Home Porridge Layered tubes. Puff pastry tubes: recipes and filling options Filling for puff pastry tubes

Layered tubes. Puff pastry tubes: recipes and filling options Filling for puff pastry tubes

Step 1: Prepare the puff pastry.

So, first, pour the required amount of table salt into a deep bowl, fill it with clean water and dissolve, then gradually add flour, previously sifted through a fine sieve. Knead the dough little by little. As a rule, the flour you come across is different, so you may need a little less/more of it to prepare the dough. At the same time, make sure that the dough ends up it wasn't too tight. Now leave the finished dough for approx. for half an hour so that it infuses. However, you should not place it in a cold place, just cover it with a clean kitchen towel and leave it on the table. This is necessary so that the “gluten” of the dough has time to swell; this is a very important point, because dough that has not stood for enough time during the rolling process can tear. In addition, all products made from such dough will not rise well, and the layers in them will not be visible. During this half hour, the dough will need to be kneaded once. It is advisable to do this after first 10 minutes, and then leave it for 20 minutes to rest.

Step 2: Prepare the butter and roll out the dough.

At this time, take butter (preferably at room temperature), place it in a separate container, then add 3-4 tablespoons, pre-sifted flour, stir well and form a brick from the resulting mass. This must be done so that the flour absorbs all the excess moisture and the butter becomes a little drier; subsequently it will be distributed much more evenly between the layers of dough. When the dough has rested for the required time, place it on the work surface of the table, sprinkled with flour in advance so that the dough does not stick to it. Roll it out into a small rectangle shape. At the same time, try to roll out the edges of the dough a little thinner than its middle. Place a butter brick in the center of the resulting rectangle. Now wrap the dough into an envelope. It is extremely important that both the dough and the butter have approximately the same consistency. Because if you prepare a dough that is softer than butter, then at the first rolling out, the dough will spread along the edges of the layer, and the butter will remain in the middle. Or vice versa, if the dough comes out “steeper” than the butter, then the latter will spread along the edges of the layer and come out. Roll out the prepared dough with butter using a thick rolling pin using smooth movements. Take your time, as when rolling quickly, the layers of dough will tear, and the products will not rise as expected during baking. Roll out the dough thick 1 cm, remember that the edges should be thinner than the middle of the dough. Then fold it back into an envelope and leave it for 20 minutes. Then we roll it out again, wrap the envelope and leave it for another half hour.

Step 3: Prepare the blanks for the tubes.

Now we need to prepare metal blanks on which we will later wind the tubes. Wash and dry them thoroughly before use. If you don’t have such preparations, then you can use the means at hand and prepare such preparations yourself. To do this, you need to take a sheet of regular cardboard (you can use it for children), then cut it crosswise into 2 approximately equal parts, then cut a piece of baking paper exactly the same size. Place a sheet of parchment on the cardboard and wrap the two sheets together to form a tube or cone. In this case, the colored side of the cardboard should remain on the inside. Secure the lower base of the tube with a stapler, and fold the upper corner inward.

Step 4: Divide the dough into equal parts and wrap it around the pieces.

Divide the finished and rested dough into 2 identical parts, then roll out each part on the table into a rectangle, the thickness of which should be 0.5 mm. Then divide each such rectangle into 8 approximately equal parts, and each part should be approximately 20 cm in length and 1.5-2 cm width. The result is stripes of dough. Carefully wrap the finished dough strips onto the prepared tube blanks, doing this slightly overlapping so that there are no empty spaces between the dough. The given amount of ingredients should yield approximately 16 tubes.

Step 5: Bake the puff pastries.

Grease a baking tray with water, then place the prepared tubes on it. Preheat the oven up to 240-250 degrees, then place the baking sheet with the products inside the oven and bake them about 10 minutes. The tubes should brown a little. Remove the finished tubes from the oven, cool, and then carefully remove them from the blanks.

Step 6: Prepare the cream for the tubes.

While our tubes are cooling, we will prepare the cream. To do this, pour granulated sugar into a separate enamel bowl, then pour boiling water over it and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, add citric acid to it, place the bowl over low heat and heat the mixture to a boil. As soon as you see bubbles at the bottom of the bowl, remove it from the heat ( It is very important not to boil the mixture!). Break the eggs into a separate bowl, separating the yolks from the whites, beat the whites into a strong foam using a blender or mixer. Then pour in in a thin stream prepared syrup, do not stop whisking. Beat everything together approximately 15 minutes.

Step 7: Fill the tubes with the prepared cream.

The finished shiny cream, which holds its shape well, must be placed in already cooled tubes. To do this, it is best to use a culinary syringe, draw the cream into it and fill the tube. Crush one tube into fine crumbs, and sprinkle the finished tubes with this crumb.

Step 8: Serve the puff pastries.

Place the finished tubes beautifully on a serving dish and serve as a delicious dessert. Before use, it is best to place the straws in the refrigerator, approx. for 1-2 hours so that they can soak. You can further decorate the dish by sprinkling it with powdered sugar. In order for it to lay beautifully and evenly on the tubes, it must be sifted through a fine strainer. Enjoy your meal!

In order to speed up the process of preparing the delicacy and really make it easier, you can use ready-made puff pastry, which is sold frozen in almost any grocery store. This dough must first be thawed according to the instructions indicated by the manufacturers on the product packaging.

To enrich the taste, you can add dried fruits or walnuts chopped with a knife to the cream for the tubes.

In order for the tubes to turn out rosy and very appetizing in appearance, before baking they can be brushed with beaten egg using a special culinary brush.

The straws should be stored on the bottom shelves of the refrigerator. They can be safely stored at low temperatures for several days.

Puff pastry tubes are delicious and satisfying pastries that are enjoyed not only by children, but also by adults. It is especially worth noting that such sweet products can be easily purchased in the store. But this dessert will be tastier and healthier only if you make it yourself at home.

Step by step for straws

To prepare such a dessert, you need to knead an unleavened puff pastry base. To do this you will need the following products:

  • sifted wheat flour - from 350 g;
  • butter or good margarine - 210 g;
  • fine sea salt - 1/3 dessert spoon;
  • cold water - 160 ml.

Kneading process

The puff pastry we are looking at is quite easy to make. To do this, you need to dissolve fine sea salt in cold water, and then gradually pour it into the sifted wheat flour. As a result of these actions, you should get a fairly tight dough. To make it softer and more uniform, it must be placed in and kept at room temperature for half an hour.

While the gluten is swelling, it is recommended to start processing the cooking fat. To do this, take butter or margarine, and then thaw it a little and mix it with a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour. After this, the resulting mass must be shaped into a brick and left aside for a while.

After half an hour, the dessert dough should be removed from the bag and then rolled into a rectangular shape so that its middle is much thicker (about 1 centimeter) than the edges. Next, you need to place the previously formed butter briquette in the center of the base and wrap it in an envelope. After this, you need to take a large and thick rolling pin, and then slowly and carefully roll out the brick into the same thin rectangular shape. It is advisable to repeat similar actions (but without adding cooking fat) about 4-5 times with breaks of 15 minutes.

Baking Basics

Before making puff pastry tubes, they should be baked in the oven. To do this, it is advisable to use a special cone-shaped shape. But if you don’t have such a device, then you can use regular cardboard. It needs to be covered with baking paper and wrapped in a bag so that it is on the outside.

After preparing the mold, you can safely start rolling out the puff pastry. It is advisable to make two rectangular sheets of it no more than 4 millimeters thick. Next, each layer must be cut into long strips up to 3 centimeters wide. To form such tubes, you should overlap the previously prepared forms with dough, and then place them on a baking sheet and bake in a very hot oven until browned (about 10-14 minutes). The finished cones need to be taken out, freed from cardboard blanks and cooled.

Detailed recipe for puff pastry rolls

After the base for the dessert is completely prepared, you should immediately proceed to preparing the sweet cream filling. To do this you will need the following products:

  • citric acid - ½ dessert spoon;
  • boiling water - 80 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • egg white - from 2 chicken eggs.

Filling preparation process

Puff pastry tubes can be filled with any cream. We decided to use a light protein base. Thus, to create this mass, you need to pour boiling water over granulated sugar and stir until completely dissolved. After this, you need to pour citric acid into the same bowl, and then put it on low heat and let it sit until it boils. Next, break the chicken eggs, set the yolks aside (can be used to prepare another dish), and cool the whites and beat them vigorously with a mixer or whisk until a thick foam forms.

After the syrup just begins to boil and bubbles form on its surface, the liquid must be removed from the stove and poured into the egg mixture in a thin stream. In this case, the whites should also be continuously beaten. As a result of the described actions, you should definitely get a thick, shiny and fluffy cream that perfectly holds its shape.

Formation process

Puff pastry tubes will be completely ready for use only after they are filled with sweet protein cream. To do this, the air mass must be placed in a culinary syringe and, with light pressure, squeeze the required amount of filling into a fresh cone. To make these cakes look even more appetizing and beautiful, you can sprinkle them with ground peanuts or chocolate chips on top.

How to present homemade dessert to the table?

Self-prepared puff pastries should be served in a large bowl with or without tea, coffee, cocoa. It is worth especially noting that such cakes are not very high in calories, as they contain a light filling. If you want to get more satisfying products, then instead of protein cream, you can use any other buttery mass.

Anyone who has tried it knows how delicious puff pastry tubes can be. They just beckon from culinary displays. We have an excellent deli near our house, where these tubes are a very popular delicacy. But the fillings are usually limited to protein and butter cream. To be honest, the paucity of toppings gets boring.
That's why I started making puff pastry rolls myself. This is a very simple matter, and besides, with a variety of fillings, you can expand widely here.

First you need to prepare a mold for the tubes. At home, they usually use either special metal cones or their like made of paper and foil.
I suggest using tubes from baking paper, bags, and the like as a form.

So, take the bushings and wrap them tightly with foil. In principle, everything, the forms are ready.

Now let's get to culinary creativity. If you have the patience to knead puff pastry yourself, hats off to you. I buy it from the same grocery store near my house. If necessary, defrost the dough and roll it out thinly (layer thickness approximately 3 mm).

Cut into strips approximately 2 cm wide.

We wind them around the bushings so that we get tubes. I can fit 3-4 tubes onto one sleeve (you can, of course, make one large tube - but this is for desperate gourmets).

Brush the tubes with egg yolk and place in a hot oven for 30 minutes.

Remove the rosy rolls from the oven and wait until they cool completely.

Only after this can they be removed from the bushings. Otherwise, firstly, you risk burning your hands, and secondly, hot straws without support may lose their shape.

Now the tubes can be filled, for example, according to the “classics of the genre” with protein cream or boiled condensed milk (I would recommend adding nuts to it). You can also use custard or whipped cream.
Today I had these with protein cream. The cream recipe is the simplest - beat 2 egg whites, 6 tablespoons of sugar with a mixer until thick white mass and stable peaks form.

In addition to sweet fillings, you can also use non-sweet ones. For example, minced meat, liver, mushrooms, fish, vegetables - in general, everything your heart desires.

For example, this is the filling with minced meat and boiled rice. Fry the minced meat with onions, garlic and spices. Boil the rice separately. Combine, mix and fill the tubes.

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

Thaw the dough first and roll it out a little with a rolling pin. Cut the dough into strips approximately 1.5-2 cm wide. I use metal cones to make straws. Grease the cones with vegetable oil. Roll the dough into a spiral around the cones, stretching the dough slightly.

Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Place the tubes on parchment, leaving a little space from each other, since the puff tubes will increase in size during baking. Brush the tubes with beaten egg yolk. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven.

Bake the tubes at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes until golden brown. Cool the finished puff pastries on the cones and then remove.

Beat chilled cream with powdered sugar until stiff peaks form. I lightly colored the cream with strawberry syrup by adding a couple drops of syrup while whipping. Fill the tubes with cream, I did this using a pastry syringe, and you can serve. The recipe for making puff pastries is simple, but by filling them with filling, you will get a delicacy that neither children nor adults will be able to refuse.

The most delicate dough in a duet with a very delicate cream is SOMETHING!
Naturally, the tubes can be filled with any cream.

350 g flour,
butter or margarine - 200 g,
salt - 0.5 tsp,
citric acid - 0.5 tsp,
cold water - 150 ml.

egg whites - 2 pcs,
sugar - 225 g,
citric acid - 0.5 tsp,
hot water (boiling water) - 75 ml.


1. Prepare the dough: dissolve salt and citric acid in water, and then gradually add flour, because you may need more/less of it - flour varies, however, the dough should not be too tight.

2. Leave the dough for the gluten to swell. After 10 minutes, knead the dough and leave for another 20 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, add 3-4 tbsp to soft butter. flour, stir well and form into a brick shape.
This is done so that the flour absorbs excess moisture and the oil is better distributed between the layers of dough.

4. Roll out the proofed dough into a rectangle, in the center of which we place butter.

5. Wrap the edges of the dough in the form of an envelope. Then, slowly, with smooth movements, preferably with a thick rolling pin, we begin to roll out our envelope on a table sprinkled with flour.
Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 cm, and the edges should be slightly thinner than the middle. Then fold the dough again into an envelope and leave for 20 minutes.
Similar rolling should be done two more times. After the second time, the dough “rests” for 30 minutes, and after the third time - 15-20.
The dough must stand, otherwise it will tear when rolling, and products made from such dough will not rise well.

6. Now - a sore point... But there are no metal tubes on which the dough is wound...
And we’re hungry for cakes.. So, we’ll get out of it on our own. I found information that metal tubes can be replaced with cardboard. That's all. No more details.
Well, as they say, the need for invention is cunning...
I didn’t have white cardboard, so I had to take colored one.
Cut a sheet of cardboard crosswise into two parts. Then cut a piece of baking paper of the same size.

7. Place the baking paper on the cardboard and roll it all into a little bag (like for seeds, remember?) so that the colored side of the cardboard is inside. We fasten the bottom with a stapler.
We bend the top corner of the bag inward - and that’s it, you can use it.
Probably not entirely aesthetically pleasing, but no worse than their metal counterparts.

8. I made 8 pieces and baked them in two batches, because... This amount of dough makes 16 cakes.

9. Divide the dough into two parts, roll each of them into a rectangle 0.5 cm thick, and then cut it into 8 strips about 20 cm long and about 2 cm wide.

10. We wrap the strips of dough overlapping each other and place them on a sheet moistened with water.

11. Bake in an oven preheated to 240-250 degrees for about 10 minutes. Remove the finished tubes from the blanks and cool.

12. While the tubes are cooling, make the cream: pour boiling water over the sugar and, stirring, try to dissolve it.
Then add citric acid and put everything on low heat.

13. Beat the whites into a strong foam.

14. As soon as bubbles begin to appear at the bottom of the saucepan, remove it from the heat. You can't boil it!

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