Home Preparations for the winter How to pinch puff pastry pies. How to mold and beautifully pinch pies of oval, round, square, triangular shape, Karaite, in the form of a rose, an envelope, a braid, openwork? How to beautifully decorate closed pies using a layer of dough, strips,

How to pinch puff pastry pies. How to mold and beautifully pinch pies of oval, round, square, triangular shape, Karaite, in the form of a rose, an envelope, a braid, openwork? How to beautifully decorate closed pies using a layer of dough, strips,

Not a single festive feast is complete without rosy cheesecakes and pies. In this regard, many housewives are interested in how to make beautiful pies, because appearance is no less important than good taste. Depending on the filling (meat, fish, cabbage, potatoes or jam), the shape of the baked goods may be different.

What are the different shapes of pies?

Without delicious pastries, the history of Slavic cooking is unthinkable. Over the years, new ways to beautifully sculpt pies have regularly appeared. The main secret to obtaining original baked goods is a combination of tasty filling, good dough and the skill of the cook. It is worth noting that pies are an unusual dish, because depending on the filling they can be:

  • dessert (made with jam or cottage cheese);
  • appetizer (made with vegetable or mushroom fillings);
  • main dish (made with meat, potatoes or fish).

The uniqueness of flour products lies not only in the wide variety of fillings, but also in the form of baking. You can make pies from different doughs:

  • yeast (prepared using sponge or straight method);
  • yeast-free (custard, puff pastry or cheburek).

Making pies from yeast dough turns into a real art if the housewife shows her imagination. The shape of the products can be square, round, oval.

To ensure that your pies excite the appetite of everyone who looks at them, it is recommended to sculpt them, following some cooking rules:

  1. Pour a little sunflower oil on your palms so that the workpiece does not stick to your hands.
  2. To ensure that the edges of the cakes stick well, they can be greased with water or egg white.
  3. Before putting the pies in the oven or frying pan, leave them for 15 minutes under oiled cling film. Thanks to this, the baked goods will become fluffy and appetizing.
  4. To ensure that the pies have a golden brown crust, you need to brush the tops with beaten egg yolk.

Round products take us back to childhood. These pies are made with apples and other fruit fillings. This will help keep all the juice inside. To get nice round products:

  1. Roll out small cakes from the dough, about 5 millimeters thick.
  2. Place the filling in the center.
  3. The edges of the cake are gathered in the middle of the pie.
  4. Pinch the edges to make a pouch.
  5. Place on a baking sheet, clamp down.

Oval is the most popular form of yeast pies. For filler, you can take onions with eggs, cabbage, liver, etc. How to make oval-shaped pies:

  1. Divide the dough into balls.
  2. Roll each ball into a roll.
  3. Cut the resulting rolls into 4 cm pieces with a knife.
  4. Roll each piece into an oval cake 3-5 mm thick.
  5. Place the filling in the center.
  6. Place one edge of the workpiece on the other, mold the pie in the shape of a semicircle.
  7. The pies should be placed seam side down in the pan.

Triangular products are, as a rule, baked goods with an open filling. Meat, potatoes with chicken or fish are suitable as a filling for them. How to make triangular shaped pies:

  1. Roll out a rectangle, 0.5 cm thick.
  2. Place the filling in the middle.
  3. Fold the two edges on top of each other (you should get an arrow).
  4. Fold the remaining edges up.

Relief pies will help surprise and delight loved ones. The filling can be salty or sweet, only the thick consistency is important. How to make embossed pies:

  1. The dough is rolled out into a layer.
  2. Cut out ovals from the resulting layer.
  3. In the middle there is a filling (sausage).
  4. The top and bottom of the workpiece are turned in a quarter.
  5. The corners are folded crosswise along the wide edge (as if swaddling the filling).

Methods for making pies

To make baked goods not only tasty, but also beautiful, you need to know the technology of cooking. There are many ways to make pies with a variety of fillings. The first step in preparing products is kneading the dough. Depending on its type, you need salt, sugar, flour, milk, yeast (not for all recipes) and chicken eggs. The size of the pies determines the amount of filling. When rolling out the dough, you already need to form identical balls. Otherwise, the pies will turn out to be different sizes.

Traditionally, one of the following methods is used to prepare flour products:

  1. Prepare the dough, tear off equal-sized pieces from it, and form into balls. Place the preparations on the kitchen table. Roll out the dough into circles using a rolling pin.
  2. Cut off a significant portion of the finished dough, roll it into a sausage, and cut into portions. The resulting pieces are dipped in flour on both sides and placed on the work surface of the table. The pieces need to be kneaded with your fingers or rolled out with a rolling pin.
  3. You need to cut off a significant portion of the finished dough and roll it out using a rolling pin. Take a glass and cut out pie circles from the dough.

How to make pies correctly

The shape of the pies depends on the dough and filling. There is only one rule: baked goods with meat, vegetables or fish must be closed (to preserve juiciness). Pies with jam, cottage cheese or other moist fillings can be made open. Below are the ways to properly prepare pies:

  1. Divide the dough into small pieces. Form neat balls by rolling between your palms. At the same time, you need to add flour so that the dough does not stick to your hands. Roll out flat cakes into round shapes using a rolling pin. Do not make the dough too thin, because it may tear from the filler. The size of the workpieces also matters; pies that are too large do not look aesthetically pleasing and are not very convenient to eat.
  2. Place the filling (about 1 tbsp) in the center of each tortilla.
  3. Taking into account whether you plan to fry the pies in vegetable oil or bake them in the oven, you can fold the cake into a crescent shape or, by lifting the edges of the dough, mold it (a seam strip will be in the middle).

How to form pies

There are many original ways to seal pies. It all depends on the filling of the product and the type of dough. You can make oval (boats), square (envelopes), round pies (bags), constantly delighting your household. If the cooking method is yeast, then it is better to sculpt round or oval-shaped products. This is the easiest and fastest way to get food for a family tea ceremony. It is recommended to lubricate your hands with vegetable oil when forming pies so that the workpieces are of high quality and do not stick to your palms.

How to fill oval or round pies:

  1. Take the prepared ball and knead it into a circle about 5 mm thick.
  2. Place some filling in the center.
  3. To obtain an oval shape, connect opposite edges and pinch. Round pies need to be sculpted like a bag, stretched upward.
  4. If you brush the edges with water, the pies will not open when frying, making them juicy and tasty.

To obtain square-shaped products, a layer of dough is rolled out with a rolling pin and cut into rectangular pieces. The filling is placed in the center and the product is molded like an envelope. This is a particularly good option for puff pastry. Housewives often prefer to make triangular-shaped pies. The method is similar to the previous one, but instead of an envelope you need to make a corner.

How to wrap correctly

After you have rolled out the blanks and prepared the filling, you need to wrap the pies beautifully. There are several ways to make an original product:

  1. Connect the ends of the workpiece to form a seam at the top. Make an effort so that it cannot come unglued during heat treatment.
  2. Place the sausage-shaped filler on one side of the workpiece. From the same side they begin to wrap the filling to make a pie in the shape of a rolled up tube.
  3. Make square products, like wrapping a postal envelope. In this case, you can improvise at your own discretion, the main thing is that the filling does not fall out of the pie.

How to beautifully pinch the edges of pies

The neat edge of the product will make the baked goods beautiful, as in the photo, and appetizing. How to sculpt products with an original seam:

  1. Pigtail. Take the workpiece in your left hand, with the thumb of your right hand, wrap the edges so as to get a twisted rope. Pinch off the resulting ends along the edges so as not to spoil the look.
  2. Hedgehog. Pinch the product so that triangles are formed along the edge or make small cuts every 1 cm, which will need to be folded diagonally.
  3. Roll out the cake, trim the edges to form a rectangle. Place the filler in the center, seal the two upper edges at an angle of 45 degrees. After this, also connect the bottom edges. The center is sealed last. Turn the seams into tight strands.

Video: how to make beautiful pies

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Here the subtleties depend on the type of test.

I will cite those known to me. For example, the dough for chebureks sticks together perfectly using a brush and an egg. It is important to make pies made from good yeast dough evenly before filling, avoiding thinned areas - this is where the bulette hole appears. I also use the technique of placing the seam of the pie down - then they definitely don’t leak.

With puff pastry it is important to seal the seams very tightly, I do this with a lot of force. Otherwise, it happens that you can’t press it enough, the dough “swells” a lot during baking and tears the seam.

About yeast dough:
1. The dough must be well kneaded.
Some housewives roll out the lump with a rolling pin into a layer, from which they then cut out identical circles with a glass. The dough scraps are kneaded again, rolled out again, cut out and in a circle. In the process, more and more flour gets into the dough, it becomes stiffer and less elastic. It becomes more and more difficult to “fasten” pies from such dough. Therefore, try dividing the lump into equal balls. Knead and beat each until smooth (knock out - forcefully throw the ball onto the board 3-5 times, as when cutting cutlets). Then flatten the balls and stuff. Try to get as little flour as possible onto the edges of the dough where the seam will be.
2. Stuffing.
I started training with less filling. It will still be delicious. The seam that was tucked down seemed the most reliable to me. The pie turns out smooth and beautiful. You can also make a comb with waves from the tuck. If the pies are brushed with egg, roll it on one side after brushing and brush again. A beautiful comb can become an additional decoration.

Sweet fillings are free-spirited and always try to break through. To prevent this from happening, powder the layer where the filling will be placed with starch. In jam, apple, berry, poppy seed, nut and other sweet masses, it is also good to add a teaspoon of starch and mix well

If you are baking an open pie, place the “blank” base in the oven to bake for a few minutes. Then, while hot, sprinkle with starch and lay out the filling and lattice. Otherwise, the pie may be saved and not bake.

Allow the pies to rest for 15-20 minutes before placing them in the oven. During this time, the dough “gets used” to the new shape.


How to make pies without them falling apart?

I can’t agree about the reliability of the seam at the bottom - mine always leaks.
Place a round cake in your palm, obtained by pressing the ball and shaping it with your hands (I don’t recognize a rolling pin for yeast dough, I think that this dough loves your hands). We put the filling in the center (this is true, without fanaticism). First, pinch the “top” of the pie. We form the seam first on one side, then on the other, starting from the bottom. Then we turn the edges of the seam to one side, pinching and forming a ridge. No need to turn over. Such a pie will not leak. And for sweet fillings, the round shape of the pie “a la belyash” is more convenient. To do this, simply gather the edges of the pie, pinching it in the middle. To help the pies rise better and not spread, they are placed close to each other on a baking sheet.

Of course, this is all about yeast dough.

How to make pies without them falling apart?

To prevent the pies from falling apart or bursting, it is necessary that the dough is properly kneaded in compliance with all proportions for yeast dough. This is the first condition.
You need to roll it out on a dry, flat table surface, making sure it doesn’t stick. Flour.
Next, you need to lay out the filling in accordance with the size of the circle of dough, so that you can grab it by the edges without pulling. Otherwise, the pie will simply burst from too much filling.
There is also a condition, so that the high temperature does not tear the cake in the oven, let the pies stand on the baking sheet in a warm place before baking. The dough will straighten out on them and rise further, taking a shape ready for baking.
A more liquid filling with sweets, for example, should not be tightly closed so that the juice does not leak onto the baking sheet during baking and tear the pie.

Too thin and thin dough can cause tears in the pies.
Allow the pies to rise warm before baking.
Not everyone succeeds the first time, but if you try, the skill will appear!

From this article you will learn how to beautifully pinch pies, as well as how to decorate closed pies.

Closed pies and pies made from yeast, choux and puff pastry are very common among the Slavs. They can be a main course, appetizer and dessert. How to make not only tasty, but also beautiful pies so that they are a table decoration? We will find out all the details in this article.

What do you need to know about yeast dough to make beautiful pies, and what ways to make them?

To make beautiful yeast pies you need to know some subtleties:

  • To make it easier to work with the dough, wet your hands in sunflower oil.
  • To make it easier for the corners of the dough or two sides to stick together, brush the edges with water.
  • To make fried or baked pies more fluffy, mold them and let them stand for 15 minutes, covering them with cling film greased with vegetable oil.
  • Before baking, or 5-10 minutes before finishing, brush the finished pies with yolk diluted with water, or milk, so they will get a beautiful golden brown crust.

From yeast dough You can make pies in the following ways:

  • Oval
  • Round
  • Square
  • Triangular

How to pinch oval-shaped pies?

Oval shaped pies

The oval shape of pies is the most common. They can be made with any filling.

Making oval pies:

  1. Place the risen dough on a table sprinkled with flour, roll it into a large ball, and then divide it into balls of the same size.
  2. We distribute each ball in the form of a roll, cut it into pieces approximately 4 cm in diameter.
  3. Roll out a piece of dough with a rocker into a round cake, 0.5 cm thick; if the dough sticks to the rocker and hands, add flour.
  4. Place the filling in the middle of the flatbread, lift both edges of the flatbread and fasten them together to form a crescent.
  5. If you are going to bake the pies, then you can leave a seam on the top or bottom, and if you fry, then the seam should be on the bottom, and the pie needs to be flattened.

How to pinch round pies?

Round pies

The round shape of the pies is well suited for fruit filling; juice will not leak out of them.

Making round pies:

  1. Divide all the dough into balls, then roll it into a roll, cut it into small pieces, which we roll into round cakes.
  2. Place the filling in the middle of the flatbread, gather the edges of the flatbread together, squeeze tightly, turn over so that the seam is on the bottom, and flatten the pie.

How to pinch square-shaped pies?

Square shaped pies

Square shaped pies similar to a pillow. To get this shape of pies you need:

  1. Divide the dough into balls, then roll it into a roll and cut into pieces.
  2. Roll out each piece into a rectangle and put the filling in the middle.
  3. We lift 4 corners up and pinch the sides together.

How to pinch triangular shaped pies?

Triangular shaped pies

Triangular shaped pies They also turn out no less beautiful than other forms.

Making triangular pies:

  1. Roll out a small rectangle and put the filling in the middle.
  2. We pinch one (smaller) side of the rectangle with the other (larger).
  3. We lift the remaining 2 corners up, and connect the edges to the resulting new side.

What do you need to know to make and bake beautiful pies from puff pastry or choux pastry?

If the housewife does not like to fuss with yeast dough, beautiful pies can be molded and baked from puff pastry and choux pastry. Here are some secrets to getting beautiful pies:

  • To make the edges of the pies stick better, they need to be greased with protein.
  • To ensure that the pies have a golden brown side, they need to be greased with strong tea leaves before baking.
  • Start baking any pies over low heat, then raise the oven temperature slightly to medium.
  • To keep puff pastries soft after baking, sprinkle them with hot water.

How to pinch Karaite pies?

This is how Karaite pies are pinched

Karaite pies are made in Crimea with lamb. In appearance, these are ordinary pies made from homemade puff pastry with meat filling, but they are pinched in a special way - in the form of a twisted rope.

Making Karaite pies:

  1. Divide the settled dough into small balls.
  2. Roll into flat cakes.
  3. Place finely chopped meat and onions on one side of the flatbread, cover with the second part of the flatbread, and pinch both edges together.
  4. We make a string along the pinched edge of the pie like this: take a little dough from the edge and pinch it, and then fold it in - and so on for the whole pie.
  5. Grease the pies with yolk, diluted milk, and bake in the oven over medium heat for 40-50 minutes.

How to make pies in the shape of a rose?

Step-by-step production of rosette-shaped pies

Pies in the shape of a rose can be made from puff pastry, yeast and choux pastry:

  1. Divide all the dough into equal small balls.
  2. Roll each ball into a round cake.
  3. We make cuts on the flatbread on 4 sides, not reaching the middle.
  4. We put the filling in the middle, lift one quarter of the dough and wrap it around the filling, then lift the opposite quarter of the cake and overlap the first one, then wrap the third and fourth parts of the cake around the first two. It turned out to be a rose.

How to make envelope-shaped pies?

Pies in the form of an envelope

Pinchingenvelope pies are quite simple. They are mainly made from puff pastry, the filling can be any (vegetable, meat, thick jam, fruit with sugar):

  1. Divide the dough into small balls.
  2. Thinly roll out the round cake.
  3. Place the filling in the form of an oblong roll on one half of the flatbread.
  4. We cover the filling with the smaller side of the cake, wrap it inward on the sides, and cover it with the free part of the cake, pressing so that the pie does not unfold.
  5. Bake in the oven over medium heat.

How to make pies braids?

Step-by-step production of braid pies

Pies woven with a braid can be made from puff pastry:

  1. Roll out a large lump of dough into a thin layer.
  2. Cut into rectangles.
  3. In the middle of the rectangle we place a thick filling in the form of an oblong roll.
  4. On one side and the other side of the filling, cut the dough into strips.
  5. We take strips from one side and the other and braid them, tucking the ends of the strips under the pie.
  6. Bake in the oven over medium heat until the pies are browned.

How to make openwork pies?

Making openwork pies

Openwork pies You can bake from any type of dough (yeast, puff pastry). They are easy to do:

  1. Roll out a large lump of dough into a thin layer and cut into segments.
  2. In the middle, on each segment, we make 3 longitudinal cuts.
  3. On the edge of the wide side of the segment we place dry filling (slices of apple, pear, a piece of sausage), cover with the rest of the dough, and tuck the tip under the pie.
  4. Bake over medium heat in the oven.

How to beautifully decorate a closed pie?

Every housewife can decorate a pie made from yeast or puff pastry for a holiday table, you just need to show a little imagination. There is no need to pinch the pie. You can decorate it with ordinary things: spoon, fork, knife, cookie cutters.

The pie is covered with thin strips of dough

The easiest way to decorate a pie is cover the top with thin strips of dough:

  1. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, roll out 1 part into a layer slightly larger than the diameter of the round baking dish, so that it is enough to cover the walls of the mold.
  2. We spread a thin layer of filling on the dough (jam, fresh berries with sugar), you can use liquid jam and not be afraid that it will leak out, the dough will absorb the liquid.
  3. We also roll out the second part of the dough, cut thin strips out of it with a knife, and cover the filling with them crosswise.
  4. Grease the top of the pie with yolk and sugar diluted with water, and place in a preheated oven over low heat to bake.

The pie is covered with a layer of dough with holes cut out.

The second way to decorate the pie is cover the top of the pie with a layer of dough with holes cut out:

  1. Divide the dough into 2 unequal parts.
  2. Roll out most of the dough into a layer so that the dough hangs over the sides of the pan.
  3. Spread jam or fruit with sugar on the dough.
  4. From a smaller piece of dough, roll out a round layer along the diameter of the mold.
  5. Using a wine cork, cut out small circles.
  6. Carefully place the layer of dough with holes on the pie, lift the hanging dough to the top of the layer with holes.
  7. Grease the pie with yolk or milk and place in the oven over low heat.

The top of the pie is covered with hearts cut out of dough using cookie cutters

The top of the pie is covered with dough hearts:

  1. Roll out half of the dough slightly larger than the diameter of the mold, lay out the filling of fruit and sugar.
  2. Roll out a thin layer from another piece of dough and cut out hearts with a cookie cutter, lay them out in rows, starting from the edge of the pie - and so on to the center.
  3. Brush the pie with yolk and bake in the oven over low heat.

The top of the pie is covered with spiral strips of dough

The top of the pie is covered in a circle with spiral strips of dough:

  1. On the bottom of the pie, as in previous cases, roll out a layer of dough, slightly larger than the diameter of the round shape.
  2. From the rolled out second piece of dough, cut out strips, twist them and place them on the filling in a circle, starting from the middle of the pie. This way we cover the whole pie.
  3. Place in the oven over low heat.

How to make a beautiful pie by turning out several layers of dough?

Beautiful and tasty closed pies are made from several layers (2-5 pieces) of rich yeast dough, rolled out thinly, greased with softened butter or vegetable oil, sprinkled with sugar, poppy seeds, cinnamon or nuts, and turned out in layers upward. How this is done is shown in the video below.

How to make a beautiful pie from a rolled roll with filling inside?

Beautiful pies are also made from a yeast roll with filling inside. The filling can be jam, nut or poppy seed filling. The principle of operation is very simple: we roll the dough into a roll, with a thick filling in the middle, cut it into small slices with kitchen scissors, but not completely, and turn the slices with the cut side in different directions. Here are the pies you get:

So, we learned how to make a variety of homemade closed pies and pinch the pies beautifully.

Video: Fish pies made from yeast dough “Golden Fish”

Pies can bake very quickly. The secret of how to make pies is very simple - ready-made dough, ready-made filling, 5-8 minutes and you are a chef accepting congratulations. Jam, marmalade, boiled condensed milk, chopped ham, cheese, feta cheese, boiled potatoes, sausages or small sausages - any products that have already been heat-treated - are suitable as a ready-made filling. Pies with fresh berries and fruits, vegetables or minced meat usually take longer to cook. With one single exception - deep-fried chebureki made from thin puff pastry. Raw minced meat is placed in the chebureks and they are cooked in hot oil in a matter of minutes. But this is the topic of a completely different article.

We will look at several methods that are equally simple to implement, but with different time costs. Spending a lot of time does not always give the most beautiful results. Spectacular puff pastry triangles take 10 minutes to prepare, 3 of which are spent cutting the dough, the rest of the time you watch the pies through the oven window.

Simple kefir pies

The simplest version of hearty kefir pies with meat, potato or onion filling. If you don’t even have semi-finished dough, but have a glass of kefir, flour, an egg, vegetable oil and a little soda, you can already make simple kefir pies without yeast. Boiled potatoes, fried onions, chopped herbs, eggs, or a mixture of all of the above ingredients are suitable fillings.

Tip: Any meat filling recipe benefits from the addition of ham and cheese.

Cooking time for kefir pies is about 20-40 minutes, depending on the frying method and the number of pies.

How to make a simple dough

Mix kefir, egg, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and add flour until you get a viscous, light dough. Finally, add about a quarter teaspoon of baking soda and stir again. There is no need to make any special twists or weavings out of the viscous kefir dough - everything will blur. For simple pies, the simplest elongated shape is optimal. Kefir in this case is the conventional name for a liquid lactic acid product. You can also cook with ayran, yogurt, fermented baked milk, and yogurt. The presence of live lactic acid bacteria is important to ensure the dough rises and fluffiness.

How to make kefir pies

  • Gather the finished dough into a ball directly in the container in which you mixed it, place it on a floured board and form a sausage uniform along the entire length.
  • Cut equal pieces from the sausage and roll or knead with your hands into a round cake.
  • Place the filling exactly in the middle. You can put fillings without sparing. The filling norm for a hearty pie is a heaped tablespoon.
  • Bring opposite edges of the cake together and pinch. This way the pie will turn out even. Finish the seam, you don’t have to worry too much about accuracy. It is important that the filling is inside and does not fall out.
  • Turn the pie seam side down and let rest while you prepare the rest of the patties.
  • Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the pies on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Kefir pies don’t even have to be cooked in the oven. They can be fried on both sides in a frying pan in oil. Fried pies are especially tasty immediately after cooking.

Yeast or yeast-free dough for pies

There is a difference in temperature conditions and baking time for yeast and non-yeast dough. Yeast-free dough can be safely placed in a preheated oven without the slightest damage to the quality of the final product.

Yeast dough constantly requires time to “rest.” The dough is rolled out - let it rest for half an hour. The pies are sculpted - let them rest. Placed on a baking sheet - rest again. If the dough is not allowed to rest, it will become capricious and the pies will turn out completely different. The yeast dough is placed in the oven, heated to a maximum of 120-150 degrees. Otherwise it will not have time to rise. As you understand, yeast pies require a lot of attention.

Is the form of the test important?

The shape of the dough and the way the pies are made are actually very important for taste. The dough is baked differently, the filling is kept inside or creeps out onto the golden brown crust. As a child, everyone wondered why a puff pastry tastes better than a regular bun and why a sausage in dough tastes better if the dough is wrapped in a strip? Indeed, when wrapping a strip of dough, the contact between the meat filling and the bun increases, and the strip is better saturated with flavor.

Sausages in dough

If you are preparing wieners or sausages in dough, wrap the dough in a spiral strip, twisting it slightly. This applies to both puff pastry and yeast dough. Twisting will prevent the dough from rising too much. A huge bun with a sausage hidden in the depths is not very attractive.
Cooking sausages in dough from ready-made puff pastry takes about 15-25 minutes.

Puff pastry triangles

The most economical way to make pies from ready-made puff pastry is using triangles. Pros - complete absence of scraps, maximum speed of preparation, some elegance in appearance. The elegance and beauty can be easily enhanced by using cuts and notches, which will allow the puff pastry to open up magnificently in the cut areas.

Tip: make simple cuts - you can't go wrong.

Procedure for preparing puff pastry pies:

  • Thaw the puff pastry and roll it out with a rolling pin. It is more convenient to roll out the dough sheet at once rather than roll out each square one at a time. If you don't have a rolling pin, any smooth glass bottle will do.
  • Cut the dough into squares or rectangles. Perfect accuracy is not needed; measuring the sides of the square with a ruler is not necessary.
  • Place a filling in the middle of each square - cheese, ham, cottage cheese or just a spoonful of jam.
  • Fold the triangle in half and lightly pinch the edges. There is no need to pinch the edges of the puff pastry too much.
  • Apply a notch to the triangles, which will add originality to the baked goods. Place on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Cooking time in a preheated oven is about 7-10 minutes.

How to make square pies

Square pies can be made from puff pastry, yeast-free, regular or shortcrust pastry. Any dense dough makes excellent square envelopes. The main requirement for the filling of square pies is that it should be dense enough, not spread or crumble.

  • Roll out and cut the dough into squares as in the previous recipe.
  • Place the filling in the middle, preferably rolled into a ball.
  • Lift the edges of the square and staple at the top.

Before baking, brush the pies with butter or beaten egg to create a delicious crust.

The pinching often comes apart and the pie opens up. It is important that the pie looks appetizing even when opened. The requirements for the filling are determined precisely by this property.

The same method works well on large meat pies. Pinching to the top allows you to add a lot of filling to the pie. Chicken or fish pie is best made this way.

Large pies take a long time to bake, at least 20-30 minutes.

How to make croissant-type pies

A regular croissant is quite easy to make. A triangle of puff pastry is rolled into a tube around the hypotenuse - the longest side. Let's consider other, more intricate options that do not require much effort.

Bagel with a notch

A rectangular or rounded piece of puff pastry is cut halfway through with noodles. This can be done with scissors, a knife, or a pizza roller.
Wrap the filling in the uncut half and twist until the end. The resulting bagel with a notch can be bent into an arc or a circle.

Variation of a puff croissant in the shape of the sun

Artek pies with butter can be made with minimal time. Place a piece of butter on a round piece of puff pastry. You can sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, ground poppy seeds or add curd filling.
Fold the circle in half, preferably slightly unevenly so that one half protrudes more. Make several ray-cuts and slightly unfold the resulting pie. These pies are baked almost instantly – in 7-10 minutes.

How to make a pie in the shape of a rose

For the base you will need a thick and elastic dough. It can be puff pastry. You can take a circle or square as the initial shape. Make a cut without reaching the middle, place the filling in the center and wrap it with dough petals, stretching and bending the shape. Form a rosette, grease with oil and bake at 180 degrees until done. You can check the readiness with a toothpick - if the toothpick you used to pierce the pie is dry, without traces of dough, everything is ready.
A beautiful result will require experience and skill. If you went to art school, you will definitely succeed.


Not everyone can make a rose. Now we will show you how to make pies that will be received with a bang by your household and are superior to any options in terms of ease of production.

Cut the puff pastry into a triangle. Place a little jam, marmalade or other filling in the center of each triangle. A piece of cheese or a spoonful of cottage cheese is a great option. Fold the sharp corners of the triangle overlapping. Ready! No need to pinch or mold. This is the easiest way to make pies without any effort at all.
The result is quite presentable and original. If you put cheese, ham, a slice of tomato inside, and sprinkle coarsely ground pepper on top, you will get an amazing mini pizza.

Many people think that the secret knowledge of how to make pies is passed down exclusively from a caring mother or grandmother. Making pies was a sacred act and took the whole evening. Pies, loaves, buns, puff pastries were baked for holidays and celebrations. Meanwhile, pies are an excellent food on the road. Good pies usually stay fresh for 3 days. The filling inside the dough shell does not dry out or crumble. With a supply of pies, you can provide tasty and nutritious food, for example, at the dacha or on a hike. If the pies are the same size, there are no problems with portion distribution.

A man who knows how to cook pies is worth his weight in gold among ladies. A basket of croissants, the preparation of which will take at most half an hour, can break any unapproachable beauty.

Making pies is easy, especially if you use store-bought dough. The original folds of the pies look especially appetizing. Curiosity is one of the strengths of a person, and a pie is always a mystery.

Here the subtleties depend on the type of test.

I will cite those known to me. For example, the dough for chebureks sticks together perfectly using a brush and an egg. It is important to make pies made from good yeast dough evenly before filling, avoiding thinned areas - this is where the bulette hole appears. I also use the technique of placing the seam of the pie down - then they definitely don’t leak.

With puff pastry it is important to seal the seams very tightly, I do this with a lot of force. Otherwise, it happens that you can’t press it enough, the dough “swells” a lot during baking and tears the seam.

About yeast dough:
1. The dough must be well kneaded.
Some housewives roll out the lump with a rolling pin into a layer, from which they then cut out identical circles with a glass. The dough scraps are kneaded again, rolled out again, cut out and in a circle. In the process, more and more flour gets into the dough, it becomes stiffer and less elastic. It becomes more and more difficult to “fasten” pies from such dough. Therefore, try dividing the lump into equal balls. Knead and beat each until smooth (knock out - forcefully throw the ball onto the board 3-5 times, as when cutting cutlets). Then flatten the balls and stuff. Try to get as little flour as possible onto the edges of the dough where the seam will be.
2. Stuffing.
I started training with less filling. It will still be delicious. The seam that was tucked down seemed the most reliable to me. The pie turns out smooth and beautiful. You can also make a comb with waves from the tuck. If the pies are brushed with egg, roll it on one side after brushing and brush again. A beautiful comb can become an additional decoration.

Sweet fillings are free-spirited and always try to break through. To prevent this from happening, powder the layer where the filling will be placed with starch. In jam, apple, berry, poppy seed, nut and other sweet masses, it is also good to add a teaspoon of starch and mix well

If you are baking an open pie, place the “blank” base in the oven to bake for a few minutes. Then, while hot, sprinkle with starch and lay out the filling and lattice. Otherwise, the pie may be saved and not bake.

Allow the pies to rest for 15-20 minutes before placing them in the oven. During this time, the dough “gets used” to the new shape.


How to make pies without them falling apart?

I can’t agree about the reliability of the seam at the bottom - mine always leaks.
Place a round cake in your palm, obtained by pressing the ball and shaping it with your hands (I don’t recognize a rolling pin for yeast dough, I think that this dough loves your hands). We put the filling in the center (this is true, without fanaticism). First, pinch the “top” of the pie. We form the seam first on one side, then on the other, starting from the bottom. Then we turn the edges of the seam to one side, pinching and forming a ridge. No need to turn over. Such a pie will not leak. And for sweet fillings, the round shape of the pie “a la belyash” is more convenient. To do this, simply gather the edges of the pie, pinching it in the middle. To help the pies rise better and not spread, they are placed close to each other on a baking sheet.

Of course, this is all about yeast dough.

How to make pies without them falling apart?

To prevent the pies from falling apart or bursting, it is necessary that the dough is properly kneaded in compliance with all proportions for yeast dough. This is the first condition.
You need to roll it out on a dry, flat table surface, making sure it doesn’t stick. Flour.
Next, you need to lay out the filling in accordance with the size of the circle of dough, so that you can grab it by the edges without pulling. Otherwise, the pie will simply burst from too much filling.
There is also a condition, so that the high temperature does not tear the cake in the oven, let the pies stand on the baking sheet in a warm place before baking. The dough will straighten out on them and rise further, taking a shape ready for baking.
A more liquid filling with sweets, for example, should not be tightly closed so that the juice does not leak onto the baking sheet during baking and tear the pie.

Too thin and thin dough can cause tears in the pies.
Allow the pies to rise warm before baking.
Not everyone succeeds the first time, but if you try, the skill will appear!

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