Home Products Pancakes with minced meat or curd according to GOST

Pancakes with minced meat or curd according to GOST

1082. Semi-finished pancakes (shell)
Wheat flour - 416 g
Milk or water - 1040 g
Eggs - 83 g
Sugar - 25 g
Salt - 8 g
Lard - 20 g or cooking fat, or rendered edible animal fat, or vegetable oil - 16 g
Yield: 1000g

Stir eggs, salt, sugar, add cold milk (50% of the norm), add flour and beat until smooth, gradually adding the remaining milk. The finished batter (humidity 66%) is filtered. Pancakes are baked in greased and heated frying pans with a diameter of 24-26 cm.
By turning the pan, spread the poured dough in an even layer over the entire surface and fry on one side, after which the pancakes are removed and cooled.

1115. Minced meat with onions
Beef (cutlet meat) - 629 g
Table margarine - 20 g
Onion - 50 g
Wheat flour - 5 g
Ground black pepper - 0.25 g
Salt - 5 g
Parsley (greens) - 5 g
Output: 500 G

First way preparing minced meat with onions. The cutlet meat is washed, cut into pieces and fried in fat, after which the meat is transferred to a deep bowl, broth or water is added (15-20% of the net weight of the meat) and simmered over low heat until cooked.
Stewed meat and pre-sautéed onions are ground in a meat grinder. The flour sautéed with fat is diluted with the broth remaining after stewing the meat and boiled. Season the minced meat with the resulting white sauce, add salt, pepper, finely chopped herbs and mix.
Second way preparing minced meat. Raw meat is passed through a meat grinder with two grids.
Place the minced meat on a greased deep baking sheet in a layer of no more than 3 cm and, stirring occasionally, fry until done in the oven. Then the juice released from the meat is drained and a white sauce is prepared on it. The fried meat is mixed with sautéed onions and once again passed through a meat grinder with a fine grid. The minced meat is seasoned with white sauce, salt, pepper, finely chopped herbs and mixed.
When preparing minced meat with egg, rice or rice and egg, chopped eggs, or crumbly rice porridge, or a mixture of eggs are added to the prepared minced meat.

1136. Minced curd (for pancakes)
Cottage cheese - 900g
Eggs - 36 g.
Sugar ~ 90 g
Output: 1000

The cottage cheese is passed through a grinding machine, then eggs, sugar are added and everything is thoroughly

1083. Pancakes with minced meat or curd
Pancakes (semi-finished product) No. 1082 - 100 g
Minced meat No. 1115 - 50 g
or minced meat No. 1136 - 89 g
Table margarine - 12 g or cooking fat 10 g
Weight of fried pancakes with minced meat 135 g or 170 g
Butter - 10
or table margarine 10
or refined powder 10
or sour cream 30

Place minced meat on the fried side of the pancake, wrap it in the form of rectangular flat pies, fry on both sides on baking sheets or frying pans heated with fat until golden brown and place in the oven for 5-6 minutes.
Pancakes are sold in batches of 2. per serving. When leaving, pancakes with minced meat or liver are poured with melted butter. Pancakes with minced apples, jam, jam, preserves are served with refined powder or sour cream. Pancakes with minced curd are served with butter, refined powder or sour cream.
*I put pancakes with cottage cheese in the oven, after greasing them with sour cream.
**I replace margarine with vegetable oil

Technological map for preparing pancakes.

Cooking technology.

Salt and sugar are dissolved in a small amount of water and milk, pre-diluted yeast is added, the mixture is filtered, combined with the rest of the water, heated to a temperature of 35-40 ° C, flour is added, the eggs are mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed, then vegetable or melted butter is added and mix again until a homogeneous mass is formed. The kneaded dough is left in a warm place (25-35°C) for 3-4 hours. During the fermentation process, the dough is mixed (kneaded).

Pancakes are baked on both sides; the thickness of the pancakes should be at least 3 mm.

Served with butter, jam, marmalade or honey.

Technological diagram MA making curd bars.

Cottage cheese Flour Sour cream Egg Sugar Soda Salt



Cooking technology.

Wipe the cottage cheese. Then add flour to the grated cottage cheese, add eggs, sour cream, sugar, baking soda, salt and mix thoroughly. Roll out the resulting mass into a layer 1 cm thick, cut into sticks 10 cm long and 2 cm wide. Fry the resulting sticks in a frying pan heated with oil.

Dispense the finished bars, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Used Books.

1. Buteykis N.G. Organization of production of public catering enterprises. M., 1985.

2. L. A. Rodchenko: organization of production at a public catering enterprise 2007.

3. Grishin P.D., Kovalev N.I. Cooking technology. M., 1972.

4. Directory of catering technologist. M., 1984.

5. V. P. Zolin: technological equipment of public catering enterprises 20011.

6. A training manual for the cook. M., 1965.

Internet resources:

"Culinary portal". Access form: http:// www.kulina.ru., http:// povary.ru., http:// vkus.by.

This technical and technological map applies to the dish “Pancakes with banana and chocolate”, produced by the pancake house “Pancake Yard”

    1. 2. List of raw materials

2.1. To prepare “Pancakes with Banana and Chocolate” the following raw materials are used:

Wheat flour GOST 27583-88

Chicken eggs for food GOST 27583-88

Milk GOST R 52090-2003

Salt GOST R 515-74

Granulated sugar GOST 21094

Vegetable oil GOST 21314-75

Banana GOST R 51603-2000

Cottage cheese RST RSFSR 371-89

Chocolate yogurt GOST 16270-70

2.2. The raw materials used to prepare “Pancakes with banana and chocolate” must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

Recipe for the dish “Pancakes with banana and chocolate”

Name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Mechanical losses processing %

Net weight (g)

Heat losses processing %


Wheat flour

Chicken eggs for food

Granulated sugar

Vegetable oil

Test output:

Yield of fried pancakes:

For filling:

Chocolate yogurt

Filling yield:

Yield 1 serving

4. Technological process

4.1. Preparation of raw materials for the production of the dish “Pancakes with banana and chocolate” is carried out in accordance with the Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments (2009)

4.2 . Preparation of pancake mass: Sift the flour and salt into a bowl and make a well in the middle. Add the egg and half the milk. Beat until

until smooth, then gradually add the remaining milk. Pour the pancake mixture into another bowl and leave for 25 minutes. Heat a frying pan, grease with oil and pour in some dough. Fry on one side, turn over and fry on the other side until golden brown.

For filling: Peel the banana, mash it with a fork. Rub the cottage cheese and mix with yogurt and mashed banana. Place 30 g of filling on the pancake and wrap it in a tube. Place 2 pancakes on a plate and garnish with banana slices.

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage

5.1. The dish “Pancakes with banana and chocolate” should be served on a plate decorated with banana slices.

5.2. The thickness of the pancakes should be no more than 3 mm.

5.3. The shelf life for pancakes without filling is a day, with filling no more than an hour.

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Mass nutrition plays an important role in the life of society. It most fully satisfies people's nutritional needs. Catering enterprises perform functions such as production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products in specially organized places. Catering enterprises carry out independent economic activities and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises. Food for the population is provided mainly by small private enterprises.

Currently, there is an increase in the number of public catering enterprises providing food and leisure services to the population. There are various types of businesses engaged in this type of activity. Currently, more and more new enterprises exist and are opening, specializing to a greater or lesser extent in pancakes. For example, the cafe-pancake “Daria”.

It is created with the aim of quickly and efficiently serving visitors, with maximum attention to it and offering the highest quality products, which are no different from home-made pancakes.

Many of us remember with a slight sadness in our souls the pancakes that our grandmothers and mothers prepared for us. The “Russian Pancake” pancake house gives you the opportunity to bring back old memories with a cup of hot tea or a glass of milk and delicious pancakes. In this regard, we can note the relevance of this course work, which is aimed at developing the technology of preparing pancakes and pancake dishes.

Section 1. Classification, assortment, recipes, requirementsI am passionate about the quality of culinary products

1.1 Rangedishes

1. Pancake strudel

2. Roll with tangerine

3. Pancake “Samurai”

4. Pancake “Three meats”

5. Roll “Nourishing”

6. Lenten pancake

7. Pancakes

8. Pancakes with apples

9. Pancake with fruit salad

10. Sweet roll

11. Pancakes with liver

12. Pancake with boiled pork and sweet pepper

13. Pancake with smoked chicken and pineapple

14. Pancake with smoked chicken and pepper

15. Pancake with linden honey

16. Pancake with jam

17. Pancakes with cottage cheese

18. Pancake with marshmallows and hot chocolate

19. Kurnik

20. Pancake “Suzette”

1.2 Review of dish recipes


Pressed yeast


Vegetable oil

Water for kneading dough


Weight of finished pancakes

Preparation technology: salt and sugar are dissolved in a small amount of water, pre-diluted yeast is added, the mixture is filtered, combined with the rest of the water, heated to a temperature of 35-40 C, flour and eggs are added and mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed, then melted fat is added and again stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. The kneaded dough is left in a warm place (25-35 C) for 3-4 hours. During the fermentation process, the dough is mixed (kneaded). Pancakes are baked on both sides in heated cast-iron pans greased with fat; The thickness of the pancakes must be at least 3 mm.


Preparation technology: eggs, salt, sugar, stir, add cold milk (50%), add flour and beat until smooth, gradually adding the remaining milk. The finished batter is filtered. Pancakes are baked in greased and heated frying pans with a diameter of 24 - 26 cm. The poured dough, by turning the pan, is distributed in an even layer over the entire surface and fried on one side, after which the pancakes are removed and cooled.

Pancake strudel

Roll with tangerine

Preparation technology: the shell of the finished pancake is greased with whipped cream and canned tangerines are placed on it, rolled into a tube, breaded in coconut flakes and cut into 6 even pieces of 26 grams each, serving temperature 14 C.

Roll sweet

Preparation technology: the shell of the finished pancake is greased with whipped cream, and peaches are placed on it

rolled into a tube, breaded in coconut flakes and

cut into 6 even pieces of 30 grams each. Serving temperature 14 C.

Pancake "Samurai"

Cooking technology: boiled rice is mixed with soy sauce. Place cooked rice and salmon on the fried side of the pancake, wrap it in the form of an envelope, and fry on both sides in a frying pan heated with fat until golden brown. Serving temperature 65 C, before serving, brush with melted butter.

Pancake “Three meats”

Cooking technology: put ready-fried minced meat, finely chopped peeled sausage, and finely chopped peeled ham on the fried side of the pancake, wrap it in the form of an envelope, fry on both sides in a heated frying pan until golden brown and pour over Tartar sauce before serving. " Serving temperature 65 C, before baking, grease with melted butter.

Pancake with boiled pork and sweet pepper

Cooking technology: put finely chopped cheese, finely chopped, peeled bell pepper and chopped cooked boiled pork on the fried side of the pancake, wrap it in the form of an envelope, fry on both sides in a frying pan heated with fat until golden brown. Serving temperature 65 C, before baking, grease with melted butter.

The roll is hearty

Preparation technology: chicken breasts, cut into slices and a cucumber cut into length are wrapped in the shell of the finished pancake. The resulting sausage is sprinkled with sesame seeds; cut into 6 even pieces of 25 g each, serving temperature 14 C.

Pancake with smoked chicken and pineapple

Preparation technology: place chopped chicken leg and finely chopped pineapple on the fried side of the pancake, wrap it in the form of an envelope, fry on both sides in a frying pan heated with fat until golden brown. Serving temperature 65 C, before baking, grease with melted butter.

Pancake with smoked chicken and pepper

Cooking technology: put chopped chicken leg and finely chopped peeled bell pepper on the fried side of the pancake, wrap it in the form of an envelope, fry on both sides in a frying pan heated with fat until golden brown. Serving temperature 65 C, before baking, grease with melted butter.

Pancake with marshmallows and hot chocolate

Preparation technology: marshmallows are placed on a pancake, the pancake is folded into an envelope so that the marshmallow is in the center of the pancake. Place the finished pancake on a plate and pour hot chocolate over it. Serving temperature 65 C.

Pancake with linden honey

Cooking technology: pancake is fried on both sides. Served in the form of an envelope, topped with linden honey. Serving temperature 65 C.

Pancake with liver

Cooking technology: put minced liver on the fried side, wrap it in the form of rectangular flat pies, fry on both sides in a frying pan heated with fat until golden brown and put in the oven for 5 - 6 minutes. Serving temperature 65 C, before baking, grease with melted butter.

Pancake with cottage cheese

Cooking technology: put minced curd on the fried side, wrap it in the form of rectangular flat pies, fry on both sides in frying pans heated with fat until a golden brown crust forms and place in the oven for 5 - 6 minutes. Pancakes are served with butter, refined powder or sour cream. Serving temperature 14 C.

Pancakes with apple

Cooking technology: put minced apple on the fried side, wrap it in the form of rectangular flat pies, fry on both sides in frying pans heated with fat until a golden brown crust forms and place in the oven for 5 - 6 minutes. Pancakes with minced apples are served with refined powder or sour cream. Serving temperature 65 C.

Pancakes "Suzette"


Powdered sugar



Orange juice

Vegetable oil

Preparation technology: mix flour, powder, zest, eggs and half the milk, mix, then add the rest of the milk and melted butter and mix thoroughly. Prepare pancakes.

Sauce: mix orange juice and liqueur in a glass, add powdered sugar and bring to a boil, then add baked milk and boil over medium heat for 2-3 minutes.

Fold the pancakes into quarters, place them in a frying pan, pour the sauce over the frying pan and put on maximum heat for 1 minute, pour over the brandy and set it on fire. When it goes out, put it on a serving plate and sprinkle with powder. Serving temperature 65 C.


Pancake p\f

Bulb onions

Wheat flour

Cooking technology: Prepare three types of minced meat: first - chicken (boil the chicken, cut into small cubes, combine with sautéed onions, season with white sauce based on chicken broth);

The second is to mix cooked fluffy rice with herbs and a hard-boiled egg; third - diced mushrooms are sautéed with onions and

A pancake is placed on a smaller puff pastry, and minced chicken is placed on the pancake, then a pancake on top and then minced rice, again a pancake and minced mushroom, and repeat this several times. The top is covered with a larger flatbread and decorated with dough patterns. Lubricated with egg and baked at a temperature of 250 - 260 C.

1. 3 Requirements for the quality of culinary products

Finished products from any type of dough must be of the correct shape, with an even top crust. Cracks on the surface are unacceptable. The color of the products ranges from golden yellow to light brown. The taste and smell must correspond to the type of product and its composition; bitterness, excessive acidity, and saltiness are not allowed. Consistency - soft, elastic. Pancakes should be well baked, finely porous, of uniform thickness, without dry edges. Lumpiness is not allowed.

Store finished products in clean, dry rooms at a temperature of 6-20 ° C in trays, placing them so that they do not lose their shape. Sell ​​by 24 hours. Ready-made pancakes and pancakes are stored in folded piles in a container with a closed lid until they are released to keep them hot longer.

Section 2. Characteristics of raw materials

2.1 Requirements for raw materials

Wheat flour- a powdery product that is obtained by grinding wheat grain.

Catering establishments use premium, 1st and 2nd grade flour.

Premium wheat flour is very soft, finely ground, white in color with a faint creamy tint, and has a sweetish taste.

1st grade wheat flour is soft, but less finely ground than premium flour, its color is white with a slightly yellowish tint.

2nd grade wheat flour is more coarsely ground than 1st grade flour.

The color is white with a noticeably yellowish or grayish tint.

Starch. Flour contains up to 70% starch. Starch has a white color with a crystalline sheen and crunches when rubbed between your fingers. When kneading the dough, the starch swells and gelatinizes during baking. The most common starches are potato and corn. When using, the starch is sifted. Starch, like flour, absorbs odors, so it must be stored in dry areas. Once damp, starch acquires a bitter taste and becomes unsuitable for cooking.

Sugar is a white crystalline powder produced from sugar cane and sugar beets. Sugar is completely soluble in water, has no foreign taste or odor, tastes sweet, and feels dry to the touch. Sugar adds flavor to products, increases their calorie content and changes the structure of the dough. Store in a dry, ventilated area.

Powdered sugar should be finely ground. Before use, sift through a sieve to remove larger particles. It is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding.

Honey- a product of nectar processing by bees. The best ones for use in confectionery production are linden and acacia. Honey is sweeter than sugar and contains aromatic, protein and mineral substances, dextrins. The industry produces artificial honey, consisting of varying amounts of glucose and sucrose.

Eggs- this is a high-calorie product, widely used in the manufacture of confectionery products, it contains proteins, fats, minerals and other substances. Eggs improve the taste of products and give them porosity. Eggs can be replaced with egg powder and melange.

Egg powder made from a mixture of whites and yolks or from whites and yolks separately.

Melange is a mixture of whites and yolks, frozen in tin cans at a temperature of - 18 to - 20 degrees. The melange is frozen immediately before use, and the jar is pre-disinfected.

Milk- a valuable nutritious product, has a pleasant taste and contains almost all the nutrients necessary for the body. Fresh milk and canned products are used to prepare products. They improve the taste of products and increase their nutritional value. Milk should be white with a yellowish tint, without any foreign tastes or odors.

Fats- high quality product. It is widely used in the preparation of various dishes. Vegetable, animal and combined fats (margarine, cooking fats) are used.

Baking powder Dough products are considered to be products that emit gaseous substances that give the dough porosity. Leavening agents are divided into 3 groups: chemical (baking soda, ammonium carbonate), biological (yeast) and mechanical (whipped egg whites, air).

Cottage cheese- a product that is unstable during storage. Even at low temperatures (0-2 °C), its quality quickly deteriorates. The shelf life of cottage cheese in a store at a temperature not higher than 8 "C should be no more than 36 hours. At 0 ° C, cottage cheese can be stored for up to 7 days. Refrigerated cottage cheese at -2 ° C and a relative humidity of 80-85% is stored up to 18 days.

ABOUTgurtsy- uncontaminated, without mechanical damage, with or without stalk, depending on the variety, shape and color.

Butter - white or light yellow in color, the consistency is dense, uniform throughout the mass, the cut surface is shiny, dry in appearance or with the presence of tiny droplets of moisture; taste and smell - pure, characteristic of this species, without foreign tastes and odors.

Salted salmon - a valuable delicacy product with high taste qualities. Based on quality, they are divided into 1st and 2nd grades.

Bulb onions- must be well ripened, without diseases, undamaged, with well-dried upper scales and a neck from 2 to 5 cm long. Bulbs with cracks in the outer scales, as well as forked ones, are allowed. Onions of smaller sizes, with deviations in color, bare, and with minor dry contamination are allowed.

Mushrooms- mushrooms are supplied to catering establishments fresh, dried, salted, pickled, canned.

2.2 Principles of interchangeability of various types of raw materials for the production of culinary products

Name of replacement products

Gross weight of products, kg

Name of replacement products

Equivalent gross mass of products, kg

Eggs without shell

Egg powder

Eggs without shell

Frozen egg melange

Table margarine

Dairy-free margarine

Sunflower oil

Peanut, corn, soybean oils

Sunflower oil


Unrefined sunflower oil

Pasteurized cow's milk, non-fat

Pasteurized whole cow's milk

Whole cow's milk powder

Pasteurized whole cow's milk

Skimmed cow's milk powder

Pasteurized whole cow's milk

Dry cream

Pressed baker's yeast

Baker's yeast

Sugar - sand

Refined powder

Sugar - sand

Natural honey

Wheat flour

Oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, corn flour

Cow butter

Peasant oil

Cow butter

amateur cow butter

Cow butter

Cow's ghee

Fat cottage cheese 18%

Cottage cheese semi-fat 9%

Cottage cheese semi-fat 9%

Cottage cheese is not greasy

Cottage cheese semi-fat 9%

Curd mass, semi-fat, without fillers

Potato starch

Raw potato starch

Potato starch

Corn starch

2.3.Physiological significance of raw materials and dishesfrom it for the human body

The products included in the recipe for dough products have high energy value and are an important source of carbohydrates (starches and sugars), fats (bread dough products), B vitamins, valuable minerals and dietary fiber (flour). The role of flour dishes is especially important. and products in Russian cuisine, the peculiarity of which is the assortment and large proportion of flour dishes (pancakes, pancakes, noodles). Their nutritional value is determined primarily by the chemical composition of the flour.

Grain products compensate for more than 1–2 of the body's needs for carbohydrates and about 40% for proteins. However, flour proteins are incomplete, since essential amino acids are found in them in ratios that are far from optimal. They are especially deficient in lysine. Therefore, no more than 56% of proteins are utilized. By adding milk and eggs to the dough or preparing culinary flour products with minced cottage cheese, meat and fish, you can significantly increase protein utilization. Flour proteins are also not absorbed well enough (75-89%). By making products loose and porous, their digestibility can be increased.

The ratio of the most important ash substances in flour is not favorable, but products such as milk, cottage cheese, as well as cabbage and fruit mince, which are part of many flour products, significantly improve their mineral composition, especially the ratio of calcium and phosphorus compounds.

Proteins of products included in the fillings (minced meat) of flour dishes and products complement the amino acid composition of flour proteins. Proteins are found in meat products, milk, eggs, and cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is very useful for older people.

3. Technology development atpreparation of culinary products

3.1 Characteristics of technological processes for primary processing of raw materials and prepared technologysemi-finished dough dishes

Before kneading the dough, sift the flour through a sieve. Sugar and salt are dissolved in water and the syrup is filtered through a sieve with cells no larger than 1.5 mm. Yeast is diluted in water and filtered through a sieve. Before use, eggs are washed in three baths: the first bath is disinfected with a 2% bleach solution; in the second bath, wash in a 2% solution of soda ash and in the third bath, rinse with running water for 5 minutes. Before use, butter and margarine are cleaned of yellow deposits, melted and filtered through a sieve. Before use, powdered milk powder is sifted and first dissolved in a small amount of water at a temperature of 40-50 until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The milk is filtered through a sieve with a mesh size of 0.5 mm. Egg powder is sifted through a sieve and then dissolved in a small amount of water (100 g of powder and 0.35 l of water), temperature 40-45 C. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

There are sponge and non-pair methods for preparing the dough. The cooking method is selected depending on the amount of baking added (sugar, butter), then all products are kneaded at the same time. In rich thick dough, unfavorable conditions for fermentation are created, since a high concentration of sugar and oil inhibits the vital activity of yeast cells, fermentation proceeds sluggishly and gluten is formed of poor quality. In order for fermentation to proceed sluggishly and gluten to be of poor quality. In order to create conditions for normal fermentation for the yeast, the dough is first kneaded liquid, water, flour, yeast and a little sugar are added to its composition. This part of the dough is called sponge, and the method of preparing the dough is sponge. After the dough has fermented well, baking and the rest of the flour are added to it. The method of preparing dough, when all the products are put into the dough at the same time, is called straight.

3.2 Calculation of raw materials for the production of semi-finished products and ready-made dishes, taking into account waste during primary processing andcooking losses

Calculation of raw materials for the production of semi-finished products and ready-made dishes, taking into account waste during primary and heat processing, is carried out on the basis of a table in a collection of recipes.

Roll “Hearty”

Roll with tangerine

Product Name

Gross, g

Losses at

cold processing, %

Thermal losses


Finished weight

product, g


Condit cream.

Canned tangerines

Coconut flakes

Vegetable oil

Pancake “Three meats”

Product Name

Gross, g

Weight of the finished product, g



Minced meat

Tar-Tar sauce

Boiled sausage

Vegetable oil

Pancakes "Samurai"

Product Name

Loss during cold processing,%

Losses during heat treatment,%

Weight of the finished product, g




Salted salmon

Horseradish powder

Soy sauce

oil grows.

Pancake strudel (6 portions)

3.3 Development of recipes for dishes, taking into account the yield of finished products

Pancake strudel

Product Name

Gross, g

Finished weight

product, g

Cooking technology


Preparation technology: fold the pancakes into a fan on the table, brush them with melted butter. Place apple filling on the end of the pancakes. Roll the pancakes into a roll, grease the surface with butter, sprinkle with chopped nuts. Cut the finished strudel diagonally into 6 servings, serving temperature 14 C. When leaving, brush with melted butter.

Apple jam



Oil grows.

Yields 6 servings

Appearance - golden brown crust;

Color - light brown;

Taste: apples and spices;

Consistency - elastic.

Pancakes "Samurai"

Product Name

Gross, g

Finished product weight, g

Cooking technology


Boiled rice is mixed with soy sauce. Place cooked rice and salmon on the fried side of the pancake, wrap it in the form of an envelope, and fry on both sides in a frying pan heated with fat until golden brown. Serving temperature 65 C, before serving, brush with melted butter.


Salted salmon

Horseradish powder (wasabi)

Kikoman soy sauce

Vegetable oil

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Appearance - folded like an envelope;

Color - golden crust; Taste - lightly salted salmon

The smell is characteristic of this type of product without any foreign taste.

Consistency - elastic.

Pancake “Three meats”

Product Name

Gross, g

Finished product weight, g

Cooking technology


Place ready-fried minced meat, finely chopped peeled sausage, and finely chopped peeled ham on the fried side of the pancake, wrap it in the form of an envelope, fry on both sides in a heated frying pan until golden brown and pour over Tar-Tar sauce before serving. Serving temperature 65 C, before baking, grease with melted butter.


Minced meat

Tartar sauce

Oil grows.

Organoleptic characteristics:

Appearance - sauce is poured on the surface of the golden brown crust;

Color - light brown;

The taste and smell are characteristic of this type of product without any foreign taste.

Consistency - elastic.

Roll “Hearty”

Product Name

Gross, g

Finished product weight, g

Cooking technology


Sliced ​​chicken breasts and a cucumber cut lengthwise are wrapped in the shell of the finished pancake. The resulting sausage is sprinkled with sesame seeds; cut into 6 even pieces of 25 g each, serving temperature 14 C.

Chicken breast

Sesame seed

Fresh cucumber

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Appearance - coconut shavings on top;

Color - light brown;

Taste - citrus filling;

The smell is characteristic of this type of product without any foreign taste.

Consistency - elastic.

Roll with tangerine

Product Name

Gross, g

Finished product weight, g

Cooking technology


Preparation technology: the shell of the finished pancake is greased with whipped cream, and canned tangerines are placed on it, rolled into a tube, breaded in coconut flakes and cut into six even pieces of 26 grams each, serving temperature 14 C.

Confectionery cream

Canned tangerines.

Coconut flakes

Vegetable oil

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Appearance - golden brown crust, sesame seeds on top;

Color - light brown;

Taste - citrus filling;

The smell is characteristic of this type of product without any foreign taste.

Consistency - elastic.

3.4 Development cooking technologies. Analysis of processes that shape product quality. Development of technological schemes for food production

Thermal and mass transfer

Surface heating creates a temperature gradient in food and causes moisture to move. Food products are capillary-porous bodies. In capillaries, moisture is acted upon by the force of surface tension. If both ends of the capillary have the same temperature, then the moisture in it is in equilibrium. If one end of the capillary is heated, its surface tension decreases. Part of the moisture from the surface of the product evaporates under the influence of high temperature. The surface layer quickly dehydrates, the temperature in it rises, under the influence of which individual food substances undergo profound changes, as a result of which a golden brown crust forms on the product. The resulting crust reduces moisture loss, and therefore the weight of the product due to evaporation. The hotter the frying surface, the faster the crust will form. As the dehydrated surface layer forms, a difference in moisture content occurs. In the surface layers the moisture content is lower, in the depths it is higher, as a result of which the moisture flow is directed to the surface. In a stationary thermal regime, an equilibrium is established between these two flows: one directed towards the center and one directed towards the surface.


At a temperature of +...

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    Rules for processing raw materials used for preparing second hot dishes with sauces and requirements for their quality. Physico-chemical processes occurring during the preparation of a dish. Calculation of its nutritional and energy value, preparation of recipes.

    course work, added 08/13/2015

    Molecular gastronomy techniques. Analysis of the assortment of cold dishes and snacks sold in Moscow restaurants. Features of preparing cold dishes in molecular cuisine. Experimental development of culinary products. Calculation of nutritional value of ready meals.

    thesis, added 12/05/2014

    Study of the main dishes of traditional Russian cuisine. Characteristics of raw materials, nutritional and energy value of meat. Heat treatment of meat. Preparing and serving meat dishes. Analysis of quality requirements. Technological process of preparing meat dishes.

    course work, added 12/05/2014

    Classification, assortment, recipes, quality requirements for culinary products made from yeast dough. Review of dish recipes. Development of technology for preparing culinary products and technological documentation for signature dishes made from yeast dough.

    thesis, added 05/21/2012

    New culinary technologies and trends in preparing and serving dishes. Commodity characteristics of raw materials for cooking. Features of preparing dishes according to the menu. Organization of the chef's workplace. Collection and preparation of raw materials, registration, release.

    course work, added 11/22/2014

    Development of a technological process for preparing main and hot dishes of Italian cuisine. Assortment of dishes. Characteristics of the raw materials used. Development of technological cooking schemes and calculation of the nutritional value of the dish, quality requirements.

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