Home Meat How to make Sassi water for weight loss? Recipe and reviews. Sassi water: how to prepare a cocktail for weight loss and rejuvenation How to drink Sassi water to lose weight reviews

How to make Sassi water for weight loss? Recipe and reviews. Sassi water: how to prepare a cocktail for weight loss and rejuvenation How to drink Sassi water to lose weight reviews

Many ladies want to lose weight and improve their shape. Unfortunately, numerous weight loss methods provide only short-term results, and besides, many nutritionists now agree that you can lose weight without grueling diets. This is achieved not only by water, but also by water called Sassi, which is currently becoming increasingly popular.

This drink was developed by American nutritionist Cynthia Sass, who after giving birth was faced with the problem of excess weight. This prompted her to create a special cocktail that allows you to lose weight without much physical activity and, above all, without harm to your health. As Cynthia claims, it has a very positive effect on the digestive system and allows you to lose up to 5 kg per month.

So, today we will learn how to prepare Sassi water, what rules should be followed when drinking it, and also consider reviews from those who have already lost extra pounds.

What are the benefits of this drink for weight loss? Let's take a closer look at the composition.

First, it contains lemon water and lemon, both of which are known to be great for weight loss. This is because lemon is a natural diuretic.

Cucumber also has a sustained diuretic effect. It also contains plant fiber, which works as an intestinal cleanser. It is not for nothing that cucumber is included in many diets and methods of fasting days.

As for mint, it helps to quickly calm the nervous system for people on a diet. After all, during this period a person is in constant stress and depression. Mint is simply necessary to be psychologically stable.

The key ingredient of Sassi is, of course, ginger. It stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and gives a fantastic taste.

There are no significant contraindications for use, but doctors and nutritionists do not recommend drinking the drink to pregnant or lactating women, as well as those who suffer from gastritis or ulcers due to high acidity. In addition, it is not advisable to use it for those who are allergic to the ingredients.

Sassi water recipe for weight loss

Just a few components, a minimum of effort, and the end result is this tasty and healthy water infusion. You can consume it at any time of the day, with meals or separately from meals.


  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 1 small cucumber;
  • 10 mint leaves;
  • honey (optional).


  1. Pour 2 liters of water into a glass jar.
  2. Take one lemon, squeeze its juice into water and stir.
  3. Cut the cucumber and other lemon (without peeling them) into thin slices.
  4. Add cucumber slices, lemon slices and mint leaves to the lemon water and stir again.
  5. Seal the jar and refrigerate overnight or up to 24 hours before using.

How to drink correctly

The prepared 2 liters of drink should be divided into 8 servings (8 glasses) and drunk throughout the day according to this scheme:

  • 1 glass – in the morning after sleep on an empty stomach;
  • 2 and 3 glasses – between the first and second breakfast;
  • 4 and 5 glasses – between second breakfast and lunch;
  • 6 and 7 glasses – between lunch and dinner;
  • 8 glass – an hour after dinner.

Water intake is divided into three stages:

  • The first one lasts 4 days and is needed to prepare the body for the new regime.
  • The second is a break for 3-5 days.
  • The third is the main course, which lasts 28 days.

You can also use it as a refreshing cocktail after finishing the main course.

If you eat more low-calorie foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, you will notice changes in weight within a short time. The body will begin to cleanse itself and wash away all toxins. Cynthia Sass claims that this way you can lose up to 5 kg within 30 days.

The big advantage of Sassi is that it has a pleasant taste. That is why it will not be difficult for you to drink it every time for several days.

  • the ingredients must be of high quality, fresh and washed thoroughly before cooking;
  • do not place the finished cocktail in the sun, as it will lose its properties and may deteriorate;
  • the optimal intake volume is 2 liters per day, but not more than 4 liters;
  • You should consume no more than 300 ml at a time;
  • It is not recommended to take immediately before bed because it may lead to swelling;
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks.

Preparing Sassi drink without mint

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase fresh mint (crushed dried herb is not recommended) or you are allergic and intolerant to it, then prepare the water according to another recipe - a recipe without mint.

In this case, the grass is replaced with orange zest, which should be finely grated. The zest gives Sassi a delicious aroma and adds vitamin C.


  • 4 liters of water;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 tablespoon orange zest;
  • 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger.


  1. Pour filtered water into the jug. Then wash the lemon thoroughly, cut it very thin and add to the water.
  2. Peel and thinly slice the cucumber and also add to the water along with orange zest and finely grated fresh ginger (do not use dried powder).
  3. Mix well, cover and refrigerate overnight.

From the next morning you can drink 4-5 glasses throughout the day.

Given the wide variety of ways to lose excess weight, all nutritionists agree on one thing - for any diet, the importance of water in a person’s diet can hardly be overestimated. Maintaining water balance is vital for the normal functioning of the body and the smooth functioning of its systems. Sassi water is a pleasant, tasty drink, the use of which helps to cleanse the body and at the same time free it from extra pounds. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, participates in modeling the figure and cleansing the body.

Sassi water - what is it and where does it come from?

American nutritionist Cynthia Sassi, who was developing a diet for weight loss, decided to experiment and combine dietary products and an essential part of nutrition - drinking water. She offered the resulting natural drink to clients - and it began to work much better than all the previous diets she had developed.

Since then, the Sassy Water brand has become famous throughout the world. Under the slogan “Sassi water - drink and lose weight,” thousands of women lost weight.

The diet, which includes Sassi water for weight loss, belongs to the low-calorie class. The role of the drink is that it triggers the fat burning mechanism. This helps move the weight off a dead point and speeds up the weight loss process. Despite the non-strict diet, she loses from 2 to 4 kg per week. At the same time, it is not necessary to starve or give up tasty foods - you just need to eat healthy food, without overeating and watching the number of calories.

There are interesting “side effects” of this drink:

Thanks to the above benefits and the establishment of normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

You just need to follow the advice of an American nutritionist on how to prepare Sassi water, and all these pleasant effects from its drink are guaranteed to you.

Benefits of Sassi water obvious - it promotes fat burning, and also works as a means of strengthening the immune system, removing toxins, and healing the body.

Sassi water for weight loss recipe

We know two recipes for Sassi Water, I will introduce you to both, which one to prepare - the choice will be yours. There is also a simpler preparation option - beat all the ingredients in a blender and add water for an hour. But what I posted below would be more correct.
The recipe is given for the amount of water you need to drink throughout the day.

Sassi water cooking recipe No. 1. Classic

  • Bottled or spring water – 2 liters.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Ginger root – 1 tablespoon.
  • Cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Peppermint – 10 – 12 leaves.

How to cook:

Grind the cucumber to a pulpy state, peel the ginger root and lemon, cut into thin slices, tear the mint into pieces. Place it all in a container, add mint and fill with water.
The original recipe says that you can replace the lemon with lemon juice. But I decided that lemon zest is no less useful than just juice, why refuse, and I didn’t peel the lemon, I cut it all up.
Place the container of water in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf and leave for 10 - 12 hours (overnight is ideal).

During this time, all the vitamins will be mixed with water and you will get a healthy cocktail.
The taste of Sassi Water is bitterish and sour, not devoid of pleasantness, but the taste is not very rich. Citrus lovers may find another recipe for Sassi Water for weight loss useful.

Sassi drink for weight loss recipe No. 2. Citrus

We will need:

  • Water – 2 liters bottled or filtered.
  • Orange or tangerine or lemon – 1 pc.
  • Mint, verbena and sage (you can use one or the other), leaves – 10 – 12 pcs.

How to cook:

Pour water over the tangerine (or something else you choose), cut into small pieces, add mint leaves and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Sassi water without ginger


  • pure still water – 2 l;
  • orange or lemon – 1 pc.;
  • lemon verbena – 5 leaves;
  • sage – 4 leaves;
  • mint leaves – 12 pcs.


Citrus should be cut into thin slices. Take a container and use your hands to chop the mint, sage and lemon verbena. Place the citrus and fill everything with water. The drink also needs to be infused for 12 hours.

Sassi water how to drink correctly

You can drink water for 2-3 weeks, then take a 1-2 week break. During this time, you can successfully and without extra effort lose from 6 to 15 kg. Everything depends, of course, on the initial data, the severity of the accompanying diet and the characteristics of the body.

It is very important to understand that drinking Sassi Water alone will not lead to rapid weight loss. Basically it is a supplement during dieting. But its important part: as I wrote above, it will reduce your appetite, relieving you of hunger. Thanks to this, you will not experience depression, which often accompanies a strict diet. In addition, your health will improve significantly.

  1. You can drink Sassi Water not only while following a diet. If you wish, no one will forbid you to drink it just like that, but it is still necessary to follow some recommendations for the correct intake of the drink.
  2. To prepare the drink, buy only high-quality ingredients.
  3. Before drinking, if desired, strain the drink.
  4. Do not leave the drink in the sun, this will impair its beneficial and effective qualities. For the same reason, store Sassi Water in an opaque container.
  5. Don’t overdo it - Sassi Water intake per day is limited to 4 liters, and no more. Exceeding the amount puts additional stress on the heart and kidneys.
  6. For one dose – 1 glass of water. The entire cycle is 4 weeks. This is enough to start the fat burning process.
    Take your last drink one and a half to two hours before bedtime to avoid morning swelling.
  7. Eliminate all gas-forming products from your diet while drinking the drink, eliminate tea and coffee - replace them with water.

Sassi water - contraindications

Sassi water has a number of contraindications. It should not be used:

  • people who are allergic to the components involved in the preparation of the drink;
  • patients with renal failure;
  • persons with diseases such as gastritis, ulcers.

People with problems with the cardiovascular system should take Sassi water with caution; it is better to consult a doctor before starting the course.

How much Sassi water to drink per day to lose weight

To accurately answer this question, there is a special calculation formula. You need to weigh yourself and determine your exact weight.

Multiply your weight in kg by a factor of 0.03, and you will get the minimum amount of drinking water in liters that you need to drink per day.

Multiply your weight in kg by a factor of 0.04 and you will get the maximum amount of water in liters that you can drink daily.

For example, my weight is 60 kg. I think like this:

60 x 0.03 = 1.8 l.
60 x 0.04 = 2.4 l.

Calculations say that my daily drinking water requirement is 1.8-2.4 liters.

It is not necessary to replace the entire daily volume of drinking water with Sassi water. You can replace just a portion of your daily requirement with this homemade smoothie.

Why Sassi water is so effective

Reviews of Sassi water testify mainly in its favor - it is a product that quickly burns excess fat and improves body lines. The secret of such an amazing effect is in the natural properties of the product components of the drink. Each of them, entering the body, performs its own specific function, depending on its “neighbor”, and therefore it is important to use them together.
Sassi drink

Ginger used as an excellent remedy for accelerating the flow of lymph. It transports beneficial substances to all parts of the body and is involved in the removal of toxins. The faster these metabolic processes are carried out, the better. Ginger also improves digestion and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is the main “burner” of fats already accumulated in the body, and, acting from the inside, ginger helps to get rid of even fat accumulations in hard-to-reach areas of our body - where it is very difficult or impossible to lose extra grams and kilograms through exercise. This is the inner thigh, arms, face, lower back and so on.

Cucumber is the basis of some mono-diets as a low-calorie product, which also helps remove heavy metal salts from the body. It has a mild diuretic effect, accelerating the removal of harmful substances. Cucumber contains a lot of potassium, sodium, phosphorus and other useful trace elements, as well as vitamins B and C. Due to the fact that cucumber consists of as much as 90% just water, it is quickly and easily digested.

Lemon- this is an unsurpassed source of vitamins of all groups and a real storehouse of useful acids. Not all of them are produced by the body on its own, but they are necessary when losing weight. Including in order to prevent complex carbohydrates from joining fats, increasing the amount of existing fat deposits.
Mint acts as a sedative, it suppresses appetite and reduces hunger. Peppermint also helps remove toxins from the body.

As you can see, each of the elements of the drink is involved in weight loss. In addition, all these products are low-calorie, which indicates the dietary properties of Sassi water for weight loss, the results will come very soon.

Sassi water diet for weight loss

This diet is designed for a month of a special diet and drinking regimen. During the first 4 days, drink at least 8 glasses of the drink with a daily caloric intake of 1400 kcal.

In the diet of such a diet, foods with unsaturated fatty acids are required - seafood and sea fish are good. You can’t eat a lot of sweets or vegetables with a lot of fiber. Drinks containing caffeine should be limited.

Video of preparing Sassi water

This video shows how to prepare sassi water. Below we have described in more detail the method and preparation of sassi water from the video.


  • Jug.
  • Lemon – 1 piece.
  • Cucumber – 1 piece.
  • Fresh mint – 15 leaves.
  • Ginger root.
  • Purified water.


Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Then cut a piece of 2-3 centimeters from the ginger root, peel and finely chop it. Cut the cucumber and lemon into thin slices. Add 15 mint leaves. Fill everything with water. Leave the drink in the refrigerator overnight.


  • Calories – 5 kcal.
  • Proteins – 0.8 grams.
  • Fats – 0 grams.
  • Carbohydrates – 0.18 grams.

Sassi water reviews who lost weight before and after photos

There are plenty of reviews on the Internet about how Sassi water has helped you lose weight and even bring your body into a healthier state. On our website you can read them in the comments to the article below.

Soon the real summer heat will come, and we will all be thirsty. And the main thing here is not to let yourself “dry out.” Simply put, you need to drink a lot, restoring your water-alkaline balance. Together with sweat, the body loses the microelements it needs. However, doctors do not recommend constantly drinking mineral water, and even with gas. A refreshing summer cocktail, or Sassi Water, named after the American Cynthia Sass, who came up with this original recipe, will help quench your thirst and fill yourself with vitamins and microelements. The doctor suggested drinking this drink to those who want to get rid of the “fat apron” and have a flat stomach with the help of dietary restrictions.

This cocktail is useful not only for quenching thirst, but also for improving overall well-being, weight loss and rejuvenation.

It normalizes the digestive process, reduces fermentation and gas formation in the intestines, accelerates the breakdown of fats, eliminates swelling, and by saturating the body with fluid improves the general condition of hair and skin. It is contraindicated only for people with stomach ulcers, gastritis and kidney failure.

Making this wonderful cocktail couldn't be easier.

Classic Sassi water recipe

Take two liters of drinking water, add to it 1 lemon, cut into slices (it can be replaced with lemon juice), 1 peeled fresh cucumber - also cut into slices, 10 hand-cut fresh mint leaves or 1 teaspoon dried, 1 teaspoon of ginger. We insist this mixture all night in an opaque container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and drink it during the day.

Quick cooking method

Chop the peeled cucumber and mint leaves into small pieces and blend in a blender with a little water until smooth.

Then dissolve the resulting mass in the required amount of water, add lemon juice, grated ginger and refrigerate for one hour.

Citrus-based Sassi water

Cut the orange into half rings along with the peel. Divide 2-3 tangerines into slices, pierce each slice.

Wash and grate the ginger to make 1 tsp.

Wash 7-10 sage leaves with water and mash.

Place the ingredients in a glass container, pour 2 liters. water. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

How to drink Sassi Water

Divide 2 l. about 8 glasses. When drinking, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • I glass - on an empty stomach after waking up;
  • II and III glasses - between the first and second breakfast (an hour after meals and half an hour before meals);
  • IV and V glasses - between second breakfast and lunch;
  • VI and VII glasses - between lunch and dinner;
  • VIII glass - an hour after dinner.

If you are not allergic to this drink, prepare the next portion in the evening.

Not for all

There is an opinion that water is one of the most important aspects for maintaining a healthy body and a slim body. Recently, Sassi water appeared on the market, which helps you lose excess weight without any problems.
Preparing the drink is extremely simple. I took 8 glasses of clean cold water, cut a lemon into slices, add a cucumber, also pre-cut and peeled, a spoonful of ginger and a few mint leaves. The water should be infused.
Quite a tasty drink, and absolutely amazing when chilled. You need to drink 2 liters a day, before 16.00. I prepared the mixture in the evening and drank it the next day.
The first two days were on the weekend, in principle there was no discomfort, only I often wanted to go to the toilet. I work in an office, and I coped with this too.
About the fourth day of taking Sassi water, I became so cramped. There was severe pain in the stomach, heartburn and nausea. I ended up in the hospital with an exacerbation of gastritis. It turns out that lemon greatly increases the acidity level of the stomach and has an irritating effect. I lay there for 10 days, everything worked out, but I swore not to conduct any more experiments.

Sassi water does not help you lose weight

I've heard a lot of positive reviews about Sassi water. Since it is very simple, I decided to prepare this water at home. I prepared it for the whole day at once: I added a little mint, lemon and ginger to a three-liter jar of clean water. It turned out to be a pretty tasty cocktail, perfect for the summer heat. I always keep a jar in the refrigerator, cold water is wonderfully refreshing.
But besides the fact that it’s delicious, I didn’t notice any other positive effects. Sassi water has no effect on weight loss at all. I can say with complete confidence that it is not possible to lose weight with it, because I drank it for 6 whole weeks, and the weight decreased by only half a kilogram. I can’t even consider this a result.
Yes, many people supposedly manage to lose weight using sassi water, but I don’t believe it. The placebo effect is most likely at work here. The motto “drink and lose weight” doesn’t really work at all. And the components of Sassi water (except ginger) are not those that can dramatically affect weight.
If your goal, like mine, is to lose excess weight, it is better to go in for sports and adjust your diet (which, in fact, is what I did), rather than rely on dubious water.

Delicious water

It is very pleasant to start the day with a glass of this water. You just need to prepare it fresh; lemon peels begin to give off their bitterness if the water sits for longer than 12 hours. Therefore, early in the morning I cut lemons, and if I knew that I needed water until the evening, then I made sure to cut off the zest, which gives the bitterness. In terms of quantity, I always took everything by eye. Less ginger and cucumber, more mint and lemon or limes. It tastes better this way. Perhaps someone likes more flavors, then you can add more ginger.
If you are not lazy and prepare a fresh drink every day, it turns out delicious. This drink dispenses water perfectly, and by morning there is no trace of swelling on the face or body. If you drink the prescribed 8 glasses of sassi water per day, then you can forget about the lack of fluid. It seems to me that while drinking water, my digestion has improved, and the feeling of heaviness after eating has disappeared. But that's where all the positives end. I wasn’t able to lose that much weight, it’s good if I lost a couple of kilos, but not thanks to water, but to proper nutrition, which I’m mastering with grief. It doesn't really work as a way to lose weight.

Regular soft drink

The vaunted Sassi water, which supposedly should deal with the excesses of the figure in no time, is in fact a banal soft drink that quenches thirst well, but that’s all. Periodically stumbling across advertisements on the Internet for a miraculous drink that even a junior high school student could prepare, I was seduced by the simplicity of the recipe and the promised effect. Fortunately, any housewife can find all the ingredients: cucumber, ginger, cucumber, lemon and mint leaves. And there is as much water in the tap as you want. I mixed the ingredients, let it brew and started the water diet.
I drank two liters a day for two weeks, as prescribed. At the same time, again according to the instructions, I ate fractionally, in small portions, but often. Well, what can I say - the drink is unique, the taste is specific, spicy and sour, it quenches thirst well, especially if stored in the refrigerator. But this, alas, is all the advantages. More precisely, Sassi water, in terms of its effect on the body with fractional nutrition, is no fundamentally different from simple drinking water. Which is also recommended to drink in the amount of two liters. And which also helps remove excess lipids from the body when losing weight. Except that for the first two or three days it acted like a diuretic on me, and then, apparently, my body got used to it.

Good remedy

Sassi water is very easy to prepare, for me personally. I took 2 liters of water (I took bottled water), cut 1 lemon, 1 cucumber into pieces, grated ginger root on a fine grater to make 1 teaspoon and added mint. I noticed that if I added more ginger, the water turned out to be too bitter and I don’t like it that way. And I put these ready-made 2 liters in a dark place overnight so that my cocktail could infuse. It takes about 12 hours.
In the morning I filtered and drank these 2 liters throughout the day. The taste is of course nuclear, but what can you do to fit into your favorite dress. I can note that after taking this cocktail I feel less hungry and I began to feel more alert than before. However, drinking 2 liters of this water a day was difficult for me at first. I just couldn’t get that much liquid into me. Then it became easier. My bowel movements have also improved. I used to have constipation. And the skin on my face became cleaner, acne disappeared. It's hard to drink, but the effect is good. Plus, I also limited myself in food and eventually got rid of 5 extra kg. Now I make this cocktail 2 times a week to consolidate the results. You need to get used to the taste and then this cocktail will seem even tasty.

The result is almost zero

I heard rave reviews about “Sassi water” and wanted to try it too. The recipe is simple, it doesn’t require a lot of money or time, and the principle itself, when you drink water and lose weight, seems tempting. As always, what seems simple does not help.
This means that all you need is 8 glasses of water, a teaspoon of grated ginger, cucumber and lemon, cut into thin slices and a few mint leaves. An extremely affordable recipe. All this is mixed in a container, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator overnight.
The next day, you should gradually drink the resulting mixture, and prepare a new one in the evening. And so on for 4 days.
There are no food restrictions. I think the whole effect is that when you drink a lot of water with a tonic effect, your appetite is dulled. I actually ate less than usual during these four days. The feeling is strange. The reviews write a lot about the refreshing effect, the extraordinary lightness and other joys, but I did not feel any changes in my well-being, neither negative nor positive.
The water is not very tasty, I must say, and I don’t like ginger, I overpowered myself. After four days of torment, I weighed myself. Before starting the water “diet” I was 60 kg. Afterwards I became 59.5 kg. If this is the very promised weight loss, then it is not worth it. On the third day, severe redness began on the legs and arms, they did not go away for several days, in addition, they became larger.
I assumed that I was allergic to ginger, although I am not an allergy sufferer in life.
I immediately stopped drinking Sassi water, the redness went away in just a couple of days.
During the week that I drank Sassi water, I had absolutely no changes in weight: I didn’t even lose 100 grams, the volume remained the same.
For me, this water turned out to be a completely useless method, and even one that provoked allergies. It’s better to just drink a lot of clean water, the effect will obviously be better.

Any nutritionist will confirm the fact that the basis of successful weight loss is a competent adjustment of the usual diet and the inclusion of regular feasible physical activity. Without this approach, it is unlikely that you will be able to quickly get rid of extra pounds, but with the help of various auxiliary means you can significantly facilitate and speed up the process of losing weight. One of these natural fat burning products, which is aimed at improving metabolism, is the magical Sassi water, which contains only a few simple and affordable ingredients.

What is Sassi water

The creator of this effective fat-burning cocktail is the famous American nutritionist Cynthia Sass. She, like all other nutritionists in the world, claims that the speed and effectiveness of weight loss largely depend on the amount of fluid consumed. Water is the basis of the human body, and this natural system can function normally only if it is sufficiently filled with life-giving moisture. The mandatory daily amount of clean water consumed for an ordinary person is at least 2 liters.

If a person is overweight and plans to lose weight, then Cynthia Sass considers it advisable to follow the usual drinking regime, but at the same time replace ordinary water with a fat-burning cocktail, which will help improve metabolism, and, as a result, lose weight easier and faster. Sassi water contains 5 components: raw ginger root, fresh cucumber, lemon, mint and clean drinking water. The plant components of the drink are crushed in a certain way, filled with water and kept in the refrigerator overnight.

Sassi water for weight loss

The Sassi fat-burning cocktail has a rich chemical composition, because each of its main components is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are indispensable for maintaining the normal functioning of the human body and improving health. The miraculous properties of ginger root, lemon juice, cucumber and mint individually have been known since ancient times, and together these plant components can:

  • increase vitality, give vigor, stimulate a surge of energy;
  • break down fats, speed up metabolism;
  • reduce appetite, suppress obsessive hunger during severe dietary restrictions;
  • reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • improve the functioning of all internal organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • normalize intestinal motility, level out gas formation processes;
  • remove waste and toxins from the body.

If we talk about the individual properties of each of the components of the Sassi drink aimed at losing weight, then:

  • ginger is the main fat-burning ingredient; due to its natural pungency, it stimulates digestion, blocks fat absorption processes, and helps cleanse the body of accumulated food debris;
  • cucumber is a vegetable that is 95% moisture and contains virtually no calories, but has a mild diuretic effect and the ability to activate the process of removing heavy metal salts from the body;
  • lemon - the natural acids in this sunny citrus not only saturate the body with various vitamins and minerals, but also prevent excess carbohydrates from food from turning into fat deposits on the body;
  • mint is an excellent natural antidepressant that has a pronounced calming effect, perfectly reduces appetite, and helps to completely cleanse the body of harmful metabolic products.

Sassi water recipe for weight loss

There are several options for preparing a natural cocktail to accelerate fat burning according to Cynthia Sass’s method. The basis always remains the classic recipe, but if desired, you can add not only lemon, but also orange to the Sassi drink or replace it with lime, and in addition to mint, add other aromatic herbs to the magic water - sage, verbena, thyme, etc. A mandatory condition for storing the drink for Its maximum effectiveness in losing weight is at a low temperature (in the refrigerator), and for every day you need to prepare a new, fresh portion of water.

Classic recipe

  • Time: 7 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2.2 kcal per 100 ml.
  • Cuisine: dietary.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you are just going to try the miraculous fat-burning cocktail Sassi, adopt the basic classic recipe for the drink. You can prepare it on the basis of purified drinking water, but the result in losing weight and improving the health of the body will be maximum if, to prepare the Sassi drink, water enriched with minerals is used - spring water or still mineral water, or even better - melt water.


  • fresh ginger root – 20-25 g;
  • large cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • peppermint – 10-12 leaves;
  • purified water – 2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the ginger root and chop it into shavings using a fine grater.
  2. Wash the cucumber and cut into thin slices.
  3. Cut the lemon into thin slices.
  4. Tear the mint leaves and crush them a little with your hands.
  5. Place all components in a jug of suitable volume or a three-liter glass jar and fill with prepared water. Keep in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

With orange

  • Time: 4 minutes.
  • Servings: 8 glasses.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1.9 kcal per 100 ml.
  • Purpose: for weight loss.
  • Cuisine: dietary.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you don't like the sour taste of a fat-burning drink with lemon, prepare Sassi water with another citrus, such as orange, grapefruit or tangerine pulp. This cocktail also significantly improves metabolism and stimulates the rapid breakdown of subcutaneous fat, and also perfectly quenches thirst on hot summer days and saturates the body with useful substances.


  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • mint – 2 sprigs 4-5 cm long;
  • sage (optional) – 3-4 leaves;
  • water – 2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the orange under the tap, dry it, cut into thin slices.
  2. Place the leaves of aromatic herbs, lightly rubbed with your hands, and the chopped orange into a glass container, add water, and stir.
  3. Let the drink brew for half an hour, covered, and then put it in the refrigerator overnight.


  • Time: 26 minutes.
  • Servings: 8 glasses.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2.1 kcal per 100 ml.
  • Purpose: for weight loss.
  • Cuisine: dietary.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Sassi water with cinnamon has a pronounced fat-burning effect, to which you can add a little natural honey to soften the taste. This delicious drink is not only an effective means of losing weight, but also an excellent immune stimulant. Cinnamon and honey, in combination with the main components of the famous Sassi cocktail, help speed up the fat burning process, help normalize the digestive system, and have a positive effect on the nervous system.


  • fresh ginger – 20-25 g;
  • lemon or lime – 1 pc.;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • mint – 4-5 leaves;
  • ground cinnamon – 4 tsp;
  • natural honey – 8 tsp;
  • boiled water – 2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the cinnamon into a suitable container, pour boiling water over it, and leave until cool.
  2. Wash the citrus and cucumber and cut into small slices.
  3. Peel the ginger root and cut into thin slices.
  4. When the liquid becomes slightly warm, add honey, mint leaves, slices of lemon, cucumber, ginger.
  5. Stir thoroughly and refrigerate for at least 8 hours.

No mint

  • Time: 6 minutes.
  • Servings: 8 glasses.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2 kcal per 100 ml.
  • Purpose: for weight loss.
  • Cuisine: dietary.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If in winter you cannot find fresh aromatic mint leaves, you can prepare a miraculous fat-burning drink without this component. It is better not to use dried pharmaceutical mint herb because although it will add a faint aroma to the cocktail, it will not impart all the beneficial properties to the water. Sassi water without mint is suitable for weight loss during the cold season and also has a pronounced effect in burning fat.


  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • fresh grated ginger – 1 tbsp. with a slide;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • water – 2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the lemon and cucumber under the tap, cut into thin slices along with the peel.
  2. Place in a jug or jar, add grated ginger, stir.
  3. Fill everything with cold water, stir, refrigerate until the next morning.

How to drink correctly

To get quick visible results in losing weight, you need to drink Sassi water for at least 2-3 weeks, dividing the entire daily volume of the drink into portions of 200-250 ml. To determine the daily volume of a fat-burning cocktail recommended by the author of the method, you should multiply your exact weight by a factor of 0.03 - the final number will be the amount of Sassi drink in liters that you need to drink per day. When taking this drink for weight loss, you should adhere to the following recommendations of a nutritionist:

  1. The first glass of water should be drunk on an empty stomach, then the same portion before each meal (half an hour before meals) and an hour after each meal.
  2. You cannot combine drinking the next portion of the drink with any meals - after mixing with gastric juices, Sassi water loses its fat-burning effect.
  3. You can drink a maximum of 1 glass of drink at a time, no more than 4 liters per day, so as not to unnecessarily burden the kidneys and heart, and also to avoid stretching the stomach.
  4. The last glass of Sassi cocktail should be taken no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, so as not to provoke the appearance of morning swelling.
  5. It is not necessary to have the components of a fat-burning cocktail, so you can strain Sassi water before drinking.

There are several variations of using this drink for weight loss. Can:

  • completely replace drinking water and other drinks (juices, tea, coffee) in your usual diet with a cocktail according to the method of Cynthia Sass;
  • regularly carry out fasting days (drink only a fat-burning drink all day long or drink a cocktail in parallel with one of their effective mono-diets);
  • go on a low-calorie diet, originally developed by an American nutritionist to get rid of the “fat apron” and reduce waist size.


On the Internet you can find many positive reviews about the magical effect of Sassi fat-burning water for weight loss. The most effective way to combat excess weight according to Cynthia Sass’s method is to combine drinking the drink with a low-calorie diet. This nutrition system is designed for a month and begins with a quick 4-day start. These days you need to drink at least two liters of water daily, give up fatty, salty, and spicy foods. By the end of the stage, it is worth partially reducing the size of your usual portions and reconsidering your eating habits.

The second stage of the diet also lasts 4 days and involves reducing the daily caloric intake to 1400 kcal in parallel with the consumption of the Sassi cocktail in an amount calculated by the formula: weight in kg multiplied by 0.03. At this stage, you will also have to give up sweet, floury, starchy, and caffeine-containing foods. After going through the first two stages of the diet for 2-3 weeks, you should continue to eat right, while drinking the right amount of Sassi cocktail every day and not raising the daily calorie intake above 1600 calories.

When following the Sassi diet, your diet menu can include:

  • different types of fish and all seafood;
  • lean meat (chicken, beef, rabbit, lean pork);
  • dairy products with a small percentage of fat content;
  • green vegetables;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • eggs, cottage cheese, low-fat varieties of hard cheese;
  • nuts, seeds, dried fruits;
  • cereals, pasta from durum wheat;
  • whole wheat bread.

To relieve the digestive system as much as possible while following a diet, it is worth excluding from the list above foods that cause increased gas formation:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • apples;
  • grape.


Since Sassi water contains simple plant components, losing weight using this product is considered completely safe. If you decide to lose weight with this drink, it would be advisable to consult with your doctor about possible contraindications. At the first symptoms of malaise due to taking a fat-burning cocktail or a decrease in daily caloric intake, immediately stop the diet. Drinking Sassi drink is strictly contraindicated:

  • people who are allergic to the components of the cocktail;
  • patients with renal failure and gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by high acidity (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, reflux esophagitis, etc.);
  • for any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers.


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