Home Meat Dry pickling of cucumbers according to grandma's recipe. Dry pickling of cucumbers for the winter at home - photo recipe Dry pickling of cucumbers

Dry pickling of cucumbers according to grandma's recipe. Dry pickling of cucumbers for the winter at home - photo recipe Dry pickling of cucumbers

It seemed like what benefit could there be from an ordinary cucumber, the composition of which is 95% water. However, the remaining 5% is fiber, as well as useful substances such as minerals, vitamins and salts.

Cucumber is a very valuable vegetable that acts as an adsorbent, as it has the ability to detoxify the entire body as a whole.

For food poisoning, cucumber is very useful due to its high water content, which is saturated with potassium. It’s no secret that potassium helps remove excess fluid from the body, freeing the body from harmful substances.

It is worth noting that by consuming cucumbers with meat at the same time, we can safely say that the percentage of protein absorption will significantly increase. Moreover, cucumber helps reduce appetite as well as blood sugar.

Fresh cucumbers are very tasty, however, pickled cucumbers are no less tasty. Despite the fact that this type of preparation of cucumber has a lot of opponents, it is also an addition to various dishes.

The benefits of pickled cucumbers.

Despite the fact that many people believe that pickling and dry pickling of cucumbers is a useless exercise, and pickled and pickled cucumbers themselves are harmful. But this is not true at all:

The lion's share of nutrients and vitamins is still preserved in pickled cucumbers:

The liquid of pickled cucumbers, which they contain in large quantities, can saturate the body with oxygen;

They have a mild laxative effect;

Increase digestion and stimulate appetite;

They neutralize the effect of alcohol, for this reason they are used as a snack for strong alcohol.

Dry pickling of cucumbers: recipe

The most is dry. To prepare them we will need:

One kilogram of cucumbers;

One tablespoon without top of salt;

A couple of cloves of garlic;

Parsley and dill;

A mixture of peppers or ground black pepper;

A couple of teaspoons of coriander and dry mustard.

Cooking process:

Wash the cucumbers well and cut off the tails. If they are large, then cut them into circles, the thickness of which is about two centimeters, and if they are small, cut them into four parts lengthwise.

Then, in a separate bowl, combine salt, spices, finely chopped garlic and herbs.

Now we take a jar or plastic container and lay it out in the following order: a layer of cucumbers - a layer of seasonings - a layer of cucumbers - a layer of seasonings, and so on until we run out of all the products.

Close the jar tightly with a lid and shake thoroughly so that all the products are thoroughly mixed again. After an hour, the cucumbers are ready to eat.

In addition, dry-salted cucumbers do not contain acetic acid, which negatively affects tooth enamel.

A moderate amount of pickled and pickled cucumbers cannot harm the body.

However, they are not recommended for consumption by people who are prone to excess weight, as they increase appetite, as well as in diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney and liver diseases, and the cardiovascular system.

Also, women during pregnancy should not eat pickled and pickled cucumbers in large quantities due to the fact that they increase gastric secretion.

What benefits does a cucumber bring to a person, the majority of which (95%) is just water? However, the remaining five percent contains all the necessary elements for human life and health: vitamins and minerals, salts and other useful substances.

Fresh cucumbers, of course, are very tasty, but when pickled, they are also no less healthy and tasty. But with the onset of winter, you basically have to be content with only pickled cucumbers.

There is an opinion that in this form they lose valuable substances and even pose harm to humans, but this is not at all true. In this article we will look at the method of dry pickling cucumbers - this method is not only quick to prepare, but also makes cucumbers very tasty and healthy.

Recipes for preparing cucumbers. Dry pickling

There are many recipes for how to pickle cucumbers for the winter or make dry pickling, and each housewife knows her own special method of preparation. Let's look at several similar recipes on how to make dry pickling:

1. Ingredients:

  • kilogram of cucumbers,
  • a couple of cloves of garlic,
  • table spoon of table salt (without top),
  • greens (dill and parsley),
  • ground black pepper (or a mixture of peppers),
  • dry mustard and coriander (2 teaspoons each).

How to prepare: Wash the cucumbers well and cut off their tails. If the vegetables are large, then it is advisable to cut them into slices about two centimeters thick, but if the cucumbers are small, then cut them into four parts lengthwise. After this, add garlic and dill with parsley, salt and spices to a separate bowl.

Take a jar or food container and place the ingredients in it in the following order: first a layer of cucumbers, then a layer of seasoning, again a layer of cucumbers - a layer of seasoning, and so on until you have run out of all the ingredients. Close the container or jar tightly and shake thoroughly to ensure the products are well mixed. In an hour, the cucumbers will be ready.

2. Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of cucumbers,
  • bunch of dill,
  • a tablespoon of salt and 2 cloves of garlic.

If desired, you can add 1 tablespoon of sugar. In the evening, we wash the cucumbers, but do not dry them, but place them in a plastic bag. Here we also add pre-chopped dill with garlic and a spoonful of salt (with sugar to taste). We tie the bag well and shake it. We put it in the refrigerator overnight, and by morning the cucumbers will be ready. Store in the refrigerator in the same bag.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter

Product composition:

  • 2 kg cucumbers,
  • table salt (medium grind) - two tablespoons,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • a teaspoon of vinegar,
  • onion – 1 pc.,
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic,
  • 7-8 carnations,
  • peeled horseradish (root) – 5-6 pieces,
  • black pepper (peas) – 7-8 pcs.,
  • 1 horseradish leaf
  • 2 dill (umbrella)
  • and a twig with currant leaves.

How to cook:

1. Place the cucumbers in a large saucepan or bucket, cover with cold water and leave for 4-5 hours, periodically changing the water (2-3 times).

2. Peel the onion, cut into 4 parts and place in a sterilized jar.

3. Add chopped garlic and herbs with pepper to the jar.

4. Place the cucumbers in a jar and pour boiling water to the top.

5. Wait 10 minutes until the jars cool down a little

6. Drain the liquid from the cans into a small saucepan, add sugar and salt.

7. Boil this mixture and pour it back into the jars with cucumbers, then adding vinegar.

8. Screw on the metal lid, turn it upside down and cover with a blanket, waiting for it to cool completely. You can store cucumbers either in a cool place or at room temperature. If you have little experience canning vegetables, place the jars in a dark and cool place.

When you really want lightly salted cucumbers, but have no desire to tinker with jars, and no time, you can prepare cucumbers in a bag without brine, the so-called dry salting. A plastic bag will retain all the moisture, but if you want your cucumbers to have a crunch, it is better to soak them in water for an hour before pickling.

There are many recipes for lightly salted cucumbers. And whoever came up with this quick way needs to be thanked. Cucumbers in a bag are pickled whole (in which case it is better to choose the same size), or cut into slices to speed up the process. There is salting with dry mustard, sugar, various spices and even the addition of vinegar. But the standard set: cucumbers, salt, garlic and dill can be called classic.

What could be tastier than crispy lightly salted cucumbers for fried potatoes in the summer! And if these cucumbers are homemade and have grown in the area in front of your eyes, the pleasure of eating them doubles.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

You can also love the recipe for dry salting of cucumbers because you can prepare them at any time, and there are much more useful substances in cucumbers than when canned. There is really one drawback - you can’t put a lot of cucumbers in a bag, but there are enough people who want to crunch them.

The recipe is designed for 1 kilogram of cucumbers, but the proportions can be reduced by half if necessary. You should take into account the fact that cucumbers are still without brine, so it is better to eat them immediately, within a few days. This cucumber recipe is not suitable for long-term winter storage.


  • Cucumbers 1 kg,
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon,
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon,
  • Garlic - a few cloves,
  • Fresh or frozen dill (greens).

Cooking process:

First, wash the cucumbers with running water, remove the flowers with pimples, let the water drain, or place them on a paper towel.

In the meantime, let's get to the garlic. Peel and cut into slices or finely chop, as you prefer.

Wash the dill and cut it finely. You can use dill with umbrellas, it won’t be superfluous, the cucumbers will turn out more flavorful. If you don’t have fresh dill in the refrigerator, it doesn’t matter, you can use frozen, it’s just as fragrant as fresh.

We cut off the ends of the fruits on both sides so that they can be salted faster and put the cucumbers in a bag. You will shake the cucumbers several times, they will give juice, so to be safe, you can insert the bag into the bag. Next, add salt, sugar, and garlic to the cucumbers.

Add chopped dill.

The bag of cucumbers needs to be tied and shaken well so that the seasonings are dispersed throughout the bag.

Place the cucumbers in the refrigerator for pickling for at least 8 hours, but preferably for a day. Convenient to pickle in the evening.

Cucumbers in a bag can be pickled without adding sugar. After trying both options, decide for yourself which method you prefer. I like it both ways. It always turns out very tasty.

A day later, we take the dry-salted cucumbers out of the refrigerator and crunch them! Today I have fried potatoes, piping hot. I'm treating you!

I also want to tell you how to quickly salt cucumbers. I call them five minutes. I also take cucumbers and just cut them lengthwise into four parts. I take a little less salt and cook without sugar. Chopped dill and garlic are also added. Shake the package. Literally lay there for a few minutes - and it was on the table. This option is good when you don’t have time to wait, but you really want something salty!

We thank Svetlana Kislovskaya for the recipe and step-by-step photos of quick cucumbers in a bag.

The Recipe Notebook wishes you bon appetit!

What summer would be complete without lightly salted cucumbers? It would seem that there are so many fresh vegetables that I don’t want to eat, however, my hand just reaches out to grind the crispy cucumbers. They are so fragrant! The ideal side dish is boiled, but lightly salted cucumbers also go perfectly with regular fresh vegetables.

There are many ways to pickle. If you need it quickly, try the dry method of preparing lightly salted cucumbers.


  • 2 kg cucumbers
  • 4 tbsp. salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp. water
  • dry spices dried dill, mixture “For vegetables” - to taste
  • fresh cilantro and fennel - to taste

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers using the dry method

Wash the cucumbers well.

Prepare the salt mixture. To do this, mix all the salt, ground herbs and sugar in a separate dry container.

Cut off the ends of the cucumbers.

In addition to the dry ground mixture of herbs, you can use other spices. For example, garlic salted with cucumbers in this way not only imparts a spicy aroma to them. Its salty pieces are very tasty.

To increase the contact area, cut the garlic into thin slices.

To make the spices and salt stick better, first dip the prepared cucumbers in water. Then we put it in the salt mixture.

Place the cucumbers covered with the mixture in a fairly large dry container, layering with pieces of garlic, bay leaves and dry dill sprigs.

The top layer can be made from fresh herbs. Its delicate leaves are saturated with salt faster than dry herbs, imparting a spicy aroma to the top layer of cucumbers. Place the container with cucumbers in the refrigerator.


Dry salting of cucumbers implies a very simple and quick method of pickling, which does not take much time and effort. Using this photo recipe, you can provide yourself with very tasty freshly salted vegetables in just thirty minutes. However, the most important thing is that even though little time is allocated for pickling cucumbers in this way, the vegetables still turn out very tasty and unsurpassed.
It is recommended to dry pickle cucumbers at home in a plastic bag, because only in it can they reach readiness in such a short time. However, some housewives prepare such a crispy snack both in jars and in a barrel, despite the fact that it takes them at least five days.

We also recommend that you pickle cucumbers in a bag only with fresh herbs, because dry dill and parsley will have virtually no effect on the aroma of your delicious vegetables. It will be better if both dill and parsley are collected for this purpose from your personal garden.
In addition to the advantages, this step-by-step recipe with photos also has one minor drawback and it is as follows: dry salting of cucumbers is not intended for winter reserves, that is, it is not recommended to pickle vegetables for the winter in advance in this way. However, this can hardly be called a disadvantage, because as mentioned earlier, only half an hour is allotted for pickling cucumbers according to this recipe, and you can stock up on such vegetables at any time of the year. This means that even in winter, nothing can stop you from preparing such a delicious crispy snack at home.
So, let's start cooking!


Dry salting of cucumbers - recipe

First of all, you need to decide on the choice of greens for pickling cucumbers. We recommend using fresh dill, namely its umbrellas. Also, parsley wouldn’t hurt to create a cucumber appetizer, so if you have it, feel free to use it for this purpose. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse all the selected greens, and then dry them with a cloth towel..

Now deal with the cucumbers directly. Of course, wash them first, and then separate the vegetables from the butts on both sides. If you choose large, long fruits, be sure to divide them into two parts.

Then cut each part of the cucumbers lengthwise, after which dip one resulting cucumber half into salt, flesh side down. How much salt should be on the vegetables is up to you! The degree of saltiness depends directly on your own taste preferences.

Now prepare the garlic cloves by peeling them. We took two garlic cloves for two large cucumbers, but you can reduce or increase their quantity.

Chop the prepared garlic. It can either be cut into large pieces or squeezed through a special press.

At this stage, take a plastic bag and place the prepared cucumbers and salt in it. Also try to place herbs and garlic between the cucumber layers.

Tie the filled bag with a strong knot and do not forget to leave some air in it. Basically, you can already put the snack bag in the refrigerator. However, in this case, freshly pickled cucumbers will be ready in no less than twelve hours.

In order for the vegetables to be ready in half an hour, at this stage they still cannot be sent to the refrigerator, because in this case you still need to carry out several interesting procedures with them. Take the tied bag of cucumbers and shake it. Do this vigorously so that all the vegetables are eventually sprinkled with salt..

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