Home Soups Souffle “Bird's milk” with gelatin, cottage cheese, chocolate, semolina. “Bird's milk” - recipes for cakes, sweets and pastries at home

Souffle “Bird's milk” with gelatin, cottage cheese, chocolate, semolina. “Bird's milk” - recipes for cakes, sweets and pastries at home

Soufflé was first prepared by French confectioners. It can act as an independent dessert, or become the basis for sweets or cake.

Souffle “Bird's milk” - basic principles of preparation

The basis for making soufflé can be eggs, cottage cheese, sour cream or cream. Traditional soufflé is made with whipped egg whites. It is this recipe that allows you to prepare the most tender and airy soufflé.

The whites are separated from the yolks and beaten with a mixer until a dense foam is obtained, then, without stopping whisking, sugar is gradually introduced. To keep the soufflé in shape, gelatin is added to it. It is pre-soaked and, when it swells, injected into the protein foam. Stir and pour into prepared pan. When the soufflé has hardened, pour melted chocolate over it. Using the same principle, soufflés are prepared using cream, cottage cheese and sour cream. For flavor, vanilla, citrus zest or cinnamon are added. To diversify the soufflé, pieces of jelly or fruit are added to it. The soufflé will look more impressive if it is made in several layers of different colors. Fruit or vegetable juices are used as natural dyes.

Recipe 1. Bird's milk soufflé with gelatin


eight egg whites;

a glass of cold water;

two glasses of granulated sugar;

20 g gelatin;

20 g lemon juice.

Cooking method

1. Pour gelatin into a deep bowl, fill it with water and leave to swell for 20 minutes.

2. Place the chilled egg whites in a bowl, add sugar and beat until a thick white foam is obtained.

3. Place the bowl with the swollen gelatin on low heat and heat until it is completely dissolved.

4. Add melted gelatin to the protein mass, mix carefully and transfer it to the mold. Place in the refrigerator and leave it there until it hardens completely.

Recipe 2. Bird's milk soufflé with gelatin and condensed milk


five chicken eggs;

15 g vanilla sugar;

a can of condensed milk;

15 g gelatin powder;

300 g lightly salted butter;

300 g granulated sugar;

2 g citric acid.

Cooking method

1. Place gelatin in a deep bowl and fill with water. Stir and leave to swell for half an hour. After the allotted time, drain the remaining liquid and pour sugar into the swollen gelatin. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath and heat until the sugar and gelatin are completely dissolved.

2. Separate the whites from the yolks and place them in a suitable bowl. Beat until thick foam forms. Without ceasing to beat, add the warm gelatin mixture into the whites.

3. In a separate bowl, beat soft butter, gradually adding condensed milk.

4. Combine butter with whipped egg whites, add citric acid. Beat with a mixer at low speed. Place the resulting mixture in the mold and refrigerate until completely set. Before serving, garnish with melted chocolate or fruit.

Recipe 3. Cottage cheese soufflé “Bird's milk” with gelatin


instant gelatin - sachet;

unsalted curd cheese – half a kilogram;

sugar - ten tablespoons;

heavy cream - a glass.

Cooking method

1. Whip the cream into a thick foam. Without ceasing to beat, add all the sugar into the resulting foam, adding it gradually.

2. Soak the gelatin following the instructions on the package.

3. Place curd cheese into the whipped cream and continue beating with the mixer at low speed.

4. Add the dissolved gelatin into the creamy curd mass and mix gently. Place the soufflé in a shallow dish, smooth it out and refrigerate. You can decorate the finished soufflé with pieces of fruit, grated chocolate or berries.

Recipe 4. Souffle “Bird's milk” creme brulee


vanilla sugar;

heavy cream;

15 g gelatin powder;

boiled condensed;

100 g granulated sugar;

five egg whites.

Cooking method

1. Soak the gelatin powder according to the instructions on the package and leave it to soak.

2. Beat the chilled egg whites, adding sugar one spoon at a time.

3. Whip the cream with a whisk, gradually adding condensed milk.

4. Place the swollen gelatin in the microwave and melt. Pour it in a thin stream into the protein mass.

5. Combine the creamy mass with the protein mass, add vanilla sugar and mix. Pour into mold and refrigerate. Serve the frozen soufflé, pouring it with chocolate.

Recipe 5. Bird's milk soufflé with semolina


3 g baking soda;

half a package of butter;

200 g granulated sugar;

three eggs;

20 g cocoa powder;

200 g flour.

1 ? packings of butter;

200 g sugar;

half a liter of cow's milk;

120 g semolina.

10 g butter;

50 ml cow's milk;

half a glass of sugar;

50 g cocoa powder.

Cooking method

1. Combine sugar with vanilla and cocoa. Add soft butter, stir and place over low heat. Keep stirring constantly until smooth. Do not bring the mixture to a boil! Cool the resulting mixture.

2. Add eggs one at a time, whisking constantly. Mix flour with soda and gradually add it to the egg-butter mixture, stirring. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet and bake at 200 degrees.

3. Pour the semolina into a coffee grinder and grind until it becomes flour. Pour milk over semolina flour and cook until thickened. Cool. Add the butter and sugar mixture and mix well.

4. Use parchment to create borders around the crust. Place the semolina soufflé on the crust and place in the refrigerator. Let stand until completely hardened.

5. Combine sugar with cocoa. Pour in the milk and stir. Place over low heat and bring to a boil. Add oil, stir and cool slightly. Drizzle chocolate glaze over soufflé.

Recipe 6. Two-layer souffle “Bird's milk” with sour cream


sour cream – 900 g;

cocoa powder – 100 g;

cream – 400 g;

gelatin - two sachets;

sugar – 1? Art.;

water – 30 g.

Chocolate layer

gelatin - four sachets;

milk - a glass.

Cooking method

1. Soak four bags of gelatin in a glass of milk. Stir and leave it to swell. Place the container with gelatin in a water bath and melt it. Pour the milk-gelatin mixture into the mold and wait until it hardens.

2. Mix water with cocoa and two bags of gelatin. Leave to swell for half an hour.

3. Whip the cream into a thick foam. Gradually add sugar and sour cream. Beat for a few more minutes at low speed.

4. Heat the water with gelatin in a water bath until dissolved. Don't boil! Add to the sour cream mixture and stir. Pour the resulting mixture over the frozen layer. Decorate with chocolate chips and leave in the refrigerator until set.

Recipe 7. Portioned souffle “Bird's milk”


20% cream - a glass;

nuts – 20 g;

condensed milk - can;

chocolate – 50 g;

skim milk – half a glass;

gelatin – 15 g;

sweet curd – 150 g.

Cooking method

1. Pour gelatin with warm milk, stir and leave to swell.

2. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add condensed milk and place over medium heat. Boil it. Reduce heat and simmer for about a minute. Remove the cream from the heat and immediately add the gelatin. Stir and cool.

3. When the cream mixture has cooled, add the curd to it and beat with a mixer for ten minutes.

4. Pour the mixture into the mold and leave it in the refrigerator for two hours. Cut the frozen soufflé into pieces and pour melted chocolate over it. Sprinkle crushed nuts on top.

Recipe 8. Striped souffle “Bird's milk”


gelatin – 30 g;

four egg whites;

sugar – 50 g;

milk - two glasses;

cocoa powder – 50 g;

powdered sugar - a glass;

juice of half a lemon.

Cooking method

1. Soak ten grams of gelatin for the chocolate layer in a bowl. Soak the remaining gelatin for the white layer in a separate bowl.

2. Beat the chilled egg whites into a thick foam with a mixer. Add powdered sugar in small portions without stopping whisking. Add gelatin to the protein mixture for a white layer. Stir.

3. Make regular cocoa from milk, sugar and cocoa powder, just cook it longer than usual so that it thickens slightly. Add the swollen gelatin into it. Pour half the mixture into the mold and put it in the refrigerator. When the chocolate layer “sets”, place the protein mixture on it and put it back in the refrigerator. After a quarter of an hour, remove the soufflé from the refrigerator and add the remaining chocolate mixture.

4. Remove the soufflé pan from the refrigerator, dip it in hot water for a few seconds and turn it over onto a plate. You can decorate the dessert with pieces of fruit, chocolate chips or nuts.

Souffle “Bird's milk” - tips and tricks

The soufflé will be more tender if you replace the gelatin with agar-agar. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or spice department.

Sugar is quite difficult to dissolve in protein or cream mass, so it is recommended to replace it with powder.

You can soak gelatin not only in water or milk, but also in compote or fruit juice.

For glaze it is better to use natural dark chocolate.

The original Bird's Milk soufflé, known for many decades, is prepared on the basis of agar-agar. This ingredient is more stable and, unlike gelatin, begins to harden already at 40 degrees.

In this recipe I will show not only the basic recipe, but also two options for using the finished soufflé.

So, first the preparatory stage: pour agar-agar in a saucepan with cool water and leave for 30 minutes. Take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it softens at room temperature. Immediately add a pinch of vanillin to the condensed milk.

We will also prepare a form in which the soufflé will harden - it needs to be covered with cling film.

I want to warn you right away that this recipe is for true sweet tooths, because there is a lot of sugar.

Place the saucepan with the soaked agar over medium heat and, stirring, bring to a boil. Boil for about 1 minute until the agar is completely dissolved before adding sugar.

Bring the mixture to a boil. Boil over medium heat, stirring constantly - the sugar should also completely dissolve. The syrup will actively boil and increase in volume.

We check the syrup for readiness - as soon as it stretches like a thread, it means the soufflé base is ready. Turn off the heat and let the syrup cool to about 80 degrees. This time is just enough to beat the egg whites.

Without stopping whisking, pour in the hot syrup, being careful not to get it on the whisk to avoid hot splashes. Increase the mixer speed to maximum.

The mass will noticeably increase in volume and become dense - which means it’s time to add butter and condensed milk. Beat for a few more minutes.

That's all, all that remains is to pour the future soufflé into the prepared form and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour (longer if possible). I had plans to make two desserts, so I poured part of the mixture into a rectangular baking tray and put it in the refrigerator, and put part of it into a pastry bag.

The first dessert is a soufflé in wafer rolls. Everything is simple here: we fill the finished tubes with soufflé and put them in the refrigerator. Before serving, decorate to taste.

The second dessert is a little more complicated - sweet sandwiches. For these, I baked a thin chocolate sponge cake in advance and refrigerated it. Then I placed the finished soufflé between two layers of sponge cake and cut it into rectangular cakes.

This sweet table was created based on one recipe for Bird's Milk soufflé.

Enjoy your tea!

Here is the very famous and beloved Bird's Milk cake.

There are a lot of recipes for making this cake; it is prepared with both gelatin and agar-agar.

Agar-agar is a little more difficult to get and you need to work with it very quickly, because... it hardens already at 40°C.

Today we will make a gelatin cake.

For a cake with a diameter of 26 cm, we will need:

List of ingredients:

For the crust:

  • 3 eggs
  • 4 yolks
  • 1/2 tbsp. sugar (100 gr.)
  • 100 gr. flour
  • vanillin

For the soufflé:

  • 4 squirrels
  • 300 gr. Sahara
  • 200 ml. water (100+100)
  • 150 gr. butter
  • 90 gr. condensed milk
  • 25 gr. gelatin
  • 1/2 tsp. citric acid
  • vanillin

For the glaze:

  • 1/2 tbsp. sugar (100 gr.)
  • 3 tbsp. cocoa
  • 4 tbsp. milk
  • 50 gr. butter

For the crust
For the soufflé
For the glaze

Cake soufflé “Bird's milk” with gelatin - step-by-step recipe:

First, let's prepare the base of the cake - a sponge cake.

In a bowl for biscuit dough, separate the whites from 3 eggs, set the yolks aside for now.

Beat the whites into a strong foam, starting at low speed. As soon as the whites are well beaten, without stopping beating, add sugar in several additions and add vanillin. Beat the egg whites until stiff, stable peaks form.

Now add the egg yolks in 2-3 additions,

In advance, I divided 4 more eggs into whites and yolks, we will prepare a soufflé from the whites, and use the yolks for a sponge cake. In total, there are 7 yolks for the sponge cake.

Add pre-sifted flour to the beaten egg mass and mix it with a spatula with gentle movements until it becomes a homogeneous dough.

Our biscuit dough is ready.

To prepare the crust, I use a springform pan with a diameter of 26 cm, the bottom of which is covered with parchment paper, and the sides are greased with soft butter.

Pour the dough into the mold, level it and knock the mold on the table several times. This is done so that the sponge cake turns out more uniform when baking.

Place the mold in an oven preheated to 200°C. The cake is thin, it cooks very quickly, the main thing is not to dry it out. My sponge cake only took 15 minutes to bake.

Check readiness with a toothpick; it should come out dry and without any remaining dough. The cake is ready, take it out.

Place the pan on a wire rack, check it again, run a knife along the side of the pan, remove the ring and let the cake cool completely.

While the sponge cake is cooling, let's prepare the soufflé.

200 ml. Divide cold boiled water equally into 2 glasses.

Pour gelatin into the first glass, mix well and set aside for further swelling.

Separately, pour sugar into a ladle, pour water from the second glass and go to the stove to prepare syrup.

Set the ladle over medium heat, lightly mix the sugar and water, bring the syrup to a boil.

While the syrup is boiling, prepare the buttercream.

To do this, put soft butter in a separate bowl and beat it until light and airy, then add condensed milk and beat a little more until creamy. We don’t put it in the refrigerator so that there is no temperature difference.

Meanwhile, the syrup has boiled, reduce the heat to low and boil it to a temperature of 110°C.

In the meantime, the syrup reaches the desired temperature, beat the whites for the soufflé.

To do this, pour 4 egg whites into the mixer bowl and beat at high speed until a strong, stable foam.

Then add citric acid, vanillin and continue beating.

Our syrup is ready, it has reached a temperature of 110°C, if you do not have a kitchen thermometer, use the stream as a guide. It should flow from the blade in an even, continuous thread.

Without stopping whisking, pour the hot syrup in a thin stream into the mixer bowl, trying to pour it so that the syrup does not get on the whisk.

The mass needs to be beaten for a long time until it has practically cooled down, and in the meantime, slightly heat the swollen gelatin in the microwave or on the stove so that it melts. Under no circumstances should you boil it.

Pour the dissolved gelatin into the protein mass and continue whisking. After adding gelatin, the mixture will become a little runny, this is normal; as it cools, it will thicken again.

The mass is ready, it holds its shape very well.

Place the cream into the well-beaten protein mass and, very carefully, so as not to precipitate the whipped whites, stir in the cream until a homogeneous soufflé is formed.

Let's start assembling the cake.

On any flat surface we place a ring from a springform pan or a culinary ring, on which we set the diameter to 26 cm.

We line the walls of the mold with acetate film; you can use thick polyethylene or a file as a film.

Remove the parchment paper from the cooled cake and place it on the bottom of the ring. Pour the whipped protein mixture over the cake, smooth it out and put the cake in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours.

Once the soufflé has hardened, cover the cake with glaze.

To prepare it, place a ladle on the stove, pour sugar into it, pour out milk and add cocoa powder.

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes until it thickens.

Turn off the heat and add butter.

Mix the glaze well and let it cool slightly.

We apply it to the cake, evenly distributing it over the surface; if you wish, you can decorate the cake with fruits, nuts or cream patterns.

Place the cake in the refrigerator until it cools completely for several hours, preferably overnight.

Once the cake has completely hardened, remove the cooking ring, remove the acetate film and transfer the cake to a plate.

Now let's cut it and see how it turned out.

The cake is very soft and tender, but at the same time both the sponge cake and the soufflé hold their shape perfectly. The taste of the cake is moderately sweet, with a pleasant creamy aroma, light lemon sourness and a unique hint of chocolate glaze.

I wish everyone bon appetit!

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Cake souffle “Bird's milk” with gelatin - video recipe:

Cake soufflé “Bird's milk” with gelatin - photo:

Hello, dear readers of the site! Today we will tell you how to prepare Bird's milk soufflé - everyone's favorite airy and tender delicacy. This dessert is a great alternative to cake and also contains fewer calories. In addition, portioned soufflé is perfect as a treat for a children's party.

We will give two recipes. You can try both, besides, both the first and second options are quite simple to prepare.

Recipe 1: Classic Bird's milk: soufflé recipe

This recipe can be called traditional.

You will need the following ingredients:

- condensed milk GOST - 1 glass (250 ml)

– butter – 1 pack (200 g)

- granulated sugar - 1 cup

– eggs – 4 pcs.

– gelatin – 1 sachet (15 g)

- vanillin - on the tip of a knife;

Let's start preparing the classic bird's milk soufflé.

The butter will need to be taken out in advance so that it becomes soft.

Pour gelatin with water at room temperature (200 ml), leave for 30 - 40 minutes to swell. After this, drain the excess water, mix the swollen gelatin with sugar and place in a water bath until the sugar and gelatin are completely dissolved. Do not let the mixture boil under any circumstances, otherwise the soufflé will not harden.

Separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the egg whites with a mixer or whisk into a thick foam. Use the yolks for other purposes; we won’t need them here.

Beat the butter with a whisk (or blender). Without stopping whipping, add condensed milk little by little. You will get a homogeneous cream.

Pour the slightly cooled mixture of sugar and gelatin into the whipped whites, beat. Add buttercream, vanilla and a little lemon juice to them. Beat everything together again until a homogeneous fluffy mass is obtained. When combining everything together, beat slowly, at minimum speed of the blender.

Pour the mixture into a mold or pour into bowls and place in the refrigerator until it hardens. Decorate to your liking using fruit, syrup or chocolate.

Recipe 2: Creamy Bird's milk: soufflé recipe

The base is cream and condensed milk.

You will need the following products:

– cream 20% fat – 1 cup (250 ml)

- airy curd (“Miracle” or similar) – 1 jar (150 g)

- condensed milk GOST - 1 glass (250 ml)

– cow’s milk – ½ cup (125 ml)

– gelatin – 1 sachet (15 g)

- walnuts or almonds, to your taste - 20 g

— dark or milk chocolate – 50 g.

How to make creamy bird's milk soufflé

Heat the milk, pour gelatin over it and leave to swell. Mix cream and condensed milk in a saucepan and place over low heat. Bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute. After this, pour gelatin into the mixture and mix everything thoroughly. Let cool.

After this, add the airy curd, mix and beat well with a blender. Beat for at least 10 minutes to make the soufflé airy and tender.

After whipping, pour the mixture into a suitable form, or place it in bowls. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Bird's milk soufflé is ready! Decorate with chocolate - grated or melted, as you prefer. Sprinkle nuts on top.

Bon appetit!

Preparing the base of the Bird's Milk soufflé cake: combine cookie crumbs, yolk and softened butter - thoroughly grind everything into butter crumbs,

Place jam on the base and distribute evenly, place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes, remove and cool.

To prepare the soufflé: soak gelatin in 100 ml of cream. Start whipping the whites into a thick foam, meanwhile dissolve the sugar in 50 ml of hot water, put on low heat and simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved, remove the syrup from the heat and let it cool slightly.

And without ceasing to beat the whites, pour in the syrup in a thin stream (or literally drop by drop) and continue beating for another 15 minutes; at the end of beating, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice - you should get a shiny, elastic mass.

In the meantime, put the gelatin on low heat, stirring constantly, bring it until it is completely dissolved (but do not boil!), then remove it from the heat, let it cool a little and pour it into the whites in a thin stream, whisking constantly (beat for 3-5 minutes).

Place the prepared mixture on top of the crust and refrigerate until completely set (at least 1 hour).

If you want to decorate, I made a mesh of caramel sauce (2 cow candies, a little butter and 1 tablespoon of low-fat cream, put in the microwave for 1 minute at high power).

Cut the finished Bird's Milk soufflé cake into portions and you can enjoy a very tasty dessert.

Enjoy your tea!

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