Home Drinks and cocktails Recipe: Vanilla Easter cakes - Kneaded the dough in a bread machine and baked in the oven. Easter cakes and Easter cake dough in a bread maker Preparing Easter cake dough in a bread maker

Recipe: Vanilla Easter cakes - Kneaded the dough in a bread machine and baked in the oven. Easter cakes and Easter cake dough in a bread maker Preparing Easter cake dough in a bread maker

Every year I brace myself before making Easter cake dough. Baking Easter cakes at home is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. I usually spend the entire Saturday - if I set the dough at 10 am, then I finish baking and decorating the cakes just by 10 pm. The kind of Easter cakes we love - rich, sweet, yellow with cinnamon and saffron - cannot be bought in a pastry shop. - a detailed step-by-step recipe for homemade Easter cakes that always turn out great. - a simplified and quick recipe for lazy cakes made with dry yeast.

Since last year I got a bread maker (model Moulinex OW240E Pain and Delices). I suggest you try two options: 1 - bake a large kilogram cake in a bread machine (using the sweet bread baking mode). It is clear that it will not be of a “butterfly” shape at all; 2- entrust the bread maker with preparing the dough for Easter cakes (kneading, settling and rising), and then pour into molds and bake in the oven. Having studied the instructions and recipe book included with the bread maker (which in some points contradict each other), I compiled my own recipe and bring it to your attention. All recipes for home bread maker collected All homemade yeast baking By .


  • Kefir – 100 ml
  • Cognac - 3 tablespoons
  • Raisins – 60 grams
  • Sugar – 100 – 200 grams
  • Eggs - 3 eggs and 2 yolks for the dough, 2 whites for the glaze
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Spices and herbs: saffron - 1 pinch, tooritsa -1 teaspoon, kardamone - 1/2 teaspoon, mnutmeg - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Vanillin – 1 sachet (1 gram)
  • Butter at room temperature - 160 grams
  • Premium flour - 500 grams
  • Dry quick yeast - 3 teaspoons
  • Any nuts - 60 grams
  • Candied fruits – 30 grams
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 teaspoons
  • Powdered sugar - 7 level tablespoons

How to cook Easter cakes and Easter cake dough in a Mulinex bread machine

So, option 1. Rinse the raisins in hot water and soak in cognac or other aromatic alcohol for at least an hour, then strain through a strainer. Set aside the raisins and combine the cognac in a deep container with kefir, sugar, 3 eggs and 2 yolks, salt, vanillin and other spices.

Combine eggs, yolks, sugar, kefir, cognac and spices

Beat until smooth and pour into the bread maker bowl. Place the whites in the refrigerator. (Looking ahead, I’ll say that with 100 grams of sugar, the sweetness of the Easter cakes is like those from a confectionery shop; we like them much sweeter. In the next attempt, I doubled the amount of sugar). My bread maker puts the wet ingredients in first and the dry ingredients on top. There are bread machines where everything is the other way around, adapt the recipe for your model. Add soft butter in separate pieces.

Beat and add butter

Sift the flour and chop the nuts (I used a mixture of walnuts).

Prepare flour and nuts

Pour flour and nuts into the bread machine. Add yeast last (I use Voronezh).

Add flour, nuts and yeast

Select the sweet bread program (for recipes such as brioche with a high content of fat and sugar), in my model it is program 7. Select weight - 1000, crust color - lightest. The bread maker itself set the time to 3 hours 30 minutes (of which 2:40 was preparing the dough, 0:50 was baking).

Select a program and start the bread maker

Press the start button to start the bread maker. Prepare candied fruits, instead of candied fruits I have pieces of quince from my favorite. When the bread machine beeps, add candied fruits and raisins.

After the signal, add candied fruits and raisins

You can no longer open the lid. But I still looked in once to take a picture of how the dough had increased in volume. At this stage, the dough can be removed from the bowl and transferred to Easter cake molds.

Easter cake dough is ready

After the second beep, let's see what we got. Wow! The cake is so voluminous that I opened the lid slightly.

Kulich is ready

Shake out the cake and remove the blade with a special hook. I weighed the Easter cake - 1 kg 140 grams. The aroma is amazing, no worse than my usual homemade Easter cakes in the oven.

Easter cake in a Mulinex bread machine

I didn’t cover this cake with glaze; we tried it as soon as it cooled. I was satisfied with everything - aroma, color, richness, density, but there was not enough sweetness. We love not just sweet, but very sweet Easter baked goods.

Easter cake with raisins, nuts, cinnamon and cardamom

Now option 2. I do everything exactly the same, only I increased the amount of sugar to 200 grams. Yes, and there was no kefir, I stirred sour cream in the water. After 2.5 hours from the start of the bread machine, I took the dough out of the bowl, kneaded it and kneaded it a little.

Bread machine dough

For baking, it is easiest and most convenient to use disposable paper pans; they do not need to be greased. Tear off the dough in small portions and place in the molds, filling them a little more than halfway.

Fill the molds with dough

Cover the molds with the dough with a towel and leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. Bake at 180 degrees for the first 20 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 160 and bake until done. Be guided by your oven, make sure that the cakes do not burn, you may need to cover the tops with foil. Check the readiness as usual by piercing the cake all the way to the bottom with a wooden skewer; it should come out completely dry.

Easter cakes from the oven

Lay the cakes horizontally and cool.

Cool the Easter cakes

For the protein glaze, beat the reserved egg whites for 1 minute at low speed, add powdered sugar and beat at high speed for 6 minutes - the glaze will not be runny and not too thick.

Protein glaze for Easter cakes

Continuing to beat, add lemon juice and turn off the mixer. Glaze prepared in this way never crumbles, but takes a long time to dry - more than a day. Apply the egg white glaze to the completely cooled cakes.

Apply glaze to cakes

Decorate the cakes with grated chocolate, chocolate chips, candied fruits or prepared sprinkles. I don’t bring Easter cakes to bless, but I stick a small sprig of blessed willow into each Easter cake. I don’t know how much this corresponds to church canons, but my great-grandmother, grandmother and mother did this.

The eggs are painted in onion skins, graceful dragonflies arrived from a friend.

Easter eggs

Easter cakes made from dough prepared in a Mulinex bread machine are ready. This (second) version of the dough is for those with a sweet tooth, the cakes are very sweet!

Easter cakes from dough prepared in a bread machine in a section

Happy upcoming holiday!

step by step recipe with photos

Holiday Easter cake is a must-have sweet, because it is what all relatives are treated to in the morning. But how difficult and time-consuming it can sometimes be to knead the dough for it, only those who are directly familiar with the intricacies of creating a yeast dough know.

To make the whole process easier and free up time for yourself, prepare the Easter cake dough in a bread maker, if, of course, such a technique is present in your kitchen. It will become an indispensable assistant for those cooks who love to create any baked goods.

The dough from the bread machine rises and rises perfectly, and the products made from it are soft and delicate in taste.


  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 0.5 cups milk
  • 1 packet of dry yeast, 10 g
  • 400 g wheat flour
  • 50 g butter
  • 80 g granulated sugar
  • 0.5 tsp. salt
  • 0.5 tsp.
  • 3 tbsp. l. poppy


1. Before adding ingredients to the bread machine bowl, remember that liquid products are poured first, and then dry ones are added, and not otherwise, otherwise the flour will not mix into the liquid. Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and granulated sugar.

2. Melt the butter. This can be done either in a water bath or using a microwave oven. Don't boil it - it should be at room temperature, otherwise the egg white will curdle. Pour the oil into the bowl.

3. Read the instructions for use on the yeast package. If the yeast needs to be diluted in warm milk, as in the recipe, then do so, slightly heating the milk. Again, it should not be brought to a boil, as the yeast may “burn.” If the package recommends mixing dry yeast with flour, then mix and pour the milk into the bowl.

4. After this, add either flour or a mixture of flour and yeast. Activate the “Dough” mode for 55–60 minutes. During this time, the bread maker will mix all the ingredients.

5. 5 minutes before the end of the process, pour baking seasoning and poppy seeds into the bowl. There is no need to pre-steam it!

6. As soon as the beep is heard, your dough is ready. Pour it from the bowl into a container with a spatula and cover with a towel: let the dough rise for about 30 minutes! The Easter cake dough turns out liquid, like biscuit dough. At the end of the specified time, it will fill the entire container.

7. Fill the cake pans 1/3 full with the risen dough. Again, let it rise for 30 minutes in a warm place.

8. The dough will rise and fill almost the entire form - now the cakes can be baked. Place them in the oven for 20 minutes at 160–180°C.

9. Remove the finished cakes from the oven and be sure to cool! Only then cover them with powdered sugar or icing sugar. Serve by cutting into portions.

Note to the hostess

1. 1st grade flour is considered a high-quality baking product. It is suitable for pancakes, cheesecakes, shortbread, gingerbread, but not for Easter cakes. The Easter delicacy is kneaded with exclusively premium flour, only then there will be a lot of air bubbles in the fairly heavy sweet dough, and large pores in the finished product.

2. Cylindrical molds are greased with some kind of cooking fat or oil, not only inside, but also partially outside - along the outer edge of the neck by 5 centimeters. It is difficult to calculate how much the dough will rise; sometimes the cake cap covers the top of the mold, flowing down it and baking. By separating it, the housewife runs the risk of crumbling the top of the baked goods, and oil lubrication will prevent this.

3. Where is the best place to leave the yeast batch? In winter - not far from the battery, a quarter of a meter from it. In the summer - right in the kitchen or in the room where the sun shines. The window in the room must be closed! A draft is detrimental to dough and raw dough. Both should be covered with a thin cloth. A good option is a multi-layer gauze napkin.

4. Easter cakes are baked only with fresh milk. If it curls even slightly in the bread machine, the batch will be ruined. That is, you will get a delicious rich cake, but not a classic cake.

Two recipes for Easter cake dough in a bread machine

I suggest you bake a very tasty, rich Easter cake with raisins. For those who don't have enough time, you can knead the dough in a bread machine, as I did. You can also knead by hand. It is better to bake Easter cakes from this dough in small molds.

To prepare Easter cake with raisins you will need:

Flour (highest grade) - 550 g;

Milk - 200 ml;

Butter - 100 g;

Eggs - 3 pcs.;

Salt - 1 tsp;

Sugar - 100 g;

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

Vanillin - 1 sachet;

Turmeric - a pinch;

Dry yeast - 7 g;

Raisins - 50-70 g;

Powdered sugar - 100 g;

Lemon juice - 1 tsp;

Multi-colored powder.

Make a well in the middle and add the yeast. Set the "Dough" mode (I have 1 hour 30 minutes).

While kneading the dough, add raisins at the signal. The dough can also be kneaded by hand. To do this, sift the flour into a deep bowl and make a well. Pour in yeast, add salt, sugar, vanillin, vegetable oil and turmeric. Pour in a mixture of warm milk, butter and yolks. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands or the table. Then stir in the raisins. Leave the dough in a warm place to rise for 1 hour.

Enjoy your meal!

Fragrant Easter cake in a bread machine

I offer a recipe fragrant Easter cake from a very simple dough with dry, rapidly rising yeast. My dough was kneaded in a bread machine, but it is easy to knead by hand. The Easter cake is filled with dried apricots and prunes, sprinkled with a little cognac to enhance the taste. You can bake 2-3 large Easter cakes or about 10 small portions.

To prepare fragrant Easter cakes in a bread machine you will need:

Flour - about 4.5-5 cups;

Water - 1 glass;

Powdered milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;

Creamy margarine - 200 g;

Eggs - 2 pieces;

Sugar - 1 glass;

Vanilla - contents of 2/3 pod or vanilla sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;

Dried apricots - 10 pieces;

Prunes - 10 pieces;

Cognac (rum or balsam) - 1 tbsp. spoon;

Yeast (for example, saf-moment) - 1 sachet (11 g).


1. Instead of water and milk powder, you can use milk - 1 glass.

2. To help paper forms hold their cylindrical shape better, they can be tied with thread.

3. When kneading by hand, the dough must be allowed to rise 2 times, i.e. after the first rise, you need to knead it and wait for its second rise, and then let it stand and rise in the molds.

Set the "fresh/yeast dough" mode.

To bake an even dome without distortion, it is recommended to stick wooden sticks into the center of the dough.
Bake the cakes in a preheated oven at 200 degrees, and the time depends on the size of the cakes (from 15-20 minutes for small ones, about half an hour for medium ones and up to 45 minutes - 1 hour for large ones), they should rise and brown.

The finished Easter cakes are covered with glaze and sprinkled with powder, i.e. decorate to taste.

Easter cake recipes are very easy to prepare in a bread machine: the dough comes out airy and tender. There are 7 recipes in our selection!

  • milk - 170 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour (premium grade) - 400 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • dry yeast - 2.5 tsp;
  • vanillin - 0.5 sachet;
  • raisins, candied fruits - 100 g;
  • glaze, colored powder.

Add sifted flour, place salt, sugar and vanillin in the corners. Make a well in the middle and add yeast. If the instructions for your bread machine model say that the products are placed in a different order, do so.

Set the “Fast” mode (I have 2 hours 10 minutes), the crust is light, the weight is 750 grams. Steam the raisins with boiling water, drain the water, mix with a small amount of flour.

After a special signal, add raisins and candied fruits to the bucket. The dough will turn out liquid, that’s how it should be. Do not open the bread machine lid again.

Remove the finished delicious and very aromatic Easter cake, prepared in a bread maker, from the bucket, let cool slightly and cover with any glaze - at your discretion.

Recipe 2, step by step: Easter cake with candied fruits in a bread machine

The recipe is quite simple and can be easily adapted to almost any bread machine.

Dough for Easter cake:

  • 1 glass of milk
  • 3 tsp dry yeast or 25 gr. fresh yeast
  • 3 cups premium flour
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 yolks
  • 50 gr. butter
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 100 gr. candied fruits or nuts


  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • cake topping

Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into a clean baking container. I usually pour the oil onto the spatula; when mixing, it spreads faster throughout the dough.

Heat the milk to a temperature of 40 degrees. Pour warm milk into a container. It is important that the milk is not hot; at high temperatures (over 50 degrees) the yeast will die.

Pour either dry yeast into warm milk or crumble fresh pressed yeast. Crumble fresh yeast by hand.

Easter cake is made from rich dough. This dough contains a lot of butter, sugar and eggs, it is less suitable, so more yeast is always put into it than for regular bread. So, for Easter cake we take 3 tsp. dry yeast or 25–30 gr. fresh yeast.

In order for the yeast to wake up faster and begin to grow intensively, I usually add a tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of sugar to warm milk, but this is not necessary.

Take eggs at room temperature, separate the yolks from the whites. Place two yolks into the dough. Thanks to the yolks, the cake will turn out more yellow.

Heat the butter. Add warm, but not hot, oil to the baking dish.

Add sugar. This recipe makes the cake quite sweet. If desired, the amount of sugar can be reduced slightly.

Add flour.

Add salt.

Turn on the bread machine to the “BAKING WHITE BREAD” mode, select the medium crust (or whichever you like best).

While kneading, pay attention to the consistency of the dough. A ball should form and begin to move away from the walls of the mold.

If suddenly the dough turns out liquid due to large yolks or you put a little more butter (milk), then you can add just a little flour. Add a little flour, because if there is too much flour, any baked goods will turn out tough.

Add candied fruits or nuts after finishing the kneading process. This is due to the fact that the working blades grind the candied fruits, and this is not desirable.

Remove the finished cake to a wire rack.

First beat the cooled egg white without sugar. When the whites lighten, add sugar. Beat until a stable thick foam forms.

Cover the cooled cake with white fondant and sprinkle with colored cake sprinkles. Alternatively, you can simply sprinkle the cake generously with powdered sugar.

Recipe 3: Easter cake in a bread machine with raisins (with photo)

  • Wheat flour - 400 grams,
  • Dry instant yeast - 2.5 teaspoons,
  • Sugar - 8 tablespoons,
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces,
  • Milk - 170 ml,
  • Butter - 50 grams,
  • Vanillin - optional
  • Raisins or candied fruits 2-3 handfuls.

Everything is very simple and very convenient with a bread maker. According to your instructions for it, you put the ingredients in a bucket, everything in the order as in the recipe or in the sequence as written in your instructions (first dry, then liquid ingredients, or vice versa).

We select the mode in which we prepare the bread, either basic or quick (depending on the time available). Crust color is medium.

We wash the seedless raisins; if they are too dry, then soak them in a cup of warm water in advance. When the dough is kneaded, add raisins. This is approximately 5-8 minutes from the start of the program. If suddenly there is flour left around the edges, use a silicone spatula to “help” whisk it into the dough. The dough will turn out liquid, don’t worry, that’s how it should be.

After the signal, when the cake is ready, remove it from the bucket. Let it cool completely, sprinkle with powdered sugar, or decorate with egg white fondant.

Recipe 4: how to bake a simple Easter cake in a bread machine

  • Flour – 500 gr.
  • Egg – 4 pcs.
  • Milk – 100 gr.
  • Butter – 100 gr.
  • Live yeast – 20 gr.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • Raisins – 100 gr.
  • Vanillin, cinnamon to taste.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar. Beat the whites until peaks form.

Place the ingredients in the mold in the order indicated in your instructions. In our multicooker, the liquid ingredients come first: milk heated to 50 degrees, softened butter, yolks, whites.

Then dry ingredients: salt, sugar, spices, flour. Make a well in the flour and place the yeast there.

Place the pan in the bread machine. Set the “French bread” mode (cooking time - 3 hours 20 minutes). Place the raisins in a dispenser or add them to the dough after the first signal.

You can make lemon glaze: mix a few tablespoons of powdered sugar with 3-4 teaspoons of lemon juice. The glaze should be viscous - that is, not dripping from a spoon.

Recipe 5: Easter cake glazed with candied fruits in a bread machine

  • milk, fat content 1.5%-3.5%, 125 ml;
  • margarine, 125 g;
  • chicken eggs, 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar, 150 gr.;
  • wheat flour, premium/Extra grade, 450 gr.;
  • dry yeast, instant, 2 tsp;
  • dried fruits: candied fruits/mixture with raisins, etc., 150 gr.;
  • cognac, 2 tbsp.
  • milk, 2-3 tbsp;
  • powdered sugar, 150 gr.;
  • candied fruits, 30-50 gr.

Before you start putting food into a cotton container, you need to prepare it, for example, eggs must be at room temperature, otherwise the dough will not rise well and will be heavy, which means it will not bake well.

Remove the eggs from the refrigerator and let sit for at least half an hour.

The temperature requirement also applies to milk - use a special measuring cup to measure 125 ml, the milk should have a temperature as close as possible to 35 degrees, this indicator is necessary for the yeast to work properly.

Pour the milk into the bowl of the bread machine, then break two eggs into it.

Place the candied fruits or mixture in a separate bowl, pour in cognac, mix thoroughly and let stand in a warm place for at least 15 minutes.

Cut the margarine into small cubes, place in a heat-resistant container and melt in a water bath or in the microwave.

Using a kitchen scale, measure out exactly 150 grams of granulated sugar.

Add melted butter to the milk-egg mixture in a bowl, then granulated sugar, pouring it in in a circular motion, and finally candied fruits, after draining off the excess cognac.

Sift 450 grams of wheat flour into a deep bowl; a kitchen scale will again help determine the exact amount.

Pour the flour into the bread maker bowl in a high mound and make a well in the top.

Add dry yeast to the prepared hole.

Insert the bowl into the oven, set the main program “White/wheat bread”, loaf weight 1000 g, crust color - medium, turn on the appliance.

Immediately after baking, carefully remove the finished cake from the bread maker and place on a wire rack, let it cool completely without covering.

All that remains is to prepare the glaze and decorate the cake. To do this, first chop the candied fruits: rub one part on a fine grater, finely chop the second.

Sift 150 grams of powdered sugar into a high container, first add 2 tbsp. milk.

Two recipes for Easter cake dough in a bread machine

I suggest you bake a very tasty, rich Easter cake with raisins. For those who don't have enough time, you can knead the dough in a bread machine, as I did. You can also knead by hand. It is better to bake Easter cakes from this dough in small molds.

To prepare Easter cake with raisins you will need:

Flour (highest grade) - 550 g;

Milk - 200 ml;

Butter - 100 g;

Eggs - 3 pcs.;

Salt - 1 tsp;

Sugar - 100 g;

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

Vanillin - 1 sachet;

Turmeric - a pinch;

Dry yeast - 7 g;

Raisins - 50-70 g;

Powdered sugar - 100 g;

Lemon juice - 1 tsp;

Multi-colored powder.

Make a well in the middle and add the yeast. Set the "Dough" mode (I have 1 hour 30 minutes).

While kneading the dough, add raisins at the signal. The dough can also be kneaded by hand. To do this, sift the flour into a deep bowl and make a well. Pour in yeast, add salt, sugar, vanillin, vegetable oil and turmeric. Pour in a mixture of warm milk, butter and yolks. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands or the table. Then stir in the raisins. Leave the dough in a warm place to rise for 1 hour.

Enjoy your meal!

Fragrant Easter cake in a bread machine

I offer a recipe fragrant Easter cake from a very simple dough with dry, rapidly rising yeast. My dough was kneaded in a bread machine, but it is easy to knead by hand. The Easter cake is filled with dried apricots and prunes, sprinkled with a little cognac to enhance the taste. You can bake 2-3 large Easter cakes or about 10 small portions.

To prepare fragrant Easter cakes in a bread machine you will need:

Flour - about 4.5-5 cups;

Water - 1 glass;

Powdered milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;

Creamy margarine - 200 g;

Eggs - 2 pieces;

Sugar - 1 glass;

Vanilla - contents of 2/3 pod or vanilla sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;

Dried apricots - 10 pieces;

Prunes - 10 pieces;

Cognac (rum or balsam) - 1 tbsp. spoon;

Yeast (for example, saf-moment) - 1 sachet (11 g).


1. Instead of water and milk powder, you can use milk - 1 glass.

2. To help paper forms hold their cylindrical shape better, they can be tied with thread.

3. When kneading by hand, the dough must be allowed to rise 2 times, i.e. after the first rise, you need to knead it and wait for its second rise, and then let it stand and rise in the molds.

Set the "fresh/yeast dough" mode.

To bake an even dome without distortion, it is recommended to stick wooden sticks into the center of the dough.
Bake the cakes in a preheated oven at 200 degrees, and the time depends on the size of the cakes (from 15-20 minutes for small ones, about half an hour for medium ones and up to 45 minutes - 1 hour for large ones), they should rise and brown.

The finished Easter cakes are covered with glaze and sprinkled with powder, i.e. decorate to taste.

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