Home Preparations for the winter Recipe for strudel dough in a Panasonic bread machine. Apple strudel. Grind nuts and cookies

Recipe for strudel dough in a Panasonic bread machine. Apple strudel. Grind nuts and cookies

I spent a long time looking at different recipes for strudels on the Internet, a couple of times I made unsuccessful options, sometimes the roll tore during baking and the filling spilled out, sometimes I overcooked it and the apples turned into puree. Then I got used to both the time and the dough, and strudels became frequent guests on our table. It turned out there was nothing complicated.

I knead the strudel dough (phyllo) in a bread machine, on the program for kneading dough for pasta. Without HP, the dough must be kneaded intensively for at least 10 minutes.

So, for phyllo you will need

  • 200 ml warm water
  • 35 ml vegetable oil
  • 3 g salt
  • 370 g premium flour

HP kneaded the dough, formed it into a ball, put it in a plastic bag and left it to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature. You definitely need to let the dough sit, otherwise it won’t stretch so fantastically easily, but will begin to tear in the most inappropriate places.

While the phyllo is resting, I prepare the filling.

Cut 50-70 g of walnuts into smaller pieces, rinse 80-100 g of raisins and leave to dry.

Thaw cherries, 500-600 grams (I make them from frozen ones), squeeze out the juice as much as possible with your hands. (We also love apple strudel, then I peel and cut into thin strips about 4 medium apples, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice so that they do not darken).

Dry 2-3 slices of white bread in the microwave or in a frying pan without oil, grind into breadcrumbs. I don’t use ready-made breadcrumbs, because... they quickly acquire the smell of stale bread and spoil the whole thing. Rusks are needed to absorb excess liquid from cherries or apples during baking.

Back to the test. On the table I lay a cotton fabric covering the entire table (for me it’s a piece of an old duvet cover, now used specifically for rolling out phyllo). I sprinkle the fabric with flour. I roll out the dough and it stretches very easily. I roll it out to a thickness of about 4-5 mm, and then I remove the rolling pin and, putting the back of my hand under the dough, lift it and begin to quickly move my hands under the dough - I wrote funny. All this is done by weight and the dough stretches under its own weight, the middle stretches especially easily - so you need to be careful. If the middle has already become very thin, you can put the dough and lift, slightly stretching, only the edges. In general, I stretch the dough to a thickness of about 1-2 mm so that the fabric pattern is visible. It's easy and quick to do, honestly, it takes longer to write! I read on some sites that the phyllo should be rolled out to such an extent that the text of the book can be seen through it. This is easy to do, and the first time I stretched it this way, to the thickness of paper, but during the baking process my strudel constantly tore and the filling leaked out. Now I stretch thinly, but without fanaticism, I see the pattern of the fabric and that’s enough.

I lay out the filling, retreating 5 cm from three edges, and leaving 15 cm from one edge. I first sprinkle with breadcrumbs, then raisins, nuts, cherries and sprinkle with sugar. Here the quantity depends only on taste. Roll up the strudel, lifting the fabric. First, we wrap the three edges free from the filling (where 5 cm receded) over the filling and begin to roll the roll, moving towards the edge free from the filling. When the roll is rolled up to the point where the filling ends, grease it with vegetable oil - or butter if you are not fasting. And we roll it further, the edge of the dough free from the filling should wrap the entire roll, this, firstly, will give the finished roll a beautiful rounded shape when baking, and secondly, it will additionally protect the filling from leaking out. Using the same piece of cloth, I transfer the roll onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper or greased foil. I bake at 190 degrees for 40 minutes. The finished strudel is light on top, without a golden brown crust, hard to the touch, you can lightly tap it with your fingernail and hear a knock. After baking, it’s good to leave the strudel for 20-30 minutes in the oven turned off and slightly open. Serve the strudel warm, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Cherry juice, squeezed from cherries, can be turned into strudel sauce by diluting with water and adding sugar and starch. Or not to dilute it is also a matter of taste. We like to put a little sauce on top, top it with strudel and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

For everyone who loves delicious pastries with lots of filling, as well as German and traditional European cuisine, we offer today's recipe. The dough for strudels, which is what we will be preparing, should be elastic, pliable and rolled out very thinly. There are many options for fillers, as well as some features in preparing the dough. Let's find out everything in this article.

Fruit and apple strudel made from puff pastry

Any fruit goes well with apples in strudel, but garden fruits are best. In our case, let's consider cooking with apples, pears and quince. To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • butter - 140 g;
  • premium sifted wheat flour - 30 g;
  • very thin filo puff pastry - 6 sheets;
  • garden fruits (apples, pears, quinces or others) - 800 g;
  • powdered sugar - 125 g;
  • blanched almonds, peeled - 100 g;
  • "Calvados" (can be replaced with whiskey or dark rum);
  • selected egg - 1 piece;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • mixture of spicy baking spices - 100 g;
  • plums - 100 g.

In this recipe we will use ready-made very thin phyllo dough. Apple strudel should have the thinnest shell. Some housewives do not bake the presented dish precisely because they are afraid to roll out the dough thinly and do not risk working with this material. There is nothing wrong with this procedure, because the dough does not tear, and, despite its apparent fragility, it is quite elastic and pliable.

Cooking process

Cut the butter into small cubes (2 cm wide). Let the product soften at room temperature. You can already turn on the oven and start heating it to 180 degrees. Immediately take a baking sheet, grease it with oil and line it with parchment paper. Grind the cooked almonds in a food processor; if you don’t have such a device, you can use the chopper attachments in a blender. This puff pastry strudel recipe suggests using nuts that have been ground almost to a powder.

Original gas station

Did you forget about the butter cut into pieces? Looks like it's time to use this ingredient too. Place the softened pieces in a food processor and beat thoroughly until fluffy. Then crack the egg into the butter and stir until just beaten. We also send flour, ground almonds and lemon zest there, and now thoroughly beat all the ingredients in a food processor. Tip: remove the zest from an unpeeled whole lemon using a fine grater. Our finished dressing will go into the dough a little later, but for now you can put it aside.

Let's get some fruit

It's time to start preparing fruit filling for our sweet pastries. Thoroughly wash apples, pears, quinces and plums (if you have other fruits, no problem), remove seeds and pits, where possible, peel the peel. Now cut all the ingredients into small slices and place in a separate bowl, sprinkle with spices for sweet baking, squeeze out the juice from the lemon from which the zest was removed a few minutes earlier, pour in a small portion of Calvados (whisky or rum), then mix. The filler should sit a little, so we move it to the side.

Filo dough: recipes. Garden fruit strudel, formation process

Now we need to melt 15 grams of butter over low heat in a small saucepan. Line the table with a clean waffle towel and place one sheet of thin puff pastry on top. Take a pastry brush and brush the opposite long edge of the dough lying on the towel. We will place the next layer next to the smeared edge with a protrusion of approximately 2 cm. This distance will be enough for us to press the edges of the sheets against each other and glue them together. We open the two glued sheets and grease the entire surface with one third of the entire almond dressing. The puff pastry strudel recipe recommends using six sheets of phyllo. After we repeat the procedure of gluing two more pairs of sheets, we will end up with 3 large surfaces unfolded like landscape sheets, superimposed on each other and smeared with nut impregnation.

Place the infused fruit on the final layer of dough, greased with almond sauce. The surface of the layer should be covered evenly, but in such a way that a protrusion of 2 cm is formed from all edges.

Don't forget to carefully brush the edges with melted butter. Attention! Now comes the most crucial moment. We will roll up the soaked plates with filling, starting from the opposite edge. Carefully, but not too tightly, wrap the strudel into a roll towards you. We transfer the workpiece to a baking sheet and coat the top with oil again. Place in the oven for 30 minutes. As you can see, making strudel from puff pastry is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The finished dish is cut into portions (in our case there will be 8) and served to the table while still piping hot, complementing the dessert with a scoop of creamy ice cream. Incredible combination!

Recipe for cherry strudel from stretch dough

Of course, meat ingredients can also be used as a filling for strudel, but this dish is most valued as a dessert with fruit or apple fillings. Now we will try to prepare it for strudel, and then fill it with cherries. We will need the following ingredients for the dough:

  • premium wheat flour - 250 g;
  • water - 150 g;
  • salt - one pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

We will immediately divide the flour into 2 parts, 200 grams of which will actually be used for stretch dough, and the remaining 50 grams will be used for rolling out.

For the filling we'll take:

  • pitted cherries - 800 g;
  • walnuts (almonds) - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • crumbly shortbread cookies (ground breadcrumbs) - 50 g;
  • butter for coating the surface of the dough - 100 g.

If you don't want to use cookies, you can replace this ingredient with another 50 grams of nuts.

How to prepare strudel dough? Step-by-step instruction

Sift the flour along with a pinch of salt into a deep round bowl. We will use warm water for the dough, pour it into the flour, then add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly and knead a dough that is not stiff, even slightly sticking to your hands. Don't be afraid that the dough is sticky - that's how it should be. Do not add the remaining flour yet, but for further kneading, grease your palms with vegetable oil. You can mash the lump by hand, or you can use a bread maker.

The strudel dough, the recipe for which we cover, is kneaded in a bread machine in the “Dumplings” or “Pizza” modes for 10 minutes. When a good lump is formed, pack it in cellophane, wrap it in a towel and leave at room temperature for another 1 hour. During this time, the gluten will have time to swell, and in the future you will not experience any inconvenience when working with the material. What does our recipe say next? Extracted strudel dough must be kept warm for a long time. This is a very important rule, and if it is not followed, the base will tear when rolling out the layer.

Processing cherries

We have not yet considered which cherries can be used to prepare the dish. In fact, both fresh and frozen will do. The main thing is that the berries are already seedless. Transfer the ingredient into a saucepan, add a glass of sugar and stir. Then we will need to make cherry syrup; to do this, bring the berries to a boil over low heat. Stirring occasionally, cook for no more than 5 minutes, because we don’t need jam. Let the berries in the syrup cool and then drain in a colander. Next, we will only need berries, but the syrup can be used for other purposes, for example, for jelly.

Grind nuts and cookies

Nuts are not suitable for the filling, so we roast them in a frying pan over low heat for 7 minutes. Don't forget to stir the ingredient. After the roasted almonds have cooled, grind the mass using a blender. We will do the same procedure with shortbread cookies, after crumbling them into pieces. Now mix both components in a separate bowl.

Stretch out the dough

In order to get high-quality dough for strudel (the recipe for which we are now studying), we will use a cotton towel. Spread a towel on the table and sprinkle the surface thoroughly with flour, place the dough on top, then sprinkle with flour again. Roll out the base directly on a towel into a regular layer. The base is not yet thin, but we remember that for this the dough must be extremely thin. What does the recipe advise on this matter? The strudel dough must be pulled out in a circle with your hands, lifting the edges. This is the only way to protect the layer from tears. We will carry out the pulling procedure until the pattern of the towel is clearly visible through the layer.

This recipe (dough for strudels) is easy to make; some housewives find stretching the dough quite a fascinating process. The main thing is to act carefully, and if a small hole is formed when pulling, it can be sealed by tearing off a small piece from the edge of the layer.

If the layer is too holey, all the imperfections in the finished dish will be hidden when folded. But it is not recommended to re-roll out the strudel dough (the recipe is given in the article). Otherwise, the material will lose its elasticity, and the dish will not turn out at all.

Final stage

Remove the thick edges of the rolled out layer using a pizza cutter or scissors. Then grease the surface with melted butter and lay out a mixture of ground nuts and cookies. Sprinkle the ingredients so that there is a 4 cm protrusion from all edges of the layer, and leave about 10 cm on one side for the last turn. Before forming the roll, all that remains is to evenly distribute the berries over the surface of the layer. Sprinkle everything with the remaining half a cup of sugar. When twisting, you can help yourself with a towel. Brush the top with melted butter and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place in a preheated oven for half an hour. Sprinkle the finished strudel with powdered sugar and cut it into portions while still hot.

Bon appetit!

Today we will prepare the national Austrian dish - apple strudel.

Viennese strudel is a traditional dessert made from thin dough with apple or cherry filling.

This dish has become famous in many countries and there are many recipes for making this dessert.

Strudels are prepared with both a sweet filling - with fruits, berries, nuts, pumpkin, cottage cheese, and with a savory filling - meat, cabbage and potatoes.

To prepare Viennese strudel with apples we will need:

List of ingredients:

For the test
For filling

For the test:

  • 250 gr. flour
  • 125 gr. warm water
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt

For filling:

  • 1.5 kg. apples
  • 100 gr. nuts
  • 100 gr. raisins (+ 70ml rum)
  • 150 gr. Sahara
  • 100-150 gr. breadcrumbs
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tsp cinnamon


  • 100 gr. vegetable oil
  • 100 gr. melted butter
  • powdered sugar

Viennese strudel with apples - step-by-step recipe:

We will make strudel from stretch dough, but you can use ready-made puff pastry or phyllo dough.

You can knead the dough by hand, in a bread machine, or, in my case, using a mixer.

Pour the sifted flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, egg and vegetable oil.

We install the “hook” attachment for thick dough and mix the products at low speed.

While kneading, pour in warm water in a thin stream. Knead the dough for 10-15 minutes at medium speed.

10 minutes have passed, grease your hands with vegetable oil and take the dough out of the bowl.

The dough turned out soft and elastic.

Form the dough into a ball, place it in a bowl and pour in vegetable oil so that the dough is completely covered.

Leave the dough in the oil for at least 30 minutes so that it becomes even softer, more pliable and easier to stretch.

Meanwhile, let's make the apple filling.

I’ll say right away that this filling uses raisins, which must be soaked in rum for 1 day.

We peel them, cut them into 4 parts and remove the core.

Cut the prepared apple slices crosswise into small slices 3-4 mm thick, place them in a bowl and sprinkle them with pre-squeezed lemon juice.

This is done to prevent the apples from darkening.

In a bowl with apples, add cinnamon, pre-dried and chopped walnuts, raisins soaked in rum, pour in half the crackers (I used a sweet bun, but you can use breadcrumbs or crushed biscuits), add sugar, and mix everything well.

Our apple filling is ready.

Let's begin the most important and labor-intensive process; you need to roll out and stretch the dough as thin as possible.

To do this, cover the work surface with a cotton tablecloth or linen towel.

Our dough rested well in oil; from this quantity you can make one large or two small strudels.

But since I want to show you 2 ways to prepare strudel, we will divide this dough into 2 parts.

Take it out of the oil, roll it in flour, and sprinkle the towel well with flour.

Roll out the dough as thin as possible with a rolling pin, and then put your hands under the dough and gently stretch it from the center to the edges until it becomes so thin that the pattern on the fabric can be seen through it.

The dough is so thin that when it is stretched, holes will inevitably appear - this is not a big deal, you can leave them, or you can seal them up and roll them again with a rolling pin.

Try to stretch the dough into a long rectangular layer, the width of which is equal to the length of your baking sheet.

Sprinkle the prepared dough with melted butter and gently brush it with a brush.

This is done in order to give the finished strudel a layered appearance.

Sprinkle crackers on top, which will absorb excess moisture from the juicy apple filling.

As I already said, we will prepare the strudel in two different ways.

In the first case, we retreat 10 cm from the narrow edge and spread the filling evenly in a mound, compacting it slightly.

We fold the dough over the filling, where we left a free edge, and now, using a towel, we begin to roll our strudel into a roll.

At the end, coat the strudel with melted butter and cover with the free edge of the dough.

We roll the ends of the roll tightly, tear off the excess dough and press it inward so that the juicy filling does not leak out during baking.

Using a towel, transfer the strudel to a baking sheet.

It can be greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, covered with parchment paper, silicone or, in my case, a Teflon mat.

Repeat the procedure with the second half of the dough.

We roll it out in the same way and very carefully stretch it into an even rectangular layer.

This should be done slowly, because... The dough is very thin and can tear easily.

The prepared dough, as in the first case, is greased with melted butter, sprinkled with the remaining breadcrumbs and laid out the filling.

The difference is that in the second method we spread the filling evenly over the entire surface of the dough, not reaching the edge 10-15 cm.

We complete the process of folding the strudel, as in the first case.

We pinch the ends of the roll tightly and tuck them in.

Transfer the strudel to a baking sheet using a towel, brush both rolls with melted butter and bake in an oven preheated to 200°C (392°F) until done.

After 40 minutes, our Viennese apple strudels are ready.

Let them cool slightly, cut them and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The strudel is served warm with a scoop of ice cream.

So, friends, I showed you 2 ways to prepare Viennese strudel.

They taste no different, but I like the second cooking method better, it holds its shape better, is easier to cut and is more beautiful when cut.

The strudel dough is thin, flaky and crispy.

The filling is very tasty, aromatic, and tender, while the dough does not become soggy; this is the filling that real Viennese strudel is famous for.

I wish you bon appetit!

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Viennese strudel with apples - video recipe:

Viennese strudel with apples - photo:

I used three different varieties of apples, here you can see which one you like best! Rusks are needed in the strudel to absorb excess moisture, as it should be moist, but not wet. I don’t like to use ready-made crackers (it’s unknown what’s in there), so I take dried homemade bread and just grind it in a blender. So let's get started.

The strudel dough needs to be kneaded well so that it is easy to work with. If you have a food processor or bread machine, entrust this task to the equipment; if not, you need to knead for at least 10 minutes until the dough becomes soft and elastic. I use a bread machine, the "dough" program.
Pour flour into a container, add vegetable oil, salt and water. Knead the dough.

Lightly grease the finished bun with vegetable oil, wrap it in a bag, and leave to rest for 30-40 minutes. In the meantime, let's make the filling.

Chop the nuts and add washed and dried raisins.

Core the apples and cut into strips. Add to nuts and raisins. Pour lemon juice, add sugar and cinnamon.

Mix the filling well.

Roll out the dough a little on a floured surface.

Then take a clean kitchen towel, sprinkle it well with flour and roll out the dough very thin so that the pattern of the towel shows through. The edges can be gently stretched with your hands.

Melt the butter. Approximately 2-3 tablespoons need to grease the entire inner surface of the future strudel, but we will not cover all of it with breadcrumbs and filling. Step back 15 cm from the left edge (this will be the crispy top), and 4-5 centimeters from the remaining edges. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Place the filling on the crackers.

Use a towel to wrap three small edges so that the filling does not leak out during baking.

Carefully roll up the strudel using a towel. Lubricate each turn with oil.

Carefully, again using a towel (the dough is very tender, and the filling is heavy), transfer the strudel to a baking sheet covered with a silicone mat, greased paper or foil. Brush well with melted butter. Place in an oven preheated to 180C for 35-45 minutes (depending on the oven).

During the baking process, you need to grease the strudel a couple of times with the remaining butter, and the third time - already fully baked, outside the oven.

While the strudel is still hot, sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.

Serve warm, with vanilla sauce, a scoop of ice cream or condensed milk, whatever suits your taste.

Apple strudel from childhood, my grandmother sometimes prepared it according to a recipe close to the “classic” one. But most often, it was an apple pie, reminiscent of a roll, and not always made from stretch dough. In villages, people rarely cooked, as they say, “correctly”, preferring, among the abundance of recipes, simple and understandable ones. I still remember my grandmother’s roll with Antonov apples or Renet Simirenko.

The term strudel (German Strudel) literally translates as whirlpool, abyss, whirlwind. This is a pastry originating from the Austrian lands, and its first printed recipes date back to the end of the 17th century. Quite difficult to prepare, at first, is a dish made from stretched dough with various fillings. It can be sweet apple, with cherries, strawberries, raspberries, etc. - a real delicacy, although it is much more difficult to prepare than pies or. I read somewhere that making homemade apple strudel in the traditional way is now quite rare, as the recipes are very different.

Dessert is usually served hot. Moreover, interestingly, light vanilla ice cream or whipped cream is often added to the strudel. Although, most people prefer baking with coffee or tea. I drink strong black coffee with caution, except with, and I prefer strudel with or coffee with cream.

Pastries with the general name strudel are very common in countries predominantly inhabited by people speaking German. Apparently this has historical roots. However, apple, cherry or pear strudel is part of Hungarian, Czech and other Slavic cuisines. In addition, Jewish cuisine has always been famous for strudel. Isaac Babel’s story “In the Cellar” mentions strudel with jam and poppy seed cake, which was baked by the hero’s aunt, especially for the visit of his rich friend.

Puff pastry apple strudel is a type of apple pie. Apples are the most affordable fruit, so apple pie, apple strudel, apple charlotte are the main desserts in the cuisines of many countries. I remember that in the USA, in any establishment there is apple pie on the menu, and it is always fresh and tasty.

Apple strudel is made from stretch dough. This is a yeast-free dough, very thin - almost transparent like thick polyethylene. This type of dough is very popular in the Balkans and the East - the famous bureks are made from it. Such similar dough is called yufka, tocheni kori, kore, phyllo. The dough is very elastic and stretches out perfectly, although the composition of the dough can vary quite significantly.

*The recipe was written while preparing the strudel. Many thanks to my beloved daughter Yulia!

Apple strudel. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (1 strudel)

  • Premium wheat flour Depends on a situation
  • Large sweet and sour apples 5 pieces
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Brown sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Butter 100 g
  • Olive oil 50 ml
  • Egg 2 pcs
  • Seedless raisins 100 g
  • Rum or cognac 0.5 cups
  • Breadcrumbs 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Ground ginger, ground cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, salt, cinnamon sticks, cloves Spices
  1. The cooking process, at first glance, seems very labor-intensive and tedious, such as, for example. Looking back, it becomes funny because of my fears and prejudices. Strudel with apples is no more difficult to prepare than baking or. Fear has big eyes - this is precisely about the phobia of making such an amazing pie.
  2. For the filling you need to choose large sweet and sour apples. The ideal option is Renet Simirenko, Granny Smith or similar green apples. Such apples retain their slice shape well during preparation and do not yield too much juice. The day before cooking, soak 100 grams of seedless raisins. We use dark rum or cognac. Mix half a glass of rum or cognac and half a glass of water, pour the mixture over the washed raisins and add 1-2 cinnamon sticks and 3-4 cloves. Leave for several hours.

    For the filling you need to choose large sweet and sour apples

  3. We start preparing the pie by preparing the filling. Throw 50 grams of butter into a frying pan. Add 1 cup sugar, brown sugar if you have it, and spices. The composition of spices may vary. We added 1 tsp. ground ginger and cinnamon, 0.5 tsp. nutmeg and a little vanilla - to taste.

    Melt butter, add sugar and spices

  4. After the oil has almost dissolved, so as not to overheat the spices, add the raisins soaked the day before along with the liquid in which they were soaked. Discard the cinnamon sticks and cloves.

    Add the raisins soaked the day before along with the liquid

  5. Stir all the contents and continue heating over medium heat, uncovered, until the sugar begins to caramelize. The sugar will begin to foam a little and darken.

    The sugar should begin to caramelize

  6. Immediately add peeled and seeded apples, cut into small pieces or slices. You don’t need to cut it too finely, otherwise you risk getting applesauce. Stir in apples and caramelized sugar.

    Add peeled and seeded apples, cut into small pieces

  7. Simmer the apples over low heat, covered, until the apples are soft but retain the shape of the pieces. In time, depending on the variety of apples, this will take 20-30 minutes. The main goal is not to end up with applesauce. Leave the finished apples to cool completely. Then drain all the liquid from them. It is worth draining the apples in a colander so that the filling is almost dry, otherwise the roll will fall apart during baking.

    Simmer the apples over low heat with a lid on.

  8. Then you can proceed to the second stage - preparing the dough. I will say from myself that it is very interesting and exciting. In a deep bowl, mix 2 cups of premium wheat flour and release the contents of one egg. Heat half a glass of water a little so that it is lukewarm, and add 1-2 pinches of salt to it. Pour water into flour and knead the dough. I’ll say right away that you will have to add flour, focusing on the condition and consistency of the dough. Sweep the dough very (!) thoroughly.

    Mix flour, egg and water for dough

  9. The dough should be very soft, and the dough should not stick to your hands. It shouldn't stick at all. Roll the dough into a ball and place in a bowl.

    The dough should be very soft

  10. Next, for the baking to turn out as it should, the dough must mature. An unusual technique, not typical for most types of dough, is to lightly cut the dough crosswise and generously grease it with olive oil on all sides. You need 50-70 ml of olive oil. Cover the dough with an inverted deep plate and refrigerate for 45-60 minutes. During this time, the dough will mature and the apple filling will have time to cool.

    Lightly cut the dough crosswise and brush generously with olive oil.

  11. To prepare and stretch the dough and form the strudel, you will need a large table and cloth. Cover the table with a clean cloth - a canvas or towel that is lint-free and long enough. Then I need to do what initially threw me into a stupor. The fabric should be generously sprinkled with flour. You need to immediately prepare a baking sheet by covering it with baking paper and sprinkling the paper with flour. Separately, it must be said that the length of the roll and, accordingly, the dimensions to which the dough must be stretched depend on the size of the baking sheet. We need to remember this.

    Cover the table with a clean cloth and sprinkle it generously with flour.

  12. Pulling out dough for strudel is a leisurely process and does not tolerate fuss. Therefore, in order to bake a masterpiece, and not an apple pie, you need to be patient. The dough stretches perfectly with your fingers, and there is absolutely no need for a rolling pin. Place the dough on a cloth with flour and, very slowly, carefully pull it with your fingers, starting from the edge, pulling out and smoothing the clots.

    The dough stretches perfectly with your fingers

  13. If by chance there is a gap in the dough, it doesn't matter for two reasons. Firstly, strudel is a roll, a roll in which the dough along with the filling is rolled up, and all the breaks will be inside. Secondly, any gap can be sealed with a lump of dough, which will glue the gap, and re-stretch it.

    Place the dough on a cloth with flour and, very slowly, carefully pull it with your fingers, starting from the edge

  14. Continue stretching the dough into a very thin layer. The layer size should be 25-30 cm wider in width than the length of your baking sheet. Length of the layer - as much as possible. We got a layer of dough approximately 50 cm wide and about 140 cm long. Geometrically straight edges are absolutely optional.

    There will be unevenness in thickness in the thin dough layer

  15. The dough turned out so transparent that you could read a book through it. In a layer of thin dough, in any case, there will be unevenness in thickness; small clumps of dough are normal. If for some reason you are annoyed by the uneven edge of the dough, just cut it off.

    The dough turned out so transparent that you could read a book through it.

  16. Everything is ready to form the apple strudel. Melt 50 grams of butter in a bowl, but do not heat. In another bowl, lightly beat one egg. Grease the dough stretched on a cloth with melted, but not hot, butter. Lubrication works great with a silicone brush. When I was little, my grandmother used a bunch of feathers to butter the roll.

    Grease the dough with butter

  17. Sprinkle 3-4 tbsp onto greased dough. l. breadcrumbs or grated and sifted stale bread, preferably a “French” baguette. The crumbs will absorb the oil, this is an important point.

    Sprinkle 3-4 tbsp onto greased dough. l. breadcrumbs

  18. Pour the apple filling onto the prepared dough; it should be at room temperature. Using your hands, spread the filling evenly over the dough, leaving an empty strip on one short edge, approximately one-quarter of the entire length of the dough. And also, leaving both long edges without filling, so that the width of the strip of spread filling is the size of the baking sheet - the same size as the strudel will be formed.

    Sprinkle the apple filling onto the prepared dough.

  19. Along the long edge, you need to wrap the hanging edge of the stretch dough inside the future roll so that the width of the dough with the filling with the folded edges is the same as the length of the baking sheet. You can wrap the edge by 10-12 cm. This should be done along the entire length of the dough. From the short side of the dough, fold the edge with the filling approximately 12-15 cm, starting to form a roll.

    Along the long edge, you need to wrap the hanging edge of the stretch dough inside the roll

  20. Next, lifting the edge of the fabric, turn over or turn the roll of dough with filling so that the strudel rolls up. The roll should roll towards the edge of the dough without filling, which was left from the second short edge.

    Lifting the edge of the fabric, turn the dough with filling over so that the strudel rolls up.

  21. Important: the filled strudel should be short and thick, not long and thin. When the strudel has been wrapped all the way, roll the package onto a prepared baking sheet lined with baking paper.

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