Home Drinks and cocktails Curd brushwood recipe. Soft brushwood with cottage cheese: cooking recipe with photo step by step. Recipe for kefir with cottage cheese

Curd brushwood recipe. Soft brushwood with cottage cheese: cooking recipe with photo step by step. Recipe for kefir with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese can be used with any fat content, the bar should be soft, but not watery.

The sequence of connecting the products affects the quality of the dough: first, the cottage cheese is kneaded with sugar and an egg, and then flour is added.

They take a deep capacious bowl, lower a bar of cottage cheese into it.

Pour out a bag of vanilla sugar. Regular sugar is collected flush with the edges of the spoon, without a slide.

Crack a large fresh egg.

Mix the curd mass and beat lightly with a fork. The sugar crystals will melt quickly and the curd will take on a creamy texture.

Weigh and pour wheat flour.

Throw the baking powder.

Knead the dough until smooth. The amount of flour depends on the quality of the cottage cheese: you need to get a dense plastic dough.

Cottage cheese dough does not need cooling and parting, you can immediately start rolling brushwood.

Tear off a piece of dough, roll it into a thin layer on the board. The thickness of the dough layer is 5-6 millimeters. The dough is cut into rhombuses or rectangles.

An incision is made in the center of each diamond, and the edges are turned inside out.

Pour oil into a small saucepan or bowl. Heat up the oil and reduce the fire.

Throw 5-6 pieces of brushwood into the pan. When frying, the cottage cheese brushwood doubles, so you can not throw a large batch at the same time.

Cottage cheese brushwood is fried quickly - one minute on each side. Hot brushwood is placed on paper sheets.

Warm curd brushwood is laid out on a large plate and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Crispy cottage cheese brushwood is a delicious addition to evening tea. And brushwood goes well with cold milk, strong coffee and vanilla cocoa.

Today on "Baking-online" a recipe for brushwood with cottage cheese! It can be made both lush and soft, and crispy - the choice is yours, dear readers! 😉 And I also offer 2 cooking options - sweet and salty! So, as you can see, there is definitely a place for fantasy to roam...

I love deep-fried brushwood! I think you, too, since you came to this post. On the site, I have already shared with you some of my favorite cooking options:
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Well, this time my cottage cheese brushwood! I simply could not refuse such an option because I adore it. The dough is soft and tender, pliable and very pleasant to work with.

So, have you already decided what products you want to get as an output? Soft or crispy? Or maybe some of these and some others? Yes, this is also possible 😉 Just adjust the thickness of the dough rolled into a layer. Make it thicker and fry less - it will turn out airy and tender, make it thinner and brown harder - you get a crispy yummy. Enough test, experiment! 😉

I baked brushwood on cottage cheese and sour cream. I am sure that many now immediately have a question - what fat content to take these products? But any! It all depends on personal preference. However, I urge you to find some balance. So, for example, I took fat-free cottage cheese (respectively, 0%), and I picked up farmer's sour cream (40%) for him. You can do the opposite - fatter cottage cheese, 18 percent, and 10-20 sour cream. I don’t advise you to take both in the super-fat version, because after all, we still have deep-frying ahead of us.

Brushwood with cottage cheese can be of any shape. For example, as I already gave links above - in the form of voluminous flowers or hearts. Or the classic form, like mine. However, here the options may be different - more or less long strips, more or less twisted. I chose in this case a small size and just one "scroll".

Well, let's study in detail and with illustrations the recipe for brushwood with cottage cheese! 😉


For test:

  • cottage cheese - 230 g
  • sour cream - 125 g
  • eggs - 2 selected C0 or 3 medium-sized
  • Wheat flour s/s - 375 g (3 cups)*
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • * 1 cup = 200 ml liquid = 125 g flour


  • refined sunflower oil for deep fat - 400 ml
  • powdered sugar - to taste
  • suneli hops or other spices - to taste
  • salt - to taste

I added soda to the sour cream, mixed thoroughly.

This is where the eggs were smashed. Stir with a spoon (do not beat).

She laid out the cottage cheese, mixed again. There will be small lumps - no big deal.

I salted it and stirred it thoroughly with a spoon for the last time.

In the dough for brushwood from cottage cheese, it remains only to add flour. I sifted 350 grams first. Then, in the process of kneading, I added another 25-30 grams. In total, I got exactly 3 glasses. Your quantity may be different, there are many factors - wheat gluten, sour cream density, cottage cheese moisture content. Focus on the situation.

Place the soft dough on a floured board. It does not need to be kneaded until smooth.

Part of the dough was rolled out into a layer.

I cut it first into longitudinal strips, and then into transverse ones. I made an incision in the center in each rectangle, turned the free tip through it once (you can 2 or 3 times if desired).

I put brushwood on cottage cheese and sour cream in well-heated refined sunflower oil.

Fry until golden brown on both sides. With a slotted spoon, so as not to take away excess oil, I laid out the finished products on paper napkins to absorb excess fat.

Sprinkled generously with powdered sugar!

So I baked half the dough. From the second half, I formed blanks in the same way, put them in hot oil, ground the spices on top (I have suneli hops, you can take any others to taste), salted. Also deep-fried on both sides, dried on paper napkins.

Mmm, delicious! Want to try? Then save the recipe for brushwood with cottage cheese to your browser bookmarks or on the social network wall so as not to lose it. Cook for loved ones with love! ;)

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There are many different ways and recipes for making these cookies. You can cook crispy brushwood on mineral water. Or you can use vodka and give it a beautiful shape in the form of roses - see the recipes.

And we will fry with you. I bought cottage cheese in the store in packs. It is fine-grained and easily disperses in the dough without lumps. If you have cottage cheese with large grains, then it will need to be rubbed through a sieve.

Personally, according to this recipe, I get a large bowl with a top. Well, if it lasts for a couple of days, or even for one. And what a delicious one, with a peculiar taste, probably because of the cottage cheese and maybe kefir. I highly recommend everyone to cook and try this airy and soft brushwood. I'm just sure you'll all like it.

To prepare soft brushwood you will need:

  • 1 pack of cottage cheese;
  • Egg;
  • Sugar to taste;
  • Kefir 0.5l;
  • Soda 1 hour l;
  • About 5 cups flour;
  • Vanillin;
  • Vegetable oils 0.5l;
  • Powdered sugar.

How to cook soft brushwood on kefir

Get a bigger bowl. Beat in an egg, put cottage cheese, add sugar (I put 3 tablespoons), vanillin, you can add a pinch of salt, but I didn’t put salt.

Rub well and mix.

Pour in kefir, pour in soda. Stir. Within a minute, bubbles will appear on the surface and the mass of cottage cheese and kefir will begin to increase in volume. This is the process of extinguishing soda. Let it fade for a minute.

Now add the flour gradually in a glass. Stir well each time.

After adding 3 cups, put the dough on the table sprinkled with flour and knead it, if necessary, adding a little of the remaining flour. The dough should not be very tight. It may stick a little to your hands and the table, so that this does not happen - lightly sprinkle with flour. But 5 glasses is the limit. Form a ball.

Cut off about a quarter of it, and put the rest in a separate plate or bowl and cover so that it does not become weathered. Roll out the dough into a pancake 4 mm thick. Cut with a sharp knife into long strips 4 cm wide. Then separately each strip across the length of 6-7 cm. Make small cuts in the middle.

Well, now it's a matter of technology. You need to form such blanks. To do this, take a cut piece and pass one edge through a small hole, slightly stretch to shape. Etc.

Pour enough oil into the pan and heat it well. The brushwood is fried very quickly, about a little more than on medium heat. Lay out a portion of the blanks, but not very tightly, because they increase very much. Fry from one side.

Flip over from the other. Fry everything, periodically add oil.

Ready soft brushwood on kefir with cottage cheese It remains only to sprinkle with powdered sugar. Everyone, bring it to the table.

Watch the video. Lots of useful tips learn about the preparation of brushwood:

Bon Appetit.

P.S. And what kind of brushwood do you cook, soft or crispy, on kefir or vodka? Did you like my recipe? I will gladly answer all your questions in the comments. And as usual, be the first to know about all the news on my blog.

Today I want to fill up the cookbook wonderful recipe home baking. Brushwood cooked on curd dough, will be an amazing find for many housewives. After all, it is prepared very simply, and it will not take much time, the main thing is desire and quality products. I can say with confidence, based on personal experience, that such pastries will not leave indifferent either adults or children, so you can immediately knead a double portion of the dough.

Serve tender, cottage cheese brushwood in a cooled form, after sprinkling with powdered sugar. A cup of tea or a glass of cool milk can be a great addition.

So, let's begin!

Prepare products for the preparation of lush brushwood with cottage cheese.

Combine in a suitable container egg with granulated sugar. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Then add cottage cheese. Absolutely anyone will do, you can use both store and market.

Grind the granular cottage cheese through a fine sieve or crush with a masher for mashed potatoes.

Add sifted flour and baking powder to bowl.

Knead into a soft, slightly sticky dough.

Divide it into several parts, each of which is rolled into a layer about 1 cm thick.

Cut the dough into wide strips of the same size.

Make a longitudinal incision in the center of each blank, through which pass one edge of the dough (as in the photo). Thus form the whole brushwood.

In a frying pan or small saucepan, heat enough vegetable oil. Put the brushwood and fry over low heat until golden brown, 3-4 minutes on each side.

Transfer the finished pastries to a flat plate covered with paper napkins, the role of which is to absorb excess oil.

That's it, delicious lush brushwood ready with cottage cheese.

Let it cool completely and you can start tasting. If desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Bon Appetit!

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