Home Fish How to cook pancakes with red fish. How to cook pancakes with red fish according to a step-by-step recipe with photos. Pancake rolls “Elite”

How to cook pancakes with red fish. How to cook pancakes with red fish according to a step-by-step recipe with photos. Pancake rolls “Elite”

Good afternoon, dear readers of our cooking blog. This recipe will focus on a traditional Russian delicacy - pancakes. Namely, how to cook pancakes with red fish and melted cheese.

Surely pancakes are a favorite delicacy for many, and it is not surprising, since a variety of fillings and serving forms are ready to conquer any, even the most demanding taste.



1. Flour 320 gr.

2. Eggs 2 pcs.

3. Serum 400 ml.

4. Salt 0.5 tsp.

5. Sugar 1 tsp.

6. Vegetable oil 3 tbsp.

7. Soda 1 tsp.

8. Water 500 ml.


1. Lightly salted coho salmon 150-200 gr.

2. Processed cheese 200 gr.

Cooking method:

2. Add 400 milliliters of whey and vegetable oil to the egg mixture. Stir well.

3. Now sift the flour and gradually knead the dough so that no lumps form. It is convenient to do this with a mixer at low speed.

4. Boil 500 milliliters of clean drinking water and brew the dough with it, adding soda. Now the dough is ready, you can start baking pancakes.

5. When cooking pancakes, a comfortable and hot frying pan is very important, I would even say hot. Its sufficient heating can be judged by the sizzling sound of the dough poured onto it; moreover, at the optimal temperature, the dough immediately begins to bubble, forming small holes on the surface - this is how the pancakes turn out “lacey”. Take the dough into a ladle, distribute it evenly over the bottom of the pan, tilting it in different directions until it is completely covered with dough. Bake pancakes at maximum setting on both sides until browned.

6. So, when all the pancakes are ready, you can start stuffing. To prepare the filling for our delicious pancakes, take lightly salted fish, by the way, any fish you have on hand will do: chum salmon, coho salmon, trout, salmon... Cut it into small cubes, it will be great to put it in a blender, but this idea dawned on me after cooking , so in the photo the fish is cut into cubes. Now add melted, cream cheese in tubs, you can replace it with ricotta. Just don’t take cheeses with additives, even if it’s smoked salmon, since all sorts of flavorings, flavor enhancers, etc. are added to such cheese, which is very harmful to health. Mix all the ingredients, that's it - the filling is ready.

7. Now stuff your wonderful, lacy pancakes with this delicious filling. To do this, place the filling, one heaping tablespoon, on each pancake and roll it up.

8. Now all that remains is to enjoy this delicacy, so hurry up and serve it, everyone is probably eager to try it.

  • Lightly salted fish can be safely replaced with smoked fish, which will make the filling for your pancakes have an even brighter taste.
  • An excellent addition to the cheese and fish taste will be greens - finely chopped dill and onions. You won’t need much of it – one or two tablespoons.

The final days of Maslenitsa, when a variety of pancakes and pancakes have already been tried, requires sophistication and sophistication or “haute couture” taste, and this is nothing more than pancakes with fish and the most symbolic and beloved by gourmets, pancakes with caviar. Recipes for pancakes with fish filling will be useful not only during Maslenitsa, but also for your cookbook, because such a delicacy is suitable for family feasts, but also for entertaining guests.

Pancakes with red caviar.

Oh yeah! Pancakes with red caviar are a definite edible symbol for foreign tourists. From time to time we should treat ourselves to this delicacy.


3 chicken eggs,

4 tbsp vegetable oil,

50 gr. sugar and a pinch of salt,

500 ml ½ milk + ½ water,

1.5 cups wheat flour,

jar of red caviar,

50 grams of butter.

Beat eggs with salt and sugar. Add 500 ml of liquid consisting of half milk and half water. Then gradually pour 1.5 cups of flour through a sieve, making sure there are no lumps. Lastly, add vegetable oil and knead until smooth.

Bake thin pancakes in a well-heated frying pan.

Red caviar is a filling that does not require any mixing. To give a softer taste, caviar should be combined with butter.

The dish will look decent if you roll the pancakes into triangles and put a portion of red caviar next to them.

Thin pancakes can also be greased with butter and rolled into a tight roll; each of the rolled pancakes can be cut diagonally. Place red caviar in portions nearby.

In addition, portioned pancakes will be even more delicious if the tight rolls are rolled up and cut into portions - stumps 3 - 4 cm high. Secure the edge with a toothpick. Place a piece of butter and a portion of caviar on top.

Pancakes with red fish.

For pancakes with red fish, choose lightly salted salmon, trout or pink salmon. This is delicious!


2 chicken eggs,

150 grams of flour,

50 gr. sugar and a pinch of salt,

2 glasses of milk 1.5%,

50 g butter,

400 g red fish,

150 g soft Philadelphia cream cheese,

parsley and dill for decoration.

Mix ingredients for pancakes. Knead the dough thoroughly, smoothing out all the lumps. We bake thin pancakes, frying them on both sides. We cut the red fish, it is better to do this in the form of petals so that they stick well as a filling. We can cut the soft cheese into small portions or spread it directly onto the pancake.

If we cut the cheese into thin rectangles, then place them in a strip in the center of the pancake, and place the fish on top. Roll the pancake into a roll without squeezing it so that the cheese stays in place, and cut crosswise into portions. Look what these portions of red fish resemble? That's right, Philadelphia sushi roll.

If we spread cheese, we do it over the surface of the pancake, excluding the edges. We place the fish along the center line, you can chop the greens there too. Roll the pancake into a fairly tight roll and divide it into portions, cutting at an angle of 45°.

If there is no soft cheese in the refrigerator, then grease the hot pancake with butter, add portions of fish and roll it into a roll. Cut into portions.

Pancakes with herring.

If you think that pancakes with herring are not as delicious as other types of pancakes with fish filling, then you will be mistaken. The herring filling has a very piquant taste and, perhaps, pancakes with herring are on the table less often than pancakes with red fish.


1 - 2 raw chicken eggs,

800 ml milk,

4 tbsp sunflower oil,

10 spoons of wheat flour,

¼ tbsp. tablespoons salt + ¼ tablespoon slaked soda,

1 lightly salted herring,

3 slices of white bread (as for sandwiches),

2 hard-boiled eggs,

1 medium pickled cucumber

1 onion,

5 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise,

long feathers of green onions.

Prepare the herring filling. Peel the herring from skins, entrails and seeds, cut into small cubes. Chop the onion into smaller pieces and scald with boiling water. Cut the white bread into cubes and chop the boiled eggs. Finely chop or grate the pickled cucumber. Mix everything in a deep bowl and season with mayonnaise. Add greens to taste.

Mix the ingredients for pancakes and get a lump-free batter. Fry the pancakes on both sides.

We pack the herring filling into the pancake. Again, there are several options.

Roll the pancakes into rolls and cut diagonally into two halves.

Roll the pancake into a pound and add more filling. To ensure that the thin dough can withstand the load, wrap it in parchment paper. This pancake looks like it came from an expensive restaurant menu.

If the filling turns out to be quite mobile, this depends to some extent on the herring and the moisture content of the cucumber, then put the filling in the center of the pancake and collect it in a bag. We tie the bag with an onion feather. So expensive and rich!

Bon appetit, and not only on Maslenitsa!

Pancakes stuffed with red fish are a real delicacy. For convenience, it is recommended to cut them into small rolls.

This snack is not only tasty, but also very healthy, as fish contains essential microelements and vitamins. For cooking, it is recommended to use lightly salted pink salmon, salmon or salmon.

In European countries, this dish is called “Russian”. Stuffed pancakes have been cooked in Rus' since ancient times. During this time, a huge variety of recipes appeared. In this article we will look at one of the options.

Recipe for pancakes filled with red fish and cream cheese

Maslenitsa is just around the corner, so every housewife should know how to cook pancakes. We will use one of the simplest recipes. The whole process takes just a few minutes.


  • 3 chicken eggs.
  • 1/3 tsp table salt.
  • 3 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • 0.5 liters of milk.
  • 2 tbsp unscented sunflower oil.
  • 300 g of first-grade flour.

Step-by-step preparation

Prepare a deep container, break eggs into it, add sugar and salt. Just don’t overdo it with granulated sugar, otherwise the pancakes may burn and stick to the pan. Mix the ingredients with a kitchen whisk.

At the next stage, pour milk into the egg mixture, which should first be heated.

Don't forget to add vegetable oil.

While constantly stirring the mixture, add wheat flour in small portions. Mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

Heat a frying pan on the stove, then grease the bottom with a piece of vegetable oil. It is recommended to use a frying pan with low sides to make it easier to flip and remove pancakes.

Gently spread the dough over the entire surface.

Fry the pancakes on both sides. Approximately every 3-4 pancakes, grease the bottom of the pan with butter.

The baked goods are ready, now you can start preparing the filling.

We will need cream cheese, parsley and smoked salmon. Grease one side of the pancake generously with cheese.

Place the second pancake overlapping and also spread cream cheese on it.

Cut the red fish into thin pieces and place on greased baking sheets.

Sprinkle fresh parsley on top.

Now roll it tightly into a roll.

Now all that remains is to cut the roll into small pieces.

A delicious snack is ready. Treat your loved ones and relatives. Bon appetit!

Red fish in pancakes is a real delicacy. I don’t cook them often, but with special pleasure. This usually happens on holidays, when you want to serve some special snacks to your guests, but sometimes you can treat yourself.

It’s easier to prepare them, especially if you already know how to fry pancakes, but if not, read about it below. Basically, you just need to combine a delicious pancake with a delicious filling, and the result is simply a magical dish.

Besides? In addition to the fact that it is incredibly tasty, it is also healthy, because fish contains a lot of phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins A, B and D. Frequent consumption of fish will help you maintain strong nerves, blood vessels, and also regulate cholesterol levels. So, sometimes it’s not a pity to buy such yummy food and improve your health.

Pancakes with red fish and curd cheese

Kitchenware and appliances: frying pan, spoon, knife, bowl, whisk, cutting board, sieve, ladle.


Cooking process

  1. Break 2 eggs into a bowl, add about half a teaspoon of salt and one and a half tablespoons of sugar. Stir until smooth.
  2. Pour in one and a half glasses of milk and mix again.

  3. Add one and a half cups of flour and 15 g of baking powder. Stir until no lumps remain.

  4. Pour in two thirds of a glass of boiling water to make the dough more liquid.

  5. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan and pour a ladle of dough onto it.

  6. Fry the pancakes for 1-2 minutes on each side until golden brown. Let them cool.

  7. Spread the pancake with curd cheese. Place another spread pancake so that it overlaps the first one.

  8. Cut 300-400 g of fish, place and roll into a roll.

  9. Cut it into portions and serve.

Video recipe for making pancakes with red fish and cream cheese

To properly fry pancakes and make red fish pancake filling , look how the girl does it. She explains and shows everything very clearly, so you will enjoy watching.

Rye pancakes with red fish

Cooking time: 50 minutes.
Number of servings: 12.
Kitchenware and appliances: frying pan, whisk, knife, two bowls, sieve, cutting board.


Cooking process



Video recipe for making pancakes stuffed with red fish

If you want perfect pancakes, watch the woman in the video make them. She explains everything quite clearly, so it will be useful for you to watch.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • If the fish is absolutely uniform and rich in color without white streaks, then most likely it is tinted.
  • If you take uncut fish, then look at its fins: if they are small and almost absent, then the fish was grown artificially using stimulants.
  • The eyes of the fish should be clear and without a veil; if this is not the case, then it has been in the store for a long time.
  • The fish should smell like fish. If the smell is different or absent at all, then the product is spoiled.
  • If the gills are pale, white or gray, then the fish is no longer suitable.
  • The scales should be tightly located on the carcass, but they should still be elastic.
  • If you take fish in a package, make sure it is whole and without air inside.
  • Carefully inspect the package of flour to ensure that it is not damaged or scuffed.
  • The flour should be uniform white in color and free of foreign odor.
  • The fat content of milk is not important, the main thing is that it is fresh and tasty.
  • It is best to take chicken eggs of the second category, since they contain normal levels of essential microelements.

What to serve with

We usually eat pancakes with tea, coffee or other hot drink. If you want, you can add sugar, then the contrast of sweet and salty will create an even richer taste.

You can simply put the pancakes on the table as a cold appetizer, but then it is better to cut them into small pieces to make it easier to eat. Champagne or sparkling wine goes perfectly with this appetizer.

  • You need to start frying pancakes in a very hot frying pan so that they do not stick.
  • If they still stick to the bottom, then perhaps you have too much sugar in the dough and need to dilute it a little with milk.
  • If they continue to stick, add a little flour or an egg.
  • If you do not have a Teflon coating, then do not forget to add oil to the pan.
  • Milk can be replaced with fermented baked milk, kefir or whey, just check their ratio with flour before cooking.
  • If you don’t have a lot of fish, you can chop it finely to make enough for more pancakes.
  • Instead of cream cheese, you can use full-fat cottage cheese mixed with sour cream.
  • Pour the dough into the middle of the pan, and then spread it over the surface.
  • To prevent pancakes from being greasy, grease the pan rather than pouring oil on it.
  • Decide for yourself how to wrap pancakes with red fish. You can make it like a regular roll, you can make it into an envelope, or you can make it into a pocket. The main thing is that the filling does not fall out.
  • Sift the flour before adding it to the dough.

Other options

There are incredibly many pancake recipes for every taste, so you have the opportunity to try and try. For example, make and serve them as an appetizer.

Or cook it if you are for healthy eating. Well, if the main thing for you is only taste, then fry them and eat them with hot tea. You can make a chocolate cake out of them if you prepare a delicious cream. You can always bake the most ordinary pancakes and experiment with fillings. The easiest way is to take condensed milk or your favorite jam.

Or make it and add chocolate to it, then it will turn out even tastier. And if you cook potato pancakes, you can even make a cake out of them and serve it as a side dish.

I hope you liked my options, but if you have your own recipes, be sure to tell us about them in the comments.

Blini are a product of Russian cuisine, a culinary product made from liquid dough, which has its roots in ancient times. They come in different varieties: yeast and non-yeast, thin and thick, sweet and unsweetened, with and without fillings, but usually have a round shape. Pancakes are baked in large quantities during Maslenitsa week.
In our family, pancakes are baked very often. Simply with sugar, honey and butter or prepare stuffed pancakes. Today I want to offer my mother’s recipe - delicious yeast-free pancakes with milk, stuffed with red fish and curd cheese with herbs. Required:
For pancake dough:
Milk – 1.5 l.
Egg – 1 pc.
Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
Salt – 1.5 tsp.
Sugar – 1 tsp.
Flour – 500 gr. (so that the dough is liquid - I bake thin pancakes)
For filling:
Curd cheese with herbs – 1-2 packs. (200g each)
Lightly salted salmon – 200g.

How to make delicious stuffed pancakes:

First we need to prepare the dough for baking pancakes. Beat eggs into warm milk, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and mix with a whisk. Gradually begin to add sifted flour, stirring at the same time.
The dough should be like heavy cream. In this case, the pancakes will turn out thin.
Let's start baking pancakes. After the pancakes are ready, we begin stuffing them with curd and fish filling. Apply 2 tbsp onto the pancake. curd cheese evenly over the entire surface. Place red fish cut into cubes on the edge of the pancake and wrap tightly.

We do all the pancakes this way. Serve the stuffed pancakes with a cup of freshly brewed tea or coffee, cutting the pancake diagonally and garnishing with herbs. Try these tender, thin, melt-in-your-mouth pancakes with red fish and soft curd cheese.
It's just a fairy tale!
Svetlana wishes everyone a bon appetit and her - website!

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