Home Porridge A simple cake recipe with dried fruits. Christmas cake with dried fruits and nuts - recipes for delicious holiday baking. Gingerbread Christmas Cupcake

A simple cake recipe with dried fruits. Christmas cake with dried fruits and nuts - recipes for delicious holiday baking. Gingerbread Christmas Cupcake

This is the first time I have baked such a gorgeous cupcake with dried fruits! Bright, lush, fragrant!

I usually put a handful of raisins and a few pieces of dried apricots on a portion of the dough, that’s what I called a cake with dried fruits. And in this recipe there is almost more dried fruit than dough! Yes, so bright and colorful! In cross section it looks simply amazing. Perhaps only the English Christmas Cake is even richer in composition!

This cupcake is not only beautiful and delicious, it is also healthy! What you need to feed your kids raisins and dried apricots.

And in late autumn and winter, when fresh berries and fruits are still far away, the recipe is just a godsend. Let's try to make this wonderful cupcake!


For the test:

  • Butter – 120 g;
  • Powdered sugar – 120 g;
  • Egg yolks – 5 pieces;
  • Wheat flour – 130 g;
  • A packet of baking powder (I took 10 g);
  • Lemon zest – 1-2 teaspoons.
  • Dried fruits – 300 g.

To make the cake more colorful, take a little bit of everything:

  • Light and dark raisins produce golden and brown specks;
  • Dried apricots – sunny orange pieces;
  • Dried cranberries – raspberry color;
  • Prunes – deep purple;
  • Figs look amazing when cut with their small golden grains!

Also, to soak dried fruits, you will need rum or cognac. And if you are cooking for children, you can take warm boiled water or tea with lemon.

How to bake a delicious and beautiful cupcake with dried fruits:

Wash the dried fruits, dry them, cut them into pieces.

Pour the dried fruits into a plate and lightly pour in rum - the pieces should not float in it, 2-3 tablespoons are enough to lightly cover the bottom of the dish. To ensure that the dried fruits are soaked evenly, stir them with a spoon from time to time.

Let's start preparing the dough. Fluffy and rich, it reminded me of the dough for the Capital Cupcake. First, beat the softened butter with powdered sugar using a mixer. I advise you to first stir with a spoon or whisk, and then beat, otherwise the powder will fly around the kitchen.

It is better not to replace powder with sugar: the powder is softer and finer, the dough will be more fluffy and rise easier, given the large amount of fruit. If you don’t have powder, you can make it yourself from sugar by grinding it in a coffee grinder or mill.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Add the yolks one at a time to the whipped butter and beat a little each time with a mixer.

After adding the fifth yolk, beat it thoroughly until you get such a fluffy, light mass.

Sift flour with baking powder into a bowl.

Add lemon zest.

Mix, but not completely, so that a little flour remains on the surface of the dough, and put dried fruits into the dough. The flour will absorb excess moisture. And so that there is less moisture (if the fruit has not absorbed everything), we do not pour them directly from the plate, but transfer them by hand, squeezing them a little.

At first it seemed to me that there were too many dried fruits for this portion of dough.

But after mixing it turned out to be just right. The dough turned out thick but fluffy.

Preheat the oven to 180C and grease the cake pan with sunflower oil - not too much so that the oil walls do not prevent the dough from rising - grease it with a thin layer, but carefully so that the cake comes out easily. Place the dough in the pan, smooth it out slightly and put it in the oven.

Bake the cake with dried fruits at 180C until it becomes high and golden brown, and a wooden stick remains dry when tested at the highest point. My cake took almost an hour and a half to bake, maybe less - the exact time depends on your oven.

Let the finished cake stand in the oven for 5-10 minutes so that it does not settle, then take out the pan and wait until the cake has almost cooled down.

Then carefully shake it out onto a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cut the cake into slices with a sharp knife.

And we admire the chic multi-color stained glass window made of colorful dried fruits!

Enjoy your tea!


300-400 gr. mixtures of nuts and dried fruits. I used dried apricots, 2 types of raisins, prunes, dried cranberries, figs and walnuts.
2 eggs
6 tbsp. brown sugar
6 tbsp. flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder


Cut dried apricots and prunes into pieces and mix with nuts and other dried fruits
Beat the eggs with a whisk and add to the dried fruit mixture
Add sugar, flour and baking powder, mix

Bake the cake in preheated to 180 degrees. oven for about 45 minutes.


Oh, I've been wanting to make this cupcake for so long. My love for dried fruits is limitless, and if they also appear in baked goods, just AH! And the aroma? If you've made this cupcake, you'll understand what I mean... It's impossible to resist! When the cake was still in process, I convinced myself that I would only eat one piece, BUT how? How can you not take a second one? + I washed this miracle down with milk, and this, in my opinion, is best suited for the cake. Such cozy pastries cannot leave indifferent even those who do not like dried fruits. Overall, the cupcake turned out great, and, as my mom said, “a rich cupcake” ;).

P.S. I found out that my cat loves dried fruits. She almost bit off my fingers when I was feeding her. Now I will spoil my beloved Alice on weekends :)

Butter 200g
Sugar 150g
Eggs 4 pcs.
Raisins 150g
Dried apricots 100g
Prunes 100g
Nuts 150g
Flour 300g
Baking powder 3 tsp.

First of all, soak the dried fruits in hot water and leave for 15 minutes. This will give them softness + eliminate harmful store processing.
Meanwhile, cut the butter into cubes and grind with sugar.
Break the eggs into the same bowl and stir. Move the resulting mixture aside.

Rinse the dried fruits and cut them into small cubes (except for raisins, of course).
And we simply chop the nuts in a way convenient for you. For example, I use a rolling pin :)

Add dried fruits and nuts to the bowl with the dough.

Sift the flour with baking powder and knead the dough, it should turn out like very thick sour cream! Don't overdo it with flour!
Grease the cake pan with oil, line it with baking paper (if available), fill it with dough and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 50 minutes. As soon as the skewer comes out of the dough dry, the cake is ready :)

Bon appetit to you!


Wonderfully fragrant cupcake.

If you have ever had problems with dried fruit muffins, where the berries were unevenly distributed in the dough or settled to the bottom, with this recipe you will forget about all possible such troubles.

Pierre Hermé recommends baking the cake and forgetting about it for 4 days, so that the taste and aroma develop as much as possible. Do you have the patience to wait? In any case, our lifespan for this cupcake does not exceed 48 hours.


200g butter, room temperature
4 small eggs
150 g brown sugar
300 g flour
250 ml dark rum
1/2 tsp. baking powder
200 g raisins
100 g candied cherries
200 g assorted candied fruits
apricot confiture and cocktail cherries for decoration


Wash the raisins, place in a deep bowl and pour in 150 ml of rum. Let sit for at least 2 hours.

Preheat the oven to 250C.

Cream the butter and brown sugar for 5 minutes, occasionally scraping up any sticky butter from the sides of the bowl with a spoon if necessary.

Add one egg at a time, beating well for at least 2 minutes each time.

Sift the flour and baking powder, add them to the dough and mix well with a spatula until smooth.

Place the raisins in a colander to drain. Add all the dried fruits to the cake batter. Mix with a spatula from bottom to top, slightly lifting the dough.

Place the dough into the mold. If yours is silicone, then you don’t need to lubricate it or sprinkle it with anything. If it is glass or metal, grease it with butter and sprinkle with flour.

Reduce the oven temperature to 180C and bake the cake for 1 hour 10 minutes. If the top starts to burn, cover it with foil.

Remove the finished cake from the oven. Let stand in the pan for 5 minutes, then remove to a wire rack.

Soak in the remaining rum and let cool completely. Grease the cooled cake with warm apricot marmalade and decorate with candied or cocktail cherries.

To store: Wrap in cling film or place in an airtight container. Let it brew for 4 days.



This cake is especially good for tea in the cold season. It is crumbly, nutritious and provides long-lasting energy.


Cooking method

A cupcake with dried fruits and nuts, like any other cupcakes (no difference, large or small), is, first of all, a successful dough recipe, and then the only question is choosing an additive to it. Lemon, banana and curd muffins can be considered the most delicious and popular, and the muffin with dried fruits can safely be classified as a “classic of the genre”.

It turns out very tender, bright and can be served without false modesty, for example, at Christmas, like, or Easter, like Easter cake.

You can use any dried fruits; make a mixture to your liking or purchase ready-made ones in the store. Nuts are ideal for dried fruits; you can add very small candied fruits. For this amount of dough products, add up to 0.5 kg of dried fruits.

To prepare a cake with dried fruits you need to prepare:

350-500 g of a mixture of dried fruits and/or nuts, in this case prunes, dried apricots and raisins;
- 4 medium-sized eggs, if the eggs are small, feel free to take 5 pieces;
- 150 g granulated sugar;
- 200 g butter, to prepare the cake you need to warm it to room temperature;
- a pinch of vanillin (replaced with a teaspoon of vanilla sugar);
- 3 tsp. baking powder for dough (yes, exactly three (!), no less);
- 250 g of premium flour, it must be said that the classic recipe uses 300 g, but usually 250 is enough.

The cake turns out to be quite large, so you need to choose the appropriate mold; the ideal option is a silicone mold the size of a regular loaf of bread.

Step-by-step recipe for making cake with dried fruits:

Dried fruits need to be washed and soaked for 15-20 minutes in hot water. Even if it seems to you that they are not too “dried”, washing and soaking are still needed. They will help get rid of unnecessary substances with which dried fruits were processed during storage.

After soaking, drain the water, rinse the dried fruits again in a colander and place on a towel to dry.

Then finely chop the large fruits. Dried fruits are prepared. If nuts are used, carefully separate them from the shell and membranes and chop them with a knife or rolling pin in a bag.

At this stage, you need to turn on the oven while the dough is being prepared, the temperature in it should heat up to 180-200 degrees.

Grind soft butter (leave about 0.5 tsp for greasing the pan) with sugar with a spoon.

Break the eggs into the butter mixture and mix everything until smooth. It is quite difficult to do this with a spoon, so it is better to use a whisk or mixer.

Add prepared dried fruits to the whipped mass.

Now add flour and baking powder and knead the dough with a spoon. It is better to add flour gradually so as not to overdo it, otherwise the dough will become “heavy” and will not rise. The mass should be stretchy, with the consistency of very thick sour cream.

Grease the mold with oil and place the dough into it.

The cake will bake for about 50 minutes; it is usually recommended to check the readiness with a match, but it is better not to open the oven again during the baking process. If the light in the oven and glass allows, then it is better to navigate by the color of the edges of the cupcake. Once the edges have become sufficiently rosy (brown), you can turn off the heat and remove the cake.

The cake should cool slightly in the pan, then it will come out very easily. The top of the cake is usually sprinkled with powdered sugar through a sieve, or topped with sugar or chocolate icing.

Dried fruit cake is ready!

And next time you can prepare small cupcakes using the same recipe using small silicone molds.

Mazurka cupcake, prepared with dried fruits, is a juicy, tasty and healthy pastry. This fragrant cupcake will be a great addition to a cup of tea or coffee. You can add not only dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins, etc.) to the dough, but also nuts. Preparing this delicious cupcake is not difficult, and the taste will certainly delight you!


To prepare the Mazurka cake with dried fruits you will need:
dried apricots - 150 g;
prunes (you can take other dried fruits) - 150 g;

water - 120 ml;
eggs - 3 pcs.;
sugar - 130 g;
flour - 130 g;
sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;

butter - 100 g;
soda - 0.5 tsp;
vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
salt - a pinch.
For the sauce:
tangerines - 2 pcs.;
vanilla sugar - 1/2 sachet;
zest of 1 tangerine.

Cooking steps

During the cooling process, a small amount of the remaining cooking water will be absorbed into the dried fruit, which will make the cake more juicy and tasty.

Cut the butter into pieces, melt in the microwave, cool.

Then add eggs, soda, quenched with vinegar, and sour cream.

Place dried fruits (without liquid) into the dough and mix.
Pour the dough into a mold previously lined with baking paper.

Place the Mazurka cake in a preheated oven and bake at 180 degrees for approximately 35-40 minutes. We check the readiness of the cake with a splinter (if the cake is baked, then when it is pierced, the splinter will remain dry).
In order to prepare the sauce that we will pour over the Mazurka cake with dried fruits, you need to squeeze out the juice from 2 tangerines, mix the juice with 1/2 bag of vanilla sugar, then add the zest of 1 tangerine and mix again.

Make punctures all over the surface of the finished hot cake with a toothpick and pour over the citrus sauce.

The Mazurka cupcake, prepared with dried fruits, turns out juicy, with a bright and rich taste; such baked goods will be a wonderful addition to a family tea party!

Enjoy your meal!

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