Home Dessert Dry kvass wort in baking. Kvass must. Ingredients for the recipe "Bread almost "Alpine" on leavened wort"

Dry kvass wort in baking. Kvass must. Ingredients for the recipe "Bread almost "Alpine" on leavened wort"

Malt is widely used in cooking, brewing, making soft drinks. It is prepared from various grain crops by sprouting and fermentation. This is not the most common product, and if it is in the recipe, you will have to think about what to replace the malt with. You can cook it yourself or take more affordable products with similar properties.

Knowing how to replace malt when baking bread, you can learn new recipes

What can replace malt

For baking rye and other dark custard varieties of bread, various flavoring additives are used. They give the finished products a characteristic sourness, a pleasant smell and allow you to get the maximum benefit. You can replace malt in bread by adding yeast and synthetic flavoring. But the benefits of such a loaf will be doubtful.

Try to take natural products, for example:

  • liquid chicory;
  • some dark unfiltered beer;
  • mix strong tea leaves and apple cider vinegar;
  • dry kvass;
  • a mixture of rye flour and ground cumin;
  • rye sourdough.

All of these ingredients have a similar flavor and can be used as a substitute for malt in baking. They are natural, safe and much more affordable than malt. Or you can try to cook it yourself. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

homemade malt recipe

This process consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation of raw materials. Take last year's rye seed. These grains are well ripened and ready for further fermentation.
  2. Soak. Pour the grain into ceramic dishes to the middle of the volume, fill with water and put in a cool place. The temperature should be around 15°C. It will take a little more than a day to soak.
  3. Germination. Put the grains in a large container, the layer should be no more than 3 cm. Keep them at a temperature of 15-17 ° C for about 4 days. Wash and moisturize daily.
  4. Fermentation. Most difficult process. To do this, you will need an oven in which you can maintain a constant temperature of no more than 50 ° C for 3 days. Wrap the sprouts in foil and keep warm. Stir regularly and remove mold.
  5. Drying. Spread the fermented sprouts in a thin layer on a baking sheet and keep them in the oven for 8-9 hours at 70°C.
  6. Grinding Dry grains are cleaned of sprouts, roots and ground. A coffee grinder is suitable for this purpose.
  7. Storage. After grinding, the malt should rest for 4-6 weeks. Put it in regular jars with lids. After 1.5 months, start making bread.

Be patient, and there will always be fragrant bread on the table.

It is not always possible to buy malt for making homemade Borodino bread, but in summer they sell kvass wort or a concentrate for making kvass in stores. This is essentially malt or several types of malt (with some additives), only in liquid form. I suggest using it as an alternative when kneading dough. You can also use dry kvass concentrate, but liquid is preferable. It seemed to me that in the dry version there is too much sugar.

Borodino bread for me is a childhood memory of the most delicious bread that was not sold in our small town, my parents brought it from rare trips to Moscow. I remember that of all the gifts, the only thing that worried me was the presence of his ... Borodino bread!

Dry mixes for baking this delicious bread are now sold, but kneading the dough from scratch is not at all difficult, especially if you do it in a bread machine.

By the way, open little secret, my discovery, which happened quite by accident: after kneading the dough for Borodino bread on kvass wort in the late afternoon, I realized that I would not have time to bake bread on the same day, and put the dough in the refrigerator until morning. Thanks to such a long fermentation, the bread turned out to be especially airy, the crumb is not heavy, there was no feeling of moisture in the finished Borodino. Yes, and working with chilled dough is much more convenient.

We measure out the right amount of ingredients for kneading the dough. From the total amount of water, pour 70 ml and bring it to a boil, heat the rest of the water to a pleasantly warm temperature (about 40 degrees). If the honey is not liquid, then immediately dissolve it in heated water.

Pour the kvass wort from the package into a suitable bowl and pour boiling water over it, stir it to get a homogeneous solution, and let it cool down a bit.

Pour water into the bowl of the bread machine, a solution of concentrate for kvass, add salt, honey, vegetable oil. Then we pour two types of flour, yeast and coriander.

Turn on the bread maker to the kneading mode yeast dough. The process of kneading and raising the dough in my HP model takes 1 hour and 30 minutes. After the signal about the readiness of the dough has sounded, we transfer it to a suitable dish, greased with a small amount of vegetable oil, and put it in the refrigerator for 8 hours or overnight. You can not put the dough in the refrigerator, but cut it right away, but I repeat that long-term fermentation has a very good effect on the taste and quality of the finished bread.

From this amount of dough, I got 6 small loaves and one round loaf. It is convenient to form loaves with hands greased vegetable oil. Let's take one piece of dough, flatten it into a thick cake, then roll it up with a not very tight roll, pinch the seam and roll it a little on the board or between the palms.

We lay out the blanks in the molds (the blanks should fill the molds by 2/3 of the volume), slightly crushing the dough so that it fills all the corners of the molds. Cover the dough and leave in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. For a long time, but you need to remember that the dough on rye flour is heavy, besides, it spent the night in the refrigerator, and the yeast needs time to activate again.

During this time, the dough will increase well in volume. We heat the oven to a temperature of 240 degrees.

It is not necessary to grease the workpieces, it is enough that we cut the dough with our hands lubricated with vegetable oil.

If desired, before baking, you can sprinkle the future bread with a small amount of ground coriander and lightly press it with your fingers to the surface of the dough so that the coriander does not crumble while the bread rises in the oven.

We put the molds with blanks in a very preheated oven and bake the first 10 minutes with steam. For steam, you can put a pot of water on the bottom of the oven or sprinkle it on the walls of the oven with a spray bottle, or you can throw a couple of ice cubes on the bottom of the oven.

After 10 minutes, lower the temperature in the oven to 200 degrees (do not open the door) and bake Borodino bread until cooked (about another 40-45 minutes). The baking time depends on the size of the loaves, the round loaf took another 7 minutes to bake completely. I check the readiness of the bread by tapping the crust with my fingers: if the sound is “empty”, then the bread is baked.

Ideally, Borodino bread needs to lie down for several hours. But can you bear it? Warm bread is amazing!

Borodino bread on kvass wort is suitable for any dishes and as a basis for sandwiches, including.

Bon Appetit!

Description: Perhaps someone is familiar with "Alpine" bread - tasty, fragrant, with seeds ... Why "almost Alpine"? Because the exact recipe is known only to the bakery that produces it. But! I know the composition and, after going through several options with proportions, I present to you a wonderful homebaked bread"Alpine" with a crispy brown crust and fragrant crumb! And, of course, kvass wort plays an important role - with natural composition without chemistry!

Ingredients for the recipe "Bread almost" Alpine "on leavened wort":

  • Wheat flour (I have a glass of 200 ml) - 1.25 stack.
  • Rye flour - 0.5 stack.
  • Oatmeal flour (I ground it from flakes) - 0.5 stack.
  • Water (boiled warm) - 1 stack.
  • Kvass wort - 1 tsp
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Yeast (dry or 1 tsp with a good slide) - 1.5 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sunflower seeds (and pumpkins) - 0.5 stack.

How to cook "Bread almost" Alpine "on leavened wort":

source products. I’ll immediately make a reservation about kvass wort - I have “Kvass at Home Peppers”, in a box 2 bags of wort 60 g each, composition: fermented rye malt, barley malt, Rye flour, cornmeal, water. As you can see, quite natural product.

To begin with, let's knead the dough. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. kvass wort, 1 tsp sugar and yeast, add about 3/4 cup of wheat flour and knead the dough, the consistency is like dough for pancakes. Cover the dough with a lid or film and put in a warm place for 30 minutes. The photo shows how the dough bubbled, and also increased in volume.

In the approached dough, add 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp. butter and the rest of the flour (rye, oatmeal, wheat) and knead the dough. The dough should be well kneaded, if necessary adding a little WHEAT flour, but the dough should not be too steep, you can grease your hands with oil. We form a ball from the dough and place in a bowl, cover with a lid or film and leave warm for 1 hour, the dough fits well and doubles in size.

The photo shows how the dough has risen, add the seeds (I washed them beforehand and dried them in a pan, but did not fry them))) and knead again. Yes, and leave some seeds for the sprinkles.

Then we roll out the dough or distribute it with our hands into a small cake and form it like a loaf, roll it up and pinch each turn.

The formed bar is placed in a greased and dusted with flour form. Cover with clingfilm and let rise in a warm place for 30 minutes.

When the workpiece rises a little, lubricate with water (I lubricate with a cotton pad) and generously sprinkle with seeds, leave to come further. Bake in a well-heated oven for about 25 minutes (5-7 minutes at 200 gr., 10-15 minutes at 180).

Kvass wort is a 100% natural product, which is a viscous thick liquid with a solids content of 70% + 2, dark brown in color, sour-sweet in taste.

For the preparation of kvass wort, the following are used: dry fermented and unfermented rye malt (barley malt), rye flour for baking.

Kvass wort is produced at the enterprise in the following way: specially produced malts are crushed, mixed with water and subjected to heat treatment for several hours under controlled conditions. During this time, enzymes present in malts break down starches into fermentable and non-fermentable sugars. To obtain the required dry matter content and preserve natural amino acids, vitamins and enzymes, the concentrate is evaporated at special vacuum evaporators.

The finished product - kvass wort concentrate - is a source of valuable, vital substances such as carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. Therefore, in addition to the non-alcoholic food industry, it is widely used in the baking and confectionery industries.

In baking, kvass wort is used to intensify technological process, improve germination, aroma, color and extend the shelf life and sale bakery products. The use of the concentrate has a positive effect on biochemical and microbiological processes, increases gas formation in the dough.

Kvass wort is used in the production of rye-wheat, rye, custard, gourmet, dietary breads and bakery products, flour confectionery: gingerbread, cookies.

The addition of kvass wort to the dough in an amount of 1 to 9% by weight of flour intensifies alcoholic fermentation, reduces the time of residual fermentation of dough pieces, increases the volume of the dough, enhances the golden brown color of the crust, and prolongs the shelf life of finished products. The porosity structure of the crumb becomes well developed. Products have a pleasant rye aroma and good taste.

Preparation of kvass wort

To prepare kvass wort, it is enough to have clean dishes (preferably enameled) for kneading dough, and to infuse kvass wort - a small wooden vat, a barrel, enameled or aluminum dishes, glass bottles. It is important that the infusion vat (as we will call this dish) has a lid, preferably with a false bottom and a tap for draining (decanting) the kvass wort. If it is not possible to arrange a false bottom, then the resulting wort is simply drained, decanted or scooped out.

The false bottom of this vat is a metal stainless mesh stretched over a hoop with cells of 2-4 mm, designed to trap the grounds. It is placed in an infusion vat on a wooden cross and sealed tightly against the walls so that the wort does not pass into the gaps. A tap for decanting the wort is made between the bottom of the vat and the false bottom.

The clarified wort is poured through a tap into a boiling tank or into a fermentation vessel. During the infusion and saccharification of the mash (wort), the vat should be covered with a warm blanket so as not to cool the mash.

Kvass wort is prepared in three main ways: infusion, from baked dough and decoction.

infusion method

It is uncomplicated, therefore it was widely used, although it is less economical and the quality of the resulting kvass is lower than in other ways.

With this method, bread products (1 kg) are kneaded in warm water (1.5 kg) at a temperature of 20-25°C. The dough is thoroughly kneaded so that there are no lumps of flour in it, and kept at rest for 15-20 minutes. Then it is diluted with boiling water, which is poured gradually in small portions, spraying over the surface of the continuously stirred dough. For 1 kg of dough you need 6-7 liters of water. The temperature of the dough to be stirred should be at least 70-80°C. After dilution, the dough is kneaded for 30-45 minutes and, when hot, is transferred to a steamed, washed with hot water and still warm infusion vat. It is closed with a lid, carefully covered with a blanket and left for 1-2 hours alone for saccharification and settling.

The settled (clarified) first wort is drained (decanted) through a tap or scooped out into a bowl for boiling.

The thick, remaining in the infusion vat, is carefully poured in small portions with hot water at a temperature of 90-95 ° C. Water should be taken as much as was drained from the first wort. After 15-20 minutes of infusion, the second wort is either mixed with the first, or poured into another bowl. The mixture or each wort separately is intensively boiled for 1 hour, cooled in a fermentation vessel to 25-30°C and fermented.

Baked dough must

This method is more complicated than infusion, but kvass is more tasty and fragrant. The wort is prepared from baked dough or from baked malt kvass bread. Kvass from kvass loaves is significantly inferior in its merits to kvass from baked dough and is less economical.

When preparing the wort from baked dough, 1 kg of bread products is kneaded into dough with 0.75 liters of hot water at a temperature of 60-70°C. To do this, in a bowl with water, continuously and thoroughly stirring, small portions are given bread products. After mixing so that there are no lumps, the dough is left alone for 15-20 minutes, then diluted with boiling water. For 1 kg of dough, you need 0.75 liters of water, which is poured little by little in small portions, spraying it and continuously mixing the dough. This heats up the dough. The kneaded dough is left alone for 30-45 minutes, carefully covering it with a warm blanket, and then kept for 2-2.5 hours to saccharify bread products. It is possible to withstand the dough for 1.5-2 hours. In this case, the wort settles less, it turns out cloudy, dense, but more tasty and aromatic (nutritious). Good kvass is characterized by its density, which determines the fullness of the taste and aroma of kvass - a satisfying taste, so kvass is not filtered.

After saccharification, the dough is placed in clay pots or other utensils, a little water is poured and placed in a hot oven or oven for 2-3 hours.

The baked dough is laid out, cooled, broken into pieces and placed for infusion in a vat of hot water at a temperature of 90-95°C. Water is set at the rate of 9-10 liters per 1 kg of grain products taken.

After thorough mixing, the mixture of dough and water (mash) is kept at rest for 1.5-2 hours for infusion, tightly covered with a warm blanket. Then the clear kvass wort is carefully drained, blended (mixed) to taste with honey, molasses or sugar, infusions of mint or spices are added (depending on the recipe). Having cooled the wort to the fermentation temperature (20-30°C), bread sourdough or yeast is added and fermented.

With this method, only the first wort is fermented. To prepare a less extractive kvass, the thick is poured with hot water, insisted and the second wort is obtained. Before fermentation, color or toasted rye bread crackers are added to the wort to obtain a more intense color.

When preparing the wort from pre-baked malt loaves, bread products with hot water are kneaded into a thick dough. After aging for saccharification, it is baked into malt sweet breads (loaves), called kvasniks. To do this, the dough is made more liquid, but so that it does not blur in the oven. Then the bread is baked for 16-24 hours in an oven or a well-heated oven with the damper closed, the edges of which are covered with clay so that the oven does not cool.

Kvasniks are very fragrant, have a sweetish, slightly sour taste, an almost black rind, coloring the wort in a dark brown color.

After baking, the loaves are cooled, broken into pieces, laid in hot water and insist in a vat. The resulting wort is clarified (by settling), decanted, cooled, blended, sourdough or yeast is added and fermented. The baked loaves can be cut into pieces, dried, prepared and then used to prepare the wort, as above.

Mash decoction method

This most complex, but more economical method of obtaining kvass was used mainly in breweries adapted to brewing. Currently, it is almost not used due to the low quality of the resulting kvass. The essence of this method lies in the fact that crushed dry rye and barley malt (75%) mixed with a small amount of flour (25%) is used to obtain wort from it. At the same time, the infusion of the mash (mixture) and decoction are alternated - boiling part of it for better extraction (extraction) of the extractive substances of bakery products.

The wort into bread kvass is fermented with bread sourdough yeast and lactic acid bacteria, baker's and brewer's yeast, wild raisin wine yeast and by yeast-free (spontaneous) fermentation. With yeast fermentation, kvass is sweet, but less stable in storage, and with spontaneous fermentation, sour, but more stable.

The wort is fermented in two ways: aerobic (open), in which the fermenting wort is not isolated from the atmosphere and is saturated with atmospheric oxygen; anaerobic (without air access) - in sealed bottles. Kvass is best obtained by fermenting wort in bottles. After fermentation, kvass in bottles is kept, i.e. stored until use on glaciers, in cellars or refrigerators.

Before fermentation, the wort is blended - mixed with sugary substances: honey, molasses, sugar and various seasonings and additives that are added to the wort before or after boiling it - into a hot or chilled wort, transferred to a fermentation vessel, simultaneously or before entering the yeast starter. Sometimes they are introduced immediately before the start of fermentation of the wort. It is better to introduce seasonings and additives in the form of aqueous solutions.

The wort must be fermented in enamelware or in glass bottles, or in a strong oak barrel, well steamed and washed with hot and cold water.

yeast fermentation

In cooled to 25-30°C and blended kvass wort, placed in a fermentation vessel, 2-4% of the fermented wort volume of yeast starter is added. Mixed well, the wort is left to ferment at room temperature for 8-10 hours. At a higher temperature (about 30°C), fermentation can be completed in 4-8 hours. The lower the temperature of the wort, the slower it ferments. To maintain a high temperature, it is recommended to cover the dishes with fermenting wort with something.

It is better to add yeast to the wort in the form of a leaven (dough), which is prepared as follows. Add to 2-3 glasses of warm kvass wort or kvass wheat flour, knead a thin dough and put the required amount of pressed, liquid baker's yeast or sour bread sourdough, previously diluted in warm water. Mix everything thoroughly and leave in a warm place until the dough fits. Then it is put into the wort for fermentation. You can ferment kvass wort and grounds left over from old kvass (1 glass of grounds per 17-18 liters of wort).

The main fermentation of kvass wort usually ends when the entire surface of the fermenting wort is covered with a layer of white foam, which is removed with a slotted spoon. Young kvass is poured into barrels, bottles and immediately corked. The corks and neck of the bottles must be tied with string or wire so that the carbon dioxide accumulating in the bottle does not push the corks out. Barrels are closed with a screw sleeve or clogged with a well-steamed and washed wooden cork.

After capping, bottles and barrels are placed on a glacier, in a cellar, a cold cellar or a refrigerator for 7-21 days for aging. Prior to use, kvass is stored at a temperature not exceeding 10-12°C.

Yeast-free (spontaneous) fermentation

In this way, the must is fermented in barrels and in bottles. To do this, still warm wort is poured into barrels or bottles and left with open sleeves or necks at room temperature until the wort ferments; it usually takes 8-12 hours depending on the room temperature. The main fermentation is determined by the appearance of dense white foam in the open sleeve of the barrel or in the throat of the bottle. Then the young kvass is transferred to the glacier. When the intensity of fermentation decreases, barrels or bottles are corked and left on the glacier until kvass is consumed. Such kvass is usually stored for 2-3 weeks.

If, however, barrels with young kvass, having opened the sleeves, are transferred to a glacier, to a cellar or basement and stored there until the kvass turns sour, then such kvass can be stored in the cold for several months.

It is possible to pour kvass into bottles only after their thorough washing. It is better to use champagne bottles. When young kvass is poured into bottles, it is better not to cork them right away, but to let the kvass ferment. After the appearance of white foam, the bottles must be well corked with a cork, tying it and the throat with twine or wire. Corked bottles with kvass are kept and stored in a lying position at a temperature not exceeding 10-12°C.

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