Home Soups Rules for making cappuccino in a coffee machine. Cappuccino in a coffee machine: preparation rules Which coffee is best for cappuccino in a coffee machine

Rules for making cappuccino in a coffee machine. Cappuccino in a coffee machine: preparation rules Which coffee is best for cappuccino in a coffee machine

Italians have always been considered the best connoisseurs and connoisseurs of coffee. They are responsible for creating such masterpieces as lattes and cappuccinos, the appearance of the latter dating back to the 16th century. What are the features of this drink and how to prepare it correctly in a coffee machine?

Proper cappuccino

As stated in international standards, cappuccino is a drink that requires serving in containers no larger than 180 ml in order to achieve the best combination of coffee, milk and foam. Moreover, the coffee itself accounts for only 1/3 of the volume of the cup. Everything else is elastic foam and thickly frothed milk. The temperature of the drink should not exceed 60 degrees. This is the only way to appreciate the true taste and consistency of the drink.

How to prepare cappuccino in a coffee machine to get the perfect drink?

  1. Brew espresso - thick, with a pleasant bitterness and subtle sourness. Kenyan or Ethiopian Arabica is ideal for it, although lovers of pronounced bitterness prefer beans from America.
  2. Whip the milk in such a way as to get maximum foam out of it, because in a cappuccino the proportion of liquid milk should be negligible; some experts say that in an ideal drink there should be no milk, its place is completely taken by milk foam.
  3. The ideal option is the possibility of parallel preparation of espresso and milk in order to subsequently combine them at the same temperature.

The ideal cappuccino is strong coffee with an even, dense foam that thickly covers the espresso

It is much easier to prepare cappuccino in a coffee machine than by hand using a Turk and a French press. Philips Saeco and Bosch are considered the best devices both automatic and semi-automatic types. If in an automatic machine you just need to load the necessary ingredients and wait a little time, then in a semi-automatic machine you will have to perform some processes yourself.

Instructions for making cappuccino

To prepare the drink, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • high-quality Arabica beans in the same volume as cappuccino cups;
  • 2-3% natural milk, which is well cooled beforehand;
  • sugar, liqueur to taste and desire.

The milk for the drink is cooled so that later it heats up more slowly and the barista has more time to whip it well. With strong heating, and this is above 70-80 degrees, the milk becomes too thick when whipped, and the foam loses its elasticity, which is unacceptable for real cappuccino.

To prepare a classic cappuccino in a coffee machine you need:

  • pour the grains into the grinder and grind;
  • pour ground coffee into the holder;
  • prepare a cup for espresso by preheating it;
  • the coffee in the holder must be carefully compressed so that it lies in one even layer;
  • turn on the coffee machine and wait for the espresso to be prepared;
  • set the coffee aside and check the steam supply for working with milk;
  • pour milk into the container so that it does not exceed 2/3 of its volume, usually take a 300 ml milk jug;
  • lower the cappuccino maker into a container of milk to a depth of no more than 2.5 cm at an angle of 45 degrees, whisk the milk until its volume doubles and the milk jug itself heats up to a temperature of 60-70 degrees (that is, until it can be held in your hands);
  • an indicator of milk readiness is the presence of dense foam with small bubbles, dense but elastic;
  • carefully pour milk into a cup of prepared espresso so that maximum foam and a minimum of milk itself gets into it; sugar is added at the very end.

Making cappuccino doesn’t take long, it’s simple, but it’s rare to achieve the right result the first time, although without a coffee machine the process becomes even more difficult. Experts do not always recommend preparing a drink automatically, since the process is completely controlled by a machine, not a person.

Professionals create masterpieces from ordinary milk foam

To check the correct preparation of the drink, you can use the following knowledge:

  • The elasticity of milk foam is checked as follows: using the tip of a spoon, carefully push the foam away; if it quickly returns to its place without losing its integrity, everything is fine;
  • in a cup, the foam should not be “hilly”; it covers the entire surface with a dense layer without large bubbles;
  • When consumed, there should not be any noticeable bitterness or sourness - this is a sign that the ratio of espresso to milk was incorrectly taken into account, or low-quality coffee was used.

If all indicators have passed the test, it means that a professional is working at home!

Homemade cappuccino recipes

You can make cappuccino at home using the classic recipe, the instructions for which are written above, but there are still dozens of variations, among which you can find original methods. So, chocolate, syrups, cinnamon, vanilla, liqueur and other ingredients are added to the cup, which make the taste varied. If liqueur or syrup is used, its volume cannot exceed 5-10 ml per cup (180 ml).

It is better to choose syrups with traditional coffee, vanilla and caramel flavors

Egg cappuccino with vanilla:

  • Prepare espresso coffee as usual.
  • In one container, combine egg yolk with 2 tbsp. l. fat milk or cream and 2 tsp. powdered sugar, a pinch of vanillin, beat until foamy with a mixer or using a cappuccino maker;
  • Spread the milk-egg foam over the espresso coffee.

As a decoration, you can use chocolate chips, which are carefully sprinkled onto the milk foam.

A cappuccino recipe with liquid fillings involves the use of ingredients such as caramel syrup, amaretto, and others. First, espresso is poured into the cup, then about 1-2 tsp. syrup or liqueur and only then frothed milk. Sugar is added last. To visually get acquainted with the preparation of cappuccino, you can watch the video.

Most cappuccino lovers do not know at all how to prepare their favorite drink in a coffee machine. Since milk is frothed only with steam when making cappuccino, your coffee machine must contain a steam function and a special nozzle attachment for the “steamer” or, as it is also called, “panarello” - without these tricks, cappuccino will not work. Panarello is a special attachment for the spout in automatic coffee machines and coffee makers when making drinks such as cappuccina or latte - it’s all about the milk foam, for which this attachment exists.
Panarello is often confused with a "cappuccino maker". A cappuccino machine is most often a plastic container designed for frothing milk. With an auto-cappuccino maker, making cappuccino is very simple - you just need to insert it into your cup and just press the button.
The following trouble often happens: there is a steam function in the coffee machine, but for some reason no steam comes out. In this case, it is best to turn to specialists - it is inexpensive and faster than if you do the repair yourself, having no idea about the mechanisms of the coffee machine and risking simply breaking it.
To make a cappuccino or latte, you definitely need a special “steam spout” and a “panarello” nozzle. Without this mandatory equipment on your coffee machine, you will not be able to prepare your favorite drink. For example, without the Pannarello nozzle, milk will be splashed a whole meter throughout your kitchen and this will not improve your mood.
To make just one cup of cappuccino, it is more convenient to pour milk into the same cup from which you will drink the drink. In this case, milk with high fat content is recommended, as it gives more foam. If you use milk with a low fat content (less than 3.5%), then it will simply be heated and will not give the desired milk foam. Pour a third of the milk into the cup and, best of all, if it comes only from the refrigerator.
Before frothing milk, you need to start the steam function and place any utensils - a container - under the spout. Then, following the instructions of your coffee machine, you need to press the button or open the steam tap. At the same moment you can hear unpleasant growling sounds accompanying the release of water and dry steam.
Cover temporarily with dry steam. Place your glass of milk into which the panarello nozzle should be immersed a quarter of the way, and then turn on the steam again so that the milk begins to foam. After these steps, you just have to monitor when the milk foam reaches the consistency you need - this is a matter of taste and individual preference of everyone. By experimenting, you will eventually find exactly the taste that you like best.
Then turn off the steam and place a cup under the spouts to make the coffee itself. Press the desired button and the milk foam will be filled with a coffee drink - the final chord of making cappuccino!
If you need to prepare cappuccino for your guests or family, then the preparation method described above will not be convenient. Well, you must agree that putting each cup of milk first under steam and then under a stream of coffee is a very tedious and time-consuming task. In this case, we highly recommend that you purchase a special large metal glass made of stainless steel, with a narrowed spout, which coffee pros call a “pitcher” and with the help of which the milk is mechanically foamed. Just don’t forget to use the panarello attachment.
Using the pitcher, do the same as when making one cup of cappuccino - the method is the same.
With a coffee machine and special attachments, you can always make a cappuccino or latte no worse than in an elite cafe!!

Among the entire list of coffee drinks, cappuccino is perhaps second only to the classic version in popularity. Invented several centuries ago by Italian Capuchin monks, it has spread throughout the world.

Nowadays, you don’t have to visit a coffee shop every day to enjoy a delicious dessert. Happy owners of a coffee machine can easily make it in their own kitchen. For those who are just getting acquainted with how to make cappuccino in a coffee machine, it will be important to learn the nuances of preparing your favorite drink.

Cappuccino is a drink that requires espresso and milk. We list the main requirements that it must meet:

  • According to, each of the necessary ingredients (espresso, milk and foam) occupies a third of the cup’s volume.
  • The taste of coffee should be rich, but without bitterness. To achieve this, it is recommended to brew espresso from Arabica beans.
  • A properly made drink has a light brown tint.
  • The temperature of the cappuccino at the time of serving should be 60-70 degrees.

Cappuccino differs from other types of coffee in type. It is dense and dense, without large bubbles. It takes up at least a third of the cup's volume and is made only from cold milk.

To check the density of the foam, pour a little granulated sugar onto its surface. If it holds well, then the drink is prepared correctly.

According to etiquette, a small spoon is always served with a cup of cappuccino. First, the foam is eaten with its help, and only then can you move directly to the liquid. In addition, cappuccino is poured into a special cup, the volume of which is 180 ml. For other types of coffee (for example, latte or), use 240 ml containers.

Choosing a coffee machine

If you want to make cappuccino often, then when choosing a coffee machine with a cappuccino maker, you should pay attention to the following technical characteristics.

Device type. Coffee machines are either fully automatic or semi-automatic.

If the choice fell on a full automatic machine, then you just need to load the necessary ingredients into it and wait for the final result. The main thing is that the machine has a function for preparing this type of coffee.

The process of preparing cappuccino in a semi-automatic device is somewhat more complicated. But the product made in this machine is more aromatic and tasty.

Cappuccino maker type- a device that converts milk into foam. It can be automatic or mechanical (panarello).

Automatic ones are part of the machine design. To make coffee, just place a container for receiving milk. The device will take over all the work. The steamer draws milk through a tube and mixes it with steam, turning it into foam.

In the mechanical version, milk is converted into foam also thanks to a jet of steam. But you will have to control the process of obtaining foam yourself, holding the container with milk (pitcher) under the nozzle.

Availability of cup warming function. Cappuccino is served in preheated mugs. This can be done manually or purchased a device with a warming function, where empty dishes are placed.

Drink preparation steps

In the machine:

  1. The desired mode is selected on the device.
  2. Milk is poured into a special container and placed on a nozzle that will suck it into the cappuccino maker.
  3. The heated cup is placed under the nozzle through which the finished product is poured.

In semi-automatic:

  • Warm the cup until it is warm.
  • Fill the holder with ground coffee and, placing the press at an angle of 90 degrees, press it.
  • Place the holder on the post and turn on the machine.
  • Fill a warm cup with espresso.
  • Warm up the steamer and turn on the steam for a few seconds, moving the spout of the device to the side. This manipulation will help get rid of the water formed in the cappuccino maker.
  • Fill a tall 300 ml milk jug ¾ full and place it under the switched on steam tap at an angle of 45 degrees, then the bubbling will occur more intensely. First, the device should be immersed in milk by 3 cm. Then its spout should be kept at the very edge, otherwise the dense foam required in the recipe will not be obtained.

In order for the foam to be dense, it is necessary to supply steam at low pressure. The milk jug should be kept under the cappuccino maker until it becomes hot. It is better to make such foam from a fatty product.

To obtain a more airy foam, you should periodically change the depth of immersion of the cappuccino maker in the milk and supply steam under high pressure. In addition, you should take a product with a fat content of no more than 1%.

When the milk has doubled in volume, the steam valve is turned on and the foam is placed in a cup of espresso. You can do this in two ways:

  1. The foam is poured into a cup using a spoon on top of the milk. This recipe is used most often.
  2. The milk is poured into the foam, mixed quickly, and then placed into the espresso cup. In this case, the foam should rise to the top.

Cappuccino options

In addition to the classic recipe, over the decades of existence of this type of coffee, various variants have been invented. Let's look at some of them.


To prepare it you will need:

  • espresso;
  • milk;
  • cream;
  • grated chocolate or chocolate chips.

Bring the milk to a boil and pour into a cup of espresso brewed according to a traditional recipe. Whip the cream in a cappuccino maker and place it on top of the mixture. Decorate the foam with chopped chocolate.


For him you should take:

  • espresso;
  • milk;
  • cinnamon;
  • grated chocolate.

Pour espresso into a mug and sprinkle with a little ground cinnamon. Bring the milk to foam and pour it into the coffee in a thin stream. First you need to fill the center of the cup, and then distribute the frothed milk around its circumference. Mix chocolate with cinnamon and sprinkle on the drink.

photo: depositphotos.com/Olyina, ChamilleWhite, Tinatin1

Do you like cappuccino or latte? I also love! The coffee turns out not only tasty, but also very beautiful: soft brown color, layers of milk, thick foam decorated with cocoa, cinnamon or grated chocolate.

Now we will learn how to make milk foam. The same as they make in coffee shops. But we will do it manually, in several ways.

You will surprise your loved one with a beautiful latte, make a cappuccino for friends and treat yourself to coffee with delicious milk foam.

What is the best milk to froth? Getting ready for the perfect foam

Natural cow's milk is best. It is important that it does not contain milk powder. The degree of pasteurization is not important; you can take both pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized. Look at the production date, the fresher the better.

Fat content

Milk with a small percentage of fat content of 0.5-2% will give a fluffy foam, but the taste will be slightly watery. Milk with a fat content of 3.5% and higher is more difficult to whip, the foam will be a little less, but its taste is deeper and more delicate. The foam of full-fat milk is sweeter. It's up to you to choose, and I'll whip up full-fat milk - 3.5%.

Pay attention to the amount of protein; the more protein, the better the foam. I take milk with a protein content of at least 3%.

  • Use fresh natural milk
  • Protein content 3% or higher
  • Easier to whip, more foam: 0.5-2.5% fat
  • It is more difficult to whip, the foam is sweeter and tastier: 3.5% fat content and above

Preparing the milk

In almost all methods, milk must be heated to 70-75°C. At this temperature, light steam appears over the milk, but no bubbles form. Do not boil milk under any circumstances; after boiling, the structure of the milk changes and it will not froth.

How and where to heat milk?

You can heat milk either on the stove or in the microwave.

If you are heating milk on the stove: Turn on medium heat, for example, 3 out of 5. It is better if the heating is smooth and even. Watch the milk carefully; as soon as steam begins to rise, remove from heat!

If you heat milk in the microwave: Pour in a third glass of milk. Set the power to 600W and turn on the oven for 1 minute.

  • Milk should be heated to 70-75°C
  • On the stove heat the milk until steam forms
  • In the microwave heat at 600W for 1 minute

How to froth milk

We will look at as many as 7 ways. From the simplest, where we don’t need almost anything, to an automatic foamer. And although each method produces a different amount and quality of foam, they are all suitable for frothing milk!

1. Fork. For minimalists

If you don’t have anything at hand, you can even whip up a little foam with a fork. 🙂

  1. Warm the milk.
  2. Pour it a third into a wide, high-sided container. For example, in a bowl.
  3. Tilt the container at an angle. Whip the milk with quick rotations of the fork and movements from side to side.

It is unlikely that you will get a stable and dense foam, but after 30-40 seconds the milk will become airy and there will be foam on top.

2. Bank. For bartenders, remember the shaker

We will need a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

  1. Pour cold milk into one third of the jar.
  2. Shake the jar vigorously for 30 seconds. The volume of milk will increase 2 times.
  3. Remove the lid and place the jar in the microwave. Heat for 45 seconds at 600 W. The foam will settle a little, but will become dense.

3. Whisk. Developing fine motor skills of the hands

We use a hand whisk to beat eggs.

  1. Warm the milk.
  2. Pour half a glass.
  3. Dip the whisk into the milk, hold the handle between your palms and vigorously rotate your palms.
  4. Rotate for about 30 seconds.

4. French press. He also whips up excellent foam.

The foam in the French press is uniform, dense and at the same time voluminous. The filter separates the milk very well, saturating it with air.

  1. Warm up the milk.
  2. Pour milk into French press. The minimum amount of milk should cover the filter by a centimeter (look to understand everything exactly). The maximum you can fill is no more than a third of the volume of the French press flask. If you pour more, the foam will go over the top.
  3. Now quickly move the piston up and down for about 30-40 seconds.
  4. Lower the piston all the way. Rotate the French press to combine the foam and milk.

To get rid of large bubbles at the top of the foam, lightly tap the bottom of the French press on the table several times.

5. Manual cappuccino maker. Toy mixer

A manual cappuccino maker is a small mixer with a miniature whisk on a long pulley.

It has several advantages. It runs on batteries, no wires. Thanks to its compact size, you can take it with you, for example, on a picnic. It's easy to clean: just rinse under water and turn on to shake off.

  1. Warm the milk.
  2. Pour in a third glass of milk.
  3. Lower the whisk to the very bottom.
  4. Turn on the cappuccino maker and hold it closer to the bottom for about 20 seconds, rotating the whisk along the walls.
  5. Begin to gently lift the whisk, increasing the amount of foam and whisking the top layers of milk. Be careful when approaching the surface, you may splash the table. 🙂
  6. Turn off the cappuccino maker and remove it from the foam.

Tap the glass on the table several times to remove any large bubbles.

If the foam begins to whip poorly, try changing the batteries. The more often you change them, the faster and better the cappuccino maker will whip up the foam.

6. Mixer. Dangerous game

We perform the same manipulations with heated milk as with a manual cappuccino maker. But be even more careful, the mixer will splash the kitchen much more. Only when the mixer is switched off can you put it in and take it out of the milk.

You can start whisking the milk right on the stove.

Set the fast rotation mode. Experiment with attachments. Rotate the mixer in different directions to whisk all the milk.

Foamers vary in volume, number of whisk attachments, with and without spill protection.

Different nozzles produce different foam densities. Depending on the density of the foam, you need to pour more or less milk. Milk volumes are indicated by marks on the device.

Pour in cold milk up to the mark and close the lid.
Cooking time also depends on the volume of milk. Usually this is from 1.5 to 2.5 minutes.

The foam is dense and of high quality. But the device takes up space and needs to be washed.

Bonus. How to pour foam into coffee correctly?

It doesn't matter how you whipped the foam. In any case, some milk remains at the bottom. As a result, we have three substances: coffee, milk and milk foam. How can we mix everything correctly?

Method 1. Foam after coffee

Coffee immediately mixes with milk and the taste becomes delicate. The foam settles a little.

  1. Holding the foam with a spoon, pour the milk into the cup.
  2. Now slowly pour the coffee into the middle of the milk.
  3. Spoon the remaining foam over the coffee with milk.

Method 2. Pour coffee into foam

The coffee is gradually saturated with milk, and the taste of the coffee is better felt. The foam is completely preserved.

  1. Whisk the foam directly into the cup or pour the finished foam into the cup.
  2. Let the foam settle for a minute.
  3. Pour the coffee into the same cup slowly and carefully, so as not to damage the foam. Coffee can be poured over the wall, over a knife, over an inverted spoon.

It's good if the cup is hot. By avoiding temperature changes, we will better preserve the milk foam and our coffee will stay hot longer. Heating a cup is simple - pour boiling water into it. Hold it for 30 seconds and pour it out of the cup. The cup is ready.


We use natural milk. Protein at least 3%. Full-fat milk will give a tastier foam, skim milk will produce a more voluminous foam.

Heat the milk to 70°C: steam begins to rise above the surface

Using a fork, a jar and a whisk you can get medium quality foam

The French press and manual cappuccino maker whip up excellent foam! Our choice!

The mixer whips up quickly, but not very dense foam.

The milk frother does everything itself: heats the milk and froths it at the same time

How do you whip up the foam? Are you satisfied with the resulting foam or are you looking for a better way? Maybe you know some secrets or other ways to make foam? Share with us! Shall we discuss?!

Are you a coffee lover? And do you want to be able to prepare not only Americano at home, but also more complex drinks with foam? I will tell you how to brew cappuccino in a coffee machine, without it, and also share the secrets of creating foam. You can enjoy aromatic cappuccino, latte and other foamy drinks at home.

How to properly prepare cappuccino in a coffee machine?

Modern coffee machines are equipped with dozens of different functions. Many of the devices automatically froth milk; you just need to select the “Cappuccino” or “Latte” program. And the cappuccino is served without your participation; the machine whips and mixes all the necessary ingredients itself.

Some devices are equipped with a special cappuccino maker - a tube that delivers a powerful stream of hot air. This allows you to quickly froth the milk. How to properly prepare cappuccino in a coffee machine in this case?

It's very easy to do this:

  1. Grind the coffee. This can be done either in a separate manual or automatic coffee grinder, or in the coffee machine itself, if it is equipped with such a function.
  2. Use a measuring spoon to pour ground coffee into the cone. and secure it.
  1. Place a cup under the spout of the cone. The cappuccino mug must be of a suitable height to fit comfortably under the brewer.
  2. Turn on hot water supply. It will pass through the horn, brewing coffee.

  1. After 1-2 minutes, the fluffy cappuccino foam will be ready.. All that remains is to pour it into the cup in a 1 to 1 ratio with coffee.

Sometimes milk and cream are used for whipping. They are mixed in various proportions. The fat content of the cream can be any.

How to make cappuccino foam without a coffee machine?

I know and can prepare three versions of foam with my own hands without a cappuccino maker. I will gladly share these secrets with you.

Option 1. Blender

The instructions for creating milk foam are very simple: heat the milk to 70-90 degrees, then beat it thoroughly with a submersible blender with a whisk attachment. The milk should occupy at least 2/3 of the container in which you will whip it.

If the blender has a low whipping speed, then the process of turning the milk into foam will take a lot of time. Be patient and beat for at least 4-5 minutes, and it is better to immediately turn on the maximum speed. By the way, preparing coffee in a coffee machine with a cappuccino maker also takes about 5 minutes.

Option 2. Mini-cappuccino maker

The price of this device varies around 100-300 rubles, so it will not “hit” the budget. This unit is a mini blender with a round spiral attachment. If you are wondering how to make cappuccino without a coffee machine without much expense, then this solution is for you.

This design allows you to create very fluffy and soft foam in a matter of minutes. You need to work with a cappuccino maker in the same way as with an immersion blender. According to the previous instructions, connect the device to the network and immerse it in heated milk.

You can buy mini-format cappuccino makers not only in specialized stores that sell coffee, tableware and equipment for coffee shops. They can be found in boutiques selling soap and cosmetics, as it is important to mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Option 3. French press

You can even make cappuccino at home using a French press. To do this, pour warm milk into the flask to about 1/3 of the volume. Move the filter up and down quickly. Soon the milk will turn into foam, which can then be conveniently poured into a cup of coffee.

In order for a French press to froth milk, the filter must be freely immersed in the milk. If you pour too little liquid, the filter of some French presses may simply not reach the milk. Most likely you will get more foam than you need for one cappuccino, so it’s easier to prepare several cups of coffee at once.

You can check the density of the foam by taking a little mass onto a teaspoon and turning the last one over. Ideally, it should not fall off the spoon quickly. But it all depends on your taste, if you like a lighter foam in your cappuccino, do not froth the milk for too long.

Delicious cappuccino recipes

First of all, I’ll clarify how to make cappuccino according to the standard recipe. You just need to mix coffee with milk foam in a 1:1 ratio. But there is no need to add regular milk to the drink.

There are also many options for making cappuccino with various syrups, noble spirits (for example, cognac), cinnamon, nuts and other seasonings.

The first steps in preparing any original coffee drinks will be the same:

  1. Brew strong coffee in a cezve (2 spoons for about 120 ml of water).
  2. When the drink is ready, make foam from milk or cream using any of the methods described above.
Illustration Step by step recipe

Chocolate cappuccino:
  • Grated chocolate Pour onto a fine grater (1-2 tbsp) onto the bottom of the cup.
  • Fill the top his very hot coffee.
  • On top of coffee add foam in a 1:1 ratio with the amount of coffee.
  • Sprinkle chocolate chip drink.

Ginger cappuccino:
  1. Ginger topping- if you have it, pour it over the cups from which you are going to drink cappuccino.
  2. Pour coffee into the container about half a cup.
  3. Rest of space fill with whipped foam.
  4. Place on top of it½ teaspoon dried ginger. If desired, this spice can also be added to the coffee before adding foam to it.

Vanilla cappuccino:
  1. Mix 50 ml cream with 1 tsp. powdered sugar.
  2. Add into the vanilla mixture on the tip of a knife.
  3. Pour in 100 ml coffee per cup.
  4. Next, add the vanilla-cream mixture., and the remaining space should be filled with frothed milk.

If you want to learn how to make foamy coffee at home easily and quickly, you will need not only methods for frothing milk and interesting recipes, but also tricks that will make the drink no less tasty than in a coffee shop.

Rules, which should guide you when preparing cappuccino at home:

  1. It is important to use ground coffee. Instant can spoil the taste of the drink, and you will not fully enjoy the taste of cappuccino. If you like very strong and bitter coffee, pay attention to Robusta. If you prefer sourness, take Arabica.

  1. Ingredient ratio. You can make a latte at home without a coffee machine using the same three methods that I described above. But in addition to foam, the recipe also contains milk. Hot milk is poured into about 1/3 of a glass, coffee is introduced into it in a thin stream, and the drink is topped with whipped foam (all ingredients are taken in a 1:1:1 ratio).
  2. Milk. Many have already wondered what is the best milk for cappuccino? I do not recommend using powdered milk, as it may not froth. The best option is milk with a fat content of 2-4%.


In the article, I told you how to make cappuccino foam without a coffee machine, and shared with you instructions and original recipes. You can see how to make cappuccino at home in the video in this article. And if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments!

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