Home Bakery Hot sandwiches without mayonnaise. How to make hot sandwiches. Hot sandwiches with sprats “Zostolnye”

Hot sandwiches without mayonnaise. How to make hot sandwiches. Hot sandwiches with sprats “Zostolnye”

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Often there is a need to come up with some kind of quick dish to feed hungry children or friends who suddenly drop by. Sandwiches are a good option for a snack, especially if you bake them in the oven. You can even start the day with them as breakfast.

How to make hot sandwiches

To make such a quick snack, you don’t need to have professional culinary skills. Baked sandwiches are prepared using almost the same algorithm as regular sandwiches, but there is still a difference. For example, before cooking, bread can be additionally fried in a frying pan, being careful not to dry it out, but to slightly brown it. Next, if desired, the piece is rubbed with garlic for piquancy. Soaking the bread is necessary so that when baking in the oven you do not end up with a stale cracker. This quality can be cream, mayonnaise or butter.


It is desirable that the dish turns out not only tasty, but also satisfying. However, if the refrigerator is almost empty, and you need to prepare something from the available products, then you will only have to think about the compatibility of the components. An integral component is cheese. The main filling for hot sandwiches in the oven can be sprinkled with grated cheese or pieces on top. This will combine all the ingredients and create a beautiful crust, like in the photo. The following components are common:

  • sausage or ham;
  • egg;
  • fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • chicken's meat;
  • vegetables;
  • sausages.

Hot sandwich recipes

There is nothing complicated in preparing such a quick snack. If you have a loaf of bread and a couple of ingredients in your house that go well together, consider yourself lucky. The recipe for sandwiches in the oven does not require a lot of time: a few minutes are enough to prepare and bake. If you wish, you can make the dish elegant by drawing ideas from photos of culinary bloggers, but if the most important thing is satisfying hunger, then you don’t have to imagine. Before making hot, simple and original sandwiches in the oven, stock up on parchment paper, otherwise the products will burn.

With cheese and tomatoes

Tomato is one of the first things that comes to mind when it comes to vegetables. This is no coincidence, because tomato is a component of many snacks that people eat both everyday and on holidays. The list begins with the simplest vegetable salads, where you can rarely do without tomatoes, and continues with all kinds of appetizers, where the vegetable can be a filling or a mold for it. Sandwiches with tomatoes and cheese are easy and very quick to bake in the oven, which is why they are becoming increasingly popular among housewives.

Cooking method:

  1. Take bread, cheese and tomatoes.
  2. Carefully cut the loaf into as many slices as you want to prepare.
  3. Place a cube of butter on a heated frying pan and lightly fry the bread on both sides.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices. If the bread pieces are small, then place one tomato mug on each. If they are large, you will need two slices of tomato. Lightly salt.
  5. Grate the cheese, determining the required amount by eye. Sprinkle it over the tomatoes.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the sandwiches for 7-8 minutes.

With sausages

Although doctors never tire of talking about the dangers of sausages, these products remain among the favorites not only for Russians, but throughout the world. As for sausages, this is often an everyday dish that you rarely see on a holiday table. However, hot sausage sandwiches are so tasty and simple that they are best suited for a snack at university or at work.

Cooking method:

  1. Take bread, sausages, mayonnaise and some greens.
  2. Cut the loaf into medium slices.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the bread pieces on it. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  4. Cut the sausages into circles, and divide each of them into 4 parts.
  5. Chop the greens and add to the bowl with the sausages.
  6. Grate the soft cheese into the same container. Mix everything well.
  7. Carefully spoon the resulting mixture onto the pieces of bread.
  8. Preheat the oven, place a baking sheet in it. Determine readiness by the baked cheese.


When there is half an hour left before the unscheduled arrival of guests, you have to use your culinary ingenuity. You won’t be able to set a large table, but you can make an interesting appetizer. Making hot sandwiches in a hurry is more fun if you have at least some choice of ingredients in the refrigerator. Don’t think that you will have to run to the store for expensive ingredients; there will be enough products that are used daily in any family.


  • pieces of bread – 10 pcs.;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • sausages – 4 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ketchup – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the sausages into smaller pieces.
  2. The tomato needs to be cut into small cubes. Before preparing the dish, you can remove the skin from the tomato.
  3. Combine both ingredients by adding chopped herbs.
  4. Chop the garlic very finely or pass it through a press. Add to other ingredients.
  5. Combine tomato paste with mayonnaise and season the mixed ingredients with this sauce.
  6. Place the bread slices on a baking sheet and spoon out the filling.
  7. Grate the cheese and place on each sandwich.
  8. Hot sandwiches should cook in a preheated oven for about a quarter of an hour.

With cheese

If you just randomly throw different foods on a piece of bread, you won’t get a single dish. A connecting element is required. This is often grated cheese. When baked, it seals the flavors of the ingredients inside, mixing them together. Sandwiches with cheese in the oven turn out juicy and moderately salty; often there is no need to add salt to other products.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a loaf, cheese, herbs and butter.
  2. Place the required number of bread pieces on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. First, each of them must be greased with a thin layer of butter.
  3. Grate more cheese. For this it is better to use a coarse grater.
  4. Chop the dill. If desired, you can replace it with any other greens.
  5. Mix these two ingredients and place on slices of bread.
  6. Carefully move the baking sheet inside the preheated oven. The food is ready when the cheese turns golden brown.

With saury

Canned fish is a great option for budget meals. They are often used to make soups. During festive feasts, you can see sprats familiar from childhood. However, not only they deserve attention and can be considered festive. For example, if you bake hot sandwiches with saury in the oven, they will easily compete with slightly tired sprats. A warm appetizer perfect for small parties.


  • bread - 8 slices;
  • canned saury – 1 can;
  • egg – 4 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • butter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the saury in a bowl and mash the pieces thoroughly with a fork, removing large bones if necessary.
  2. Boil the eggs and chop them finely. Transfer to a container with fish.
  3. Chop the garlic and herbs finer. Send to the rest of the components.
  4. Season everything with mayonnaise and mix well.
  5. Lightly grease the pieces of bread with oil and spread on a baking sheet. Place the filling.
  6. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top of each slice.
  7. Hot sandwiches should be kept in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

With mushrooms

Summer is not only berry season, but also mushroom season. Fans of mushroom picking, as a rule, try to preserve the gifts of the forest until winter and can them. However, such preparations do not sell out quickly, especially if the family is small and not everyone in it is a fan of such food. In these cases, sandwiches with mushrooms and cheese in the oven will help make room for new canned food for next year. Fresh mushrooms can also be used: for example, champignons or forest mushrooms (honey mushrooms, butter mushrooms). Cheese will dilute the specific taste, adding piquancy and saltiness.

Cooking method:

  1. You will need mushrooms, loaf, onions, butter and cheese.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces, fry in a frying pan along with chopped onions.
  3. Prepare the bread slices by spreading butter on them.
  4. Add onion and mushroom mixture. Draw a small mayonnaise mesh on top.
  5. Sprinkle sandwiches with grated cheese.
  6. Bake on a baking sheet for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

With egg

A breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and tomato, although very healthy and satisfying, can get boring over time. If you present the same set of products in a different form, you can introduce some novelty without spending money and time. Sandwiches with eggs in the oven turn out very original and appetizing. You can even consider this a kind of unification of two dishes: there is a sandwich and scrambled eggs. Males will like this option more because of its increased calorie content.

Cooking method:

  1. You will need a loaf, eggs, butter, bacon, tomato and herbs.
  2. Take square pieces of bread, lightly brush with oil and place on a baking sheet.
  3. From exactly the same pieces, pull out the crumb in the center to form a hole. Place on top of the pieces placed on the baking sheet.
  4. Place one tomato slice into the resulting cavity.
  5. Lightly fry 100 g of chopped bacon and place on the tomatoes.
  6. Break the egg into the well without letting it spread. Add some salt.
  7. To make the dish look elegant, like in the photo, sprinkle it with chopped dill.
  8. Hot sandwiches should be kept in a heated oven until the protein is completely baked.


“You’re eating a sandwich wrong, Uncle Fyodor!” exclaimed the character of the famous cartoon. If you believe Matroskin’s words, when you put the sausage on your tongue you can feel a fundamentally different taste. However, the sandwich will become even tastier if you bake it! The set of ingredients will remain the same, but you can add something else. If you want to bake sausage sandwiches in the oven, add hot sauce or savory vegetables for a richer flavor.


  • bread – 10 pieces;
  • sausage – 200 g;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • egg yolk – 2 pcs.
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the garlic through a press, then mix with softened butter. Soak the bread slices and place them on a baking sheet.
  2. Cut the sausage into cubes so that they easily fit on a piece of bread.
  3. Season the sausage cubes with egg yolk. Salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Spread out the filling.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the baking sheet there for 7-10 minutes.

With sausage and cheese

Cheese and sausage filling is a classic for quick sandwiches. If, under the influence of high temperatures, you bake sandwiches in the oven with sausage and cheese, you will get a more interesting option. They will be juicy and warm, which is very valuable for a snack. It is better to take boiled sausage, since smoked sausage can release a lot of fat during baking, which can spoil the taste. The cheese must melt easily, but not spread on the baking sheet.

Cooking method:

  1. Take bread, cream, sausage, cheese and herbs.
  2. Soak thinly sliced ​​loaf pieces with heavy cream.
  3. Place the soaked slices on parchment paper.
  4. Chop the sausage into small cubes or strips.
  5. Grate the cheese coarsely.
  6. Finely chopped greens must be mixed with cheese.
  7. Place the sausage on the bread in a small mound.
  8. Sprinkle everything on top with a mixture of cheese and herbs.
  9. Bake for 10-15 minutes before baking the cheese.

Ham sandwich

When using a large number of ingredients, it becomes necessary to cover them with a second piece of bread. Then the usual hot ham sandwiches are transformed into sandwiches, which can be called a more satisfying dish. The bread pieces can be pre-fryed in a toaster or in a frying pan. Hot sandwiches will be juicier if you add a little butter or some sauce to them.


  • ham – 200 g;
  • cheese – 200 g;
  • egg yolk – 3 pcs.;
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • loaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the egg yolks in a bowl and stir with a fork until smooth.
  2. Grind the cheese using a grater. Combine with yolks, mixing well.
  3. Cut the loaf into pieces of medium thickness, grease each with mayonnaise. Place them on a baking sheet.
  4. Cut the tomato into circles. For small sandwiches, the circle can be divided in half. Place tomato slices on top of the mayonnaise layer.
  5. Take the ham and cut it as small as possible. Spread over tomatoes.
  6. The top layer will be the egg-cheese mixture. Cover the sandwich with the second piece of bread.
  7. Place inside the oven and bake until golden brown.

Delicious sandwiches in the oven - cooking secrets

Each recipe is unique in its own way, and therefore there are both its admirers and those who do not like this option. Before you cook hot sandwiches in the oven, you need to determine its required components:

  • Bread. The fresher it is, the more enjoyable the final dish will be to eat. There is no need to cut the loaf into too thick slices: this is not the main element of the sandwich.
  • Impregnation. If we are not talking about egg sandwiches, where there are plenty of liquid ingredients, then the slices definitely need to be soaked with something. This could be cream, sauce or butter.
  • Filling. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and refer to personal preferences.
  • Connecting element. Traditionally it is cheese. If for some reason you do not want to use it, it can be replaced with egg yolk.


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Hot sandwiches in the oven according to delicious recipes

The appearance of the first sandwiches can be dated back to the Middle Ages. At that time, bread was often used instead of plates, on which meat, vegetables, fish or other products were placed. In rich families, they ate only what was on top, and gave the bread to the dogs, but the poor ate the entire snack.

The word sandwich has German roots and is a combination of two words: butter and bread. It is believed that the idea of ​​​​spreading butter on bread belongs to Copernicus. In his younger years, he studied medicine and, although he did not complete his studies, the knowledge he gained was useful to him. During the long siege of Olsztyn Castle, an unknown disease began to spread among the large number of people stuck here.

Copernicus carefully observed people to identify the cause of the disease and noticed that only those who ate bread, which at that time was practically the only source of nutrition, were affected by the disease. Noting the behavior of the people, the would-be doctor saw that everyone gathered in the castle was even eating the bread that had fallen on the floor, lightly shaking it off with his hand.

In order to see all the dirt on the fallen pieces, Copernicus suggested lubricating them with a thin layer of oil. In this case, dust and other debris could be cleaned off along with it. This is how the very first sandwich appeared. However, today it is not only a buttered piece of bread that is called this way.

Various products are placed on a piece of bread: sausage, fish, they like to spread all kinds of pates, caviar and anything else they like. This snack is one of the main ones in fast food establishments. Hot sandwiches are especially widespread.

Principles of making a hot sandwich

Hearty hot sandwiches have long gained wide popularity. Their preparation is possible without culinary education or skills. They are prepared quickly from ingredients that are on hand.

This snack is suitable for breakfast and for short snacks between lunch and dinner.

You can make hot sandwiches quickly if guests are almost at the door and there is nothing to serve. If the kitchen has a microwave, the task becomes several times easier. But if you don’t have one, you can use an oven or a frying pan to make quick, hot sandwiches.

To prepare such a snack, you can use any bread. White, rye, as well as baguettes or loaves are suitable. Sandwiches with pita bread, an unleavened round flatbread, are very tasty. Toast bread sold in modern stores is ideal - this is the best solution for hot snacks, since the pieces do not fall apart or become soggy during the cooking process. Regarding the filling, there are no restrictions.

For hot sandwiches you can use:

  • sausages and sausage products;
  • minced meat, smoked ham;
  • mushrooms, pates;
  • eggs, onions and herbs;
  • any vegetables, potatoes;
  • fish and seafood.

Almost no hot sandwich recipe is complete without cheese. Under the influence of high temperature it melts, becomes viscous and acquires a completely different taste. Hot sandwiches made in a hurry with the addition of sauce, mustard or ketchup are very appetizing and tasty.

What you need for cooking: food and utensils

You don't need a lot of utensils to prepare a delicious hot snack. You will need a frying pan and an oven tray. If you plan to cook hot sandwiches in the microwave, you will need a large, flat plate. You also need to prepare a knife, cutting board and bowl for the sauce or filling. You can use flat serving plates for serving.

The prepared bread is cut into even slices of equal thickness. Then I prepare the filling. It is placed on each piece, sprinkled with cheese and sent for cooking in the oven, microwave or frying pan.

Delicious recipes for hot sandwiches

This hot snack is loved in many families. But since each person has his own taste preferences, sandwiches are prepared with different fillings. Below are the simplest recipes. You can use them to cook hot sandwiches in the oven, in a frying pan, or in other ways.

The simplest hot sandwiches in a frying pan

To prepare a simple, very quick dish, you will need the simplest ingredients that can be found in any refrigerator.

In addition to bread you need to take:

  • eggs 3 pcs. (chicken);
  • onions (onion or green, as you like);
  • greens, garlic;
  • cheese of any kind;
  • 0.5 cups of milk.

How to cook step by step:

  1. Beat eggs with raw milk until smooth and salt.
  2. The cheese is crushed, the herbs are cut, and the garlic is passed through a press and everything is mixed.
  3. The cheese mixture is laid out on a slice of bread in advance and covered with a second slice.
  4. This closed sandwich is dipped in the egg mixture, after which it is fried on both sides in vegetable oil.
  5. You can serve this appetizer directly in the frying pan.

Such snacks turn out to be incredibly tasty and tender. The ingredients can be changed at your discretion. Slices of tomatoes, sweet peppers, and lettuce leaves instead of greens are suitable.

Hot sandwiches with potatoes in a frying pan

This recipe makes it easy to prepare a quick and incredibly tasty dinner for guests and the whole family, from what you have lying around in the refrigerator. You need to take old stale bread or a loaf. You can use the remains of various sausages or hams, a little cheese. You will also need two eggs, the same number of raw potatoes, onions, salt and seasonings to taste.

Sausage, cheese, and onions are cut into small squares. The potatoes are grated and squeezed well, removing excess juice. Mix everything with raw eggs. Spread the resulting mass onto pieces of bread and lower them into the frying pan with the filling facing down. The top of the slice is also coated with the filling. Then fry on both sides until a tender, golden brown crust appears.

Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese in the oven

You will need 3-4 slices of bread, boiled sausage and cheese. You can diversify the taste with vegetables. Tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers go well with sausage. It’s good if you have mayonnaise or ketchup; with such sauces the dish becomes much tastier and more interesting.

Slices of bread are lightly coated with mayonnaise, ketchup or any other sauce. Next add a piece of sausage. Thin slices of cucumber and tomato are placed on top and sprinkled with cheese. The finished snack is baked in a hot oven for about 15 minutes. If you use a microwave, then 3-5 minutes is enough. Hot sandwiches with sausage are served immediately, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Hot sandwiches with minced meat in the oven

Very often, after preparing dumplings, there is some minced meat left in the refrigerator. There doesn’t seem to be enough for cutlets, so where do you put the rest of the food? Try making hot sandwiches.

To do this you will need:

  • 8 slices of white bread;
  • minced pork and beef;
  • cheese 0.25 kg;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise.

How to cook:

The minced meat is salted, pepper and mayonnaise are added, and pieces of bread are spread with this mixture. Next, grate the cheese and place it on top of the minced meat. The preparations for hot sandwiches are ready. They are placed on a baking sheet, then placed in the oven. Bake the appetizer for about 20 minutes at high temperature. As soon as a light golden crust appears, delicious hot sandwiches are ready!

Want something interesting?

Serve the appetizer sprinkled with herbs or chopped garlic. If you want to diversify the recipe a little, you can put a thin slice of tomato or bell pepper between the minced meat and cheese.

Hot sandwich - lazy pizza

Few people will refuse a slice of delicious, incredibly aromatic pizza. But often modern housewives have practically no time left to prepare this dish.

How to pamper your loved ones and quickly prepare delicious pizza? This lazy recipe will help you feed your family a delicious, high-calorie lunch.

To prepare lazy pizza, you need to prepare a white baguette, about 250 grams of hard cheese, 300 grams of any sausage, a couple of tomatoes, mayonnaise, ketchup and herbs. The loaf is cut into round slices no more than 10 mm thick. It is better to use a serrated knife for these purposes. Sausage and cheese are grated and mixed with mayonnaise and ketchup until smooth.

The resulting sausage mass is spread on pieces of baguette, covering with a tomato ring on top. Lazy pizzas are transferred to a baking sheet, then placed in the oven. It is recommended to cook at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Mini-pizzas are served hot, lightly sprinkled with herbs.

Using the same principle, you can prepare small pizzas with other toppings. A delicious appetizer with shrimp, crab sticks or boiled meat is obtained.

Hot sandwiches with canned fish

A delicious snack can be prepared not only with meat or sausage products. Quite often, housewives use canned fish to make sandwiches. For these purposes, you can use saury or sardine in oil, as well as sprats.

Hot sandwiches with saury

Open the canned food, drain the oil, and mash the fish well with a fork. Boiled and cooled eggs are grated, and the cheese is also chopped. All ingredients, except cheese, are mixed and a little sour cream is added to improve the consistency. To taste, you can add onions, herbs, garlic and whatever you want.

Next, the loaf is cut into slices, and the resulting mixture is spread onto the pieces. The appetizer is sprinkled with cheese, placed on a baking sheet, and baked at high temperature in the oven until a light golden brown crust appears.

You can use a microwave for cooking. With this miracle of technology, the preparation time for sandwiches is reduced to a few minutes. Hot sandwiches with eggs and saury are unusual and very tasty.

Hot sandwiches with sprats, tomato and cheese

For a tasty and easy recipe you will need a loaf, 150 grams of cheese, 2 tomatoes, garlic, herbs and canned food. The bread is cut into equal slices. The thickness of such a piece should not exceed 5 mm. Each slice is coated with mayonnaise mixed with crushed garlic and chopped herbs. Tomatoes are cut into thin circles, then placed on slices, and 1-2 fish are placed on top. Next, put cheese cut into slices on top.

The appetizer is placed on a large non-metallic dish, then placed in the microwave for a few minutes until the cheese is completely melted. The dish is served hot.

Culinary tips for making hot sandwiches

  • Bread should not be cut in advance. It will dry out even more and will not be as tasty.
  • The ingredients for the filling also do not need to be chopped in advance. They may lose taste and juiciness.
  • Vegetables used in cooking must be peeled, with the exception of tomatoes.
  • If you want to make hot sandwiches with cheese, it is better to choose hard varieties. This cheese is easier to chop and the snack turns out tastier.
  • If dry sausage is used, it must also be cleaned. To make the process easier, hold the stick under running cold water.
  • You can add mustard or tomato sauce to any recipe. These ingredients will improve the taste of the dish and make it a little spicier.
  • For decoration you can use lettuce leaves, herbs, egg or tomato slices, olives, olives, cranberries.
  • You can serve hot appetizers in serving plates or on a large platter.

As you can see, hot sandwiches are actually easy to prepare. You can take note of the above recipes and periodically pamper your household with delicious snacks. No one will remain indifferent to such delicious sandwiches, neither an adult nor a child.

Hot sandwiches in the oven are an excellent appetizer, both for an everyday table and for a dinner party. The dish will appeal to everyone, young and old.

For delicious sandwiches in the oven with sausage you will need:

  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • smoked sausage – 150 g;
  • cheese – 125 g;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup – 50 g each;
  • butter – 25 g.

Step-by-step preparation of the dish:

  1. The loaf is cut diagonally and placed on a greased baking sheet.
  2. The sausage is cut into thin strips, and the cheese is grated on a coarse or fine grater.
  3. Mayonnaise and ketchup are mixed.
  4. All slices of bread are coated with the sauce.
  5. First, smoked sausage is laid out, and then sprinkled with cheese.
  6. The sandwiches go into the preheated oven for 6-8 minutes.
  7. Decorate with greens.

Cooking with smoked chicken and cheese

For these sandwiches you need to purchase:

  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • smoked chicken fillet – 150 g;
  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • greenery;
  • spices.

Cooking instructions:

  1. The avocado is peeled and cut into thin slices.
  2. Onion - in half rings.
  3. Chicken - in thin plates.
  4. The loaf is cut diagonally.
  5. Each piece of bread is placed on a baking sheet, the next layer is avocado, then onion, and then a piece of meat. Everything is sprinkled with cheese, spices and put in the oven for 5-8 minutes.
  6. Before serving, decorate with greens.

Hot sandwiches with sprats

Hot sandwiches with sprats look great on the New Year's table.

It requires:

  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise -100 g;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • sprats - 1 jar;
  • cheese –100 g;
  • greenery.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The loaf is cut diagonally and placed on a baking sheet greased with vegetable or butter.
  2. The garlic is crushed and mixed with mayonnaise. Spread this mixture on each slice of bread.
  3. You can cook without garlic.
  4. 2-3 sprats are placed on top.
  5. The cheese is grated on a coarse grater and sprinkled on top of the sprat.
  6. Place in the oven for 5-7 minutes.
  7. Decorated with greenery.

Recipe for cooking with saury in the oven

Hot sandwiches with saury have excellent taste.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • canned saury – 1 jar;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • butter – 2 tbsp. l;
  • greenery.


  1. Saira is kneaded with a fork right in the jar.
  2. The eggs are boiled and finely crumbled, or grated on a coarse grater.
  3. The onion is crumbled and fried until golden brown.
  4. The cheese is grated.
  5. Saira is mixed in a plate with onions, eggs, herbs and garlic. Additionally, you can season with salt and pepper.
  6. Season the food with mayonnaise.
  7. The butter is spread on the bread, the filling is placed on top, sprinkled with cheese and sent to the oven.

Festive appetizer with crab sticks and cheese

Such sandwiches have a piquant taste and are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • crab sticks – 100 g;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g.

You can prepare it as follows:

  1. The loaf is cut diagonally and placed on a baking sheet.
  2. Crab sticks are finely chopped or grated on a coarse grater.
  3. The cheese is also crushed on a coarse grater.
  4. Cheese, crab sticks and cheese are mixed in a saucer.
  5. Place the tray with sandwiches in the oven for a few minutes.

With tuna in the oven

Another great snack option consisting of the following products:

  • canned tuna – 1 can;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • green onions - 2 sprigs.

Principle of step-by-step preparation:

  1. The onion is cut into small circles.
  2. The cheese is grated on a coarse grater.
  3. The tuna is warmed up right in the can.
  4. Beat the eggs.
  5. Mix cheese, onion, eggs and tuna. Salt and pepper if desired.
  6. The filling is laid out on pieces of bread, which are placed on a baking sheet.
  7. Sandwiches are baked for 5-7 minutes.

Cooking with potatoes in a hurry

It is an easy and fast option.

For this you need to prepare:

  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l;
  • greenery;
  • spices.

How sandwiches are prepared:

  1. The loaf is cut diagonally 1 cm thick.
  2. The potatoes are grated on a coarse grater.
  3. The cheese is also grated on a coarse grater.
  4. The onion can be chopped finely or into half rings.
  5. The greens are finely chopped with a knife.
  6. Mix ingredients: onion, cheese, dill, potatoes.
  7. Mix mayonnaise and eggs, add to products.
  8. The filling is spread over the bread, sprinkled with cheese and put in the oven for 5-8 minutes or fried on both sides.
  9. Sprinkled with herbs.

With minced meat

Sandwiches with minced meat are perfect for everyday meals.

To prepare them you need the following products:

  • minced meat – 200 g;
  • ketchup – 100 g;
  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • spices.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Zucchini is chopped finely and fried in a frying pan.
  2. The onion is chopped even finer.
  3. Garlic is passed through a press or finely chopped.
  4. Onions and garlic are also fried in a frying pan until golden.
  5. Add defrosted minced meat there. Sprinkle with spices and fry in a frying pan for a while until done.
  6. The cheese is cut into thin strips or grated on a coarse grater.
  7. A baking tray is greased with oil and bread is placed on it.
  8. First, slices of bread are smeared with ketchup, and the filling is evenly distributed on top. First the zucchini, and then the minced meat.
  9. The last step is to sprinkle everything with cheese.
  10. Sandwiches are placed in the oven for about 6-10 minutes.

Warm Instant Cheese Sandwiches

Warm cheese sandwiches require the following ingredients to prepare:

  • bread – 1 piece;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l;
  • spices.

For the recipe you will need:

  1. First, mix eggs, spices and milk in a bowl.
  2. You can use both loaf and sandwich bread.
  3. Tomatoes are cut into medium-thick slices.
  4. The cheese is cut into thin strips.
  5. First place a slice of cheese on a slice of bread, then place a slice of tomato, a slice of cheese and a second slice of bread on top of it.
  6. Heat the frying pan over low heat. The surface is lubricated with oil.
  7. The resulting sandwich is well soaked in the mixture prepared earlier. After this it goes into the frying pan.
  8. Fry on one side until golden brown, then turn over to the other side and cover with a lid. Simmer for a couple of minutes under the lid and bring again until golden.

With ham and pineapples

Many people like to combine sweet and salty, ice cream and crackers. This recipe is exactly for such people.

It requires:

  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • ham – 100 g;
  • cheese – 80 g;
  • pineapples - 1 can;
  • mayonnaise – 50 g;
  • butter – 2 tbsp. l.

Prepare sequentially:

  1. The ham is cut into thin or medium slices.
  2. The cheese is grated on a coarse grater.
  3. The loaf is cut into medium-thick slices.
  4. Each is buttered on one side and placed on a baking sheet on that side.
  5. Each piece of bread is topped with ham, pineapple, cheese and mayonnaise.
  6. All this goes into the oven for 5-8 minutes until done.

With egg

Eggs are used in a lot of recipes, and this one is no exception.

For the egg sandwich you will need:

  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. The loaf is cut into oblong slices approximately 1 cm thick.
  2. The cheese is grated on a coarse grater.
  3. The eggs are mixed with a whisk with spices and poured into the cheese.
  4. The baking tray is greased or covered with baking paper.
  5. The pieces are laid out on a baking sheet, with filling placed on each.
  6. Sandwiches go into the oven for 8-10 minutes at high temperature.

Italian bruschetta with pear and cheese

The name of the dish begs to be prepared.

It beckons with its sweetness. Despite the complexity of the name, the ingredients required are simple:

  • pears – 2 pcs.;
  • curd cheese – 150 g;
  • blue cheese – 40 g;
  • French baguette or ciabatta – 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l;
  • walnuts – 20 g.

Step by step execution:

  1. Mold cheese must be mashed with a fork and mixed with curd cheese.
  2. Pears are cut into thin slices.
  3. The bread is cut into pieces 1 cm thick, and then fried in a frying pan until golden brown.
  4. The bread is spread with the filling, decorated with a pear and placed on a baking sheet in the oven for 5-8 minutes.
  5. When serving, pour over honey and sprinkle with nuts.

Homemade pizza on a loaf in the oven

Everyone loves pizza, but sometimes you are too lazy to knead the dough. For such cases, pizza in a loaf was invented.

For sandwiches you will need:

  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • champignons – 250 g;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Everything necessary is cleaned and washed.
  2. The onion is finely chopped and fried in a frying pan. Sauté for approximately 4-5 minutes over medium heat.
  3. The mushrooms are cut into thin slices and sautéed with the onions. Fry until the food acquires a golden hue.
  4. The bread is cut into slices 1 cm thick.
  5. The cheese is grated on a coarse grater.
  6. Butter is spread on the slices, and champignons and onions are placed on top. The surface is smeared with mayonnaise and sprinkled with cheese.
  7. After this, the sandwiches go into the oven for 5-8 minutes.
  8. After cooking, decorate with greens.

Seven of the most delicious and nutritious recipes for hot sandwiches, for which your family will say “thank you” to you all year long!

1. Hot sandwiches with potatoes


  • 3-4 potatoes
  • pepper
  • frying oil


  1. Grate the raw potatoes and add salt and pepper to taste, cut the bread or loaf into thin slices, and spread the potatoes evenly on top in a thin layer.
  2. Carefully place the potato side into a frying pan with heated sunflower oil and fry until golden brown.
  3. There is no need to turn or fry the bread. The results are quite tasty and quick hot sandwiches.

2. Quick hot sandwiches


  • sausages - 3-4 pieces
  • tomato - 1 piece
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • ketchup - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • wheat bread - 10 slices
  • cheese - 100 grams
  • fresh herbs - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste

Number of servings: 10


  1. Cut the sausages into small cubes and place in a deep bowl.
  2. We also cut the tomato into cubes, finely chop the greens and add to the plate with the sausages. Squeeze the garlic through the garlic press.
  3. Add mayonnaise and ketchup to the rest of the ingredients and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Place the bread on a baking sheet and place 1-1.5 tablespoons of filling on each piece. Sprinkle ground black pepper on top.
  5. Three cheeses on a coarse grater and sprinkle each piece with it, but you should not add too much cheese, as it will spread over the baking sheet during baking.
  6. We put the sandwiches in a preheated oven for 15 minutes, and then the whole family can evaluate the result.

3. "Sloths"


Mass No. 1

  • puree - 200 g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp;
  • green onion - 1 bunch;
  • pepper.

Mass No. 2

  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp;
  • dill;
  • pepper.


  1. Spread bread with mass No. 1;
  2. Top - mass No. 2;
  3. We put our sloths in the oven for 10 minutes at 175* and they are ready.

4.Hot sandwiches


  • egg - 1 pc;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp;
  • tomato paste - 1 tsp;
  • sausage (or sausage, optional) - 1 piece;
  • cheese - 20 gr;
  • bread.


  1. Mix the egg, mayonnaise and tomato paste.
  2. The sausage needs to be cut into small pieces and the cheese grated.
  3. Add herbs and spices to taste.
  4. Spread this mixture onto slices of loaf (one loaf is enough) and place them on a greased baking sheet.
  5. Place in the oven for 5 minutes.

5. Hot sandwich “Lazy Pizza”


  • classic loaf - 1 piece;
  • hard cheese - 250 gr;
  • boiled sausage - 300 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • greens - any, to taste;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons;
  • ketchup - 4 tablespoons.


  1. Cut the loaf into thin, approximately 1 cm, pieces. When slicing soft bread, use a serrated knife to ensure even slices and prevent the bread from crumbling.
  2. Grate hard cheese and boiled sausage (for me it was a doctor’s degree according to the GOST) on a coarse grater.
  3. Mix cheese and sausage with mayonnaise and ketchup until smooth.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into circles.
  5. Spread the resulting mixture onto the sliced ​​loaf pieces and place a piece of tomato on top.
  6. Place the sandwiches on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Serve the sandwiches hot, although they are quite edible cold)).

6. “Hot sausage sandwiches”


  • sliced ​​loaf;
  • mayonnaise;
  • tomatoes 3-4 pcs.;
  • cheese 200 g;
  • sausages 500 g;
  • greens (onion, parsley, dill);
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Cut the loaf into not too thick pieces.
  2. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Cut the sausages into small cubes. Chop the greens.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into rings.
  4. Place the loaf on a greased baking sheet.
  5. Place two tomato rings on top of the loaf.
  6. On top is a mixed mass of cheese, herbs, sausages, and mayonnaise.
  7. And sprinkle with more cheese.
  8. Put it in the oven.
  9. Cook until the cheese crust turns golden brown.

7. Hot sandwiches “Mini Pizza”


Loaf (not sweet) – 1 pc.


  • sausage – 300 gr.;
  • cheese – 200 gr.;
  • pickled cucumbers (gherkins) – 150-200 gr.;
  • “Lecho” ketchup with bell pepper – to taste;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • dill - to taste.


  1. Cut the loaf into 1-1.5 cm slices.
  2. Mix mayonnaise with ketchup in a one to one ratio.
  3. Cut the cucumbers into thin slices, the sausage into squares (or grate on a coarse grater).
  4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  5. Finely chop the dill.
  6. Dry the loaf in the oven until crispy (you can grate it a little with garlic to taste), coat it with ketchup and mayonnaise, add cucumbers, sausage, sprinkle with cheese and dill, place in a preheated oven.
  7. Bake at 170-180 degrees for 5 minutes (until the cheese melts).

What to eat on the go? What to eat while waiting for lunch? What would you like to drink tea with? The first answer to all these questions is most often a sandwich. Simple and affordable food, you say. But no. Sandwiches are a whole section of cooking.

The most common ones are open sandwiches. As a rule, cheese, vegetables, and sausages are sliced ​​on a piece of bread. For a snack, we can easily slice and bake them at home.

Sandwiches are a more complex and interesting dish. These are buns with a surprise, the filling is placed inside. The bread is spread with butter or any sauce, and a sausage, a slice of cucumber, bell pepper or tomato is hidden in it. Yes, of course they don’t forget the greens. The sandwich recipe allows for any composition of ingredients.

It’s not at all a Russian version of a sandwich, but it’s beautiful and original – canapés and tartlets. Mini-sandwiches are pierced onto skewers and are more suitable for a buffet table. These are not suitable for a snack, you need a lot of them, but they are just right for a snack. Tartlets are baskets baked from dough, also a festive dish. With butter and red caviar, they often appear on the New Year's table.

Cold appetizers are too easy to make, so let’s pay attention to everyone’s favorite hot sandwiches. After all, as a result of frying and baking, the result is no longer a dish for quickly satisfying hunger. The result is real masterpieces: sandwich layer cakes, lazy pizzas, croutons, vol-au-vents.

By and large, it is bread baked with all kinds of fillings. It came to us from American traditions. As soon as we became acquainted with the “national” Western sandwiches - hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, we immediately adopted the recipe, only in our own way.

Hot sandwiches are prepared in a frying pan, in the oven and in the microwave. An excellent alternative to Russian pies. Each method has its own characteristics. Fried lovers will, of course, appreciate the crispy crust in oil. Gourmet - the slightly baked taste that microwaves provide. And dieters will choose healthy food from the oven.

Absolutely any baked goods are suitable for warm croutons and toast. Rye, wheat, bar, baguette, fluffy rolls and even lavash. The main thing is what filling you will eat it with. And here you can fantasize. Delicious sandwiches are made with fish, tomatoes, in egg batter, with curd mousses, and pieces of cheese. However, why complicate things when you can have breakfast with the simplest hot sandwiches from products that are always at hand - bread and potatoes.

Hot sandwiches with potatoes

What we use for hot sandwiches with potatoes:

  • Baking.
  • Potatoes 4 pieces.
  • Egg.
  • A few cloves of garlic.
  • Herbs and seasonings.

Three potatoes just before cooking. As you know, root vegetables quickly darken.

Add egg, grated garlic and herbs to our minced potatoes. Mix everything.

While the frying pan is heating up, we apply a layer of our juicy filling to the pieces of loaf. Place the potato side into the frying pan first and fry. Then turn it over and cook the bread until golden brown and crispy. The whole process will take no more than 15 minutes. But you get a hearty breakfast. Believe me, hot croutons won’t even have time to cool down.

If you're in a hurry, there's nothing better than making sandwiches in the microwave. Spend only a few minutes in the desired oven mode.

There are several secrets. The cook slices the bread slices a little thinner. Place them on a napkin with foil underneath. This will help prevent the toast from drying out.

It is better to cut the meat filling thinly. The better the sausage strips warm up, the tastier the whole dish will be.

And most importantly, toast can be easily turned into crackers, so you shouldn’t keep the dish in the microwave for a long time. Depending on the power of the device, sometimes a couple of minutes is enough.

We will prepare our next recipe for sandwiches with sausage and cheese in the oven. Although it works great with the help of microwaves.

Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese

  • Wheat bread
  • Bulgarian pepper
  • 1 tomato
  • A little bit of cheese
  • Boiled sausage - 200 grams
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise
  • Seasonings, salt

First of all, let's prepare the products. Chop the tomato, pepper and sausage into small squares, chop the dill. We also chop the cheese.

Mix the ingredients together with mayonnaise, turning it into a colored paste.

Spread the prepared mixture onto the still raw squares of bread. Our dish will spend no more than 10 minutes in the oven for the cheese to melt. Preheat the oven to no more than 180 degrees.

Someone will argue with our recipe for hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese. And he will be right. The main thing is a set of products. And how to cut the filling, into strips or plastic, what shape the bread will be, black or wheat - decide for yourself.

Let's simplify and make the same sandwich in a frying pan. Let's take the most ordinary sausages and eggs. We fry the sausage product with an egg, brown any baked product, combine it and get a hearty fried egg in bread. Improvise.

Hot sandwiches with vegetables

  • 2 eggs
  • Onion (replace with other seasonings if desired)
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 potato
  • Vegetable oil

Finely grate the carrots and potatoes, chop the onion finely. Mix into minced meat along with eggs.

You can take any bread. The main thing is to cut it thinly and evenly, so that the filling does not fall through. Here we need to be able to quickly turn over our still raw sandwiches. Using the coated vegetable side, quickly place the pieces into the boiling oil. When fried, turn it over.

If these croutons seem a bit greasy, place them on a paper towel to absorb excess fat.

Like potato pancakes, hot potato sandwiches are served with sour cream. And you add a touch of originality and serve with pickled cucumbers and tomatoes.

How to cook hot sandwiches in the microwave? Even easier and faster. We spread it, smooth it and put it on a special mode. The result will be warm pancakes.

Hot sandwiches with cheese

These sandwiches are suitable for thrifty housewives who don’t even throw away stale food. Here you can use bread that is not the freshest, but when you try it, you won’t even notice it.

  • 10 slices of bread
  • Cheese – 200 grams
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • Garlic
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • Vegetable oil
  • Greens, salt, pepper

We take the cheese shredded on the finest grater, add a crushed clove of garlic to it.

Add both types of butter to the cheese, add sour cream and finely chopped herbs. Bring with a spoon until smooth.

Spread this mixture on the bread. But you can cook as you like. Or put the cheese croutons in the oven, but not very hot. Or microwave for a few minutes. Oven sandwiches will be a little crispy. And toast with cheese in the microwave is tender and juicy. The choice is yours.

Hot sandwiches with mushrooms

  • A few pieces of any baked goods
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Champignons – 100 grams
  • A piece of butter
  • Cheese – 40 grams
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise
  • Any greens

Frying the mushrooms and onions will take the most time. Sauté the onion pieces for a couple of minutes, then add champignons cut into slices.

Before adding the mushroom filling, spread each piece of loaf with butter. When the mushroom mixture is evenly distributed among the pieces, coat them on top again with sour cream or mayonnaise.

The last layer is cheese shavings. The cheese is first grated on a fine grater.

That's all. Just a few minutes left to toast our Russian sandwiches in the oven, garnish with a sprig of parsley or dill, and you can enjoy their creamy mushroom taste.

Hot sandwiches with chicken meat

  • Boiled chicken (pieces of meat)
  • A few pieces of loaf
  • 1 tomato
  • Boiled egg – 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Salt to taste, pepper

We start preparing the filling with tomatoes. We cut it into cubes. We also finely chop the eggs so that they taste tender; some housewives grind them.

The chicken fillet should already be cooked. When it cools, crumble it into fibers.

The thickness of the bread slices should not be more than the width of a finger.

Mix all the crushed ingredients, add salt, pepper and squeeze the garlic. Don’t be afraid that the chicken meat will be a little dry, the minced vegetables will dilute it and give it juiciness. Spread the mixture in equal portions onto the loaf.

Let's prepare hot sandwiches in the oven. Preheat it to 200 degrees and bake for 15 minutes. Take a bite, if they crunch, call your family for breakfast. They turn out colorful and delicious.

Tomato juice gives a piquant sourness. Don't worry about the toast getting soggy. Hot sandwiches with tomatoes turn out juicy.

It's not just about nutrition and ease of preparation. They can even diversify the holiday menu. Are you tired of the same salads and canapés? Hot sandwich cake is an original snack. This is exactly what men love.

The manufacturing principle is the same as for toast, only the cake must be assembled from several layers. Here the filling can be made richer. Fry mushrooms with leeks, thinly slice pickled cucumbers and ham. Sprinkle the toasted mixture with a few drops of soy sauce, honey, and add tartness with a sprig of thyme.

We spread our complex filling in layers on a layer of bread, cover it again with a slice of bread, and so on several times. Sprinkle a little cheese into the layers so that when baking it melts and strengthens the puff pastry. Grill the cake a little, this will give it an unusual taste, and the green leaves will make a banquet decoration.

Hot sandwich “Lazy Pizza”

  • Doctor's sausage (you can change it) – 300 grams
  • Hard cheese - 250 grams
  • loaf
  • 2 tomatoes
  • Mayonnaise – 4 tbsp.
  • Ketchup – 4 tbsp.
  • Parsley, fresh or dried

We take a sliced ​​loaf or cut non-wide plastics ourselves.

Grind cheese and sausage. Add ketchup and mayonnaise, mix into a general paste.

Cut round tomato slices. They will decorate a mini-pizza with their appearance.

We put the lazy pizza in the oven to bake. You need to keep it in the heat a little longer than sandwiches, for 15-20 minutes.

The result is amazing - why spend a lot of time preparing dough and toppings for pizza when it is already made in portions on the basis of bread.

Hot egg sandwich

  • 8 slices white bread
  • 4 eggs
  • Ketchup or tomato paste – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Bunch of green onions
  • Hard cheese – 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 100 ml.

Boil the eggs well, cool, peel and cut. Finely chop the onion feathers. Apply a thin layer of ketchup to the slices of bread.

Sprinkle the bread first with chopped eggs, then with onions. Cover the top with a cheese cap, pour mayonnaise on top and place in the oven. When the cheese melts, the sandwiches will become soaked, aromatic and unusually tender in taste. Egg sandwiches are perfect for morning tea or afternoon tea.

Once again we are convinced that everything ingenious is simple. You can create real works of culinary art from ordinary bread and all sorts of other things that are stored in our refrigerator. The family is well-fed, the guests are happy, and the budget has not suffered from gastronomic expenses. This means the housewife is a craftswoman.

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