If it is dry, the cake is ready

The Easter cake, ready for baking, is brushed with an egg beaten with 1 tbsp. spoon of water and butter, sprinkle with chopped nuts, coarse sugar and breadcrumbs

The capricious Easter cake “doesn’t like” to be disturbed during baking, so try not to open the oven door unnecessarily, otherwise the fluffy dough will fall due to a sharp temperature change. And if you notice that the top of the cake is burning, but it itself is not yet baked, cover it on top with damp parchment paper.

The cake is baked in a humidified oven; to do this, place a container of hot water on the bottom; temperature 200-240° C. (Average temperature for baking Easter cakes 210°, moderate oven temperature 160°-180°).

In large forms, the cakes are also baked well, just to prevent the top from burning, after 10-15 minutes, reduce the heat by 20 degrees and cover the top of the cake with foil.

The duration of baking the Easter cake depends on its size. Easter cake weighing less than 1 kg is baked for 30 minutes, 1 kg - 45 minutes, 1.5 kg - 1 hour, 2 kg - 1.5 hours. If the cake burns on top, cover it with dry paper.

The finished cake is removed from the oven, placed on the side surface and kept in this position until the bottom has cooled.

Ready-made Easter cakes can be coated with glaze and decorated with candied fruits.

Advice from a professional confectioner Tortyzhka

At bakeries and bakeries there are “combi steamers” - el. ovens that have convection (forced mixing of hot air by a fan) and steam humidification, that is, the supply of steam to the chamber.

In the technological instructions for baking products from yeast dough (any) they write:
so many minutes - steam supply 100% temperature such and such,
so many minutes - 50% temperature such and such,
so many minutes without steam. the temperature is like this.

Convection is desirable so that the product is baked evenly on all sides.
In a home oven, this issue is not as relevant as in a bakery.

But steam... It's needed! Then, at the beginning of baking, a crust on the dough will not form (and then burst when the inner layers of the dough heat up and expand).

We must not allow the formation of a “shell” with steam. Therefore, for baking LARGE PRODUCTS from yeast dough (loaves, Easter cakes, large covered pies) we use the general principle:

At the beginning of baking, spray it with any available method (preferably some kind of fine spray or from the mouth), and put it in the oven at a lower temperature (about 25-30% of the main one).

During this process, carefully open the oven a little several times and quickly spray it with warm water again until the surface of the dough is completely moistened.

Then we raise the temperature a little and spray it once or twice more. Then the temperature is normal, baking without steam, that is, we created such conditions so that the entire mass of dough could expand without being limited by baked crusts.

Slow heating ensures that the entire thickness of the dough is baked, and not black on the outside, but raw on the inside.

And finally, when the dough has “selected” all the power of rising, we no longer spray it. and let it finish baking and brown.

This is the technology. Let me make a reservation right away that the paper forms will not become soggy, the dough will not get damp and the heating elements will not burst

Kulich is traditional Russian.

1 kg. flour,
1.5 glasses of milk,
6 eggs
300 gr. butter or margarine,
1.5 - 2 cups granulated sugar,
40-50 gr. yeast,
0.5 teaspoon of salt,
150 gr. raisins,
50 gr. candied fruits,
50 gr. almonds,
0.5 packets of vanilla sugar or 5-6 cardamom grains crushed into powder.

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add half the flour, stir so that there are no lumps, cover the dish with a towel and put the dough in a warm place. When the volume of the dough doubles, add salt, egg yolks beaten with sugar and vanilla, and whipped butter. Mix all this, add the whipped egg whites and the rest of the flour. The dough should not be very thick, but well kneaded and easily pull away from the walls of the dish. Cover the dough again and place in a warm place. When it has doubled in volume, add raisins (washed and dried, sprinkled with flour), candied fruits, diced, and almonds, peeled and finely chopped. Mix it all with the dough and put it into molds.

To get a more fluffy cake, fill the mold to 1/3 of the height, for a denser one - to 1/2 of the height. Prepare the mold: cover the bottom with a circle of oiled baking paper, grease the sides with butter and sprinkle with flour or ground breadcrumbs, or you can put baking paper inside along the height of the mold.

Place the filled form in a warm place and cover with a towel. When the dough has risen to the height of the mold, brush the top with beaten egg and place the mold in a not very hot oven for 50-60 minutes. During baking, carefully turn the pan with the cake, but do not shake it. To prevent the top of the cake from burning, after it has browned, cover it with a circle of paper moistened with water.

Determine the readiness of the Easter cake by sticking a thin splinter into it: if it turns out to be dry, the Easter cake is ready; if there is dough left on it, the Easter cake is still raw.

After cooling, the cake can be covered with icing and decorated with candied fruits, jam berries, marmalade, chocolate figures, etc.

Http://hlebopechka.ru/, http://forum.say7.info/topic4894.html

In many ways, what our Easter cakes will look like, and even what they will taste like, depends on what kind of container we bake them in. Since I have accumulated my own experience in baking in different dishes, I will be happy to share my observations so that each housewife can choose the best option for herself.

So, the most important stage, kneading the dough, is already behind us. All that remains is to bake our Easter cakes. Would you say it's easy? But no! This is no less serious and important stage than kneading dough. And how you bake the cakes will determine whether they will be tender and fluffy or... but we will only talk about good things :)
Once upon a time, many years ago I baked Easter cakes in tins from corn, condensed milk, tomato paste and even canned fish. Both my mother and grandmother baked this way. I want to say that this method is not at all outdated. Unless now you need to be very careful and make sure that no paint is applied to the can, because it happens that this paint is not heat-resistant and begins to emit a simply terrible smell, incompatible with food. The same applies to the inner surface; there should be no coating on it.
I cut out the bottom and sides of each jar from baking paper and greased it with refined deodorized vegetable oil. Then the finished Easter cake was easily separated from the paper and left the jar just as easily.
Quite convenient utensils for baking Easter cakes.

The next dish in which I tried baking Easter cakes was ceramic cups.
The same ones from which we drink tea or coffee every morning.
In the same way, I cut out a circle for the bottom and sides from baking paper and grease it with refined deodorized vegetable oil. I tried to simply grease the cup with vegetable oil - there were problems when taking out the finished baked goods.
This year, 2012, I didn’t have enough baking paper for two mugs. I greased it with butter directly by hand - the finished cakes came out of the mug without any problems. I think you need to look at the quality of the ceramics.

“I take cups of various sizes.” The cakes are baked perfectly and evenly in them.

Last year I decided to experiment with innovation and bought disposable paper baking pans in two different sizes. The shapes are very beautiful. I bought two larger molds (these are central cakes for the table) and a lot of small ones, so that they are enough for one bite.

Of course, it’s convenient that the pan itself is almost ready for baking. I still greased the molds with refined deodorized vegetable oil before adding the dough, but this did not help either, the cakes were firmly baked to the paper. When I laid out the dough in the molds to prepare before putting them in the oven, I saw that the molds were too delicate and could not withstand the pressure of the playing dough; I had to constantly correct the molds, which were askew and tilted in one direction or the other. All the same, large pans gave a distortion in the finished baked goods. If you decide to use paper disposable forms, then buy the smallest ones. Please note that when baking in a paper form, there is no good heating, as in a ceramic mug. When you place such a cake on the table, you have to peel off the paper form and the appearance of the baked goods is not aesthetically pleasing. My conclusion: As long as I have ceramic cups, I will not go back to paper disposable cups.

It's the same story with silicone molds.

I suggest using only low forms. After all, the larger forms squint and tilt on all sides. If you are baking in them, then you need to immediately place the molds on a baking sheet, and then lay in the dough for the rise. When the dough has risen, you need to very carefully place the baking sheet with the molds in the oven.

The convenience is that you don’t need to lubricate the molds with anything; the mold warms up well, which is important for uniform baking. We take only low forms.

This year, I bought a new mold for the central cake on the table, which will stand all holidays. This springform pan with non-stick coating measuring 12 (height) by 17 (diameter) cm.

When planning to make your own Easter cake, take note of a few tips:

  • the butter should not be hard, then the cake will be soft and tender;
  • the butter should soften on its own at room temperature, not when heated;
  • you can use paper molds made specifically for baking Easter cakes;
  • You can use a tin can as a form. But in this case it must be lined with oiled baking paper;
  • baking paper can be replaced with the usual one used in offices. But it must be properly lubricated with oil;
  • To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, moisten them with water or vegetable oil;
  • The readiness of the Easter cake is checked with a splinter or a thin skewer, which is stuck into the Easter cake. If it is dry, the cake is ready;

Easter Kulich traditional

  • 1 kg of wheat flour;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 1.5 glasses of milk;
  • 300 gr. margarine (or butter);
  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • 40 gr. yeast;
  • dried fruits and nuts (150 grams of raisins, 50 grams of candied fruits and almonds).
  • 0.5 packets of vanilla sugar;
  • salt;


  1. Lightly heat the milk and dissolve the yeast in it.
  2. Add half of the indicated portion of flour. Stir. The dough is ready.
  3. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and place in a warm place.
  4. The dough should be left to rise until its volume doubles.
  5. Separate the yolks and whites. Beat the yolks with vanilla and sugar, beat the butter.
  6. Add salt, yolks and butter to the dough. Mix everything.
  7. Beat the egg whites until they form a thick, elastic foam. Add them to the dough.
  8. Add the remaining flour. The resulting dough should freely lag behind the walls of the dish. It should not be too steep and well kneaded.
  9. Cover the dough again and leave in a warm place until it has doubled in size.
  10. Wash the raisins, dry, roll in flour. Cut the candied fruits into squares. Peel the nuts and chop them. Add dried fruits and nuts to the risen dough.
  11. Prepare a mold (with a round bottom!): line the bottom with oiled baking paper, grease the sides with butter and sprinkle with flour. Fill the form 1/3 full with dough.
  12. Leave the dough to rise. It will be ready to go into the oven when it has risen halfway up the pan.
  13. The oven should not be too hot. Leave the mold in it for 50 minutes to 1 hour. Carefully rotate the pan as it bakes. If the top browns early, cover it with paper soaked in water to prevent it from burning.

Decorate the finished cake with chocolate, candied fruits or nuts.

Quick cake

Many housewives, especially those busy at work or with small children, are concerned with the question of how to bake Easter cakes with the least amount of time. The recipe below is easy to prepare and saves effort.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry yeast (or 50 grams of fresh);
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • vanillin;
  • raisins, candied fruits.


    1. Warm the milk.
    2. Add yeast and sugar (only 1 tbsp) to warm milk. Stir and leave for 15 minutes so that they “make friends”.
    3. Beat the eggs with the remaining sugar and vanilla.
    4. Melt the butter and add it to the dough. Add vegetable oil, yeast and stir well.

    1. Add washed and dried raisins and candied fruits.
    2. Gradually stir in the sifted flour. The dough should be pourable.
    3. Divide the dough into the molds. It will rise, so the dough should take up no more than 1/3 of the mold.
    4. Leave the dough in the molds for 3-4 hours - during this time you can get down to business.

  1. Place the molds in a hot oven (t=180 degrees). Bake the cake until done.
  2. Decorate the finished cake with icing and confectionery beads.

Easter cake without yeast and eggs

There are a lot of recipes on how to bake a delicious Easter cake. It turns out that it can be prepared without yeast, milk and eggs.

You will need:

  • 240 gr. flour;
  • 2 tsp. baking powder;
  • 0.5 cups brown sugar;
  • 1 banana;
  • 40 ml juice (pineapple);
  • 180 ml water;
  • 50 gr. raisins;
  • salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


  1. Mash the banana to make a puree.
  2. Add oil, water, juice. Stir.
  3. Add salt (a pinch) and baking powder.
  4. Gradually sift the flour into the dough, stirring it constantly.
  5. Knead into a sticky dough.
  6. Fill the molds with it so that the dough occupies 3/4 of the volume of the mold.
  7. Bake the cake in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 50 minutes. The time depends on the oven.
  8. The finished cake should be removed from the mold when it has cooled. Decorate it with icing and other decorations.

The beauty of making your own Easter cake is that homemade Easter cake can be prepared not only according to the traditional recipe, but also using, for example, sour cream.

You will need:

  • 200 gr. sour cream;
  • 1 tsp. dry yeast (or 25 g fresh);
  • 170 ml milk;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • 650-700 gr. flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. cognac or rum;
  • 50 gr. raisins;
  • nuts for sprinkling;
  • vanillin.


  1. Pour rum or cognac over the raisins.
  2. Dilute the yeast with some warm milk - pour 2 tbsp. l. milk, they will come in handy later.
  3. Separate the white from the yolk in one egg. Beat two eggs and the white of the third with sugar and sour cream.
  4. Combine everything in one bowl, stir, add salt and gradually add flour.
  5. The dough should be soft and slightly sticky. Cover it with a towel and leave for half an hour.
  6. After half an hour, add soft butter to the dough and stir. Cover again with a towel and leave for one and a half to two hours.
  7. Knead the dough lightly and add the squeezed raisins. Knead the dough so that the raisins are evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  8. Divide the dough into the molds and leave until doubled in size.
  9. Mix the yolk with 2 tbsp. l. milk and brush the top of the cake with the mixture. Chop the nuts and sprinkle them on the cake.
  10. Place in the oven (t=200 degrees) for 30 minutes until done.

Decorations help make the cake truly festive: icing, marmalade, multi-colored confectionery beads, nuts, marzipan, candied fruits, fruit figures. When talking about Easter cake, one immediately thinks of lush round bread with a white top. This is the icing. The following recipe answers the question of how to make icing for Easter cake.

You will need:

  • 1 egg white;
  • 100 gr. sugar (fine);
  • salt (pinch).


  1. Cool the whites and beat with salt until elastic foam is obtained.
  2. Without stopping whisking, add sugar.
  3. Continue beating for another 4 minutes after the sugar runs out.
  4. When the cake has cooled slightly, spread the glaze on it and leave until hardened.

Easter dishes prepared with your own hands not only give a great taste and delight with a festive appearance, but also carry a positive charge, being filled with feelings and good wishes of the hostess.

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