Home Drinks and cocktails Technology for preparing beef stroganoff. Beef Stroganoff with porcini mushrooms, catering portion (TTK1551) Requirements for the design of serving and selling beef Stroganoff

Technology for preparing beef stroganoff. Beef Stroganoff with porcini mushrooms, catering portion (TTK1551) Requirements for the design of serving and selling beef Stroganoff

Technological map of the dish

Beef Stroganoff Recipe No. 598 collection of recipes, 1982

Cooking technology Preparing meat: frozen meat is first thawed. Before cutting, the meat is washed with clean running water, and very dirty areas and marks are cut off. Then the washed carcasses are washed with cold water at a temperature of 15-20 0C, and then dried and cut into pieces. Remove tendons, films, connective tissues, and excess fat. The prepared meat is cut in accordance with the cooking technology.

The meat, cut into wide pieces, is beaten to a thickness of 5-8 mm and cut into cubes 30-40 mm long, weighing 5-7 g each. The resulting pieces are placed in an even thin layer in a frying pan with some oil, heated to a temperature of 150-180 ° C, sprinkled with salt, and fry, stirring continuously, for 3-5 minutes. A sauce is prepared from flour sautéed without oil, tomato paste and sour cream. Add sautéed onions to the sauce, pour it over the fried meat and bring to a boil. The side dish is served separately.

Rules for registration and submission

Requirements for the quality of beef dishes and storage

Requirements for food quality and presentation

Appearance - the meat should be cut across the grain into thin pieces, their edges should have a crispy crust.

Taste and smell - moderately salty taste, smell of fried meat

Color - the color on the cut for medium-roasted meat is from pink to gray, for fully-roasted meat it is gray to brown.

Consistency - soft

Serve: at t +65? C on a serving plate. Mashed potatoes are placed through the ring in the center, and meat and sauce are placed along the edges. Pickled cucumbers are placed on one edge. Cherry tomatoes are placed on mashed potatoes and decorated with a sprig of parsley on top.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The dish is stored on a steam table or hot plate for no more than 3 hours from the end of the technological process, shelf life - no more than 6 hours.

Requirements for the quality of beef dishes and storage

Requirements for the quality of meat dishes, conditions and periods of their storage. The quality of meat dishes is determined by appearance, taste, smell, color, consistency. Fried meat is prepared in the form of finely chopped pieces, identical in shape and size, with or without sauce. The side dish placed next to it is poured with oil. The consistency is soft, juicy, the meat is easy to chew.

The presence of films and tendons is not allowed. The meat is fully cooked. Color - from gray to light brown. The taste and stock correspond to this type of fried meat, side dish and sauce.

Technical and technological map No.Beef Stroganoff with porcini mushrooms, catering portion(CP-recipe No. 154)

Publishing house "Economy", Moscow 1983


This technical and technological map applies to beef stroganoff with porcini mushrooms, produced in name of the object, city.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking beef stroganoff with porcini mushrooms, must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

Veal fillet– veal tenderloin, stripped of elastin films.

Young white mushrooms peeled and frozen. When defrosting, the ice glaze is no more than 30%. The taste and smell are of porcini mushrooms.

Bulb onions with golden scales, without signs of rotting. Peeled onions are white. The smell is pungent, characteristic of onions.

Vegetable oil– sunflower, refined. Cream is of animal origin. Milk fat content – ​​30%.

Dry white wine– ordinary, table.

The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

NameRaw material consumption per serving, g
Gross weight, g% when cold processedNet weight, g% during heat treatmentOutput, g
Cleaned veal fillet (cleaning act)103,0 3.00 (stack)100,0 35,0 65,0
Porcini mushrooms85,7 30,00 60,0 50,00 30,0
Peeled onions, semi-finished50,0 0,00 50,0 30,00 35,0
Salt3,0 0,00 3,0 100,00 0,0
Ground black pepper1,0 0,00 1,0 100,00 0,0
Potato starch8,0 25,00 6,0 50,00 3,0
Vegetable oil20,0 0,00 20,0 75,00 5,0
Cream 30%50,0 0,00 50,0 60,00 20,0
Dry white wine20,0 0,00 20,0 65,00 7,0
Exit 165,0
  1. Cooking technology

The cleaned veal fillet is cut across the grain into slices, then each slice is cut into cubes. Sliced ​​meat is breaded in starch. Peeled onions are cut into half rings, freshly frozen porcini mushrooms are thawed, lightly squeezed, dried with napkins, and cut into cubes. Fry in a frying pan with sunflower oil over medium heat (onions, mushrooms, meat), add wine, evaporate, at the end add 30% cream and simmer until tender. Season with salt and ground black pepper.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish

Appearance– cubes of chopped veal fillet, stewed in cream along with onions and porcini mushrooms.

Consistency– the meat is stewed, the consistency is soft, the vegetables are of a soft consistency, the sauce is the thickness of sour cream.

Smell and taste– stewed meat, cream, porcini mushrooms.

  1. Requirements for registration, sale and storage

Beef Stroganoff with porcini mushrooms prepared to order and sold immediately after the end of the technological process.

Storage conditions and shelf life of particularly perishable and perishable products at a temperature of (4 ± 2) °C are determined in accordance with SanPiN

microbiological indicators beef stroganoff with porcini mushrooms must meet the requirements SanPiN

Importance in nutrition of meat dishes. Classification of hot meat dishes according to the method of heat treatment: boiled, fried, stewed and baked. Description of the preparation of Beef Stroganoff. Technological map of preparation, used tools and equipment.
Brief summary of the material:

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1. The nutritional value of the dish

2. Description of preparation

3. Technological preparation diagram

4. Tools and equipment used

5. Organization of the workshop

6. Workshop equipment

7. Occupational health and safety in the workshop

Used Books

dish meat beef stroganoff technological


Beefstromganoff (from the French B?uf Stroganoff - "beef Stroganoff") is a popular dish of Russian cuisine, prepared from finely chopped pieces of beef, doused with hot sour cream sauce. The names “Beef Stroganoff”, “Beef a la Stroganoff”, and Stroganoff-style meat may also occur.

According to V.V. Pokhlebkin, a recognized researcher of culinary history, the dish appeared no earlier than the second half of the 90s of the 19th century.

The dish is a typical invented dish, that is, it has no folk roots. Named in honor of Count Stroganov Alexander Grigorievich (1795-1891).

Count Stroganov, like many nobles of that time, being a very wealthy man, held a so-called “open table” in Odessa, which any educated and decently dressed person could attend. The dish, in fact, was invented for such open tables - firstly, due to the ease of preparation, consistency of the standard of the dish, secondly, convenient division into portions and thirdly, at the same time delicious. One of the count's cooks successfully combined the technology of French cuisine (frying meat, serving it with sauce) with the techniques of Russian cuisine (the sauce is not served separately, but like Russian gravy, along with the meat).

According to another version, the French chef Andre Dupont, who served Stroganov, invented the dish for the convenience of the count, whose teeth fell out in old age. The dish has become widespread in the world: beef stroganoff is served in a variety of public catering establishments: from restaurants to canteens, and after the Second World War, the dish entered the nomenclature of international restaurant cuisine as a “Russian dish”, despite the fact that it is not a national Russian dish. is.

1. The nutritional value of the dish

Meat dishes are the main source of proteins, consisting of essential amino acids, and also contain fat and extractives. However, you should not include a large amount of meat products in your baby’s diet, since the child’s body’s metabolism is disrupted and putrefactive processes intensify in the intestines.

According to the method of heat treatment, hot meat dishes are divided into boiled, fried, stewed and baked. Steaming and poaching are also used.

During heat treatment, the following changes occur in meat:

1. Soluble meat proteins denature when heated, that is, they change their properties. When they curl up, they appear on the surface in the form of flakes of foam. The process occurs at 30-70° C.

2. The protein of the connective tissue of meat - collagen - when heated above 50 ° C in the presence of water, turns from an insoluble substance into a sticky substance glutin, soluble in hot water, which hardens when cooled. Thus, after deformation and change in the structure of collagen fibers, the connection between the fibers decreases several times and the meat softens. The rate at which meat softens depends on the quality of collagen (resistance to heat) and its quantity in the meat. The resistance of collagen to heat treatment depends on the type of meat, breed, age, sex and fatness of the livestock. Therefore, identical parts of meat from different animals require different heat treatment times depending on the stability of collagen (from 10-20 minutes to 2-3 hours). This is taken into account when choosing the type of heat treatment. Meat with unstable collagen is fried, the rest is boiled and stewed, adding sour sauces and tomatoes, since acid accelerates the transition of collagen to gluten.

3. The connective tissue protein - elastin - is very stable and changes during heat treatment only after mechanical grinding. Therefore, meat rich in elastin is used in ground form (cutlet mass).

Parts of the carcass with a high content of connective tissue are not recommended for use in baby food, since this tissue is difficult to digest and does not contain essential amino acids, which are rich in muscle tissue.

4. When heated to 67-70° C, the proteins of the muscle fibers of meat become denser, losing a large amount of water. At the same time, the volume and weight of meat decreases. The change in meat mass depends on its quantity, time, heat treatment and temperature (table).

5. When frying, water evaporates from the surface of the meat, which increases the concentration of extractive substances in the crust, which promote increased secretion of digestive juice. Therefore, heavily fried meat dishes are not used in the diet of young children, and heat treatment is carried out so that the products are obtained with a barely noticeable soft crust.

Hot meat dishes are served at a temperature of 65° C. The side dish is first placed on the plate, and the meat next to it; in some dishes it is placed on top of the side dish. The sauce is poured either on the side of the plate or on top of the meat (can be served separately in a sauce boat and poured into plates before eating). When braising, the meat is cooked and served in a sauce.

2. Description of preparation

The meat, cut into wide pieces, is beaten to a thickness of 5-8 mm and cut into cubes 30-40 mm long, weighing 5-7 g each. The resulting pieces are placed in an even thin layer in a frying pan with fat, heated to a temperature of 150-180 ° C, sprinkled with salt and pepper. and fry, stirring continuously, for 3-4 minutes. A sauce is prepared from browned fat-free flour, sour cream, and Yuzhny sauce according to the recipe. Place sautéed onions in the sauce, pour it over the fried meat and bring to a boil. You can omit the “Yuzhny” sauce by increasing the amount of sour cream accordingly. Beef stroganoff is served together with the sauce, the side dish is served separately.

Side dishes - boiled potatoes, fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes (raw); deep-fried potatoes, potato croquettes.

Characteristics of raw materials

Beef - according to age, cattle meat is divided into beef from adult cattle (cows, oxen, heifers over three years old, bulls), beef from first-calf cows, beef from young animals (bulls, heifers).

The meat of cows is bright red to dark red in color, with large deposits of subcutaneous fat ranging from white to yellowish. The muscles have a dense, delicate, fine-grained structure, with layers of fat (marbling).

Young beef has pink-red, fine-grained muscles, white, dense fat. Marbling is weakly expressed.

Onions are the most common type of onion vegetable. Onions contain up to 6% essential oil, sugar (up to 9%), vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, folic acid, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium), nitrogenous substances ( up to 1.7%).

Onions are distinguished by shape (flat, round, flat-round, oval) and color of dry scales (white, straw yellow, purple, brown). The flesh of the onion is white with a greenish tint and purple. According to taste, onion varieties are usually divided into hot, semi-sharp and sweet.

Sour cream is a national Russian product; it used to be made from settled sour milk, which is where its name comes from.

Sour cream is produced from normalized pasteurized cream by fermentation with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci and flavor-forming bacteria, followed by ripening for 24 hours.

Sour cream contains from 10 to 30% fat, 2.4-2.8% protein, 2.6-3.2% carbohydrates, 54.2-82.7% water, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, C and PP. The energy value of 100 g of sour cream is 116-382 kcal.

The fat in sour cream is well absorbed. It tastes good and is useful for overwork with loss of appetite, lack of vitamins and anemia.

Sour cream should be white with a creamy tint, the taste and smell should be clean, with a lactic-sour taste and aroma, the consistency should be homogeneous, moderately thick, without grains of fat and protein.

Margarine is a highly dispersed water-fat emulsion. This product is similar to butter in taste, color, aroma, consistency, content of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and digestibility. Depending on the quality, table margarines and dairy-free margarines are divided into premium and first grades. Table margarines of all types of the highest grade have a shiny medium, a plastic, dense, homogeneous consistency; first grade consistency is plastic, dense, homogeneous, the surface of the medium is shiny, matte. The color is light yellow, uniform throughout the mass.

Flour is a powdery product obtained by grinding cereal grains (rye, wheat, etc.). Flour is divided into types, types and varieties. The type of flour depends on the grain crop it is made from - wheat, rye, soybean, corn, etc. Wheat flour, depending on its technological advantages and purpose, can be baked flour, pasta flour, dietary flour (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), food flour (soybean) , culinary, etc.

The quality of flour is assessed by color, taste, smell, moisture and fineness of grinding, impurity content and baking properties.

The color characterizes the type of flour. The taste and smell of flour is characteristic of it, without any sour or bitter aftertaste. I won't allow...

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OPERATION No. 1. Organization of the workplace.

The production table must be level and not wobble. Cutting boards are placed in front of you. They select dishes, equipment, tools, and install scales. Products are placed to the left of the board, and equipment is placed to the right of you.

OPERATION No. 2. Preparation of semi-finished meat products for beef stroganoff Meat, cut into wide pieces, is beaten to a thickness of 5-8 mm and cut into cubes 30-40 mm long, weighing 5-7 g.

OPERATION No. 3 Preparation of products. Boil and peel the potatoes boiled in their skins and cut into slices. The onions are peeled, cut into strips and sautéed in fat.

OPERATION No. 4. Preparation of sour cream sauce with tomato. Prepare sour cream sauce, add sautéed tomato puree.

OPERATION No. 5 Frying meat. Sprinkle the sliced ​​meat with salt. Pepper, place in a frying pan heated with fat and fry for about 2 minutes, add sautéed onions, tomato puree, pour in sour cream sauce and heat for 2-3 minutes.

OPERATION No. 6 Preparation of the side dish Fried potatoes (from boiled) No. 695 Sat. rec., 2011. Place prepared boiled potatoes in a frying pan with heated fat and fry until golden brown, salt.

Side dishes: boiled potatoes, fried potatoes (from raw), deep-fried potatoes, potato croquettes.

OPERATION No. 7 Serving the dish.

Requirements for the quality of fried meat dishes

The meat should be juicy, soft, moderately salty, the taste and smell characteristic of this type of meat, the product without breaking its shape. Foreign taste and smell of stale meat, pink color on the cut, tendons and rough connective tissue are not allowed. The surface of the meat is covered with an evenly fried crust: pork is golden brown, beef is brown. Dark brown crust color is not allowed.

Breaded portions should have a light brown to brown crust. Dark brown color, loose (soaked) breading, and sour taste from breading are not allowed.

Beef stroganoff tastes and smells with the aroma of sour cream and sautéed onions. The color is from gray to light brown, the consistency of the sauce is homogeneous, the meat is soft.

Natural portioned and small pieces of meat are subjected to heat treatment before release.

Breaded portioned meals can be stored for no more than 30 minutes.

Submission rules

The steak is placed on a heated oval dish, a side dish is placed, and the “juice” is added.

Natural langet - pour butter over it and add meat juice to the side; a side dish is placed next to the meat on both sides.

Beef stroganoff is served in a portioned frying pan, sprinkled with herbs. Fried potatoes are served separately.

Caucasian-style shashlik is placed on an oval dish, with a side dish placed next to it - coarsely chopped onions, fresh tomatoes, cucumbers. Eggplants, pickled onions. Crushed barberry is served at the outlet, and “Shashlychny” ketchup is served in a gravy boat.

This is interesting

When frying meat in ovens, kebab ovens, on grates and in devices with infrared (IR) radiation, the products turn out juicier and more tasty than when frying in frying pans. This is due to the fact that IR rays quickly heat the surface of products. They create a large temperature gradient and intense moisture transfer.

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