Home Dessert Delicious gooseberry. What to make from gooseberries for the winter? Gooseberry sauce for meat

Delicious gooseberry. What to make from gooseberries for the winter? Gooseberry sauce for meat

From gooseberries, many housewives know. If you are not one of them, then in this article we will present you with several simple recipes. Using them, you will get very tasty compote, jam and preserves.

Step-by-step gooseberry recipes

Gooseberries are a very tasty and healthy berry. You can make different desserts from it. But most often cooks prepare it for the winter. In the cold season, such a product turns out to be doubly useful, as it saturates the body with vitamins, preventing it from catching a cold.

In this section of the article we will tell you how to make emerald gooseberry jam yourself. For this we need the following components:

  • large green gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • fine beet sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • any 40% proof vodka - 50 ml;
  • drinking water from the tap - 500 ml;
  • fresh cherry leaves - about 20 pcs.

Preparing the Components

Before preparing emerald gooseberry jam, you should purchase suitable berries. They should be green and firm.

The tails are cut off from the berries and then washed well in a colander. After this, a puncture is made in each gooseberry with a toothpick. This is necessary so that during heat treatment the product does not burst and remains intact.

After processing the gooseberries, sprinkle them with vodka and place them in the freezer for half an hour. Next, the berries are transferred to the refrigerator and kept in this form throughout the night.

As for fresh cherry leaves, they are thoroughly washed with running water and scalded with boiling water.

Heat treatment

Emerald gooseberry preparation for the winter will turn out tasty and beautiful only if it is properly heat treated. To do this, remove the berries from the refrigerator and place them in an enamel bowl. Fill the product with water and add cherry leaves, bring it to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. After this, add sugar to it and mix thoroughly.

Having achieved complete dissolution of the sweet spice, the gooseberries are removed from the stove and left at room temperature for 5 hours. Over time, the heat treatment procedure is repeated (3 times in total).

Seaming process

Emerald gooseberry preparation for the winter is considered fully prepared when all the berries become transparent and the syrup is very thick. In this form, the jam is laid out in sterilized jars and immediately sealed.

After all containers have cooled, they are removed to the cellar or underground. You can consume this delicacy after just a few days.

How to make gooseberry jam?

There are many ways to make tasty and thick jam from a berry such as gooseberry. Many housewives choose the option that requires heat treatment. However, it should be noted that this procedure deprives the berry of all vitamins and minerals. Therefore, we recommend making jam from fresh gooseberries. For this we will need the following products:

  • large ripe gooseberries (take only dark red berries) - 1 kg;
  • fine beet sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method

As you can see, the presented gooseberry preparation for the winter does not require the use of a large number of ingredients. It should also be noted that you won’t need much time to prepare this jam. This is due to the fact that the berries do not require heat treatment.

Ripe and large berries are peeled from the tails, and then placed in a colander and washed thoroughly. Next, it is distributed over cotton fabric and dried for half an hour.

After the gooseberries are processed, they begin to chop them. To do this, you can use a meat grinder or a blender with a deep bowl and knife attachments.

It is advisable to puree the berries at the highest speed. From time to time it is necessary to add fine granulated sugar to them.

After the described steps, you should get a sweet and liquid mass of dark red color. Mix it thoroughly with a large spoon and leave at room temperature for several hours. This is necessary so that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved in the juice of the berry.

How to store?

Homemade gooseberry recipes should be kept in your cookbook. After all, they allow you to make very tasty desserts, with which it is pleasant to drink hot tea in the cold season.

After the berries are crushed together with sugar, the mass is laid out in plastic containers with a lid and sent to the freezer. As soon as the dessert hardens, you can safely start eating it.

Ready-made fresh gooseberry jam has a thick consistency similar to ice cream. This delicacy can be stored in the freezer all winter. At the same time, the berry will not lose its properties and will saturate your body with vitamins and minerals during the cold season.

Making a delicious and sweet drink

Gooseberry compote is a very tasty and healthy drink that will serve as an excellent alternative to store-bought juice. It is done quite easily and does not require much time.

So, to prepare gooseberry compote yourself, you need to prepare the following products:

  • ripe red gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • drinking water - 6 l;
  • granulated sugar - 8 large spoons per 3 liters of water;
  • citric acid - 1/3 small spoon per 3 liters of water.

Berry processing

To prepare a tasty and healthy compote, you need to use only ripe and sweet berries. The gooseberries are peeled from the stems, then placed in a colander and washed thoroughly in hot water. After this, the product is shaken vigorously and distributed into sterilized 3 liter jars.

To obtain a richer and more tasty compote, the berries should fill the containers ½ or 1/3 of the way.

Preparation of syrup and preservation of the drink

After the gooseberries have been processed and placed in jars, you should begin preparing the syrup. To do this, boil drinking water in a large saucepan, and then add granulated sugar and stir well.

As soon as the sweet spice has dissolved, the syrup is poured into jars. Covering the lids, leave the hot containers in this position for some time (10-20 minutes). Next, the slightly cooled syrup is poured back into the pan and boiled again. At the same time, citric acid is additionally added to it.

Having carried out these steps, the hot and slightly pink liquid is again poured into jars of berries. This time the compote is rolled up using boiled tin lids.

After turning all the jars over, they are covered with an old down jacket and left in this position for two days. After time, the compote is put away in a slightly cool and dark room. The drink is stored in it throughout the winter. By the way, it is recommended to use it no earlier than after 1.5 months. During this time, the drink will absorb all the aromas and beneficial substances of the berries, becoming rich and very tasty.

Let's sum it up

In this article, you were presented with simple and affordable gooseberry recipes. Using them in practice, you will definitely get delicious and healthy desserts that you can enjoy every day.

It should also be noted that these methods of preparing berries are not the only ones. You can make other dishes from gooseberries, including sauces for meat, boiled jams, confitures, jellies, wine, etc.

) a lot for future use. Sauce, jelly, preserves, compote, marmalade, jams - every woman has her own recipe. Berries can be boiled, dried or frozen. For a thrifty housewife, the winter will be as sunny and fragrant as the warm distant summer.

Winter gooseberry preparations that do not require cooking

Gooseberries are one of the most beloved garden crops in Russia. An unpretentious plant that does not require much attention from the gardener, produces delicious and very healthy berries. Everyone remembers the sweet and sour taste of gooseberries and their subtle unique aroma. To preserve this berry in its original form, many housewives use cooking recipes that do not require cooking when preparing gooseberries for the winter. With this method, all the beneficial properties of the berries are preserved as much as possible.


Gooseberry mousse with orange

You will need:

  • 1 kg of gooseberries;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 2 medium oranges.

Wash and sort the gooseberries thoroughly, remove spoiled berries and stem stems. Wash the oranges, pour boiling water over them, and cut into pieces. Then grind the berries and oranges through a meat grinder with a fine sieve, add sugar and beat with a blender for more airiness. Place the resulting mousse into pre-prepared, sterile jars and close with lids. Store in the refrigerator or other place suitable for temperature conditions (basement, cellar, pantry, etc.).

Attention! This mousse retains a lot of ascorbic acid, so it can be used as an aid for flu and colds.

Gooseberry jam

To make jam in which the berries remain in their original, uncooked form, you will need a little patience and skill. For this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg gooseberries;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

Before canning, you need to remove the gooseberry stalks.

Pre-wash and remove stems from the berries. Then cover the gooseberries with sugar and add water, put on fire, bring to a boil, but do not cook. Place the bowl of future jam in the refrigerator and leave until tomorrow. The next day, put the jam mass on the fire in the same way, bring to a boil and remove. This procedure must be carried out for seven days in a row. During this time, pectin will be released from the berries, the syrup will turn into a transparent jelly, and the berries will remain whole and uncooked. In winter, this delicacy will delight you with the sweet and sour taste and aroma of summer.

Culinary miracles - gooseberry sauces

Spicy and aromatic sauces for meat and poultry can also be made from gooseberries. This versatile berry gratefully displays its rich taste and aroma in any recipe.

Garlic gooseberry sauce

For 1 kg of clean sorted berries you will need to take 300 g of garlic and dill. Pass the gooseberries, garlic and dill through a fine-mesh meat grinder and add salt. Those who like spicy food can add a little chili pepper to the sauce. Place the sauce in sterile jars, close the lids and store in the refrigerator. Your household will appreciate this recipe for the winter!

Gooseberry sauce tkemali

Everyone knows Georgian sweet and sour hot sauce for meat and fish dishes. An analogue of this seasoning can be prepared from Russian unripe gooseberries. You can use the remains of a harvest that no longer has enough heat and sun. The more sour the berries, the more piquant the sauce will be. First you need to prepare the gooseberry puree. To do this, pour 0.5 liters of water into clean, sorted berries and boil them until completely softened. Then rub the gooseberries through a sieve or colander. For 1 kg of already twisted gooseberry puree you need to take:

  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2 pcs. red hot pepper;
  • 1 bunch of dill, cilantro, basil and parsley.

Making gooseberry puree

Grind all the ingredients and add to the gooseberry mixture. Put on fire and boil for 15 minutes. Pour tkemali into sterile jars or bottles and store in a cool place. In winter, your guests will never be able to guess what the sauce is made from and what recipe it is made from.

Variety on your table - jelly jam

If you are tired of standard recipes for winter preparations, and you want to cook something new and very tasty, you can try making jelly jam from gooseberries. It will require:

  • 3.5 kg of berries;
  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 1 glass of boiled water.

Pour the washed berries with water and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the berries until completely softened.

While hot, rub the gooseberries through a sieve to obtain juice for the jelly. To increase the amount of juice, the remaining pulp can be squeezed through several layers of gauze. Pour the resulting juice into a suitable container, bring to a boil, add sugar. Cook over low heat for about 40 minutes, skimming off any foam that forms.

Fill sterile jars with the resulting jelly jam, roll them up, and turn them upside down. Leave until completely cool.

Advice! The longer you cook the jelly jam, the thicker and more viscous it will be.

The best way to preserve vitamins in berries

Freezing fruits, vegetables and berries is the fastest and most effective way to prepare for the winter. Vitamins and beneficial microelements are preserved as much as possible in frozen foods. Thawed berries can be used either fresh or as a filling and base for compotes and fruit drinks.

The basic rule for freezing gooseberries: if you defrost the berries, use them immediately. It is unacceptable to refreeze gooseberries, so it is convenient to use portioned containers. These can be plastic freezer bags or small plastic containers.

Freezing gooseberries

Before freezing, carefully sort the berries. It is necessary to remove all rotten, spoiled and questionable fruits. Some people freeze gooseberries with their stalks, but it is more convenient to remove them at the preparation stage.

There are three ways to freeze gooseberries:

  1. Scattered - washed and dried gooseberries are placed on a tray and placed in the freezer. After some time, the ice berries are removed from the chamber and distributed into individual bags or containers.
  2. Gooseberries in sugar - for 1 kg of thoroughly washed and dried berries, take 0.5 kg of granulated sugar. Everything is mixed and portioned into suitable containers and sent to the freezer.
  3. Gooseberries in syrup - the berries are poured with chilled sugar syrup (500 g of sugar per 1 liter of water), placed in plastic containers and put in the freezer. It is better to keep the containers open for the first 2 days, and then close them tightly with lids for long-term storage.

Preparing for the winter is an integral part of the food culture of Russian people. Nowhere in the West do housewives preserve berries, vegetables and fruits. But Russian women still prefer to make home preparations for the winter. It’s better to work a little in the summer season so that in winter you can pamper your home with delicious jams and compotes from berries and fruits.

Adjika from gooseberries: video

Gooseberry preparations: photo

Back in the 90s, I was a student; it was not an easy time for us mere mortals, one might say it was hungry. They survived as best they could. And then one day I came to visit a friend with whom we studied at the institute. Her mother invited us to drink tea and offered us kiwi jam for tea (as she said, smiling). I was slightly shocked, because I knew this family and knew that they, like everyone else, could not afford a fruit that was outlandish at that time. But I drank tea with jam, which was incredibly tasty, emerald green, sweet and sour! Over tea, I still couldn’t resist and asked who gave them so much kiwi (because there was a whole three-liter jar of jam in my field of vision. To which my friend and her mother laughed and admitted that it was gooseberry jam with lemon added! !! Since then, I make this jam every year and remember my student years. And this year I tried to make it with brown sugar. The taste came out amazing!! With light caramel notes

What is not made from this amazing berry, jam, which is called royal, jellies, compotes, adjika, sauces for meat dishes.

Gooseberry preparations for the winter are very diverse. I want to present some recipes, simply because I grow this berry myself and love it very much.

Gooseberries for the winter, preparation

A large number of completely unusual and different gooseberry recipes require proper preparation of the berries. There are recipes for which you can use “unliquid”, slightly overripe or bruised berries. But most recipes require good appearance and ripeness, because not only the appearance of the final product depends on this, but also its shelf life. After all, most likely, spoiled berries will cause fermentation faster.

It’s good when gooseberries grow in your summer cottage, when you can come and pick them at any time. Here you need to make sure that the berries do not become overripe or become soft. Sometimes in extreme heat, in the sun, they “cake” quite quickly.

If you buy berries at the market, you should try to choose, if possible, berries of the same size and ripeness. Some simply mix several varieties, large-fruited and small-fruited. The time required for heat treatment varies; small ones will already be boiled, but large ones will still be intact.

It is difficult to collect gooseberries if you have varieties with thorns, but now more and more people are abandoning them. You need to sort through the gooseberries carefully and thoroughly. There are berries with a worm inside; if you look closely, you can see the entrance hole. When sorting the berries, you need to remove both the tails and inflorescences. I always use scissors for this, it’s quick and convenient.

What to cook from gooseberries for the winter

Many people know royal or royal gooseberry jam. The berries also make excellent compotes; they, like other berries, can be frozen.

Jellies, jams, marmalades do not remain “behind the scenes” for lovers of home-baked goods. Some people like original recipes, for example, pickled gooseberries. Many people also know recipes for meat sauces made from this amazing berry.

You can also add gooseberries as an addition to pickles, tomatoes, cucumbers, and even prepare delicious adjika from it. so the berry is practically irreplaceable and you don’t have to think long about how to prepare gooseberries for the winter.

Gooseberry compote for the winter

The recipe is great for its speed and simplicity. I personally like to drink it not only in winter, it’s very refreshing in summer, I add a little “zest” to it.

For it we will need to take:

  • Gooseberries, ripe berries
  • Sugar
  • Peppermint sprigs

How to cook gooseberry compote for the winter:

Everything is very simple and elementary. The main thing is to choose strong berries so that they don’t burst later and spoil the whole look, and fresh leaves of peppermint or lemon balm, why exactly that? I just have a lot of it growing.

At the very beginning, I soak the collected berries directly in a bucket and at the same time, armed with scissors, I cut off the unnecessary tails. I immediately throw the berries into a colander so that the excess water drains, we don’t need it...

I prepare jars in advance, mostly three-liter jars. I put a third of the berries in them. I pour boiling water over it and let it cool a little, it takes about 15 minutes. I pour the water into the pan and now I know how much I spend on the jar.

I rinse the mint under the tap, shake off the water, and place it on a sprig on a jar. I add sugar to the water; gooseberries are sweet berries, so three-quarters of a glass is enough for a three-liter jar. I let the syrup boil for a few minutes and pour it directly onto the berries, immediately close it and put the jars, lids down, under the blanket.

Gooseberries and oranges for the winter

These are real vitamins, sealed “alive” in jars. Everyone absolutely loves this dessert, it’s very tasty, not to mention the mass of benefits.

We will take:

  • A kilo of berries
  • Kilo of sugar
  • One medium sized orange

How we will prepare:

First, I prepare jars, small ones, I choose from baby puree, maybe a little more. I wash them with baking soda, then pour some more boiling water over them and fry them in the microwave. They must be sterile and dry.

I wash and sort gooseberries the same way as always; here we cannot miss overripe or bad berries. First, I also wash the orange with hot water and soda. Then I cut it together with the peel into pieces, only removing the seeds.

I put orange slices in a blender, along with berries and sugar, and grind everything. Then I stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. I pack it into jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Gooseberry jelly recipe for the winter

Another vitamin treat that I always have in the refrigerator. Sometimes we dive into a jar and enjoy some seagull.

To execute the recipe we need:

  • Kilo of gooseberries
  • Kilo of sugar
  • Half a liter of water

We free the berries from unnecessary stems, wash them and put them in a container where we will boil them. Pour water into it and set the temperature to medium so as not to wait for a long time for it to boil. Then we lower the temperature and let it boil for about fifteen minutes.

After the time has passed, pour in the sugar; do not turn up the heat, because we don’t want the jelly to boil. Sometimes I lift the pan over the stove to let it cool a little.

So we boil for about twenty minutes, you will begin to notice how a thick film appears on the walls, which means everything is ready. We immediately pour the jelly into glass containers, which we previously prepared and store in a cool place, for example, in a cellar.

Gooseberry compote with oranges for the winter

I also really liked this version of a soft drink. Orange gives the sourness-bitterness that the sweet berry lacks, and adds aroma.

For the compote we need to take:

  • Ripe gooseberries
  • Sugar
  • Orange

How to cook gooseberry compote with oranges:

There is nothing too complicated here either, the main thing is to prepare the jars, rinse the berries and orange well, since we will use it entirely, along with the peel.

We fill a jar with berries, I mean a three-liter jar, so that it is one third full. I also put half circles of orange there. I fill it with cold water and immediately pour it into a saucepan, we just measured out how much water is needed. Pour three hundred grams of sugar into a 1-liter jar and cook the syrup, which we immediately pour into the berries and roll up the lid. Let cool in a warm place, upside down.

Gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter

The jam turns out very aromatic and tasty. We tried it once and now we cook it all the time for the winter.

We will take:

  • One and a half kilos of berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • A couple of medium sized oranges

How to make gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter:

We sort out the gooseberries and rinse them in water. I wash the oranges very well; we need them with the peel on. We grind everything with a blender, you can use a food processor or grind it through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mixture into a special cooking container and mix with sugar, cook at medium temperature until boiling, then reduce it and leave to cook for fifteen minutes.

The jam must be stirred all the time so that the sugar dissolves and it turns out homogeneous. We put the finished product into jars; you can close them with nylon or screw lids. Stores perfectly.

Currant and gooseberry jam for the winter

We will need:

  • Kilo of gooseberries
  • Half a kilo of black currants
  • A couple of oranges
  • One and a half kilos of sugar

How to make this jam:

We sort and rinse all the berries, so you can mix them right away. Wash the oranges with the peel thoroughly, cut them into pieces, remove the seeds and grind them in a blender. Mix the orange puree with berries and sugar and cook at a not too high temperature for fifteen minutes. The foam must be removed. Pour the finished mixture into jars while hot and close.

Gooseberry jelly with orange

I’ll say right away that it’s a lot of fuss, but it’s worth a try. The jelly turns out very beautifully, we even decorate holiday cakes with it.

For this recipe you need:

  • One and a half kilos of berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • Three oranges

How to cook gooseberry jelly:

For this recipe, I leave the berries with the tails, but we will remove them later anyway. I just rinse and dry. I wash the oranges, peel the peel and all the membranes, take out the seeds. I grind everything with a blender, everything together at once. Then I rub it in small portions through a sieve, you can cook it with the bones, my daughter just doesn’t like them.

The result is a berry-orange mass, which needs to be poured into a cooking container and mixed with sugar. The jelly is usually cooked for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. Then it must be immediately divided into jars. It won't be that thick at first. Only when it cools down well.

Pickled gooseberries for the winter

Original, tasty, unusual. We marinate it often, it goes very well with meat dishes, so I recommend it.

For the recipe we will take:

  • 0.8 kg of berries, optional with light greens
  • Black currant leaves
  • Three carnations
  • Three allspice peas
  • On the tip of a cinnamon knife
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • Three tablespoons of table vinegar

How to pickle gooseberries:

The gooseberries need to be freed from the tails, washed, and put into a jar. The first time we pour boiling water for twenty minutes. Pour this water into a saucepan and boil it again to pour it again, five minutes is enough for the second time. Pour out the water again and add all the spices with sugar, cook the filling, add vinegar at the end. Pour over the berries and roll up immediately.

Gooseberry sauce for the winter

For it you will need to take:

  • Half a kilo of berries
  • Five tomatoes
  • A couple of sweet peppers
  • One hot chili
  • Large onion
  • Head of garlic
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Two spoons of vinegar
  • Spices and salt to taste

How to make gooseberry sauce:

We wash the berries and vegetables, and tear off the tails of the gooseberries. Cut large vegetables into pieces. We immediately put everything into a common bowl or other container. We begin to grind with a blender, you can scroll through a meat grinder twice. Immediately add oil, vinegar, salt and spices, stir well and pack into jars. It is better to take 0.33 and 0.5 liters. Then we put them in a pan with hot water and sterilize for ten minutes. Close with lids.

Gooseberry sauce with garlic for the winter

We will need to take:

  • 0.4 kg berries
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Bunch of fresh basil
  • Spoon of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook:

Sort and rinse the berries, spread on a towel to dry. Peel the garlic, rinse the greens, dry and remove the stems. Grind everything twice in a meat grinder. Add oil and spices, stir. Divide the mixture into sterile jars and place in the refrigerator.

Gooseberry adjika for the winter, recipe

For this we will take:

  • A kilo of gooseberries, greenish ones are better
  • Three hundred grams of garlic
  • Five chili peppers
  • spoon of coriander
  • Spoon of salt

How to cook:

Wash the berries and tear off the tails, remove the seeds from the peppers, and peel the garlic. We pass everything through a meat grinder several times, add spices, stir and pack into sterile jars.

Summer is not only a time for vacations and relaxation, but also a season for preparing preserves for the winter. Of course, because at this time there comes a real boom in a variety of vegetables, fruits and berries!

All these products contain countless different vitamins and microelements that strengthen our body. And all together they help us increase our immunity level.

For example, recipes for preparing gooseberries for the winter, like other berries, help in every possible way in the fight against colds. And, you must admit, sometimes in winter you really want to regain a little summer mood. This helps not to lose your presence of mind.

Delicious recipes for preparing gooseberries for the winter

It is worth recognizing that gooseberries are not only healthy, but also tasty. We bring to your attention recipes for preparing gooseberries for the winter so that you can diversify your winter diet.

Note that these recipes are quite simple. Let us also mention that many chefs advise grinding fruits with honey or sugar in order to preserve all its beneficial qualities.

To prepare this very simple jam we need:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

You can take more or less, but the ratio of products should be 1 to 1.

So, we wash our berries, sprinkle with sugar and mix thoroughly until the sugar melts in the berry juice. After this, put the mixture into jars. This jam should be kept in the refrigerator, but not more than six months.

Gooseberry jam with honey without cooking

There are a huge number of recipes for preparing gooseberries for the winter, and this is just one of many.

By the way, it also helps to increase the medicinal properties of gooseberries. Here you need to use honey instead of sugar.

We will need:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kilogram;
  • Honey – 500 grams.

As usual, we wash the fruits and place them in a special container. Now you need to pour honey over the berries. You can take any honey you like, but we would recommend flower honey. It will fit best. Now mix.

The gooseberries can be left whole or chopped. Pour the resulting sweetness into jars and place in the refrigerator.

Gooseberry jam with orange for the winter

Gooseberry jam with orange - especially to the taste of children

This jam is guaranteed to become the favorite among those people who carefully monitor their health and immunity.

The correct ratio of orange peel with honey and gooseberries will allow you not to get sick even in the most persistent cold.

So, to prepare gooseberry and orange jam for the winter, we will need:

  • Gooseberries – 500 grams;
  • Honey – 300 grams;
  • Orange peel.

Preparing jam is very simple. Grind the washed berries in a blender or through a sieve. Stir in honey until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Afterwards we grind the orange peel in a blender or grate it on a fine grater and throw it into the berry-honey mass. Mix again.

We put the resulting jam into jars and hide it in the refrigerator. To prevent colds, eat at least a spoonful of this sweet mass every morning.

Various gooseberry jams

If you hear the phrase “recipes for preparing gooseberries for the winter,” the first thing that comes to mind, of course, is jam. Here are a few recipes that any housewife can handle without any problems.

Classic gooseberry jam

The most popular gooseberry preparation is classic jam.

It's not difficult to prepare. The main thing is to do everything consistently.

List of components:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

We wash the gooseberries, put them in a saucepan or large bowl, sprinkle them with sugar, put them on low gas and cook until the sugar melts.

Stir the resulting mass well and leave it alone for six hours. Cook again on low gas and then pour into jars.

Gooseberry jam - simplified recipe

This recipe is a little simpler than the previous one.

Let's take for it:

  • Gooseberries – 500 grams;
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • Water – 250 milliliters.

Wash the gooseberries, place them in a saucepan or bowl, and fill them with water. Cook it all on low gas until everything has boiled down. Now we wipe the berries through a sieve and sprinkle with sugar. Cook the mixture on low gas, let it cool and cook again.

Pour into jars and you're done!

Gooseberry jam with citrus fruits

Gooseberry jam with lemon and orange - the perfect combination of summer fruits

This jam will be just perfect for the holiday table. To prepare it, we need:

  • Gooseberries – 500 grams;
  • Honey – 200 grams;
  • orange peel;
  • Lemon peel.

We wash the fruits and grind them through a sieve. Finely chop the citrus peels and mix with the berries. Pour the resulting mass with honey. Mix thoroughly and place into jars. Ready!

Gooseberry desserts

Preparing such desserts is an exciting task, not only because the dishes turn out delicious, but also because they are easy and quite quick to make. But you can make a lot of sweets from gooseberries.


Pastila is an excellent treat that you can pamper yourself and your children with every day. For him we will take:

  • Gooseberries – 400 grams;
  • Sugar – 700 grams.

Let's move on to cooking:

The gooseberries need to be crushed through a strainer and then sprinkled with sugar. A prerequisite is that the sugar must melt completely.

While it dissolves, place special baking paper on a baking sheet. Mix the prepared mixture again and spread it on paper in a thin layer.

Place in the oven for fifteen minutes. We set the temperature level to approximately 150 degrees. When the marshmallow is baked, put it in a warm place, cover it with gauze and forget about it for two or three days.

After this time, the pastille will be ready. As you can see, everything is very simple!


All children, without exception, adore jam. And if it is also made from natural berries, then who would refuse such sweetness? To make jam, we will take:

  • Gooseberries – 2 kilograms;
  • Sugar – 4 kilograms;
  • Water – 1 liter.

So, let's begin. Place the berries in a large dish - a saucepan or bowl - and fill with water. Cook for ten minutes. Grind the resulting mass using a sieve. We don’t need the cake, so we get rid of it without regret.

The basis of this recipe is the juice.

Pour sugar into it and boil. Leave the resulting mass for the whole night, and in the morning boil for another half an hour. Pour the prepared jam into jars.

Gooseberry syrup

Note that the syrup is cooked in a very similar way. But the only difference is that water and sugar are boiled first, and then the gooseberries. Grind the berries through a sieve, mix the released juice with sugar syrup and pour into jars.

Express recipes with gooseberries

If gooseberries are washed well and frozen, they can be stored in this state for a whole year. And they can be used to prepare your favorite dishes at any time.

Quick gooseberry jam

"Five Minute"

It is also called the “five-minute”. And it is very easy to prepare.


  • Gooseberries – 700 grams;
  • Sugar – 1.5 kilograms.

Cover the washed gooseberries with sugar and cook for just five minutes. We wait until the jam “gurgles” and pour it into jars. At the same time, the gooseberry will retain all its best qualities.

Recipe for jam for a slow cooker

The only thing simpler than “five-minute” jam is jam prepared in a slow cooker. We will need:

  • Gooseberries – 500 grams;
  • Sugar – 700 grams.

Place the ingredients in the multicooker bowl, close it and set the “Jam” mode. Your slow cooker will do everything for you. All you have to do is pour it into jars.


It's hard to find a person who doesn't like jelly. To prepare it, we will need:

  • Gooseberries – 500 grams;
  • Sugar – 500 grams.

Grind the berries using a sieve and sprinkle with sugar. Boil the mixture and then filter through four layers of gauze. Boil the released juice a little more, pour it into a bowl and put it in the refrigerator. The jelly is ready!

Gooseberry compote for the winter

Gooseberry compote for the winter is a great option to bring back a little summer mood to yourself and your family. To prepare it, take:

  • Gooseberries – 1 cup;
  • Sugar – 50 grams;
  • Water – 1 liter.

Boil water and then add sugar. Next we add the fruits to the syrup. Cook for seven minutes. Pour the finished compote into jars.

Frozen berry compote

Remember we mentioned freezing gooseberries? Now we will share with you a recipe for making compote from these berries. We will need:

  • Frozen gooseberries – 100 grams;
  • Sugar – 100 grams;
  • Water – 1 liter.

The cooking method is exactly the same as described in the previous recipe. But proper defrosting of the berries is important here. First, we place the gooseberries on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for four hours, and then leave them to “reach” at room temperature.

Gooseberry Mojito compote for the winter

Many people know this drink as a mojito. And we will tell you how to make a gooseberry mojito compote for the winter. This “cocktail” will certainly not make you drunk.

  • Gooseberries – 350 grams;
  • Sugar – 250 grams;
  • Lemon – two slices;
  • Mint - to taste.

Place lemon and mint in a washed three-liter jar. Add gooseberries on top and pour boiling water over them. Close and leave for no longer than twenty minutes.

Pour the resulting liquid into a large bowl and cook on low gas along with sugar. Pour the drink into jars.


This fruit drink is valuable because it perfectly quenches thirst.

To cook it, take:

  • Gooseberries - 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Water – 100 milliliters.

Boil water on low gas, then add sugar. Cook the syrup for seven minutes. Grind the gooseberries in a blender and put them in syrup. Boil and pour into jars. Want to try it right now? Then wait until it cools down and blend again in the blender.


This drink will be appreciated by lovers of alcoholic drinks. Gooseberry tincture has a special taste. To prepare it, we will need:

  • Gooseberries - 3 cups;
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • Vodka – 500 milliliters.

Pour the gooseberries into a three-liter jar and pour out all the sugar at once. Place the resulting mixture in a dark, dry place for a couple of weeks. Please note that the mixture must be shaken every two to three days.

After two weeks, fill the existing mass with vodka. It should cover the mixture about another two to three centimeters above. We return the jar to the dark for another two weeks. After all this, the liquid is decanted and diluted with water.

Gooseberries in their own juice

Berries prepared in their own juice are good because they completely retain not only all the vitamins, but also their taste.

To prepare you will need:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar – 300 grams.

Wash the berries and place them in a saucepan or bowl. Sprinkle with sugar. Leave the gooseberries alone until the sugar dissolves on its own. And only then, when the juice and sugar have melted, put the resulting mass into a jar and store it in the refrigerator.

Non-standard dishes with gooseberries

If you didn’t know this yet, let’s tell you a secret. Recipes for preparing gooseberries for the winter are not limited to sweets and drinks. You can cook a lot of other interesting things from them.

Gooseberry sauce

This sauce will be a delicious seasoning for meat or fish. To prepare it, we will need:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar – 150 grams;
  • Water – 70 milliliters;
  • Onion – 400 grams;
  • Garlic – 1 clove;
  • Oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • Coriander – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Curry – 2 teaspoons;
  • Raisins – 50 grams;
  • Salt - to taste.

Finely chop the onion and garlic and simmer on low gas, not forgetting to add oil. Mix the berries with sugar and cook for about ten minutes. Pass the fruits through a sieve.

We get rid of the pulp - we need juice. We mix it with stewed onions and garlic. Add the remaining components to this mixture. and cook for another ten minutes. Ready!


This recipe is quite non-standard, as for the usual adjika, but it still turns out very tasty.

To do this, let's take:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kilogram;
  • Dill – 200 grams;
  • Garlic – 300 grams.

It is extremely easy to prepare. We pass all the components through a meat grinder and mix. All! All that remains is to put it in jars.

Garlic appetizer with gooseberries

This appetizer will be an excellent addition to meat. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • Gooseberries – 500 grams;
  • Garlic – 300 grams;
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pieces.

Grind the gooseberries with garlic in a meat grinder, add spices. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

Cucumbers with gooseberries. It even sounds unconventional. But, nevertheless, very tasty. To see this, take:

  • Cucumbers – 2 kilograms;
  • Gooseberries – 1 cup;
  • Water – 1 liter;
  • Sugar – 100 grams;
  • Salt – 50 grams.

Pour boiling water over the cucumbers and cool in cold water. We put it in jars and distribute the berries there too. At the same time, boil the water in which the sugar and salt were mixed. Pour the cucumbers with this water and then roll them up.

Gooseberry with orange

This delicacy will be an excellent support for your immunity during the winter. Take for this:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • Orange – 1 piece.

We pass the washed berries through a meat grinder, along with the orange. Pour sugar into the resulting slurry. When it dissolves, mix everything and roll up. You need to leave the mixture in the refrigerator.

The recipes we have listed are also good because they retain all the medicinal properties of gooseberries. And if you add citrus fruits, then this is a real bomb, and it will protect your body from diseases that await you in winter. And every child will be happy with sweets made from this berry.

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