Home Salads and snacks What to add to a biscuit for taste. Correct serving of the product to the table. Cooking process according to the classic recipe

What to add to a biscuit for taste. Correct serving of the product to the table. Cooking process according to the classic recipe

I won’t hide the fact that the sponge cake according to this recipe, which I will share today, is my favorite. It turns out tall, fluffy, when preparing it you do not need to divide the eggs into whites and yolks (as in a classic sponge cake), and the result is always amazing - fluffy airy cakes that can be used for a cake or eaten just like that, with milk.

I collected bit by bit the advice, secrets and mysteries of respected confectioners, repeated them, studied, tested, tried and... still achieved the desired goal. A fluffy sponge cake for 4 eggs that always works out - this is my discovery that I will share today!

Delicious sponge cake for 4 egg cake:

  • Chicken eggs (CO) - 4 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 200 g.
  • Premium wheat flour - 200 g.
  • Baking powder - 1 heaped teaspoon

How to bake:

The biscuit dough mixes very quickly, so immediately turn on the oven to preheat at 180 C.

Break the eggs into a wide bowl in which the dough will be kneaded. Let me remind you that we will beat both yolks and whites together. But if you have a weak mixer or don’t have one at all, do this: first turn the whites into a fluffy foam with half the amount of granulated sugar according to the recipe, and then beat the yolks with the remaining sugar. Stir in the protein foam at the very end (after adding flour).

So, all four eggs are beaten, turn on the mixer first at low speed, then gradually increase to maximum. Beat until the eggs become fluffy foam - and only then add granulated sugar in a thin stream.

If your hand is not yet trained to add in a thin stream, and you are afraid that it will break and all the sugar will be added at once, it is better to take a tablespoon, place a container with sugar next to it and add by the tablespoon.

There is no need to turn off the mixer while adding sugar, since granulated sugar should not settle to the bottom.

Distributing evenly throughout the egg mass, sugar helps it turn into a thick, light foam. Look at the photo to see how the egg-sugar mixture should lighten.

Now add 1 teaspoon of baking powder to the flour and sift it into the bowl with the dough. Before sifting, be sure to take a spatula and mix the flour and baking powder. Whether the biscuit rises evenly in the oven will depend on how evenly the baking powder is distributed in the flour.

You need to be careful with flour - if you add too much, the finished biscuit will be too dense.

Add flour in parts, in three approaches. Each time after adding flour, mix the ingredients with upward movements, as if you were lifting the dough in layers. When adding flour, we do not use a mixer, only a spatula or wooden spoon.

Now pour the dough into a prepared form (you need to grease it with a piece of butter and sprinkle it with flour, shake off the excess). Tap on the counter several times to distribute the dough evenly from the middle to the edges. You can sharply rotate the shape clockwise for the same purpose.

My mold has a diameter of 18 cm, the height of the finished sponge cake is 6 -6.5 cm.

The biscuit is baked in the oven for 30-35 minutes at a temperature of 180 C. As a rule, all ovens differ in their power, so focus on the ruddy color and a dry wooden stick.

It is very important to preheat the oven! The dough contains a lot of air and in order to keep it inside, the walls of the sponge cake must begin to bake immediately. If you put the pan with the dough in a cold oven, the air bubbles will have time to escape from the dough, and the baked goods will turn out low and dense.

The surface of the finished biscuit should spring back when you press on it with your finger. If the biscuit “fails”, the hole left by the finger is not restored, which means that the biscuit is not ready yet, it needs additional time. The oven must not be opened for the first 25 minutes, otherwise the baked goods will settle.

Cool the finished sponge cake in the mold for 10 minutes, then run it along the sides of the mold (describe a circle) so that the cake is easier to separate from the springform pan, release the sponge cake and turn it upside down onto a wire rack. Thus, if a lump has formed on top of the baked goods, it will smooth out, and in the finished cake all the cake layers will be smooth and beautiful.

After cooling completely on a wire rack, wrap the biscuit in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Thanks to this cunning technique, the remaining moisture from the sponge cake does not come out, but is evenly distributed over the entire baking surface, making the sponge cake juicier.

Despite cooling in film, the sponge cake according to this recipe turns out to be quite dry (unlike, for example, those that contain oil, such as the classic chiffon sponge cake). To assemble the cake, it is better to soak it in syrup from canned peaches or sugar syrup (cook the amount you need based on the proportion of 6 tablespoons water and 4 tablespoons sugar).

A sponge cake from a mold with a diameter of 18 cm can easily be cut into three layers (but today I decided to cut it into two). Make a layer of your favorite cream, let it soak a little, and your homemade cake is ready for tea!

To decorate the cake, I used homemade apple marshmallows that I made myself, as well as marshmallows and confectionery sprinkles. The cake turned out tender and very tasty.

Pieces of canned peaches are added to the layer of cake between the fluffy biscuits.

Biscuit crumb goes well with sour cream, butter creams and fruits.

You and your loved ones will love this sponge cake as fluffy as a cloud!

The best base for a cake is a simple sponge cake with 4 eggs, which does not contain baking powder, soda, or any other additives).

I make this sponge cake very often, cutting the cake layers and soaking them in cream, syrups, or adding candied fruits and nuts to the dough.

Simple biscuit recipe:

  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Flour - 120 g.
  • Sugar - 120 g.

How to bake

1. Set the oven to preheat to 200 C.
2. Separate the whites from the yolks.
3. Let's start beating the yolks: add 2/3 of the sugar, beat until a fluffy white mass that will be stretchy. The grains of sugar should melt and not be felt to the touch.

4. Beat the whites into a fluffy foam (when turning the container with whipped whites over, they should be so well beaten that they do not spill out of the dish). Only then add the remaining sugar and continue beating until shiny.

On a note! When beating egg whites for biscuit and other airy doughs, it is important not to overdo it with beating - you should get a dense mass, but air bubbles with fairly dense walls that will not burst in the oven after expansion.

5. Add the sifted flour to the yolks with sugar, mix gently.
6. Add the whipped whites to the dough, stirring the dough as carefully as possible, trying not to lose air.

7. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with flour.
8. Place the dough in the mold and put it in the oven.
9. During baking, do not open the oven to avoid the sponge cake falling off. After 20 minutes, check the readiness with a wooden stick (by piercing it in the center of the sponge cake); if it is dry, the simple sponge cake is ready!

Do not remove the finished biscuit from the oven immediately; let it stand for 10 minutes in the switched off (but still hot) oven to avoid falling.

Turn the cake over onto a wire rack so that it releases moisture evenly as it cools. A little secret: it is better to turn the biscuit upside down, in this case both the top and bottom of the biscuit will become even.

A well-cooled sponge cake should sit for 8-12 hours before being used as a cake layer.

Using sponge dough you can make a delicious Turtle cake. Try this simple recipe and practice making a sponge cake.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Dear readers and guests of my blog!
Thank you very much for your feedback and questions that you send me in response to recipes.
I will try to answer the most frequently asked of them:

How to beat yolks with sugar into white cream? What to do if grains are still felt?

To speed up the beating, you can place the container with the yolk mixture in a bowl of warm water.
And the sugar will melt faster, and the whipping will also proceed at a completely different speed.

What to do if you can’t properly incorporate the whites into the dough? The airiness is lost if you mix and achieve homogeneity of the dough.

Don't worry about the dough losing airiness after adding the proteins. She will get lost in any case, the most important thing is that she does not get lost completely.

Help with advice! The sponge cake in the mold “fits” unevenly: it rises in a slide in the middle, but does not rise at the edges. I read on the Internet that you don’t need to grease the pan, then the cake will rise evenly. Is it so?

I recommend greasing the pan and dusting it with flour: in this case, the cake rises in a mound, but when you take it out of the oven, the sponge cake settles a little and you need to turn it upside down onto a wire rack to get a flat surface.

But if you do not grease the side walls of the mold, the sponge cake will also rise in a mound, and after cooling, the middle will fall a little and the sponge cake will become even. You can only remove it from the mold after carefully cutting it in a circle with a knife.

I hope that the recipe for a simple sponge cake will help you out many times both before the holidays and in everyday life!

Another version of a quick sponge cake from the master in the TV program “Tasty Stories”.

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For anyone, especially a novice housewife, baking a biscuit is akin to a good test, which not everyone manages to pass the first time. It didn’t rise, turned into an incomprehensible piece of rubber, got burnt or doesn’t look like itself at all - it’s all about the biscuit; it turns out that this is a rather capricious dough that requires special treatment.

Chefs and confectioners of past centuries unanimously argued that the most important and important rule for a good biscuit recipe is a good mood and faith that everything will work out! That's how unusual it is.

What exactly is a biscuit? After all, in fact, many desserts are created from it, it can be decorated with a variety of berries, and also supplemented with other goodies, you can even sprinkle it with powdered sugar and the product is ready to eat.

All modern culinary reference books agree that this is bread, the ingredients of which are eggs, flour and sugar. It seems that everything is so simple, and really, what’s so complicated about it - follow the step-by-step recipe, do everything quickly and smoothly, after which, before you know it, a beautiful, airy and incredibly tasty sponge cake will appear on your dinner table. That’s how it is, but there are some nuances, without knowing which it is difficult to get the desired biscuit in its ideal form and taste.

So, let's try to figure out how to properly prepare a fluffy sponge cake. In general, most often, biscuit dough has only two most common cooking options: warm and cold technology.

As you might guess, in the version with cold dough it is kneaded without heating, and warm dough is constantly heated to a certain temperature during the kneading process.

In addition to technology, sponge dough can differ in filling and some ingredients, for example, butter or nut sponge cake, where butter and nuts are added accordingly.

Classic biscuit dough recipe

This version of the sponge cake is the most popular and widespread, because it is easy to make cakes or cakes from it; you just need to soak it in any cream or syrup, and every time you will get a new and incredibly tasty recipe. To prepare it you will need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 100 g flour;
  • a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Pre-sift the flour to enrich it with oxygen, repeat the procedure 2-3 times. We also do not forget that it is necessary to prepare in advance; it is better if it is detachable. Lightly grease it with soft butter and dust it with flour on top. Next we move on to the test itself.

Don’t forget that the container in which the biscuit dough will be prepared must be perfectly clean and dry.

We separate the whites from the yolks, and we carry out this procedure very carefully so that drops of the yolk do not get into the whites, otherwise the latter will be very difficult to beat to the required state.

Pour the yolks into a container and begin to beat them, preferably with a mixer, since with its help you will do it much faster than by hand. The yolks should increase in volume three times, after which they will begin to resemble a rather thick yellowish mass.

Whip the whites in a separate bowl until a light white foam forms, which should increase in volume by 4-5 times. After the yolks have reached the required temperature, add half the sugar and beat until it is completely crushed in the mixture. Pour the second half into the protein, where we also grind it completely at the highest speed of the mixer.

Add 1/3 of the whipped whites to the yolks, mix gently from bottom to top, after which we begin to slowly add sifted flour to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly, avoid sudden movements, everything is kneaded smoothly. After this, add the rest of the whipped whites and mix everything carefully.

Now pour the finished dough into the mold, it should take up approximately 2/3 of the entire height, do not forget that when baking the correct sponge cake should rise another 1.5 times. The dough is baked in a preheated oven for about 35 minutes at 180°. The sponge cake is usually served chilled, so allow it to cool after baking.

Secrets of making biscuit dough

  • In fact, the sequence of actions throughout the cooking process is very important; first, the eggs must be beaten, and they must be at room temperature, then sugar is added, and only lastly, flour, with careful and smooth movements.
  • The flour must be sifted. Only then will it be enriched with oxygen, and the biscuit will turn out airy.
  • When adding flour, the mixing process itself is important. It is poured into the egg-sugar mixture gradually, at this time you need to knead everything with a mixer at minimum speed for 15-20 seconds. If you wait too long, the sponge cake runs the risk of becoming too dense. By the way, experienced chefs advise kneading the flour with your hands (about 2 minutes), but let’s face it, this requires a certain skill, without which the dough will definitely lose its airiness and lightness.
  • Some culinary publications recommend adding starch to flour, especially if a heated sponge cake recipe is involved. This is not an acquired taste; usually, with its addition, the finished product crumbles less and turns out to be quite porous, which gives the sponge cake an airy feel.
  • Remember that preparing a sponge cake is a quick process, you shouldn’t sit idle for a minute, as soon as you pour it into the mold, immediately put it in the oven. Remember that the biscuit dough can settle under anything, even if you slam the oven door loudly. Be careful and careful. And one more thing - do not look into the oven for the first 25 minutes, even if you really want to, because you risk ruining everything.
  • Biscuit recipes can be very diverse, and there are even more ways to bake it - in a slow cooker, in a frying pan or in the oven. The main thing is to remember that you must follow a strict procedure and then you will definitely succeed.

A failed biscuit and how not to repeat past mistakes

If after baking you notice that your cake is only rising in certain areas, then your oven is most likely not heating evenly. If the biscuit begins to actively burn from below, then place a container of water at the bottom of the oven, and if on top, then add an additional baking sheet on top. To allow the biscuit to finish baking, leave it in the oven for another 10-15 minutes after baking, and only then remove it from the pan.

To determine whether the product is completely ready, press the biscuit lightly with your finger; if it is ready, there should be no dent left on it, and when pierced with a toothpick, it should remain dry and clean. To prevent the biscuit from crumbling and choking, it is best to cut it with a regular string.

The step-by-step recipe for a classic sponge cake given in this article can be used to make cakes, pastries and other various desserts. Despite a very simple set of ingredients, the sponge cake turns out very beautiful, porous and tasty.

The preparation is simple and can be done by any housewife. Using this recipe and step-by-step photos of the cooking process, you can prepare a wonderful, fluffy and very tasty classic sponge cake. Next, cutting it into several cake layers, soaking it with impregnation and coating it, you will get a wonderful cake for the festive table.

To get started, check out a few simple tips for making the perfect fluffy sponge cake.

To ensure that the biscuit always turns out successful and fluffy, you need to follow a few simple rules:

- always maintain the correct proportions of ingredients;

- all products used must be at the same temperature. Better if slightly chilled;

- sift the flour several times - this will enrich it with oxygen and the cake will turn out fluffy;

- Be sure to separate the eggs. Beat the whites and yolks separately. Add the ingredients to the yolk mixture, and then carefully fold in the whites;

- the baking dish must be properly prepared, covered with baking paper or greased and lightly sprinkled with flour;

- place the biscuit in a preheated oven and do not open the door during the first half of the baking time. Otherwise the cake may settle;

- it is much easier to remove the biscuit from the mold when it is hot. To make this easier, place the hot pan on a wet towel and after 3-4 minutes you can remove the baked goods;

- if you are preparing a cake, then soak and coat the sponge cake with cream 6-8 hours after baking.

By following these simple rules, your baked goods will always delight you.

Lush classic sponge cake in the oven

To prepare a classic sponge cake in the oven you need:

  • Chicken eggs - 6 pcs;
  • Wheat flour - 230 grams;
  • Granulated sugar - 180 grams of sugar;
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • Vanilla or vanilla extract;
  • A pinch of salt.

First, separate the whites from the yolks. Do this in any way convenient for you. The main thing is to do this very carefully and not allow a drop of yolk to get into the whites.

Add salt to the whites; one small pinch will be enough. Beat the whites with a mixer at medium speed or a blender with a special attachment.

When the whites become quite fluffy, add half the sugar and continue beating. Beat until the so-called “stable peaks”.

Well-beaten whites should remain in place when the bowl is tilted.

Beat with a mixer until the yolk mass increases in volume and lightens.

Next, add the beaten whites to the yolks and mix gently. You need to mix slowly from bottom to top.

Add baking powder to the flour and sift through a fine sieve. Add flour with baking powder to the protein mass, sifting through the sieve again. Add flour gradually, in three to four stages, stirring gently. While mixing, add vanilla extract or vanillin. Do not knead the dough for a long time so that it does not turn out watery and does not lose its airy structure. Stir until smooth.

Take a springform cake pan with a diameter of 22 centimeters and line it with baking paper. First, cover the bottom of the mold with a piece of paper and assemble the mold. Grease the sides of the mold with a little water so that the paper sticks better, and lay out the paper. You can also do without baking paper, using a simpler traditional method: grease the pan with butter and sprinkle with flour.

Place the dough into the prepared pan. You can divide the dough into several parts and bake two or three cakes separately, or lay out all the dough and bake one cake, then cut it into the required number of cakes, the choice is up to you. We will bake one cake. Slightly smooth the surface of the dough in the mold and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 35 minutes.

Check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden stick or toothpick. When inserted into the middle of the biscuit, it should come out dry and clean, this indicates that the biscuit is well baked.
Leave the biscuit in the oven with the door slightly open for about ten minutes so that it does not settle and cools slightly.

Remove the cake from the pan, carefully remove the baking paper and allow it to cool completely.

After cooling completely, wrap the biscuit in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for several hours. This is done to make your biscuit more tender and moist. It is better to bake the biscuit in the evening and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. To give the cake a more even surface, before putting it in the refrigerator, you can lightly press the biscuit wrapped in film with a cutting board.

Cut the sponge cake into three equal thickness pieces and you will have a wonderful spongy three-layer cake.
Or you can grind it into crumbs and cook it.

We hope that you liked the classic sponge cake recipe, and you will prepare it and delight your guests and loved ones.

If you want to know how to cook, follow the link.

Have a good mood and happy baking.

Biscuit translated from Italian means “twice baked.” A classic sponge cake is made from flour, sugar and eggs. A delicious sponge cake recipe may also contain cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, chocolate, etc. Preparing a sponge cake, as a rule, does not take much time. It is for the speed of preparation and excellent results that many housewives love to prepare biscuit dough. Products made from it are lush and delicate. Baking biscuits can be very diverse. There are sponge cakes for cakes, rolls, pastries, etc.

How to make a sponge cake? A simple biscuit recipe, however, has some cooking features. It is the well-beaten egg whites and yolks with sugar and flour that give the baking its splendor. The quality of the biscuit largely depends on the freshness of the eggs, as well as on the temperature of all the ingredients included in the composition. The duration of whipping and baking mode play an equally important role. Our recipes will tell you how to prepare a biscuit. Preparing sponge cake at home will not be difficult if you follow all the cooking rules. To obtain the fluffiest and most tender sponge cake, it is recommended to carefully separate the yolks from the whites so that they do not mix. Egg whites are less susceptible to whipping if they contain yolk or fat.

There are many biscuit recipes. The dough recipe may include grated lemon or orange zest, vanilla sugar, cocoa powder, chopped nuts, poppy seeds, raisins and other fillings. They must first be mixed with flour. You can add sour cream and kefir to the classic sponge cake, the recipe of which consists of eggs, sugar and flour. Sponge cake with sour cream and sponge cake with kefir are even more delicious and fluffy than the classic one. The recipe for sponge cake with sour cream will not cause you any difficulties. Chocolate sponge cake, the recipe of which includes cocoa powder, is especially popular among children who require preparing chocolate sponge cake regularly. We recommend making a very popular sponge cake with apples – charlotte. You can even try making a sponge cake without eggs - using vegetable oil and soda solution.

Cakes are baked from biscuit dough. The sponge cake recipe can be found on our website. The combination of sponge cake with various creams, fresh berries, fruits and nuts allows you to get a variety of delicious confectionery products. An important component for such sweet products is biscuit cream. The biscuit cream recipe may include cottage cheese or chocolate. Curd biscuit may contain cottage cheese both as a filling and as a component of the dough.

How to cook a biscuit? You can use two ways to prepare this delicacy - cold and hot. Beat egg whites only in completely clean containers without traces of fat. If the whites are not whipped well, they need to be cooled. You need to beat the whites until a stable foam forms. Overly beaten egg whites with small bubbles cause the dough to shrink during baking. The yolk must be ground white with sugar and whipped until foam forms. Mix the whites and yolks immediately, adding flour at the same time.

Cooking the sponge cake warm speeds up the process. How to make a sponge cake using the hot method? In a water bath at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. You can immediately beat the eggs with sugar. This sponge cake turns out denser and more crumbly than a cold-cooked sponge cake. It is best to beat the resulting mass in an electric mixer, but you can also beat it by hand. The finished dough should be immediately poured into special molds and baking should begin immediately.

How to bake a biscuit? A delicate structure and thin crust are obtained only if the sponge cake is baked correctly. Bake the biscuit over even medium heat. Do not open the oven while baking. But the finished biscuit needs to be left in the open oven for a while. This is done so that it does not fall off. A freshly baked sponge cake does not cut well, so it is advisable to let it sit for about a day after baking.

How to bake a sponge cake quickly? You can also cook the sponge cake in the microwave. This method is simpler than the previous one. The dough itself is a bit dry, so you need impregnation for the sponge cake. You can use chocolate, various syrups or alcohol as impregnation.

Prepare a sponge cake! Recipes with photos on our website will tell you how to do it correctly.

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