Home Dessert Why is the liver soaked in milk? Liver stewed in milk

Why is the liver soaked in milk? Liver stewed in milk

Delicious and tender dishes from this offal can be easily prepared if you soak the liver correctly. It is considered a product of the highest category after meat, due to its nutritional value and pronounced taste. The better the offal is processed, the more delicious the intended dish will turn out from it, so always cook the liver only after it is well prepared. The secret of this processing method is that, due to its loose porous structure, the liver absorbs well the spices and salt with which it is soaked. It also becomes softer with this processing, which makes it very tasty. By the way, fast food delivery is now available to everyone!

How to soak liver in milk

Traditionally, the liver is soaked in milk, as milk makes it soft. Be sure to soak the beef liver in milk before cooking to also remove any remaining bile from the ducts.

It is best to soak the liver in warm milk with added salt to taste and spices. To do this, the liver needs to be cut into portions, the same way you will cook it, and pour milk over it. Leave for 2 hours, after which the milk must be drained and you can further prepare according to the recipe.

How to soak pork liver

Pork liver is tasty and inexpensive, even cheaper than chicken liver. It is very easy to prepare, because it is great for preparing the filling for pies, for meatballs, and is good simply fried with onions.

How to soak pork liver to remove its specific taste? You should cut it into pieces and soak in water with salt and spices. You will be surprised, but this offal turns out to be especially tasty if you add a pinch of cinnamon to the water. It will give the liver a very pleasant aroma, especially when frying, and will make the finished dish even tastier.

How to soak chicken liver

But with chicken, goose or other poultry liver, you don’t need to carry out any manipulations in advance and it’s great for cooking straight from the package. But if you still want to soak the liver, add spices and salt to the water to make the dish especially tasty.

Do I need to soak the liver before cooking?

Many housewives ask the question whether it is necessary to soak the liver before stewing, frying or boiling it. We answer - if you cook it, you don’t need it, it will turn out soft enough anyway. You can soak the liver before stewing if you need to remove the bitter taste, this is typical for beef and pork.

Before frying, be sure to soak the liver in milk to make it very soft, especially if you need to cook the dish on the grill or in a frying pan. Delicious hot liver with onions is served with bread, but if it dries out, we know not to run to the store.

There was a time when we gathered in our kitchen every Friday. We ate and drank and played endless preference all night. And a whole camp and wild shouting watched the football, sitting on the floor in the hall, and the next most handsome one ran with a can of draft beer to the next pub. And all because there were a lot of us - 10 people, and all of them were good people, and practically the same age, and we all lived nearby - in two neighboring wooden cottages. And the doors in our houses did not close, because at any moment someone could come in just like that. And they celebrated all the holidays together, and got together just like that, and sang songs, and argued with the local police officer, and they all delivered the cat together, and together they participated in the family troubles of each house. And then almost everyone left for Russia in one year in search of a better life.
So one of them came from distant Kaliningrad to stay. Thinner, older, still single, and even with a stomach ulcer. The question arose before me of what to feed my dear guest. Fatty and fried foods are not allowed - diet No. 1. And I stewed a choice chicken liver with young boiled potatoes as a side dish.

Lightly sauté the onions in olive oil until translucent.
I cut the ducts off the chicken liver and soaked it in milk for half an hour. I poured out the milk. It was still not possible to drain everything - the liver was saturated. I added the liver to the onion and simmered it over low heat in its own liver-milk juice for about 35 minutes. I added salt at the very end, I didn’t add any spices, because the dish is dietary.
If we are preparing something like this for healthy people, then add the spices while sauteing the onions, and leave the onions longer. And then you can also add some white pepper.
And it turns out simple and gentle. And he eats with pleasure. And nothing remains.

The most amazing thing in this story was that by nightfall, three more of our former neighbors from the same company joined our feast. They, regardless of each other, arrived in Tashkent on the same day - some from Moscow, some from Minsk, and some from Krasnodar. And they came literally to the sounds of our voices rushing from the open window. And the kitchen was very crowded, fun and delicious. And we talked until the morning, and could not stop talking. And the huge dish of stewed liver was quickly empty. And I also cooked noodles, fortunately the broth and boiled chicken and, in fact, noodles were in stock. And I just had time to fill the kasushki, and thought that noodles were not quite a suitable dish for a gathering of this format. But it seemed to me that they didn’t care what to eat during such a conversation; if only they had something, it would be delicious.

Or cockroaches in your head? One of the most iron-containing foods, and most importantly, the absorption of iron from it is much greater than from plant foods... But the liver is a cleansing organ... Why is it bad? Or are they fairy tales... *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"


there are arguments that it is not tasty, but beef is delicious

I don't eat pork liver or pork itself. Turkey's liver is the most delicious - tender, sweet, quick to cook and large. But I don’t eat beef either - only small and stupid ones like birds, fish and rabbits.

They brought him, his heart, fear to look at, his liver (we usually only eat chicken). Please advise what to do to make it easy for the children to eat? *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"


one heart and one liver? It's not that much. Wash, cut off the vessels, if there is a lot of blood left in the heart, you can soak it in water for a couple of hours. Then simmer it all together and make either a pate or a filling for pancake pies. Grind everything together in a meat grinder, add vegetables as advised below, there will be less fuss than if you cook each separately. In general, we buy both for ourselves; I like stewed liver in cream or sour cream, cut into thin strips, with onions.

boil the heart, cut off the blood vessels, eat it as a sandwich

Squeeze the minced meat out of the sausages and add to the beef. Add breadcrumbs, beat in raw eggs, pour in a little olive oil, salt and pepper and mix well. Grind the chicken breasts in a food processor, add bread soaked in milk and well squeezed out, pistachios, lemon zest, ground coriander, a little olive oil, salt and pepper, knead thoroughly. Simmer the spinach leaves in boiling water for a couple of minutes, drain in a colander and let the water drain. Place the minced meat on a large sheet of baking paper and roll it out with a rolling pin into a rectangle approximately 1 cm thick. Cover the meat with spinach leaves. Place chicken on top in the middle along the long side...

NG - readiness No. 16. After 18:00 do not read!.


For dessert (it’s not a fact that I will cook it specifically for New Year’s Eve), but the recipe is simple and New Year’s :) so I’m sharing with the masses [link-1] - snow cookies from Chadeika. Only yolks are used there, and the whites, accordingly, can be put into meringue (especially if you have an electric oven).

And all with mayonnaise (((or butter...

Take school breakfast or lunch with you. Recipes for chicken and liver in a slow cooker and more


Many children will not eat chicken soufflé and other hash. The point is that it can be cracked cold? This is good when the child is here, mine doesn’t eat cold food: (In my opinion, the first dish can be called a “big chicken cutlet”, and the second meatballs will be chewed in the micra until the end of time. You’ll have to try the chicken with half the cottage cheese. On my own I want to suggest not torturing the roof, making regular chicken cutlets, freezing them - and steaming them with vegetables “as needed.” And in a thermos with a wide neck. My child will only agree to steam broccoli, and cherry tomatoes (although it’s strange to see cherry tomatoes with with a branch, in my opinion, this is a portioned plate, not a shared one, and it’s somehow strange to dump a kilogram of cherry tomatoes with a branch into a shared one, maybe they’re also unwashed :-)

Everything was great until I reached 2-3 tablespoons of brandy :-)

Let's talk about saving and eating?)).

Today, in the footsteps of yesterday and the day before yesterday, the topics of Good and Jaws, I decided to try to “live” on 1250 cash in my wallet and ancient leftovers in the refrigerator, among which: 200 grams of carpacci (or gazpaci, cured meat karoch), two small pieces of cheese - imperial Ichalka and leftovers sanctioned, purchased BEFORE the law on the destruction of Gruyere came into effect, 6 eggs, 1 cod fillet, 3 bell peppers, Crimean onions, country garlic, manaise, potatoes, a couple of beets and 1 lemon. I paid for food with a card...


It turned out well that way. Class!

Moreover, if you don’t buy dairy and turkey from farmers, it will be even more economical. But! There is a big but. cheap (up to 50 rubles) vegetables will soon, very soon run out. Milk and eggs will fly up, sausages have already flown away. Budget cereals and pasta will remain.

Family recipes. User Tillotam's blog on 7ya.ru

Today it hit me again about food :) Sorry that it’s late again :) I remembered family recipes, probably a little national. The first thing that came to mind was chicken soup with dumplings. In Russia, they are probably called dumplings. In almost cooked chicken soup, instead of noodles, add a spoonful of thick, sticky dough (flour, egg, salt, soda-vinegar and some water). These funny clouds quickly float up and grow three times in size. There is always a lot of greens in the soup. It's interesting that the husband and...

Help me figure it out! To characterize the baby, it can be humorous, or it can be completely humorous. I’m making a postcard for a friend who gave birth, at least I could write something for the other letters, even the Internet didn’t help with E...


1. Liver - lamb.
2. The pieces are small, a couple of cm in any dimension
3. Buy at least some fat tail.
4. String two pieces of liver, one piece of fat tail. You can eat the last one and throw it away later.
5. Fry - minimally. It’s better to experiment first, start from 1 minute on each side :)
6. Salt and a little red pepper (a mixture of sweet and hot) - after frying.

What for? I missed it a little and it was rubber.

Dukan again. Go...

Chicken soufflé. for 0.5 kg of minced chicken 1 or 2 eggs, finely chopped onion, sometimes chopped mushrooms, salt, pepper - mix everything, if you’re not too lazy I beat it with a mixer. I transfer it into molds, sprinkle a little grated low-fat cheese on top, and bake in the oven until golden brown, about 40 minutes at about 175 C.


Ginger-mint freshness

Ginger root 3-4 cm,
mint leaves,
cinnamon stick,
juice of half a lemon.

Mode: Ginger in thin strips, put mint and a cinnamon stick in a thermos and pour boiling water over it, add lemon juice.
I don’t even add sugar and it’s so delicious. In addition, it is very useful and improves metabolism. Enjoy your tea, by the way, it’s also delicious cold.

1 boiled egg,
1 large crab stick or 2 small ones,
half a can of tuna in its juice.

Finely chop the egg and crab stick into cubes, mash the tuna with a fork. Salt and pepper to taste. Season with Dukan mayonnaise.

More Dukan recipes (useful for life :)).

BAUZHENINA WITH MUSHROOMS [link-1] 1 kg of chicken fillet, 0.5 kg of champignons, pieces of dry paprika, pepper, salt to taste, a few cloves of garlic. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. Wash the mushrooms and chop them not very finely. Mix the meat, mushrooms, seasonings, paprika and garlic, stir vigorously so that everything is thoroughly mixed. We pack all this in a heat-resistant sleeve, tie it tightly and do not pierce it. Place in the oven for 40-45 minutes, temperature about 170*. You yourself will feel...


4 eggs,
1 can of tuna,
3 tsp. liquid curd 0%
2 tsp. mustard

Boil hard-boiled eggs. Let cool.
Cut each one in half. Remove the yolks. Set aside 4 egg whites.
In a bowl, crush 4 yolks and 4 whites with a fork, add cottage cheese, mustard and mix well.
In a separate bowl, crumble the canned tuna and add a few drops of vinegar.
Take whole whites and stuff them with the egg mixture, then place the tuna on top.

1 chicken breast,
1 egg,
0.5 glasses of milk,
salt and pepper.

Cut 1 chicken breast into pieces and puree in a blender until smooth, add 1 egg, about 0.5 cups of milk, salt and pepper. Beat with blender again.
Place the resulting homogeneous mass into silicone, ceramic or metal cake pans or cocotte makers.

You can bake it in the oven, but I prefer the mousse prepared in a double boiler - it is softer and more juicy.


I don’t even know how to write it. If I hadn’t seen it myself, I definitely wouldn’t have believed it. I went to see a friend about business (to hand over documents). She invited me to come in, chat a little and drink some tea. I don't mind. She has children - 1 year 7 months and 4 years. So here comes the most interesting thing - the little boy asked for a drink. She took out a bottle of Pepsi-Cola, poured it into a bottle and gave it to him. The child happily began to suck this liquid from the bottle. And as I immediately realized, this was not the first time he did this. And when she still...


Thank you all for your comments and helpful advice. I learned something interesting and useful for myself. Thank you!!!

1. Yes, I would say, and I would explain in a nutshell why. Next is up to mom.
2. Water only. Tea is not good for a child at a young age.
In general, I’m calm about everything in moderation, but if I put coke in that baby’s bottle, yes, it’s horror, horror, IMHO.

Cholesterol is found in animal products such as eggs, meat, dairy products and fish. In reasonable quantities, it is essential for metabolism. Only excess cholesterol creates health problems. In case of liver dysfunction or decreased intake of dietary fiber, 90% of cholesterol returns to the liver, increasing its dysfunction. Why does dysfunction occur? One of the causes of liver dysfunction may be the predominance of unhealthy saturated fats in food. In other words, fatty and high-calorie foods pose a great threat. Having entered the blood with food, fats accumulate in liver cells, which, like purifying filters, allow the blood to pass through. Drops of fat "settle" right inside...


Congratulations on “Jam” Day (according to Carlson)!!! 13 years is not a long time! But, nevertheless, it’s still age!!! I’m glad that the site’s birthday coincides with mine! True, I am “a little” older (53 years old), but I am very glad to communicate with you! SUCCESS!

Yes, we don’t mind, all organs need support when losing weight))) Especially if you sit on apples alone))) But it seems to me that you need to ask a specialist to prescribe pills, and not just take them anyhow.

Girls, maybe someone knows for sure... We are already more than 9 months old, and still have no teeth... The dentist at the appointment in early May said that the gums were all swollen, and there would be teeth soon. We wait and wait, but so far it’s useless. The eldest's first hatched at 8 months, but here's the thing... Until how many months should you worry? I read on the Internet that the norm is even in the year when the first ones appear. This is true? The nurse reassured me that there is not a single case in history where teeth did not appear :))) But maybe...

Are there such ways? :) For my taste, the purchased caviar was too salty. I don’t want to eat it; naturally, it’s a pity to throw it away. Is there anything that can be done to reduce salinity or is everything hopeless?


Caviar in a jar or what?
Where did you buy it?

I once watched a program on TV, they said that in Russia (in Moscow) they sell a lot of low-quality caviar that is dangerous to health, packaged and even prepared in an artisanal way by “traditional craftsmen” in dirty basements.

And they very often add salt in order to fight off the stale smell, and also to preserve a more or less marketable appearance for a longer time.

In short, properly prepared according to GOST, in factory conditions, caviar cannot be over-salted.

Thanks for the advice)
I tried rinsing some with milk and some with mineral water.
We managed to get rid of the oversaltness, but in the case of milk, the appearance of the caviar becomes not entirely appetizing, because... it slightly changes color from its usual to slightly milky orange, and the burst eggs become milky white))

I recently bought ready-made liver in some kind of breading for dinner at Perekrestok, I really liked it: it was soft, juicy, and the child ate it with pleasure. I HAVE NEVER HAPPENED IT THIS WAY (I roll it in flour and fry it with onions), or in sour cream sauce, tasty, but not the same. There is liver available, albeit pork. Share your experience of roasting it


The longer you keep the liver in the pan, the tougher it will be.
You need to fry it quickly.
I cut it into fairly thin slices, holding it for less than a minute on each side.
I don't put garlic.
Then I fry the onion in the same frying pan so that there is a liver flavor.
I mix it with the liver, add sour cream, fry it a little and it’s done.


I really don’t roll anything in flour at all, I just don’t like the taste. But why use liver?


I roll it in, I like the sauce afterwards, especially if it also contains fried onions

And I also make sure to beat it, add salt pepper to the flour, roll it in and fry it a little until the flour is lightly browned. Then cream for 10 minutes under the lid of medium heat and after turning off + garlic. All in all for 20 minutes. From long frying, the liver becomes callous. And I never fry pork because of the irremovable bitterness.

11/13/2010 14:48:43, Mar and me

How do you cook beef liver? Does it need to be soaked?


I don't soak. I clean (membranous films), cut thick, 1-1.5 cm long, 3-5 centimeters. I fry it over high heat in oil, literally lay it out one piece at a time and immediately turn it over to the other side for the second round. I make sure to add a lot of fried onions (I love them), then add salt, sprinkle with flour, stir, close with a lid and simmer over low heat for another 10-15 minutes. I check it periodically and remove it as soon as blood stops appearing on the cut. Moreover, the insides can be very red; they reach under the lid on their own. A minute more and it becomes tough
I cook chicken liver in exactly the same way, it turns out much more tender.

For what? I just cut out what seems superfluous to make it more tender, roll it in flour with nutmeg, salt and pepper - and put it in a frying pan. It is better to cut it thinner; to do this, cut it half-thawed, it will be smoother and thinner. Fry until it remains soft and juicy :)

If with onions and sour cream, then fry the onions separately, then pour in sour cream mixed with water, put the fried liver in there and heat, do not boil. The liver always makes me happy with musk nuts and a spoonful of cognac.

Features of the process of feeding aquarium fish: dry branded food, as well as the necessary additives of plant and animal origin.
...Improving the color of the fish. No more than 5%. Parsley, spinach, apple. No more than 2%. Onion. No more than 1%. Garlic or lemon juice. No more than 1%. Carrots, pumpkin and other vegetables. Cook for 5-8 minutes before adding. No more than 5%. Other additives: Beef liver. Rich source of active substances. In minced meat - no more than 5%. You can feed the fish simply with pieces of liver no more than once a week. Egg. Minced meat binding element. Food for dogs and cats. Should not contain feather meal. May cause intestinal inflammation. Spirulina. Dry and frozen fish food. Gamarus, daphnia, etc. As well as high-quality branded mixtures. No more than 10%. Ground eggshells. Source of minerals. Poorly digestible. Vitamins. 1-...

I turn to you for advice, I hope for your experience. There are a lot of people here who have been losing weight for a long time, I’ve been reading you for about a year. During this time, following numerous tips, I began to do the following: - for some reason I drink warm water with honey and lemon in the morning (about 2 weeks), I don’t feel any results. What could be the result here? -I stopped using regular sugar and salt and started using brown sugar (2 pieces per day) and sea salt. There is no result yet either. Can this really help you lose weight or is it self-deception...


I lost weight using your neighbor's method. This year - 2 years. What psychological problems can arise due to hypnosis?

I now love green salad: iceberg, romaine, fresh cucumber, dill, salt, olive oil. Sometimes I add fresh cabbage :)
and I save myself with frozen green beans and broccoli. Sometimes the tomatoes are cherry tomatoes, I don’t even look at others :(

It is recommended to stop breastfeeding until the radioactive substance is completely eliminated. When using radioactive agents, the radioactivity of milk remains from 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on the drug. Gold salts (drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis). Cause significant changes in the kidneys, liver, and allergic reactions. Lithium preparations (they are used to treat manic states). Cause muscle hypotension, dysfunction of the heart and kidneys. Androgen hormones are used for some gynecological diseases. They reduce lactation, cause virilization of girls (male-type development), and premature sexual development of boys. Contrace...
...Penicillins (penicillin, ampicillin, ampiox, amoxicillin amoxiclav, etc.), cephalosporins (cefazolin, zinnat, cefotaxime, fortum. ceftriaxone, maxipim, etc.), macrolides (erythromycin sumamed, vilprofen macropen, etc.), aminoglycosides ( netromycin, gentamicin, amikacin) are usually not contraindicated during breastfeeding. Penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides penetrate into milk in small quantities, so their toxicity to the child is low. Macrolides penetrate well into milk, but their use during breastfeeding is possible. There is a potential risk of developing complications associated with the occurrence of allergic reactions, disruption of the normal intestinal flora (diarrhea), and the proliferation of fungi (candidiasis - thrush). To prevent dysbiosis, it is recommended to prescribe a child...

At the same time, the amount of fat in it is minimal (1-2%), which is also an advantage. At the same time, the “danger” of this type of meat lies in the fact that veal proteins are in some sense immature compared to beef; they occupy an intermediate position between cow’s milk protein and beef proteins. That is why babies who are allergic to cow's milk protein most often develop allergic reactions to veal. In such cases, extreme caution should be exercised when consuming veal. Pork contains less connective tissue than beef, so it is more tender. The fat content of pork is mainly determined by the part of the carcass that is used: for example, tenderloin contains about 19% protein and only 7%...
...By-products differ in a number of features. They have much less connective tissue, but a lot of minerals and vitamins. Liver is rich in iron (100 g of beef liver contains about 7 mg of iron, 100 g of pork liver contains more than 20 mg), vitamins A and B, and, unlike other meat products, it also contains a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C ). Beef liver contains the most vitamin A. A serving of 10 g for children (or 50 g for adults) allows you to fully cover the daily requirement for this vitamin. Chicken liver contains a lot of folic acid and...

Let’s talk about them, not forgetting about the “original source”. Milk rivers, jelly banks The eternal dream of any sloth - you lie on the shore, enjoying life. No worries - just draw milk from the river and wash it down with jelly. Let's leave these dreams to the lazybones, and try to figure it out ourselves: what else to do with milk if you don't drink it? For example, you can soak herring, anchovies or other salted fish in it - by getting rid of excess salt, they acquire a more delicate taste. The same is done with smoked fish - cod or haddock. They are boiled in milk, seasoned with pepper and bay leaf to soften the taste and fight off the smell of smoke. Further, in continuation of the fish theme, milk can be added to the boiling water in which fish is cooked - it is very hard or has an unpleasant odor. It is also good for stewing blanched...
...Let's leave these dreams to the lazybones, and try to figure it out ourselves: what else to do with milk if you don't drink it? For example, you can soak herring, anchovies or other salted fish in it - by getting rid of excess salt, they acquire a more delicate taste. The same is done with smoked fish - cod or haddock. They are boiled in milk, seasoned with pepper and bay leaf to soften the taste and fight off the smell of smoke. Further, in continuation of the fish theme, milk can be added to the boiling water in which fish is cooked - it is very hard or has an unpleasant odor. It is also good for stewing blanched vegetables and mushrooms. The product is also used in baking - it is used to make bread sourdough. They also prepare porridges, sauces and soups. One of the cult dishes...

I got three kilos of liver, but it was pork. I never buy it, I know it’s bitter, but here it’s a freebie. Please advise what can be created from it so that it is edible. Is there any way to remove the bitterness? Thank you in advance.


And she never makes me bitter. I like it better than beef, beef is a bit dry.
Although soaking it in milk is definitely delicious. I also sometimes stew it in milk.

To begin with, freeze it in half a kilo portions, no more. And don’t try to gobble it all up immediately, otherwise you’ll get sick of it :-))
From what quickly came to mind:
1. Pate
2. Fry in pieces, boil an additional piece of meat, and grind everything together in a meat grinder. Add fried onions and rice (optional). Use as a filling in pies and stuffed pancakes. You can also have pure liver, without meat, but I like it better.

I was always interested in what is the difference between beef and pork liver? because I rarely cook liver, so I haven’t been able to spot the differences yet.


Pork liver tastes better. But it is not as “clean” as beef. Considering that a cow eats only grass, and a pig eats everything that we eat, this is the conclusion. I don’t even buy chicken because I’m omnivorous.

It’s this range of opinions that puzzles me...
Apparently, you will have to form your point of view through experience))

I bought lightly salted salmon, but it turned out to be very salty (((of course you can eat it, but you don’t really want to.... does anyone know how to correct the oversalting?

This is fine? after overnight soaking in water, the liver at the cut sites acquired a yellowish tint. I don’t remember whose liver. Positively beef. I’m making a liver cake, I added more eggs with orange yolks, the pancakes turned yellow. Is this possible?

Ananas, oranges, mushrooms Eggs, liver, kidneys B 12 Yeast, seaweed, soybeans Liver, kidneys, caviar, eggs, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, meat, herring, mackerel, poultry PP Green vegetables, nuts, whole grain cereals , yeast, tomatoes, potatoes Meat, including chicken, liver, fish, milk, cheese, eggs C Citrus fruits, tomatoes, melon, cabbage, green vegetables, black currants – H Beans, peas, onions, lettuce, peanuts Egg yolk, liver, kidneys, salmon P Tea, chokeberry, black currant, rose hips - Causes of hypo- and avitaminosis All causes leading to complete or partial deficiency of vitamins in the body can be divided into internal (endogenous) and external...


I personally didn’t learn anything new, simply because I’ve been interested in this topic since childhood. And there are not enough vitamins because there are fewer and fewer natural products on our tables, the soil that gives us fruits is becoming poorer, and we are subjecting food to more and more heat treatment.

“So, for example, to cover the daily requirement for vitamin B, you need to eat at least 1 kg of lean meat or 700 g of black bread; in order to get the necessary 70 mg of ascorbic acid, you should drink about 3 liters of apple juice per day. Of course, drink You can't eat that much." I wonder how this was provided for by wise nature? Maybe if it is impossible to eat such a quantity of natural vitamins, then who came up with these standards? What were you guided by?

The search doesn't work... And my liver is 1 kg. Fresh. What's delicious to cook?


Well, for example:) - duck liver with mushrooms.
What do you need:
100–110 g duck liver
For assorted mushrooms:
100 g fresh porcini mushrooms
3 dried morels (2 g)
5–7 chanterelles (40 g)
1 shallot (15 g)
1 clove of garlic
1 tsp. with top of butter (20 g)
1 tbsp. l. meat broth
sea ​​salt, crushed allspice
arugula leaves, parsley branches
What to do:
1. Salt and pepper the liver and quickly fry without oil on both sides in a hot frying pan. Blot with a napkin.
2. Soak the morels overnight in cold water, then rinse thoroughly and finely chop. In a hot frying pan, fry mushrooms and vegetables in butter in the following sequence: porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, morels, shallots, parsley. Add garlic, pepper, salt.
3. Place arugula leaves on a plate, assorted mushrooms, and fried liver on top. Pour in the broth, sprinkle with allspice, sea salt and parsley
or just pate :)
Duck liver pate
1 kg fresh duck liver
100 ml white port
salt pepper
Place the liver in cold water, so that the water completely covers it, and put it in the refrigerator. Soak the liver in ice water for 6 hours. Then remove all films, season the liver with white port, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Place in a clay pot and press down on top so that the liver takes the shape of the pot. Cover with aluminum foil and cook for 45 minutes in a water bath in an oven heated to 120 degrees.

or you can do it like this:
Peel the duck liver from films, cut and fry in melted butter for 5 minutes on all sides. Remove the liver from the oil and cool.

Finely chop the shallots, sauté in the remaining fat until soft, pour in the sherry and boil almost dry.

Grind the liver in a mixer along with butter and onion, season with salt, cayenne and white pepper, thyme and cool.

It turns out that if one beef tongue can feed five people, then two lamb tongues are needed for one serving. If you bought fresh tongue, know that it can be stored raw for no more than a day. If you don't have time to prepare it a day in advance, freeze it. The tongue freezes in 5-7 hours and can be stored for several weeks or even months. In any case, even before freezing it would be good to soak it for 2-3 hours in cold water. Boiled tongue is stored for three days. Cooking a tongue is a simple, albeit time-consuming task. The tongue needs to be washed, cleaned, immersed in boiling water for a couple of minutes and the skin removed. Then it is advisable to rub your tongue with coarse salt and leave for 12, or better yet, 48 hours. And then its taste will noticeably improve. If you bought salted tongue, you need to soak it thoroughly...
...But if you cut it into slices and freeze it, it can easily be stored for up to six months. But it is better to eat the liver fresh, it is not only tasty, but also healthy. Here are a few cooking techniques that are useful when working with liver. Before frying, put the chopped liver in milk for 10 minutes. Milk forms a fatty film on its surface, and it will not darken when fried. There is another option - you can grease the liver slices with melted butter; This is especially useful before grilling. In general, the liver is never fried until fully cooked; the whole process takes 3-4 minutes. This is how they do it: place the slices on a heated...

I make liver cake (though from chicken liver).
In a blender, grind the liver into a puree, add flour, egg, and salt. To get a thick mass like for pancakes (if you get a very thick mass, add a little milk). I bake medium thick pancakes, 5-7-9 pieces. Between them, coat with a 50/50 mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise (you can add garlic and herbs). There should be a lot of “cream” so that the cake does not turn out dry. It’s also good to pour it on top so that it drips a little from the edges, sprinkle with crushed walnuts.

If there is excess fat in the body in the spring, overload occurs. She is the cause of lethargy. Well-being worsens due to a lack of vitamins and microelements, since vegetables and fruits lose their beneficial qualities by spring." "So, it's all about the diet?" I ask. "Diet sounds very strict. In fact, we are talking about some rules. For example, milk and dairy products are an excellent building material necessary for a growing body. And if we have already grown up, why is it needed? In the spring, you should not overload your body with foods such as white bread, pasta, buns, pies, cakes, sweets, and chocolate. For the body, they are hard-to-digest ballast, containing few useful substances." In addition to these products, the doctor listed the following as sources of poor spring health: marinades, ketchup,...
...Heavy artillery If you eat a lot of fatty foods, you can disrupt the body's production of vitamin B2. If you eat a lot of carbohydrates, you will lack vitamin B1. If you eat a lot of grains, you will need an additional dose of vitamin D. However, in the spring you will not get away with just a green pharmacy. Therefore, do not forget about beef liver, butter, and egg yolk. We definitely include cod liver in the menu. It contains a lot of vitamin D, without which calcium cannot be absorbed. Of course, the body produces this vitamin itself under the sun. However, in the city, beneficial sun rays have difficulty breaking through the air contaminated with exhaust emissions (by the way, we spend a lot of vitamins to neutralize toxins). So it's not enough just...

Is it really bitter? Try it in milk. And when you cook it, don’t forget to remove the film.

Pork, chicken or foie gras - it doesn’t matter what kind of liver. The main thing is to salt it at the end. Otherwise, the liver will give up all its juices during frying and will be dry and hard.Liver dishes. 15 recipes

1. How to cook liver
2. Liver pancakes with buckwheat
3. Liver shish kebab
4. Liver cake "Flower Glade"
5. Liver with rice or “Pechora” from Mila
6. Liver in onion-paprika breading
7. Beef liver with banana sauce
8. Beef liver chops in paprika
9. Beef liver in tomato sauce
10. Balkan stuffed liver
11. Liver sausage in a slow cooker
12. Liver with beans
13. Goulash in Croatian style
14. Juicy beef liver chops in batter
15. Beef liver pancakes

1. How to cook liver

Many people love liver dishes, but not every housewife succeeds in liver: sometimes it turns out to be too tough, sometimes too dry, or even completely bitter. Of course, the taste of a dish depends not least on the quality of the product itself. But there are some subtleties, knowledge of which will help you prepare the liver so that you will lick your fingers and ask for more!

A few words about choosing a liver. Try to buy only fresh product, this is the only way you will be sure of its quality. Carefully inspect the liver; a quality product should not be too dark or light in color, there should be no spots on it, and its surface should be elastic and smooth. A sweetish smell indicates the freshness of the product, sourness is a sign that the product is spoiled.

As for the type of liver, beef is considered tougher; before cooking, the film must be removed from it. In turn, pork is a delicate and tender product, with a slight bitterness. No matter what kind of liver you cook, you must remove large vessels and veins from it.

To make the liver tender and soft, it must be cut into small pieces (no more than a centimeter in thickness) and not overcooked. Before cooking, sprinkle the liver with soda, leave for an hour, then rinse and dry. You need to fry it in a hot frying pan. Frying time on each side should not exceed 5 minutes.

To make the dish more juicy, the liver should be rolled in flour or breaded in breadcrumbs.

The liver will be more tender if, after frying, you stew it in sour cream, milk or mayonnaise. Approximate cooking time is 20 minutes. In this case, you need to fill the product with sour cream only after the liver changes color - it becomes white. It will not taste bitter if you soak it in milk for a while.

If you want to treat your household to the most delicate liver, follow this recipe: soak the liver in milk (1-2 hours), dip it in boiling water for a minute, then rinse with cold water and dry, then cut it into pieces and fry.

Note: Some people prefer to soak the liver before frying and stewing. Most often it is kept in milk, but chilled whey is also suitable; it effectively removes bitterness and other undesirable flavors from any liver.

The liver will remain soft if you sprinkle it with sugar before frying.
The liver will be juicy if it is NOT salted in advance.

Delicious and tender dishes from this offal can be easily prepared if you soak the liver correctly. It is considered a product of the highest category after meat, due to its nutritional value and pronounced taste. The better the offal is processed, the more delicious the intended dish will turn out from it, so always cook the liver only after it is well prepared. The secret of this processing method is that, due to its loose porous structure, the liver absorbs well the spices and salt with which it is soaked. It also becomes softer with this processing, which makes it very tasty.

How to soak liver in milk

Traditionally, the liver is soaked in milk, as milk makes it soft. Be sure to soak the beef liver in milk before cooking to also remove any remaining bile from the ducts.

It is best to soak the liver in warm milk with added salt to taste and spices. To do this, the liver needs to be cut into portions, the same way you will cook it, and pour milk over it. Leave for 2 hours, after which the milk must be drained and you can further prepare according to the recipe.

How to soak pork liver

Pork liver is tasty and inexpensive, even cheaper than chicken liver. It is very easy to prepare, because it is great for preparing the filling for pies, for meatballs, and is good simply fried with onions.

How to soak pork liver to remove its specific taste? You should cut it into pieces and soak in water with salt and spices. You will be surprised, but this offal turns out to be especially tasty if you add a pinch of cinnamon to the water. It will give the liver a very pleasant aroma, especially when frying, and will make the finished dish even tastier.

How to soak chicken liver

But with chicken, goose or other poultry liver, you don’t need to carry out any manipulations in advance and it’s great for cooking straight from the package. But if you still want to soak the liver, add spices and salt to the water to make the dish especially tasty.

Do I need to soak the liver before cooking?

Many housewives ask the question whether it is necessary to soak the liver before stewing, frying or boiling it. We answer - if you cook it, you don’t need it, it will turn out soft enough anyway. You can soak the liver before stewing if you need to remove the bitter taste, this is typical for beef and pork.

Before frying, be sure to soak the liver in milk to make it very soft, especially if you need to cook the dish on the grill or in a frying pan. Delicious hot liver with onions is served with bread, but if it dries out, we know how to make stale bread soft again, so as not to run to the store.

Pork liver “in scales”

Suppose the following task is set: buy the most commonly available, simple products and in 25 minutes prepare a second course from them, which you would not be ashamed to include on the menu of a reputable restaurant. Probably, many professional chefs will say that the mission is impossible. Meanwhile, ordinary women, who know the value of both time and money, have learned to actually perform magic in the kitchen. They invented ingenious and easy-to-follow recipes. Pork liver “in scales” is just one of them.

2. Liver pancakes with buckwheat

Liver pancakes with buckwheat are a delicious and satisfying homemade dish. It is quite budget-friendly; the cost of dinner for a family of 4 people will be only 150 rubles


Chicken liver – 550 gr
Buckwheat TM Mistral – 120 gr
Onions – 150 gr
Seasoning "Pepper and Garlic" - 0.75 tsp.
Chicken egg - 2 pcs
Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
Vegetable oil
Sour cream

1. Cook crumbly buckwheat porridge. Let cool.

2. While the buckwheat is cooking, mince the onion and chicken liver.

3. Add cooled buckwheat, eggs, seasoning (can be replaced with a mixture of dried garlic and black pepper), salt.

4. Stir. Add flour and mix again.

5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and spoon out the “dough” with a tablespoon. Fry on both sides until done. Serve with sour cream.

3. Liver shish kebab


Liver - 800g.
milk-700 ml.
allspice - 7 pcs
bay leaf - 2 pcs.
garlic-3 teeth

1. Add all the seasonings (grate the ginger) to the milk and bring to a boil. Cool completely

2. Peel the liver, if the liver is beef, and if it is pork, just wash it well and dry it. Cut into pieces.

3.Put the liver in milk and leave for 30 minutes.

4. Cut the lard into pieces, mine is salted, but you can use fresh.

5. Thread the liver onto a skewer, alternating with lard.

6. Fry over hot coals for 15 minutes, turning all the time. Add salt to the ready-made lard, but if you used salted lard, you don’t need to add salt.

4. Liver cake "Flower Glade"


Basmati rice TM Mistral in bags - 2 bags.
Beef liver - 300 gr.
Milk - 150 ml.
Flour - 1/3 cup
Champignon mushrooms - 300 gr.
Eggs - 1 pc.
Salt - to taste.
Nutmeg - a pinch.
Onions - 3 pcs.
Greens - 1 large bunch.
Cherry tomatoes - 3 pcs.
Fresh cucumber - 1\3
Black olives - 3 pcs.
Vegetable oil - 100 ml.

1. To prepare this dish, we will first cook the Mistral TM Basmati rice cereal directly in bags, lowering them into boiling water for 12 minutes.

2.While the cereal is cooking, we will pass the liver through a meat grinder with 2 onions. Add milk, 1 chicken egg, nutmeg and salt to taste to this mixture. Beat everything with a whisk and add flour little by little, knead the dough to the consistency of pancakes.

3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and pour a thin layer of “pancake” from the liver mixture.

4. Using two spatulas, turn over to the other side and fry.

Do the same with the rest of the pancakes. We got four pancakes.

5. Finely chop the champignon mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil with chopped onions.

6.Mix boiled basmati rice TM Mistral with mushrooms, salt to taste.

7.Now we will assemble our cake. To do this, put the pancake down and 1/3 of the rice with mushrooms on it.

Let's do the same with the second and third pancakes. If you wish, you can coat each layer with mayonnaise and put it in the refrigerator to soak for two hours, but this will be a different recipe - a snack cake. And we just had a normal dinner today.

8. Cover the rice with champignons with the fourth pancake and decorate the top with chopped herbs and flowers cut out of cherry tomatoes. Cut flowers from the cucumber and decorate the core with pieces of olives.

5. Liver with rice or “Pechora” from Mila


650 g beef liver
2 eggs
0.5 cups milk
3/4 cup rice
1 large onion
3 large cloves of garlic
3 sprigs of dill
salt, ground black pepper - to taste
vegetable oil for greasing the pan
For the sauce:

250 g sour cream
2 cloves garlic
small bunch of dill

Boil rice in salted water. Drain, rinse with cold water, let the water drain.

Pass fresh, processed liver, along with onions, garlic and dill through a meat grinder. Add salt, pepper, milk, and beaten eggs to the mixture.

Grease a baking dish with oil, place the prepared mixture in it and bake in a preheated oven until done (I did it for 1 hour 20 minutes).

Check readiness with a wooden stick.

Let cool slightly in the pan, place on a cutting board, and cut.

Serve with sauce.

For the sauce, mix sour cream, garlic crushed in a garlic press and finely chopped dill.

6. Liver in onion-paprika breading


1. Beef liver - 900g;
2. Onion - 1 head;
3. Garlic - 1-2 cloves;
4. Savory sushi. - 1 tsp;
5. Ground red hot pepper - to taste;
6. Ground paprika - 1 tbsp;
7. Psh flour. for breading - 2-3 tablespoons;
8.Finely ground sea salt - to taste;
9.Solution oil for frying

Product preparation:

Wash the liver, remove the film, cut into rectangular pieces ~ 12-15 mm thick.

Sprinkle each side with salt, pepper, and savory.

Place a frying pan with a thick bottom on the fire.

Finely chop the onion.

Mix flour with paprika.

By this time our frying pan has warmed up.

Add vegetable oil, fry in it and then remove the garlic.

Now quickly - quickly))):

Roll the liver pieces in the onion, pepper and flour mixture and place in a frying pan.

Fry for 1-3 minutes. on each side, depending on the desired degree of doneness.

Place the finished liver on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

That's it!))) Our dish is ready. Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

We also had tkemali sauce - wonderful!)))

P.S. Do not neglect savory, it adds a special aroma and piquancy to the liver in particular and offal in general.

7. Beef liver with banana sauce


Liver (pork, beef) (I have beef) - 500g
banana - 200 gr
dry white wine-240 ml
lemon - 1 piece
onion - 2 pcs
bay leaf - 2 pcs
pepper, salt - to taste

Remove the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice.

We prepare a marinade from wine, lemon juice and zest, chopped onion, chopped bay leaf, pepper and salt.

Pour the marinade over the liver, cut into pieces, and soak in it for a day.

Remove the liver from the marinade, dry it and fry it in vegetable oil, add the strained marinade and simmer for 3-4 minutes.

Grind the banana into puree, add to the liver, mix and turn off.

Serve with your favorite side dish.

8. Beef liver chops in paprika


Liver 500g.
Sweet paprika, powder 1 teaspoon with a slide.
Salt pepper.
Juice of half a lemon.
Garlic 2-3 cloves.
Granulated sugar 2 teaspoons.
Olive oil 3 tablespoons. for marinade + for frying liver.

For the salad:

Carrots 2 pcs.
Cheese 50-70g. (I have cheese and Adyghe cheese in equal proportions)
Olive oil for dressing.
Salt pepper.

Cut the liver into large portions and beat lightly.

Marinate in a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice, paprika, and finely chopped garlic. Salt, pepper, add granulated sugar - leave for an hour or two, stirring occasionally.

Fry in olive oil. You can pre-bread it in flour.

Serve with salad. To prepare the salad, peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater + cheese, also grated on a coarse grater. Season with olive oil or mayonnaise.

9. Beef liver in tomato sauce


Liver - 900 gr.
onion - 300 gr.
juice of half a lemon
ground chili pepper (cayenne) - 1/2 tsp.
ground allspice 1/2 tsp.
Italian tomato paste - 100 gr.
Pomegranate narsharab - 1 tbsp. l.
Boiled water - 200 ml.
Dry red wine - 150 ml.
dry oregano - 1 tsp.
Cherry tomatoes - 100 gr.
honey - 1 teaspoon full
salt to taste.
vegetable oil for frying.

Clean the liver from the film. Cut finely like basics

Finely chop the onion, mix with the liver, add lemon juice, chili pepper and leave to marinate for 30-60 minutes

Heat a frying pan with oil, add liver and onions. As soon as it sets and stir, the juice will begin to come out. Simmer for about 15 minutes until all the juice has evaporated.

Add tomato paste, mix well, let them become friends, then pour in water, mix again. pour in narsharab. There will be such a sweet smell. Next red wine, sprinkle oregano, salt, taste. Prick the cherry tomatoes at the stem to prevent them from cracking and place them in the frying pan as well.

Turn off the stove (I have an electric one). When it stops gurgling. add a teaspoon of honey. Mix again.

10. Balkan stuffed liver


1. beef liver - 1 kg
2. hard-boiled eggs -4 pcs
3. smoked bacon - 50 g
4. onion - 1 large onion
5. green onions - a small bunch
6. loaf - 2 slices
7. feta cheese -100 g
8. sour cream - 2 tablespoons
9. ground paprika - 1 tablespoon
10. savory - 1 teaspoon
11. black pepper - to taste
12. salt
13. vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons

1. Chop the bacon into small cubes and melt it in a frying pan with a tablespoon of butter. Sauté the finely chopped onion, add the diced loaf and fry until browned. Remove from heat and cool

2. Chop the green onions, chop the hard-boiled eggs, and cut the cheese into small cubes. Mix everything in a bowl, add a little salt, black pepper, paprika and savory. Mix well and add a couple of spoons of sour cream. The filling is ready.

3. For stuffing, it is more convenient to choose an oval-shaped edge of the liver. Wash, dry, remove film. Cut through the pocket from the wide side, without cutting through the liver all the way. Lightly salt and sprinkle with black pepper.

4. Fill the pocket quite tightly with the filling and pinch the edge with toothpicks. Although you don’t have to do this - the liver will grab the edges during frying on its own.

5. Quickly fry the liver in a couple of tablespoons of hot oil on both sides until lightly browned and thickened.

6. Place the dish with the liver in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes, after 5 minutes pour a small amount of boiling water over the liver and occasionally pour more on top.

7. Check readiness - when pierced, the juice should be slightly pinkish, but not cloudy. Remove the finished liver and wrap it in foil for 15 minutes.

8. During this time, prepare the sauce - mix finely chopped herbs - preferably parsley and garlic with sour cream and yogurt, add salt to taste, add paprika and beat.

9. Serve warm with sauce. But it tastes great cold too!

11. Liver sausage in a slow cooker


Pork liver 1 kg
Onion 1 pc.
Chicken eggs 2 pcs.
Semolina 6 tbsp. l.
Salt 1 tsp.
Ground black pepper 0.5 tsp.

Wash the liver well under running water and cut into cubes. Grind the liver and onions through a meat grinder. Cut the lard into small cubes. Add lard to the liver-onion mince and beat in 2 eggs. Mix. Add semolina, salt and pepper the minced meat to taste. To stir thoroughly. Place in a plastic bag, roll the sausage, then place it in another plastic bag, roll the sausage again, tie on both sides with rubber bands.

Pour enough water into the multicooker bowl so that the liver sausage floats freely in it. Cook the sausage with the lid closed on the Congee setting for 40 minutes. After this time, turn off the multicooker, take out the sausage, wait for it to cool completely, and remove it from the bags. It is advisable to place it in the refrigerator for several minutes, covered with film (so that the sausage does not dry out) so that it hardens and does not crumble when cutting.

12. Liver with beans


400 g liver (I used beef)
1 onion
1 medium fresh tomato
1 red bell pepper
1 can of canned beans (about 400g)
50 ml vegetable oil
2 tbsp wheat flour
freshly ground black pepper

Peel the onions and cut into half rings.

Wash the liver, dry it, cut it into cubes, add salt and pepper, and bread it in flour.

Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan and add liver. Add onion. Fry with the liver for 10 - 12 minutes.

Wash the pepper and tomato. Remove the seed capsule from the pepper and cut into thin strips. Add to the liver with onions.

Cut the tomato into halves. Add to the saucepan.

Drain the liquid from the beans and measure the amount.

Add beans to the saucepan. And also add chicken broth (or water) in a volume equal to the volume of drained liquid. Simmer for 15 minutes.

13. Goulash in Croatian style


Pork liver - 1 kg,
Onions - 4 large heads,
Milk - 1 glass,
Flour - half a glass,
Sour cream 20% - 200 g,
Natural tomato juice - 150 g,
White wine - 4 tbsp.,
Ground pepper, salt - to taste
Garlic - 3 cloves.
Greens for decoration.

The pork liver needs to be cut into pieces and poured with cold milk for half an hour.

Finely chop the onion, preferably in a blender until it becomes a paste. Fry the onion until soft. Drain the milk, roll the liver in flour and place it to fry with the onions. Salt, pepper, fry until done. Meanwhile, prepare the goulash sauce. Mix sour cream with tomato juice. In the original recipe I use tomato paste, but in my opinion natural juice is much better. Just under no circumstances should you use a store-bought one. Add wine and spices to the tomato-sour cream mixture. Pour this mixture over the liver, mix well, simmer until the goulash becomes homogeneous and acquires a pleasant, appetizing meaty color. Squeeze the garlic into the goulash and cook for another 5 minutes. The goulash is ready. The taste is more reminiscent of meat than liver; it can be served with any side dish: mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat, pasta. Garnish with greens when serving.

14. Juicy beef liver chops in batter



Beef liver - 800 g;
- chicken egg - 1 pc.;
- whole grain flour - 3 - 4 tbsp. l.;
- bran - 1 - 2 tbsp. l.;
- baking soda - 1 tsp;
vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
- dried dill - to taste;
- dried garlic - to taste;
- vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- salt - to taste;
- water -- 150 -- 200 g.

Prepare the batter: beat the egg, add water and beat everything, salt, add dill, garlic and pepper. Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the batter. Mix everything. Add fiber. We interfere. Add flour. Mix everything until smooth.

Lay out the pieces of beef liver and lightly beat them. Salt and pepper. Turn over and beat on the reverse side. Salt and pepper.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. Dip pieces of liver in batter and place in heated oil. Fry over high heat until done.

15. Beef liver pancakes


Beef liver, peeled from film - 700 g;
- chicken egg - 1 pc.;
- carrots (medium) - 2 pcs.;
- rye flour - 4 tbsp;
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp;
- dill (dried) - to taste;
- garlic (ground) - to taste;
- black pepper (ground) - to taste;
- salt - to taste.

Cut the peeled beef liver into small pieces. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add it to the chopped liver. Season with ground garlic. Pepper and break the egg. Add dry dill. Add 4 tablespoons of rye flour. Add salt and mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Place the hand-shaped pancakes into the vegetable oil preheated in a frying pan. Fry for 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Turn it over. Cover with a lid and fry over low heat for about 5 minutes. Serve with vegetables and herbs.


Thursday, 01 October 2015 02:37

Juicy, tender liver without bitterness.


0.5 kg. liver

200 ml. milk

1 tsp soda

salt, pepper, spices



Cut the liver into 1 cm slices.

Dilute soda in milk and soak the liver for 2-3 hours.

Rinse the liver under running water.

Season the liver slices with salt, pepper and roll in flour.

Fry in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil on both sides until cooked.


The result is juicy slices of liver, soft and tender without any bitterness. This is perhaps the best recipe for making fried liver!

Thursday, 04 May 2017 04:41

If you don’t like fried liver just because it turns out to be harsh and dry, then take the risk of cooking liver chops, and you will see that this meat “delicacy” can be very tender and incredibly tasty.

Part 42 - Liver dishes. 15 recipes

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